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CFL - Group Assignment TerraCog Global Positioning System TerraCog, a successful privately-held high-tech firm that develops GPS

S (global positioning systems), is preparing to launch the Aerial GPS, which TerraCog hopes will help it regain market share lost to competitor PostHaste. Emma Richardson, a newly promoted EVP has been given the responsibility to oversee the Project Aerial. As per the information provided by Emma (in TerraCog Global Positioning Systems: Conflict and Communication on Project Aerial), our group has analyzed the situation and below are the analysis results addressing each cause of the dilemma. Ineffective Group Structure 1. The problem with the group structure is visible due to the fact that a. Individual's goals are not aligned with the organization goal. b. The different groups are not working in unison, rather they work independently. c. Lack of trust among the group members, as mistrust is visible in the way other departments dont concur with the cost estimate. 2. Hierarchy of Authority unclear. a. The executive VP does not have the authority over people contributing to this decision. b. The process should be changed so that all teams (Sales, D&D and Production) report to a single Program Manager (may be the Executive VP). 3. The group is not clear what the meeting is about may be because the communication to the group has been not appropriate Conflicting Departmental Objectives 1. D&D headed by the director is interested in pursuing cutting edge product rather than development of products required by Sales team, because he wants a new product line to be his brainchild so that he can push himself for the position of VP. 2. Sales is interested only in meeting the market demand of a GPS with satellite imagery by redesigning the existing GPS platform and to price the product within the ballpark of the competitors price. 3. Product department is making decisions based on result of past product failure, hence want to play safe and they dont want to compromise oni quality to meet lower cost target. Weakness in the Decision Making Process 1. Slow in understanding and identifying the market demand. 2. Late in addressing market demand. 3. All stakeholders not party to the decision making process. 4. Lack of management control over various department and in turn department not listening to senior management. 5. Lack of judicious decision making, where management decisions were changed and overruled. 6. Competition among various department which impeded the decision making process. 7. Mid cycle decision review seems to be missing which led to management not recognizing the project being of cost targets. Conflicting Individual Objectives

Group#6 Suby Thomas, Rupesh Pawar, Sudipto Banerjee, Naveen Kanthed, Sunil Thapliyal

CFL - Group Assignment TerraCog Global Positioning System 1. Allen Roth is more interested in developing his own product line instead of developing products required by the organization to further his cause of a higher role. 2. Harold Whistler is preparing for his retirement plan. He is less worried about work and target as is visible in his only taking up part time duties. 3. Ed Pryor is concerned about losing out on his sales target which would in turn benefit him in terms of a better pay check as he is worried due to the change in compensation plan. 4. Cory Wu is limited in his approach on only considering his part of work and believes that the high labor cost and hardware cost should not be a concern as he has done a good job. 5. Alice Gorga is not looking at R&D optimization to cut costs she is more interested in seeing how sales can differentiate the product. 6. Tony Barren does not want to receive flak for his work quality and timelines because of his previous engagement didnt go well.

Group#6 Suby Thomas, Rupesh Pawar, Sudipto Banerjee, Naveen Kanthed, Sunil Thapliyal

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