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ALC llrsL AmendmenL 1oolklL

llrsL AmendmenL 1oolklL
know ?our 8lghLs roLesLs uemonsLraLlons ln Ponolulu
resenLed as a publlc educaLlon servlce by Lhe ACLu of Pawall loundaLlon ConLenL freely useable for
noncommerclal purposes rlnLed 1oolklL presenLed wlLh generous underwrlLlng supporL from Lhe
Pawall eople's lund
AbouL Lhls 1oolklL
know ?our 8lghLs (k?8") Llne useful ConLacL lnformaLlon for roLesLers
?our Message
Culck reference Lop 6 Lhlngs Lo know lf you choose Lo proLesL
Culck 8eference ermlL Lead 1lmes and lAC
Speclal SecLlon k?8/uocumenLlng Law LnforcemenL
k?8 LncounLerlng Law LnforcemenL (AuuL1S)
k?8 LncounLerlng Law LnforcemenL (?Cu1P)
rlnLerfrlendly verslon
roLesL permlL problems? lree speech lssues [ a proLesL? Law enforcemenL problems?
Call Lhe confldenLlal ACLu of Pawall know ?our 8lghLs" Llne (808) 3223906
AbouL Lhls 1oolklL 10/2011 v14
Congress shall make no law respecLlng an esLabllshmenL of rellglon or prohlblLlng Lhe free exerclse
Lhereof or abrldglng Lhe freedom of speech or of Lhe press or Lhe rlghL of Lhe people peaceably Lo
assemble and Lo peLlLlon Lhe CovernmenL for a redress of grlevances" llrsL AmendmenL Lo Lhe uS
1hls 1oolklL provldes baslc lnformaLlon abouL how Lo proLesL lawfully

1he llrsL AmendmenL proLecLs speech where Lhe maln goal ls expresslon dlssemlnaLlon or
communlcaLlon of pollLlcal rellglous phllosophlcal or ldeologlcal oplnlons vlews or ldeas and where
no fee ls charged Lo parLlclpaLe or aLLend
1he rlghL Lo proLesL governmenL acLlons publlcly ls proLecLed by Lhe llrsL AmendmenL Lo Lhe uS
ConsLlLuLlon 1hls rlghL ls noL absoluLe Lven peaceful nonvlolenL proLesLors leadlng a march or wavlng
plckeL slgns may be sub[ecL Lo arresL lf Lhey Lrespass harass or hlnder oLhers ln Lhelr own lawful
acLlvlLles lf your proLesL lnvolves several people lL may requlre a permlL (whlch Lhe governmenL may
noL make Loo expenslve or deny dlscrlmlnaLorlly)
1hls 1oolklL ls deslgned Lo provlde some lnformaLlon Lo help you conducL a lawful proLesL 1o beLLer
proLecL yourself from arresL consulL an aLLorney or Lhe governmenL agency ln charge of Lhe locaLlon
where you wanL Lo proLesL ahead of Llme Cnce a proLesL ls underway do noL harm oLhers or puL Lhem
ln danger and obey Lhe orders of Lhe pollce never forgeL LhaL aLLacklng a pollce offlcer even verbally
may lLself be a crlme
lf you are arresLed for proLesLlng consulL wlLh a prlvaLe aLLorney or Lhe Cfflce of Lhe ubllc uefender
lmmedlaLely 1he ACLu does noL handle crlmlnal cases dlrecLly buL lf your lawyer belleves LhaL you were
wrongfully arresLed s/he may ask Lhe ACLu Lo asslsL lf Lhe case ralses an lmporLanL consLlLuLlonal lssue
lMC81An1 ulSCLAlML8 1hls ls general lnformaLlon noL legal advlce and Lhe lnformaLlon abouL ClLy"
properLy only applles Lo Lhe ClLy CounLy of Ponolulu Laws are always sub[ecL Lo change 1hls
documenL dlscusses Lhe ACLu's undersLandlng of whaL Lhe law ls lL does noL mean LhaL Lhe ACLu
necessarlly agrees wlLh Lhe law When ln doubL consulL an aLLorney
Crder prlnLed coples (free!) Call (808) 3223906 or emall offlce[acluhawallorg Lell us how many
coples you need and leave an address Shlpped free vla uS Mall

?our Message
Culck reference 6 key Lhlngs Lo know lf you choose Lo proLesL
Cenerally you have a rlghL Lo sLand or march on sldewalks wlLhouL a permlL as long as you are
obeylng Lrafflc slgnals and noL blocklng Lhe sldewalk ?ou may be asked Lo move lf several small groups
gaLher and Lhe sldewalk ls blocked
Cenerally small groups can use ClLy parks wlLhouL a permlL buL geLLlng a permlL may be a good
ldea even lf you don'L Lechnlcally need one
lf you march ln Lhe sLreeL wlLhouL a permlL you rlsk arresL
lf you wlLness or experlence whaL you belleve Lo be pollce mlsconducL noLe offlcers' badge
numbers names and physlcal descrlpLlons
1he llrsL AmendmenL does noL proLecL clvll dlsobedlence"
lf ordered Lo dlsperse do so or you may be arresLed

?our Message WhaL AbouL
Ampllfled Sound
CvernlghL proLesL
Cccupylng" bulldlngs
Wlll pollce warn me before arresL?
Clvll dlsobedlence
Colng llmp" ls lL reslsLlng arresL?
lake guns
WhaL are Lhe penalLles lf l geL arresLed?
Can l carry slgns? WhaL abouL slgns along roads and on overpasses? AlmosL always Lhe llrsL
AmendmenL wlll proLecL your rlghL Lo hold slgns (as long as you are legally allowed Lo sLand/slL wherever
you happen Lo be holdlng Lhe slgn) ?ou can have slgns on sLlcks [usL use your common sense and be
careful noL Lo hlL anyLhlng or anyone

