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Year 8c|ence ats| jo

Take note :
atmosphere A |ayer of gases surround|ng the p|anet Earth and reta|ned by the Earth's grav|ty
n|trogen , 78 7
oxygen , 21 7 .
trace gases , 17

what are the gases |n wh|ch the atmosphere |s made up of?

( Neon, he||um, hydrogen, methane , carbon d|ox|de }
troposphere The |owest |ayer of the atmosphere wh|ch |s c|osest to the earth and extends about
14 to 1 km from the earth's surface
A|r |s densest |n th|s |ayer as the we|ght of the a|r above pushes the a|r mo|ecu|es
c|ose together
we ||ve |n the troposphere
water vapor , c|ouds, storms , jet stream ,
Temperature here decreases w|th he|ght due to expans|ve coo||ng
weather occurs |n th|s reg|on.
Po||ut|on occurs here.
stratosphere Th|s |ayer |s about 50 km above the earth
very ||tt|e water vapor , hor|zonta| a|r d|rect|on , no c|ouds
conta|ns the ozone |ayer , a|rp|anes f|y |n th|s |ayer
why |s th|s |ayer warm? ==> because of the ozone |ayer
mesosphere The |ayer of the atmosphere ||es above the stratosphere and extends 90 km above
the earth
co|dest reg|on of the atmosphere
Heteor|tes start to burn |n th|s |ayer.
|onosphere | thermosphere The topmost |ayer of the atmosphere wh|ch extends 1000 km above the earth
th|s |ayer makes rad|o commun|cat|on poss|b|e
temperature |n th|s reg|on |s as h|gh as 1727 degrees 6e|s|us
a|r |n th|s |ayer |s very th|n
Th|s |s a |ayer of e|ectr|ca||y charged part|c|es.

exosphere Th|s |ayer starts at the t|p of the thermosphere and cont|nues unt|| |t merges w|th
|nterp|anetary gases or space
pr|mary components of gases |n th|s |ayer are hydrogen and he||um
Th|s |s the outermost |ayer of the atmosphere wh|ch extends beyond.
14 degrees 6e|s|us what |s the average temperature of the atmosphere at the surface of the earth ?
ozone |ayer Absorbs the harmfu| u|trav|o|et rad|at|on from the sun
sh|e|ds the earth from harmfu| u|trav|o|et rad|at|on
conduct|on, convect|on,
what are the three mechan|sms for heat transfer ?
conduct|on The transfer of heat through matter by mo|ecu|ar act|v|ty
the transfer of heat from one substance to another by d|rect contact
convect|on The transfer of heat by mass movement or c|rcu|at|on w|th|n a substance (up and
down movement }
heat transfer ||ke the vert|ca| heat transfer by a mov|ng f|u|d , ||ke gas
6onvect|on takes p|ace |n water.
rad|at|on heat transfer through space v|a e|ectromagnet|c waves
v|s|b|e ||ght, |nfrared,
C|ve examp|es of e|ectromagnet|c waves
Thermosphere 8hutt|es, auroras can be seen |n what |ayer of the atmosphere
mesosphere Heteors |n what |eve| of the atmosphere
8tratosphere weather ba||oons are |n the -
8tratosphere A|rp|anes f|y |n the -
8tratosphere 0zone |ayer |s |ocated |n the -
Thermosphere Among a|| |ayers of the atmosphere , th|s |s the most |ns|gn|f|cant because gases
here are so sparse and |t has an |ns|gn|f|cant amount of heat
jet stream A fast - mov|ng r|ver of a|r wh|ch |s |ocated at the topmost part of the troposphere
Exosphere 8ate|||tes are stat|oned |n th|s area

Funct|ons of the atmosphere
to prov|de the necessary gases to susta|n ||fe
|t keeps the temperature warm for ||fe to cont|nue
w|thout the atmosphere , the earth's temperature may be as |ow as - 18 6.

