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Proceedings of the MC4.

2005 IEEE Conference on Control Applications
Toronto, Canada, August 28-31, 2005

Sensorless Control of Induction Motor Using Fast Output Sampling Technique

Alemayehu Gebre-Egziabher Abera B.Bandyopadhyay

IDP in Systems and Control Engg., IDP in Systems and Control Engg.,
IIT Bombay, Mumbai-400076,INDIA, IIT Bombay, Mumbai-400076,INDIA,

Vivek Agarwal S. Janardhanan

Department of Electrical Engineering, IDP in Systems and Control Engg.,
IIT Bombay,Mumbai-400 076, INDIA, IIT Bombay,Mumbai-400076,INDIA,

Abstract— The paper presents the design of a new technique superior performance characteristics with respect to robust-
for induction motor control without using speed sensor. Here ness and accuracy [1]. The complete implementation of the
the discrete time control technique is used to design the observer along with a direct field oriented controller was
controller for induction motor drive. The non-linear model of
an induction motor is revisited here and linearized about an performed using a Motorola DSP system. Kim et al, [4]
operating point to obtain a linear model for the same. A fast proposed a novel estimation strategy for the very low speed
output sampling based controller is obtained by considering operation to estimate both the instantaneous speed and
the stator current as output only. The non-linear model of the disturbance load torque using Kalman filter. An alternative
induction motor is simulated with the proposed controller. closed loop observer for the induction motor based on
This method does not require the states of the system for
feedback and is easily implementable. sliding mode techniques was proposed by Giri and Yan
Index Terms— Induction Machine, Sensorless Control, Mul- [5], [6].
tirate Output feedback, Fast Output Sampling and Speed The static output feedback problem is one of the most
Control. investigated problem in control theory and applications [7],
however no results are available till today which show that
I. INTRODUCTION complete pole assignment is possible using static output
The induction motor is rugged, reliable and less ex- feedback.
pensive AC machine, widely used in many electric drive Output feedback can be realized using fast output sam-
applications. The maintenance of an electric drive would pling [7], [8]. Werner has used the fast output sampling
be simplified considerably if it can be designed with no feedback which has the feature of static output feedback
transducers of mechanical coordinates, which spoils the and makes it possible to arbitrarily assign the system
simplicity of the machine. High performance drives for poles. Unlike static output feedback, fast output sampling
various applications using induction motors with vector feedback always guarantees the stability of the closed loop
control have become the preferred form of motive power system.
in a number of applications. Vector control transforms the In this paper a design of fast output sampling controller
induction motor into a system that has the characteristics for sensorless induction motor control is proposed. The
of a separately excited DC motor. Success of vector control outline of the paper is as follows. Section I deals with the
techniques depend on the knowledge of instantaneous mag- introduction. Section II presents dynamic model of an in-
nitude and position of rotating magnetic field (or flux) in duction motor. Section III deals with a brief introduction of
the machine. Direct measurement of magnetic field using fast output sampling control law and the controller design
search coils, hall effect sensors require implantation of is presented in section IV. Section V presents simulation
sensors in the air gap of the machine and hence result in results and discussions followed by the concluding remarks.
increased complexity. Moreover, they are prone to errors
caused by factors like temperature variation and noise [1],
[2]. Under the commonly used assumptions, the behavior of
In order to circumvent direct measurement of the mag- the three-phase, four pole, induction motor in the orthog-
netic flux, a number of flux estimation methods have been onal field reference frame can be described by a set of
proposed in the last few years [1], [3]. All these methods non-linear equations as given below [9] , [10], [11]
utilize terminal measurements of voltage and current along d
with (or without) rotor speed to arrive at an accurate ids = σRs ids + ωs iqs + βLm ωr iqs (1)
estimate of the magnitude and position of the flux in the +βRr idr + βLr ωr iqr + σVds
machine. These methods have been broadly classified as d
open loop observers and closed loop observers to have iqs = −ωs ids − βLm ωr ids − σRs iqs

