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Papers referring to outting off of 7 Companies
and 1 Machine Gua Co of the 7tth DiT. on Oct. 3, 1918.
Extract from report of First Army Corps, covering
period from Oct 2 to Oct 9, 1918
Letter from Chief of Staff, 1st Army Corps to Corps
Inspector - Reference to inspection 77th DiT. Note:
The inspection mentioned not on file in G-3 offioe.
Extract from Report of Operations 77th Div., covering
period from BOT. 1 to Bov. 8, 1918. Report dated Nov. 13,
Field Orders 50 -51- 52 - 77th DITisioD
----- .- . ..
Daily Operations Reports
77th Division - Oct. 2 to Oct. 9, 1918.
Messages sent and receiTed Headquarters 77th Division
Report of Division Inspector '7th Division dated Oot.
9, 1918.
of 154th Infantry Brigade, dated 29 Oct., 1918,
covering period from Oct. 2 to Oct. 7, 1918.
Field Orders 50 to 55 - 154th Infantry Brigade
307th Inf., covering period from Oct. 2 to Oct.
Report 308th Infantry, oovering period from Oct. 2 to
Oct. B, 1918.
Supplementary Report on Operations 308th Infantry
covering period from Oct. 2 to Oct. 8, 1918.
C O N T ~ N T S - Page #2
Report of Ooerations of 306th Field Artillery covering
period fram'Oct. 4 to Oct. 7. 1918.
Report 152 Field Artillery Brigade - Oct. 1 to Oct. 8. 1918.
Report of Inspection of tne 77th Div. by Capt. A.T. Rich.
Asst. Inspector General, 1st Army, dated Oct. 8, 1918.
1'0 OtT.rTmG ow OB'
OOMI'AlifY OF 7"I'rlr ))lV ISlOB
ON ocroBm 3, 1918.
1UftA.0T BR()I( 1UIIiOJft 0.,
OO!ODR a to OOIfOBER 8. 1918.

.'" ..

OD. .. Dlah' Itt 00--.,. ............, ot t.1le au. Dinaloa 'IIhldb l:Iad.
........, __ \0 ...........,_ ........... a4 .. 1_ Di'd.loa sprea4 .. _
... left.., to the o:dgtaallblilt .1" .. Ill........ - h.... _ 1_ left
the .. Dl............ a or. ot eMIl lJdpde ... ti'be " .. l&"d.aSoa _ttl all
to.. nst.a,. bl n..
'!lie a1th heDIb. O&ft1q Dl"tlataa .. 1e Olaea ad ae U4 lll"fl.t_ (le....
___., a.tIt. Of 01...'____ ... _re 1a n .....
OOwber 3d ... a olen tile Ura' .tap i)t opeaUou. Uter
b odgSnal , pftSa was 81... 0.. be..,. witood two
COl.l1\&r attaclr.'a. tnnloU:ag""" 1__ em tile .... aa4, hX1be.. W1'e
.leo" to oon"'''- h__ebg afttl1e.,. tin_
!he eJ1fJIIV. o1:4l&'e4 .. :till til 8BPI .. ... llnee
by deapatohhtg TUlo_ -.ta (ft8l..t8 aD4 ..:11.1' orgalatiOU, to fron',
"enbJ' aeparaUDt; t4l_ tftIa their p,...... a CJO'llt'mIed o*r 01 bat'le.
An at1iao1t la acocmiallcle ..... P.o..... 1--.. _ t.1tie 00.8 on
Oewoer 4th w1. "...... h' all wltlb fo_ "SiMP's in liDe
t:roa l.n .. rt... The 8M .....1_ (lea. ana11." in Yle1IdtJ' e'I V&Z'eDlleB,
IID4 ... Ith 08Yal.I7 at r. Os-. __14 lA ........
'0 ..11181'7 .. SId'aIl.,., _ ...
o1lt at I- h. 16 pJ188eCi84 .. a ...,.lJD8 _Illar. .. 1at Dl" "'J'OI1
!'dltJ'-Oe, .. WMcl, .... lll'flal-. "'U rl
bI.sade. to _ ........... Of tile JJ..,,bat their lell ani
7'1 .Dl"'.lon, doiouq ...... aeh1:ae ...., aDd 1Dler a hea-q
11111011 bItlloted sedOlll 1Naea 011 .... __ ..'Ole .. ...... .". wi1iJldwW
oae nglJEtt; holdJag It as 41Yl_-.1 na...... !b8 Ud... de......., - tile
0'1 0111" tront !Iav1Dg 1, caw...... d81d alaiI it. ot :rl'U.OJt.
Oor,ps, ..... w. .......11' a4 beSIm lnftl'.tbag
M. ueop......,_ OlD' n...k. !Ill. IUd.... !a 1M .""ng fttf o. a_'tal101l b the
0har18ft11Z l'II'f'lDe ad ....._ their pc"_ peRl...
,.the,. to a. _ ... _ RSlml et 1. G1IUd Dlulloa ___...
attaobd n.,.Ule aDd 41'OY8 0111' erG Of th. t... OIl .... the 1_
D1Tlatoa, after an ad__ of two 1d1_,......\IM...., 111 'eld1l8 Al'leW Pal'Il and
in 0001\ItJ'bg Hill 24t In f'OnlI.
t.ale antlleJ7 of 824 Dtw.alOll .101aec1 d.lYl81_ at VaJ'eJl1'l8S in the
DUl'tDg t:be l'l18JIt of 0._ier 6-Y B.... de lIiDDOJ' was ol.ean4 \be
...,. 'by oar tJOOOpS. who bal woltl8c1 &1'!O'\a4 ,.... -. ....t.
At this J1IIlOt1U8. 1118 ............ battle .... as tol1owsl .., of the

AIft II....... tile au. DI..s.loa. .. JJJ.Ylaloa...... the Ai- .....1....
Of' .... G...."dela ....... or ............. K ....... lll'dda _4
the .. l&'V.I.a1a - tile tat a..4 ~ JIIi4 bee "."1 _.
OIl ___ 4 ............ 1a .,. ~ . ,..tIl 1.0. ,.., It
a. 8M Dl_l_ .sa .....u-.r .. __ .... at' .. 4111't1rc the II1atI' 0de1MII" ...
at at h. 111... -III ad ......' .....u-.r. at1wsll" _ I8tIl
llIYS1da-. ftIOat .......... (1111"'.' a4 ....1 tlIe1:l1..,. -'-as. CIlIH1
ClIaIII.". _4 .1IUO GIll ......t ~ ... 111',......... Ia 1_.n ...... Sa t1da
tJ..llllr a"-lk _ .. ,.....
AJUl1e7 ."',., .. twId...... _ ........ _ the .. Dl..s.t!Oa ..
814 Dl$lo:a. ~ ..1... __ g , . ~ . " fta .. I. Ii.... 0." act
u., ....lle17 _ ......... ,.. _ .............. at til. no...... 0
__ 4PAI\II 1_. DUlac tId....... _ ....... 1IlDa ........... CJt.ate1
m..... ad .... , .. ,..... to ........ ell T." lira alas wi .,.,
tr.,It7 to ... Jd.8It Sl"" abae ...... tile...... ~ , _.11118' ..... 108_
I p. ow uaa1Ul1S..... J*" _ .... a .lttuU 1 ........ ~ ...
the ....._ ~ _ ... .us. Me: ,. IIttlild 111 II." _the ?nil. nt.s.loa 1;0 ......
_4 .. 1lde:;'R ...,.. .,tat.... 1IIdo1a ........... ...
E1'1'lU.O! moM RJilPOM OF
O C ~ ~ a TO OOfOBUl 8. 1918.
WE SftlfD!ENT 01' !JlU!' tDJD'S DiGAGED




























4 1














































































































...... 4m'.O,,__ 0Ilaae ~ .. _14 the ~ p."OWid ,.......,--. p..u.....1
.... Cltatal 0JIIdIea:r and c..... wUJa anu' pi... ...1_ ... 8114
lurU.... ~ ~ ..... our UOII(pa aC
.. .,...J'OCher hoJa .. _<t. CawlI" ..
m..... Of lid. n..... Di........ ta IhIa ........".
'!he n I I JW4........... Of ",lIS .. 0 .., tla1I1t .'tMJ&: .t
00nIIr. 1M tII'oOpe Sa ....... 18ft fit ..-_.... dINa ....... :re1eeaSq
.. lIDhaUoa Of .. ". l)f............, Jaa4 .....a. t...... 1'1." iN we_ ..
Sa to ........... ,..S"_ ill Mia ......... ilia .. a..... 'lIle'.
~ - . w . 4l...w_ had. __ nI..... '" ... 4.lA i4....... awl ... ___ .8. 01
.~ . J;lvial. _ laW 11.- ..............., of ....1 <IIe1Ia.... ....,.
D1..,..1-. ... _w........... I. 04t1Jll ___"
Note I The 1nspeot1on ..,.tloaed not on tile
h G-e Oftloe.
J'J'oat 0h1e:t Of 1.- eo.-. tr.s
1. 1'Jae Jf478 OOawWide1" UNok that 70'&1 ..... de_. a.
iDCj)&C)'ioD Of tihe tlACts .. C'JI:tfiI'Dg off of urd.u th& 7fthOST.t.a1ea
and .. a'.... IIIIide \" ..lifts ....
2. rue J'GpOrt wnl 1DcJlllde the DAUon Of 001. \:"_11 In
or one \.'If ... re11ftins ald, will cantaJn a. of thullngs

3. Penlnent data on tl').ls tJ.uhjeG\ _ .fromr;te '0. OOlclrDal GOIWal
JOhnsaa. GcmeJ'al Start. ],..';.1<'. and Col .rc.ellh I .. iJel&:n-'
in ad4ltlC1\ '0 wltnNlOOS ,ihom -,fl11
w,m C LIG,
0hiG 01' St&;f'f'.
:aDA0lf i'.8OlI REPOB! O.
7ftJI DIVlSlO1I'
BEPOR! lllHD lfOVlllBJE 13. 1'18.

AJmlJO.G .a:P.lD1! JOIlCliI
REA___ 9ftI DIVa.
. 1I11b. lfoT..... 1111
'!'he COlllla4ing Geaenl., ". Dl'd.don
'l'he adJ-aa.U Geae1'&l, J..E.J'. (Thn 11111ta.I'1 obam:aela)
Report Of JCllE'! D'ABGOlmE..
'I. The l>ttialO11 't........... d.1q to U. attao'll:tn8
.... aiming ald GOntbllhtg .. a'.............. -.d.Jaa the.,. P.......
.. ... ..... _, th. IOalU_ ........... b1d, .. no poal.... ...
...., ... b7 tiM D1vlslG.l1, 'N1l:t8 _ ...eIl" -al... __ 00"'_ a'U4ks .... 1......
......, l1ne al..... in ....... ., .............. 1' ....4 ....' atW
,..._ ...,. 1"' UM .t .......__., 1-.1 o.-lsa"_ .t ....... ....
.. , ._.'wed, aUl the peel'".. ,....... J'lDd1lC alMs ......... ...
- .. It&t.NO .. &8 tile Bom ............_ ......sWU'd. al_ ..
...,_ Jab ae tftlLOh ..., ...... U J"'Wtfae _ _4 ......., ,.. ,.
1Atit-.r.l PAVwoa. - l' .., ., lHt ......toI4 tam W" htNeY.., tb.d til.
a4'f Fie ....... "S.m .wed"" ....1'bH a..r.... weI" 8lI00UIl,..4
....,.,....., __1:ae ... oorel"8Cl ...., ....JIbs 'bru tb. tUOk t ...., a1I1 l' ....
iJllpell1I01. to .. AJ1IlU., ttl' \h. lNl'JIH 01 ......... O.
W ...........
I. IOU .. &ZA .4 ......... De PIIIl tin .1..... ... Ia ..
..... \. 1'14p , ......................., u. ............t
,... .. l'fMA!EU.Z PAvma. 'Wall .. OIl .. _ab.c td 00___ lat. GIl
1M J'l", ot \M ,.,..... ataJft4 a, _H'f1M4 ..I ..... U4 ...........
'bJ' ........ QOIUIlltl1ig Of 11aaJIM aaA .... ad atl8I"ViAlh ud. ..u .........J'Iaa
eatl... froD of _III poat...... ....,."... 1Id......Tlud. G:rpalu.d_ ......
J'I.P\ ( ......) n..u u .. llIylalha1...... tile". _ left
_, tn ..a..n .... fit .. lWUtE.'Llti 8... ....... ru. lat
,..... " 'b. a ..... .,._*1* llarl "- __ lPD _, -,bell' ...1de4.
'!Ida ..uZ'. peal"a wall a....d. 1nLt "'17 liW. P......... -- 4UIJIc
ur. DaUg" Id. of ...... dtu1r 1Nhc "_d .. _--17 M.. sa \it }
--.tac, 1i11e poll'l..... ,...-........ 11ft ............ \,. 1.. Ia_tall,./
of .. IOIUl l'at'__ ............. al... ., .... _ .... 0IrlItda --_ ':,
ad. ol....,s ot the ......,,,1- _ lattlal .............., D." "'JI',_ 'II U\ Q:
OIt.Nl. s. ild"1e..,., ....... al ....... :p4tdtt_ Mal" ...18 .. 1& \
BUDODB, _ tale LA. VIl!IlG.u ........... ft........, ..... \0 .. eas' .f .. \
mULD cIe OlfABl.EVA.UX. the 'IM.P' _ JIla J'latt.t, ......... aaItle .. ,....... \
.. post. "-ODS in 'heir Ind. AI." a. I 1 ...... 01 ..e ,..1"f ..,. "'ttl.. )
aqtl dataob_, 1 ) ET U Me11 6Jdan4 ...'Mll......... pU'l, .f .. Dl'ddaa1
....... held ... '11 til. b. th. 'riaS.1lhJ' fit LA. 'SAlAZ" .. J"O"Cl" \'kb.tt7 !
of .. BPO!f DB aOBDll8. a' \he ___ I 00 IT ..,. a...n1 .1 U. i
lM. lSI'l" .t .. ao.ta b. ftPI'd. to tile a......,.u ............. ;

JaJ.a ....... Ia.tal...1Il.... Jd.I ...... ll......... P1lZJ)'l4t- .f .......
left fl'" .f ....... Sa ........ ... JNlu.. 't ......... , .......
'- ......... OIl al.... tJda .MaI ... - Sa ............, AlA I If
an ...... pHI........................ it ..'114'" UtI 0(
dJaIJ.1Ic at.. b .... to... p..tnte4 ...." ........, til. &t""Ui'I
po....... &lid lJDlrec1 .. ".18 "' .... -tala1....,. wi.. a ....., .... _-;/
d", .It of .. BOIS DE DIA 1n ...... -'1' as " lIola..........._
- ..._d 'b7 aJar ';Jh.1 t\leaq.
t. On JlM)aiD.8 Of Icl ot OO\Gber _. attuk... , ...... e..
P1II'P." W. ;pri-.ri.q to ad..... aat. ......q ,. R1.-..1l* faa".. wi..
... acI.'9Uoecl detac.._. ft' 811bc" .. 4ltftal'S. fit ........ tIl........ta1tle
...... of aa.q1l&_ anll1eJ7 , ......, ...... "'9 1;k1Gk ....... fit ....."'.
Be lI\Pfto1altl. P1'OP9SI" .... ............. 01... _ .. da1L' left. Ja
WI ....,". It JIll' De ........, _ :1181_.. tlalk 01 tile Dl...tat__n ,
tJI'laa17 tl"Ottps oowliDc 41.....
10. 5.'.b.e ft'a.a.b. ll1'Vial. _ ... lan d.l4. not .a4Mloe H;rea4 1M " ...
....tnc .u' aDi ...., lb.n DDllV.tu.lI a:D4 &l1 tat waa 110 be t ... ..... 1'tP' 1N"
... petie. of ,:be 28th DJ,Tlal-. .....ut_nd Ja&4 ... '0
U_ with .. maJ.n boq ot that 1tIlI1
11. aT. u .............. wen 1......84 - tile 11&...... -=.:t
.... IOas.u. s.n 1_ fnat 81' "nJd'IJI \Uat fI&I'I'I'l:aa .. lia. t..
-, .....atU1I.ab.tas oowaeil ad_ .... ..,.. tJ1d\tle..,ta os. ........... .......
tIa.Q 1.. ot __aa ... an Ia ., .... '" ......., d..inftloa Of .... .,.....
'\... 'b1"8lli:tl' .1lt.., ....... atAAllta. \8ft&i:a, 1M 1-*., ........
AJp.pW1J..... t:b.I _ ........ ., oUenaUQIl of' flre, .d. ... o.J....
ot .......las u...
a. .....Sl ..,.." efton wu bebs __ 114......1...tbeI'
of .. DlTlalbal ' .... -. a..u,. ., ....... __ 11M ,. _ .......
.. to... be..... __ ,,"'la" ....... WI. ...... pNItS.__ \Jilt l'l",
to the we.t ot 'a' lilt. J.' ti......." .' \A. J_otl.. of .............. IIIIIPt
1\ ..... ...., tlae win d4. .., .ded .t1al,J &GINa _ , .._. ,. tlIa
....... . BJ' a P"G' ., lattl"'_ .. '*'JIC ..aa... , ......u...... et ....
PG'WIl4. ........,. t .. lett ., 1M JII& .. ttl. I'I.aIn .f ..............
tIM'I,. J'eaQUcl pe...,1_ f "JIlaIl ....... 4ft MalA _ .....t .. "air - ..
Ja....lAI b. ., OV I'ltIId .... l.eft, ..............
lI. I am bt..... .................... &,-- ....
.. 0_ l"lg1n ..........f ..........,_ .. the cllftlJtlea _ ... caRt.
OBOJD:II' ad l' 18 p,.....I..., thJ.a at.....1........., la ..U..- ...".
It_ til .. f:ront. ......, ...., atac _ ......, .. -.
:NT8J". tin bI'ovgld fn........' uk .. lIN. .... lMtk ......... taAlJjt.....
"'e, 1Ibe oppoe1tl_ ia ow "... .... ,r..... ad. I ....................iIl
.......DIIJlt __ *-,01' ....__..., ...... _ ... JtJ.IM fit ,. ., ...
]A.. Wld"l...,.tl O. 1 wi Jaat ..... .. ett f'ftIl _. l1_h.... td
.. D1'Y1aloa tOll' a p.... of' tt.w tlIIPt ........ w1d... ,,_ lit G' '."_Mel --
UtI. wi. them _ pigeon ........, ...... U wttle1l ............ JIlI._ .. ]a'"
G't 'lila nperi. '!he -.n ctt .. angInA 11K aaftt.M ......... wi. ,........
:res .,. n.Uou, "POll 1Ib1crh tatr ......W ........ tlw ..,. ., t ..1atl_. /

ItO ........, ..... lie ..... .,. ........t ".......... t.... ....... .J
tt,=- I .. M ., a1Il ............. a4 ., till. ......... OIl ...... 0
a_61'" ...,..............,,_..... a_, IIiIIIrtItI ~ 11 W ...
..,. ."11 ...............,,,. I.Y' II' ,. ._..... _ .._ ........... .
en .""I' _. '. til .. fa fit ,..... ........ 14...........
11"........ dM ............ ., ..... t .... taM .w, - .,..
......,.............b -.-..... 1111 I.'"'' BU' If. _ .,_ ........
.........'-14................... _ ................... .an....t' ......->
" ""... .,....., ..........ed_ 't h. .......... ~
C-..I&, IIWJt!
OS .F....
FIELD ORDERS 60 - 61 - 62
B. q. "\A 1
.... Oo"ber. 1.918 - 2OBIO
.IEliD OltDJla
IlAPt i'OllBt '.&aGOI. - 1/10.000
1. Ja4loa\l0D8 polat \0 the oollOlulOJl that "he
-117 1a 11014188 the DDIIIIJ.DI-II.KlJ.1JIQ... hi. _111 l1ae
of n8la__ .,.... tdll. poal'loll a1l4 our l1Dea he
aala.1Da a cleep .'" poe.. __
the la, AJ:ml Corpa will at-'k 'the en8Ja, on 1_
frOD' tomonow. OO'obezo.a. !be ...... 11011 OD oar lett will
attaek a, 'Ul. a.. , ....
&. !ilia D1v181on w11l .''tack 6;46 "'1(.. 'toaon'GW
a. fa) :Bo1m4ar1ea " __en .1&&4.8 .,111 "mala __aDP4
.(.) ,be ......l ..\I...'ta110118 wUl a4....nee 80 &II
to _1Dkln a tro_t allreaat that ot 2&U1 1)1v1s10. on
ow .lpt. ... the ,""ell .a ...
I.) a.h anUl... tire .. Dr1p4- ,_
a1Jaol\ltel.J' ........,. 1I'1U .... eaplop4. a-h anl11eJ7
apport as the)' "que." will " hrDlahel )7 the 00l'llll8ll41118 11.... Ple14 ArliI1..,. Bftp4e. !hen Il\la\ he ...
_illl. 11" .of\108 .a1 n... wete4 '-7 ftre 1Ih1eh ....
1M ...ompllalle4 as ..11 '7 'he uae of le.. -...1'l108.
C.) Llalacna _, M Hove4 wIth 11ly181oa
on the --iSht, an4 .,It,h \he lreDOh t 011 'the lett, an4 the
'.0 lntaDvl Br1p4 au' oM1nate their a4TaDCe 80 as to
aH1IJ'8 aaI _batain eou'taa\ ooa\ao\ aUl'ing \he aAftljo
... .... an8llpment.a DO _&up.
6. D1Tla1on P. c.
....,or Geper81.
P. o. "th .fiaioB
....rloan B.F
, OOWMI-. l.V18 .. Zw.6
10. 61
JlAtt: :toll}!'Jt.llGOBO
1. lae 8J'l811l7 Goat.IDu to wlthAr 1n the 1'aoe o:f
08 aATimO1DtJ W00J8. 0lIr 11M haa ....11 maleZ'1allJ' a4Y8DOea
alOD, \he .B'U. 1Jtoa'- !he .'taok fd l a ~ A:a., Oorpa
will lae ooa"U...a to.owow. OOt.Obezt 8'Ul.
&. Ia. Jllylalon w111 8On\lou8 1\8 dyanoe toaozrow
3. Ille lI8Jt4 aut lMta lIrlp4e. rill oarry out "the
"eke pl"eTloua17 81ft. 'hem ill w'ruotlou mID '\Ile.
4. .A4m1DiatraUw aJ'Z'&Dpmenta - DO obaJtp.
I. B1Ti.ion P.o. - .0 ohanse.
..~ .. SeDel"aJ.
O.CJ. 1Ik4 .1......
C.Q. lHth lIrlple
0.1. 16b4 .le14 ""111817 BJ'lp4e
P. o. "tb D1Y1s. n.
A.E.},. 8 Ootober 1918 &Oil.
10. 68
1. !he enemy oOllt1Due. to retlr. in the our
a4TallC.lDg woop.. !he la' .A.rrq Oorps w1l1 oontlnu8 the &ttaolt
tomorrow, Ooto'ar 9.
a. the 1..-181011 n1l 008t18u8 1t. a4yanc. tomorrow
3. (a) tu alYan8e will be 80 con4ute4 that the
4tTia1onal tront will 'be at, right aasle. to the &%18 of the
SOUl of al...8 of the DivisioL
(11) !.he aa...._ "Sl__t of the 168ft Br1g84e
will M formed OIl the line of \Jle ral1roac1. aD4 "&4 J:'lIIU1iq
perpeu41eular to .DiTisio_l so_ of ...T.... from ".fr
'18.2 M N ....."
f.) !.be a4Y&Da8 _ai_at of the 1iS4'Ui. :Brlpie
wUl .. llroqh1; up .. ",0 the 11118 118.'tl0M4 1a the pr...e41ns
par&8S'a-ph. &II BOOD aa l' Is _oqb to oODlllOt the ....11.
'I) A8 ltOen ae all the e1_'O ar the first liDe
are OD 'Ute l1D.e of 'Q8 _Uroa4 aad rod above ...t1oa.l,
the a4TaJlOe the _tbe :trODt l1De will 00__08. 0108.
llalson "".en the two R1ge.d and 17 88Gh Drigade "lUi the
toro.. 011 1ta outer flank. ,,111 .... _1nt.iDeA tUoughout"th8
8."lre a4YaDo8.
fe) !_"_ "c1Jaenu of th8 'brlgades will oa:re
tul17 &D4 8P'-tlaal17 mop up the &:1'8" over wh loh the
troop.. a4TaDOe.
4. AtmtD1atrat1ve arrangements - no .hange.
I., 1v1810& P.O. - Bo ahaus-.
JlaJor General,
OCTOBllt2 TO OOTOlnm.9, 1918.
P.o. ""h
.a.rJoan H.l'
OO'tobe'r. 1.18 16b6O
Uh a 00.. _ 1A a 00".
L OBABAC!dla'.CIC8 0:1 'fHR MY, Wea\hw-olear. Liae-.a.l".U-to
'''0-'''3 .. If.e.'I." _ M."'f6.'16 to M.a., 'M '6.1..'6.6 theMe
al.oq BoaA .a.e-'6."
11. 8UMUAaY OP B1BIfS:
0.... ; _ope........ _ 18ft1 "81"J l1ttl_

yin. ft.n_ n.z.ease4
Pr1aonera .oapt1'.ll"e4. III...' _14 I _tiftt,. of LO.'a.
'ap \)7-.G. aD4 ar\U18r,- t1J:'e. :
Qale.. : OODa14erab:-:t.11
th1a Dlon11D&
-Ma)' nup_..aa au' 08at.era t 10 ftpoJ'1ie ot a.amase reo.lft4
....latauoe. pr1aolpal17 the :
len. OOB'tllra1D8 ,_ opentiOJl Ilu
"'Sloll :w. :
B. .&KRlA1. ACTIVIft:
0...-. s
two "porta ot l1ae , teda7 :
aaa two thla mOl'J11JlS. 0Ile or ,-,
"h1_8 in au ooaaiant.17 4'QJ'1II8:
..,,11gb'. OM mea.iDe 40_ -. :
...t. 8!. TllOIIA.S wi t.1l _1M :
\1'oule. Jolt. kurt. :
.. O:ff1eera
lCllle4 o 1
Woua4e4 a 1M
Gat o 1
,,1. .18(llU,lA1BOU8: b'la.on._ .. 1 0%t1081". 10 e.o's. 3& pzolTawa.
IBtaairr, ftt:' nlllDS balTa.. td ,.8tertq
aoem landed ta1r17 OIl til. eMm7 aah.. ltUllag ..-real. _4 .autlC
aurren4.h' cd \he nma.1a4e
B7 0..-_ JlaJ- General AlJaAumm.
'.0. "'h 1T1810&. Jaer10an E.r.
ootober 1118
lilt. .. 00\. 0.'" '- 11 Il.
CllAB.AC'!EBIafIC30' fHB _\her, 01.ev. l.1ae-aame a8 78ster4q_
DlAlf1RY AD!
OUo.. a "'7
he to l'a4t \&at JIlnMh .DiY... OIIZ" a\111 ....lft w1\h ....n1l&e
1. 1100 aetft1l lIOu'th 1UI tlIe : .... aDi 8Hm a.term1Det1. 'to holt.
1M..... tl1wn4 111 laell1Jl4 ow : l1Jae.
lAJft aJll ftt ......1o&\io_ f'na __
.... wi'" that fl.... s
m. AmIYIfYt
: 'IMa7
,.. 40_ a nJ.l1DC 'b8.J:'Z'8.P t.h18 :teU 1a BAVIIm : aGO-,,' s ...
_1ng at 6 L hD8 he...... :01lA ltLEVAUX ad elope baek \0 ......
..,.1.. flriq _;yo_ ....
,......'.&-a',," 8Gae
: 1'uo. npOJ>tH. Ol'l J'S,p.\.
II. AEllu.r.. AC5! Il'l!l:
OVa.. ,
two "porta r ...1..... thie JROJJ'1l1q I 11 planes seen o ... ou liaa
of voop ........D". f tJrUn417' a1.., , at about 11100 a. l'11!e4 at 117 ...
BlIA.RYI:r..a-,APRBnOlff B.... : .l.,A'a.
... or"rloers
nlla4 1 2


Ie.... o
1'1. .ISCBLI400U8:
lrZ'1ao_re - "nor"a.
p.ata. - 10 eJl8aae - Con_ted ooori.1Da'-e of D1T. P.O
aoo....8'l1.' )
l.lalaoa .omplew ..1\11 I8\h tv. ani be'tween BJt1p4
P.o. "'" lUna1
MIlU'lean LJ'.
I Oot. 1t18-lIh.
0PBlU.'f 10)18
l.21l o.'t. to 12Jl 00'., 1918.
OB'AllACTEBI13TICS OP DlYs weathe- e1e., lt1ae-... aa 788wr4q_
n. smusAllY or E1'&lP.fSl
111. .AR!lLLFJr! AOiIYtns
"asaills rift on fIt_'
11..8. Loaal preparation aDi : 0 report.
lIarrage :trOll H-H '0 J1 ,. a.818t 1a:
eperatl0l1 Oll rl8h' ...tor.