Cenerally you can carry slgns along roads and on overpasses buL you cannoL place any slgns on Lhe
road ?ou may noL hang a slgn from an overpass ?ou may wlsh Lo conLacL Lhe SLaLe uepL of
1ransporLaLlon (808) 3872220 wlLh quesLlons
uuA1L (11/4/11) Whlle we are noL aware of any regulaLlons prohlblLlng an lndlvldual from holdlng a
proLesL slgn on publlc properLy you may wanL Lo conLacL Lhe Ponolulu ueparLmenL of 1ransporLaLlon
Servlces (www1honolulugov/dLs/)wlLh quesLlons abouL slgns and roadways Lhe ueparLmenL of arks
and 8ecreaLlon (www1honolulugov/parks/) for quesLlons abouL slgns ln parks and/or Lhe ueparLmenL
of lannlng and ermlLLlng (wwwhonoluludpporg/ermlLlnfo/) for quesLlons abouL slgns on prlvaLe
SLaLe uC1 rules PA8 191034 hLLp//hawallgov/doL/hlghways/admlnrules/PA819
ClLy rules regardlng slgns 8CP 21720 21760(b) 29
Can l dlsLrlbuLe handbllls? ulsLrlbuLlng handbllls on publlc sldewalks or ln parks ls generally allowed
wlLhouL a permlL Powever Lhe ClLy has rules LhaL resLrlcL handbllllng ln cerLaln areas of Walklkl
8CP 297 hLLp//www1honolulugov/councll/ocs/roh/29pdf
Can l puL a small Lable on a publlc sldewalk? ?ou are allowed Lo have a Lable (or anoLher plece of
porLable furnlLure) on Lhe sldewalk Lo dlsplay llLeraLure or oLher expresslve maLerlal ?our Lable may
noL block Lhe sldewalk and each person's Lable can be no blgger Lhan 3' x 2' (or a LoLal of 10 square
SLaLe rules prohlblL Lables on SLaLe properLy wlLhouL a permlL lf you wanL Lo place a Lable on SLaLe
properLy Lo dlsplay llLeraLure conLacL uACS aL (808) 3860400 and conLacL us we may be able Lo asslsL
SLaLe park rules PA8 137 hLLp//wwwhawallsLaLeparksorg/pdf/admlnlsLraLlve_rules/13
ACLu of nevada v ClLy of Las vegas 466 l3d 784 (9Lh Clr 2006)
Can l use chalk on a publlc sldewalk? ?es 1old you can'L? ConLacL us
Macklnney v nlelsen 69 l3d 1002 (9Lh Clr 1993)
Can l use ampllfled sound? Cenerally no unless you have a permlL
ln ClLy parks and bulldlngs you need a permlL for ampllfled muslc bullhorns

Cn sldewalks Lhe rules seem Lo lndlcaLe LhaL durlng Lhe day and early evenlng you can play muslcal
lnsLrumenLs (lncludlng banglng coffee cans or drums) and use a bullhorn wlLhouL a permlL however
Lhere are compllcaLed zonlng rules LhaL seL overall nolse levels and Lhe ClLy Councll ls conslderlng new
laws LhaL may resLrlcL bullhorns and lnsLrumenLs lf a pollce offlcer Lells you LhaL you musL quleL down
follow Lhe offlcer's dlrecLlons and conLacL our offlce Cn sldewalks sLreeLs and parks you may noL use
a radlo Lape recorder casseLLe player or oLher devlce for reproduclng sound lf Lhe sound may be
heard more Lhan 30 feeL away
lor llrsL AmendmenL acLlvlLles ln parks Lhe ClLy does noL requlre permlLs for playlng muslcal
lnsLrumenLs and does noL llmlL Lhe playlng of muslcal lnsLrumenLs Lo cerLaln deslgnaLed locaLlons
?ou cannoL make loud nolses (llke exploslves) wlLhln 300 feeL of a hosplLal
ClLy Land use Crdlnance 8CP 21480 hLLp//www1honolulugov/councll/ocs/roh/21990pdf
ClLy park rules 8CP 1012(b)(6) and (8) hLLp//www1honolulugov/councll/ocs/roh/10pdf
ClLy rules regardlng nolse 8CP Ch 41 see 4131 (hosplLals) and 41311 (devlces for
reproduclng sound) hLLp//www1honolulugov/councll/ocs/roh/41a1_23pdf
ClLy rules regardlng sound ampllfylng devlces ln bulldlngs 8CP 4071
Au8 SLlpulaLlon 101201 llnal SLlpulaLlon and Crder
Can l have an overnlghL demonsLraLlon aL a park even lf lL ls closed aL nlghL and does noL allow
camplng? no lf a park prohlblLs camplng Lhen lL prohlblLs camplng for everybody Some parks do allow
overnlghL camplng wlLh a permlL Lhough Also some publlc spaces are open 24 hours a day llke publlc
Clark v CommunlLy lor CreaLlve nonvlolence 468 uS 288 (1984)
Can l sleep on Lhe sldewalk? lL's noL enLlrely clear wheLher you can do Lhls wlLhouL a permlL As you plan
your evenL conLacL Lhe ClLy's ueparLmenL of 1ransporLaLlon Servlces aL (808) 7688391 roblems?
ConLacL us
ClLy sldewalk rules 8CP 29181 eL seq hLLp//www1honolulugov/councll/ocs/roh/29pdf
Can l puL a LenL on publlc properLy? ?ou cannoL puL a LenL ln a ClLy park or on SLaLe grounds (eg Lhe
CaplLol) wlLhouL a permlL WheLher LenLs are allowed on Lhe sldewalk ls unclear
ClLy rules regardlng sldewalks 8CP 2981
ClLy park rules regardlng LenLs 8CP 1012
SLaLe rules regardlng Lemporary sLrucLures and shelLers PA8 311122
Can a proLesL occupy" a publlc bulldlng? ?ou generally cannoL be lnslde a publlc bulldlng afLer lL has
closed Lo Lhe publlc ?ou don'L geL Lo lgnore Lhe rules slmply because you are engaged ln a llrsL
AmendmenL acLlvlLy
uo pollce have Lo glve me a warnlng before l'm arresLed? noL always ollce need probable cause Lo
belleve LhaL you have commlLLed a crlme ln order Lo arresL you lf a pollce offlcer sees you breaklng Lhe
law LhaL's generally enough Lo allow Lhe offlcer Lo clLe or arresL you
ollce cannoL arresL everyone ln a large crowd merely because some people ln Lhe crowd were breaklng
Lhe law When Lhere are large crowds of people pollce wlll ofLen warn Lhe crowd Lo dlsperse Lo glve
people who [usL happen Lo be ln Lhe area (buL are noL parL of any lllegal acLlvlLy) an opporLunlLy Lo
leave 1hose who sLay behlnd may Lhen be arresLed and charged wlLh falllng Lo follow pollce commands
lf you belleve you were wrongfully arresLed aL a demonsLraLlon conLacL us
?barra v llllnols 444 uS 83 (1979)
Can l engage ln clvll dlsobedlence? ?ou may wanL Lo conducL your proLesL ln a manner LhaL vlolaLes Lhe
law or a pollce order because you feel LhaL only such acLlon wlll be effecLlve 1haL ls your declslon and
Lhousands of oLhers from Candhl Lo ur MarLln LuLher klng !r have done so ln Lhe pasL buL Lhose
who engage ln such are sLlll breaklng Lhe law and musL expecL Lo be arresLed and prosecuLed no
lawyer or organlzaLlon such as Lhe ACLu can advocaLe a dellberaLe lllegal acL
lf l geL arresLed and l go llmp" ls LhaL sLlll consldered reslsLlng arresL"? robably noL buL lf you use
any sorL of physlcal force agalnsL Lhe offlcer you can be charged wlLh anoLher crlme llke reslsLlng arresL
SLaLe law regardlng reslsLlng arresL P8S 7101026
Can l carry a fake gun? noL lf lL looks anyLhlng remoLely llke a real gun (unless you are lnvolved ln a
llvlng hlsLory presenLaLlon or oLher acLlvlLy for hlsLorlcal lnLerpreLaLlon or educaLlonal purposes" or you
are parLlclpaLlng ln a parade wlLh an esLabllshed hlsLorlcal organlzaLlon museum mlllLary preservaLlon
organlzaLlon" or oLher slmllar group) 1hls can be very dangerous for you because law enforcemenL
may respond as lf lL ls a real weapon
ClLy rules regardlng repllca guns 8CP 40231 eL seq
Can l wear a mask as parL of a proLesL? ?es unless you are conceallng your ldenLlLy whlle commlLLlng a
crlme (or Lrylng Lo evade capLure afLer commlLLlng a crlme)
ClLy rules regardlng masks or dlsgulses 8CP 40221 eL seq