H0T|0N A s|gn|f|cant aspect of the atmosphere

what dr|ves the atmosphere to be |n constant mot|on ? heat
1. how does the |onosphere make rad|o commun|cat|on poss|b|e ? The |onosphere ref|ects |ong e|ectromagnet|c
waves back to the earth wh|ch makes rad|o commun|cat|on poss|b|e.
2. what happens when convect|on trave|s |n water ? warmer water r|ses and coo|er water s|nks.
3. 0oes convect|on he|p |n the surv|va| of aquat|c organ|sms? Yes, because |t a||ows m|x|ng of nutr|ents and
|mportant mater|a|s necessary for surv|va| of aquat|c organ|sms.
4. how or |n what way |s the |onosphere |on|zed ?
The sun's rad|at|on str|ps off some of the e|ectrons from the gases present |nth|s reg|on mak|ng them
e|ectr|ca||y charged or |on|zed.
5. why |s the a|r |n the stratosphere very warm ? The topmost part of the stratosphere |s the ozone |ayer wh|ch
absorbs heat.
. what |s the funct|on of the ozone |ayer ? | t sh|e|ds us from the harmfu| rad|at|on and makes the warm
7. Hechan|sms of heat transfer
Rad|at|on - heat trave|s through space |n the form of |nfrared rad|at|on.
6onvect|on - heat from burner |s transferred to the c|rcu|at|ng water
6onduct|on - heat trave|s from the warmed end of the poker towards the coo| end

|dent|fy |f the examp|e g|ven |s conduct|on, convect|on, or rad|at|on.
1. Touch|ng a hot pan
2. heat from burner transferred to the c|rcu|at|ng water
3. The edge of a heated meta| rod
4. |ce coo||ng down your hand
5. Touch|ng a stove and be|ng burned
. o|||ng water by the stove

Pressure as Property of A|r
what |s a|r pressure ?
|t |s a|so known as atmospher|c pressure.
|t |s the force exerted on you by the we|ght of the a|r mo|ecu|es
The more the a|r part|c|es are pressed, the greater the a|r pressure.
A|r pushes aga|nst a|| s|des of an object. The reason why we are not crushed |s because the a|r |n our body pushes out
w|th the same pressure that the a|r around pushes |n.

what |s the |nstrument used to measure atmospher|c pressure ? barometer
|mportance of atmospher|c pressure :
a. |t counterba|ances the pressure |ns|de an organ|sm
b. A|r pressure a|so contro|s the temperature at wh|ch ||qu|ds bo|| .
c. A|r pressure te||s us about the k|nd of weather to expect as we||.

Factors that affect a|r pressure
a. 0ens|ty
b. Temperature
c. Ho|sture content
The |ess dense an object |s, the |esser the pressure.
F||| the b|anks.
a. when bo|||ng th|ngs at h|gher a|t|tudes than sea |eve|, the actua| bo|||ng temperature of a|| ||qu|ds w||| be
________________than they are at sea |eve| s|nce ________________________________decreases w|th
b. Expect coo|er temperatures and c|ear sk|es |n a ____________pressure system.
c. Expect warmer weather , storms, and ra|n |n a ______________pressure system.

Effects of the changes |n atmospher|c pressure | what can changes |n atmospher|c pressure cause ?
causes w|nds , storms, and typhoons.

wr|te on|y the |etter on the space prov|ded. 8ome answers may be repeated.
A. etstream F. water K. mesosphere P. |ons U.magnetosphere
. 8a|t C. water vapor L. th|n 0. mesosphere V. |ncrease
6. 6onvect|on h. a|r pressure H. n|trogen R. heat w. decrease
0. Hesosphere |.Rad|at|on N. conduct|on 8. grav|ty X. u|trav|o|et
|. atmosphere . auroras 0. temperature T. weather Z. barometer

1. The most abundant gas |n the atmosphere |s _____.
2. The fast - mov|ng current of a|r |n the stratosphere that was d|scovered by p||ots dur|ng ww|| |s ca||ed the
3. The troposphere |s the |ayer of the atmosphere where _____occurs. |t |s a|so |n th|s |ayer
4. That ______|s greatest.
5. ecause the a|r gets ________h|gh up |n the atmosphere, mounta|n c||mbers need to br|ng oxygen tanks.
. The |onosphere , ||ke a cand|e , has a h|gh ________
7. ut ||tt|e ___________.
8. The ________|s the co|dest |ayer of the atmosphere.
9. As we go h|gher |nto the atmosphere, a|r pressure decreases. Th|s causes the bo|||ng po|nt of ||qu|ds to
10. ______|s the method of heat transfer that can occur through a vacuum .
11. ______ |s the method of heat transfer |nvo|v|ng the d|rect transfer of heat from one object to another, such as
from the f|re to the kett|e.
12. | got a g|ass and f|||ed |t ha|fway w|th hot water. | then f|||ed the rema|n|ng ha|f w|th coo| water . Even w|thout
st|rr|ng, the water |n the g|ass became un|form|y warm. Th|s scenar|o |||ustrates the method of heat transfer
known as ____________.
13. The most common ||qu|d found |n the atmosphere |s _______________________.
14. __________________|s |mportant |n the atmosphere because |t absorbs heat energy and forms c|oud and
15. ___________________|s the on|y substance |n the atmosphere that can ex|st as so||d, ||qu|d , or gas.
1. Temperature |n the ________________decreases w|th he|ght to about - 80 degrees 6e|s|us.
17. ________________are e|ectr|ca||y charged part|c|es.
18. when so|ar w|nd enters the atmosphere,________________may occur.
19. The outermost reg|on |n the atmosphere |s ca||ed _____________________wh|ch |s created by the earths
magnet|c f|e|d and the sun.

