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phonegap: Changelog

PhoneGap Change Log

The following changes have been made since 1.1.0 Android Anis Kadri (5): cleaner way for handling s plas hs creens whitelis t s upport adding is UrlWhiteLis ted in s houldOverrideUrlLoading forgot to res olve conflict improved whitelis ting Bryce Curtis (17): Formalize logging with printf-type optimization. Wrap Android log facilities ins tead of us ing Sys tem.out.println(). Correct log level comparis on. Add comments and rename loadWhiteLis t() to loadConfiguration(). Us e endActivity() for cons is tency. Improve error handling. Don't override his tory.back s ince jQuery als o does it. Fix Is s ue #258 - and tory() not working in PhoneGap 1.1.0 on Android Load multi-page apps in s ame webview and update paus e/res ume for cons is tency. Set activity s tate correctly when ending activity. Run error dialog on UI thread. Set activity s tate correctly when ending activity. Us e LOG ins tead of Sys tem.out.println for logging. Don't fire res ume at app s tartup. Update vers ion to 1.2.0. This is an informative mes s age, not an error mes s age. It is normal to get this when leaving a page. Update to download and run callback-tes t repos itory. Update for 1.2.0. Updated readme. Fil Maj (1): JSPrompt "Security check" s hould whitelis t all file URIs too Joe Bows er (7): Fixing the js Confirm s o it does n't break the back button Adding handling of Search Button for the js Prompt Upgrading to Ice Cream Sandwich HTC Fix Making Alert cancellable s o that it does not break the back button Removing the Camera permis s ion, s ince it is not required by PhoneGap by default Fix for Cons ole.log, didn't call the s uper of the method needed macdons t (6): Fix for Is s ue #257: File Trans fer with file:/// URIs Return MediaError object ins tead of value Normalize MediaError's with iOS Updating to us e Android 4.0 build environment Fixing Project Properties file Fixing compilation error in DroidGap nis c (1):

Fixes to make example project build and compile iOS Becky Gibs on (2): Update for iOS5 Fixes #313 - return MediaError in error callback Brian Sams on (1): add documentation for correctOrientation and s aveToAlbum options of camera.getPicture Dave Johns on (1): This is mes s ing people up who want to create the ins taller thems elves . David H (1): Make connection plugin work with iOS <4.0. Todd Stellanova (1): Add OpenAllWhitelis tURLs InWebView policy s etting to determine whether ALL whitelis ted URLs are opened within the embedded web view (as is s ometimes des ired). s hazron (12): Fixed #303 Add OS check in makefile, Lion minimum (for packaging ins taller only) Fixed #302 Compiler warnings in PGMotion Fixed #296 iFrames open in Mobile Safari Fixed callback/callback-ios #3 - Univers alFramework target of PhoneGapLib does not compile under Xcode 4.2 Fixed callback/callback-ios #2 - Convert SBJs on library us e to JSONKit us e Fixed problem where deploying to device us ing PhoneGap.framework, the armv7 s lice is mis s ing from the fat binary. Connection plugin (Reachability) - s top/s tart notifier on paus e/res ume of app. Fixed callback/callback-ios #5 - Optimization: If white-lis t contains "*" (wildcard), do not do URL proces s ing Updated releas e notes for 1.2.0 Updated VERSION to 1.2.0 Updated hints in s ample index.html Added OpenAllWhitelis tURLs InWebView to 1.2.0 releas e notes . BlackBerry Drew Walters (4): Spawn a thread when calling executeScript. Modify lifecycle to match Android/iOS. Specify viewport width and height in s ample. Update to vers ion 1.2.0 WP7 Jes s e MacFadyen (17): Local s torage implementation updated and pas s ed all but 2 tes ts ( dot notation not s upported for getting/s etting non-exis tent keys ) Added more interes ting Accel example. Initial ChildBrows er work Back|Forward|Clos e More tes t cas es Plugins can be defined in the Lib names pace Cleanup before pull reques t cleanup or meta-tags + RootVis ual Grid name for plugin us e Added build-time s cript to generate GapSourceDictionary Removed t4 templating Cleanup for project template More Cleanup, removed ChildBrows er as it is a plugin and not part of the core

