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Introduction to Biology (cont.

What |s L|fe?
Lecture Cb[ect|ves
O ,t is Life ,nd w,t ,re its Essenti,l Properties?
O $ix criteri, for defining life ,s ,dopted by tis course: (structur,l
org,niz,tion, cell communic,tion, growt ,nd development,
nutrition, reproduction, response to extern,l environment).
O $yntesize individu,l criteri,, bringing in te over-,rcing principle
of w,t "living me,ns. (i.e., to use intern,lly gener,ted energy to
m,int,in , st,te distinct from pysic,l surroundings).

hapter 1 uest|on 1
Potosyntesis w,s 349 responsible for wic of te following c,nges on
,. n oxygen,ted ,tmospere
b. Evolution of org,nisms t,t require oxygen to survive
c. Evolution of organisms that require carbon dioxide to
d. Development of te ozone l,yer

hapter 1 uest|on 2
In order for life to c,nge, or evolve, te e,rliest unicellul,r org,nisms ,d
to be ,ble to.
a. #eplicate their genetic material
b. Inter,ct wit e,c oter
c. $peci,lize so t,t different cells did different tings
d. ll of te ,bove
e. None of te ,bove

hapter 1 uest|on 3
ccording to te Tree of Life, wic
two dom,ins ,re most closely
,. rc,e, ,nd B,cteri,
b. Archaea and Eukarya
c. Euk,ry, ,nd B,cteri,

Description of te evolution,ry istory ,ve
rel,tionsips ,mong org,nisms. Pylogeny
elps us underst,nd ow to cl,ssify
Ex. Pylogenetic ,n,lysis of te HIV virus
sows t,t um,ns ,quired HIV/ID$ from

@axonom|c hy|ogeny of the norse
rom te fossil record we know t,t te e,rliest of ,ncestors evolved in
Nort meric,. ncestors dispersed
to Europe, si,, fric, (well get to
te "ow next semester in ,re,

Cromosome #
Przew,lskis Horse 66
On,ger 56
fric,n ss 62
Grevys Zebr, 46
Mount,in Zebr, 32
Pl,ins Zebr, 44

onophyletic: Te t,xon
cont,ins ,n ,ncestor ,nd ,ll
descend,nts of t,t ,ncestor
,nd no oter org,nisms.

Polyphyletic: group t,t
does not include its common

Paraphyletic: group t,t
includes , common ,ncestor
but does not include ,ll te
descend,nts (missing ).

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