WhaL are Lhe penalLles lf l geL arresLed? lL depends on Lhe charges lL could be a small flne [all Llme
and/or communlLy servlce (for someLhlng llke dlsorderly conducL) or lL could be a serlous prlson Lerm
(for someLhlng llke assaulLlng a pollce offlcer)
L8Ml1S do l need one? MA?8L
1he answer depends largely on Lhree facLors
(1) WhaL ls your evenL? 1hls secLlon applles Lo proLecLed llrsL AmendmenL acLlvlLles where Lhe maln
goal ls expresslon dlssemlnaLlon or communlcaLlon of pollLlcal rellglous phllosophlcal or ldeologlcal
oplnlons vlews or ldeas and where no fee ls charged Lo parLlclpaLe or aLLend lf your goal ls Lo have
your oplnlons heard (for example by chanLlng and wavlng slgns or by marchlng ln supporL of a cause) or
expresslng yourself Lhrough some arL form Lhls secLlon probably applles Lo you lf your goal ls Lo have a
recreaLlonal evenL or make money Lhe rules may be more sLrlcL 1hls documenL applles only Lo Lhe ClLy
CounLy of Ponolulu
(2) Pow many people wlll be aL Lhe evenL? lf you plan Lo have more Lhan 73 people aL a ClLy park you
generally need a permlL lf you wanL Lo block off Lhe sLreeLs (wheLher on fooL on blcycle or ln some
klnd of vehlcle) you generally need a permlL no maLLer how many people you're expecLlng
(3) Where do you plan Lo proLesL? See gulde
ermlLs WhaL AbouL
ClLy Pall
SLaLe properLy
lederal properLy
MlllLary lnsLallaLlons
Sldewalks ?ou generally don'L need a permlL Lo march sLand and/or hold slgns on a sldewalk as long
as you're noL lnLerferlng wlLh Lrafflc or blocklng Lhe sldewalk ?ou're also allowed Lo have a small Lable
(see Can l puL a small Lable on a publlc sldewalk?" on Lhe fronL page) Lven lf you don'L need a permlL
you may sLlll wanL Lo apply for one lf you wanL a spoL aL a cerLaln place and Llme ?ou need a permlL for
ampllfled sound lL ls noL always clear when you've lefL Lhe sldewalk" and enLered a park" (see park
rules below) or prlvaLe properLy (you may be asked Lo leave prlvaLe properLy and reLurn Lo Lhe publlc
sldewalk) Always be respecLful of oLhers uslng Lhe sldewalk
?ou may only cross Lhe sLreeL ln deslgnaLed crosswalks 1he only excepLlon ls when you are ln a
resldenLlal dlsLrlcL and you are more Lhan 200 feeL from an lnLersecLlon lf you are parL of a group
marchlng along Lhe sldewalk you can sLlll be clLed for [aywalklng
Au8 SLlpulaLlon 101201 llnal SLlpulaLlon and Crder
ClLy parade rules hLLp//www1honolulugov/dLs/usage/paradeshLm
ClLy rules regardlng pedesLrlans 8CP 13172(b)
ClLy rules regardlng publlc places 8CP 29184(l)
SLreeLs ?ou need a permlL Lo march or parade ln a publlc sLreeL any Llme you block off Lrafflc and walk
(or slL or blcycle or do anyLhlng else) on Lhe sLreeL lLself
uC1 8ules hLLp//www1honolulugov/dLs/usage/admlnrulespdf
Au8 SLlpulaLlon 101201 llnal SLlpulaLlon and Crder
arks lor Ponolulu ClLy parks (LhaL ls parks run by Lhe ClLy noL Lhe SLaLe or Lhe lederal governmenL)
llke Ala Moana Ala Wal and kaplolanl arks you generally don'L need a permlL for a small group of
people A permlL usually lsn'L necessary for a group of less Lhan 73 people Powever keep ln mlnd LhaL lf
your group ls only 30 people buL Lhere are already Len oLher groups of 30 people uslng a space when
you geL Lhere Lhe pollce may dependlng on Lhe slze of Lhe space be able Lo keep you ouL ln oLher
words lf you wanL Lo reserve your spoL ln Lhe park (or lf you wanL excluslve use of a park) you may
wanL Lo geL a permlL even lf you don'L Lechnlcally need one
1he ClLy has separaLe rules for pedesLrlan malls (for example lorL SLreeL Mall) and ls ln Lhe process of
revlewlng/revlslng Lhem lf you wanL Lo have an evenL on lorL SLreeL Mall or anoLher pedesLrlan mall
and you have any Lrouble dolng so conLacL us
ClLy park guldellnes hLLp//www1honolulugov/parks/parkusehLm
ClLy rules regardlng parks 8CP 1013 (under revlew by Lhe ClLy)
ClLy rules regardlng malls hLLp//www1honolulugov/parks/rules/mallspdf
Au8 SLlpulaLlon 101201 llnal SLlpulaLlon and Crder