OUr 0..: EnemJ
"POrta;yee1ierl.e.y at"tenaoOJ1 : &eveftl hos'tll.e plane. 0'1'." 01IJ'
anA _0 '\his mOftiD8. all w"U71DS : 1.1Ma at llA )lire. at _
iD1'ormat1on. "8",8 t-Jo_ I A..A'a. JIG J"8porta as to ....ul\.
DiYision COt1lD8llder c1roppe4 'ttll.....L:
0.0. lett Bu. whO 1s ou, off :
DUet. 0 (*)
WOWl48a au
_ 4 0 ,
(to\81 kille' not 78' repOned. !he... at.__ 11...
Ia'l., ewo..f,loa.)
1'1. 1I18C:&I.UBOUSI
h180uera - IlOM repor'ted.
p.o. '. - 80 .hanse.
:17 0..a,,4 d General .A
J. B. ll. BAlIAY,
of S_ft.
0.0. 106 G. BD. 88th .Am. D1y.
0.0. G.:sa. la' C02"p8
111.... 1DSr. la' Bitt. J'oOf, 0 ......
war ])1az7 . ....JlOh JU.asloa
.r.o. "1i.It Di,,181v.a.
6 00 tobez- 1918 - lJiIl.
Ol'.ER.A! 1018
lA I 00"- U lA 00"'_
L CB&R4C!XIllS!ml 0'1 fD .1'1 - .1.. (.&'4-8'6.2) ..
'2M.a-2' ... ' ......2'16' '- ,.,.....' 9) "- C2l6....a'')
aM '''.'-*'6.,.) H '-.o-a'.4) aa4 alone J.-0e.4 to ..,.ten lto1U14al7
II. SlIlWiBY 07 K'lElfrSI
: BMa7
: .tot!... c1:ulag t" alga" aMlllaS
t our :!ron" linea 8114 azoeae aM :roa4a
: ooeup18a "'7 01lI' _oops_ A.
I - "-8 were ._1 o'f 810
I :Dar irag the momlng neal't,
: .AJmI Au OBOOBlft; .. ahellM .1ta
Qt'c\,OI\I lip '*)
Wou4e4 I M.
....... o
'*) fa..l k1l1ea not, ,..porte4.
Doae ....rat.e4 aNye Ale441lrag
baOD._ - 110
.0.-. .........
Mt LA.O. (JlHMh) nl.1eft4 fr_ wr niSh' of 6/6 001.. 2a4
lID. 806 .,..... ."iDa a... .. peal'loM allo11' a DB. 80U.$h o'f JJDAllTILa.
7 Cia .0l1li lIaJ- flcaeral
Chief o'f staff.
P. c. JlvlaloD,
A.._ ....a'ft 'P ..
.-........-.... -...
, o.t., 1918 14b61
V.c.lllAA.... "'VJ!I;;J
l2h 6 00"_ ",0 lilt , 00'\_
I. OBABAOTERISTICS OF THE MY: ".'her - Rab. lt1De-aama as 788urla,
OlD' -Owa. : lbMnQ'
'ie8ur4&7 afternoon and thia I iv:ODS " to our atw.oka.;
ao:rl'11Da our left mate 1U18uoohl :-!he Jim IIF.. .1' .-0h1J8 pllS ... 'to '
.'tempts to &4..... a..iDs, Vnolle.: haft 'been iae2'eUM.
I.B. of :BDARVILLE. Opposed., nneJ,
_liM _ alll artU18'r7 tire, wire:
&D4 tremehes. Bo advance of 1iDe. :
Our owa. :
llara881llg fire and lIlterdlot10. : 'ery aetlve 111 o_
:tire. Oounter battery ,\hia mOl'JliDB J tJ'ont l1aea &114. 01U' at,taoltiDS
: Weope.
Our 0._ : BJ2R,
'eZ7 goo! work Acme "1 Raerv- l 'plJlnea oyer CJl.AJlRlAHA.lJ!
82"8 1n iroPPiDS tood, &-..1'\1oa ad; OIl la7 _'1....a11"Oraft. EM.. "
p1p0'8 \0 :foro.. ou\ a ....18; MllOOll i1z-eo"10D of JWlCQ
Hport.d "'7 oltsarvera' U4. 8-2'16.. : 401rB 1Jl fl._a
" 11la8O top,.. t
V. aAslJALTms:
Y8awrdaJ". 0'1 ....ua1tie.. 1a. enOl.'.
Oorrect &S ..:
XUl... o
Gas.... o
n. .ISCELLANEOU5: hi.onere - 10 "port. P.O.' s no eb.a.nge.
It is though' that fool b'oppei to our tones
out Aas b..n rel .... aDl ,.,,'Ute;, a.-,111 flpt1ll8.
__ Comm&D4 0'1 lIaJ en' Qel'18n.l .lLEXAIJDM:.
J.. B. I. lU.IIAY.
of Maft
:P.O. ,,'til .ADler ioan :&.1'.
00tOber. 1.t18. 1...
l.2h , Got. to 12h Oot.. 8.
L OHA.RAO!fERIST lOS OF THE DA.Y: Weather - 1:'a1l1 aa4 01.81'
11:Da 216.6-2'8.1 '- 216.1-1".8 te .6.'...I,a., w
&'6.l-a'6.&1 to 2'8-2'6.6_
II. StJ.ImAllY Ol' BVElr.rS:
Oar ..... : IiDa7
81noe :ROOD yesterday 01U' l1:ae has :. ..duoed :res1stanee :from _. h1D8
abaneed to positiOJl given alto.,.. :_. Ri8tanoe on len 8tUl
"pillSt 1'84110.4 hostile :.ta1Utn.. .014i118 up .....noh OS
!he 1Of'Ul OOCJup18. the :tron" :OU' 1
11M of our left au"-s.. &114 tha I
the right 8_-...tor. :
Comaraloatlon "established ..1_ :
_-..a_ udar Major Whittle.a,.. whlM:
1l8a ' n the alTanoed element our:
Our 0 ... : BD_1'
10 :ruing. : ,0-,'1 repor\ed fal11llg beh1Jl4
: ou l.n 1n noinitJ
: LA BA.aAlEE &Il4 :fOft a 1AltO.
otu:' Own. : En.,.
1'004 and pplies uoppe4 to : Beyer&! planes over O'U' l1J1e8
18*'08. f ...%11' out. off aDout lIJaG. : 7881;er4&y ..
_ ..porta 'hi. A
IOUDie. 2 .,
Gassed 1
BIAGE REpORT - One 8n11sta4 man 41.4 luring .'9'&Cuatlon.
"1. - 10 repor\
P.O.'. - KG oh&l.l4Jt
All aclftDOa lIAXOfA BOW baing t&bl1she4.
B7 Oommand OS Major GenereJ.. A.LEXAJU)ER 1
i. It. B. BADA'f
Ghief of Statt.

aoath IDf. ])1'1'. Enp-.
a of IS 8Otth. IId hl'11"7
ao''\h IBf
1-2 ao8'Ul J.Jd 28th Am. Diy.
..... ])1'1'. M.G. :&D. 1st Coxps
163%"4 lb:'lg. 0.0. S05 X.G. !D. lat DiT. Foot CaT.
154th Brig. C.O. 306 M.G. Bn. Frenoh Mission
p. a. ?'lUl .D1vh )11. AmerUa8ll B.".
I oct. 191.8.
0.. DlY: ....\he.... oJ.eU. la18 &t6.2-1" . 2I
alema rea.. s. w. to 818. N .. 2'a.a..
& KDeIaJ'
Our 11De a4'Y8DCM4 1Jl lia1aea with s Yer7 ...'1_ bl wltA
..tTI_1ons _ rip" ani left \e t L I . ' _. srenad.. a_ 'd.a
gtYeD t !l'actloal17 no rea1a\w.1o. 18 ..
: this mornlns.,
Our Ou_
- ohanalD& pos!\lone.
If. .AE.RWJ ACTIV r.ry:
Line stake4. out at l6h2. ]l&t_..,; S.,..rsl planes repor\cJ4 _.
in aot.ion at 96.1-16.1 a, Hlali. .. froll'l 11aea ..
O:f:f1oera !len
Xilla4 0 o
wouaa.a 6 202
Gaaaa 0 6
.....klap report I B.K. 41ea eftOu&\L)..
,Pr1senore - a _,.\e4.
P.o. ])1'1'. - 110 eIle.nsO.
l.Ib4 Br18 "'" 100 748 ft8t o'f La YIFJiGE'l!fi:
lMtk arts. - to .... moW tocla7
.,. OGmm8D4 o'f JlaJOJ" ae..ra1. AliRXAlUlER
JiG 'flats SlIol1ldea - ~
....--se. 'ItllA ftter
'" .. loat _.-.tl__d
the sl..Uon en Wbat see
61.. o ~ tile 1....
ftr'OJD de 1& OBAPL.w&
'0 Dha4naagbt. ,
Situation 18 lUIOhanpd. !he lloohe ooa.......' ...4 Ye'rI
.hea..,l17 4v1nS paS' M hours. The .Din.loa -.a &1....
YU'I all8ll'13. 'ae .... ho14 I.A PAL.l!1.'jS DK.IOB. ....,
_ pUll &It.ea4
Dluboash' "eptaJd;Ita) OUt. .1\_1.10B \at.a7 .....,...
lIDObaDp4. 'Ihe __ ao'" 18 lIeh1DA our len tlaDk
ani ...........0 v,.iJ18 to p, .... to 7ft to 1p _1... _em
oa"- 1 will 88. 7ft fUo.. 1Iltoaat.loa ..
0..184 oo't. B. 1918
a.n.a.a are _ .11ft Jorth of us 1B -.11 '-""8 aDd ha....
hat. '- ...... IJoVl fl.apklt. OIl left fl.aak "f'R'8 Berio_
..... tbnqll two fd ... I'UDft' poe'_ wla, _. ZM.,-a,,.
1 .ft no' 'Mil ala t.o ........11.. peate 'M6a7
..... 1000 ro1Ul48 ..1fte .....,1'10. '100 __..ho' 2S boae
...h1De ... --.lt1oD.
oa...1'I ,...ter4a, 1D c A. I,. O. &. a. K. 8 killed.. 80
.....t., 1 $M __ Co toI.a7 1 killea 10 W01ID4....
'"_, .u..t.l...."D8f;h of eapanl Ilue 146. 81tuat,10Jl
"1'10118. 1>l8oe ........,.
f 8181le4) Ol'HltESU
B!z4 "le...1. .,01 P.L
A'n'1ft4 10ft 1'.11.
Ph_a. LC. 6tU :r.L
....... 10. 6 - a_1w4 'It#' DI'eatno1I8ht. , OWl' pho_ .'t 2.46 l.a.
ha _1&... 1.
Be _'ate4 ,he 81"t,10& ... &II
.. Bkw. ,_" be hacl .see.._1I1ea f:rom. a npnaen'tat,l" Ooqa
"-, the 7ftnoh OIl hla left wan 111 ,.... 'Ulan lle ha4 preYJ.o_l:r
tl1088h' ... '\0 h. Be M4 aOll"" 1f1'-b. _. P""'io11817 1m" he _W
'-7" ... 41...... ,. ltla len .._. He haa six .,.a OIl
the roaa I'A - JIOVLD ..e IJWlIBYAUX "\ the haft pae
........... h1a len 1n bont. of 'tbe ,..neh \. the "_ of t .....
.,..18..... _w _, hllt _a1eat!OD with thO.. "1Ip8n1ea. Be
...... \hat; __ 1111 18 8. 1'U MhlJl4 hSa that 0"_ GeJ'm&JUt .... DOW
MlliDI Jlla !riP" ft.. .. .ta he 18 aable 'tto se' _18a'l_
wltll !d. au 1708" 11ae ......h. _, _ has often" ft......,.81
lip '\0 olev Qenana 11l hie .....
, ....... 10. 498 ood1a1te4 OIl page)

....... h. , (O..":la. .d
I laf'onut. ltla " .., ,_ D1T1aloa 0......4.1" wnate4 111aa "
...11 ht.. l1aea .a4 01.. 011' QuomaD8 ill "81' 8114 neaWlll1ah
A fe........ af'\On'Qt.a I t.o Dela.... 1 that
_eab01l8llt 1 ..bee.... tU." he holt .hat he .baa &D.4 olea
"-Iltt GeZ'maD8 oa' t"J:'oII MAl.. lata. .. aa.ta4 me W a.3 '"
.... 1 'Uaat tJaat ......., he we 401Jl8a
a.atwl Oft%> ph_ 12.10 P.Jl
..a.... 0..... oet. 18.
,. 0.0. 808Ul Iaf'.
)l1l'l ..leaee. 10.......
au .....lYel 11.U at ,,"noh Loft #66 at OQLOIIlIKY
0. ftDIler pos_ ..... 'ltnkltL 0.. l'1IDIles.- .-apt...... Qezmana
f.a --.11 ..... an lIIRk1D8 in 0_ len "_ .'011'\ "'6-2'16.1
..... .., X l*V ...,. to M011.p7 tJaU &l11a aa4 OpeD the u..
_tan1 to ......... lilt. ...... at ."1 If,-' , ......
... leNt.'" hhaaa .''''01 .,L. aa4 haft ...
platooa to se' It.
...... ,au. a ...180.... who 8Qa h.18 OOfll18.la7 ot 'to ... _"
la ... la.' alP".... 2t6.1 fJtom ft&Il "'7 _\oil
v.&. Be 0Dl.7 tew 11.... Whe. 1le .... ill
fie.....hi.... -_taat17 tt....... _1187 1Ja .......
Jam ....l Bt&. T,. , .... _, "P. D) _, DIe.,.,.
...818-.. at 1-" ...._ ....1'1... two ....... ua4_ Lt. I.e&1ga
uw ,., tall.............
llajU" 1OI\h Id.
It 1M
h_ 014 rea4a0agll'S lOJaIl 0.\. I. 1918.
t ..._ 181.
We are ....1q eIlelle4 Genaaa Caa _ 110t haft
U'\llleZ7 .... .11-8 18 .-1Da nRt,hwea" Plaoe - 2M.6-2'I6....
( 81a-1) \IltlHLESB'I
,1)lpoll ...lNael .... -..1-. 18t 1111 80ith W.
Q. .Do 70. __ me .. set 't_, "0 ..tIl. Y... Iwill 40 that
1t18h't ..,
.. 1M
Ph..... LO. 4..&1 P.L
.Ill. fl1ll8\ 4ulDg the D1Pt- Our patrols in410aw Germans '111_
""'1r IurlDs \be .. ....las fu'Uler pawola now to wc1f7 'hi..
..." l2.80 aDl 1.18 ...... aix .el1& from our OWZI 11gb" ftU
OIl u. ...,. _ .... _" whell ......" .......w. l.e4
"'17. .. ...d Ir_ D. aDlA
'f3tIL) DlftL.BSEY. -J-. lat.
:aUt J'81MM4 t.I& ..:L
....lft4 , ... .A.1&.
ao_1 w ....... 0..".. 1.00 ....11.
0. 1911
"s_ Oenw. 11.10 A.Jt.
hea. JlaJor Whl"le"". "'h lat.
,.. 8.0. __ JIIf'._,.
a.........u,11 eOUDI UB. ltv." III smaUer aurabclra. we haw
........117 eJaelle4 _ ..... '-'de aoftlia8. ft'e8en't .1..1.1.....
...... ct. B. II ......,... 1", Jl. 0...MftJ& ......1. De.......,
l' - ,.tal hen M.., _. .'...
lit_ .::=:a Cod alM'"
00... H4 1t we ...... up ... JlUl.. _,. U11'1oult. io ....
\Jut _...... if we n-e.tuuaae ... 8'....."108 18 _,tins 1a'to ..
"pla1l'. Me..... a1lf":t_1Ia8 t.rom .tr.pZ' .....xt..... aaA the
__a' ... 111 "FI .......1\1oa. ONmoJt=:' M aeat. at ....
""'loa BK.,..,a.a. CSipd) IJl ___ ID1.
BUt. nl.aa..4 at 1O.U ....
.tfttlft4 10ft 10.aa ......
tao. 618 oo.tlD1l84 OD tollowU18 ,...)
'118 -... '!aM4).
'lpOll ......
...... a' ... ..aa P.L
,., e.o. lat.
hoaJ b' .... 108'Ul
along the road pazallel 2'6...

JlaJor ao8th.
.....quar'ten. 7'1'Ul Diy
.....lean K.J'.
" Ootobft 1918 UIaIO
....: Corf....1Dg hMn.l ,Yth DiTtaiOll.
'0. JIa.1or .1"'1....'. GoP ,.a4188 1-' In 808'U1 IDtaaw7.
1. ..1... ' ....11 1& 70111" .......t p081tloL Belp 18
to )'ou.
_ d .. ... Qeaeftl .&LEXAJlIBll
..W. BOWD. A.. c. 8. (Q-8)
... au. .
....... tor *.102' YfhltU...,.. C_n41nS lat BB 808th IRt.
1. a.,u. wl'Ul 70ur f ..... 'kJ .B8paeatal P.O. ,he a"'ter1t!o. t4
tile .., 1B 7fIU ft_ 1s Mba hlt14 '1 OUI' rUle aa4 maoh1a
,..... !hl. _oull __le 7- to 100a'te t.a. e.-q '" l11a nora aD4
1ke h1a 1a \M &-ear aM flallk.
_ 0........ _"or (JeaQtal A.L.UAHDER.
I,. Ill. ahiet 01 staft.
1-IQiOJ KB3S.i.GE 00\, ". 1918.
heat .. Whl1,'18,. 108\11 IDt.
'01 0 .. 0 ...til I1d'. ".sage Ceater 11120 A
...... *'" _'Ill aroUD4 lIS, 1",,, iD. .-U Jl181ten. we ha.... be_ heayl17
.....11M 1l,. ........ thls 1lOZIIlJi&. Pr...Jlt 81'1''1... aveng\h. A. :a, C, :s,
.. ,. B. eOllp8l11- 19., X Co. JOttll ., G. net-8ob..." 1f,
total he" "11" 216.
Gf110era wollJl4e4 .Lt, At Oap'_ Sua"'ll. O.
L". Daane.. a. Lt.. Pea1to47 aDA Benee 01 JIaoh1n8 Gu Lt. Wilhelm Co.
.. ""..
.e. 116 'Coat1nAt4)
.0. 116 CO.tJ.mle4)
eowr bat. H .. a4Y8D8e up __ h111. lery 4Uf1oul' \0 .w .e 1101Ul4e4
if _ lNOhaap our poalt.loa. 81-.\10& 18 .""iDS 1D1io 08 .WeuPh
1'&p1417. )(en a" .....t.%'mc ~ 1I.1ua&V .... eXp08ue. eal WG1lIl4.'
a.. 1a "":17 _4 eoD41\101l. Carmot. _ ~ ......, at 0....
Poaltion 2t4.'-296.a.
....lft4 at ....... Oen\81' ,,:22 P.L 0.,,_
t. 0.0. I08\h lot.
boa la, BD IG8th IBtaatl7.
'e .. aloag the road ,a_1Iel 2'...... oar anilleQ' 18 4nppq a
'ban.-age tUJr80t.17 OIl 1l8. ". ..a.... a lab p 1"
Kajor 308-'
It 1M
...... a.o. la' Bn. a o a ~ ~ . ..,-a,,,. _ease Cantu oet,. .&.'18.
tOt 0.0..."" IDf'
.ill tI'l1e' 4111'1118 U1e a18tl'- 0. pa'h'ola nd.l QeJ'mh8 1d.1ih..... I1lz'1D8
.... alP'. sedlas f'vtber patrola now 'to ....1"1f'7 'hla. "t, la".....
1.10 ...... 81:& .uu. boa 0_ 0WIl lIP" arttll.., ~ l l _... J&&a7
wlVdD 1800 ..ten of tront I1J1e. supplied from _Ureal. a1'&4 he aow
........ here _. _ out, .......v. ".4 :tatloas bacU7.....2'4 trc.
]) aa4 " OompaQ
SSil WHITTLESEY Djor 808t1l I.D:t.
.ow On th18 memo
Upoa telepAO
B1r4 releasa4, v.a A.L
B1ra !leoeiye4 '.f.8 A..L
PhoM4 "- ....... Coawl' 8.00 A.L
b,. Ohief o't Starf J. La. JIAI .... 'f:
U 1aqu1Q' 1afonaa .. he ... baa ."t.ump of _U_
"'''lq up an4 &n'NI81D8 t,o 4t'Y88uate wo..... Y1a ~ .
It. ttl
AaUlean E
has O_D41Dg aeaeral. "\h D1T181-.
1. 7ourlt in l'01d' pZ'eaerr' poal\1oa. Jlelp ia ooalag \0 ,...,..
.87 Cuaa." fd -.1- .&I.BX.ADBJ1:
.... BOlD. AIIa'_ " of S _
..., '.16 c1ropnod at StlpP17 Co 80' ROIDOHAJIP
BY R. RAKERS ON 4/26/99
Jlea4quaZ'\en. ''11ih lll't'1B1on,.
.AaerieaD x.:.r. 21Il00 OCttebft.. 1'18.
'0 fd Au 8en1ee 18" Anq c-.. (aee Behel_d.
A ,,!he D1Y1al.. 0......... 41__ me .. _.1_ atw .a....a forJlaJ"1."7. 1a ........ wt$h rq ........'1_ wi_ ,.. 'Ul18
attenaoa. It 18 "flue.teA 'Uta, ... ,... .... OIl' at &a_Oak
-.a1aS. 18. 1._1. it, 1M sent 0.' at \he _.l18s' peasl...1. __
ttaa" errat1oJl ..... _v.... aa& -.o..b of '\.be. tOlC ___
u.ppe" a!'J .....lJ as J.a ....1.o.lJli\, of ltaJ- 1hl'''lM..J'-. I.e.
.. 18 .... off tr_ til. par aD4 Boellea ... both 18 fS'oll\ of hlla aa& sa
.... 0'1 h1m aDa l' 18 ..,1 _a.8....y that t ......ssage. reaeh Ilbl
.., hla. JlaJor wlllt\l", I.C IIh1oh. bom all -saae:aa r ...t .....
b-0Dl h1m. 1. gi....n .. ...6-8'1.... ifhl"l."" la' :sa.
lOa"" Iataaw,_
tze efreet tJlla pUpa_. '\here'l._., 1\ 18 n......,. that '\he aeJ'opl_
....e...g rl:r8" locate h1a poa 1\101l wltJl extJ'4h18 ......,.. then to
a'.....t hie atten'10D ana. the. \0 trep \be ........ so 68 to 'Ula\
leas\ one of' the _aaaps w111 reaoh Kajar WhlttleM7_ It 18 alao
lapor'tan\. of' ... "ba' \heJ ... "'Opp4tA 80 a8fll" ldJrl Be to avela
\J:a8 dangel" of' t.he1r :falls-. la'to u. aan4u of _,_
1'& 1. :furthe nfl.a_t \Ita, 7011 ..1101111.........1:p1. Qf .......
__a 07 \eaptao_ \0 me ." a'I ott.e iii._ "lIOh 1--. la Ofta ..
.." __, be aaaure4 aa.te azytyal .'& JOlII' of'floe. fro-_
..oording '$0 70v atateaeDta thia e.ftenoOD IOU 11111 ..114 them to _e
IO'Ul .Aero Sqtaa4rOD 11, 8Zl o1t"1oer eo_'*'.
B7 of -Jar a.eral A1JaAB1lER:
lie M9
P.O. iv. i
ho. :Delaware 1 'N.6-'i) lIe888P"
Ba:re not Men ala18 110 a4ft IQ' 1.1lle more th&Jl aoo J'f&Z'C18 -J'ODI. 'h1s\ ani up agains \VUe and OIl 'Doth slope. of _Ue,.. I ..
'111 t:r71nS \0 pail ., _. &IU\ paaa eat. Wenoh
tile _ ... t.h1a .. has _h1M 81IB 18 bo'''_ of -Ue7 \th1oh ___
UUrTal. 1 .. p."iDS ....... on pold I 1ae11eft ....
PIUI to lte 100ak4. Shall oout1au. \0 puh and baYe last 41reotel
aap'tal,o who 18 1Jl t.e41a'H ..oopa .._u4. to ,nah hls

