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Schedule Killing sessions dynamically You can kill session dynamically as below in a single instance but for the

RAC y ou may face issues , so approach below can be used.

declare stmt varchar2(300); cursor c1 is select * from v$session where LAST_CALL_ET > 1800 AND PROGRAM='w3wp.exe'; REC v$session%rowtype; counter number := 0; begin OPEN c1; LOOP FETCH c1 into REC; EXIT when c1%notfound; stmt := 'alter system kill session ''' REC.sid ',' REC.serial# '''' ' IMMEDIATE'; --stmt := 'alter system kill session ''' p_sid ',' p_serial# ',@' i nst_id '''' ' IMMEDIATE'; --dbms_output.put_line(stmt); execute immediate stmt; counter := counter +1; END LOOP; CLOSE c1; dbms_output.put_line(counter ' sessions Killed'); Exception WHEN others THEN dbms_output.put_line('Exception: ' SQLERRM); end; / If you want to kill as scheduled then use the windows schedule manager and make the batch file to call this code. As an example following may be used. 1- change in sqlplus' glogin file spool d:\temp\killsessLastInfo @d:\temp\killsess.sql spool off exit 2- Make killsess.sql containing the code above which you used in glogin. Make a batch file (eg; killsess.bat) to be used by windows scheduler sqlplus sys/oracle10g@instance as sysdba when windows scheduler will run the batch file it will call the sqlplus which wi ll run the killsess.sql as mentioned in sqlplus' glogin. All files examples are below (ran on RAC 10g). killsess.sql spool d:\temp\killsessLastInfo select 'Killing Sessions for w3wp.exe on ' instance_name ' On Server ' host_n ame ' @ ' to_char(sysdate,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') " " from v$instance

/ declare stmt varchar2(300); p_sid number:= 1631; p_serial# number :=32849; inst_id number := 2; cursor c1 is select * from v$session where LAST_CALL_ET > 1800 --AND PROGRAM='w3wp.exe' and program not like '%ORACLE.EXE%' order by program,last_call_et desc ; REC v$session%rowtype; counter number := 0; begin DBMS_OUTPUT.enable(1000000); OPEN c1; LOOP FETCH c1 into REC; EXIT when c1%notfound; stmt := 'alter system kill session ''' REC.sid ',' REC.serial# '''' ' IMMEDIATE'; --stmt := 'alter system kill session ''' p_sid ',' p_serial# ',@' i nst_id '''' ' IMMEDIATE'; dbms_output.put_line(stmt ' (' REC.program ' - ' REC.terminal ' ' REC.username '- ' REC.LAST_CALL_ET ')'); --execute immediate stmt; counter := counter +1; END LOOP; CLOSE c1; dbms_output.put_line(counter ' sessions Killed'); --DBMS_OUTPUT.disable; Exception WHEN others THEN dbms_output.put_line('Exception: ' SQLERRM); end; select 'Killed Sessions for w3wp.exe on ' instance_name ' On Server ' host_na me ' @ ' to_char(sysdate,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') " " from v$instance / spool off exit killInst1.bat set day=%date:~0,3% set mm=%date:~4,2% set dd=%date:~7,2% set yy=%date:~-4% set hh=%time:~0,2% set mi=%time:~3,2% set ss=%time:~6,2% sqlplus "sys/oracle@inst1 as sysdba" @killsess.sql rename killsessLastInfo.LST killsessLastInfo_%yy%%mm%%day%%hh%%mi%%ss%.txt killInst2.bat set day=%date:~0,3% set mm=%date:~4,2% set dd=%date:~7,2%

set yy=%date:~-4% set hh=%time:~0,2% set mi=%time:~3,2% set ss=%time:~6,2% sqlplus "sys/oracle@inst2 as sysdba" @killsess.sql rename killsessLastInfo.LST killsessLastInfo_%yy%%mm%%day%%hh%%mi%%ss%.txt

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