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ChapLer 46 Anlmal 8eproducLlon

O ormaLlon of new younger lndlvlduals

O ffsprlngs Lend Lo have LralLs llke Lhose of Lhelr parenLs
O @o perpeLuaLe Lhe populaLlon Lo malnLaln Lhe specles Lo avold golng

alrlng up for Sexual 8eproducLlon
O lombtlcos (earLhworm) exchange of sperm boLh produce ferLlllzed egg
maLe parallel faclng opposlLe dlrecLlon boLh male and female aL Lhe
same Llme
O Some lndlvlduals change Lhelr sex durlng Lhelr llfeLlme
O Can ferLlllze Lhelr own egg
O 8eproduce wlLhouL any form of sex
O oneybees reproducLlon llmlLed Lo few lndlvlduals wlLhln a large

l 8oLh sexual and asexual reproducLlon occur ln Lhe anlmal klngdom
O Sexual reproducLlon fuslon of haplold gameLes (egg and sperm) forms a
dlplold cell Lhe zygoLe
4 Anlmal LhaL develops from a zygoLe can glve rlse Lo gameLes by
4 gg female gameLe nonmoLlle cell
4 Sperm male gameLe smaller moLlle cell
O Asexual reproducLlon generaLlon of new lndlv w/o Lhe fuslon of sperm
and egg genes all come from 1 parenL
4 Asexual anlmals reproducLlon mlLoLlc cell dlvlslon

Mechanlsm of Asexual 8eproducLlon
O lsslon separaLlon of a parenL organlsm lnLo 2 lndlv of approx equal
slze many lnverLebraLes
4 Aotbopleoto eleqootlsslmo (sea anemone)
4 lanarla (flaLworm)
O 8uddlng new lndlv arlse from ouLgrowLhs of exlsLlng ones common ln
4 CerLaln specles of coral and hydra
4 Cnldarlans (hydra hydrozoan) annellds (freshwaLer
ollgochaeLes polychaeLes)
O @wosLep process ragmenLaLlon (breaklng of body lnLo several parLs)
and 8egeneraLlon (regrowLh of losL body parLs)
4 more Lhan one plece grows and develops lnLo a compleLe
4 llocklo (sea sLar/sLarflsh)
4 -umerous sponges cnldarlans brlsLle worms (olychaeLe) sea
squlrLs (Ascldlacea or @unlcaLe)
O arLhenogenesls egg develops wlLhouL belng ferLlllzed
4 rogeny can be haplold or dlplold
4 lf haplold offsprlng develop lnLo adulLs LhaL produce eggs or
sperm w/o melosls
4 8ees wasps anLs
4 Male honeybees (drones) ferLlle haplold adulLs arlse by parLh
4 emale honeybees dlplold adulLs develop from ferLlllzed eggs
4 8are ln verLebraLes komodo dragon and hammerhead sharks

Sexual 8eproducLlon An voluLlonary nlgma
O lg 463 asexual vs sexual reproducLlon accdg Lo frequency of offsprlng
per generaLlon
O Sexual rep varled phenoLypes enhance reproducLlve success of parenLs
when envlronmenL facLors change relaLlvely rapldly recomblnaLlon
speed adapLaLlon rld lLself from harmful genes
O Asexual rep advanLageous ln sLable favourable envlronmenLs
perpeLuaLes successful genoLype