8eaches 1he beach" ls dlvlded lnLo Lwo parLs Lhe land above Lhe hlghwaLer mark (Lhe beach park)
and Lhe sand waLer below Lhe hlgh waLer mark 1he sand waLer ls generally under Lhe SLaLe's
conLrol conLacL Lhe ueparLmenL of Land and naLural 8esources aL (808) 3870400 lor Lhose beach
parks under Lhe ClLy's conLrol (lncludlng Ala Moana and Walklkl) Lhe sand above Lhe hlghwaLer mark ls
consldered Lo be parL of Lhe park and Lhe park rules above apply CerLaln oLher beaches (above Lhe
hlgh waLer mark) may be under prlvaLe ownershlp so you may have Lo conLacL Lhe abuLLlng properLy
ClLy parks rules 8CP 101 hLLp//www1honolulugov/councll/ocs/roh/10pdf
Ponolulu Pale (ClLy Pall) 1he sldewalks surroundlng Ponolulu Pale are llke oLher ClLy sldewalks you
generally don'L need a permlL Lo march sLand and/or hold slgns on Lhe sldewalk as long as you're noL
lnLerferlng wlLh Lrafflc or blocklng Lhe sldewalk (Lhough you can apply for a permlL lf you wanL Lo
reserve space on Lhe sldewalk or use ampllfled sound) ln addlLlon you can hold a llrsL AmendmenL
acLlvlLy ln Lhe area lmmedlaLely fronLlng Lhe ClLy Pall bulldlng (Lhe corner of klng SL unchbowl SL)
wlLhouL a permlL lor Lhe remalnlng areas wlLhln ClLy Pall grounds (behlnd and Lo Lhe slde of Ponolulu
Pale) you don'L need a permlL so long as (1) Lhere are fewer Lhan 23 people (2) you don'L charge a fee
(3) Lhe evenL ls Lhree hours or less and (4) you do noL erecL any Lemporary sLrucLures (llke LenLs)
SLaLe properLy 1he SLaLe has a number of rules regardlng Lhe use of SLaLe bulldlngs/grounds and Lhe
rules currenLly provlde LhaL a permlL ls needed for any group larger Lhan LwenLyflve Cne of Lhe rules
prohlblLs Lhe lnsLallaLlon of any Lemporary sLrucLure shelLer or sleeplng accommodaLlon wlLhouL Lhe
prlor wrlLLen auLhorlzaLlon of Lhe CompLroller"
1he ACLu ls currenLly worklng wlLh Lhe SLaLe Lo clarlfy and amend some of lLs rules lf you wanL Lo have
an evenL aL Lhe Pawall CaplLol lolanl alace ln fronL of anoLher SLaLe bulldlng or ln a Pawall SLaLe ark
and you are havlng Lrouble conLacL us

ermlL appllcaLlon form
SLaLe permlLLlng lnformaLlon hLLp//hawallgov/dags/cm/memo/CM201008pdf
SLaLe bulldlngs/grounds rules PA8 31111 eL seq hLLp//hawallgov/dags/rules/adm_spdf
SLaLe parks rules PA8 137 hLLp//wwwhawallsLaLeparksorg/pdf/admlnlsLraLlve_rules/137pdf
lolanl alace rules PA8 1314669 eL seq
CompLroller's Memorandum 201008 hLLp//hawallgov/dags/cm/memo/CM201008pdf

