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International Migration Prospects and Policies in a Global Market DOUGLAS S. MASSEY J. EDWARD TAYLOR, OXFORD ‘Geo Creed Sec x O22 SDP ed Uy Pr pun fener of nd tit Uae eof ees sh sip, nen postage hen Cone un Dre Suey Vong arch Kl Lumpur ut ts Mee Cy Nato Nes Babs a ie ae Wh tin Ani Asti Sr Cale Cath Rel ge Giewe ‘epee aw Stes ldap etapa emf ube Ue oe ‘blhdin she Und Seer by oxtr Uey re ns Nrk The mon gh fee ahr nn ere Due ght Ord Uri is oar) st plied 204 - |= eh Lary Caping ia Pibicson De brary of oops Cat in Pablo Data Da aie ‘Hr Nove eigen) lh aa nace rape waa ig fon, Rak Contents tof ible Ita ies 1. Imocion Douglas 8 Mason). Edad Tylor PART, PROSPECTS 2. Population Growth and Intention Migration ana Zn “The flex of Plt nd EzooomicTnson om Internationa Migation in Genel and Eaten Europe Mar tate 4 Tends in lntepations Minton in pd fom Aes Adrants Ape Ieeenatonsl Migration in the Ai Pie Reson neting Tends ad ses Graeme Hage Immigration and he Labor sre in tropa Buenos Ane ‘Ait Meg 7 Mexican Migration tote Uri Staes: The Eft of NAFTA Philip L Marin 1 immigrants in the US. ennany Min Zhou AIT I POL-IES N SENDING NATIONS Remitanas Savings and Development in Migrant Sending Aes 1rd Tar 10, Labor Export Staten Aa Graeme Hag and Charts Se 1, The Rol of Recrui ator Maton Manas Abee 12, Return Migation nthe Philpines sues and Pie (rio Bails m ” Contant 13 Intention! Migato, Keni, and Deelopment in Oc: ‘ASyntsiofess ms rd Bod PARTI, POLICIES IN RECEIVING NATIONS 1. Hae the Ocupatonl Silo New luis tthe Unie Sates Deine Over Time Eide fom th lnigrant Cohorts of 877,182, and 1984. Cuirmin fase 15, Admisions Plc in Eoope Catherne With de Wine 16 ANF he Eon Aan gine Dail oly and Asti Suhrke oe nmi sn he Wl Sta ope es Be ts 1. The Legacy of Wer Reform for US. Inmigrnts Mii! and Wendy Zinmermona 18, Conlin ternational Migration trough Enfcaent ‘The Cue ofthe United Sate : Frank Brand Davi. Spene PART 1. PROSPECTS AND POLICIES RECONSIDERED. 20, tack the Future: nmigation Reseach, mmiatin Pig an ltt inthe Tey fon Cnery Non and Dour My ont) dr Inde 20 ssa List of Tables 2.1. Bie-number summary ofdsbutions of countries neceting torent intr of et inerntional migration over ‘he period 1960-98 2.2. Countries or aren set ar ail oats by total et 2.3. Countries or aren enti os stations byte et migration, 1960-95 24. Countries or rede statics wth eps 0 net migration a percenge of natu ncese, 190-98, 25, Pceatage ofthe migrant decd to sea dope ounines orianting in developing oun 1960-34 2.6. Grn of tertinal migrants owed developed outries y rein of xin, 8594 (hounds) 2.7. Net number of immigran to sled developed counties by 1 of ogi 196094 (owas). ste of natural increas ad level gros and net emiraton, ‘360-50 “soe rps of population movements in Central nd arn "European counting the pre transition and transi periods 51, Sods of eterna ivan nd len Alon count, ‘52 Immigeaton to North Ameri, Austral and New Zealand by ‘pono righ ad period 5.3, Avge anna number ofits to slected Earopean counts y region of rin, 900-89 54, Clanton of Aan sts by patern of amirton emigration 55. Ofc deployment of owes contract workers om Asan ‘6, Main East nd Soutent sin lbor exporting counties: percentage ‘of oreseas woes deployed to Middle Eas ob Asin estnatos, 5 Growth of foreign ior isle Asan ore 168-98 SSK Enplayment stor of fogs workers nam an Maa and fon ones 59 Nain Soules san bc exporting countes worker ‘emacs vet to expe and ports io USE lon, 980-95 5.0, fines othe numbers oH mgm ia sec couties Inthe mt 19508 28 5. 