h. Iff..
.rr. DBU'itARE 1 '0 .reatJao1l8h' 1 8:86 P.L _ .._ Do. 2. -6 OOt,. 1118.
1 .. being held on geDGral 11M ,a.l .haaY7 anU1ea7. _hiDe ...
8ZI4 Z'1f'lA nr , French UPOIl our 1mmedle:te left or sllgi1tly to au
....... !two of their lialson &rOUP 8re wi'tb me. I am atw.""":tto
..a_noe and passea oomp8ll7 through iDternl 1n IiI". _111.8X18 1Jl
""t.0il 0' ra.Yine. I am 1Q'M11 with the oompany whtoh :18
to pass through and -who ill '\he la.' ta. a1Duws haft lost GTe 20
kUl.el aaa. W01ll14.a out _
h_ :Del&'W&1"e 1.
.l.t MeI-71 1'Ut Oot. 1918
'0: :DBtiAll1IOUGB! 1
""taolt atar1ie4 :troom thlc pea1i 2a4Ji P... OIl OoapaDl' a.plo,.a
08 .aoh alie of Bay1M (1 Co. 2 0 ......11......) sa
allpport. L1I'18 about 100 ,.... 1rl &4_ao. po1at. Lett
apia., w!zed enteasl.._,.. a4TaDelqal."17. Haft 81.....
orden to paus 81lppOl'1i ...panle. tilraagh bot\om of BaY1M with
.1ew to o'Q\fi8llk1Jag GeaaD.e. ..."a. ... __ SUB :rue r.roa
aU.. of the liaY1De1 alao lnf'auV7 anct Ar\111.8r7 11ft. helllal
tor all I am. wonh. Per8ODSll), 41fto"lIIs.
lJIoea4a0ught , (ep8&ltlng) DREAl)lOUGHT 1 dira. t8 tha" Y pUla
aa harl as he oan anA eut through. to hie woops 111
"'om B118ter 11 to llrealnought 7 -l3h3O Oat.. 6. 1918.
Yv1f1oatll)n of former Dleosage: ".eagea were g1..0 10 two
-.ohi_a. 3 to 0Il8 84 1 to the ot.her. S are dropped in the
!,lip_ plaoe: 1 ... dHpped 111 the reu ana be appal'8n'tl.7 to the 0..
H!'wr losIng hI, 1Jl fo
P.o. lvls1uB 2QbI8
.DL.D JlB8St\GE .0. .. Ii 00t. lila.
101 Comannding a.DerU& 1534 and l4th Xutaau, llr1p.4e. aDA
Ui54 )l1eld ArtU18ry Drlge.d&.
1. It is clGBired. that for tbe 6t.b. eff.t 1;0
,...'trate the hostile pOe!t1011 in ou tront .8 oQllt1nua4. It
la further desired thAt eYeJ.7 effwl 1M saad. 'to ea"-'blleh 8omaun
loatton with the detaohment ot th8 108'Ul "po:rted to be
at KOULIU de OHA1U.EVAUX. Tite Inf'Ut:ra't-lon of 1ihe e1l8lll,J 11ne
'Q -7 of the RAVIJJ.h! ae C.l:iAar.&VAUX will 'be oOllt,1Jlu84. a8 alao the
efton by the 1534 Bl" 18. to a4vanoe some 1_ el.-'I1't8 ao:rih
aloq 'the ptlQ'al. 11ae o:f the IWIIE CBEYAUCliE.E baA. .
the CQr:.ml8.D41ng Ge.DeJ:'al 0: the lM\h llrJ.aa4e w1l1 '-bl1ah ...
_la_in liaIson amoag Vl. ele_.ta lde .._pal. ttlaolq a ... ..
..._4 as D1T1aional 1n the v10 1n1t7 01 .e 4uSouta .hoIm OJl
1 \0 _p at 14...,.... 1.1a.18_ w1ll ...........lieh.a _4
.1Ilta1ned with the ftenoh D1y181011 Oil ..... left. It 18 'bell....e4 taa"
...... r18h' .r that Division wUl .. :r..... in ,he Ylo1ll1t7 of the pl.aee
... roa4 l'UniaS East froa BIlABl'ILr.& enWn _. B1T1.10nal .A.ft8..
!.he prlnolpal eUort of ,be COUN...BAing ".r&l of the lAd ...1g. wUl
.. to olear hi. front of the _-.,.. ..... ........ hie 11M. The pr1Mlpa.l
(NO 589 continued on next page)
Ie. Nt (C",m.4l.
eft.. of the C"'!Uld1Dg oi l54th Brig. will ....
....liaA _....1o&t1;';11 wl"-h 'he el.emeaw ,he 808t.h l1lfezltc7
Mar ihe JlOUltIl de OBa\.BI.i1'AUI...... __'tile 1JoAlee the
eno.,. now .i3116"4 \0 " in 0'1 'that petalt1..
DJ.. Geaen.l.

bassgo for Kajor _ Ooft._'. 1fJalO .. . w
CQImuandlng lut lm aoeth In:t&atl7.
1. IietU'-e with ;rOUl" 1'01"0&& \0 Regiaen\&l P.O. !Mle of
\he enemy in your rear is be111g h(#14 1IJ' ou rUl.. v..n4 Ja8<Jhine sa t1M.
this should enable ou to l.ooate tho enemy ItJ' a18 tue &ll4 atrrikehl.el
1D 'Ute :rear und flUJlk.
B1 OOlJ:tuand of :l&\Jor General AhU,AIU>ER:
J. R. Be llAlflIYAY.
Ohie:t of zta:f:f
....... 110. a.
Dreadnought 1 4081roci aUpllme 'io gu out ol.\06 m4 eop a
..asap 'Lor our troops who are OlLt. off. Her .i8 tJw meesap:
.M'.BSSAGE POR KAciOR - CoordlD&:tes 294.6-296.3
lilt Dn. 1OO'\h Iaf.
oar ..oops flOl' ttacking in ravine Svutbeoot
of Jrolfl,I1 4e ClIABIJl:YAUX. n. Division O_..w1etr a,u..eota
Jt:tu retire and figl:rt way through. tb.e
Qermana :!rom the rear while our 'troops their tron'\.
"ssap for ItaJor ftl'ltl."7. COmmaD.41Dg lilt, .... aath IDf.
Jlr1p4. h"i'm.aler new .\..ldDS Qeman ill raTiae
...te..., J(OULD ....uaLETAUX.
:a1",18108 0__....1' llftot. 70U NUl tigh'" 70U -7
'-'kiDg tMrmau fra '\be ..... whU. 08 Woop _rap.. ta.1r :f.I'OIl'.
ChJaf 0'1. s..
It, H.
'l'ltJl Dlvi8i01l.
Aae1!'iean E.P.
Ilamo to OORlllflnd1ng QcmenJ.. u.'Ut. 1af, .BI'1
1. !au ,he ...,antes now 1JI D1'Y1s10l1al Beuer.... 1tl tt. ri,elnlv
d the Depot a. lfa4h.i.a, prOOM4 wl\h per_DaUy 80 that you Clan
their _"lon asa1D8t the :aoohe ....hee shown 08 'ihe
1,10.000 Plat s.r...... ae J:'QIIlliJig BOUtheaa" fI'om La palet'" !'8'91.110.
,_ ftenoh have DOW taken .Ltt. Plaet.... :raT1liOD 8M QJ!'e clepencl1ng Up" OW
....pttat.lOD to hold it. A'taelc. and ar1... ant the GermftS 1aterw1l8 Detwen ou aml pos1tic.ln iIldloate4. ALEXt\NDKR.
} General,

1-2 "1ia D1T1aloa. A.E....
Oo'to'Nr '. lela.
" ase ....1...1 ...7 1-2 at
...... Lt. Bolt. 10th oM" S.-uoa.
..n 1lp 'U"71ag to '0'" ani __1'\'011 lnl" ...t bad.
At P.L aaw e1_ tla:n. "e1Dg Rot up f'rClfl the
tuB ;la.ter. en the :aoaa. - ... lt18 _1... fiaH..
... end' voops on r0a4 at .... :place - 2".8-2'6.8. Squadron haa
.... al".ppillg to04 aDt1 _1'108 aU 487."
.0. 18
llemoraD4um to G-a. lfhlf.. I. 19l8.
S1psl Office:%' "porta,,,,, 1IIt.11. ai WillO1'7 'flO ef l1ear8 from
tJle lO'th Aero SqlUJ.drofl n.,1I!C plaaa 10. 8 .... 111 afteao heiDe
:tore_a to land near BlIAltVILLE and _" 8D<.ra llaok W BI"lp4e
Headquarters. lS4tb. was the pl.aae that was OBJ"!I'11ng
rooA. am.aal'lon Bad ..410al aappll to Raja.
be.'''-l14n. and 'b"an the int'Ol"tlStloD p1n&tc1 ther ba4 d:roppe4 the
alloft arttole" the 1)l8o. when _t'tallon ... lan kIlo_ to be.
31gnal &&14 thAt the aTta'Mn h&i maa. & eoap1_. ".pentt ..
IaMllipnae OU10 CJA!?'l!. DELElAftY of the soath 11I:tau.trJ'.
'0. HI,
zage 10. 16.
Reoe1'ftd by DJ.U<.!ADNOUGET '1 b'Oll Orfiee of DOlI&lmAIi 3.
Diftot a rtgornun of:fort be thia af1e:t"JlOOD to "1iil"
'tM Oompanies on the let" of: the '17th 1)1T13108 thai are cut otf.
S'Q8Pn that they be not1f'lod by nerCo):plan.8 of thoa\1iack 80 that ,_
ao"lon of the people out oU wUi be ooordlnaw4
.Above order frau .,ilrruJ ... transralt'tcd by Oorps.
stated that all that had bee. ordered had all's",.
lteen done an4 ewry' eUor\ was heing awl. 1oOlt1a8 .. "11e1' O'l the
1:..... out aDd as being n:rte'r 117 llBEADlOliGm: ..l 111 p.....
Six planes workIng to ot:trl"Y out tho aUtH'i11es t.wo of therr, ii&G eome baek
1aef'ore I left the field, the :t1rut one l'eturnillg .l.a1ae4 Ut.&$ be .......
aO'f'ement aronnd the point. Tho aecond plane di4 not se. at &11.
the supplies point deSignated.
!ht lst plane dl'oppe4 pl.-olUt and says that he 4Z"oppol the Oage _er)oaJt4
in good shape that the parachute opene4 80 he thinks pigeoSls .....
all right.
The,- foftl prett7 good aoout that. do the,.. Gooel wor.k.. 'tha's fl.
Itt ,M.
10. U, l2hiO Oct. '. 1.8.
lIUUDBOUGlB 10 :reports' planes haft gone to:rwaa-d ..1_ te.... __1t.1_
ad med10nl aupp11os. lwo planes haft returned 8D4. M". gone t ........
with another lORa.. 411 nol 8M ..,... 0J1 Uletr fus' vip bd
the and the me'M1"1al at. the 00.41.__ p.Yea.
lJlEA..D.BOUam..., Jus' kHp them go1Dg - )all.,.. the oontlJlU8 to .&1:17 nt.
t11a\ misalon.,
llA!:0!A. 1 - IthlO Ootober'. 1918 (Through Dakota 11) 6:46 :r.K
850 ,,)!WAs west of thO oreea-roaflS I.A. OIl "Jut
aor'th s lela of the rOlld. Our m.en have Haahed this ,-.4.
ill. -ISr4 Ba:ttal1oa 804th u;:: puuhed up t.o the r_d 9'.2-".6 to to....
".-t. The ls t Bn. 306th. 1s on t.he ftUrQG.c1 litp18" nuan1Dg 011t northwest
"'et...ll tIlt) tvm roads at the croills-I"oacts LA VFJiG.r:S.'TE. Zha 0.0. oltha'
N ttAlloD has orders Q tonlght up the railrGfi.(t thai; 'r1UJ8 81_
,a. I hay-a aent 'the EngIneers to .11t roads fc him so t.bBt M .en rG'Uh
that po1n'L !he 28th li1vln ion 18 ea_' at aa aRdhaa alloat Ii oo.,aa1ea.
800 to 1000 Fr4s north ot IA They an a topped by at.roJ18 IIIflCthlM
ptl -rift tram tho d1reo'tlan of CllA.!rEL. I ani gains to plaoe troops ia
...1tion extell41D8 pl"aa'ttoallJ' alcmc from th4 ...'tern lJoucla:ry ....
wood roat wfwre ,,_ 1Q6'Ul Wanv7 iii aafl J:'alJ.r0a4 ""8 I
....... arie"" the l.t Be.ttali.on ZOith. the.. \roo.,a w111' 'tM
28't1l In ole.s.ns 01lt tho...... 80 Uaat -7 aloDS nad.. I
.... 86Gn Col. CongeI' and lUlft 'tuld hla 1 110111& plalM M. 08 h1a ldt,.
tbe 2a4 Ba. 106\11 18 up on 'h18 ...1 &Ill .....n ""'"17 to' \M
1eft o,f oU'!' ae_'-.
I haft a'trong paW-a &l.oug the 1,0 eonta. too 1........... .
of t..h8 D1.... ..\or an4 to bolt t.b4t r0a4 itO DO ,........... ....
bJ"ought cn the front of the lM'th :DrSp.d ....
has been oOl'rt,1nual tnnGhilia sun fire in tbe -,alle7a in fien" at
'Ut.e lMth Brigade. I haTe 1!ent Offioers to atop .Aiar1ef1D8 f f'JzJa.
'to lRotect any of our ItiGll shoot1Jig aoh ot.her..
'tou can reach me hare OIl the tfllephuu whelllCl'ftl" 4eaJre4. I .. '"
k71ng t.o locate & lllscut for all the elements of thQ ot.lllmand for 't.
1881:'17 all tho elamenta are In tho vialnlty of thia .ronA.
10'J ft4,
....... f'l-oa Dll&.... 1 :r '\11 00\.'. 1.18.
__" heard trOll Kollgllwa: h1e a4ft1lO'" ...wo. the
llae ......'6.9 a\ 2 o.lou.. aa4 he 1.8 _0""""17 .. 7. DOW. 118 18 moT1JIC
ap \0..-48 WBl.!f!LISB'I .... taklD8 ";\1011. ani Iltl410al 81lppliea.
I haft gl...n b1a _den \0 ,aD Oft.. _t.1z'e 1.... of'
lirf.p4fl t4r _ ani...l aa4 IOMh will .,.\1__ '"'- ..0ltIl
l1De "8lMJl'l. OIl tbe left I JIa'Ye __'\ 01l" .. ...,..,. OIl eMb e24. \0
-7 011.'\ 'IIlIa"-. 011 \be tN.,. thoae __.he. on "htt left.
aa4 Jtlftn orlera tor 1'&1.10_ aI&4 ae410al 81lppl1ea to '" rlUdlecl up oa
.... -. ..................... __ ... ...
I thlJlk 'they he..... ha4 ord.1'8 \0 get ou\ &1.1 alo... Sir.
t ..,,...., 1" loob like. 'fo. _" 401118 the "at ,0. GoulA. I
I a. P. c. :OIY1810..
8 0.\ 1118
to: Ot't1oer la OhaJ"ge of TI'uok 1'ra1D ..0" :r.. -Jar Ihl"le.187
1. Jla3- Whl"lNl."....._ .baa Deo. $ekeD. ,. DE?O! ...
JUDJilfld. 'loa rill --.,..- "por' Nek a.tloa. ..
Sa nUM ,. p1ek IIp oleUl1Jli t up."'" _tIluac aa4 cleloU1as
.1Nl' ... D1'91810a ........... aa4 ..act th_ ...... to lI&JOI"
WU\Ule7 a' 'Ule .POI ... lIACHIDS BDWll'ILm.
J. ll. It. JlaUR.7.
Ollief fd staft
0 ,,:.
o._ltft 8. l'l8.
DlftLdBlf 8 OOlm.AJID
na "_he, oa
00".... 1:11184
U1 OftlO.l'. M
..'Ut. lat. ... I 1 H' Offio....
0..... LI.....
aal_ an4_
00. 10'''' 1Df'.

t.tal ..... Ort1aera

.,' (Ooa'1Daa4)
_ ...84.
116 I
_ a
'11 m
to tile Gom_ada. Oft__1"' ....
8Ja4 Jlau. I. L 108 d 1ibe "til
....1' ... 1,,181-.
1M Be..- fd t_ .....m. COw.KLL B. 1IOI..L.IIG8KBAD. Aa8 8M.
kk'e. pna.... 17 .. OIl o.'&oN.. Be ftt"usea t,o
tM Qaaaa Jatells.a-- Oft..... eft!')' __I' ,. Ua ....U .. alii
1a q1l1te ..........1. 1ellew. 401........ _ hla bl tM
.-sa.., ..... of t_ ....
lie .... Mea ......... _18at, hi. wlll. Mlleylq 1a a.tq -0118
'M ale .....,.. sa....,,,.. ...... tala .......n" I.e,,"" tro ,he 01118.
1a ..... of tohe .......1. I. a. ... ". DIY, with ,he
......__ t,hla 0.111..... to ..........1' .1. hla for..... l' woul.1 1ae
cU" .......18t. ..,. .... 18 ...s.. of t,he p....., .....1\18..
1M lAI.ft'.rlq 01 .,.. ......... .aJ'l .... Jaead ,",81' her_ 1a , ....
...... 118ea .... _ an &ppMltac ,. 7f*'I h__ t.iaenta. A. with.
ftac aAowa It,. ... 70ur .en will tell _ that, 70U ....... w11h ....
n .... ...., .. CaOULL K. JIOLLDfiBBAD as aD ....
Be 18 quite a 80141_ - -97 ,...
00'. 191.8 18IaOf
Oeloael. loJuasoa ftpOrM tAa, all. of hSa elemenu .... 1a e.taapJre.
Be Rought. Mok lfaJol' ...."U..le7 &D4 hla WoGp8. .DBBADlOtlGH....'
haw .." nul' 1._ Ilia here - 4.1.....1Ds. 010..... ltU1e'ia
.... DBEAJ>JOUGlIT-l ........1f1e ar..... _oat \bat.. JUAIl' 11_
41no, ....8 to ' .....11." ,'- He ....... me dino" ....1'. UolI."
'"" I .Ul ..e 1 e .. 40 Moa\ ."t.1n8 'iM o'thW .'luff "'. 'lila.
.... J01l ten - _Oll' 1fhezt. 7-- U. is .ow!
OIl M:d pap)
, r.frr- ;'
IF s. I- .. I ,",0

.,.=.=-t=rCfl!I:'" r8
J Wi!!.I.rir;:i
, != , t5,.;, !
i:ah.'lta. I"
Itfi ..
ftc Icsi'"1 1$1
.. r"""ilfITi. a 'I'tl" !
.. r2A;t& ....
i2 .... il_!:o, ....
"'i1 !'ft<: I o!rl("lr .t'1l
!'j;J I
ifai'll" II S
.,.........3... 1 itt.. i
f I,

I _frf!I,lfi:
: ;
I .... It: --, Ii ...... a.

I:."i c
Ii , ..
i r
,.; ..,-,.,...:-,
'''11! . f -ii
.... 0

... :rl ., ""2-
..... =
! ft'l t
t:: .. llli-ar ...
i':'; en
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-'I: ..
.. ... t::1:1 r=""l

l"" I 1'4 .. Ii =... =-

c m
, ...
:l,- J
Ii". IE:L r I .. i.., ......
.. t'
...!eia,; Ii: "iii

,i i
.. fl. 0
i.4'tl;i I i'rf ,alii
I !' lO,,.
.UJfJ I .,J1
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.... .... ... ...
dl I,; f 1...1

.. iiU,t!
r ... Nf

(f;'Jr: i 'ili

::i r
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..! t a"1
Sr-.. fSii ..
i, f ;
.0. '.1 'O"1au4)
el... Oll h1a r1Sh'. Be h.aa 80' '0 S8' .-&114 M .... hie
... '\0 1ihe len .tore he wm .... 1'...... Kla ob.,..' 1&
W BlOft t ...... 011 \he Irt.......008 as peMBle. fbe .....l1 .....
_"Ill _14 lip 'tul'a a' J.A PAl..EftR. !rhea ie
..14_ ...,.f - ......'-S7 a' ,oa' 011 -.p..... WUl la, _
un ... he he.... frOll JoJma_ .. u......
lha' la .., \be riP' d 'theu 1.... 1tnt oue eomp8DJ' oall"
wh10Jl __ I .......' as 11&1.011 fI'.I'O:r !he :rlght of 011.1'- 11M sa
:tur\Mr ltaek. 1 haft woo.,. "Y tM ......rtat0a7 ... _ an
..tae W W:7 \0 ..... t,o t._ let, &Il4 \va ",.,. 011' title aftenoOJ&.
Iloupt.. .baa t .... WQ' 11"18 'A1a JIlOZIn1DC
a little aa.ehln4l p.n r 18__
108_ lnf. ad ) a,. ot"11Gua
... 10.8. .. Lei. Ill.)

eo. X. .'''h laf.
.. It II
4tU Ht.....
th... r.'uraa.
:r.Ucnri.q ....... 116 - .f .hloh o:rt.....
... Btt..t1...
,.tal I
Q1' k1l1e4 ad ala-laC
ot1'lo" 1Ih1eh laIo_ 'h lie
_llld aai eth a DOWD ... 'be
.0. 16 - Oot. 1118.
1'.1'_ llBEADIA.UQli! 1 .. llRE.ADllAUGH! a.
'fell G-l send teD V'uelt8 the po18t oa tAo LA. TlEBRtD
.OULD de Caa1&YAUX B0a4en he will JIaJ- Wbl"le"7'
m...... BriaS Wh1tt1...J' ... A18 .....".. ., '.ba Yle1Dl'\7
o:t '\be paM.' 1Y. 1.0. whezre \he7 earl haW aa Op,.._lt7 .. p'
(_out 1Due4 on Db..' pap)
'04 fOoat1aul)
a &a4 o.b.aJa8e o'l olotA.a. .uranp to ha.... kl_AeIl :t&e1U\1..
'the.. men. JU",,, a-l to baft a .-pate .haap ole'Ul
h&47 t. abou' 110 -.
I .,..
Me.sage .0. 12. hom: ])ellft.. 1. a..... 11NO 00'"- 1111.
1M aJOfhh 1IheJl the,. we.t S;a wl'\h Wh1tt.leee7 bad. .,. -.
laoluain C. ad D Cos. of \M ..'" La. lID. whlah _ haft
82.1 .en an4 .n-lo-" len. Co. L ..,_. __ 11l wltA 88. .,
_1Gh .. baft ,a :nma1Jltaa. a _\8.1 fd .... all _. fd
116 &1'8 1JOUDleA. 61 __bar ...... Xl11.& ....la8lJ181
011'1083:'8. of whiGh 4 an known t.o " Jd.llAl4; o.g ,he & ale.....
o.f:t1oers. 2 Do_ 'to 'be wolUlde4. S other o.ftle.,ra
DOW 1a .. bAD4a. 10 eallaW4 mea Jt1ll.e4 GIld. mlaa1D8. ,.tal
kUle4 au miaaina It.
the lb:'enoh are alowlJ' 0 _1Dg on WI len and me."1Dg Jus"
a llltle resist... aroUDfl 1,& P.A.LmU. .Am}llUlh1ag oa\ to ".
la'ft to SI- tllem a lU' Wh1D4 the Btm48. K'lftJtI1Sq .1.....
ft", ....181. .. ." t&J'Uab.t..
It m
Ie. 10
8 00"* 1'18.
:muu..OUGllf 1 haa ..u-.. ... 1. AU:0fU 1 110 haw aD 8II1tul_ statloB
......llsa.' at poiat oa roa4. 16.1-'' at 0Me. '!llWe ue abo.., ao
....lt188 do_ t. 1'0&4 4War ill the othe:r a.o"'8 Mloua to
8 lIa.
It. !JI
8011 llRLAWAHE-l Oot., 1918 J.OMIO
!h. Pft_A have Dot taun LA PA1'ILWI an4 \here aft
.... QeJ:IAan8 1a '\he Venehea t=8I1&_11 to "be J'1gb\ of , ...'
the OB8DVJ.fOlIJ' 1\ 18 oal184. the :m"A an ... __bag ........
ani I .. SO1JIg to pt BOUQB!O. to n1ratr 1Ilto \ale __ 884. t:I7
aDA se" these people 01lt. I .. ___ the 1'011_ Utoh_
.. alOBS '\hat roa4. I __ w.J a.rovat. the rlgh" f'l.aDk
Ll VlEBGRftES. !rhe :roeut 1s 1Ul4er abe11 f'1re. Ill., Opinlar.a 1"
1I08l4 be _11 'bette.. t.o '1"1nB tMm ....... '" BDWll'II.J.B. ...
"'Z9 _ oou.14 ltZ'1Dg til. up ..,. ,..k t.n.1rl aa4 W01&l4 lte u1e
W o&ft7 aem "lib' 01... up w the :tJao.' liM eat w.4 --'I
sna'll' ease ."ina applies up \0 \ ....oopa. , ......... .....
10. no 'Ccmt1lme4.).
lItEAllIOUG11'l-a sap that mcraoDOUGB!f-l 411'eou \bat 1ihe,. , .....t
a:rouna b,. "tha'S otb.v roa4. When 111 1itlat %'IJ8.4 aUr abell
JBL&\t.tJl'B-l tlle whOle :rnat 18 m.. .. 1... U1ller -.ball ft._.
men in ...tta11on who haw .... lI'tas a1_ t.laa
...... llJJ then an -'*tlU7 ...... ...11 tta. IJ' -tasJlI8
....pon aloag 'tthatroa4 It W01llt exp......... -.p .......
aMl1 flI'e ana. it w0lll.4 'M _b. ...1_ to -iJIC -....,..t up \M
JltBADJlOUGB.'l-' Alr18ht 10 ahee4 aDel 40 1'- JIOtJGeOI "pete_
the.t there was no ehell fire on the:' JIIOILt..
It, no
.0. ,
I.C. ,fth Diy. (G-2) 1k Oot. 8. 1918.
J.:ner CtoJlftrst:1tloD with some one at ll'EI1EIl-l who was with
the S". lIaJ. of WhI'''l ..,... lm I ph0ae4 as to Corps:
"Whlttle..)?'. h .....'4 noth1Dg :h>om au... altt1.,.
18 o. L en qttt .ak.,
Be .. e.tlmate4 ef:teotlw streatrUl of Ba. as lIS ... _4
&0 wouaa.ect oOlling Ollt.
'i'7TJi DIV 16101
DAfED OO'lOBm t. 1918.
i, At mi. Bea4q..nera. nth Id:Ylalon
.-ri_ N.J'.
Gift.. ~ .. DiYlaloll 1u,pM1a'.
900wber, 1911
1. As p or iDStl'UC'1olJS CQI&8.UDed in lfImoJBiDdum. Beadqaarten. ant
b:Iq, A. E.F.. ot'tloe of %Ds18GWz' Ganel"&l, e Ootober. 1918. I repon .. toll_tag.
(a) On Ootober 7'Ul. the .'ubbc)rn nslste.nee a the ell8DII decr&aH4
and OlD" line staceedH 1n ruobing tbe pHi tlou ot the elilll'..... ll8aI' tl)TJLD DE
OlWlLEV'AUX. 'J.'.b.e decreased 2 '\9 resistance 1nd1caWd a wl1;1b4--.1.
(b) ~ t o n 8 were undo in tb.e lWrl:d.llg to a.d'vD.t1ce and a hea'v7 antllel7
pl'e.Paratlon 'WES tor 14Il00. We anl1le17 P%'tJParatlon was not oalled hr.
b.owfteIo. d_ \0 the wi Uhdft.wal. 1n OlD." froa'.
(Signed) Fa R. RIIa
F. R. lUOlt.
lfBJor,Int8.2DrJ'. U.S.A.
D1vi8ion InapeoMJ>
DUED &t OC!1.'OBER 1118
OC/fOBl'B a TO OO!OB '. 1'18.