lederal properLy mlllLary lnsLallaLlons
llrsL AmendmenL acLlvlLles on lorL ue8ussy grounds lnvolvlng more Lhan 100 people requlre noLlce and
a permlL ?ou musL conLacL Lhe Pale koa PoLel Ceneral Manager Lo apply for a permlL aL leasL 48 hours
prlor Lo Lhe planned acLlvlLy no permlL ls requlred for sponLaneous expresslon ln response Lo
unforeseeable and recenL news evenLs Powever as much noLlce as posslble should be glven under Lhe
roLesLs and oLher free speech acLlvlLles are allowed on Lhe sldewalks surroundlng Lhe rlnce !onah
kuhlo kalanlanaole lederal 8ulldlng (Lhe maln lederal 8ulldlng on Ala Moana 8lvd) aL any Llme so long
as you are noL blocklng vehlcle enLrances/exlLs lf you wanL Lo hold an evenL on Lhe grounds of Lhe
lederal 8ulldlng (or oLher federal properLy) you need a permlL from Ceneral Servlces AdmlnlsLraLlon
1he Supreme CourL has ruled LhaL no one has a rlghL Lo proLesL on mlllLary bases even lf Lhe person ls a
member of Lhe mlllLary
Pale koa permlL appllcaLlon emall [efferls[[halekoacom or fax (808) 9339466
lorL ue8ussy rules uepL of Lhe Army ollcy Memo lnsLallaLlon1 ulsclpllne Law Crder p1317
ermlL appllcaLlon
uemonsLraLlon Culdellnes
CSA (808) 3411930
unlverslLy of Pawall aL Manoa
?ou generally don'L need a permlL Lo march sLand and/or hold slgns on Lhe unlverslLy of Pawall Manoa
campus (uP") so long as you aren'L breaklng any oLher laws or uP rules and so long as you aren'L
lnLerferlng wlLh uP acLlvlLles lf you wanL excluslve use of an area for a cerLaln daLe and Llme (for
example Lhe Campus CenLer ueslgnaLed ubllc lorum) you musL geL a permlL ln advance (aL leasL 30
days for grounds use buL no advance Llme for ubllc lorum use so long as no one else ls uslng lL)
8eservaLlons are flrsL come flrsL served noLe LhaL uP sLudenLs who are found Lo have vlolaLed Lhe
SLudenL ConducL Code or oLher uP rules whlle parLlclpaLlng ln a free speech acLlvlLy may suffer
consequences from Lhe uP
lor more lnformaLlon conLacL Campus SecurlLy aL (808) 9366911 or vlslL Lhe slLes below

Campus CenLer
use ermlL AppllcaLlon hLLp//ccservercapshawalledu/vlrLualLMS/
or hLLp//wwwhawalledu/apls/apm/a1200p/genforms/a1200aLLbpdf
8egulaLlons hLLp//wwwhawalledu/campuscenLer/servlces/documenLs/reservaLlonsregulaLlonspdf
CperaLlons ollcles
Schedullng Cfflce aL (808) 9362323 or ccmes[hawalledu See also
uP Manoa laclllLles use racLlces and rocedures
AppllcaLlon conLacL Lhe Ceneral laclllLles Schedullng Cfflcer aL Lhe laclllLles ManagemenL Cfflce aL
(808) 9362163
uP SLudenL ConducL Code
CLher ubllc unlverslLles and Colleges
lf you would llke Lo proLesL aL oLher publlc unlverslLles or colleges consulL LhaL Lhe codes and
regulaLlons for LhaL campus and conLacL your school's securlLy offlce and/or faclllLles offlce
Pawall kaual and Maul CounLles
Whlle rules for sLaLe properLy are Lhe same LhroughouL Pawall rules for counLy properLy dlffer from
counLy Lo counLy We are ln Lhe process of complllng more deLalled lnformaLlon for Pawall kaual and
MaulCounLles ln Lhe meanLlme you may wanL Lo consulL Lhe followlng for rules LhaL may affecL your
proLesL (eg rules on permlLs slgns handbllls nolse parades)
Pawall CounLy
Pawall CounLy Code
Pawall ollce ueparLmenL wwwhawallpollcecom/lndexhLml
PawallCounLyarksand 8ecreaLlon wwwcohawallhlus/dlrecLory/dlr_parkshLm

Pawall CounLy ueparLmenL of ubllc Works
CounLy of Pawall lannlng ueparLmenL wwwcohplannlngdepLcom/
kaual CounLy
kaual CounLy Code unavallable onllne buL check your local llbrarles and Lhe Cfflce of Lhe CounLy Clerk
4396 8lce SL SLe 209 Llhue Pl 96766 (808) 2414188
kaual ollce ueparLmenL wwwkaualgov/defaulLaspx?Labld298
ueparLmenL of arks and 8ecreaLlon
1ransporLaLlon Agency
lannlng ueparLmenL
Maul CounLy
Maul CounLy Code
Maul ollce ueparLmenL
ueparLmenL of arks and 8ecreaLlon 8ecreaLlon SupporL Servlces ulvlslon
ueparLmenL of 1ransporLaLlon wwwcomaulhlus/lndexaspx?nld123
lannlng ueparLmenL wwwcomaulhlus/lndexaspx?nld121
ermlLs Culck 8eference lAC
Lead Llmes
ClLy park Lhree buslness days
A march or parade on a ClLy sLreeL flve buslness days
lorL ue8ussy 48 hours
CLher federal properLy Lhe process Lakes a few days
SLaLe properLy fourLeen buslness days ln advance lf you are lnLeresLed ln havlng an evenL on SLaLe
properLy ln fewer Lhan fourLeen buslness days conLacL us
SLaLe 8ulldlngs/Crounds rules PA8 311126 hLLp//hawallgov/dags/rules/adm_spdf (14
buslness days)
ClLy ark rules lL ue8ussy rules arade and federal rules
WhaL abouL sponLaneous proLesLs? lf someLhlng happens ln Lhe news and you wanL Lo have an evenL
rlghL away (and Lhere's no Llme Lo geL a permlL) you can generally have a demonsLraLlon ln ClLy parks
and aL lorL ue8ussy you [usL need Lo glve as much noLlce as posslble Lo Lhe ClLy ueparLmenL of arks
8ecreaLlon for parks or Lo Lhe Pale koa manager for lorL ue8ussy (see Where Lo apply") 1he SLaLe
does noL currenLly have an excepLlon ln lLs rules for sponLaneous" evenLs lf you wanL Lo have an evenL
on SLaLe properLy rlghL away broughL on by someLhlng LhaL has [usL happened ln Lhe news (ln Lhe lasL
24 or 48 hours) conLacL uACS (808) 3860400 and Lhe ACLu know ?our 8lghLs" llne (808) 3223906
Where Lo apply arades or marches on ClLy sLreeLs call Lhe ueparLmenL of 1ransporLaLlon Servlces aL
(808) 7688387 More lnformaLlon hLLp//www1honolulugov/dLs/usage/paradeshLm
ClLy parks call Lhe ueparLmenL of arks 8ecreaLlon (808) 7683003 More lnformaLlon
SLaLe properLy (eg Lhe SLaLe CaplLol) conLacL Lhe ueparLmenL of AccounLlng and Ceneral Servlces
(uACS") aL (808) 3860400 1he permlL form ls found aL
AddlLlonal lnformaLlon abouL permlLLlng ls avallable aL hLLp//hawallgov/dags/cm/memo/CM2010
08pdf 1he ACLu ls currenLly worklng wlLh Lhe SLaLe Lo clarlfy and amend some of lLs rules lf you wanL
Lo have an evenL aL Lhe Pawall CaplLol lolanl alace ln fronL of anoLher SLaLe bulldlng or ln a Pawall
SLaLe ark conLacL us We may be able Lo asslsL
lor lorL ue8ussy fax (808) 9339466 or emall [efferls[[halekoacom
lor oLher federal properLy lncludlng Lhe lederal 8ulldlng call Lhe Ceneral Servlces AdmlnlsLraLlon aL
(808) 3411930