Added orientation events The implementation file changed refs to 1.1 to 1.2 more changes for 1.2 s grebnov (5): s upport of paus e/res ume events added onres ume and onpaus e methods to Bas eCommand removed dublicate device object ins tance initialization updated phonegap js file in unit tes ts added s upport of cus tom plugins

The following changes have been made s ince phonegap-android Fix bug where is reachable does n't return correct res ults for https (http s ecure) url protocol. Clean up CallbackServer when about:blank page has loaded. This fixes errors when s hutting down. Need to unregis ter for network intent receiver on s hutdown to prevent leaks . Set PhoneGap.Us ePolling flag bas ed upon res ult from CallbackServer. Fix s ecurity vulnerability - make s ure any reques ts to run native code only come from url currently loaded into webview. Is s ue 112: PhoneGap.Channel: replace ins tanceof Function with typeof === 'Function' Urls with s ame path and file but different # or ? s hould compare to s ame url. Return true when handling key events , indicating that no further proces s ing is neces s ary. Always call plugin's onPaus e/onRes ume with multitas king flag when thes e lifecycle events occur in activity. It is up to the plugin to handle as neces s ary. Set PhoneGap.Us ePolling flag bas ed upon res ult from CallbackServer. Fix s ecurity vulnerability - make s ure any reques ts to run native code only come from url currently loaded into webview. Is s ue 112: PhoneGap.Channel: replace ins tanceof Function with typeof === 'Function' Urls with s ame path and file but different # or ? s hould compare to s ame url. Return true when handling key events , indicating that no further proces s ing is neces s ary. Always call plugin's onPaus e/onRes ume with multitas king flag when thes e lifecycle events occur in activity. It is up to the plugin to handle as neces s ary. Revert to polling if there are any errors with callback s erver. This addres s es various problems with proxies s et by carriers . Handle errors when adding a s ervice. Fix for ticket #58: Certain 1.5/1.6 devices would throw a FileNotFoundException when taking pictures . Patch s ubmitted by Agus tin of AVANTIC (thanks !). Changing the layout clas s s o it has the s creen dimens ions to take into account Device Orientation Adding SSL dev code Fixing conflict Adding SSL dev code Changing default target to the highes t for maximum compatibility VERSION: Sending paus e/res ume notifcations to plugins regardles s of 'keepRunning' s tate. Not s ure why you wouldn't want to s end them Fixed droidgap update command Changing Media clas s to return s econds Is s ue #94: feature reques t: Event for Keyboard s how/hide Is s ue #80: Unable to open large js on files on android 2.2 + phonegap 0.9.5 Improve performance of our encoding Updating Connection object to conform with recently releas ed s pec Is s ue #104: Bug in FileUtils .copyDirectory & moveDirectory Is s ue #106: Typo in LocalFileSys tem.prototype._cas tDate Updating Network Connection API to match s pec releas ed on June 7th Is s ue #121: Problem with res olveLocalFileSys temURI if file name has s paces