......... 1M0. li1t .......
Jae""_ .s.J' 00..... 1111.
It.....f o,.raUc)luI of t_ Jlf,a ZIlt. Bdp.a. 77th DI;,I81eA
b \U 'tn.... ' troa 'ap' ',.,. 21th '0 Qo","1' 17. lilt
CMt.beI' 2nd. 1'11. b .-nS-, 0 t "ld.a c1q _. at..... ....
... .:ad the tIo ................aatG.l.. At 11...... _ a"-1t .. ...
- .. tol101fbg "-.It., OIl ,lie laft d.x OOJlpal.. fd.JIIt .... III..... _
....-V of "'. lat., wtIlcll ftU,.... tIM '118. !at.. _ .....4 Sa -"Uaa
.. lIP Sa tile --IV' lS. et ...... 11M.... to.. 1. ....... t a ....a.
* '. _nil .... .-.. .. ,he lett fit 1M Jb.' ....... ....... nll .. ... ..
... ....... at Obarl...... IItl1. 011. 1':I4lt. .., IOftk 1&., --1I8IIo1a 1If....
...,. 1l" aal tNDchea. tit to t1l18 , ... ",. lett tlaak )aa4 beG p...u, .......
tbwt ..., tal. Dt"fllion. U.S..,....... 1-' ., 1dle '1la' DiYs.l-.. h Ia, ala.
at all U.s these ualtr, "1" '0 III" .... the ...'aob_$a ., 1VItIl JIll.....
.... l'af'. _der OCIIRI'Jld of ..,.lIdtU...,.&11\14 far ..........
... .. tutftDUOUB reotl,..d. tJIOa .... Oc ...... tt;p1IIIa. te.lWU'4 ,,1-'"
........ w fltlb," 1_.s.q ., len 11_ ....... b""'
t taut' tJaat the '"-* U. 'IIIWa). W. ......1". _.nat., ..................
M l.r., wlltr8 l' __ held 1a tffJtJI".' Germal1llo U4 ..... ......
., a4Ym... 'hili f'1'o%l.' a. 't..W .... ,..... flaau lloldas tWa a. .,
,,........ l' pel'b1e tor 'boa ....s. b tb.e flllDlt 1B aaJ' of ....
t .. "I nd whlah bad a4Tanoet. , ... dlddl7 ot Q1Iul..... MUl. IJ.'WCI .....Sn
ot 108th Int .....4 tOnrsft._ ...s. to oJaIe1dmc 811J .....,..., _ ..
put of .. ...., aacl JIIV ......... alsO.,e4 wl.l ,. a. f'J'ed .. fN' as
1 .. o01tl4 " ..en before .s..' ..t In. aJor tU.a..,. :ba4. :bad .riU. naehbc _
.. Cbu'lG'Ya_lIll1 to holu. ...dl ... 0". ele__ ., taw 11 JIa4

0.'. II. 1918. QD. tJd.. -Jr&1D6, ._1" toreso'. 4beo"'_.
the Bri6ade less .lea2lta "'1' ...,.. 1211_..1__, a' _. __ bat
.u;Il a .... - publlll8 tol'WU'4 '0 lba Of aMl'1e,... Mlll. !.hJ WIle .....
at all peiUa, e-DIV dubS the .... IIa'f'b8 ..... Sa t .. til......... .,
'zw.a. alreaq OOuu.t.d. U4 Jun-_ cl1I:rIIlg u. JIl.tJIIR ;pl__ ...... Ia . -,..
fit 'f8llt7. fwO .., ... dD.IIIIc ....... ,.......... _ ........l .....
.... _lit taile4- ad a' D1.' .. ..u,.a........ _ ..,.. - 41 I .........
....,. D1ttl ..,. bel_ o.-.
OoMbe. 4. 1... a. "* to rle14 It
.".. Dly., 51 ooto". 1111, e..... attMk oa --. 's ,.."loa was nIIlUb."
wlD .. u.a of to .. U. JId4 .... ...*lIIe at ........... JIIll.
_ oClladGll, 1ike ati'MZ ........,.." .... 0_ 1.,' 1rU ,......
_ ow let. aII4 0111' ]Aft. au:. ...... I La.. 011..1 &...,. at al. "- ....
-. 'N ..u...... u... 01 ""':Net I " ..... JJt;t ta... *' ......
.....llbg W .. ... lid,.., tv......., .......... Ita "nll.W ....
.aUa. Jd.a ........ " .... ...,........... a' Vda _...........,..... -- ...
Dl....ld.oa 01 F,_. OIl tatJ.. _ ......t ..... *e f'Mt ..... t .... a I ....
.... .. ....t U&l , ............. .null., pr........ .
WGIIl4 lbatq '" - ....IUhl, ... .". JIll............. \0 ... _ ...tal ...
_11 to thel'lgh$ aDd. ....,..r '01* __ ........:t. a..11114 the left f'l-.k.f ..
""'" CJ'eJ tlM'ldBS Ida &Ill ""Uaa Jdj ..... ' ........-1Jag " reaelt. -.,.1'
\1lk1tueaq ... 1Ib.1a --.. Jo' tIM ... "- aI"I'al__...... 1ll lJN.
BI'lpU oa 0.. riga, tor ua.. u ...,. ",a. 11ft tlaak .... __ ..........
-- two brigades ao"ng b& QQIIl.1_GtlOll 1a .......,.. lAw 1& _e a(W.GGa
ftC) GUlP.... Of ilhe Ii'" Iat'. _ ....... Sa puabs 'ill. wSre ... _8 lat' flak
of flAe ;poa$.1;ioa ara4 ......' tall Ie... cao_d' til ....,.....
1. tame poal'Uoll .. _. pl'n1 ..,..
OOtoa. ital lila. Qa tIli .0__ .. \.0 11'88 OOD-
ua.d lVIder prevlolUl ol'de,.. OIl till l.n .. _til IB.t'. II1II>11', ... & o.e.a
.Ve.i1011. as ..... tU oau u.s th. ,"_ fit ,lit IO'Nl Jat *1181; .... ___
ft&It.t Of t_ "'tit. _f. 1he as...' ...... ....,... "8 t"l..e:.... ___II.. !Ida
.,..., pZOpecl .,eJf3 .,...,. ............1...........Mn4 MIl ..... '* ..
tat tJes Hu t. u.. i' na lA\e a ... wtN 8.1'0" whIoJl i' .... to..... ..
.. ;p......... '-M.Ur _4 as.*, taU '-4 .. _UN ""te.u.ea en .. n.-
tile ........, po.iti-GIl, woltdag _ ..aJ- Dl......,.. on the leA U ... ;poll.....
b. tl"Od ot Ule _th laf'. a' 11", .talMlr. .. p-sre.' bad Men'" ...... ..
.....'_ 'btl taat to nt't'lalA 01 at., 11M i14p.d.. C__r of 'IM.
w. _ .......... tGlcl to ... a .....1.1_ , .. m.w.aaal Be....., 61* ,_
alPt MteX. Jlacl"_ ..... twa .. 1bI .... 1'W,Pt.M4 _ "1' lta.iSWlaJ ....
\0 tol'traJ'4 ptlJ'loOUl17 &11\ ............- ...,., .. _ 4 t. v b
of .. 10&....88 1 ;twA a4 .. ..u.... 001..1 S.... ,..... ..'-
JUa !h1. p .., 00 d" ot ,lit ....... b ...... ot _' 191e at-.- ..... la_Ja__ 41..... D7 .. Dlu,loa 00 I ..... 11 til '
_ battal10a (If the MY1Ia - .. Dt'fldMa1 B.... MIA In aadl'''', ...,_..
tile S08'th :tuf till. B........ 01 b." _, al7 la." he ..e _'1a8k ,.t , ....n.,.
""''l8 oo-.mel and dJJMUmg ..._. OIl tide 0.u1on .. Pl"eIID 'WIln,.lt&.,.
........4 us _del" &l"re_ta ....... !bel' 1'aUed t. 40 'Ids hl@llle1P ....q.........
aa4 ,_ ..\tacl::, ...hi dl luted t19. half pu' .. , p.L waa ......IIh1.
OowlMJll ,. 1'11. til_I" \'be prcn1.81ODB .t ftalA .,__ wo. 4: llq.
". D1 visIon. 0 the a. ,. ,..a .......... U. aDd rel1... ..,...
v.tU "ueey was oOD\s.u.d. On tile pm .t' ,lie IOftA lnf'. there ..... c1esllmau...
agatP.t 'the ",,'8 tfta' by OM b6..Wi_ aDd. tit. ba\UllOll ...1Il6l1a4 p......
the flank oon\Snuel. 1" "'TaMe Mw.n JIaJ *'.l8e7. h s .... Nton. W
........, 1188 "r.-l,J' slow on _ It .Il............. _at.tao a._...
alii 41tft01l1'i ot the tltU&lJ.l 0" aioll &c1'Yaaol .. 1Ie1DB..... Ia tMd
.t IOIth bt., ."1" 0_" .t._ *ldo21 01 pr. _ &,*11: .... _a-
la..... b;y , O8JI>aJde. - f .. ..,. _ (Dbl...........' ..... t .. ...
Iataab7. ABafD the f'NI8h ___ It&W ......... - ........... ,. .....
...... .. .. aB..u1Ullg tbt 11.- ..... ud ow .....- paaabs ......
..., _1'8 to have s..auled th. -... t.a ... war. rue plu faU.... - tale ......
, oOlll:Dg., a1tbA> oombls 'II> la__ 1"', '0 a pob' ......, 1a rtU' .. ..
Jan, alAmg .. Sinan11le 1'tl&dt .we ... _" held vp '" tir. tJra *e --
lta. of v __ at La Padlla. .. ell,.'........ 1. nod .t \118 ilia
lat. bel Hill lub3_.d to ....,. utU,., tin tlatt21S '110 -talk.. 1nlt .....,:If'
1fU1ao.. ott..., the wiJ'e _ 0" ..., 'Ieb8 to.. pJ'80ilMl:q a..... JAW_
1Ib.1a wold .... noe1ft4 .... 111M tl-W_ .Ie.... Of ,he ...,. lat......"
_11 .. *8 ,".t am 1rP.t2'Oaohlag 'lid. wa....,..
OOW'" 'I\1l BU. eel .. 0It. tId........ .Dn _a (IlYa ....
tlOn' of the poeiUon. in Of ,!II .... !at., aDd. U no real...... ...

........... \0 toNalll as ntlGJ'aa llJlI. 1a _,_.......
J,...J:vecl1h&' *he .".. lat...... I ... ...,.. as._U ..,. ... 1hO" tt.' lata.
1IWCl .. reo81"... 1;hat U. __ IW. hat pt.__''- ...... ;peel\loa ad. liI4
reao1t.e4. MaJor wUrdas hi. ...... d.IJ.6 .a,be eo IJIIl
..... a line of Oharlevaa 11411 abend I7I.4.we it
.. If<
(at...., Ji."t'U. M. JQ1ma-.
iJ'lp4181' Genanl

J! mD 0lIDEn8 50 TO 65
Bea.4qlJa.'nera J.M.. IDf. Bl'18ade
AaJioa E.P. 00' .ft& 1918.
5 t50 P.M. OODfII! tel&ghone
SaftJ'aOt1OU of 12tlI p.a.
1. 'l'he situation Is as indlo.d. 1n Pleta. Ofter 10. 49
Jieadqaaftel'8 lt54th Int'. .Bri.gade, al'd 0P0kr 1118.
2. fbe ot ae rt'\h *1.1011 Pl'".... tbl. ane.....
s. al i30lacBr1ea beiwean Dr1gad.. re-.trl
b) 'lJl& 30fth w. wnl att8* ........... til. line of
tftMbea f.D tront of tilr podtian tb1s af'''I'UOG1l. A. p ... dHtNIlU," tire will
be pla4ed 011 .., Un. of \NnGlles at }tob.'. dee1pa,", _ 1Ile 0'0 nndSug otttoer tit
121e 107121 Inf'. a_
wlll be tom.d as ole_ sa poa81'ble to the reaq to
adTa:lee tlhl'O", the g&])8 In wi. at 4&39 p.m. After p.siug Oftl" the lbe of
U. SO,th Ilrt. will oonUlme \heir ad:fmoe .. the 1'084 aDd :nllS'Oad. 01'g81l
1dzg 1n position abnaat the 308th l:D.f'. 011 1he1r lett and l'etuaSng their rigid
fl.arJk to .stamsb. llalson with the IUd .Bl"J.gada, DIO'Y1ng ihelr tla:Dk tol'W&1'd as
\he l5Zd B1"1gade comes lW OIl It,D8_
The Cora_ding Ot1.oer ot 308. Inf'. vdll plOOeeci at ouoe, aJd;ng
with him __ pJ'O'f'1aloaal Reaeft'e (2ad ta. .'th ID.) ..... rel1ef ot the troops
of that _81__ (308th) no.. _dar ooraaad of' MaJor ooc.,Ji;ag file tront
line of the 3Q8th IteglJamal Sector. On the "fIq torwara.. .. 0.0. 80flth J:Df. wlll ploJt
lIP the three 001II>_18. 'aDder OCIIIlIald of 0&1*. -llCJ1I8a11, I08th lat. When \be Ntlet
has been, Ue poaltlO11 DOW held.,. ...U 001II>""0. 011 1'iIle frOBs line. w:l11 ....
oooupled, fiank nf'WIecl Wwa.l"d til. 1 an
0) Antllel7 P1'e}>&1'a'1oti a. per a. a1lb-pangraph la. a.boft.
4. AdrWdstratl_ ad 11..... ana,...._ - NO ohaDge.
B. Bl'lgad.e P.o. - 1(0 ohaDp.
Reg1MDbl P.08 - Bo Chaa8e
.,. Oouaald ot Brlpd1er GGDenJ. JG1m8Oa
D1 avibu.tloaI
0.0. $O?th lilt.
F.ll. .JIIID&l-.'
c.o. 108. IDf. capt. !Df. WA.
C.o. I06th II.G. Ba. Opeadoa80tftoer
7'111 D1v1alC111
War Dl8q
lM-tiIl IA11 .Pigada
... L.I oa.... ltD.8
i'o 0.0. I971h 1n.
808. lllf'
.,.tIIl II.G. Ba.
1. III aoOOName wltil 0". ,.. .. Dl..,. OG aDl aoalbldq
....'1 ..... 1.... ,.atertl.lJ nw.tIB 19 ... :&dpIIe O_al.I', tlJ8 toUtnd'Il8 ..111 lie
.. prop&a of" 1M. lat. Jd.gada tor ,ttl oote, 1918 ....
'!be .1'10" ., \lie ...... podU_ 1. .. bOa'
will" OoM __4. 1M117 eft'an wl11 __ ... te .naul.h
_ tdca.tIm _"Il \118 ..., of ........ lat .,ofte4
to " at tile I1II'N1Sa cia fte btt.ltra"_ ., ...
.....s Itae br .... ot ,_ ....t. .. wln be ...
"aHI 1ft OO""tllpeI'a.... 1'41__ ot a. 1134
wi. __ we are lD t.otDIl.
'l'hI bat.lion 0' 3O'1th lllf. now in Dl*'oaal n.M.... and. ta \he
_tOJO of tale .... I1lt. win be plaM4ln tile ftab.l._., the 0............ _ Ut.
1 .. 2lO.000 ..... M.' - 'Nt
010_ Ild_ wltJl F:rao1l llhlaloll 011 OlD' lett _11 be __--'4
117 llalllGll gJO e.tdlle.1. &\ appMdJDtel 1IIb.en the ftai. ftIR!lag
..., hom Bl1lU'9'llle _,-"a tile Ana, Uut l1a.tsOll tp.'0111> ......_ toJ'lfal'Cl
to GO'J!"I'eaPOIld wltib .e anIrah of "- e1__ _ ....,. an 0.......
tJal_ wt.a liard Brfsade ..Ul be , ..... b,. tho gJ'OUpII alJ"Md7 deal....,".
!he pdntd.pal .:rton Of ..n 8le...,. of 'Jila to4a7 wt.U 'be
to .s....Ul. 0_
.\1_ ...\Il til .. er tile IJU'. now aeI' ....
de Charlo__ and '0 ole.... tile 'bo4I. ot ...., MlIeW4 t. llo D h8r ot tha*
.,. 0...4" G-.enl __
II' 't I, ,0,
.. R. tIftD'lId
OIlP'. bat. 1IU.
"th Dl'dal...
aperat10aa Offtoer
.1114 Jnaaa.
War dl.,
lnfautr,y Briga4e
..soan .i.i:.:r. Ootober I. 1918
lOtIO p.a.
lfAPS, :BOREr D'ARGOmm 1""'120.000
BDtARVILLE - 1-10,.*
1. The enGl'lfl matnta1u 1118 pos1 \ton aDS'088 \he eeot;or 'b7
J.M.tb. In. Bl"I.p.Qa, ,.,pl'OXlma1l.7 a.t a l1ne raIdwq 'be___ the _t aad ....t ooord.Snate.
175. ad 276.
IJ.'h& lNrd 1ht. la em the J'J.&bt VIl_ BI"tgade. aDl Fr....
are .... len. lis a. II80wr oonpW .. tide .......... ..,. W., an ....e
rt8ht ad the Z0811b lnf. an on the len.
:BripM ad bO_da...!.. ad =-- ad'YaaOe r ..... aa tMJ'
hate been lDdSoated 1a ol"liere.
a. A1l AdV&J:'.I.M o the ]'hr. BJ'lgadew111 '*- pI.... 6 .m. ,.
a) !he 3O'Wl Int. (lea8 cme bat_Uoa ta .. JA1'1eioa ...., will
0 .......... deli......'. ad.WIloe of ,._tenav, bel41ng ....1..8 in JIMtlI.... '0 pft
fOrward rapld17 alll'MSt \)1& SOSlb lr1. Whm 1ihe 1t ... attatu ae
van OIl U_ 2,..6 _1Gh aft tub tin' .J........
b) I08tl1 Inf. ,,111 attaok the _.- ooo1lP7bs the ...... at
eo-wdlDaq 2M.2 _a ezten4tag ..., alaag .. oeoN1D&te ft&.6 .. tar .. _. atl:roa4
in ...... fh1s 11411 be made in wi. the FJ!8IlOh ... ",Ul ataalt
1IIIed1ate17 1lI?0J1 ou.1'l.ei"'''; the!'...t be 'iIle Ol08ut GOOl"dlMttoa wi... the Frech t .....
At 5130 &.m. the 5 cs02ll?adee ot the 30fth IDt'. almtg the Is.. 2'15.0 "Ul
be dtapoeerL as fellow. t
'two 001ll)anles on tbe east aide ot the .-.I:aa, .. in tl_'
1-, ODS 00IIF8f3 in th. 8eOOI1d u..
!rhree 0-..1_ on ....... aWe ,Jut 1'&YlJaa - .. em the lat'
to adnWll _ ... lSaIHD wh'b. hw.oh on the len f'1A1Ik 0'1 _.
'l!he 2nd. ""80'. In:t (DlvSa1oD&l Rea&ne) _11 M plaoe4 at .. diapoeal
of a8 C_dbg omOR 308t1l lJlf. am YlUl be loat the .... hov
in real' of 108.. In:f.. aDi wUl ad..,. u ill. s.n -.0 1...., olelel7
fol1CMbg tlae tint IS. 00JIiI*l1
ftle Steib. MDftarS aad rw ... gqu of "he 308th IDt. w111 be pI..... b7
tile 00111_'1("118 ottloal' fd the 1091ih Int 80 aa '0 00"- the rt.fJl' of ...
I'a"fl_ ftoJa tIl8 bwaoll. 1n \'his area '0 ....., azul ...t the a11na4, a
.. tire .. kflllJl dCMl tire n. .... n .w .... 0...... anara whl .,.
N pla4e4 on uaat alae ,he ...,,1111. ala 1'1,... H be ta ocoqaJ..t_ with tla' ..
Field J.rt;tll.,. as lleJ'Mf'Dr ozure<a All ....1.1. -*1_ 8". 111.11 be pJ.a.cM4..
lUId8l' 41..,'_ of .e -..s.. a. Offl .., ...., n-_ I ..... -417 will
..... be!de. of 'ihe a'riae b1 '!alle7 nort.h of the SlleJllVtS At' a.m.
Wa aolU_ ga tlft "Ul lUt aad ...
eaat alde of the 'till. troa aJ.Qag a l11Ie will .,. be 4Norlbe4 1J:I ,_ oO....1'd1D&
M.i to u far north u oOOll\Uaate "'.(1. f.h1s h....abg "Ul be _.
laten'tOll of keaplng dna De ..... tire 1fhioh ., be dJreoie4 i'l'OIIl tlba, Elde of the
val.1ey on 'MOpe .at Jtttq be a4wD0t:ag to ......t. It 18 $llp_tea. ,hat the
deauuc.l",e 81'00. ar oOJllb1Ded StobG lIbJ'tare. 87-. _d maohlae gaa f'ire. togethel'
1f1 th that of tb: aftill." &8 h8l'8a.tteJ' dlwoMd, will allow 1Ihe advame of the
tJlOops along tihe we.tem dde of the vall.,.
Prior to & a... 1he .Ure 1_ of 308. lut. wn1 sv. tOl"WSl'd a8
tar as oan be done with aafe\7 1Jl 't1._ of Ol. anl11.,. tire of })1"4If,Paatloa. and at the
l1ftbg the fire at 6 a.m 1h1a .mire t"ront wUl *'VEt :f'o1'Wal'd W "the obJeoU",e.
On the rlgbt of tbe Wn will to U\e 1111e of eaeJII\V' \renc:ilea
wh1ah. the7 w111 take aDd hold.. not a4nIlo1Dg 'bay0Ad thl. point bllt ua1st1Dg the ad___
of the '1"00{>8 OIl the ea.sto:r:u 8148 of 1be Ia"fh:le 111 thnr ttl'8. On tilstern dele ot
1'&'11_ the ..., UeuIa_ ....11 be attlt.olaa4 _d "en, ae ad"fame lIIltll 'the
heigh. the l'Oad l"UnIlSug aud. west fl'CIll till. lIIhalb. de Chal"1eYal1Z Ja ..
J'egbtImu.l 88._1'. '8 rea<ileCi.
1!bo CQ1WWlGbg OtflQ8J" ot .. I08th :tnf. will ,. ad the atkolrtng col_
and DIIk8 the D8C82saJ.7 dHatled aJ:TWl&-emeats for the ad."falJl)
a. At 12 p.m. Jd.4rd8t1' aI' OoWDer a f1re Of' prepU'aUoa w111 be
plaoe4 by lihe beaV anill&q on th8S& ad will 1heh _ttl 6 a.m.
00'\0_1' 7., _. 1t wUI lU\ Awl at 5...... the trenahea BIld pftloagatl_ of th&se
U.s on the e8,st aide Of \M a'f'be will .. e...rod by fire ot 'IJ J!IIa.. gaa. which fire
wUl r6Dl8.1n on Vies. pI.,.. tor oa 110.. &at '1Jen .tIl 11ft to "e Z'eU' aad C8'fU ,_
area to *."&1' of .... , ah_ with ... the -..U tire. aatla1d.1!C
4. R'GIDIleJ' 87ate_ wl11 be. prO'd<ied tor ad ea'-bllaboecl aa ne
18 -.48, am COAstaDt inf'Ol"Blat10D s.a to .ttl .. 8_t back to tke adv..
rest-utal p.e.
:1!be Brigade 31s-al OC:t1oer .111 p1IIh tol'ft.l"4 UlaN of 00'l8l108.U08 as
rapidly as poIS.Iole, ao as to malnU.1n oC1"'D811oatlon wi1lih 6e adVamlng ooltlDllll.
Dutllg .. ad't'anoe, ibe c108Mt lta180Jl _t be ma1n1ia1ud with ..
iraoh OIl oaJ'lefi. 1Iho wtl1 .ttoao1t lD with _.
6. 'fhe Brlgada P.o. MIIpOftri17 at &dYliQ'lOed P.O. of .. S)81;h lDt. to
whiOh potnt assages and 1D1"o_aUon wlll lte sa' 'baok w th. BJ'lgade Oai mur.
By ComaDd o Gcm&n.l JolmeClh
(S} F. B. 1IIIDlsilt
mt. tJ.S.A.
Op :ratJ.8Jla Of'tloer.
Heaa.quanaru lJN.t..'1 Im'. BJipde
E.F. 00. 7th 191a.
3,30 p_m.
MAPS: l?O RRJ.I 1)'tll.ltOOlmE '1/20,000
BlNA..lWILtE l/lo.fJ09
1. Ther(: inc.lcUl.tioIW tlu'tt in the $,QCtOl' Of the IBSd Inf .Brigade.
on 1:I1e rlght of this brig!:.tte, and. in the sub-seotor oeoupled by the 30Vth Inf.
of" this .Brigade, the is wi thdrawlng his troOpS.
2. a' In aceOl'd..al1Oe wi 1h 1.atruot1o'U gQen this afternoon.
the 307th Inf. will i;wi:ng its ad.vame toward lta ob.ieetiV& (helgtlt8 be)-fmd the road
1'U.ttI11llg &aat and wes," from 'f.1oul1n Cia Charleve.a) to the west, ao ... to :reach am. .11....
eonpaa1es A, B, G &;ad H .of \he. 308th lnf'. and K ot the SOTa DOW
in post ttcm near the Moulin de OIlarl ..,.a. at the ea:rll88t poasl'Dle _"
0) 'Jlle 3OSth. Int. will am matata.1n lit 0.1088 p.nJdty ,.
the eneDl7' 8 tnnt lb6, (fI>1)ro:dJaS.tel7 a i oo-ordinaw 2'15.6) 01. COB"" wllb. t_
8JMHII' l'8portlDg P.l'Ol'llt Uy to Ute Bl'1gade Oommander wlwa art 1Ddl U01l is ... of JUs
3. 8.) the 30Tth tnt. has attalnea. 1t8 obJeotlve .JOIla. \be. .-alia
de ClIaJ'lO'9'a1& ra'ri.nG as abwe u.esori'Nd.. 1t mIl orssai- defenal... hi dep"
ooowbg \he entire 8JIgsd.e t.ront ad .. OOTerlug the sectors tOlJlBr17 oQo1l.Pied
bJ' lMltil 'the 10'" and. 50Sth Infa11tq. 'lbe 2ad 3a. 3O'7th Inf. now in 1)1'ds!01Ial Re..:ne
..111 N!>ort to the a0DrlBllc11JJg Oftioer 3qT1ib Int. for dut7 md &8.... ,... !wo b&ttal
to'll. ot ., scrrth In:'. will oonsUt.e the mala ltu of reels tanoa of" tol'W&1"d qat.
ot deteue. .tIl one battal1011 1a _pon.
b) The 308th Inf. 1'1111 tor 1& :real" of the IOfth Jaf'.
oonatlwtlDg the sl1PPort qe'bm, aoross tile e1ttift bri.gade s",,*r. Olle 'battalion. 308"
Inf'. wUl be reporwti to the .tlrigada .... tor 8811..... to DI..YlalODa1 Re ......
) MaGld. Ga c-.811ies will 1"8111&111 attaabed to 0.. .,taUon to whlGh.
\lu9 ha.e been aaa1819d b
4. OODI.' lla1son TiUl be anti mbltatlled "tw_ the .1___
of' ,he torward. ..,.__ and ,_ nel-,bOriag lal ta OIl bO*h n ....
5. Br.lgade and. Regimm\al P.C's no aha:ap uut11 h.rtller olden.
By OOlJllllElld ot BJ'1gad1er GC!JIl8ral JoJm.son
(6) F. H. 1bK)d!#1'
lIeadQ.uaZ"tlera lKth !D.t. Jbi.pde
AJDr;!Jrloan Eel'. 8th Oo'Ober 1918.
'140 p.a.
FOF.ET D'.ARGOED 1/&0.000
1. ena.m.y app-.n to haq _,1.1'84 h'om 1Ihe poalUOB Wblc1l _ 000....
7.......9 aDd 18 p.bablJ' .OW in po""!oa 1'ac1ng our tl'Ollt U. wh10h aD__ hOm
peiat 88 - 74.6 W point 95.2-'17.2.
'1'119 1534. B:dgade is on \he 1'1ght ot thi $ l\:rJ.gade ad 1 \8 lett Is In
rollCh wl111 0" r1f11' flan1t. 'l'he.&l:enoh a:n OD the left 01' 11118 bl'1..- .. haTe Glea....
ol1t the Germans in La Palotte trenah to 01l!' 1..' J'$87.
2. zone of adv3ll.oe is as glTfm in Field JlBseagw :;G. 4.
Readq\1&l'tel"8 154th In!. Brigade 8th October 1918.
3.& 77'th jjivision will o(ll"in_ ito ad:wmCe ti01TCJW.
4. a) The 154\0. In'. Br1eade will advaaoe a.t \\ a.m. tomoft"OW 111 oon.3'1mott_
with tie 1Sd Int .Br.igade 011 its right a1 d the Freu.ah an 1's l.n.
b) . The 307til Inf. fQrl'l8 the '11':1 t Una sad ooveri.Dg the brtga48 880.1'
wUl ad;vauoe at I) o..m. tOl'OOrl'OW &lJ will to the line 18 def1Bed by the
wOOd road. in the Bois de Q_tl'e Ohenes, generally along the oo-ord.1naw. in the
left ot the f3$otor 7'1.2. and the right of the seo"r 7'1.8. zeachtng thiB H. l'
will 118:Qlt a1d ectabllsh toao>J. with 'I1a 5$4 lDt. Briga,da _ Ita nil'. ".h- bOth
brlgadas are on the line the &tlVOOlQe w1l1 oontlD'lUd towald t:be ultlate obc1.'l....
c) The 308th In:t. (less l.t Vn. wlWld.Joawa iioda.v tor Dl'f1a1eaJ. :ReMJW)
will tom the a.conJ. 11ne ot 8,dVaJlI)S and w111 march beh1Dd tbe 'lrs' 1_ at a cd.....
of about 1000 meters 80 as to (){)'Ver the laZt flank of the f'lnt u.. -.robt.
genera1.1y along the line rdlroad in the W\tutem pe.n at ,he ";)1'Y1alonal
It wUl p.- panlcular 'to tbe len fllmk of tile 84....
ad will ..
the aJ"E)& in the roar of the flmt line of rtrr eneaw tones at ..., 'be 1'O'IIIId therein.
The 1st lJIl. Int. wbioh hae "ttldrawn tedaV fr_ ih. first
ll:De will reat tomoD"OW am. on :rollo'YIiDg daJ' wni 1R8IOll fozward. Cia Di'l1s1-.1
Resel'W) and s:racma117 gain distNlO6 to \he front eo aa to __ up t. t:Ile ot1lel'
eletJdta.s of ae 308th IIlt.
fo. UalSOl1 wlll be mamta1llai dUJ"bg the ad:'f.... bJ' M1ep1lQe &Dl ollter
aW,l_le lDI!tCl8; J'QDD&l"6 wUl be d:ropped back &II tile pJ,"GgJ' l'OII
\be tl'Ont ltm beblg l&aaed h1"OtI8h tile aoatb. w. e-..tltlUbg tile 24 u.e, alii :N1....
bMk .. 1M
,. P.O. 307th Ini". MOulln de Claarl
P.O. IQ8th Illf. lfO obaJa8e
P.O. 164th Inf. Brlp.da - tI1t1l9 a..a. 9th Oot..... 1918 110 crbaagt,
at 9 a.m. 9t11 ooto'Mr P.O. of' tUs .Ingade will opea at JOb'
294.8 - 2ft.l, Where the Bb.a.rvllle road ellters the vall.,..
naming nQrth am 8(\uth in the western Bectlon ot the
sea t os.-.
B1' CClIDaDi of Bl'llJldler General JOImSfm
(8' F. R. aDd."
sept lDf. mA
Op rat1Dg omoer
OCTOBm 2 TO OO'rOBER S, 1918.