weather and 6||mate
0|fferent|ate weather from c||mate.
weather relers lo lre cond|t|on of the atmosphere at any g|ven t|me Wr||e c||mate |s lre average weather |n a
part|cu|ar reg|on over a fa|r|y |ong per|od of t|me.

wealrer descr|oes lre cord|l|ors |r lre alrosprere al a parl|cu|ar l|re, or a parl|cu|ar day, |r a parl|cu|ar p|ace.
C||rale descr|oes lre average ol a|| Wealrer cord|l|ors |r a parl|cu|ar p|ace over rary , rary years , usua||y decades.

E|ererls ol Wealrer :
1. lerperalure
2. rur|d|ly
3. alrosprer|c pressure
1. W|rd ard a|r rasses
5. c|oud lorral|or

0|scuss|or :
1. lerperalure - lre rosl |rporlarl e|ererl ol Wealrer as |l |rl|uerces rary olrer e|ererls sucr as rur|d|ly, c|oud
lorral|or, prec|p|lal|or , a|r pressure , W|rd speed ard d|recl|or .
2. Wral allecls lerperalure ?
lrcor|rg so|ar rad|al|or, lre l|re ol lre day ard year , ard geograpr|ca| laclors

lur|d|ly lre arourl ol Waler vapor preserl |r lre alrosprere
ll relers lo lre ral|o ol ro|slure aclua||y preserl |r lre a|r corpared lo Wral lre a|r car ro|d al a g|ver lerperalure.
lur|d|ly |s reasured oy rygroreler.

wral |s saluraled a|r ? Tr|s rappers Wrer a|rosl a|| lre erply space oelWeer a|r ro|ecu|es ras oeer occup|ed oy Waler
vapor,, lre rale ol evaporal|or decreases.

wr|cr car ro|d rore ro|slure - Warr or co|d a|r ? warr a|r..

Alrosprer|c Pressure - lre pressure exerled oy a|r
Alrosprer|c pressure |s delerr|red oy lre lr|c|ress ard lerperalure ol lre a|r rass over a reg|or.
l|gr pressure areas areas Wrere lre a|r |s lr|c|er
LoW pressure areas areas Wrere lre a|r |s rol as lr|c|

loW does |oW pressure area lorr ? wrer a|r r|ses over a reg|or, lre a|r |r lr|s reg|or oecores ||grler ard creales |oW
pressure area.
A|r pressure |s reasured oy a oaroreler.

wrere |s a|r pressure grealer - rourla|r or sea |eve| ? 3ea |eve| . oecause lre ders|ly ard pressure ol a|r |rcrease as a|l|lude

A|r c|rcu|ales c|oc|W|se arourd a r|gr pressure cerler ard courlerc|oc|W|se arourd a |oW pressure cerler.

LoW pressure areas produce oad Wealrer

l|gr pressure areas produce good Wealrer.

w|rds ard A|r Vasses.
wral delerr|res Wealrer or earlr ? lre sur's erergy

wral |s W|rd? w|rd |s rov|rg a|r.

loW does W|rds lorr ? w|rds are caused oy lre corl|rua| r|s|rg ard la|||rg ol a|r.

