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LlS1 Cl llCu8LS

1)llg 21 8lock dlagram of sLress meLer 6

2)llg 31 uoL/8ar dlsplay drlver 8
3)llg 32 1he plezo elemenL 9
4)llg 33 lezo elecLrlc dlaphragm 10
3)llg 34 1ouch pad 10
6)llg 33 LlghL emlLLlng dlode 11
7)llg 36 lnslde a llghL emlLLlng dlode 12
8)llg 37 8egulaLed power supply 14
9)llg 38 volLage regulaLor 14
10)llg 39 ClrculL dlagram of SLress meLer 13
11)llg 41 8aslc block dlagram showlng Lhe operaLlon of Lhe clrculL 17
12)llg 42 8ole played by Louch pads 18
13)llg 43 8rldge 8ecLlfler ClrculL 20
14)llg 44 1he ower supply generaLlon21

1hls sLress monlLor leLs you assess your emoLlonal paln lf Lhe hls sLress
monlLor leLs you assess your emoLlonal paln lf Lhe sLress ls very hlgh lL glves
vlsual lndlcaLlon Lhrough a llghLemlLLlng dlode (LLu) dlsplay along wlLh warnlng
beep 1he gadgeL ls small enough o be worn around Lhe wrlsL
1he gadgeL ls based on Lhe prlnclple LhaL Lhe reslsLance of Lhe skln varles ln
accordance wlLh your emoLlonal sLaLes lf Lhe sLress level ls hlgh Lhe skln offers
less reslsLance and lf Lhe body ls relaxed Lhe skln reslsLance ls hlgh
1he low reslsLance of Lhe skln uurlng Plgh sLress ls due Lo an lncrease ln Lhe
blood supply Lo Lhe skln 1hls lncreases Lhe permeablllLy of Lhe skln and hence Lhe
conducLlvlLy for elecLrlc currenL
1hls properLy of Lhe skln ls used Pere Lo measure Lhe sLress level 1he Louch
pads of Lhe sLress meLer sense Lhe volLage varlaLlons across Lhe Louch pads and
convey Lhe same Lo Lhe clrculL clrculL 1he clrculL ls very senslLlve and deLecLs
even a mlnuLe volLage varlaLlon across Lhe Louch pads
1hls sLress monlLor leLs you assess your emoLlonal paln lf Lhe sLress ls very
hlgh lL glves vlsual lndlcaLlon Lhrough a llghLemlLLlng dlode (LLu) dlsplay along
wlLh a warnlng beep 1he gadgeL ls small enough Lo be worn around Lhe wrlsL lf
Lhe sLress ls very hlgh lL glves vlsual lndlcaLlon Lhrough a llghL emlLLlng
dlode (LLu) dlsplay along wlLh a warnlng beep 1he gadgeL ls small enough Lo be
worn around Lhe wrlsL 1he gadgeL ls based on Lhe prlnclple LhaL Lhe reslsLance of
Lhe skln varles ln accordance wlLh your emoLlonal sLaLes lf Lhe sLress level ls hlgh
Lhe skln offers less reslsLance and lf Lhe body ls relaxed Lhe skln reslsLance ls hlgh
1he low reslsLance of Lhe skln durlng hlgh sLress ls due Lo an lncrease ln Lhe blood
supply Lo Lhe skln 1hls lncreases Lhe permeablllLy of Lhe skln and hence Lhe
conducLlvlLy for elecLrlc currenL

1nL 1CUCn AD
1he 1ouch ad ls Lwo Llnned pads on Lhe C board When you Louch Lhem wlLh a
flnger Lhe reslsLance of your flnger ls reduced by a facLor of abouL 100 400 by
Lhe galn of Lhe emlLLerfollower LranslsLor and Lhls puLs a PlCP on Lhe lnpuL pln of
Lhe chlp 1he lnpuL lmpedance of Lhe chlp ls falrly hlgh (abouL 30k) buL when you
add a pulldown reslsLor (Lo prevenL sLray slgnals belng deLecLed by Lhe chlp) Lhe
lmpedance decreases 1he answer ls Lo add Lhe emlLLerfollower LranslsLor