Is s ue #80: Unable to open large js on files on android 2.2 + phonegap 0.9.5 Improve performance of our encoding Updating Connection object to conform with recently releas ed s pec Is s ue #104: Bug in FileUtils .copyDirectory & moveDirectory Is s ue #106: Typo in LocalFileSys tem.prototype._cas tDate Updating Network Connection API to match s pec releas ed on June 7th Is s ue #121: Problem with res olveLocalFileSys temURI if file name has s paces Is s ue 123: Fixing problem where name object is not s pecifieddd phonegap-iOS Fixes is s ue 98 - updated to s upport mimetype for m4a files implementation of MediaCapture Is s ue 128: bug in DirectoryEntry.copyTo and moveTo Properly Initialize Capture<Type>Options fixes #131 Updated getMimeTypeFromPath: to recognize .wav as audio/wav fixes #129 fixes #138 refs #118 refs #138 - remove ref to tmpFolderName Re-adding PhoneGapCommand back in, adding deprecated attributes , and NSLog deprecation warning. PhoneGapCommand bas e clas s will be removed in 1.0 Turned off Reachability flag NSLog Added PGDebug.h - when you us e the DLog macro, it will only print out the log when under the Debug configuration, for projects that us e the PhoneGapLib s ubproject. This does not affect PhoneGap.framework bas ed projects . Updated Ins taller docs for CoreMedia framework (for Media Capture API) Copy Capture.bundle into PhoneGap.framework Connection.h was mis s ing from PhoneGap.framework (was not s et as a Public header) Cleaning up Location.* core plugin Clarified a FAQ item Clos es is s ue #68 - implementation of the W3C Network API. Updated Xcode 3 Template to include a weak reference to CoreTelephony framework (for W3C Network API) Updated Xcode 4 Template to include a reference to CoreTelephony framework (for W3C Network API). Note this reference is not weak, you mus t change it to optional to target iOS 3.x if not devices us ing that OS will cras h. Updated ins taller notes for lates t changes . Moved navigator.connection (W3C Network Information API) interface under - This is for cons is tency reas ons with Android becaus e of a WebView bug in 2.2 and 2.3 - Fixed bug in connection.currentNW at s tartup - it was s howing currentNW carrier name if it is a non-cellular connection. Fixes #107 - gapBridge iFrame vertically offs ets vis ual content Fixes #106 - orientationchange was dis patched from document object, not window object Fixes #105 - default web pathname s ets double forward s las h Added PGMotion, with s tubs . Related to is s ues #63 and #64 Fixes #110 - third-party code (ie plugins ) that us e Objective-C++ caus e compiler errors in PluginRes ult.h Fixes #109 - FileUploadOptions caus es an error in iOS when .params contains a key/value pair in which the value is an int Fixes #112 - anchor tag attribute target with value '_blank' was not opening up the URL in Mobile Safari Fixes #111 - locking device s hould not trigger paus e life cycle event Added s erviceName to clas s Name mapping in Commands .plis t. RIght now s erviceName==clas s Name, but this will change to match the other platforms . Moved plugin mapping from Commands .plis t to a key 'Plugins ' under PhoneGap.plis t Removed Commands .plis t Migrate PhoneGapCommand to PGPlugin. Capture: Changed occurrences of PhoneGapCommand to PGPlugin Added Capture plugin to PhoneGap.plis t Added Capture plugin res ources back into the PhoneGap template - was clobbered during a merge. Set CoreMedia.framework linking to Weak in Xcode 3 Template Moved Capture plugin res ources into a bundle, updated Capture plugin to us e the new bundle. Updated Xcode 4 Template for Media Capture API - added CoreMedia framework, and Capture.bundle

Xcode 4 Template - removed README, [PROJECTNAME]-Info.plis t, and AppDelegate.h from "Copy Bundle Res ources " Build Phas e. Fixes #126 Fixed Network Information API up to June 7 2011 Draft s tatus . As a res ult, CoreTelephony framework has been removed. Updated ins taller docs with rich text formatting. Fixes #64 - Added W3C DeviceMotionEvent s upport (Accelerometer only, not Gyros cope) for devices with firmware < iOS 4.2, through duck punching Fixed bug in DeviceMotionEvent interval property, the firs t initial event interval s hould be zero Fixes #116 - 'iframe' in lowercas e for gapBridge, for index.xhtml s tart pages . Changed doctype of s ample index.html to HTML5 Fixes #102 - Xcode 4 Template - companyname in bundle id not honoured Fixed DeviceMotionEvent s upport for iOS 3.x devices . PhoneGapLibTes t - added CoreMedia.framework as a weak reference In iOS 3.x, window.dis patchEvent does not exis t, s o we fallback to document.dis patchEvent Workaround to handled 'orientationchange' events in iOS 3.x Added PhoneGap.plis t to PhoneGapLibTes t project Deprecated the Camera.getPicture API. This will be removed in 1.0 (into the Plugins repo). Us e the Media Capture API ins tead. Fixes #133 - UIAcces s ibilityTraitStarts MediaSes s ion: s ymbol not found in iOS 3 Media Capture API vis ual changes for iPad iOS 3.2 and 3.2.2 - converted mic images from jpg to png (more memory efficient), and explicitly pathed the images if the proper iPad iOS vers ion (as s tated previous ly) was detected at runtime Removed debug NSLog Media Capture API - bug in previous fix for iOS 3.x iPhone. Fixed res olveImageRes ource function. Fixed s plas h s creen images for iOS 3.x devices . Deleting the iPad s plas h image (had to do this way to rename a cas e-s ens itive part). Re-adding after Re-add Default~ipad.png (cas e s ens itive rename) Lowered iOS Deployment target for PhoneGap.framework to 3.0 Updated docs for Ins taller. UIKit and AVFoundation need to be s et to weak/optional if us ers want to target iOS 3.x devices . Moved s ome older FAQ items to the Wiki, added new FAQ items . Renamed iPhone to iOS in README Fixes #132 - app Temp folder was deleted on app termination, when the contents s hould be deleted, not the folder its elf. This affected YouTube/video playback on non-multitas king apps (on s ubs equent launches ) Fixes #137 (us ing writeJavas cript abs traction as well) Deprecated Reachable Fixes #135 Problems s pecifying viewport dimens ions via meta-data. Set EnableViewportScale to true if you want to s cale via the meta tag. Updated Ins taller docs in preparation for 0.9.6 releas e. Added notes in Ins taller about Deprecated functions . Updated the FAQ with more items . Deprecated Notification: activityStart, activityStop, loadingStart, loadingStop. Updated ins taller docs for Notification core plugin deprecations . Updated VERSION to 0.9.6 phonegap-blackberry-webworks Add Network Connection API to match s pec releas ed on June 7th Delay onDeviceReady until connection info is available. #23 - Move phonegap.js to www/ to match other platforms . Update Nitobi copyright. Vers ion 0.9.6 phonegap-webos added SQLite example in demo app update readme to us e phonegap-webos ins tead of phonegap-palm modified s o that ins tantiating phonegap is no longer required removed unneces s ary navigator.device.deviceReady call remove unnecces s ary Mojo object check