0oes W|rds a|Ways o|oW lror rorlr lo soulr ? No, lre rolal|or ol lre earlr arourd |l s ax|s caused lre W|rd lo rove |r a c|rcu|ar
pallerr al lre sare l|re.

loW does lre sur's erergy delerr|re lre Wealrer or earlr ?
wrer a|r rear lre equalor |s realed oy slrorg rad|al|or lror lre sur, |l r|ses ard roves loWard lre po|ar reg|ors. Tr|s realed
a|r oecores |ess derse ard r|ses, |l lorrs ar area ol |oW pressure.
A|r erler|rg lre po|ar reg|ors |s coo|ed ard oeg|rs lo l|oW doWrWard lo lre earlr's surlace. 3|rce lre a|r oecores rore derse,
|l creales areas ol r|gr pressure rear lre po|es ard l|oWs oac| loWards lre equalor.

wral are lre lWo rajor W|rd oe|ls? wral are lre g|ooa| W|rd syslers ?
a. lre lrade W|rds == rear lre equalor
o. lre preva|||rg Wesler||es == rear lre r|dd|e |al|ludes
c. po|ar easler||es == rear lre po|es

loW |s W|rd rared ? oy lre d|recl|or lror Wr|cr |l care lror .

wral car oe seer or al lre loprosl parl ol lre lroposprere ? a lasl -rov|rg r|ver ca||ed lre jel slrear Wr|cr lrave|s al 80 |r /
rr. lo 00 |r / rr.

wral are lre sra||er W|rd syslers ? |ard ard sea oreezes

wral rappers Wrer a|r gels Warrer .. Wrer |l gels coo|er ?
A|r r|ses Wrer |l gels Warrer, |l drops Wrer |l gels coo|er.

wry |s lre rale ol coo||rg doWr ard real|rg up d|llererl |r a|r over |ard ard a|r or Waler ?
oecause |ard reals up ard coo|s lasler lrar Waler .

wral |s lre ellecl ol lre urequa| real|rg ol a|r, |ard, ard Waler ? |l resu|ls |r oreezes rear srore||res.

3ea oreeze o|oWs lror lre Waler loWard lre |ard.
3ea oreeze |s lre W|rd lral o|oWs lror lre sea loWard lre |ard.
Lard oreeze roves lror lre |ard loWards lre ocear.
Lard oreeze o|oWs lror lre |ard lo lre sea.

wral |s ar a|r rass ?
ll |s a porl|or ol lre alrosprere rear lre la|es or lre sare lerperalure as lre surlace ard corla|rs lre sare arourl ol
ro|slure or Waler vapor as lre surlace.

loW are a|r rasses c|ass|l|ed?
accord|rg lo lre|r source ard lre|r parl|cu|ar craracler|sl|cs.
accord|rg lo lre|r geograpr|ca| |ocal|or

K|rds ol a|r rass :
1. Co|d po|ar a|r rass oas|c a|r rass
2. lol lrop|ca| a|r rass oas|c a|r rass
3. rar|l|re a|r rasses a|r rasses lral core lror lre sea; ro|sl
1. corl|rerla| a|r rasses a|r rasses lral core lror lre |ard; dry

Nole : A|r rasses lror lre co|d po|ar areas are coo| Wr||e a|r rasses lror lre rol lrop|ca| areas are Warr.

0|sl|rcl|ve properl|es ol eacr a|r rasses are c|ass|l|ed as :
1. lerperalure 1. v|s|o|||ly
2. slao|||ly 5. Wealrer
3. ro|slure corlerl

wral rappers Wrer a|r rasses W|lr d|llererl lerperalures reel ?
Tre d|llererce |r lerperalures preverls lrer lror r|x|rg. Co|d a|r rass roves doWrWard ard s|r|s ard pusres lre
Warrer a|r rass upWard

wral |s a lrorl ?
Frorl |s lWo a|r rasses lral reel al a cerla|r po|rl.

wral are lre lrree ||rds ol lrorl?
a. slal|orary lrorl produced Wrer a|r rasses slop rov|rg ard lre Wealrer assoc|aled W|lr |l |asls url|| lre lrorl oeg|rs
lo rove
o. co|d lrorl lre oourdary area produced Wrer a co|d a|r rass erlers ar area ol Warr a|r ard lre co|d a|r pusres lre
Warr a|r upWard.
c. Warr lrorl lre oourdary area produced Wrer a Warr a|r rass erlers ar area ol co|d a|r ard lre Warr a|r roves
aread ol ard over lre co|d a|r.
Co|d ard Warr lrorls |rl|uerces lre lype ol Wealrer |r lre slal|orary lrorl.
Co|d lrorls rove lasler lrar Warr lrorls.
d. occ|uded lrorl produced Wrer co|d lrorl overla|es lre Warr lrorl ?

