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Goa|keepers (Gk)

Most |mportant attr|butes

Pandllng 1he mosL lmporLanL aLLrlbuLe for keeper l belleve Low handllng means LhaL goalkeeper
can mlss or loose Lhe ball flylng near hls hands

8eflexes 1he second lmporLanL aLLrlbuLe showlng how Ck can reacL Lo make a save keeper wlLh
8eflexes 20 ls be able Lo do fanLasLlc saves

!umplng Cuy wlLh low !umplng wlll be noL so good ln coplng wlLh long shoLs or crosses from flanks

Less |mportant attr|butes

AglllLy lL's always beLLer Lo have more aglle goalkeeper

Aerlal AblllLy Pow easlly your Ck can do hls [ob when he ls ln Lhe alr for lnsLance clalmlng crosses
ln Lhe box

CommunlcaLlon Command of Area l do noL see blg dlverslLy beLween Lhese Lwo 8uL boLh
aLLrlbuLes are lmporLanL and abouL communlcaLlon wlLh defenders 1he second one ls more used
durlng seL pleces

ConcenLraLlon lmporLanL durlng lasL mlnuLes of Lhe game exLra Llme Low concenLraLed
goalkeepers are vulnerable Lo lasL mlnuLe goals

ueclslons low ueclslons may lead Lo wrong acLlons llke comlng ouL of Lhe box Lrylng Lo geL Lhe ball
when opponenL's sLrlker ls a blL closer Lo lL

PelghL Low helghLed keeper can have problems wlLh such glanL sLrlkers as !an koller or nlcola

Cne on Cnes deflnes how much goalkeeper ls confldenL and aglle durlng one on one slLuaLlon wlLh
opponenL's player

oslLlonlng low poslLlonlng of Ck wlll lead Lo goals when opponenL players shooL Lhe LargeL

8ushlng CuL how musL keeper ls able Lo rush off hls llne Lrylng Lo lnLercepL Lhe ball passed from
one opponenL's player Lo anoLher or grab Lhe ball from Lhe feeL of opponenL player

entra| Defenders (D)

Most |mportant attr|butes

1ackllng Lhe mosL lmporLanL aLLrlbuLe for any defender Low Lackllng bad defender

!umplng Lhe ma[or aLLrlbuLe LhaL lnfluences much llkehood of wlnnlng headers

oslLlonlng very lmporLanL aLLrlbuLe for cenLral defender Low poslLlonlng wlll lead Lo problems ln
Lhe cenLre of your defense

Marklng low marklng wlll resulL ln goal slLuaLlons cause by loss of opponenL's player durlng Lhelr
aLLack or seL plece

SLrengLh lnfluences on llkehood of won headers

Less |mportant attr|butes

AnLlclpaLlon ablllLy of defender Lo predlcL where Lhe ball wlll be ln Lhe nexL momenL

8ravery lmporLanL for challenges wlLh brave opponenL's players Low braved defender can be
frlghLened ln a challenge wlLh aggresslve brave and sLrong sLrlker and make a mlsLake

ConcenLraLlon lmporLanL for avoldlng lasL mlnuLe mlsLakes or mlsLakes ln hard games (durlng blg

ueclslons Laklng wrong declslons may cause dangerous slLuaLlon near Lhe box

ueLermlnaLlon morale changes dependlng on Lhls aLLrlbuLe And ueLermlnaLlon ls also lmporLanL
Lo keep player deLermlned durlng lmporLanL maLches CenLre of your defense ls a vlLal parL of Lhe
Leam undeLermlned cenLral defenders wlll do problems for you

PelghL LogeLher wlLh hlgh SLrengLh lL wlll lead Lo domlnaLlon ln alr

1eamwork CenLral defenders should work as a Leam wlLh oLher defenders and goalkeeper

Work 8aLe Work 8aLe ls more lmporLanL for defense players Lhan oLhers

Add|t|ona| |mportant attr|butes for Sweepers

ace AcceleraLlon asslng

u|| 8acks (DkL WkL)

Most |mportant attr|butes

1ackllng Lhe mosL lmporLanL aLLrlbuLe for any defender Low Lackllng bad defender

oslLlonlng Lhe second mosL lmporLanL aLLrlbuLe for any defender Low poslLlonlng wlll lead Lo
problems comlng from Lhe flanks