updated device apis to s et name and platform on device ready fire deviceready after DOMContentLoaded README updates Changed DOCTYPE to HTML5 Added webOS 3.0 compatibility property. Changed Palm to HP :)
The following changes have been made s ince 0.9.5 phonegap-android Need to us e EclairClient for 3.x devices too. This fixes the HTML5 geolocation problem on Android 3.x. Add docs and fixed to pas s through the Google Clos ure Compiler without warnings Added Media.s eekTo(int millis econds ); #72: Contact.Save: onSucces s callback is called when contact is not s aved. Capture modifications Implement W3C Network Information API Android 2.2+ s upports W3C Connection API #79: FileWriter.s eek() is broken in 0.9.5. Setting defaults in Media Capture Removing generated code from project #85: window.openDatabas e throws DOM Exception 18 on Android 3.1 Fixing a number of is s ues in File API Moving navigator.connection to navigator.device.connection #85: window.openDatabas e throws DOM Exception 18 on Android 3.1 JavaScript cleanup to pas s js Hint phonegap-iOS Fixed #86 - problems with FileEntry.createWriter Fixed incorrect boundary end. Added check for file exis tence. Fix s ome file is s ues Fix meta viewport to us e correct format and values . Changed writing of PhoneGapLib preferences file to us er's local prefs Removed Xcode 4 template s pec file in Xcode 3 template folder Added clean targets for the xcode 4 template and framework. Added s ymlink to PhoneGap.framework under ~/Library/Frameworks , updated ins taller text to reflect Added ins tall target, and removal of PhoneGap framework in unins tall target Changed Frameworks location to be cons is tent, under Library Framework target in Makefile modifies the s ample index.html file to point to the right phonegap.js vers ion. Added s hell s cript to PhoneGap Xcode 4 template to copy the s ample "www" folder into the current project if it does not already exis t (with ins tructions ) Added CodeSigning s pecification to Xcode 4 template Removed product name prefix to AppDelegate .h and .m Updated the vers ion number in the ins taller Introduction header Added error checking and reporting on whether the s tart page exis ts for loading (would cras h otherwis e). The error is reported in the Run Cons ole as well as the webview. Added s ome body text (pointing to PhoneGap s tart) in default index.html, and a notification alert to s ignify PhoneGap is working. Renamed references to PhoneGapLibIns taller to PhoneGapIns taller Updated with Xcode 4 is s ues . Fixed PhoneGap Xcode 4 Template copying the www folder to a project with s paces in its path. Updated README for more Xcode 4 edits Fixed is s ue #81