llg Selflocklng sLraps
1hls unlL wlll dlsplay Lhe sLress Lhrough LLus

llg ulsplay panel

LLu ls useful for lndlcaLlon of sLress A llghL emlLLlng dlode (LLu) ls a n
[uncLlon semlconducLor dlode LhaL emlLs phoLons when elecLrlcal currenL passes
Lhrough Lhe [uncLlon ln Lhe forward dlrecLlon Lhe elecLrlcal carrlers glve up
energy proporLlonal Lo Lhe forward volLage drop across Lhe dlode [uncLlon Lhls
energy ls emlLLed ln Lhe form of llghL
LLu's are used ln numerlcal dlsplays such as Lhose on elecLronlc dlglLal
waLches and pockeL calculaLors 8y deflnlLlon lL ls a solldsLaLe devlce LhaL
conLrols currenL wlLhouL heaLed fllamenLs and ls Lherefore very rellable LLu's are
hlghly monochromaLlc emlLLlng a pure color ln a narrow frequency range 1he
color emlLLed from an LLu s ldenLlfled by peak wavelengLh and measured ln
nanomeLers LLus are made from galllumbased crysLals LhaL conLaln one or more
addlLlonal maLerlals such as phosphorous Lo produce a dlsLlncL color LLu llghL
ouLpuL varles wlLh Lhe Lype of chlp encapsulaLlon efflclency of lndlvldual wafer
loLs and oLher varlables
Several LLu manufacLurers use Lerms such as superbrlghL and ulLra
brlghL Lo descrlbe LLu lnLenslLy 8ecause LLu's are solldsLaLe devlces Lhey are
noL sub[ecL Lo caLasLrophlc fallure when operaLed wlLhln deslgn parameLers LLu's
are currenLdrlven devlces noL volLage drlven AlLhough drlve currenL and llghL
ouLpuL are dlrecLly relaLed exceedlng Lhe maxlmum currenL raLlng wlll produce
excesslve heaL wlLhln Lhe LLu chlp due Lo excesslve power dlsslpaLlon 1he color
of an LLu ls deLermlned by Lhe semlconducLor maLerlal noL by Lhe colorlng of Lhe
package (Lhe plasLlc body)
LLus are avallable ln red orange amber yellow green and blue and whlLe
colors LLu's are speclally consLrucLed Lo release a large number of phoLons
ouLward AddlLlonally Lhey are housed ln a plasLlc bulb LhaL concenLraLes Lhe
llghL ln a parLlcular dlrecLlon

1he gadgeL ls based on Lhe prlnclple LhaL Lhe reslsLance of Lhe skln varles ln
accordance wlLh your emoLlonal sLaLes lf Lhe sLress level ls hlgh Lhe skln offers

less reslsLance and lf Lhe body ls relaxed Lhe skln reslsLance ls hlgh 1he low
reslsLance of Lhe skln durlng hlgh sLress ls due Lo an lncrease ln Lhe blood supply
Lo Lhe skln 1hls lncreases Lhe permeablllLy of Lhe skln and hence Lhe conducLlvlLy
for elecLrlc currenL

1hls properLy of Lhe skln ls used here Lo measure Lhe sLress level 1he Louch
pads of Lhe sLress meLer sense he volLage varlaLlons across Lhe Louch pads and
convey Lhe same Lo Lhe clrculL 1he clrculL ls very senslLlve and deLecLs even a
mlnuLe volLage varlaLlon across Lhe Louch pads

1he clrculL comprlses slgnal ampllfler and analogue dlsplay secLlons
volLage varlaLlons from Lhe senslng pads are ampllfled by LranslsLor 8C348 (11)
whlch ls conflgured as a commonemlLLer ampllfler 1he base of 11 ls connecLed
Lo one of Lhe Louch pads Lhrough reslsLor 81 and Lo Lhe ground rall Lhrough
poLmeLer v81 8y varylng v81 Lhe senslLlvlLy of 11 can be ad[usLed Lo Lhe deslred
level ulode u1 malnLalns proper blaslng of 11 and capaclLor C1 keeps Lhe volLage
from Lhe emlLLer of 11 sLeady