AnLlclpaLlon ablllLy of defender Lo predlcL where Lhe ball wlll be ln Lhe nexL momenL

Less |mportant attr|butes

ConcenLraLlon lmporLanL for avoldlng lasL mlnuLe mlsLakes or mlsLakes ln hard games (durlng blg

ueclslons Laklng wrong declslons may cause dangerous slLuaLlon near Lhe box

ace AcceleraLlon CompeLlng fasL opponenL's wlngers demands Lo be fasL

asslng Low passlng of fullback may cause dangerous lnLercepLlons

1eamwork 8oLh full backs should work as a Leam wlLh cenLral defenders and goalkeeper

Work 8aLe Work 8aLe ls more lmporLanL for defense players Lhan oLhers

Add|t|ona| |mportant attr|butes for attack|ng fu||backs

CreaLlvlLy Crosslng urlbbllng

Defens|ve M|df|e|ders (DM)

Most |mportant attr|butes

1ackllng Lhe mosL lmporLanL aLLrlbuLe for any uMC

oslLlonlng Laklng rlghL poslLlon ls vlLal for ball lnLercepLlons

SLamlna hlgh value of Lhls aLLrlbuLe allows your uMC Lo do a loL of work desLroylng aLLacks of
opponenL's Leam

Work 8aLe uMC wlLh low Work 8aLe wlll perform under your expecLaLlons

Less |mportant attr|butes

AnLlclpaLlon ablllLy of defenslve mldflelder Lo predlcL where Lhe ball wlll be ln Lhe nexL momenL

8ravery lmporLanL for challenges wlLh brave opponenL's players Pavlng excellenL 8ravery LogeLher
wlLh excellenL Aggresslon ueLermlnaLlon Work 8aLe makes your uMC Lhe second Cennaro CaLLuso

ConcenLraLlon lmporLanL for avoldlng lasL mlnuLe mlsLakes or mlsLakes ln hard games (durlng blg

ueclslons Laklng wrong declslons may cause dangerous aLLacks

ueLermlnaLlon morale changes dependlng on Lhls aLLrlbuLe And ueLermlnaLlon ls also lmporLanL
Lo keep player deLermlned durlng lmporLanL maLches

!umplng Lhe ma[or aLLrlbuLe LhaL lnfluences much llkehood of wlnnlng headers

asslng should be raLher hlgh quallLy of passlng because he wlll do passes very ofLen

SLrengLh lnfluences on llkehood of won headers and oLher challenges

1eamwork all defenslve player should work LogeLher very well

Add|t|ona| |mportant attr|butes for DM p|aymakers

CreaLlvlLy llalr 1echnlque

W|ngers (MkL]AMkL)

Most |mportant attr|butes

asslng Crosslng Lhese are very lmporLanL aLLrlbuLes for every creaLlve wlnger

CreaLlvlLy wlnger should be able Lo creaLe dangerous slLuaLlon passlng or drlbbllng Lo Lhe
opponenL's box

urlbbllng ablllLy Lo geL Lhe ball pasL Lhe opponenL uslng Lechnlcal Lrlcks on speed

Cff 1he 8all maklng good runs lnLo space Laklng Lhe besL aLLacklng poslLlon

ace AcceleraLlon l don'L belleve ln slow wlngers!

SLamlna lmporLanL Lo keep wlngers golng for a whole game

Less |mportant attr|butes

AglllLy Pow aglle Lhe player ls MosL llkely accompanled wlLh hlgh acceleraLlon and pace

ueclslons Laklng correcL declslons wlll lead Lo dangerous aLLacks

Composure lmporLanL when wlnger ls ln fronL of goal

llalr ablllLy Lo perform unexpecLed flamboyanL aLLacklng acLlons 1hls glves some dlverslLy durlng
aLLacks and slmply beauLlful fooLball momenLs r

1echnlque hlgh Lechnlque of wlnger wlll glve you advanLage on a flank

AddlLlonal lmporLanL aLLrlbuLes for very aLLacklng wlngers

llnlshlng Long ShoLs AnLlclpaLlon

Add|t|ona| |mportant attr|butes for more defens|ve w|ngers

1ackllng Work 8aLe 1eamwork SLrengLh ConcenLraLlon

Attack|ng M|df|e|ders (AM)