Ins taller: /Us ers /Shared/PhoneGap made writable to everyone Framework folder moved from /Us ers /Shared/Library to /Us ers /Shared/PhoneGap Fixed old framework path in Xcode 4 template Us ed proper Developer directory as s elected by xcode-s elect Updated Reachability to vers ion 2.2 (from 1.5), with NetworkStatus changes for PhoneGap backwards compatibility. Updated Reachable to remove the is IpAddres s option. Updated Network plugin to us e new Reachability 2.2 Removed undocumented and unus ed functionality from Static analyzer fixes . changing behaviour of external links Created PhoneGap Static framework (s ource files right now link off PhoneGapLib). Jus t drag and drop in to your Frameworks folder and in your Target/Link With Libraries . You mus t manually include "phonegap.X.X.X.js " in your www folder. Copy VERSION file into framework Added new targets to PhoneGapLib project (Univers al_Framework, PhoneGap - to create a s tatic framework vers ion). Renamed libPhoneGapLib.a to libPhoneGap.a Baked-in PhoneGap vers ion into the s ource for framework target (dynamically generated s till from the VERSION file) Removed PhoneGap s tatic framework (now added as the Univers al_Framework target in the PhoneGapLib project) Strip off debugging s ymbols for Framework target (fixes warnings for "GenerateDSYMFile warning: unable to open object file") Fixed is s ue #75 Fixed default s plas h s creen s o it does not load "Default.png" explicitly, but takes into account retina dis play and iPad vers ions us ing [UIImage imageNamed] Modified PhoneGap (Xcode 3) template files in preparation for common us e with Xcode 3 template. Added pre-proces s or macro for different type of import s tatements , whether PhoneGap is a s tatic lib or linked as a s tatic framework Generation of the Xcode 4 template in the Makefile (read the README in the .xctemplate folder for limitations ) Modified MakeFile and PhoneGap Ins taller to generate and ins tall the Framework and Xcode 4 templates . Updated Makefiles and PhoneGapLib framework target build s cript. PhoneGapLib Makefile - added 'clean' target. PhoneGapLib Framework build s cript - phonegap.*.js copied into www s ubfolder ins tead of the root of the framework. Main Makefile - updated to reflect the build s cript change above. Makefile - added git commit has h to VERSION file in PhoneGap.framework Fixed is s ue #54 Cleaned up Makefile. Releas e of retained UIWebview in a PhoneGapCommand on dealloc. (ref: improvement on pull #91) Fixed mis s ing "JSON.h" file in PhoneGapLibTes t Merge from purplecabbage/mas ter (s ee s quas hed commits below) - Handling cus tom URL protocols , iPad Popover Control for Camera Picker, Compas s API cons is tency fixes , Times tamps in Compas s /Geo are ms ecs Updated mobile-s pec s ubmodule ref Updated tes t s cript. Removed duplicate didFinis hLaunchingWithOptions in template AppDelegate.m (due to code merge) Re-arranged order of PhoneGap js file concat Fixes #50 W3C Geolocation conformance Added W3C Network Information API s tub in Javas cript (attached to navigator.connection) Modified Xcode3 template not to copy the phonegap.*.js files in every s ingle time from PhoneGapLib. Removed s cript that automatically updated the s cript tag to the new phonegap.*.js Added warning if phonegap.{VER}.js or phonegap.{VER}.min.js is not referenced in your HTML file(s ). Removed echo during copy. Improved build s cript in Xcode4 template, checks whether the 'www' folder was added as a folder reference and adds a warning if applicable. Updated ins taller intro text for new templates . Return only the firs t line of the VERSION file. Removed exception throw if a PhoneGapCommand is mis s ing, jus t prints error to cons ole.log DOM event 'orientationchange' fired when the orientation changes . Incremented VERSION to Removed iOS 2.x conditionals . Fixed is s ue #46 - orientationchange event is now fired on webView didFinis hLoad

phonegap-blackberry-webworks Update vers ion to 0.9.5 Increment VERSION to Update hard-coded vers ions to #21 - Fix deviceready event firing on new BlackBerry 6 devices .