i t

II i ila'l: r f! iii.!! .JJi
.... =. ,"'1 0 I -r_t:\1 IS" b:J
I l I 11;1.

tf I!I,' i ',:1 I 1
(.Q C
. (")
f ,:.1i I I I.J' fll r.

=! r

I G. ! I Ilf . i

! I f. P: i ,"!' ! il i. !fl
*if it! .... 'I.. I r f 1- r I = f

,- i . _11 .nil f !,;r: II. . -IJ'.a !I.,
'I -II 'If. I , I .III ,=
t- I ililil s' flJJe I .:=

i r fti I III r co

Put 2.
Ba.... b lJ'ftm\ :r-t..
B1e rea11dBg 00II>.... sa
at...,.. to &8' ....,... to lat
BIl......... foW. 181.........
hadllg cd the Uae Of
oppeaetl ... 1ll to...
He had pl8084 ___ ..,_ ...
altIDB til. hal... abO'f& the .,,_. &JIll
In tIhe n.'flue Qat leacta -. lila CSA..Rl'..EVAUX
:be. tho .....
The ...... __ .. ., SIt'
1bro-up aad to
DUpe_tl... 1I1iM 1/4
fte 1., Ba.. .,tIl relined ..
ID4 Ba. _ .. 1'l'OD* IS.
&ad .. 1114 .Ia. __ brto
ElM :a.uw b HU" of l'llPO!
til QA,,,1,,
FesI.- Sa bOa. :r..tae.
H ___ t _.
Co , .... ot .e ........... Battall-.
ft...... en. he JIa4 Mea ftll.- _
tbe 'till OdD...... ....,. hal. .......
'3'" ...,. ,.... Sa hoat ....
In .e-1'.tdJaC ....... atRek waa ...
I' ....
1Jl t:M aneae_ .. a ..., utU1eJ7
prep.." .... a'........ nma... fa .....
JaeU. wi. _ ......... 1f7
.. 1md .wWloa It.,. _d a DatWSa
.. JIlt".
..., ....... J.U'.lM ....."
the p......:a. dlnnJ.ea . ~ Gaoal .1'......
:10 hIIa....,- o01lld'-.eta. At JJ.1&IlUa11
.e attMk .... 41.......... .. __al-
UM .... ftI'J' lI....
!he omen fltW''' a ' ~ &J:9 mtad.:!lg
D18.(1011lUoaa Dl..- ." o o t e ~ ...
lat Ba. ~ U
bd. Ba. b 3...'
.. AIM
ae__' b F.IGIt Lt
!!Ie 211.. BIll .........ata1 _4..
wlthdSWl d1a1.Jtc the aiI1l*
!Jae oJ'UJ'a fitS' ......1&: ...........
DlIPHl'I.. 1'4Ir .aM 1/1 one_.
1_ ...... LI8I
14 S.....
84 _ ...........&1' ... DE
L'lInIIE lIm'_
t. QlWM.M,
Regl.IIat b FrOnt r.fa
... a'tMIIt W88 ~ . . , .
peft.....!JIg *_, to bear GIl ..
ezb_ nght 11.. b ~ _
with .. lII4 Bdp4ft, .U. t_ lata.
BIl. again ..... VI) the :raw..
On left 1Jl ... IOhh Me"
24 Brl ..........tul. ..0. at Dip'
1fa8 w1111___ .. ... J"a'tbo a-.p Jl)ULD
DE Lti.OJlE "'I.
11ut O.Nel" tOl" the attaGlt 18 ..arc.
D1tap08tt10118 Id.' ,,, 0.....,
la" Ba. Sa ....... Ltae
aJ"d. J)a,. 1. ~
2a4 BIl. ta __ Re.....
'lA 0tttM1 11,..
Bell 'b,... lbe.
!he Id'-*.... X."Mca. Qe 14 Bat_Boa
Oll the t.n b ........... In
on t:be ~ t ....... late ,lit .....
fit ... lII4 ....
El___ a. rlgtlt ;patel.__ ill
..., pad'!" &JIll ....... a ..........
11'1 lllllute .. I'MIIt let .....
'l'h18 f'o" ........... fit til. peel_.
in o.....tor dt..atlJ' in tl'OA. ~ tile 14 BD..
It ~ ..w. til ...... wbe _4 aaeh.e4
1tJ.e c ~ , .... htll.
; i f
... a s t-'

tt'" 'l: IdB'! ttl
r , r
i 'I"I! 1-'
.ili.... (') lo .... 0 1 It1"
Ir. I ra- it'

r I " #1 i i f r I ; I. -.
Ii: t



... I" r I &11 'IGOI-1 -I
:.l' s." f\ r" .. 'I
._ .... - II! __ 4I't __
"T1 !;

f ,-I. II I

. I.
.' t . I!
I ",
I f
.... II
cJ . r ,ll
if; I; !I
. a lili I
f fl if Ii; i
t i ..
ocnoBER J i'O OOfO.BER 8. 1918.

Il98D ml'AHBt
IOAl' B ...
llEro1!r Oll
(8ep__", ............1' e. 18.)
Ootober 2nd.. Lbel D1gt1t .....lJwd. 111 thea posttwna .,lIDII.t
11lO1d8nt am '1aOO A.V. aIi.laW .. anlllU7 on -.......,
report reoe1v.i at (BtOI) .-.w. o.x. advmtoe 1Dl.e'r wq. A'
9 &OQ A.t1. _rd. was recwlWd t'he.t 12ley we:re. gol13g oaat10t1Sl ViP west sSM
o mvine, &CO'US us. to dD'v&1ope v&.lleJ to tile east_ A' 9 t4.O A.lI.
th$ Support BatUJ.laa was ., 1M.' - 276.1 ADlai that point tabllaha4
a lIIixed l1a1son poat with heao'll41 fhe7 were alao 11'1 oca.taet an the
ii.r:re 'd. t.h ... a4"ftl:11eGd Battalt-. at 10:1t ov advaaoed. Battalion
W'as h41d l1.P at 94,.8 - 'l$.8 bJ raaolWle g\lfl f'ire tr<n the west. .9.' 12100
Nocm \VQro. WGJa t.ha.\; the Gel."lllana Iud been drive eft at L"H_
MOrt a.m t.1la" wo _1'$ P118h18 on. At 1.2 t4I word C2J.S that 'We W>r e hel4
at 94.8 - '1541 in .ra.vw. lQ' ...lsi_ sa fire OIl hiU. M.........t
bat wer<:. attack. &nil at 2.a4a5 p.a. 3OO1t.U hed ftMMd. panl1el
'1!hS of At 5a10 :?!!. \fOri. .... reoelWd that the lett
:f'lazlk had lo_. while attae1l:1Dg JlI8o\d.218 gau 011 hill. t4.1S
71.2. !be COIJI)av" &1_ shelled b; artnleQ_
1'ftII.' r.1M.
h' Battalion, 2K.'f - 2'14.5
lad. aattall..t 29ft., -.'Mea
Ir4 ..tWs..., 1'l..,.. ......
Reg. ilfPa a.1 - 2ft..
At 12. P.JL. au1ated b.. J'011bag barrage the lat ktiial101l, 1'8'"
ad at 1" P... l'IIiP...d a sUa ...... 11;0.., ...,.1_ ga
ft_ and IfDlplnc u Ik,.... flo a pedal ........ 295...
...... a.. 2" P.Jl. stailed. ..t ". co, OD. riib' h64 ........... ..
pri....n 1n&llwll.. 0IDt otft.08I' (lat L'-) sewn H.C.o 1114 twa.,. pJll.....
'flIe7 .re 'aIreZl fJ'om a _ out in \Ile vlo1n1Q' atS., - a'1l.... attd. '5"
all lBIbeX08 ot ... K c.. ....t1Il ____-, ,. lJaaefte
ADo'" repoatecl a.' itIQ P.lI. _4 .. ttp 0....,.... left. had oapt1lJ84
thl'M __,_ s-a 1. the ","oW,,. 41 r era _, all Je' noel......
Ocnober 40. .i'1"OAt 1Sae at aM.. - .....
!he tll_1'bg b fd _ 0\1r lett tlaU: ....... conat4& -croub-le
In alaW1l1Dg ... GO it aU... .. 1'1IIIJI8Z' peata were bftka and OIl. I'll enpt1ln4. (1M........ bJ' pS--. _, at 12.- P.... 3n, :Al
stated Ge1'B&D8 In 81II8l1 .-ben weN wa.dd.Dg to our left at aDo..,
294.8 - 2'16.3. ODe German pl'1soner oept1u'ed. has bOSH hold at
position will 'be aent through whan l"liDUW1' qaWm 1a I;lsta'bUaJ1e4. Pl"l....J'
311&1184 tba' hie COJIllaQ' of 70 IfIIUl. WG1'e lIP here las' nl&t&t (Oot
!ad) D7 IIIDior tl"tJOlEa. Plaoe Of4> "wei 294.4 - a"d. :10 fli.ftlJ'
At 10. Ad. wCll'd was reoel'Md "OpposlUOJl em ow hard; aal flIl 0111'
flanka and tb.s> t our poettiOM were belDg abliled b7 ft'aDOh .:rtan.
0Me'bor 6..
Frant r..lne 1 The altlLt.i.On on oa;r ilrOnt lJ.ll8 remalaa
nud1.\no gull :;:' ire a.llU. shelling in Valley at. 294.4 - 2t1.8 ha.... p."8'YfIIlteG.
mo JrHs-u.bl1l1.b.1.Dg of ooamudoo:t1on without. ad.Vaaete4 oO!Jl?a&l_. All
.. to reach alLvaDGeQ. poat ttOl1 met wi tit ....,. 10.....
Tbe MtaGlk of" the i".rfmOh on our lett a' 6.30 A,.L was l'&pOftetl W 11
bean ImBO.coe.saful auld at 11,30 A.J,(. 'WOrd was reGalV$4 tha. thfi had
rea.ab.ed ?a.valllw. le. Paiett.. It 1a h,"PtlCte4 a.e altuatlon now smo_
may be rellGV6il n1ghtal.l.
I:nel1Iy DIUlh1:De giIIl 1"lre very ac;, ourau QOll$tantly pGUl"1ag into vaUeJf
aouC;h of our ti.Olh Fi 1'6 dJ. noted. hom 1dlla on bOt:h fladlS
and. alse from
Ootober 6th Our lil'le is very 0.1&00 to 15.5 'betmec The ad"f8.loe
t:av.e ill the afuZllOOll by 0.1Iir 'J.!'OOpa 1u slIPpCJrt r.eacmed. t1d.s point aai held.
Very heavy m&.QhLle aan .fire, arUlltu-y fire. one pOUlldel"s and atolsBs
menus rrOtA the eneaw. PN'YG.\$4. 0" rGaOhhtg our woeps a.t 94.5 - 76..fa.
':'l-iaoner talQm by tn. F19.IlGh on our lef't dUring O',PGration or the
moming of OOtotlEJr 6 th our aa.vmc.ed ele.-n'. are 8\111
0onst:;nt 1no reaaed ttre. dlIri.Dg til. afWl'.o.0oa. 'ftJ..
and slopoa above parsllal m4 be__ M aDA 96 reoeiive
almont ooastsut shelling
.DlU"1.llg the aftarnoon one all1&i 1,1w.e :trcm th.e sq,th Aero attell!P....
to dJOp .-.satiJ8 to 0_ ........JDed ...ta. _sal, not 8.-.
OC_D" .,.
Front Liae poalt1on Qf adv&DMd e1.... l"MIdu ........... 4aJ'''
0011&-1.1'"17 qui... In 11 ........ tor ..__7 ..a&1I1'. W reaM OlD.
ad'J.-.o. 61PaU.
At '''' A.X. w. -1B1D& our 8\1PJ*" ....,8 of .. Dt:dat.,.t
am llrl{illitoda Be.........tied ..,. U'tUlery .tiaClte4 WI. the pwpo
ot dd'flas .. .., nJI bllhlad 0111" :s.n n ..... &JJ1 ..u...... o.
ad't'amed ptIl1lUa. llret r ..... 1a410&1Ied tlle-attaDk 1114 .. wiD
hea'Y7 aal......
DUlbg De 24 allied. planes rem the DOth Aero SqaadrGa 4J.toppeci
fo04 aDd amDl1l1iUa to 0_ hMpa in atiVa.&4 poaltlan. Qae lit tlMtae
plau p1.1... b.J L;;. Gee.. R. lIdlipa wail !&. we (&......., ...
a tol'M4 1_41118' at 2MeI - IY4.M due to eDgine tJ'fJ1ible hiO deac-.1.
1be aylateftJ 1'MDd 1t: .....88:17 to -.obl_ aa it .....4er hea'q
mach.... gem tir.. 12", P.M. oomiug trGIII Soath. N.E. OftI'
Valles' MOrt A.A.C. Gsa -Uw. DitIapp.zoed a.VI.

OotolHlr The nttaa'k of 0\11" Uoop8 for the troo-pa for 'ille purpose of reeObblg
our a4.Vazae4 waa ttl.raed to l'8tb'9 atter rea.Oh1:og N.rbM.
O1Ilug to T8'q bea"vi oo.ab.1n. gtm tire &Dl bOIl
t:bG ...... DU't.Jlg .. afteIaoCll there waa 11'$1. aotl"11.,. OIl pa'l'Ol oa
the 1'1gtl\ snd a oeupaQ' on tlw JJIIWed toJ'W8l'd W JeOOJaOtu.. SDl
to detb:mdu whou.w or not the 8I38JIIW waa :ret1J.1.Jag. !.bJ. .,.,...."
conaiool'fhole adTa__t. 'blR d.J'e1r amine gaa fire aal to'ad.
pJ.enty ot GCl'!DBJ,tB .. att.llla ..s.otal-.. La. 11'1 'the aneao_
1:' abOla flD m to. lat tlaak Qf' elle 897. ft"'cl 0_ adYaoed ele..u
atld the night sUOO88ded 11'1 00f.l aud 8Ul'gloal 81I)1>11u
to tben.. 11t 2,30 P.M. two mn tlom OUX' ati"lrulC.fJd elements Ol'\)D
tho 11De anl recwhed. Regimeatal Hoadq"l.ariers at ., t30 P.l&. At A.L
V1Ol'd was rcoslvcd 1"1'om f'lK" co. patl."Ol on I'1P' et wllla .taW
"Rave l'eMheQ. 0_ ObJective of JDSWi_. Gemma. ha:w; l'8t1:red., _