8eproducLlve Cycles and aLLerns
O 8elaLed Lo changlng season
O Conserve resources sufflclenL energy sources avallable env condlLlon
favour survlval of offsprlng
O wes (female sheep) 1317 days fall and early wlnLer 3 monLhs preg
O vulaLlon release of maLure eggs occurs aL mldpL of each cycle
O 8egulaLed by hormones w/c ls regulaLed by envL'l cues (such as day
lengLh seasonal Lemp ralnfall lunar cycle)
O xcluslvely asex or sex or alLernaLe beL 2 modes
O Aphlds roLlfers opbolo (waLer fleas) one Lype of egg req ferLlllzaLlon
oLher Lype dev by parLhenogenesls
O opbolo swlLch beL asex (favourable cond) and sex (env'l sLress)
O Several genera of flshes amphlblans and repLlles complex form of
parLhenogenesls doubllng of xsomes afLer melosls dlplold offsprlng
O AsplJoscells (whlpLall llzard) excluslvely parLhenogenesls boLh female
buL carry ouL courLshlp and maLlng behavlour one female mlmlcs male
alLernaLe roles 2 Lo 3 Llmes per season
4 sLradlol female sex hormone when hlgh or prlor ovulaLlon
adopLs female behavlour
4 rogesLerone hlghesL or afLer ovulaLlon swlLches Lo malellke
behavlour afLer ovulaLlon
4 vulaLlon more llkely Lo occur lf lndlv mounLed (moLlon of sex)
durlng crlLlcal Llme of hormone cycle lsolaLed lay fewer eggs
4 Sexual sLlmull for max rep success
O Sexual rep LhaL lnvolves encounLers beL opposlLe sex ls a problem for
sesslle (barnacles) burrowlng anlmals (clams) and paraslLe (Lapeworm)
O ermaphrodlLlsm evoluLlonary soluLlon each lndlv has boLh male and
female reproducLlve sysLem
4 reproduce as male or female any 2 hermaphrodlLe can maLe
4 lombtlcos each anlmal donaLes and recelve sperm
4 Some capable of selfferLlllzaLlon
O Sex reversal an lndlv changes lLs sex durlng lLs llfeLlme
4 @bolossomo blfosclotom (bluehead wrasse/coral reef flsh)
4 arems conslsL of 1 male and several female
4 Jhen male dles oldesL and largesL female becomes new male
4 ysLer male Lo female when greaLesL slze Lo maxlmlze
gameLe producLlon

llerLlllzaLlon depends on mechanlsms LhaL brlng LogeLher sperm and eggs of Lhe
same specles A- nsurlng Lhe Survlval of ffsprlng
O erLlllzaLlon unlon of sperm and egg
O heromones chemlcals released by one org LhaL lnfluence Lhe
physlology and behavlour of oLher lnd of same specles small volaLlle
waLersoluble molec maLe aLLracLanLs
O xLernal ferLlllzaLlon female releases egg ln env where Lhe male Lhen
ferLlllzes Lhem
4 molsL hablLaL req Lo prevenL gameLes from drylng ouL and Lo
allow sperm Lo swlm Lo eggs Llmlng cruclal aquaLlc
4 Spawnlng lnd ln Lhe same area release gameLes Lhe same
Llme can be deL by chemlcals env'l cues palolo worm
4 lf noL sych lndlv exhlblL speclflc maLlng behavlour (maLe
selecLlon lnc probablllLy of successful ferLlllzaLlon)
4 roduce more gameLes fracLlon of zygoLe LhaL survlve ls small
4 lshes and amphlblan ferLlllzed eggs have gel coaLs lack mem
O lnLernal ferLlllzaLlon sperm deposlLed on/near Lhe female rep LracL
ferLlllzaLlon occurs w/ln Lhe LracL
4 May be ln dry env req cooperaLlve behavlour LhaL leads Lo
4 ewer zygoLe mech LhaL provlde greaLer proLecLlon of embryos
4 8lrds repLlles monoLremes (egglaylng mammals) zygoLes
conslsLs of eggs wlLh calclum and proLelnconLalnlng shells and
lnLernal membrane
4 May reLaln embryos w/ln female's rep LracL for some dev'L
4 Marsuplal (kangaroos and opossums) spend shorL Llme ln
uLerus Lhen move Lo pouch
4 uLherlan/placenLal (human) remaln ln Lhe uLerus LhroughouL
feLal dev'L nourlshed by moLher's blood supply Lhrough
placenLa (speclallzed Lemporary organ)
4 Some flshes and shark lack connecLlon for nuLrlenL exchange
4 arenLal care
4 beobottocbos (gasLrlc broodlng frogs) female frog carry
Ladpoles ln sLomach unLll meLamorphosls and young frogs hop
ouL Lhe mouLh exLlncL 1980s
4 elostomo (glanL waLer bugs) ferL eggs glued aL Lhe back of
male for days Lo keep Lhem molsL aeraLed and free of paraslLe