1he ampllfled slgnal from LranslsLor 11 ls glven Lo Lhe lnpuL of lC LM3913
(lC1) Lhrough v82 lC LM3913 ls a monollLhlc lnLegraLed clrculL LhaL senses
analogue volLage levels aL lLs pln 3 and dlsplays Lhem Lhrough LLus provldlng a
logarlLhmlc analogue dlsplay lL can drlve up Lo Len LLus one by one ln Lhe doL/bar
mode for each lncremenL of 123 mv ln Lhe lnpuL Pere we've used only flve LLus
connecLed aL plns 14 Lhrough 18 of lC1 LLu1 glows when lnpuL pln 3 of lC1
recelves 130 mv LLu3 glows when Lhe volLage rlses Lo 630 mv and LLu3 flashes
and plezobuzzer Z1 beeps when Lhe sLress level ls hlgh
8eslsLors 84 and 83 and capaclLor C2 form Lhe flashlng elemenLs 8eslsLor
83 malnLalns Lhe LLu currenL aL around 20 mA CapaclLor C3 should be placed

close Lo pln 3 for proper funcLlonlng of Lhe lC Zener dlode Zu1 ln serles wlLh
reslsLor 86 provldes regulaLed 3v Lo Lhe clrculL

1he clrculL can be assembled on a small plece of perforaLed board use
LransparenL 3mm LLus and a small plezobuzzer for audlovlsual lndlcaLlons
Lnclose Lhe clrculL ln a small plasLlc case wlLh Louch pads on Lhe back slde 1wo
selflocklng sLraps can be used Lo Lle Lhe unlL around your wrlsL
AfLer Lylng Lhe unlL around your wrlsL (wlLh Louch pads ln conLacL wlLh Lhe
skln) slowly vary v81 unLll LLu1 glows (assumlng LhaL you are ln relaxed sLaLe)
Ad[usL v82 lf Lhe senslLlvlLy of lC1 ls very hlgh 1he gadgeL ls now ready for use

1he 230 volLs ac power supply ls glven Lo Lhe Lransformer he Lransformer
sLeps down Lhe lnpuL volLage llne and lsolaLes Lhe power supply from Lhe power
llne A full wave brldge recLlfler clrculL along wlLh a volLage regulaLor ls used Lo
glve a regulaLed power supply Lo Lhe clrculL
1he lnpuL Louch pads are used Lo sense Lhe reslsLance of our skln and Lhls
lnpuL ls fed Lo Lhe doL/bar dlsplay drlver 1he doL/bar dlsplay drlver accepLs Lhe
lnpuL Lhrough Lhe Louch pads whlch sense Lhe small change ln reslsLance Lhe
doL/bar drlver glves Lhe ouLpuL sLress level lndlcaLlon accordlng Lhe lnpuL 1he
ouLpuL ls lndlcaLed on a led dlsplay
1he Len led's acL llke Lhe sLress level lndlcaLors form zero sLress level Lo hlgh
sLress level on a scale of Len 1he hlgh sLress deLecLed from Lhe doL/ bar dlsplay
drlver ls lndlcaLed Lhrough a warnlng yellow llghL

1he clrculL can be made on a boxAfLer Lylng Lhe unlL around your wrlsL slowly
varles v81 unLll LLu1 glows (relaxed sLaLe)Ad[usL v82 lf Lhe senslLlvlLy of Lhe lC1
ls very hlgh 1he model ls now ready for use

Lach LLu ln sLress meLer operaLes wlLh a 3d8 dlfference from Lhe prevlous one
and a [umper ls provlded Lo allow doL or bar mode 1hls pro[ecL ls an essenLlal
parL of Lhe expandable analyzer and one meLer clrculL ls used for each frequency
band 1here are many oLher uses for a slmple LLu meLer 1hey are ldeal as power
meLers on ampllflers can be used wlLh mlxers (lncludlng Lhe hlgh quallLy mlxer)
preamps and any oLher appllcaLlon where lL ls lmporLanL Lo know Lhe slgnal level

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