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THE ILLUSTRATED BOOK OF rees A visual guide to more than 250 species CONSULTANT EDITOR: Dr. Eric A. Bourdo Jr. 2 8 A Salamander Book Published by Salamander Books Limited 8 Blenheim Court Brewery Road London N7 ONT © Salamander Books Ltd, 2001 ISBN 184065 0834 2345678910 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of Salamander Books. All correspondence concerning the content of this volume should be addressed to Salamander Books Ltd. Editor Polly Boyd Design and layout Mick Hodson Associates Filmset SX Composing, England Colour separation P & W Singapore Printed in Italy CONTENTS Introduction 6 Abies (Silver Firs) 10 ‘Acer (Maples) 18 Aesculus (Horse Chestnuts) 24 Ailanthus altissima (Tree of Heaven) 27 Alnus (Alders) 28 Arbutus (Strawberry Trees) 30 Betula (Birches) 3l Buxus sempervirens (Box) 35 Carpinus (Hornbeams) 37 Carya (Hickories) 39 Castanea (Sweet Chestnuts) 42 Catalpa bignonioides (indian Bean Tree) 44 Cedrus (Cedars) 45, Cercis (Redbuds and Judas Tree) 48 Chamaecyparis (Neo-cypresses) 50 Cornus (Dogwoods) 54 Corylus (Hazels) 56 Cotinus coggygria (Venetian Sumac)58 Crataegus (Hawthorns) 59 Cryptomeria japonica (Japanese Red Cedar) 62 Cupressus (True Cypresses) 64 Davidia involucrata (Dove Tree) 67 Diospyros (Persimmons) 68 Fagus (Beeches) 70 Frasinus (Ashes) 74 Ginkgo biloba (Maidenhair Tree) 77 Gleditsia triacanthus (Iloney Locust) 78 Halesia monticola (Snowdrop Tree) 79: Tlex aquifolium (Holly) 80 Juglans (Walnuts) 81 Juniperus (Junipers) 84 Laburnum (Laburnums) 87 Larix (Larches) 88 Laurus nobilis (Sweet Bay) 1 Liquidambar (Sweet Gums) 92 Liriodendron (Tulip Trees) 93 Magnolia (Magnolias) Malus (Crab Apples) Metasequoia glyptostroboides (Dawn Redwood) Morus (Mulberries) Nyssa sylvatica (Tupelo) Olea europaea (European Olive) Picea (Spruces) Pinus (Pines) Platanus (Planes) Populus (Poplars) Prunus (Cherries) Pseudolarix amabilis (Golden Larch) 94 o7 100 101 103 104 105 11 125 127 131 141 Pseudotsuga mensiesii (Douglas Fir) 142 Pterocarya (Wing Nuts) Pyrus (Pears) Quereus (Oaks) Rhus (Sumacs) 143 144 146 151 Robinia pseudoacacia (Locust Tree) 152 Salix (Willows) Sambucus (Elders) as albidum ( Sequoia semperviren: (Coast Redwood) Sequoiadendron giganteum (Giant Sequoia) Sophora (Sophoras) Sorbus (Whitebe: and Service Trees) Styrax japonica (Snowbell Tree) Taxodium (Deciduous Cypresses) Taxus (Yews) Thuja (Thujas) Tilia (Limes) Tsuga (Hemlocks) Ulmus (Elms) Zelkova (Zelkovas) Leaf Types Glossary Index , Rowans 153. 157 159 160 161 162 163, 166 167, 168 170 171 175 178 182 186 188

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