lrequenLly Asked CuesLlons ermlLs
Pow do l know who conLrols Lhe properLy where l wanL Lo have my demonsLraLlon (ClLy SLaLe or
federal governmenL)? lf you don'L see a slgn LhaL says who conLrols Lhe properLy you can call Lhe ClLy
parks deparLmenL aL (808) 7683003 Lo ask who conLrols Lhe properLy ?ou can also Lry looklng lL up on
Lhe lnLerneL
uo l need Lo pay Lhe ClLy Lo geL a park/parade permlL? Cenerally no lf you wanL a permlL for a ClLy
park you don'L have Lo pay an appllcaLlon fee
lf you're plannlng a parade or an evenL ln a park Lhe ClLy may ask lf you have lnsurance ?ou generally
don'L have Lo have lnsurance so long as you cerLlfy elLher LhaL (a) you can'L geL lL or (b) you can'L afford
lf you're havlng a parade Lhe ClLy may ask you Lo pay some of Lhe cosLs of havlng Lhe pollce block off
Lhe sLreeLs for you buL Lhe ClLy may walve Lhese fees lf you cerLlfy LhaL you can'L afford lL roblems?
ConLacL us
1he ClLy also cannoL requlre you Lo slgn anyLhlng LhaL says you promlse Lo pay for any damage done by
any of Lhe people aL your evenL (an lndemnlflcaLlon agreemenL") ?ou are requlred Lo do your besL Lo
clean up afLer yourselves and you should Lell all parLlclpanLs Lo be respecLful of all publlc properLy
Au8 SLlpulaLlon 101201 llnal SLlpulaLlon and Crder
lf l don'L geL a permlL whaL wlll happen? lL's posslble LhaL Lhe pollce may clLe you (or arresL you) for noL
havlng a permlL lf you hear Lhe pollce order you Lo dlsperse and you don'L you wlll probably be
arresLed lf you belleve Lhe pollce wrongfully shuL down your demonsLraLlon conLacL us
ClLy park rules 8CP 10 hLLp//www1honolulugov/councll/ocs/roh/10pdf
SLClAL SLC1lCn ?our rlghLs Lo documenL law enforcemenL encounLers
ln Pawall generally you can Lake phoLographs or vldeo/audlo recordlngs of Lhe pollce so long as you do
noL lnLerfere wlLh Lhe pollce offlcers' duLles
When ln publlc spaces where you are lawfully presenL you have Lhe rlghL Lo phoLograph anyLhlng LhaL ls
ln plaln vlew 1haL lncludes plcLures of federal bulldlngs LransporLaLlon faclllLles and pollce Such
phoLography ls a form of publlc overslghL over Lhe governmenL and ls lmporLanL ln a free socleLy