CameLe roducLlon and ellvery
O SeLs of cells LhaL serve as precursor for ova and sperm are esLabllshed
very early ln embryogenesls lnacLlve whlle body develops
O roduce gameLe and maklng Lhem avallable for ferL
O Conads organs LhaL produce gameLes ln mosL anlmals
O SlmplesL sysLem don'L lnclude gonad
4 alolo and polychaeLe worms (Annellds) have separaLe sexes
eggs and sperm dev ln undlff cells llnlng Lhe coelom/body cavlLy
4 MaLure gameLe flll coelom Lhen may be shed Lhrough excreLory
openlng or swelllng mass of eggs may spllL a porLlon of body
openlng spllllng eggs lnLo env
O laboraLe rep sys lnc accessory Lubes and glands carry nourlsh and
proLecL gameLes and developlng embryos
O lg 467 lnsecL reproducLlve anaLomy (bees)
4 @esLes (sperm forms) vas deferens (sperm ducLs) semlnal
veslcle (sLored) e[aculaLory ducL penls
4 [aculaLe sperm wlLh fluld from accessory gland
4 Claspers male lnsecL and arLhropod appendages LhaL grasps
female durlng copulaLlon
4 varles (eggs develop) ovlducL vaglna (ferLlllzaLlon occurs)
4 alr of accessory glands add proLecLlve secreLlon Lo Lhe eggs ln
Lhe vaglna
4 SpermaLheca where sperm ls sLored for exLended perlods
afLer maLlng sac connecLed Lo Lhe vaglna by a shorL ducL
O lg 468 8eproducLlve anaLomy of a hermaphrodlLe
4 hylum laLyhelmlnLhes (paraslLlc flaLworm/llver fluke)
4 CenlLal pore where boLh male and female rep sys open Lo Lhe
4 LesLes vas efferens vas deferens (sperm ducLs) semlnal
4 durlng copulaLlon sperm e[aculaLed lnLo Lhe female sys of
anoLher lndlv Lhen move Lhrough uLerus Lo Lhe semlnal
4 ovary ovlducL (egg ferLlllzed by sperm egg coaLed w/ yolk
and shell maL secreLed by yolk glands) uLerus
O Cloaca nonmammallan verLebraLes dlgesLlve excreLory and
reproducLlve sysLems common openlng Lo Lhe ouLslde

lll 8eproducLlve organs produce and LransporL gameLes

emale 8eproducLlve AnaLomy
O xLernal reproducLlve sLrucLures
4 CllLorls
4 abla 2 seLs w/c surrounds Lhe cllLorls and vaglnal openlng
O lnLernal reproducLlve sLrucLures
4 Conads produce eggs and reproducLlve hormones
4 SysLem of ducLs and chambers recelve and carry gameLes
house embryo and feLus
O varles female gonads palr LhaL flank Lhe uLerus and are held ln place
ln Lhe abdomlnal cavlLy by llgamenLs
4 olllcle a mlcroscoplc sLrucLure ln Lhe ovary LhaL conLalns Lhe
developlng oocyLe and secreLes esLrogen ouLer layer of each
ovary ls packed wlLh folllcles
4 ocyLe parLlally developed egg surrounded by a group of
supporLlng cells dlfferenLlaLes Lo form an egg
4 ogenesls formaLlon and developmenL of an ovum
surroundlng cells nourlsh and proLecL Lhe oocyLe
4 AL blrLh 12 mllllon folllcles only 300 fully maLure
4 vulaLlon one folllcle maLures and expels lLs eggs
4 sLradlol a Lype of esLrogen prlmary female sex hormone
produced by folllcle cells prlor Lo ovulaLlon
4 Corpus luLeum yellow body" mass formed when resldual
folllcular Llssue grows w/ln Lhe ovary afLer ovulaLlon secreLes
addn'l esLradlol and progesLerone (help malnLaln uLerlne llnlng
durlng pregnancy) degeneraLes lf egg cell noL ferLlllzed and
new folllcle maLures durlng Lhe nexL cycle
O vlducLs and uLerus
4 vlducL or falloplan Lube exLends from Lhe uLerus Loward
each ovary
4 AL ovulaLlon egg released lnLo abdomlnal cavlLy near Lhe
funnelllke openlng of ovlducL
4 Cllla on Lhe eplLhellal llnlng help collecL Lhe egg by drawlng fluld
from Lhe body cavlLy lnLo Lhe ovlducL wavellke conLracLlon
4 uLerus (womb) Lhlck muscular organ LhaL can expand where
eggs ferLlllze and/or dev'L of Lhe young occurs
4 ndomeLrlum lnner llnlng of uLerus rlch wlLh blood vessels
4 Cervlx neck of Lhe uLerus opens lnLo Lhe vaglna
O Iaglna and Iulva
4 Iaglna muscular elasLlc chamber slLe for lnserLlon of penls
and deposlLlon of sperm durlng copulaLlon blrLh canal
4 Iulva collecLlve Lerm for Lhe female exLernal genlLalla
4 abla ma[ora palr of Lhlck faLLy rldges encloses/proLecLs vulva
4 abla mlnora palr of slender skln folds LhaL surrounds Lhe
openlngs of Lhe vaglna and ureLhra
4 ymen Lhln plece of Llssue parLly covers Lhe vaglnal openlng
rupLured by sexual lnLercourse or oLher vlgorous acLlvlLy
4 CllLorls locaLed aL Lhe upper lnLersecLlon of labla mlnora
shafL glans prepuce conslsLs of a shorL shafL supporLlng a
rounded glans/head covered by a small hood of skln (prepuce)
nerve endlngs senslLlve pL of sexual sLlmulaLlon
4 Sexual arousal cllLorls vaglna and labla mlnora engorge wlLh
blood and enlarge lnduces glands near vaglnal openlng Lo
secreLe lubrlcaLlng mucus
O Mammary Clands
4 8oLh sexes produce mllk only ln females
4 -oL parL of reproducLlve sysLem lmp Lo rep
4 plLhellal Llssue secreLe mllk
4 8reasL conLaln connecLlve and adlpose Llssue
4 ow level esLradlol ln men small breasL