2 » “ 8 rd vi List of Tables (1 Resenageaf acg unpron a fie noe countries of Arening 86891 10s 62, Dorder country amigas in Aetna by lac of bith, 1869-91196 {63 Location of mmigrans borin bower counts Agen 19). 108 4. Composon afta! population aie population, and soc county init yas, ex ond edt la metoplias ‘Boetos Ais, ot 109 65, Edvetion of immigrars om bore cousin etropian aes Ai, 9858 6 (66 Lar frt sd employments by efor population Aged 1 in mecopotitan Ber Aes 1991 ee 2. Wore stot pad wren ctalin Bc ie 5 Satu ofempoed woken meopatian Baenos Aes 381.12 63. Secor of employment by sex in metopoian Buenos Aes, BBL ta {610 Psion of workers inthe aor mth of metropuln Reone Ares 131 us ‘61, Poston of order country immigrants in the employment stricta ‘of matoplian Baenor ley 1980-36 ns {612 Employment growth and hearin etre dtrbution of Snvmitancs fom bordering cote 1980-3 and 381-6 Ten ice meopaie ee, ne 61%, Ditton of order conty nant ser ad dion of teeny, aa 1 ue 27. Malone magus employment 95-9 tn SS acoso churn oie ork aed a, sttysy ete be later prt oman wks gel 25-64 ‘ethnicity and gender, 1990 hahaa 40 83, Distnton ot employed mae nd eral werk ged 25-4 by indy ocpaionand tenplymenc anche te 84. Undergoes sng le wna al ty thi ‘ontoling fr cero and ge ue 45, Undcremploment among ne wok ged 25-64 by icing contig rca adopt us 86, ere soul evring (199 6S) among employed eck lye on ge 6 9. IM inns flint gt entre 1989 {millions of 1989 U.S. dollars) “ 159, 92. Chango ininternatinal mgr soit nd nes in Miche Projet emo ea 1s 93, Tsunade enance mali 188 te 104. Asie Major abr exporting mtn nd estates ofthe namber of workers deployed oes in he mi1950¢ 16 List of Toles 102. Proje growth of nonarcral wage employment in hts Lborespoting once 103. Moe yper of plies esting abr emigration in Asin 10. Resclons 0 ome weer migration in Ain shor exporting atone 106 Remitancs a propor of merchandise exports Asan 107, Nonresident nine a reo feign ives fori 1.1, Racraemen fn pid male Sth Asian rat wor in awit Deseo 1998 112, Cos of migeation an xing diferent for ied migrants from Banglades (i Bunlade aks) 14, Mesuemen of migra pl sain th Un States: Selected US. data te 142, Occpationaldistribatonmmigrans age 2-48 a adision permanent reside: FY 97,182, nd 1998 cohorts 143, Average ccpatonal entring (1979 Udall) so Sumit ape 21-65 at dino, by vi cla: YIB7, 1982, apd 198 hore 144, Cobort hang in ata log of occupations earings meng lnnmigeans ap 21-55 tinsion telat 1977 chor, bi cn 145, arerage ocepationa earrings (979 US dla) song imran ap 21-65 tsdmson, by ein and atk fount of Bh "46, Cohort change in aural lgafoupatins earings among, Inigtant age 21-55 t liso, elie o 197 cohort Uy region and eee countries of 142, Cobor effets on natura og of exupatioml earings among liners age 21-6 a osion, he of isn as (odin lese squares) and et of th clad county of bith ned les) 1, Redence period required rece he eat of gl perma 172, Characertion of mia welie ight 1 Gass newly approved for elle benefit (AEDC of TNE wih ‘Mei-Cal) in Low Anges Sounty by main sate of oath head 182, Cher ney approved e wet bees (AFDC oe TAN with ‘Mall in Loe Anges County by migration tus of 0 mi 208 20 Pa m v3 96, 1st of Tales «xen nny apg fans inte