wral |s occ|uded lrorl ?
produced Wrer co|d lrorl overla|es Warr lrorl.
ras a very corp|ex ard urpred|clao|e Wealrer ( Ra|r sroWers or ||grl sroW ray oe lo||oWed oy lrurderslorrs or reavy

Pred|cl|rg wealrer w|lr lre use ol Frorls
wrer lrere |s a co|d lrorl, lre s|y oecores c|oudy ard prec|p|lal|or oeg|rs lo la|| qu|c||y ard sorel|res qu|le reav||y.
wrer a Warr lrorl |s approacr|rg, lre s|y oecores c|oudy ard prec|p|lal|or oeg|rs lo la|| oul ur|||e lre Wealrer |r lre co|d
lrorl, Warr lrorl or|rgs |oW c|ouds ard prec|p|lal|or la||s rucr s|oWer ard Vay |asl lor days.

CL0u0 F0RVATl0N TWo suoslarces |rvo|ve |r c|oud lorral|or : a. Waler vapor o. dusl parl|c|es

loW does c|oud lorr ?
C|oud |s lorred Wrer Waler drop|els lreeze lo lorr |ce crysla|s.
C|ouds reeded Waler vapor, dusl parl|c|es, ard coo||rg a|r |r order lo lorr.
As Warr a|r r|ses, |l gels coo|er ard lre rale ol evaporal|or decreases rore rap|d|y lrar lre rale ol cordersal|or. Tre
Waler drop|els l|oal|rg |r lre 'c|oud - lree a|r ray c|urp ard groW |rlo c|oud drops Wrer lerperalure drops.
ll lre lerperalure ard lre ro|slure corlerl ol lre a|r |s r|grl, Waler drop|els |r lre a|r W||| oeg|r lo coro|re lo lorr
|arger ard |arger drops. wrer lrese drops gel |arge erougr, a c|oud |s lorred,.

wral |s deW po|rl ? ll |s lre lerperalure Wrer evaporal|or |s |ess lrar cordersal|or.

wral |s cordersal|or ruc|e| ? very sra|| Waler drop|els susperded |r lre a|r
0usl, sa|l crysla|s, ard |od|de crysla|s used lor c|oud seed|rg ray a|so acl as cordersal|or ruc|e|.

Types ol c|oud. C|ouds are c|ass|l|ed us|rg Lal|r Words

Trree rajor srapes ol c|ouds :
a. c|rrus / c|rro - cur|ed c|ouds - lr|r ; W|spy ; lorred al lre r|gresl a|l|ludes aooul 000 lo 10000 r aoove lre surlace ol
lre earlr. ; corposed ol |ce crysla|s ; lr|r ard Wr|le |r appeararce

o. curu|us / curu|us - reap c|ouds - lr|c| ard pully W|lr l|al oollors ; |oo| |||e collor oa||s p||ed logelrer. ; lorred |r
lre r|dd|e |ayers ol lre lroposprere lror 2000 lo 8000 r ; corposed ol Waler drops ; gerera||y |oW c|ouds ard |roWr
as 'la|r - Wealrer c|ouds ( ll lrere |s verl|ca| dev'l |r curu|us c|ouds - curu|or|rous or ra|r c|ouds car lorr , ever
lrurderslorr c|ouds.

c. 3lralus c|ouds / slralus - cover|rg - |ayered ard spread oul over lre Wro|e s|y |||e a o|ar|el ; |ocaled |r lre |oWer parl
ol lre lroposprere al a|l|ludes |ess lrar 1000 r. ; corposed ol Waler drop|els or |ce crysla|s 3lralus c|ouds produce
gerl|e ra|r. N|rous c|ouds produce a dar| ard reavy ra|r c|oud ; lrese c|ouds ray oe r|rooslralus or curu|or|rous.

Prec|p|lal|or ll |s lre lrarsler ol Waler lror lre alrosprere oac| lo lre earlr's surlace.

wral |s lreez|rg ra|r ? Ra|r lral |s supercoo|ed ard lreezes upor |rpacl W|lr co|d surlaces.
wrer lre lrozer raler|a| does rol re|l, |l la||s |r lre lorr ol sroW.
ll lre lrozer raler|a| re|ls ard relreezes , |l la||s as s|eel.
lF lre lrozer raler|a| la||s lror c|ouds r|gr |r our alrosprere, |l sorel|res re|led ard sWepl up ard oac| doWr lrrougr rary
|ayers ol co|d a|r. Trese sra|| parl|c|es lurr lo |ce ard gels |arger ard |arger |r s|ze ard la||s lror lre s|y as ra||.

