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Purposes/Aims of Science: Vaccines/drugs/medication e.g. human enhancement drug used to treat people with cognitive difficulties e.g.

. Alzhemier and Parkinsons Disease Predicts phenomenon e.g. The presence of meteorology and weather satellites allow people to get ready for any violent weathersreduce death due to natural disasters like sand storms/hurricanes Provided technology for education e.g. computers/information e.g. TV/ Communication e.g. mobile phones Seek solutions for problems e.g. Invitro Reproduction: offering another choice for couples who want to conceive a child Enhance quality of life e.g. Science allows us to come up with more alternative resources to offer a more practical long-term solution Uncover secrets of the universe e.g. knowledge through books regarding the origins of humans/the Milky Way etc. Uses of Science in the present day: Creating of harmful and destructive weapons to be used in wars e.g. nuclear bomb/missiles Scientific research: Cloning Advantages: 1. Possible solution to infertility 2. Provide organs for transplant 3. Provide treatments for a variety of diseases 4. Ensure the healthiness of the child Disadvantages: 1. Morally not acceptable (against gods will) 2. Uncertainty in science and technology 3. Losing diversity of genes 4. Cause unbalance to the society Genetically modified food Adv: 1. Saves the use of pesticides (Saving the environment) 2. Prevents wasted crops 3. Begin to grow food in different conditions 4. Nutrition of food can be altered Disadv: 1. Widespread use of insect resistant genes in crops may cause insects to be resistant to genetic modifications 2. Allergies to humans 3. Economical concern: only big companies able to control the world food source as they have the money Designer babies Adv : 1. Reduce the chances of babies having serious diseases e.g. down syndrome

2. 3. Disadv: 1. 2. 3.

Level out the boy-girl ratio Get a baby with perfect genes The result may not be the one expected Reduces the childs freedom in his/her choices Unfair advantage over others (e.g. smarter)

Ethical issues faced by science: Religion ideas clashed with theories of Science e.g. Darwins theory of evolution attracted criticisms from churchmen in England. His theory maintains that all current species including human have descended from common ancestors over a long period of time. This theory contradicts with the Book of Genesis which says that god created all living creatures over a period of 6 days. Humanity/Moral values e.g. Genetic engineering- the creation of living creatures from cells with desirable characteristicsleading to consequences e.g. Cloning- a way to increase ones life expectancyplaying god/going against nature Technology-necessary evil? 1. Education e.g. online education, effective learning, distance learning allowing more people to be educated 2. Healthcare e.g. vaccines/drugs to increase our life expectancy, personal records of patients can be maintained 3. Communications e.g. mobile phones/connectivity-social networking 4. Businesses e.g. machines to increase efficiency/productivity, globalisation, Costs of production decreases due to more automated processes Excessive abuse of science and tech 1. Creation of destructive weapons that can kill 2. Immoral behaviour (e.g. increasing ones life expectancy by artificial means) Effective farming: minimising inputs and maximising outputs through agronomic practices Engineering tools are needed for farm practices e.g. drying of grains, seed treatments, crop handling The presence of climate change parameters are needed to predict changing conditions for agronomy Precision agriculture for agronomy (science is needed as science places emphasis on precision and accuracy)

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