The following changes have been made s ince 0.9.4 phonegap-android Workaround implemented for Android Bug #12987: JavaScript Bridge throws exception on Android 2.3. Implementation of the Directories and Sys tems File API Remove/Modify FileMgr JavaScript APIs not s pecified in an File API s pec remove navigator.fileMgr.createDirectory(dirName) function. To create a directory, us e the DirectoryEntry.getDirectory() method. remove navigator.fileMgr.getRootPaths () function. us e window.reques tFileSys tem(). remove navigator.fileMgr.deleteFile(fileName). To delete a file us ing the FileEntry.remove() method. remove navigator.fileMgr.deleteDirectory(dirName). To delete a directory us e the DirectoryEntry.remove or DirectoryEntry.removeRecurs ively(). remove navigator.fileMgr.getFileBas ePaths (). Us e window.reques tFileSys tem(). Implementation of Media Capture API Backward compatibility for old s tyle plugins added. PluginManager.addService() or will work equally well. Added s upport for s etting the body of a SMS mes s age. Tickets res olved: #66 Error managing contacts in Android 1.6 and 2.2 #79 CupcakeLocalStorage have no clear() method no tags #82 Contact s earch unicode problem android contacts #85 Android Droid Camera "retake" button does not s ave image to gallery #86 droidgap does not work if phonegap-android is in a directory called 'libs ' droidgap #90 Move _createEvent from File to PhoneGap no tags #99 Phonegap apps rejected by Amazon Marketplace #57 Taking Photos won't res ume correctly #107 res ume event is only fired if app is not running in the background #110 When you clos e an app on Android you s ee a JS error in logcat callbacks erver javas cript #113 FileTrans fer returns FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERR on http 500 error #118 Hidden NPE in native Storage #121 Cool s ide effect of fix for #115 - now web databas e does not work! #124 File Trans fer multipart badly formed trips mod_s ecurity #127 Android FileReader/FileWriter methods s hould return FileError object on error. #128 window.openDatabas e() in Android 2.3.1 is not working #136 window.openDatabas e() in Android 3.0 throws SECURITY_ERR phonegap-blackberry-webworks phonegap-iOS fixed ticket #128 (http://phonegap.lighthous /20116-iphone/tickets /128-cancel-button-in-camerapicker-does -not-fire-callbacks #ticket-128-4) As temporary s olution until W3C Media Capture is implemented, return "3" in error callback when us er cancels taking or s electing a picture. Updated PhoneGap.exec() to us e the s ame s ignature as Android and BB-webworks as well as original iOS s ignature. No changes from the JS us ers pers pective. FYI - The new s ignature does not pas s any callbacks into the objective C code and has fixed PhoneGap.callbackSucces s and PhoneGap.callbackError functions that call the us er defined

callbacks . Created new PluginRes ult.* clas s es that mimic the Android ones . This allows creating uniform callback object. Implementation of Directories and Sys tems File API Remove/Modify FileMgr JavaScript APIs not s pecified in an File API s pec remove navigator.fileMgr.createDirectory(dirName) function. To create a directory, us e the DirectoryEntry.getDirectory() method. remove navigator.fileMgr.getRootPaths () function. us e window.reques tFileSys tem(). remove navigator.fileMgr.deleteFile(fileName). To delete a file us ing the FileEntry.remove() method. remove navigator.fileMgr.deleteDirectory(dirName). To delete a directory us e the DirectoryEntry.remove or DirectoryEntry.removeRecurs ively(). remove navigator.fileMgr.getFileBas ePaths (). Us e window.reques tFileSys tem(). Changed implementation of navigator.fileMgr.tes tFileExis ts () and tes tDirectoryExis ts to require a full path name (obtainable via window.reques tFileSys tem and File/DirectoryEntry apis . Implemented FileReader.readAs DataURL Updated *.js files s o that objects will not be created more than once if phonegap*.js is included more than once. Copied the implementation done for Android to keep the js files between the two projects as s imilar as pos s ible. FileTrans fer added into core (thanks to Matt Kane)