S l J ? P ~ TIEroB'l! ON OI'J:RATIOllS OJ'
OOTOBE3 2 TO 001'OB1:11 8, 1918.
JIead.q'&Iane 1'8 808th :ra:tmm:r
American E.F. ftmIOe. .
J!'l'OJ! Ootober 2d 1918 to OO'ober 8th 1918.
In \he alUed dr1VG w1:l10h Se1"' tembar 26th 1918, th.l.'
BIl. SOOth Inf."l'Y waG \. advanoe Battal10a 10. V1e Westorn SUbsea_,... "
'd..ion 800tol" in the .!rores' .A.I'gCa'D8; 1118 24 '3n 308'"- Inf'Sltt17 In ....."
eo nded 'b.v Captain 1.b:r.tan1'J'
On October 24 1Ihese Batta.l1ons were &, 294.' - 2'11.95 (BlJsDamll8
..... 1/20,(00). 1'ho adVallOO had been held lip at thia point 0Jl 00.:3R In. 1W ldae
.. oppttton. 'terratnwd .rftoult.; .. avine rmluing North _d SOu:th t2ma
til. 1IIIld4le ot the Beglmen.a1 Su'Oa"tv. wt6 st-.p? thickly woOded. hill.. _ eitJlllt
at... !he p:r!:D.oQ18 e had lMel'l qeOlm'tereq. on October 1st OIl ... weat ot
.. nnne where D and F OQl:11J!anies were in poslUan..
At 11:35 A.M... tol101ll.rtg 1OOl'D.iJlg 0 nier WB8 reco1ftd. tlGm C&1-.J.
S...,.. the 30Sth Intaatq. "!M adValV6 of Wea1lr.f wlll 0-0 III .. at. 12M
12M _UXJ::X\J. l'b& IafaA'q aoUOIl will ... plUIhed fOl'W8l"d .ttl it reaehea .. l_
ot the l'Oat aM l8J.lros4 a.l.4IIIs ...5 zen the 00'JISU4 .Ul llaB, ..........
....1111. 1Waou l."ight aal left aal. be for orden :r01" a !hi.
e. not Chaage the plan as given you '" (COde waDi fo'r Colonel Stao(7)" 70U Rill
lea"I'8 no ooap811es on your left as a ooatatn111B pulll toJ!W'1lS'd lOur ......
with the reJataldel' of' your fOl.'Ce., slat ta the 0"1 1st ancl. 24 lattali...
GeMJ'al sap 70U are to 'beJab4 .... Be _ ot 10.....
....... "1"8 will be a geual ad'V'a:se along tha 1s..Xx:racxY.
'l!be a.bOft plan ref'eJ'Nd .. u glVGl1. ..". C4illAI!D.el stae..., 1t'8II .. t41o_.
All attack along the hills East of 1he ra"dne. leavlllg two eon;;e.n1es as a (
foroe on the 8UppoN..u.y more dl.f:flout. Western side of' 10m rtntxre, - .... C1llP8I\Y to
1M detached :r%,()JIl the fO leEl on the That when 110 had %'96ched its ob.1eottw 1JO retta:B
a:ad assist frQlJl thenar on an attack on the wostern slOe ot 'tile
Ii and F coupanios were lan in position on tho westem sf4e 01' the _T....
aDd at 12s50 the _IBtulJlg OQIi'-'os adftna.d on the (a A..Is,O."E.E am G OOllllD'N'
_ ......lMt by 860t1oua of GW18 tI'f.). C and D. 306th BLobJne G1a
Battalion. Tbe ad:Yanoe was oon..... tJla obJeo"'lw state!4 whiGh -.s reached a'
, P.M. with about 90 caaualties from }l.G. ft re. 2 CelWm Off'lO&rs,. 28 PrlBGnen am til..
MGllba guns were aQ,ptlued. 1118 \reaoIl .,ate. were orosaed, ea.e heav117 Vvired. .
A. ])oattioD. for ths ll1&tlt was taken up along tile road gae1"al.1y panlJ.el.bc
171... At 'this point & :tavln6 nru: lst am lVest, eO:Ql1(D'tblg on the Vlest with. ill........
ab4mt l"8tel'ftd. '0 whtClt l'IaS liO__4 .smIl. !' roai referred. rae aloBe
Uda of 'ihe l'avine., abo. SO t.n al:MJYe _ .... 1.".be be1l ... o __
1. our__111 ...t:rean l"\8lns,ng thrU it to the w,. All of the oo_tr.r 1a haaTl17
..... OGII> .ses wenJ p1aoed .tat SOllth 01' ,lie road. bebg o.u &l"eve.... at..,.
pre1aeotea. h'CI.tI hoaille a:rlillbl"1 fire. A -*'_ ge. MOUOD Was pl_ett _ ea4h tl.a.
ad. the left tllllk was retuMO. aoa-..' to CU&l'd aplaa' a"-* b'o1I "t..,...a.l.J'
.........1'0_ ......2'. the .. _ talk _1_. .... Id&II* ._4 !tie......,.
p........ &110_
99fQBP", .A'''' '0'" E C.... ... lID' __ to at.,k em the weat
ot the Jaft. wtdGh 1..a Beth aDd. SCMl'Ul. tile p1a beS. .. ...t hom tbe rear la
bJotDgtl'lg D and F 0...... Lt. Wlllleiba .. 1. 00 n I.... 1" :La1I wlttl hila.
:. At '.00 A.X. X 0"'"" .'th Iaf Game ., u:rlDg be. sent t. 1'011cnr
along 0" 1Ilt4l _. _ulOll .t Jr...,S:ag 1a ...., with ... 808th tntaat2'l'
till tbe SOfth !.gla8at .014d __ ., _ tIM :rls,tn tlaDlt. O..,taln Rol46m8r1, Lt
PeIOI am. abo. a-..
De-.u.a weft .., __ toz 1Ml_ as the Jal lltll ........ 080ft71D8 0DlJ'
.. daiV'. :ra:u.oa.till ft..... _"0_ lIIMl __ e...... 4l1J:'bs tile euU.eZ" }IlaH or , ..
ac1T.... ie,...._ .ter waa ftIaM fa a ...... Jut .... peal ".. Ill...
At atit Ad. 0... Ant11.,. .el1ed peeltS_ b'U 111 tho_ aut.
.1'1'eot owing to _e a.. rewrae .1opl.
PaVOl. aa, ..... aea' o. r..,W GeJ'IIBu _ tbe ft._ ... left t1aa'IIII
fJl .-.11..,.. &lid ... bipNauM1lV 01' ....UI1l1ag llal_ ill e1tller dS.."a.
At 10 A.M. Ll .... ftRD1e4 with 11 _ ftoom E 0GIfIp..,. ___
E o.. had Deen 1J1iIJ7....... lUll tW Itt ....1m IIa4 o1'dlln4 Jdm " gat hi. pJa_
_ ., .., .... pudbl.. (Lt WilMla ......-*17 ....4 hi.... tUo1l81ll to the ...
wltlt. a t. J'f"IIdJd'Dg ....)
At 10... A.M. a repll"t .... zoeeelW4 Ga' ill. ""'11' peat 8,.__ t.a as
1'8U' baG. 'beeD. ....... \'lID poe. 'h............t-*K ad. ..t ........ Gemaa. A
..... I"ePrilDC W. tao'" SrIJdla.a:q 41apataMd 'Ill. BfIIIJWDta1
lt7 eam_ p". :r.a \JIb ,. OIl 1... a...* 81 IIIUS.....
'1011 "lth. J.1liU>.
At 10.00 Gel: d 'naoh _ftaJI opeaH tlre tl'01ll 6S ,.... tt
.. w..t. see.. "'.PO"" __pateotM ... __SDe ge. A Platea .....
tie at... the _ftaJo. lnlt at ..n"'S. sa tire 8114 acflnlP11*- _ ....
A pn....Z" ..... Gat*1mld d.1Irbg .. dair ...... \hat hi. aoap8lQ' ot
70 _ had been bJ"oG6tl' 1D dI1l"lDg .. 1I18h' tl take put'" ta .... rear.
At I P.Il. the Ge1'IBUI a',-* 01Ir left tlardt tB 00IIFav- alP .aded."
Lt O'alla) A asll force ..... ....IJIIIle the daM !IMt auaolt lu'-4
48 _._a. Dd".. __ ftP1l1....' o ..... &bold ...
!he ll1Pt paa.d
OOZ9'. fD. DIe .'fHUw ...... pft.... boltlClbg It 001II>., ItVtIl
.l1I:tav,. was .. abenll lit. A _ ..., 4ala ...1If':Ie....... kll1e4 OJ" Gap
...... as an lanaai,. ..._ ... ., ,. tile ..... peI1.e4 to get m __
wWl. Bea4Il..... ta .. rear. &Ill w1... Itfth DII'&11b7 wtddl was ....
.... .t,...,. __ up em ae J"!.&M. 'fJleH pllU'e1e .aata1 as the D--. .........
the belatl- to the ft&J" ,. 00.1tIn'Ule ....
DuI'1Dg .... we an ......881'11l 1n alsaa1Uag ow pe81tloa to _via...
pl._ __ ot Battalioa peeta.
At 2M an J.Jaeue ba.Z'nse !"ell .. ou:r pealU_ from our trteS.q
artlllaq. laRlng tor au hov ad a W4. !he Cez..a 'NMh .... al88
_d 4Vbg th1a peded at dl__r a .......... ..., tn...., a:a4 _re elt1lezo
ld.lled or .....1'84. !hI. l'Iaftap ___ .... 80 Al ti8 ,_ 0_
oatTler ptgeon W88 nleaaed. dUl a _ .... .... eft., tal. anUle17 ft.".
At the ... 1' w..e 1fa1onrp a aall ....... 01 aUacbd trom ..
ateep bill nora. of 0" poelUa witll peta_ ---ra. p"lag tihroaell ...........
"1' - cid..-. Oft.
All a 1'IN1Ilt of 61s till' ooaat4ell'at1oa ... gl..a .. a 0", .1' po""s..
It ...... 1DaG1Ale, W We.' the _1d a pod" pliO_'"
...s.. G_, to the I'oI1Il aa4 :aut _ fIt,aN4 .. ____ a l'Iaftap f'l'sl 0" f1'1_&7
art411eJ7. as .... had. alJ'ttaCl ftJOl'tM .. oo-oJl'Cl.baw. ot ... pelll'lon" had ..
__ td __Sag f'UUler _...... !he blU....... SOdh. ...lJJeoUoaa1tle all -kIS
...... anll1e17 a ... wlltoh tell ..... at ._ ,. '!he peal,.... eao1l.,...
lIIddl _ -0lWle4 .. well p ....ted tftml antll.,.. ad waa t'.uq P"teotM.
tJoom .. Vaaab. _rtar to the We.l *1011 ftJoed. ...... palUoa ....... 4If' tv
a peJ'ied Of an ho.. eaoh - ... __ ..... of' tile ..n. 1'alltac _ po""-'
the reM 1'&11_ ., the .... d U11 s. tile ftU'.
1h... wre aow av.tteri.Jtg f'n. """'; _4 .. 4_41'1.. et Vt.e w_d14
lid ftJ lITo 01l81."04Nl'U, ... .,....01" Jlbe1ter lIalYea )aa4 Men 1Do11l1d,
_d ....ld lli&ll'. SUe_Ift- th. a1':ted1l8. .......10........ _Von peaod
Ut.e ...... was t'a_n.ble .-1_ft:aC tile ,_ .. ,......
!h18 DiP' ... beat'd. tbe attaDk of .. fOzo.. ., the ...
4rawiDs GlOHZ' aDd hoped ... oar 0Ia , '81114 __ ltnak _ _ ..
drillS I.. In \he -ftIIIrc ow ....... :rr_ .. hUl ......nIL
reponed'" Gemau Jad 'been .... ..t. Sou8Il to lf11la In 0111" 1'9&1'.
Eno01lr8fJRnDi .. told lto_nr at OV' utll1e17 barra8I ill the
earl,. IIIDl'D1Dg, wbleb 6061 .._ 011 tile Jdl1 to .. .... ad:.a....s. to .., jlllllP840"
pHI"a, ud OOD'..... ll9l1h. Dew be tha, .. P"f,UoaII .. 1Diebtoed __ 0111"
ow effecti...e RftIJg1It ...... alMlllt 1ft (lnolll4las all _118
S<naIda of 1"_ OIl .. hill '0 S'" aft 'MJ7 clea:r 411'l'bg the_.
A' .. P the QelWat. plared. a .-s.. sa _ 0" pod'l_ tv ..__
...... f'1li.'D8 1B illal tt.- wltll an iateDal'J' dif't1A1' '0 es:aaeraa. al.. It .......
ftfI oaaalU.. _ _a .,.d 1ll theb fWd[ be18. well. It wu zepea.... It
.. '.2U.te17 t>.U.'aI 'bJ' a IMJ'- _liar ."aDk f'.rom \he hUl .. a. aoJ'Cll. !he ..tlaDk

pgmlEB'" .AD. de4Htl'lllllllN. et"t'or\ Wall .. se' p.19.1a
t:b.Z'o'" at th1. tbt; tar ......... :baA ......... _ of .... ae 81l '.
tall.. OVI' UOOpa ill .. ftU' 10 ... ..... __ ....,. Iii .,.
p..... te bIdl'ft4W&1.Jr' to ...* their wq 'bM1t .e ua. a'
..... PeZ'llll........
Lie"'. Peaboq .'1 ce. B. 00.. C IOIth _till M.G. Ba. am LIe., lfMa.
J.n1'aat17 are kln. Ql.a u".
9,ft9Bp m. !be ettent.... or all alta preaen1l DOW amoate4
to 2'fti.
W88 te1d b. .. -JIIbS __l1a fallbg on 011J' poat.s.oa
t:rom the SoaU1 BIWt'. fllla we MlLlSHI1 te De .. t1re of artll1.,. &lao_
1, p:revecl to ... __ & G...- tlel4 pi... plMacl _1I.11u1 _. .-n.a'.ljr
w. ftre we. _, _d ............
L14na. SOllwSk, _.u"_ C 0IJIIi II ........ 11l1ed. We 4aiJ
.At " P.tI. a pzt...... t:rom K 0GIp., ftIIJOned t'b.a, _lrad left .u.n.
pe....d_ 1zl Ule _-. with ....' ....... !.IutJ' .......... c.,.,... 0....' , tift
Of the nb.e 118ft kllla4 Nat __ ........... DUe _ .... s1 _ Qea.u ..
__4 tor 0111' flo.,.. to 8'U'ftIlclllr. a....t 1Ib1ah 1. ft_ a'''........ Be was ...
lflJtJUo16ld _4 retl1nJ.&4 to ... 1.....
At' P ae.,. __.,. .. n,potte4 --as 1IP through tile .....
oa ow dsIlt. .. nu-t tel' _ OV" sa bd9Ml'I.lae.llle. _ ...
saw lIP &1.1 .. :r ..". ..1.. _loll tWr _ were ....,.. aad ....lJ" -.,.
had to'. 'b"'re gobg to 1leI.P.
99!QUI. m. -I'bs ,he 11M w16UW. l1t. a. JIDioIt.1a.
_ W1'8 .io1ne4 _ the __ttal..... 11ltaw.U7. aad. tood .. au.tcbwa ...
PIT ._. f_ ....... 118ft ........... at. P.L .. J"8I!!IabadeT _8 -..1le4 to ,_
rear .. ftd. At thie ts- Ulere __ 1&8 p...' wt. tile la, Jat1a11oa ca........
(41 wollltiled &Dl ., et't8o".....) lSi de. .. M Bat'aU., ooa. B. G. B (., ......
a4 181 ettaU.-I'. 21 effeMlw1l __ 11.&. JJIl aa1 ...U H .tteoU.... co.. 1:. ItftIt.
REPORT 01' OP1lRA!IONS OJ' --.m nELD AR!I:r..t:ERf
oovmnm PERIOD .i'ROll
()(1fOBI:E " TO OC!OBm ..,. li18.

26m Dl8 ro NOVmfBllt 8!.H 1918 - DlOllBIVE
October 4..: 95.56-'1'1.00
October 5111: 96.00-'16.02
Oc.bel" 'lUu wt'th the pvrpo. of re11nlDg a .tWI_ ot _. 308\11 lD:tDb7 whl.
was cut of!l f"roa __ Dl'd.atCID., a apealal O...Jdnt..... .. all gIm8 of
the nst.-.t to OM 0.. 1Il ft. us..,. the tnnoh... aad . troops
reported. .. 'be '1'WJ1Ol1........, La PalM. .. on. eta tire
oonu..4 t1"Om 0Jat 'to liar, a loW '" ltebtc tl1M. b \lat da. on
aeoo'ClD;l Of' til.... WG48 &lid U. .... 01 teftata. 1lO adJ--' hall he
...re4 from opabg o tile attM1t lIP to 'Utla '-' _ that a. ezeo1lUaa a
tb.1s 1'11'8 1IIh1ch WOlIld l'Oqtal1'8 aoe--. a.ctJ-.... ... _te:red upon onl.i'
acoount of tlle mftlle of 0.. attl1&t itm. 8Z'U11e::q aoUon was hea'fY ....
the Sa1lB , 2nd L1eu.t. HaJold Flalm. 0, Z06th MBobIM G_ BR. waa ldUed
b;; A Gumaa. abell abo... aoo _tel'll 80. ot the northeapotd tlftMl 011 'bJ' Ute .th
F.A., t\v: 1he tMur1q)Uon vms ade ht hi. death was ciU laacouate lIhoo'Ullg
OIl the pari of this rocittEnt. A subselj,uou t.hftoUSi11nves'Upl1oa b7 auth9J'ltl
ho'\1l8VU, d1aoloaed the foot that 8VOh an nent was illFoadble
as reeeaUy .t f8I'tIl
In Dt_.l....:L Gta:leftl Orden.
{Sle;ned1 yllnn
ClIAB D. wnm
OOlanol, 306th F.A A.E.F.

2Ia..11' to ilh InolJ'tn.
Pi.J'bg _ a. tol"WU'Cl gua8Dd ?Ie aulated b:r 1168 lPl'Il 8l181Iff 8UVng potutil and.
.r'. ga poe1tloaa, ClOIlGel'llbg *'011 tire the _u,na 'aft aJ'I'8Il8't4 be......
.....zo.... 00'8 endera Reo. ,.' ....... weft __ tor aliT_...
sa o.ppe.1Id.ty p........ !h1a pulOd. .. Cl'tlaraltezbe4 1t7 a __ apld ad........
1'1&tl' o .. Dl'Yldca a.tor aDd 'by a real.... _ the left whiob ...
OOJIlllteaMd b7 the tao' that OR at.... &ad tIto. of ... heDOJt wb.o &4Jo1M4 _ ..
the let' .,.. no' ..u....... 1\ waa at tbl8 tt_ tha' a _'talla
the IOIth lUIder aJor a1WI..,. ___ .......[ .t,. lrg u. GcmI8Ut MIl
wu oaq nUWe4....... Oft'___ at.._ .... .,. o 00...,...
9.Dt1M !I!
.'__ 11 anA .... a OOIIHllbaU.OU of all ,_ Dl"l'181aal ArdU., ... lald OIl t.A.
PA.l'BllflE ...... 110 8'11!fPG11" a oodtbe4 ft'PU9-A.-J'lo-. atUok _ tbe po81ilOll8
to rel..... JIIt,JoJ' Wh1 Uleaq'. .,\alls.. f11a a.... wae not thDCeuf'tIl. lJld the
ArV.ll.,. fire O:UMd. 8UDh IN to ........ lB __ an4 _terlal _ .. eGIIIIP81 )de
_ the B1atn of 7-8. 1'h8 renlu fJf 11118 fire were la.... :bdp..... -
tIba ... other 1Ibe .'I51re opera'_ \0 .soenat.1l the MOl'Ift8J"
06 Mar tire, beoauae a ra)?ort W:.;ji plJl)l1a" ila' 'tale f'lft 1J8;8 A oanf1a1
blW8Uga'l_ ... __ by _. AniUel7 ....... oa-'ler. .. nt:f1don aD1 00
lUpeo.n 8Ild Wi. l'eJ)on was fOllDd to 'be wi.... ft-.da'-'
(SigDa" ... ]l)Qlt!Jp!l
... ..,1....,.
Bftga4t.e.. Geaeral lJ.S .6..
OAPTADi A... f. nICH
J.s5ItRANT D18P m/l'OB G]Jlltit, FntsT Amtt
J.lATID OO'fOBm 8. 1918.
AmII'. _:RIOMi E:-1?DITIOliiJll' FOrem,
Of'ftoe O'L tile ....... o-aL
a 00t01Iu lB.
n... Oaptab Al'MI't :? R.... ........, lJIIIJIM'- Geeftl. ft., AftIr.
tea 1'helulH_ "' A1'III'
1. thle meaUsa's.m .. __ ... 00teliIu 19J8. 111 OGIIpll_ ......
luv.U... neel'h4 fit sWt. Fint AnI" 00.__ lt18.
&. I a.4lU- wItleIa --.1_ 1Jl .. .-U:ag Off .....
......'. -8Il4 ....,_ ........ 0Jt tile ". nt.s&", _ .....ftitd '" the Clllel'
ft Staft". "tit _ "...,_.... It>>.
a......123 ...... Sa
fA. Cd. _ ... COIl I.ue Otn... lO'rth JIlftiaU7. ". Diy.
bt Lt_ vte._ JI I'., _till. la_to CI "' _'''' S---.l Ba\taUGD.
4.......... f'1ra te.u-.,..
Ca, The lb.e tW at ... -sI_u len *" .l'1stt' ...........
.... ,1-6 p. 10).
(,.) LIal_ ... .....utr1w4 ....zn.. lIof'ee ... .. ' ......11'
'0' !he ...................... JII&te ,. II"'...... I'OaU 01' _
patba (at pdt. a4 " "" ...*14 _... t .... (It p.nJ _1__ or
......... t..' 1& ...., ............ ad ..1,.., (4 .lO). bal11dJDa w.
(S pd), at
(tL) 1D :tJlOD' f,t .. "till ....... a ...s. --1a8 .......,.
Sa a pDeDl 41__"_JIU.P_ilIw3_ \0 .. hoM u.. n....- oa ,... ai4ea ",
........... ea. ... -.111'" - ... cad. .......... t ..........
(.) D'tarlas tile atteaoe fit a 0.... 18. .. 1n _".tt_. III 1tae.
............ fit' .. 14. _tkll-. b. 1.'- --.t pan of Use lleG. oe.. aU fit .... ....
DttaabJ' paaIIad. .. tia ..... It ) to au .. cY ..10).. tIda left ...,
t1aak .... aad Ji? et. *. fa !de ....". 'IU.... ;pzeta it. (K pdt.
". ns.._.. .._ad. or 1da I d ...... ......1da ... tIM ral.... "..
..... t"lIlU ... 111m to .....t.1 ...t Ida 141ft flaIIk .... p.....W. (I pdt.
(1') Aft tia ... t. ....,.. .. held .... Ita ...
(I pdt). 8iD4 later .., .aI&tIt ....... FE_at II , rntr ......... to pllD. lIP 18\'_.
foU..a.s til..... It ..,. Oftl.d. _, ........... fa tI1e1J" W_ ....... ('I .10).
(g) !he 3cl 3O'1th l'J3.:faDU':! was tb.eftore ordered up We
ranne. l>Ut 3 tb sa mde"mifll _ AI"'" N ...,1 "M 4!
f'Yli' Toward JDD1"1'l1Dg
K 00. pwIhed end. Jobe4 .. aix oClJlllBDl 8Ild the II.G. CO. of the
808 II. 00. 'i&8 'baok 'b:f .. _.., (llbe wu than p1lll'tt',. in '0 CD oft ...
ad:v8lload detaohmea\..). (top p.l1l.
(ll) Qp to tie t1_ l1at.aon wi. thle adyaoed
(la p.5; 3 p.l). M. co. waa ap.t.n Ull'OWl tonard the zoa1'be. aappoS"Ud lW a Hale.
but the 8IIIIi:IJII' had paabed in. title ad'nulOe4 p..-Q' W. 011' eft, and." 00....
th:rovm baolt ega1a. IJ.'Ih1s .... about _,-light 3 OOWber {top p.U, 18 p.a,.
(1) Halt tb..e D1'V1aton Bellene (3 p.l1, one battalion. had been plaae4
at hia, GEaeral J __ta, 4iapGeal. (1' p.G), bv.t pan 3IJ'I_ Inf.m::v .... _...
up tie ft'Y1De (1.6 p.iJ .a. nth the Brlgade Reserve posted t'her.f and nth the
understandl:.a.g that tbs Freno1l _n ahel.d of' hilllt he did not deem 1\ ...saaQ' _ use
the Dlv1310Dal i1eaene (17 peG).
tJ) A11 a.ttack, pmpared .bs' art1l1e17 flre, was dD.lUg 3 oetiOller
but reUef of the could not be a.cooapl111hed (18 p.,),
(k) On the morning Of the 4th, Col. Staoq, OQl1l!t&DdSDg S08th ID.:f'antr7
attaoked 'but waa UU'QC4esaf'lll.
(1) att;emOQrl Col. staoey attao'kad again, brrt again he faile4
to reach the PSl'q (20 p.6).
,.) Col. Stace:.v proWsted asaf:nst hie for the so).(md at\aok
(22 p.a). Hia actlon on both oooaaions W88 "weak in 1ale ez:t1oelle" and he aaked to be
relieved. stating that his r&aponalbili ties are teo grea'_ He W8U Wd to go to the
S.O.S. (4 p.l).
(n) '2}le Division CtltDmDder on!.emd him nl1....a.. GeJl8ral Jo)ma
p1"Oie3ted that this waald. Q.1&organiae his br1ga4e at ae.t time. 1'.ha former adhered
W hi. daeielon and col. was :relleftd at cmoe.
(0) Gceral Jotaaon, on tille mormng of ,he ItIb. by orde.!' of .e
Di "'8ion OODl'lBndW, 1_ a "battalloo. 111 atkok In pe1'MJl. !he egab. talled
(6 p.2; 2' p.').
(p) TwO sre atteJlpta at rellat ftsulHd in :talllU'8 (1-6 p.2).
(q) ',........." ....le w1'th 1Ihe l'l"eIDl1 ou ,be
left, tdw au1ated 1n !he II..1011 C....,.. toOk apeolal ateps to
1naure b7 8GI1dlag 0_ of his FJ'8mh llat o:tf'toen J'reMh P.O...
lr.eep 111m lli.-t t;he llalsftr b.l'Olat deJa (I pel). bJ' FJ.'eD)h _4
Am8noma resulted. (6-6 p.2)
(1') Gelleral J01IDara'. brlgadG had. Just received 1190 reozodta. 'l!b.87
_re 'I'IJIJlIf8 had not ftftd a J'ln.. ad llad _wr ... IJ!bq had.
no 1dea Of dHlgaaU_, and had ., be told bow. where, and Whea to Ihoft.
(4 p.13; U p.U, sa p.s,.
(s' on 2 OotoMa" tbe DlylalOll 0......1', Galen1 Alexa.... ha"t'!llg
1nf0l'll184 GeDeral. JoJmacm hie tlaD1ta ..... _ ."1' boGpe, gaw h1m _8t
uphatl0 orders 10 advanoe (6 p.3)., telUng him 1Ihat U he oould not dO eo, he woal4
get some one else who ooul d. GaI1eI'8l. JOib:Daaa at ome attacked. Itts flauk8 were DO'
pr9Wcted aGel'\ later by hi8 av.ppoft battalion aDd br1gad.e J'e8&1'ft. and 1t Wa&I In Vlat
tlat; the S06th Inf'aJltrry beo_ i.GlUed (8-9 p.4).
(tJ oa 10. lila. Oel. Np02'ted W Oh1et StD"SMD Tn'b.
D1v1a1on. 2d eehe1on, Flo:amt. He was .yeo_ired the same daI' w ___"011 Roapltal "
at VaaDeoolU't. Co.ad1Uoa W8IIJ entend _ "Kadloal - lfO\" fte SUJ8Hl1 Qn.
....,. U this 8'te.t1on repol'Wd to the I...... wrball.J' .., 001..1 appean4
"ft'Iy nerro_. InapeoWr 1rltel"'dewd 1Ihe OGllllmdb8 Of'tl... a' EI'eo,.*oa "ital
No.9 at Va$ecou;n am. found that Colonel had DeeD. ......W OIL Id. of
00... to Be&1ZU. Oond1tloa ". en-..ed .. !'fe1UUtblld.... Be alIJo 8ta..4 that ColQll81
3teaq bad UffloultJ' in remembering thlD8I 'l:hat had happEmed.. 98t ha 108s O'l
bothered him aDd that :a- appeard 'Ye r'8 ne1"VOll8.
(1) That the atiaolm ordered for the 308t11 Inf_t17 to reeoh the au
Oft ooupao.1es f&11&4 because of the aoUona of Colonel Oro.eU SMcfq. 308th h'lf-b7.
This 1"811111'8 to OOJJi)ly with orde 1111 W88 due either to the fatigue of Ib.e .o_d or ..
'\be oondition of colonel Staoq.
(2) COloael Stacey. thow1l traaed D&4k to 't'arlou ho8plWs,
could not be located to be mterviend.. It 1s apparent that he was both I>b3'81oally
am Jll8lUal17 aff'ected beore ft84h1ng the ho8!P1UJ..
(3) 'lhat the aotiona of CGl.GllDel $_.,. 1DI1lcate .., he de_ no'
poa8eS8 tIh. neoessa;ry quall:flcatiollS to oo:mmand a combat unit 1n aoUOD.
(4) '.rbat the outting off o this detaahnlmt was due 110:
a. JJ.a1son French 11Ili ts on the left brealr;blg down, thus
tbe ;')ivision OCD:ll&nder being informal. as to flatt em tbe left.
b. P_dng the advame energetically of fl.adt proMo'I_
by Oael" un!. ta, in the bal.1ef that the 8Il8lIW was in rebea' .. tla\ the tlanlaJ Gould
be ta;lcen oare 01 (2 p.l).
(5) Geaeral Johnson. lmO'W1xlg tba' t'he 307th fltf'aDV8 was in
n.v:1.a, having his n.Ppon hattallon and Bft.gad8 Res.2ft on t;'bat flank and. eapeolal.J.,
ha'riDg been \old by the Division Of ppder 1111&, the i'Z'INIIIh on 1l1. left are In a4'9'ame
of ld.. altoul4 DOt be oeaallN:4 for _t wd.1Ig-a. lie...... pl.. at
hi. dJ. .U..o 'lBt wb:lle knoWllag Olat the P:nmch on his Xm"'''' let' were bell1Dd
h1a (13 p.6) he ..po...... trom the Dl'f181on 0_1(181'*. mes-., ..t th.,. wre abead
:t'\U'the to le:t'\ ($up p.4) and \_t the _0 alll.&d 1'eyce....n114 "Ph...." them_
of this peolIa'_