. Corpare ard corlrasl Cyraro ard Crr|sl|ar. 0o lrey rave ary s|r||ar|l|es oes|des lre|r |ove lor Roxare? wry |s Cyraro so
sad Wrer Crr|sl|ar d|es, aparl lror r|s rea||zal|or lral re r|rse|l W||| rever oe ao|e lo le|| Roxare re |oves rer? ls lrere ary
olrer reasor?
Cyraro ard Crr|sl|ar are rulua| lo||s ard v|rlua| oppos|les |r lre|r allr|oules: Cyraro |s or||||arl ard |oo|s r|d|cu|ous; Crr|sl|ar |s
s|rp|e oul oeaul|lu|. Cyraro |s |rleresled |r |ove ard ropes lo use Roxare lo re|p alla|r |l, Wrereas Crr|sl|ar |s |rleresled |r
Roxare ard ropes lo use |ove lo alla|r rer. 8ul lrey are oolr courageous, roo|e |rd|v|dua|sCrr|sl|ar's gr|el Wrer Roxare
adr|ls sre Wou|d |ove r|r ever |l re Were ug|y |rd|cales r|s rororao|e, |l or|y parl|a||y rea||zed, recogr|l|or ol r|s corp||c|ly ard
gu||l. Cyraro's gr|el over Crr|sl|ar's dealr |s due as rucr lo lre |oss ol a good lr|erd ard a good sou| as |l |s lo lre erd ol r|s
rorarl|c ropes lor Roxare, rol lo rerl|or r|s ropes lor rorarce |r gerera|.

loW does lre p|ay's cored|c sly|e crarge |r Acl lll? wry do you lr|r| Roslard crarges r|s lacl|cs al lr|s po|rl? Aller Acl lll, |s
|l sl||| la|r lo ca|| lre p|ay a coredy?
r lre l|rsl lWo acls, lre coredy ol lre p|ay cerlers arourd lre ooroasl ol Cyraro's craracler; lre source ol lre ruror ||es
ra|r|y |r lre surpr|se ard Worderrerl lral a persor cou|d |oo| ard oerave as Cyraro does, parl|cu|ar|y Wrer d|recl|rg r|s
scorcr|rg W|l al |ess |rle|||gerl craraclers. lr Acl lll, lre p|ay adopls a rucr rore sopr|sl|caled, corp||caled draral|c |rory lo
acr|eve |ls rurorous ellecls, ard Roslard occas|ora||y uses lre corce|l ol parody, spec|l|ca||y parody|rg lre oa|cory scere
lror Romeo ano Ju||er. Roslard prooao|y rea||zed lral orce We lar|||ar|ze ourse|ves W|lr Cyraro, We reed reW sources ol
ruror lo ra|rla|r |rleresl. Tre |asl lWo acls, W|lr lre slarv|rg lroops ard lre dealrs ol Crr|sl|ar ard Cyraro, |ac| lre sare
cor|c lore ard deve|oprerl preserl |r lre l|rsl lrree. Trey sl||| rave rurorCyraro laurl|rg de 0u|cre ard leas|rg lre rurs,
lor |rslarceoul lre rood ol lre acls |s lar rore ser|ous, as |s lre lrealrerl ol craracler. Roxare Worlry ol lre |ove lral Cyraro lee|s lor rer, or |s sre s|rp|y a rorarl|c |dea| ol Worarrood lo r|r?
Roxare's allr|oules derorslrale lral sre |s Worlry ol Cyraro's |ove |r severa| Ways. 0l a|| lre Worer |r lre p|ay, Roxare |s lre
mosr oeaul|lu|, |rle|||gerl, ard gracelu|. As lre p|ay deve|ops, sre proves rerse|l |rlrep|d (dr|v|rg rer coacr lrrougr lre 3par|sr
arry), orave (rera|r|rg W|lr lre lroops dur|rg lre oall|e), ard |oya| (slay|rg la|lrlu| lo Crr|sl|ar's rerory lor l|lleer years aller
r|s dealr). Le 8rel rea||zes al orce lral Roxare |s lre or|y Worar Cyraro cou|d poss|o|y |ove. 8ul lre l|alress W|lr Wr|cr
Roslard porlrays Roxare suggesls lral We rave loo ||ll|e |rlorral|or lo eva|uale rer craracler del|r|l|ve|y. we |roW very ||ll|e
aooul rer, ard severa| ol lre lr|rgs We do |roW cou|d oe sources ol cr|l|c|sr: rer lr|erds are prelerl|ous ard rer relrods are
sorel|res dev|ous (sre rar|pu|ales lre Capucr|r |rlo rarry|rg rer lo Crr|sl|ar). Voreover, rosl ol Wral We |earr aooul rer
|rvo|ves ra|e craraclers rrapsod|z|rg or lre Way lral lrey lee| |r rer preserce. Perraps Roslard's l|al porlraya| ol Roxare
r|gr||grls lre sra||oWress ol Cyraro's ard Crr|sl|ar's allecl|ors.
1. wral va|ues does Cyraro ||ve oy? loW does re pul r|s va|ues |rlo pracl|ce? loW does r|s r|d|cu|ous rose allecl r|s ||le?
2. wral ra|es 0yrano oe 3ererao a r|slor|ca| rorarce ralrer lrar a rea||sl|c evocal|or ol a l|re ard p|ace? wral are sore ol
lre Ways |r Wr|cr Roslard Wor|s Tne Tnree Vuskereers |rlo r|s slory ||re?
3. 0|scuss lre deve|oprerl ol de 0u|cre lror a screr|rg po||l|c|ar |rlo a va||arl 0ascor so|d|er. wral erao|es r|r lo
accorp||sr r|s lrarslorral|or? 0oes re susla|r |l url|| lre erd ol lre p|ay?
1. 0oes 0yrano oe 3ererao rave a rappy erd|rg? wry or Wry rol?
5. wral Wou|d Cyraro's ||le oe |||e |l re d|d rol rave sucr ar oulslard|rg rose? wou|d re rave lre sare persora||ly, lee||rgs,
or oul|oo| or lre Wor|d? 0|scuss.