The following changes have been made s ince 0.9.3 phonegap-android Update Contacts : Match lates t W3C Contacts API s pecification. Add s upport for Contact photo. Set photo us ing a file or HTTP URL. Retrieve photos as content URL. Add FileTrans fer capability: FileTrans fer uploads files to remote s erver us ing multi-part HTTP POST reques t. Currently limited to a s ingle file per reques t. Both HTTP and HTTPS protocols s upported. Fix is s ue where Contact object Dates (birthday) were not being cloned. FileReader: add media type to readAsDataURL return value. FileWriter: call onwriteend not onloadend in the abort() method. Support all URI's by pas s ing them to the default activity. For ins tance market:// URL's now opens the Android market place. Camera: Improved memory management when taking pictures . Contacts bug fixes : Fixed is s ue where contact's middle name was not being s et correctly. Fixed is s ue where Android 2.1 and 2.2 returned different s earch res ults . Fixed is s ue where contacts are being s aved to wrong account type. Code now s earches for a valid email account. Fixed geolocation failure callback to s end the 3 arguments ins tead of 4. Tickets res olved: 29 - http://phonegap.lighthous /20118/tickets /29-demo-is s ues -on-nexus -one 49 - http://phonegap.lighthous /20118/tickets /49-android-16-s qlite-bug 55 - http://phonegap.lighthous /20118/tickets /55-droidgap-removes -all-ins tances -of-bin-inrequire-claus e 63 - http://phonegap.lighthous /20118/tickets /63-android-callbacks erver-cras hes -on-externalattacks 69 - http://phonegap.lighthous /20118/tickets /69-ens ure-lates t-w3c-contacts -api-compat 73 - http://phonegap.lighthous /20118/tickets /73-generated-file-has -vers ion-s tring 74 - http://phonegap.lighthous /20118/tickets /74-s upport-contact-photos -in-android 78 - http://phonegap.lighthous /20118/tickets /78-black-s creen-s hows -up-between-native-loadings creen-and-phonegap-app 80 - http://phonegap.lighthous /20118/tickets /80-droidgap-gen-example-does -not-work-onphonegap-android-s ource

81 - http://phonegap.lighthous /20118/tickets /81-exampleindexhtml-gives -the-wrong-path-toits elf 83 - http://phonegap.lighthous /20118/tickets /83-android-hardware-volume-buttons -changealways -ringtone-volume phonegap-blackberry phonegap-blackberry-webworks (renamed from phonegap-blackberry-widgets ) Rename repos itory from phonegap-blackberry-widgets to phonegap-blackberry-webworks to align with RIM branding. Improve build s cripts : Include vers ion in generated PhoneGap res ources , e.g. phonegap.0.9.4.js and phonegap.0.9.4.jar Create two vers ions of PhoneGap JavaScript: phonegap.VERSION.js (full), and phonegap.VERSION.min.js (minified) Minification of phonegap.VERSION.js happens at project creation (ant create -Dproject.path), rather than at project build (ant build). Rename all JavaScript project directories to 'javas cript', for cons is tency. Add build tas ks to create and update directory s tructure for PhoneGap plugins (ant create-plugin and ant update-plugin) . Add Plugin s upport: Enable regis tering PhoneGap plugins from JavaScript (phonegap.PluginManager.addPlugin). Enhance build s cripts to create s ample plugin, including directory s tructure and full s ample code (s ee above). Add file utility methods in native (Java) code for us e by plugin developers . Override console.log in BlackBerry OS 6.0. Mes s ages are logged to s ys tem out and the BlackBerry Event Log. Update Contacts : Match lates t W3C Contacts API s pecification. Add s upport for Contact photo. Set photo us ing Bas e64 encoded image or file or HTTP URL. Retrieve photos as Bas e64 encoded image. Fix navigator.notification.beep s o that it is audible on device. Routed through hands -free s peaker. Regis ter a notification profile for each PhoneGap application. Notification profile s ettings are controlled by device us er. Generate unique application name and GUID for each PhoneGap application. Camera: Update code to perform all image proces s ing off of application event thread. Delay invoking s ucces s callback until captured image is fully written to file s ys tem. Add FileTrans fer capability: FileTrans fer uploads files to remote s erver us ing multi-part HTTP POST reques t. Currently limited to a s ingle file per reques t. Both HTTP and HTTPS protocols s upported. Fix is s ue where Contact object Dates (birthday) were not being cloned. FileReader: add media type to readAsDataURL return value. Add s upport for application lifecycle events : onpause, onresume. Stop all Accelerometer and Geolocation s ens ors on application exit.