When you are on prlvaLe properLy Lhe properLy owner may seL rules abouL Lhe Laklng of phoLographs lf
you dlsobey Lhe properLy owner's rules Lhey can order you off Lhelr properLy (and have you arresLed for
Lrespasslng lf you do noL comply)
ollce offlcers may noL generally conflscaLe or demand Lo vlew your phoLographs or vldeo wlLhouL a
warranL lf you are arresLed Lhe conLenLs of your phone may be scruLlnlzed by Lhe pollce alLhough Lhelr
consLlLuLlonal power Lo do so remalns unseLLled ln addlLlon lL ls posslble LhaL courLs may approve Lhe
selzure of a camera ln some clrcumsLances lf pollce have a reasonable goodfalLh bellef LhaL lL conLalns
evldence of a crlme by someone oLher Lhan Lhe pollce Lhemselves (lL ls unseLLled wheLher Lhey sLlll need
a warranL Lo vlew Lhem) lf a pollce offlcer searches and/or selzes your phone conLacL us
ollce may noL deleLe your phoLographs or vldeo
ollce offlcers may leglLlmaLely order clLlzens Lo cease acLlvlLles LhaL are Lruly lnLerferlng wlLh leglLlmaLe
law enforcemenL operaLlons rofesslonal offlcers however reallze LhaL such operaLlons are sub[ecL Lo
publlc scruLlny lncludlng by lndlvlduals phoLographlng Lhem
1he rlghL Lo phoLograph does noL glve you a rlghL Lo break any oLher laws lor example lf you are
Lrespasslng Lo Lake phoLographs you may sLlll be charged wlLh Lrespass
lf you are sLopped or deLalned for Laklng phoLographs or vldeo
Always remaln calm and pollLe never physlcally reslsL a pollce offlcer
lf an offlcer sLops you for phoLography Lhe rlghL quesLlon Lo ask ls am l free Lo go?" lf Lhe offlcer
says no Lhen you are belng deLalned someLhlng LhaL an offlcer cannoL do wlLhouL reasonable susplclon
LhaL you have or are abouL Lo commlL a crlme or are ln Lhe process of dolng so unLll you ask Lo leave
your belng sLopped ls consldered volunLary
lf you are deLalned pollLely ask whaL crlme you are suspecLed of commlLLlng and remlnd Lhe offlcer
LhaL Laklng phoLographs ls your rlghL under Lhe llrsL AmendmenL
Speclal conslderaLlons when vldeoLaplng or Laklng an audlo recordlng ?ou can record your own
lnLeracLlons wlLh offlcers wlLhouL vlolaLlng Pawall wlreLap sLaLuLes (slnce you are one of Lhe
parLlclpanLs) Where you are an observer buL noL a parL of Lhe conversaLlon you can record whaL Lhe
pollce are dolng so long as Lhe pollce offlcer does noL appear Lo be havlng a prlvaLe conversaLlon (ln
oLher words where Lhe offlcer has a reasonable expecLaLlon of prlvacy) lf pollce offlcers are lnLeracLlng
wlLh demonsLraLors on a crowded publlc sLreeL Lhe offlcers generally have no reasonable expecLaLlon of
prlvacy lf a pollce offlcer and anoLher lndlvldual are Lalklng quleLly ln a secluded area LhaL ls lf lL looks
llke Lhe pollce offlcer ls Lrylng Lo have a prlvaLe" conversaLlon wlLh someone Lhen you generally
cannoL record Lhe conversaLlon
SLaLe v Craham 70 Paw 627 (1989)
SLaLe v Ckubo 67 Paw 197 (1984)
SLaLe law regardlng vlolaLlon of prlvacy ln Lhe second degree P8S 7111111(e)
8lghLs of AuuL1S age 18+ when encounLerlng law enforcemenL ln Pawall
uon'L run 8emaln calm keep your words movemenLs neuLral your hands where offlcers can see
uon'L argue swear or LhreaLen a complalnL AnyLhlng you say or do can be used agalnsL you
uon'L Louch a pollce offlcer
uon'L reslsL arresL even lf you're lnnocenL
uon'L reslsL buL do noL consenL Lo searches even lf you're lnnocenL
never lnLerfere wlLh or obsLrucL pollce you can be arresLed for lL
uon'L make sLaLemenLs abouL Lhe lncldenL unLll you Lalk Lo a lawyer
WrlLe down everyLhlng you recall rlghL away lncludlng badge paLrol car numbers
Slgn and accepL LlckeLs or you can be arresLed
ln[ured ln a pollce sLop? CeL medlcal help Lake phoLos
ueLalned or quesLloned by law enforcemenL
Ask Am l under arresL?" lf yes ask why lf no you are free Lo leave

ID Checks
lf you're noL drlvlng you don'L have Lo show lu or glve your name unless Lhere ls reasonable
susplclon" LhaL you're lnvolved ln a crlme Whlle you generally can'L be arresLed for refuslng offlcers do
have wlde laLlLude Lo compel you Lo glve your name
urlvers musL show llcense reglsLraLlon proof of lnsurance ?ou may ask for a blood or urlne LesL
lnsLead of a breaLh LesL or fleld sobrleLy LesL ?ou may also refuse all LesLs and wlll face a posslble one
year llcense suspenslon lf drlvlng commerclally laws or company rules may compel you Lo Lake a LesL
1alk Lo your lawyer

uon'L reslsL buL never consenL Lo searches of your car house or person ConsenLlng can affecL your
rlghLs laLer ln courL ?ou can'L be arresLed for refusal Lo consenL
ollce may search your car or paL down" your cloLhes when Lhey belleve Lhere ls probable cause"
ollce may enLer your home lf an emergency exlsLs (eg a person screamlng) upon arresL pollce can
search you Lhe area close by ln a bulldlng Lhls ls usually [usL Lhe room you're ln lf pollce say Lhey
have a search warranL ask Lo see lL
If you are arrested
uon'L say anyLhlng or answer any quesLlons wlLhouL a lawyer's counsel 1ell pollce your name LhaL you
wlsh Lo remaln sllenL and LhaL you requesL a lawyer Call your lawyer or a publlc defender
Cahu ulsLrlcL 8083862100
lelony 8083862200
?ou have Lhe rlghL Lo a local phone call wlLhln a reasonable Llme of arresL/booklng unless you're calllng
a lawyer pollce may llsLen
?ou musL be charged or Laken before a [udge wlLhln 2 buslness days Ask your lawyer Lo see lf you can
geL ball lowered or be released wlLhouL ball
8lghLs of ?Cu1P up Lo age 18 when encounLerlng law enforcemenL ln Pawall
uon'L run 8emaln calm keep your words movemenLs neuLral your hands where offlcers can see
uon'L argue swear or LhreaLen a complalnL AnyLhlng you say or do can be used agalnsL you
uon'L Louch a pollce offlcer
uon'L reslsL arresL even lf you're lnnocenL
uon'L reslsL buL do noL consenL Lo searches even lf you're lnnocenL
never lnLerfere wlLh or obsLrucL pollce you can be arresLed for lL
uon'L make sLaLemenLs abouL Lhe lncldenL unLll you Lalk Lo a lawyer
WrlLe down everyLhlng you recall rlghL away lncludlng badge paLrol car numbers
Slgn and accepL LlckeLs or you can be arresLed
ln[ured ln a pollce sLop? CeL medlcal help Lake phoLos
ueLalned or quesLloned by law enforcemenL
Ask Am l under arresL?" lf yes ask why lf no you are free Lo leave
lu Checks
Lven lf you are noL drlvlng mlnors musL glve name blrLh daLe urlvers musL show llcense vehlcle
reglsLraLlon proof of lnsurance Mlnor passengers musL glve Lhelr name blrLh daLe Mlnors
suspecLed of lnLoxlcaLed drlvlng face an auLomaLlc 180day llcense suspenslon lf an offlcer suspecLs
you're lnLoxlcaLed Lhey can arresL you ollce may noL LesL you for drugs or alcohol wlLhouL Lhe consenL
of you or your legal guardlan ?ou may requesL a sobrleLy LesL Lo prove your lnnocence
uon'L reslsL buL never consenL Lo searches ConsenLlng can affecL your rlghLs laLer ln courL ?ou can'L be
arresLed for refusal Lo consenL ollce may search your car or paL down" your cloLhes when Lhey
belleve Lhere ls probable cause ollce may enLer your home lf an emergency exlsLs (eg a person
screamlng) upon arresL pollce can search you Lhe area close by ln a bulldlng Lhls ls usually [usL Lhe
room you're ln lf pollce say Lhey have a search warranL ask Lo see lL Searched aL a publlc school? 8oard
of LducaLlon rules (wwwboek12hlus look for Ch 19) glve schools some auLhorlLy Lo search sLudenLs
lockers buL school offlclals sLlll musL follow Lhe ConsLlLuLlon Searched unfalrly? ConLacL us!
Cn probaLlon?
lL's easy Lo Lhlnk of probaLlon offlcers llke a soclal worker or even a frlend be careful 1hey have slmllar
auLhorlLy Lo pollce AnyLhlng you say Lo Lhem can be used agalnsL you
lf you are arresLed
uon'L say anyLhlng wlLhouL a lawyer Clve your name address blrLh daLe buL respecLfully decllne Lo
say more unLll your lawyer ls Lhere AL Lhe sLaLe [uvenlle faclllLy publlc defenders are avallable
weekdays lf released Lo a parenL or guardlan lamlly CourL wlll arrange for a publlc defender before
your Lrlal or you can hlre a prlvaLe aLLorney
ln addlLlon Lo your lawyer you may also have a parenL or legal guardlan presenL before quesLlonlng
ollce do noL have Lo offer Lhls you musL ask lnslsL ?ou have no rlghL Lo a phone call ollce wlll call
for you unless you're calllng a lawyer pollce may llsLen ?our guardlan musL be noLlfled of your arresL
ln lamlly CourL you musL be charged or Laken before a [udge wlLhln 2 buslness days ?ou have no rlghL
Lo ball
LxpecL a hearlng Lhe nexL weekday wlLh a !uvenlle Supervlsor ?ou can be released Lo a parenL or
guardlan aL Lhe dlscreLlon of a !uvenlle Supervlsor so conslder your behavlor