1st. t.l!hat Ooloael cre ]ell Stacey be ordered bef'ore a Dlaab1U_ JM.1td
l8ld.eJ' the pl"OTlsl<ma of G.o. f4,1, GeH.Q.., o.a.
o Ga. Re'ben AJ.estm481". ta1ten at lIq.
7?th D1uBloa, E.F... , OotolMr ...
Gapt. At... !. Inf., Asat. to 1'Ilapeowl'"
GGD&ftJ. FiJ:.., UIW,. .Amel'le. EeF.
A. Roben Alex&der. MaJor Gees}" OO"'.ullDg ""\11 DI.v1s1cm.
2. Q. Pleas. e_te tbe o1'd.ers. d.1 fI)08"10&. and __..118 of the lMth Infantzv 3d__
f'l'Om ocnober 24. . . -
A. On OotobeJ:t 24, I bOOt B1'lgade O""'WVlera. aa I ha4. been dotag all the ,_.
to p1l8h forward vlgo1'OUal3 &aId.a' the .... u..... a.t 1t1e time I JaIn' iihat
_lther the FreDOll left aer .. .. D.tvlal_- _ ., right wtmt 'qp 11'1.
III' 84.... ua.. 'ft'da ... 40&_ He-. I ocdDci4e4 wDb Ule lMtll.t tapl'Uw4 'bJ'
ArIWI au4 the Oupe u.t .... b :nbea' ad that IV' tlaaka
110111 d be auf'tlolent17 Ukea 0... 01 .. JIll' '0_ peo,p1e. aM Vut.t an. l'JIOOII'1. aetllra1
J,.._ repoJ'Md ... HI"taJn ea-_ Of hi. )1'1.... 'De'ltagbs _ til. 101.. lJlfaDW7
ha4 1"NObe4 e l1ne crt .. M01allJl c1At CJIlarl.... - Le Tl....'_ l'Ud em M8 8Xu..
left w1t:bDut "UJIg 8111' rlo_ oppoelUa.
3. A,a at 1Ibat tlme 1 had rea80n W .b'k u.., ." lett flank wa. oP-' tor at 1..,
a Jdl_____ I dlnate4. G-.el'al Ja!mIea to hi. Bztgade R..... ,be puI'JIO_
of' 8..,pbs 1bat gap and at the .... '1_ Ol'dend the Dl'ria1aal Rese..,. of <me
ba.ttallOJl fI'M La. Rarazee to a loast_ on the mil> lm01Ia. sa the DepOt
!!d. 'J)at,-Uon of' Ul:e Di vi.lemal Rflse.rre was on tlIe., flaK bMau.
Ioould not the Dlv1s1oaal Be_lift 1n one body on &C001D1' Of a lack 0'
tl"8D."""'" ftaU am \he It11'oss1bl11ty of sen6.tng a aepe.:ra.te OOJlUl&UJ tram a oentral
poal tin to et... tla'lk In Ume to M ot s:tq" aem..e. I therefore ha4 one
biiUiDd. eaoh naak. 'J!he eletI8nt. of' the lMth !ngads 'Wbi<lb we:e 0J1 the liDe lnuloa'eo..
MD1Ill1l cle Oharl......r.a Vl.".t\e J!'O&d. Dl" ..., oClllMJlllaaUon in me ear:Q' pan cd
the l'1lght bJ' __ of a liDo of po.t. raan1ng back to th& let'* of rigtJ.t
ale_t. Of the lK. Bl'1gade. wblab Vc:S the 3O't'h but 4urlng the night
\h1s lbJe of 1"1IIID8l" posta .. oa D:f tho int11trDiion. of the eD.eD\J U'OUI1Q. the fl.a:ak.
I could not .uierstand at the time. nor oa.n I new, 62081'* frOm state1J8llu of G&neral
Jabnaon. how .us Infiltration oould h&"fe taken plaee. had 1WJ additional troope plaoecl
at his 41apoeal been used in a. proper tactical JIB1m&r to stop the gap. 310. -'a.'
time ea:dy mora1:ng of t:he 3d of october. I have had no direot inform"on of oOla1lDJ.ea.
with. the .1..,.t8 of the 308th In:f'am17 reponed on that line. 1be&e elaten.,
as I haYe aaoenalD8d. l.7$ oona1sMd of sa OOJqpades 01" parte of s1% $OJII>8Illn
Of the 308Vl Waat'1l'l. with a part of the gan o-.PS13. the st:n:alllll
.... ergadsa\tona as reporW. to __ 40 .. per ol'ga;nlsat1on. SiDee
the Of ,lie .... 1:.aat... DDt leaa than tl'Ve attGlll>ta have been made to tu'eak
the hostile Un. between us and the posl Uon reporte.. ooeupled b.Y'
the deiiaclDaat Of b 308th l:D1'e.atr.v wbleh was lJIlaer oCllBilmd of lbjor \1h1ttleaq
that Ragl....
4. Two .t 1;heae ..eN tmtlcT tho direction 01' Colonel Staoey of the 308.
Intamrg. I f'ollUd i'l'Om the report of General Johnson 1ihat Colonel StaB.,.-. aottlOlLlt
on both oaoaa!OJ:lS .. walt 1n the auremenend em the second _cation he ... qaMe4
to _ as aay1ng that he wtaW to be reUeved 01' lds OOlII1aUd, tb;,lt he would rather
be in the S.O.s the maponalbll1t7 baing too gI'e&,t :for him. I dJ.reo\ed General
Jolmrron q>QI.l reoe1'Vb8 'Ul18 report, to rel1.... Colanel staoey alId '0 sad
him dan to the 2d eohelaa. from 1II1ioh plQ3e I URders1;.81d he b.aa 'been evuatecl lIB'
the In a .en_ cODdlU-. Co1ael JQ'bnaQn pro_ted. agamat. his r&l1ef'
talat time. 1t wot1ld aOlJJf)}etel.y d.\a-o:rgainze Ms BJ'igade. but I adMl'ed to IV
d801alon. 1' thlntdng to "\aln a Hal wboa. 11111 power and nene had oOlDple_lJ
f'Oraabn h1a.
011 the re1181' of Colonel StaGey on $he 5th !Ast_. I dlrected. General
Jolmaon to U1rB a batWlon \'Ib.1. ha4 to 1;bat time been 1n Divisional Resel"Y8
aDd was pftba'bly the f'n8hest UoGp' &TaUable. e.m. hi. pencmal d1J'Mtion,
mae a d.etiQm1ned effort to bHak 'tbl'Ough Une. rue effO" was made w1 tll
the reslllt that 1t fatted at..- 1llo\'lft'1Ds a oouJ.derabl.e lou .. tl'OOplJ in...olved..
I T.ll.... t:b&t Col..l GOr4an J....... the latter pan Of thta 8I8Ppt"Mlt. D\IriDg
the .... f'utlher eArt .... ade in atUllp", ..-operaU_ wtth .e FmJIeh on 0.. lett.
Ua1son Wall 1IabUllhed w1 ttl -.m ...... ,.....:l dil'eOtia bJ' F:re:aab. Ltala_ Of't'l.....
1Ibo walt nat b;y IIIIF oJ.'der tftDl Ule IO'1tIl iG tile IQ8. Ia1'a.,. tor 1lhe pur,peae of
Ite01B"bg 01_ If.a.UOIl. It &p.peU'8, he..... 1i1aat 1t waa !Jqpn.o'ioabl.....lIre
tbe 01.. lWaaa 4eaired. wlth ... 1UIa1' v... &1.. ,lie lllaeral .....41Dg ..
F19Mh Dl ...1aloa _ DI' len ... _ attack wi.... 0....... _ tile 1.&Pa1letw ;poat'l
Olll" 'J!GOI* dJ4 1lOt ... m ......raUea wiUl h1a. _4 th. etf'on was dlajotae4 &Dd &
A h:r1t!er enm .. __ on *bia date_ 411'Mtlll8 the Ire ot UI
.Art111e17 ..... tnuoh I'RIhB llaat aDd .... 00....... _ the 1/2ftflllO ..
(, t.h......... & little 'JI021II1 OS' _, w "'.......,. ae ueop.ot the
lI4,til :szipde 1Ib.1C1b. wre 1D. the 1ti1aellate Y.lcbd.ty of tb18 , .... _8 d1zreoW4 b)'
to be to a poal\1.01\ .t 1.. ttla!l 100 J L1EI. eoldh of "at t:reDOh. '1'Iu.
would place aa, b.f-t17 OJ! .1) ltDe the ratll"Oad ;rwmJq ..., trea
Bbanille '*eft the; were 1. olfHte ltat... with the Fl'fIl'lOh &Ud wi... __ thq ....
to ad'\'allOe .18 _a1ag at 6.... I leaned hom.uv 0111 ll1f'811.\J7 am bom
CD D\V let" this tUe 1.sMad of' ranching lb. 'rench indio: led fell aloag the't1.Ue n.ll.J:oead anl on the t)."Emz_ of: .. eauatng 1..... to boa
el__... Irl the GuM .f IfI 'roopa. OM oftlcer being ldUed themb,y. !his I1J11U....
1l1oa'uable 1f oorreo'ly 1.8 De1ag i1xYest1gated by nile BDi 11111 be mwa"'"
1'"a!'ther as soon as I haw asked tor a OGaIletent lnapectw to be &ss1gl:led to th18 llf.",lat-,
Notwith8tand1ng th1a action. wha. oagh' .. h&'T e bean Mendly art111wa, '\he ......
84Y8:D0ed at the 1'1zed herm- but were 'QI'lable Pl'O-grtHJ. ae as to t4:e tte Uenohea au1
have, I lDlden\and, faUen baok to their OZ'1g1nal. pGaltlon. It a.we8l"8 from the
report of 1lhe rremh, that the troops Of this aotmJand lnBWad of' aCi....IIl1c1ng at
6 otolOCtk d14 110' a4Tanoe until 7 o'oloak. In the attack W88 a dJ.e
Jolnted effo.n which :re8Ql ted in fLtllllw.
b a .... rage at 11\1 disposal have boen ued. to the tall.'
extent tor 1ibe J1UP08e of gw\tiDg in Wwth with MaJer V1hitwalez. and an effOJ:\ hall
'been ... 1lt h ... ot aropp1Dg s.pllee, 8D11BJDit1o.n. messages. iu ilh. vlo1nltJ'
_ere he 1s to 'N. A *1* _.. make mentation c:m;m on the ga'QlIIl4 "'-'1fT
b.ard.. and I .. not oertaiD aat results from &'9'1e.tion are to be 4epai&4
It was NPOrted tha, a f'11stl' this moming saw e. lta."allOll panel and two pael.
h the v1.o1nl.. When JllJor Whl'tAtelq'a oOJ2lD8lld waa laat reponed _ WDC.
TeetJlICJD of Mg. Gtm.cral. M. JoJmaon, 0 .. 0. l5lrth
BJ'lgade. '*_ Bq., 6th October, ltl8. by Oaptain
Al'beft T. Rf.cJl, ASsinantInspeotor Gerleml. First Anw.
Q. .Please state your rank, ol88lllzat1on aM -4v:tl...
A. :E9an L Johnaoa, G8D8ral, e.o. lI4_ !1igade.
Q. .please _._ the omers. dla,pulUca, &lid. _.,...ta Of -.. l.Ii4th I2laatl"3 Bdgad8
ftOm 00.... 24?
A. oa tht DiP' f4 1n 0"'1", 1918, 1 ftOelved aD ."2" k .. 8h8pe of a l1e14 0....
C.., fI'OIl tile DITktcma1 0, a.d.. to the ___ of ...
'1... 1Ieb8 a orea' 01' l'l488 u...rrbg the d.lvteleu1 __ et at... Jut DOzta f1t ...
road am ...lroad. 'DlUoI" LaVbgettil (IY.,..,.." ad llOtIl.........lft_ (K.........&',
A. 1'A 1d." .18 .... 'baMd ... DlvUlOJal __
I S.8.-4 ... baa-'tOID tor the at'tlaCk tldoh oaUed tor the ... ro___t8 111 .,.
e84h bits'" "-.-tal eeoto.-, to .... OIl the us1saa._ obJe.l.,..... ngl-.te
at the beCl-_ Of 11M at.. __ .. a geaeral l1ne wblch .., be uaol'l...... betweea
1Ibe 'Mnloal co"'.,U.... _.3 ad 2M.2 OIl a horluatal O.....
s}I)ra:1ate17 aft.! on tile lett. a1IIl 2'75.4 on \he riih'. i1Ie _Wi. Gat to .. o",,"Uw,'
Ed 0Jl neoN.. a pot_ s11gtltq adTmoad of lIbe 11no which tho7 00411>1-. 1I1e lett
.. tato hea-vy aomtng fi."Om Hench. on tlJe geneml liDe of 2?1.4. !I!b.&..
VenolIaa ..... wi Q. -.chine gD8, nOkee l'ftOJ"__, _4 "t.
A. The .,T. llItau, on the was held u;v at thaa llna m :hcmt
Of' aU. .t 'J'fIIICllM, l'\1Im.lng:trom 2M.S s11ghtly nol."'thee.Bt, then 801l1il:l eaat to
296.0. wi t'b. a geBeai Q'erage posltlcm along \he oo-ol"tlinanoe 271.6. 5."haJe
were dAlteDded. wi. ba1"bed. wbe, !IIIBOh1116 gans, ete., as Iltated.
A. ARe '-he waa init.iated I len ,.. post a'LaHadz;o. to mo" tol"llU'd
- ... pftHll' OOIIIIIIaii post at FoanteJ:ne-A.....ctla1D3s. Whllot on rIfI YlFi8W POIl'
Gene1'8l. Alexander ealled on \he aud left t'h13 llI9Ssag81 "You ten "
General Jol'meoft that the Brigade 1$ holding back 1Ib.e Fnme.h emt_ 1.,. IID.d is
holdbg b$Ck ev.J'ytIling on the J'lght." and thllt the 154t.h Br.tgada ft__, paI:l
theb obj..U'ft..... lW ff1llUJt" I DItt\U mast. and by I .-n
DeZt wetIt. You repon hea"7 gtm. fire. but the oaaualW lists do _\,.ub
s'a,nUate thu. lleDeJlliber 1iIaat men you maldng 1ih$e nports.
. C
A. At tbi8 t1llll 1t was statMtd. the ffrenoh had taken IauOOll.. and the ltiid was
in acl"fa.:nae of nv pceit.1on. As s. matter of :eM' neither vIas th.e oase. The
Bl'1gad.e was aet'la&lll' 1n JQ' rear. and relatively very mmh 1n 'JJtI rGaJ'. 1"or ,.
the line 01 ad.'ftrloe ibe,y should h*" been in Dl fl'On t, wbllst the tat
ieblg in LaDcon,. were five 01" six htlD.dred meters to JQ' left and r,..1' as 1
.. Ualeon 8ft.. but 1 _o1t8ht it probable the othor h'eno:h wea 1n a4't'aa_.'\ .