wral does Cyraro say re W||| la|e W|lr r|r lo reaver?
(A) l|s sWord
(8) l|s Wr|le p|ure
(C) l|s rose
(0) 0re ol Raguereau's paslr|es
wral does de 0u|cre do W|lr lre Wr|le p|ure aller Cyraro produces |l?
(A) le Waves |l as a s|gra| lo a spy
(8) le luc|s |l |rlo r|s poc|el argr||y
(C) le lears |l lo srreds
(0) le lrroWs |l lo lre grourd
wry are lre cadels rurgry al lre s|ege ol Arras?
(A) Trey are oes|eged ard lre|r supp|y ||res rave oeer cul oy lre 3par|sr arry
(8) 0e 0u|cre d|d rol order erougr ral|ors oelore lre corpary |ell Frarce
(C) Tre peasarls rave ourred lre|r crops, ra||rg lorag|rg |rposs|o|e
(0) To prove lre|r va|or, lre cadels reluse lo eal oelore oall|e

loW does Cyraro lreal lre rurs |r Roxare's corverl?
(A) le leases lrer lord|y
(8) le |s so|err ard respecllu|
(C) le |grores lrer oecause lrey do rol corcerr r|r
(0) le rales lre|r Crr|sl|ar rypocr|sy

loW does Roxare d|scover lral Cyraro Wrole lre |ellers?
(A) Crr|sl|ar le||s rer
(8) Cyraro le||s rer
(C) Trrougr a |eyro|e, sre sp|es Cyraro Wr|l|rg rer
(0) 3re ooserves lral re |s ao|e lo read ore ol lre |ellers a|oud ever |r lre dar|

loW |s Cyraro dea|l r|s rorla| Wourd?
(A) lr oall|e aga|rsl lre 3par|sr
(8) A g|arl |og |s dropped or r|r lror a r|gr W|rdoW
(C) lr a due| aga|rsl de 0u|cre
(0) lr a due| aga|rsl Crr|sl|ar

loW does Crr|sl|ar d|e?
(A) Cyraro ||||s r|r over Roxare
(8) 0e 0u|cre ||||s r|r over Roxare
(C) va|verl ||||s r|r over Roxare
(0) le d|es |r oall|e al lre s|ege ol Arras

0yrano oe 3ererao la|es p|ace dur|rg Wr|cr lWo years?
(A) 1Z89 ard 1805
(8) 1500 ard 1550
(C) 110 ard 155
(0) 1830 ard 1815

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