Most |mportant attr|butes

asslng CreaLlvlLy Lhese are vlLal aLLrlbuLe for aLLacklng mldflelder Pe should creaLe chances
maklng noL Lrlvlal passes Lo forwards

urlbbllng ablllLy Lo geL Lhe ball pasL Lhe opponenL uslng Lechnlcal Lrlcks on speed

Cff 1he 8all maklng good runs lnLo space Laklng Lhe besL aLLacklng poslLlon

1echnlque hlgh Lechnlque of AMC ls lmporLanL for beLLer conLrol of Lhe ball

Less |mportant attr|butes

ace AcceleraLlon lf AMC can use hls Lechnlcal ablllLles wlLh hlgh pace and acceleraLlon he wlll
be even more dlfflculL Lo sLop and force Lhe opposlLlon Lo foul

AglllLy Pow aglle Lhe player ls MosL llkely accompanled wlLh hlgh acceleraLlon and pace

ueclslons Laklng correcL and creaLlve declslons wlll lead Lo dangerous aLLacks

Composure lmporLanL when AMC ls ln fronL of goal

llnlshlng lmporLanL when AMC ls ln fronL of goal

llalr ablllLy Lo perform unexpecLed flamboyanL aLLacklng acLlons 1hls glves some dlverslLy durlng
aLLacks and slmply beauLlful fooLball momenLs !

llrsL 1ouch passlng and shooLlng from Lhe flrsL Louch ls very good and leads Lo qulck aLLacks
Lhrough Lhe mlddle

;u|ck orwards ( S)

Most |mportant attr|butes

ace AcceleraLlon very lmporLanL aLLrlbuLes lf you need a qulck sLrlker WlLh hlgh values of Lhem
he wlll be able Lo move fasLer Lhan opponenL's defenders geLLlng ofLen lnLo Lhe box and havlng one

llnlshlng vlLal for every sLrlker lf your forward can'L shooL Lhe ball and score he ls bad one

llrsL 1ouch passlng and shooLlng maklng [usL one Louch ls very good and leads Lo qulck and one
Louch goals

urlbbllng ablllLy Lo geL Lhe ball pasL Lhe opponenL uslng Lechnlcal Lrlcks on speed

Cff 1he 8all maklng good runs lnLo space Laklng Lhe besL aLLacklng poslLlon

1echnlque hlgh Lechnlque of forward ls lmporLanL for beLLer conLrol of Lhe ball

Less |mportant attr|butes

AglllLy Pow aglle Lhe player ls MosL llkely accompanled wlLh hlgh acceleraLlon and pace

Composure lmporLanL when forward ls ln fronL of goal

ueclslons Laklng correcL and creaLlve declslons wlll lead Lo dangerous aLLacks

asslng CreaLlvlLy good passlng and creaLlvlLy allows Lo make effecLlve comblnaLlons ln aLLack

llalr ablllLy Lo perform unexpecLed flamboyanL aLLacklng acLlons 1hls glves some dlverslLy durlng
aLLacks and slmply beauLlful fooLball momenLs

Strong ] 1arget Man orwards ( S)

Most |mportant attr|butes

SLrengLh lnfluences on llkehood of won headers and ablllLy Lo hold up Lhe ball

!umplng lmporLanL aLLrlbuLe LhaL lnfluences much llkehood of wlnnlng headers

Peadlng deLermlnes how good your sLrlker can score uslng hls head

llnlshlng vlLal for every forward lf your forward can'L shooL Lhe ball and score he ls bad one

llrsL 1ouch passlng and shooLlng maklng [usL one Louch ls very good and leads Lo qulck and one
Louch goals

Cff 1he 8all maklng good runs lnLo space Laklng Lhe besL aLLacklng poslLlon

Less |mportant attr|butes

PelghL LogeLher wlLh hlgh SLrengLh lL wlll lead Lo domlnaLlon ln alr

Composure lmporLanL when forward ls ln fronL of goal

ueclslons Laklng correcL and creaLlve declslons wlll lead Lo dangerous aLLacks

asslng CreaLlvlLy good passlng and creaLlvlLy allows Lo make effecLlve comblnaLlons ln aLLack

1echnlque hlgh Lechnlque of forward ls lmporLanL for beLLer conLrol of Lhe ball

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