A. On arrl'V'1:qJ at DW' new post of OQ1W' ... 'Ulct. I leal'llOO verg s1'l.1;)rily tha.. tho 1ta4
Me dof1ll1t.eq held. 'tq>, and at onoa :P1' an order or the ad'YaJ3Oe at _.
and :read. SalE .0 GeDeral over the ta1eph0D8. ' ..
A. I l-.41a.1,. to the Divisional the fact ot the
of ., brigade. _4 was told b7 him 1n a. moa' Pl'eIl{)W17 "118:3, 1fb.&t 1 DUll' puh lea at' ...
and on 1113 and 1_n was allatl4 a.ud I was holdbg ne17WlfW,
if I could not 0.0 this he would get someone 1hat (}ould.
I had alreaq made pl.. tor ad:t'a1xle, am. _84 him 'Ulo older lIflloh I :bad la..eIl
for 1b. Dft1r a4'nJ:De. to ... plaDe at 1&"'. AU tbi. U. I .., UI1de1> the tapas.l_
ot Ooa:rBe, that 'botb DW 1"J&b' ad let' f'1a1:I1I.1t __ p.......... wh.... as I hage
foreaalcl. .. ele.. oa \otb. IIW right 81Id lat', flaks .... in II\V rear.
but in Blf oaee I reoe1ftd 01Ul"S to pnea on and would haft obe'ed them
0' _ flaDlal.
,. A. As a 1'Ul1l' fd .. oBlsr &ad the at.... d% of the aQ8th Int'aIitl7. of
ftra' line laattallou au4 ...........f ... a1WPO" liIMWlcm. aoOOll:"'lde4 bJ' no
seoUOIW .t ......._ G_ 0...,.. ........ ha pwlalag through g- latenal be....
fihe 1Ib1oh Oftend the Jt.sIlt _d lett n.1at .1ItfiDe. __a il'eDGb..
at ...., tt. no' bat't.JtB Men .R.ltH '" wlft. ODe 0....,. of 80'1. Inta.1a7.
w.bich .... to .. left acl ..... atao ......... in p88tlf:&tg
\bro. Wa b,........
10. A. !Iae 10" .. the 1'lP' b 1'. nsJn [.tal ......1' 00IIIlJIe up ap.tDa' \he
prepare4 polilUOllyhloh hed. :te--lI- at;Q,fpe4 ........ asain .t1:dtell' _tow_ sad ...
uaable .. a.d:ftDoe. ea.te.P' CI!Ile 00IIIP8W wlll<ll aa eta-ted. had I1l pasl'ab8
to the lett forward at. t&_ oolGok 1> fa reoelp' of the report .. 0_<11.021 at
a.e hom, I _lepbae4 __ U Oblet of S\&t as f'o11on.:
U. A. lJ!b.e attaok 11'&8 made u d.1.otied in 30'1ih sector. The oesttre ..
held \'liP lQ' win, 1II8dl1ne gans, baD4 gJ.'!8Dades am Innnb7. The ri8t1' was
grMua'I17 i'U."OUnd the right flank, end !he lett reglnEm'l bad paaaed lW the lart of file
wire am had 14 prlaoners. At fov otolook P.lI.t. WUS messase was received
tftm C4tlGDel Of the 308. In1M1V3'9 that his a<iT2l'!09 61emmts hat l"8d.ed the
liDe 216.0 ad were puhlag
12. n9leJ'lu.we oap1N:rcd two machine g1D18 and ha. ... e passed. one abtmd8J1ed ...
8'Dd captured tweut7-e:t.' pJl8Ol19ra, 000 of.' w'hOtJl is a Ueut6llllllt. !i.b1a makes a total
to .,-No priacmors 8Zl.d two gau. 'lbere 1. Q great deal Qf U8Cbl_ gIIIl
b t'1'ont ani fl.... !l.!hin 18 deol'ElaStng al present. The 8081ih 1s almost wits
obJec'!,.. 1he 3()fth is held 1:> in the oe_or by barbed wire and 1s wQl'k1ng arollnd
the flaDllB 1M) take the BOohe in the rear. tfhat was 1Jte cond.Itions a' 2.30. the
hour the zessengers 'Were sent from the 'ront cls!l8Dts. I do not knOW .. 8-DCt
aOUd1 tlons at tbJ.s mJDent. namely, at & tOO p.m."
13. !his _ssage I sent to the Chiet" of Staf'f' and. I add.ed the f'ollowlng which I hald the
Ohief' of Stdf, Colonel II&IlDa, repear for word to Cenol'"'8.1 .A..lamndert
"1 w.1sh ;you -would. __ this to the He told me t.hat 1t'
1 eoulu. not do tle work he woW.(l get someone that would. I want you to tell
him j1l6t the eandl tiOttS wi'ioh I }mow to be a fact. On DW lett. the FreDCh
are f1ghUDg on a l1nej"lISt in real' ot' .. VoOJ?s. I know this fl'O!n a
observer mo hae just len thelli. On nw -the l55d Bl'igaQe- 1a on a ,
11m VI..,. .,. B1'J.p4e t aad baa ba.n. arIa'3 ahe&d 0'1 OIl Jq or
left. It will loelt tIl$ he .11 ... t,_ R.e1aU'V'e],y, the Frel'lOh .
Should be on a line 276.0, but tb B.l'e actually 'baak ot 11_. 1J!b.e 155d'
Brlgade should 'be :Nlatively on a ltae 2!f"f. but they are a.lso .b. 11118'
rear, so t'b.&oo elem&1lta are not only relatively but aotuall7 beb1:ad .,., 'zoeqps.
I ".t hill W 'Galerstlad tbese oOlldi\1ons. '1b.a 1nformatiOll about tll4t
Fremh was gt"l'en me 'bJ' a Corps obsene:r Co has just left this of'ioe, am I
k:IWW what I am ta-.c abou\."
14,. A. t this l'DDDIfC'\. Oolonel Hama called ., and 88l4, nG_l'8.l Ale'lBllder "00Dgn.'
1I1at1<ma." I npl1ed, "1 ciO DOt otblldltr l' a -.tter for OOItgIIatalaUona. but I w1& ..
pa hi. all801delsr tn po_sstem O ..e t'aoa."
16. Du:riDg the e"t'eD.lzrs. _ ..... from the b'ont showed that 00DI>.a1- A.B.D.D.G. and R.
ot the 308. Iataa_. &D4 It .... _.ted. tha$ Wo oC"lpllldea of" 10"" but was
011114 law \0 be .. GI'I'GIr, aDd. 'bU ....'''0' 0'1 .. SOfth Irdad17 - 00. x. was
GIl iIl8 11_ Of .0.,.."..... podU_ -.." aU11 lIDl4. ....__ bJ' 1na' -.bSne
g-.; .... tw 80IIIIPlldes .. Rppea 1Nt.ltalf._ had bnr1 _ld VI> oa t1l& lett
the Z'&"d.Be ll7 .... _ & polat a.... aw.a. DO \ "tAg able to .' fOnIUd.
16. I .a. at __, II'Mh dl....'10lU .. __ poe.tlble 11'1 the J-cl. aal
dar...... p..._' tide lett t'ltaI'k. I telt wall altho_ at the
ti_ 1 ...., alal'a4 .. ....... n tea_OIl wi. va. frat Is. llattall. _4 t
telt tIIa... 1O'Nl ..tut.1t'.. .. left f'1III1t o'l ... ....."7...... al'01al
wiN ta ,. ftea, ... 1M' tJd.. _ lfO'Gl4 ntII1k oU n. aez... Sa ftoOat. a_
811G1V .at W come,. _ .. lb. 1 ...._ a.lHt'D 4.00 pJa. to _.
- OOJII)....s fit rae ....n bnt.... _ gaard .at f'laadt, alii I dl-.te4 1\9'
llz'igade rue..... 0GDId '*1l1li of two _ ffa battalloa. bJ 'dEl'.',
to ...... a pout .... IIIII!P wl\loll1f'111 ..,. llldSonte4 .. til. eo-ordt..... aM.&-I'II.a
wi u.a o'l len.
1'_ 'fhe divisloa plaoeti 11l..s.alaaat. ReM'" at 1IV dlspoa11lon should I
feel It neeossA17 to 'aSs it. This reserte emal.ted of OM battall_ Of the 3O'Ith
Wan..,. and 'DB _11 to, and I cmud no' haw b.,ugh\ 1\ lIP ... ntgat
1;hZ'91lSh .., .., I 414 ..t -'1al17 t'ettl l' _eeasa1'7 1:0 bring It 111>
U. JJeZt -DW1811ad.- ol:'derll .t'.fom the Tl1 'Vision the attaok 'WaS res....
with lWta o :fol"W&J'd tile elAt__ of tho line tIOIra:rd the given obJeet1w_
Ifhis waa on 3 OatoDc"t 18. Tb1s e ttaok V18II detinl iely held up paetloally in the
poalUons ooovpled b7 Woo;;s at the 0_____-. 8Ild _ \he 8ame tb8 It; was fcnmd
that with the front l1ne batWlon was end. !l1e had eddentlV
:ttl_ftC! into poslUon on both f"lanlm of the a'rimt. '1"..11. th8y had.
the Charle Va1I& \l"e1Dhee alob eO!llf'Z'O!tt .e French Dt",tsion and
fl1CteDd1ug tn_ JQ'. eector. !he attack wee }r epared by anUl9J"Y f'ire, and p\18hed
"Iigol'OUa1,y t'hr<nIgb.outthe 0a:Jt 1m.. was \1r1SIlOOessM.
19. On. \be mom1ng of ,be .th, alders wee isatled" ba8e4 on the D1 'Visional or(,
to resume the attsole wlttJ. the ObJet of 'bl"eaktng to rellft'e ",1' ."'tel.ley..
1 was tald the Pl"IIDOh would asalst on the lei't, and the 11\30. Brlgaae on tber.tght. fheae
attaoklJ were la't1l1Ched. praoeed8d by artillery :firo, 'b'1a aga1n -.ore uu8uoonsfUl. !be
Fl'eneh h.Ued to ......k.
at. In thell I again lilreokd ColQnel St80.., \0 end...vol" -.0 :p!t.s. tb.ro1O
1b:e 1ntenaJ. 1n the w11'&, and. to use for *Me PlU"pOSe the Di'rl.ton reM.... and \h._
of his 01Il aud. ftn,' 807" regf.Mat OIl tJle rip" ., the ._
tta .. _t,.... to toN&'l\i ... 1& wire, 1fMeh It was Pl"Op...t1 W
OIlt with artl11eq f'lr.. The attack was JDIIis!t __ was urumoonsf"ttl.
&1. On the tolloCng I waDi fol"\'lU'd to the poet of ootm!lllld of .. 80ftll
llLfaJ1b7 __ the ......., 1n o....Uon with the lIZa. Brigad., '0 p.. __he
ritOlt 0lU' 'br.lgede poallion. and \he let' ua,. lIN. Bri(;ll8de po....... wUh .. ""_
Of thl"O't.lftl to .a Jear of _. ('rfDftIaJI. Veac.laaa, tla:n1dag them am
on tile l1na ooo-qpted 1>7 at 'Ws1&7 and hi. COlJIlBIl4.
tl'OOp8 of tho 308th were pofted aud wre 8b1>ly to oealaSn the en.. 1n :troD, at
this ,bit. It belDg fO'l814 lIt>aotloabla to 0J'8IUd,- for .. a4'nra0e, ancl be prepa:red
to go f'o.rward 1D Ua1ae. _ ill the 8O"/tIl I:afDU7 OIl 1t& J'lgbl aal on 1.
left, 1t hmJlg been ata.. that .... would attaok on .. len this dq.
22. Oolanel su.c.., nlBbt OIl l'eOeJpt of W mer proted agalMt the
_8 of h1a DIe. aa,1ng tbat .83 .... WOlD 01lt 8Ild 00\114 DOt dO tills 1Orlr. aak.1l2g
to be reU.... Of hi. o.....a and .., to the.... 1 t.ld him \hat no anion of
1hat ldn4 e011l.4 be \ak8n no1I9. Sa as _11 aa l' was ....118:17 .. nllen d'-lt_
at the f'nnt, and that we ha4 no o .. 'l'OOpa at our c1Iapodtl_ bat those on the Ita..
U. vadlat at the Of til. 01 IL1tn8 om..1" at ..,. Jafa1l.-.r, to 1iIll1u
I had gene at eiz .'01eak I ... oa1le4 'Ill ., tlhou Wn Q'clOOlt b3
General. .Alaamd_ Clod a.ae4 heir _ ..... papuaJna- 1 Ml4 him. ""'17 81_17 on tae
riP'- fta, l:roopa _H opuaUns la 4aae __"- .....
gplng iORaN.. eat l' t ..... woal4 SlOt bit Pl- to get t'ar O'fdng to the
OOnditloa oz He ..... _ 1dIa' ha4 ____ OIl tbe len. 1 told
him no adt' bad. 'beel1.-d8, u it was __albla tor t1le 'UoOptI 0'1 the
Inan\'J:7 to adYa:zIae _U1 e.,. WGre aadaled b7 troops oa ... r!&h' &l'Jl Jan.
... He told me 1Iaat the .li'J."e'I.Io4 Oft 1rW left had ad"taJIGed and. taken :r..a.t>a.U.t_ 'renGb.
.n in adV9Jl()e of *he 1he held by the U'oop. of thG :sooth !D$n"', sad were conplainlng
that "e had not &s.J.sted aLivame., am d1 :reated a, to take:f'our
oom;panle\J of ee .1)tv1s1onal and proceed '\11. th them and dl NOt then v1goraaa
8O,lon spina 1116 Boahe tr&Doh aha_ on the :f'1H't ooloa., ao.9O() DIMGtett.r. as
nrmt.rlg ao1tUsGast from 1Ih1oh b hal tak_ am were dapandiDs
on OUl" to hold it. and to attack Tigo1'01.18ly and dJ'!"M out the GerrBltl Whi,-h
il1tervenad be\wlHn _ and tile po _ tiou 1Ddloat;ed.
21. I asDd it he desired me to go personally with aha' ba'tallon, tlwt shoUd
I do DO, I would, of oourae. lese touDh with. the general slt.uatiOt'., s.nd. I waald be
beand 0l1l" o_SoaUon. lie npUCld that be did. I at one......,11 il'...e Dlv1s1aa1
I'&Mrve. oonsistiDg of 6. batw.llon ttll1Qh _pleted tnstzoerJgtb, pJIfIDUoally %50 mea..
\'Ib1oh til. mol!1ing had been draw:: book froza t.h& line 1Ib1Oh had attaobd last ntgb.'t.
and wi th l' proceede4 w \he line held by the 30Sth IntaiD.,.. 'lbte Ib.e was held
.. cOlJl)&les., each ha"f'1l3g a o:f abO_ fl.n,--ttwe I8D.. !WO other
COIIIpSIlles also 1'ID3h of this regiment, had been sent as a Liaison C(lUMt
to aot with tne lr.r6'Dch In moning.
26. On arrlv1ns at the line ooo'@lo<.t by the 308th InfBntry, w'h1oh wa.s If!'!!:!ld1e.tely tacing
the Gezmm trench line, I found b., the French had fallen back and were again in our
aat, and that 80 t_ fl'OJU baiTing LaPalle'tte t:remh, they had. atta.eked." raaahed
It, wre Gonter and. at &:30 in the mm1ng had 'bee driven out almost as
... 8.3 U1ey reaebed tl1.6 and had remmet to $he p01S1 t10n Where I t'oand tlb.em.
27. A mesSB.@I was aen' \0 .. by the Frer.aoh. Uwon Old.... stating tha' l' was t'h$
lnteUtou of' I'NDOh GOmI1Bl1d, to tall baok eUll tanher that night, _loll aga1n
DV flanks entirely UlJ;pl'Otected. I personall.7 oxgaulzed end placed the resene
lIattallou in a. l>oalUan hOm wld.oh ",0 Immoh ilhe a. ttMk.. oo:.talion wu to be
...1 ..... by :tire Id t1.1ree oOllfpades o the 30Slb .In:fatr,y whioh the eneJq'a
VeDlibes. 1 u4 d11\lOted 1he a.ttaok, a'anding by th. aide of' the Batte.llon
OOmnIiniJor. .. oaptain who had uaen 'pIoooo. In 00IlI'fIe21Q. 'b7 DIe., as all Of1loers 1n the
batMllan were 116ldeDa'a" the behlg killed or vrouaded. 'fh18 att84k was
pl''''lIIH b.v Utllle17 b:om l8l'ttl 5100 p..... aud .....
possible _au o:f' which I was e&pable of using made, to penetrate tile GeI'matt ltl
I did. DDt at arq 'S- tihSa1t l' aat.aul... aU_ the .'JewMa of ... OfWRaJ to
p1'OOeed flO tal' .. the nw.t ........., ... 1RIt I .......... o_rs
to pub tol'Wal'd tla1III a.a..... wJIWb. I ..... reputed, and ot
wh1ch I .. at au ,s.- ..... b..tIt Of tan ... I .. telc1 that ..
t1aDka _4 ... I .. btiIdDd...... I .-.117 ... and _ aWl. at
all pomt. Of DV Une. m .......
at. The CIOl1IlV, Ia a JwIgl.. eeJr'Dg It &1-.., 1JIpeaalble \0 --.oUV8.. aDd 1__
an attaok. .., c.Vol puf1bt6 a' ... 'te sq1ll4 leaden atter being launobe4.
1he OOJIIIImd W&8 ....... d -. .. JIM aDod .... Up _ ... VliBL& aUDJ'"
\0 In'-tle _n ad a'", rna *ioJl plaN tItq ......... _ .i1.trgu' 4tb
toarcl .. Ai.e. Ws ....,.... _"1... I septlJlilDel" 1'1111, wi:.
CMDaUirt f'tghttag. em ....te I' wu wJtdliU.,h f'J'Om .. U. and brrJaI1d. t.o this
pIce in ....ona nesw ter. pm.Od fl.. Gap. aft4tr ldWIlllt
was plaGed on the l.11le. the attack a6121.
In Ja>'Vbg telWU'd Ule DIOW.-mt was thro-qSh a D1U8 of v4re awl W.R.-, aai the
f5'l'OUI;t4 c:JiIftJ9d b7 _ 18I4aIp" ..... as to 'be ala) sl __al})1e. ....
110 reeds and .. uall wh1e21 8J.'""ter the GeDlllll v.ada u.. was .....4
lr1 ODr to get tM4 t the men for the '11'8\ six or seven d.aS l' .... naee.,..,.
to 118& oamere.
... ']!he oond1tloaa ot the whole ad'ftme have beerl difficult in t.b.e extreD8, ad I
est __ .. 0-.1'''8 88 JawwD ill this Mgade to b$ about I60Q men blld.l1ed
and ....". 'l'hle...-oer "ill be greatly inoreaaed to.. .. I have s_wa.
the dO DOt now 8Y6ra.p .,.el" lilt) mtIl.
II. !here have DeaD but very taw stragglers, these haTing been 1I'.P bir M.P'a.
,.. I 1IiI!.Sew tlU.\ I8l7 l1Ien have been !oat 1n the unde*J'1IIh _ drOp'piDg Daok on
aooo'lild ot being elEb..a'wlJ\ied, unable \0 f'lnd their organ1zaUona.
II. Oil th$ l'I8D., appl'OXlmately I should say 1800, Joined just be4lre the
OOlD'Jl81'1Cemrm.t of the ba"let '*0 had De't"er :fired a rifle or tbaom 1 __
this ge:neral sta_.n' in that the 001i1tlona _UeZ' wh1ah openUons ...
0VZ'1e4 em., ray be 1'Ully "fftIen...... nv.ry effon poeB1ble baa Deeu __ W 1".1 .....
Mljor'Md.ttesley, b1I.t owing to the faat that he is mo"fed far 1;0 tb.o frOA't nih his
flanks and 1t was lJossi"bl e :to 1" tha GermtLllS owing w their \Z8JICh .,...
to move moh1ne gIm8 and troops to his rear am thus ou1; his l1ll8 of QOflladaatJ.on.
he has been de:f'in1taly out oft to this date.
R. I have been in oonstant alose touch w11 the lart Mel rlgh\, and al1tlo frequen'1l'
_14 tha.t the troOi)S on m:f right and left have been In advance of this baa
never the oase. I am ahead a.t W:ds wrIting, Slld always been abeY.
lit. \'he 1l._r of _ ., p:a-.lJ8l1t wlt11 aJor \.t11beale1, a8 last ate.ted b7 him. 1s
11111, this baiug tho total m8!lber of' :men with the 0
Fi fJOn'l>ades of' .. Brigade dO not over 3QO and there 18 no1ib1.JtC
to nit..... th-.
a. The new men enme f'rOtll a JePO"' Division.
1'1. ttr men are in no cOJJ41tlon to eo f'o:rwa;rd owing to physloal
!eat''''OII Of' Lt. 001. EUltPtBe H. Hoagtl.... t;a1dm at Bq.
30'10. lD.tallb7, A.Erioan E.P. 6th 00_... 'by Oap.
A1l:Je1'\ T. ltloh, !:at., Asat .. to I1J.8,pecno1" GeaeJ'al, 1!'i1'8'
Al"III'. __d.ean E.F.
1. Q. Pl.eaM .ta.. yov De., ra.1I1t. oZ'gllD1_tlon and dUt....
A. EQ@!m8 H. HOllS'hton, Lt. Col O_.D:!SDg 3O'th 1Dt'a.Bh7.
2. ,- Are,.., OOJll>m1 ea of' 70'" reg!atnt lIIla8bg at 'the pftlMlllt tiD?
A.. K.
3. Q. HOw long has a18 00JI'I)e;r been ratslllagt
A. ldse1Dg 8 Sac. Ooto'bu B4.
4. Q. state the o11"OW111taas....blah le4 te till. ...,.,. Mb8 plaoe4 In the peat. Ucm ... "
it t. at p .....
A. we 1IU'e ol"'daed to attaok ..,.....ww. We Iaad __ aU:8fI'Jd-.g .taoe tM "1'D1aS
Of .... Sept..... :r:r. a pod'l_ whla ... Ud. --=..... tile al.
of iIlWI Yall.eJ', _ ." ....... _4 ..........U1 __, atftllg realnaaoe e_l.ths
'bU'bed 111ft aDd ..,.,. gaaa. ad .nIU.,. We Wft eaal1l ........ attaolr
abo. papan.Uoa lMer 1. 1tIe cta,'. '.PJ&ea .nan .............. _ ....
eel .er ... 1Iad 1'8Mlw4 fa... Di'1ldoa OG _aw. J up""'''' ,.
tbe. tha, po.t1cm ! .... lIP .......... 'IeI!7 .burg ad ......... a1JUttr' to a-t
1., but ... lIOulA 'J'7. I c1t4 a'" ad". .."pel Sa fNat ot We wbe
1Iib1Oh ....J."O'd....:q 11 .. ao ......... We ......17 atzwg re......... be.
,..t_ 8l1D. tnt ..,. aad antll.,- tl.:re. ,. eo' 1ihJ!e'l8\ll a poJUeD o-t .. "'1"8 am
raa 011 to a 0""" Gel ... Of .... _'&:fta 11 pd....." aDd ldUe4 til. rea',
We...-e ilhc stepp_ 'b7 _ orpad.... cIltt__ .,.............. of ..... g1m.II, wire.
5. '!he mlaaiOl'l of .. aoa. IDfa1IU:r 01'l ... len .. to 01_ up the nl187 'Qp 1Ih1G1l
theJ' were adYa1I&)bg. .lppal8ll.t17 *7 4td _, _t wi .. olWBld.JJ8d "al.... _d -
able to set iRlro\'l8h. .., 0"......... J'alboad 'lIIOk J' eaat aDd "..,
f'.rOm (aM.a-rt6.4) to (III.,....'. Pde to til. _Halt ... ha4 J.t.a1_ 1fith
108t;h Inf'ant17 on 0_ len 1IIlto1l ... IIPpftx1-.teq 0Jl a l.hte ""'h
a. !be SOIth reg!1I8I1' on Ollr rlgt1t was &p,pNd.ateq a 11:11_.... 111 OW reo..... ,.
h::id Ual-. with \h.. ... 01Ir ...,... GOIIIl>81I
ea. I pdahcl out __ ..
BJ'lgade Oc N-r a.t tia tt. Ud al_ .... Dl'9lal_ ON UIII.Dr aa, 1 felt
ne:rvo_ Uo. DIIV I'lght tl-* 1a __ ot tao' ilia, the riIJI.' .....t.1
_1'8 no' as .,. a4.....ed .. tJ&1a....... AtW l' llad ............' that ... 001Il4
_, get. t.bJ:ro. b w1ft. I .. baf'uIHIl .. JJI!lp.dta 01 ad te14 hbl .., l'
1RIld ftqU1'8 a good etal of Pft'lP--"- ......... t:h1_ red.._. :ae btol!M4_
.... SOl. lBta-Z7 ... __""'q -1Ch8 Pft8I"8-.
,. lateI' on ..., l'llBtl' he ad.....ed _ .." a pntiOll Of the 108. had 2'e8i1lhe1l their ob.,..
,t... .. Jal],a_ _4 1___Wd _ .., It 1 on14 _, O'ftZO" .. :Mata
\a1Ioe ... a,y trod. _ pM_ III' _cpa ... the .... 8IIf will_ tU ... !&ad. tDe
I 1_._ oJ'dan .... 14 _t\&11_ ot oW 'b7 BtJ... JIII1.e,."
s-t in totrah ft. the $08.... _d &"J"aB8It W ._hi. ltattall- up tb2O'a81l ....t1l
$a .. l'B11road .l"8Ck. aDd rleDd to the rlght akmg ae J'allnad t1'8Olt, and en4ea'Yor
to get ==*t wttb em the In 1lbe GT h1a bG1ng able t.o set
oont.t. he was to 'tum his 1'lg'b.t t18Ilk baek am. rehM 1'. ra the __time I DlDV e4
the 24 battali= 010= to tba 111112 were hold'ag .. 'alP- AS 1ihts mD';S=
Jlllnt toOk place at night, thJ.ro11g'h ft17 tk1* 1JI'1.derbJ'\1llh. l' was _Ie 01- leas delqed
=d I received a repon :f'rom e.a ba'taltcz:.w,. .rA'\.8r tba__ It. had
passed. through and t'bat M. had. been baok. meet1Dg with heaV lD8Chi_
g=. and rifle ftr-e. I CI'4e=d them fo_a.--d aota aV".ack B\1!PCr.e4. ly a UalC011
CGBllant. but thG7 weft lIDable to 'l'hls was abo1ltt dlWllsbt. !bla 111 the
last OODDeotion we have had wlVl X" 0GrIF... We ha'ft atUcked oOllt1nuo_l
4laiJ1.1sh' ho1U'll.
t. Q.. What 1s the nature of the terraln in th1a pl.aee?
J.. VU7 tiCk UDderbl'Q8h, aDd a wq aUOngl.J orgaallltMl de1"tm8. S71Jtan. Wen wire
in. and with a great n1Dber of' maObl_ s-a. 'l'tle aJu pu1d.0Il la dO-. btU .....
lIhlch the .. baa obaenatloa. EftZ'J' ."'aok 1e at with _av Ureot ...
r:l.f'le :tire, 1umd J'l1'1e ......:rt." aad anUl817
10. ca. wew these delellM conatl"QOted af'tftt 1Ih. molldnS of tllt N or 8Z8 1ih&J' a priOS"
A. 1!ie1' are a prior oaastraeti-. which we have dl8OO't'eJ"8d _ a oapt1U"8d. GfmIaJ. JIBp.
'.1!1.,. were not shown on 0lI1" OWl DIIiIfP. 'fh... Clef.... aeem to _ a ponton 0'1 an
orgardze4 def_. 'l'tlq ha're etaoe been bwl'e'ftd _ w1n a1l4 """'. gag. .. I
oa11ed the BJ'lga4e O. '4.... S &"-''1_ .., tile fact that we __ getUDg pm.,. far
in adT&11Cle. he .. 111&$ the Dt. 'fidem 0....481' had told ldJIl ... the J'reacll
on OUI' lett f1aDlt we" a 1_ 1Ifq8 '-ad of .s ad that the AJlGftoaJl OD l'111&'
bad 8Ib'8DOed a 10Dg 187 aM6d of .a. SDd we ere 1lo1dtas buk 'M& uuoJt.
'!ld.a lntOJ'JJlaUon later 1t'&8 not conf'b"me4.
11. Q. What 0.1&88 of DIm baYe you in your regimen.
A. 'l!h1s reg1ment 1libEil. I took 1t 0'\11&1" on Ute 21th 01' A1Iga.St was in 1:be l.1De be__
J't.ame.s sn.d Basooches. It had sUff'encl quite 1l_vl1y 1n oa.ma1d, es. and. OIl the Genal
retreat from 1'ihe Veale to the Ai_, as WII reg1Ja1t wae oa the ziP' flSlllt d\ the
enUre Ita oasualt1es were '"17 heaq. We Game \0 1ih1s area d1reot trom
there in traolta. The regtamt W88 )he" 8Gletll1ug OWJ' lIOO DIm. A ds prior to the
present ottensl..... I reoel.ed a <lJraft or 'be'ilI_ 850 and ItO -.. It waa reported to
JIll by battalion and oOlllpq' Ulat. to}( fd the.. .n had Mver
tired a rifle. nor 1il'U'oWl a gnmacle...kad 1II1I1V had .. ola8e 01'481' dJ'l11.
O'ar oerapades ware a.t s\'I)k tbat It .... lIIp........ *" I .. the-Sa
the attao.'lt. Bllt in 80 fa%' aa poaal.14e. I the lJattallon ao waden"
utili.. them for parttee. eto. It ueoeaaar.v 1.... to. ....,If'I til_in
tbe tl"Ollt llDe.
12. Q. Did you reeelft IIIq from oOJlllP8lQT O-oa.Dden or pla.. o_mers abo_ the
........ o'l these ........,
A.. Sboe th$ action 1t .. been npoJ'ted t;o _ 0MPsPaJ' ad
bUW10ll oODlWSdsrs that l' Wt'-8 paoUoal17 tID hmdle a .. .n .....
... p.... _1'I'Ida. 1'IIq had. DO 1..... " ... to edea4 _d woul.c1 ha"fe to
be le4 aro11D4 fl'Oll pI.. 110 place. tJI.e7 wze oClltbDa3!7 gettbg lon _d
abagg1tns.. aad as 'heir ..... _a. _-oGnW1.d..s Oftleen ft_
abatJgen to them, l' a4e l' ..,." 41ft1.-41' to ba4le ...
1'h18 ltst does nol 1nB11td8 WdaJ'
8 (onUl,
GaII1Ia1U... nor dOes it iDOl.. lC. O_)81Q'.
1111088 8Vm2gtlib. a' the beglnJlI'Dg of ihe aoUoa
.... 210_.
AbO'D 4.00 Wl1IIdacl
S1Dm etate__ of 18 Li. We.... JeDklaa. 1O't1ll. lDt'aabJ'
e0'JllJBDd1118 14 'battalla. art.. 1._. kba a Bl'tptle
6th o.te'-'. 19lt, ..". OapWa AI"" t.
Ria. AUl... _, G_ftl. liB' AIIIr.
1. Q. '\'111&, 1roIJ th. approd.... au... 0'170_ lI&\talloa a' t.1ae .... IEI1ISIMI' of .... dJ'bet
A. I - lDtOJ'llal by that h* .... _tio. tOO .." at ttaat , ....
2. Q. '\VUe 1JIm7 U an reonl'at
s. Q. va., \98S the obaDa_ .... nenl. '0 pdor 1Dab'aDtlcm. dBIl 8114
119D111l0lat... Of a e rUle'
A. !he,. ..... at va1n.e4 boopa. of _ 'lllld8ata:lulllad ....1" :tll'GCla nne.
sos had 0Dl.7 41'_ 115 ...... aB4 __ Jaa4 tll'8d. 10 1'O'CIIO did not __ .,
1IRdeI'dDcl .. 11M o:r a JUla as a ..... ad 4 U be abIIolllh17 l8ael'at
bet.... _4 Ita .e. 80 tu .. ., l.1t.q1ddal ....,. a4 I of ..,. fit th...
an .. of' thea laa4. _. alaa4 pm.1e ... dfJt PI ..... ea4 of thea 41.4 _,
'k1IQw ..., ... -........ ......... of _.. s.. of ._had. had
ela_'U7 1M.." .. 1Jl ... Tel ..... a&l4 It_ we ta.l ....... 0'1 ... Jaa4
_0. Of 1, ..t 1Bler ... *. ...... 001114 pt ., at l' Sate ad II _
:,awn"". fllq Ud ... a JU' tII.e1r 'tba ataGe ..u..... la 'zoawlUDg
Of m_ tile ....tea)lan Of u. lIdt84 ....... '.I!IleJ' u..wl1ecl
aoaal_rabl7 an. ..elr aft'bal. Sa
4. Q. Depot lI...teJ.oa did. t:heee Veep___ tnm .. -,0- DJ.ud.'
A. 1 __ heal"4. ltd 1 Jaaw _..... I _ aot ..... __ It 110..... IDe the 1-'. SO
tal' ... we CJoll1d .Ia:ra. \het7 ........ M4 ...fte4 at .1oM 01"481" 4J'll1. be
thq ha.4 Jlot halt' eao. at ala .. Ilaldta ., _4 Uaol.p1b.e. rae,
hacl 1&0 1dea Of 6e *1..... _... ... lta4 Jtad a SUtJ'llllUOJl
.. til.,. lDt"cm.d." em :aI"W
,.. ..,. Jaa4.. I .... of' -.., dHlpat1a OJ" tln
oonVOl, _4 I apeak ftOa It.a.a) ......tha. 1IIla I ..,. ... "ladel'" eaeh ..
had .. lte _14 ., OJ> ................. ottl........, u. ad __ -. .....
!hq had had. 110 la8b1ro-.. _ tar .. _ en1d aeoertIata 11k 8OO'IltlaS 01' pauolltDg.
..,.,.." DOthlD8 e:t adftBaea 8'IJIU .r ....... _4 ...." Uttla Of guaJitl _".....
were exwrel1ea' _terlal 1MI'ft4Ml17. lnd ..,. 1ask tile ualld2sC ad d1aet.pUM 1Ih16
III8d8 -..201'1... of a. ___..1able Sa _"1e. I .. apeak b'om aped........
all J\II' of'tloera and DCIID.-O............ em.. haft ,lie ... tal.. 1s. *'
their taoaltl s..1NMl .. be 41111__ __ 1IDIlGJ' &eYere abellbg .. ...
gaB 1'1re. and \be,- de _t ...... ODe8 aDd gJ.WA ...
6 .4.. In the atack em 'the aften.oOIl fII 00.__ J.n8. 1It.1oll was pel'Hnally cU.reote4
.... BI'!lgade C..,."c_. Lt. GoeIbda aa4 I, 11l .. oGlll_e. f'Oward with -.
idea Of paastng 1"01md flank Of .. _I It '. U:ae. had. to 8I1d
DlDW .all -. ___ llePJ' .nul..,- _d ,..1_ sa f'lre. fJ'OlD COWl' ..
cover. 111 ol\l.el" te lu1Ire t_11' net 'DetJIC k11181l 1NI:tO:ra ......1llg the polnt from 1IhlGh
\l&e7 oo1ll<l appnaoh. tile f'1a1Ik of tlle ___ Uae.
.A.J.rrJRlD11R li:\PL'DITroruurr FOBCm, FRlllen
Office of G-3
Frame, ., Ocwber 1918.
The f'ollowing message W8B phoned from the Offioe of the Chief of' Air Service, ls'
COlpB, a' 12 noO.l1:
nChlef of Staff. Yl7th Div. phoned to C.A.S., 1st corps evening of October
4th, that he .... sendiDg tiOWl SOJS meseages 'that he wan 1Bd us to drop by plane
to 1st :an., 30ath I;a. These werr: reoel'VM at 2 a.a. of' 5111 and sen'
Immedia to 50th Aero Sqdn. At dal1ght of' 5th, 2 planes of 50th Aero sqdn
one caJ'1'71:ng 3 copies and one caft7itte one dropped these messages at
294.6 - 276.3, mere the Bn. was supposed to be.
Message read: ... "Rold out 1n your pzesent position. Help 1s being sent YOu."
JlJ8t at dusk of the 5th. 2 more planes oarrying six oopies of tho message, reading
something like this:
If you are attaoked.
'lght your way back" $ent ollt
and weft dl"Gpped on tbe stlpp88ed position Of the:Btl. '!'he planes dftpplng these
messages Qi' the 5th were fired at from both the North and south of the
posltton but not from \he poatt!on itself. On October 6, beMen dIIFUgb.t _4
tl.uak. planes of the 50th Aero SqdD., dropped ODe baabt of earrier pigeons _d
40 88Cka ooaMDU7g ....1tlon, &Mel and medtoal aupplSes, ODS
thowsaal p01ilDd8 on the avppoaed poa1tlon. alao dnppe4 o*n with the saue
text _ thO.. on the prerta. p.m. Duling these mlsa:lona. OJW plau& fatled to
:retum, 2 planes we1'8 mot down In our 11Ms and Lt. lbourtw. ob.eJI'V. in mlo1iler
pl.arle, was :raWly wounded in 'the neek; - all meeltfDe 8'1111 tire oadng a,ppaftnt1J"
the au;ppo88d position ot the le.t Brl. This IMlJbtne gan aetlrttJ' was durbg
the late afternoGll and e'VeDing. On n.oDe of these t11ghtla the poattloaa of
thta battalion verified. Our a.viaton were UDable to 1(8 ate thi. 1m.. thOU&b
the7 flew eDeptional17 low and fired a signal for pealtlon U_s. frted
to find them again this moraine. b1n did not sucoeed and NOeiwd machine gun.
fire f'1"Om the po.t1on .ere the,y were sVl>posed 1n be.
Reo.bed by 001cme1 F. P. Labm

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