an veneen border cities, 1993 te See iievoueaeenmertunee 355 29 List of Figures 2, Seaerplot ofthe net mlgation te pis theta aur incre 50-95 2.2, Seaterplot ofthe net mignon te pains the ato aur ‘ners 10-95: conten with nt emiton 2.3. Step of the met mips te apie the rate of ata Increne 160-9: develop ng counties nd economist 1. Two county migration mode 112 Fes dermioed y wage cereals 13 Sapp of aor for oer etploynent LA Ferand the ply of woes 171 The migration eee 201, US immigration and Gg rade by cde 2.2 Ann ates of ade nd isin 900-2000 as Introduction In 2000, he ttl word poplaton of immigrant—peopl living outside tie ‘aunty obit or cenship—ached approximately 160 lion these po Pe were united in a single unt, hey woul rest “ration of immigrants” With the sn largest population on enty larger thn pen Pakistan or the Rustin Federation, The worl populstion of immigrants ices atc 28 lon er yea beosen 1985 od 199 and ore tha lion per yar between 1890 and 1997 compared wit O8 millon per yer between 1968 and 1978. The ‘breakup of the Soviet Union and Yogsiais added 20 millon ne international ‘igen the word in 198, borers moved acroseeople insted of people ers bende Mo ofthe wos immigrants ve in developing, not developed, counties, However the recent rot is migration bs mo bee to developed countries ‘Together wih theft ails fen ae concentra in felons std economic sectors his mes imgratian one ofthe mat ible andvlte sues ‘roophou the "North (the inde or devon countries of migration, 1 oppose othe desoping nats of emigration in he “oth. Not oly het immigration ben ngs compostion so changing rom North Aen ‘ender in the src of Florence Mexicana Hang mest packers nT 0 [Blan and Indonesian fstry worker in Jopan, immigrant re nereaing'y Inee ln tee vgs destinations and characteris. "The remittance income tat migrant send ome, scoring to conservative «states by the Ineroutioal Monetary Fund (199), surpassed $95 bilion = 1998, oustrpping ttl offical dewlopment asstnce and mabing migrant the ‘hie export of many countries In terme ofthe frelgn exchange they generate Migrant remittances ae eset to ore than one ba the vale of al me ‘handie exprt in he Dominican Repay Salado, Jordan, Yemen, ted Gree Recogasing how vital migrant remitances ae to the cami sme bor banda developing tations hae Jeighed sed plemented pois to win 20d he wore abroad and t hares mote ofthe nome they en for develope ‘Meanie migrant host cunts in Europe, North Americ and Aa we aking tn icreningly seston same toward immigrants and fae ising prices that atempt-ussly without much acct fede the Row of 7 Doves Many a. Bad Taylor tiga it thi tert ncn, counties do nthe cle i tow many immigrate bot oe sed shea et ane nw 9 ates ton eto inenc sings Suds the concing lane oferta migration tends an poise at ert wen fete lncnatonlUnon free ie Ses ot Foo (USE taupe gee spf wold pti cpa ace sh exo and emeingtrend od svar raion gece, Telework rented ts ypu ced non on ay tgp 1997, showed in hs vaume. The contence as opine! ee se mnt on Sea North Nig sid sponsored by he USP oper oe the Organ Gases Clr neat of Sen ante Goermet of Cains ‘The subj of the conten pepe ms sam a ly es cng migrntsending and ht counter ud inertia migaton eee aterm, and deeminantsinmpaion and rege pole he sol oa ono negraton of ign sd impact maton sd ina, in gracing ros The apr ones cel w undaronng

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