WhaL lf l'm approached by pollce ln Pawall kaual or Maul CounLy?
?our rlghLs under Lhe unlLed SLaLes and Pawall ConsLlLuLlons are Lhe same LhroughouL Pawall Lhe only
Lhlngs LhaL change are Lhe conLacL numbers for Lhe publlc defender's offlce lnformaLlon abouL arresLed
persons and pollce commlsslons/lnLernal affalrs offlces ln each counLy
Maul CounLy
ubllc uefender
81 n MarkeL SL
Walluku Pl 96793
(808) 9843018
lnformaLlon abouL arresLed persons
(808) 2446400
ollce ComplalnLs
Maul CounLy ollce ueparLmenL lnLernal Affalrs
33 Mahalanl SL
Walluku Pl 96793
(808) 2446400
Maul ollce Commlsslon (flle wlLhln 60 days of lncldenL)
33 Mahalanl SL
Walluku Pl 96793
(808) 2446440

Pawall CounLy
ubllc uefender
273 onahawal SL SLe 201
Pllo Pl 96720
(808) 9744371
CenLral kona CenLer 8ldg 9
kealakekua Pl 96730
(808) 3221943
lnformaLlon abouL arresLed adulLs
LasL Pawall
(808) 9612213
WesL Pawall
(808) 3264646 LxL 293
ollce ComplalnLs
Pawall CounLy ollce ueparLmenL lnLernal Affalrs
349 kaplolanl SL
Pllo Pl 96720
(808) 9612328
Pawall CounLy ollce Commlsslon (flle wlLhln 90 days of lncldenL)
Aupunl CenLer
101 auahl SL SLe 9
Pllo Pl 96720

(808) 9322930
kaual CounLy
ubllc uefender
3060 Llwa SL 8m 206
Llhue Pl 96766
(808) 2417128
lnformaLlon abouL arresLed persons
(808) 2411711
ollce ComplalnLs
kaual CounLy ollce Commlsslon (flle wlLhln 30 days of lncldenL)
c/o Cfflce of 8oards Commlsslons
4444 8lce SL SLe 130
Llhue Pl 96766
(808) 2414920

;u|ck reference Usefu| contact |nformat|on for protesters

ACLu of Pawall
"know your k|ghts" ||ne h (808) S22S906
1hls confldenLlal llne wlll Lake lnformaLlon abouL problems Lhe publlc may experlence ln preparlng
for and durlng ALC Messages wlll be checked regularly and Lhe ACLu wlll Lake acLlon as approprlaLe
1he ACLu would llke Lo know lf you are havlng problems such as obLalnlng a permlL for your llrsL
AmendmenL acLlvlLy or have concerns abouL lnLeracLlons wlLh law enforcemenL Leave your name and
conLacL lnformaLlon such as malllng address emall phone number Also leave as much deLall as you can
abouL your problem We wlll follow up wlLh you as needed
WebslLe and emall hLLp//wwwacluhawallorg offlce[acluhawallorglax (808) 3223909
Malllng address uS Mall 8ox 3410 Ponolulu Pl 96801
lnformaLlon on arresLed persons 1he Ponolulu ollce ueparLmenL
CenLral 8ecelvlng ulvlslon adulL or [uvenlle arresL lnformaLlon (808) 3293331
ollce ComplalnLs Ponolulu ollce Commlsslon (flle wlLhln 60 days of lncldenL)
(808) 3293286
uS Mall Ponolulu ollce ueparLmenL ALLenLlon rofesslonal SLandards Cfflce
801 SouLh 8ereLanla SLreeL Ponolulu Pl 96813
Pawall SLaLe 8ar AssoclaLlon Lawyer 8eferral
(808) 3379140

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