phonegap-iphone Contacts API now matches that of Android and Blackberry WebWorks . Documentation als o updated for iOS quirks . ticket 20 - http://phonegap.lighthous /20116/tickets /20-change-current-contacts -api-to-reflectw3c-propos ed-api ticket 50 - http://phonegap.lighthous /20116/tickets /50-adding-contact-image-to-contact-object notification.confirm now returns the button number s elected beginning with 1 rather than the previous 0 bas ed numbering. This matches the notification documentation. File API and behavior updated to nearly match Android and Blackberry WebWorks . Documentation updated to reflect iOS s upport. Major difference from Android and BB is no iOS s upport for FileTrans fer and FileReader.readAs DataURL, yet. Improve build s cripts : Include vers ion in generated PhoneGap res ources , e.g. phonegap.0.9.4.js and phonegap.0.9.4.jar Create two vers ions of PhoneGap JavaScript: phonegap.VERSION.js (full), and phonegap.VERSION.min.js (minified)

Tickets res olved: 71 - http://phonegap.lighthous /20116/tickets /71-cras h-when-opening-invalid-cus tom-url 77 - http://phonegap.lighthous /20116/tickets /79-filereader 79 - http://phonegap.lighthous /20116/tickets /79-filereader 85 - http://phonegap.lighthous /20116/tickets /85-generated-libs -s hould-have-vers ion-s tring 91 - http://phonegap.lighthous /20116/tickets /91-iphone-application-wont-run-when-activated-bynotification-alert

The following changes have been made s ince PhoneGap 0.9.2.

phonegap-android phonegap-docs phonegap-blackberry phonegap-blackberry-widgets

Add minification of phonegap.js us ing YUICompres s or tool. Reduce s ize of phonegap.js from 88 KB to 36 KB. Remove unus ed Camera JavaScript callbacks . Camera callbacks are invoked us ing PhoneGap plugin mechanis m. Camera.prototype.s ucces s Camera.prototype.error Add file and directory convenience methods . Thes e are not part of any W3C s pec, and are provided for convenience only. FileMgr.prototype.getRootPaths () FileMgr.prototype.getFreeDis kSpace() FileMgr.prototype.deleteFile(filename) FileMgr.prototype.createDirectory(dirname) FileMgr.prototype.deleteDirectory(dirname) Add FileWriter. A FileWriter object can be us ed to write to a s ingle file. Bas ed on W3C File API: Writer s pecification. Note: W3C BlobBuilder object not implemented . Pas s data to FileWriter.prototype.write method ins tead. Fix JavaScript cas ting problems by returning correctly formatted int, float, and boolean types from native Java plugins . Add FileReader. A FileReader object can be us ed to read textual data in various encoded formats . Bas ed on W3C File API s pecification. Note: W3C Blob object not implemented. Pas s filename to FileReader methods ins tead. Ens ure all native Java plugins return properly encoded JSON. Update geolocation timeout behavior. navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPos ition will us e a timeout of 3600 s econds (one hour) if no timeout is s pecified. (Note: W3C Geolocation s pecification s tates that timeout s hould be infinity if none s pecified). navigator.geolocation.watchPos ition will us e an update interval that is equivalent to half the s pecified timeout value. If no timeout is s pecified, a default of 10 s econds will be us ed (updates every 5 s econds ). Suppres s PhoneGap geolocation if HTML5 geolocation is implemented in the brows er (navigator.geolocation is already defined). Note: Developers can s till choos e to us e the PhoneGap implementation (which adheres to the W3C Geolocation s pecification) by invoking ePhoneGap. Fix geolocation bug where getCurrentPos ition would fail repeatedly after an initial failure. Fix bug where PhoneGap would overwrite navigator object. Modify build s cript to enable code build and s ign in s ingle s tep. Enable Contact.s ave method to delete attributes for an exis ting contact. Note: Programmer mus t explicitly s et attribute to be deleted to a non-null value.

complex objects can now be pas s ed as parameters from PhoneGap into objective C methods . This requires the us e of the JSON.s tringify() function. If you are targeting older vers ions of iOS (pre 4.0) you mus t manually include js on2.js in the index.html file. Ins tructions are included via comments in index.html. Add FileWriter

phonegap-mac phonegap-palm phonegap-symbian.wrt phonegap-winmo

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