Male 8eproducLlve AnaLomy
O xLernal reproducLlve sLrucLures
4 ScroLum
4 enls
O lnLernal reproducLlve sLrucLures
4 Conads produce sperm and reproducLlve hormones
4 Accessory glands secreLe prod essenLlal Lo sperm movemenL
4 ucLs carry sperm and glandular secreLlon
O @esLes
4 Male gonads conslsLs of colled Lubes (semlnlferous Lubules
where sperm form) surrounded by layers of connecLlve Llssue
4 eydlg cells scaLLered beL semlnlferous Lubules produce
LesLosLerone and oLher androgen
4 Sperm producLlon LesLes cooler Lhan normal body Lemp
4 ScroLum fold of body wall malnLalns LesLls Lemp 2C
4 @esLlcle LesLls beL scroLum
4 8odenLs LesLes drawn back beL breedlng season lnLerrupLlng
sperm maLuraLlon
4 MonoLremes whales elephanLs reLaln LesLes w/ln Lhe
abdomlnal cavlLy aL all Llmes (low body Lemp)
O ucLs
4 pldldymls colled Lubule loc ad[acenL Lo Lhe mammallan LesLls
where sperm are sLored (human 3wks for sperm Lo pass 6m)
4 [aculaLlon sperm propelled from epldldymls Lhrough vas
deferens (Lube where sperm Lravel from epldldymls Lo ureLhra)
4 [aculaLory ducL convergence of vas def and ducL from
semlnal veslcle LransporL sperm from vas def Lo ureLhra
4 ureLhra ouLleL Lube (rep and exc sys)
O Accessory Clands
4 rod sec LhaL comblne wlLh sperm Lo form semen (fluld e[ac
Lhlck yellowlsh alkallne)
4 Semlnal veslcle 2 60 vol semen mucus frucLose
coagulaLlng enzyme ascrb acld prosLaglandln local regulaLors
4 rosLaLe gland sec Lhln mllky fluld dlrecLly lnLo ureLhra
anLlcoag enzymes and clLraLe
4 8ulboureLhral gland palr of small glands along ureLhra below
prosLaLe clear mucus (before e[ac) neuLrallze acldlc urlne
remaln ln ureLhra fluld carry sperm before e[ac
O enls
4 ConLalns ureLhra 3cyllnders of spongy erecLlle Llssue
4 Ilagra promoLe vasodllaLlng acLlon of -
4 8odenLs racoons walruses whales conLaln bone (baculum)
4 Maln shafL rel Lhlck skln head/glans Lhln senslLlve Lo
sLlmulaLlon prepuce removed by clrcumclslon

uman Sexual 8esponse
O 2 Lypes of physlologlcal reacLlons
4 IasocongeLlon fllllng of Llssue wlLh blood
4 MyoLonla lncreased muscle Lenslon
O Sexual res cycle exclLemenL (prep for colLus) plaLeau orgasm resoluLlon
O ColLus cllLorls and penls vasocongesLlon

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