0-7803-9354-6/05/$20.00 ©2005 IEEE 493

−σLm ωr idr + βRr iqr + σVqs where
idr = βRs ids − γLm ωr iqs − γRr idr L = L0 L1 · · · LN −1 . ,
dt ⎡ ⎤
+ωs iqr − σLs ωr iqr − βVds y(kτ − τ )
d ⎢ y(kτ − τ +  ) ⎥
iqr = βLs ωr ids + βRs iqs − ωs idr ⎢ ⎥
dt yk = ⎢ .. ⎥.
⎣ . ⎦
+σLs ωr idr − γRr iqr − βVqs
y(kτ − ∆)
d p
ωr = (Te − TL )
dt 2Jeq Then a representation for the system given by Eqns.(3)
3P is
Te = Lm (iqs idr − ids iqr ) .
22 x(k + 1) = Φτ x(k) + Γτ u(k)
where ids , iqs are stator currents, idr , iqr are rotor currents, yk = C0 x(k) + D0 u(k)
Vds , V qs are stator voltages, ωr is rotor angle velocity, ωs
is synchronous speed, Te , TL are electromagnetic and load
⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤
torques, Jeq is inertia of the rotor, p is number of poles, C 0
α, β, σ and γ are all positive constants defined as: ⎢ CΦ ⎥ ⎢ CΓ ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
C0 = ⎢ .. ⎥ , D0 = ⎢ .. ⎥.
α = Ls Lr − L2m , ⎣ . ⎦ ⎣ . ⎦
N −2
β = Lm /α, CΦN −1 C j=0 Φj Γ
σ = Lr /α,
Let F be an initial state feedback gains such that the
γ = Ls /α closed loop system matrix (Φτ + Γτ F ) has no eigenvalues
where Ls and Lr are stator and rotor inductances, Rs and at the origin. Then one can define a fictitious measurement
Rr are stator and rotor resistances and LM is the mutual matrix,
III. B RIEF R EVIEW O N FAST O UTPUT S AMPLING C̃(F, N ) = (C0 + D0 F )(Φτ + Γτ F )−1 (6)
which satisfies the fictitious measurement equation
In this technique an output feedback gain is obtained
to realize a discrete state feedback gain by multi-rate yk = C̃x(k). (7)
observations of the output signal [7], [8]. The control signal
is held constant during each sampling interval τ . Let us For the output feedback gain L to realize the effect of
consider the continuous time system F it must satisfy
ẋ = Ax + Bu, x(k + 1) = (Φτ + Γτ F )x(k) = (Φτ + Γτ LC̃)x(k)
y = Cx.
where, x ∈ Rn , u ∈ Rm , y ∈ Rp and the matrices i.e.
A, B, and C are of appropriate dimensions. The discretized LC̃ = F. (8)
system with sampling interval τ for above system can be
represented as A. Integral Action
x(k + 1) = Φτ x(k) + Γτ u(k), (3) The fast output controller (4), can be used to realize
yk = Cx(k). the effect of state feedback. If step disturbances are to be
rejected with zero steady state error, then the controller
Let (Φ, Γ, C) be the system given in equation (2), sampled must integrate the tracking error. A pure state feedback
at the rate 1/∆ where ∆ = τ /N . Let υ denote the control law does not include integral action, but can be
observability index of (Φτ , C). N is chosen to be greater made to do so by introducing a new state ζ that integrates
than or equal to υ. The last N output samples are measured the error [7]. This can be realize in discrete time using:
at time instants t = l∆, l = 0, 1.....N − 1 and constant
control signal u(t) which is applied over a period during ζk+1 = ζk + rk − yk
the interval kτ ≤ t < (k + 1)τ. The control signal is
constructed as a linear combination of the last N output where rk stands for the sampled reference input. A discrete
observations [7] and is given by time state space representation for the augmented system
u(k) = Lyk (4) x̄(k + 1) = Φ̄x̄(k) + Γ̄u(k) + Γ̄r r(k), (9)

where x̄(k) = [x(k)T ζk ]T and

Φτ 0
Φ̄ = , reference Output
−C I + T + yk
F System Stack

z−1 I
− +

Γ̄ = ,


Γ̄r = .
+ L1

State feedback gain F and the integrator gain FI can be +

collected from a new state feedback gain F̄ = [F FI ] to L2

yield the control law

u(k) = F̄ x(k) = F x(k) + FI ζk Fig. 1. Scheme of Fast Output Sampling Feedback with Estimated Output
Integral Action
= Lyk + FI ζk (10)
with a resulting closed loop matrix: and

Φτ + Γτ F Γτ F I
Φ̄τ + Γ̄τ F̄ = ,
−C I ∆u(k) = FI ζ + L∆yk (14)
IV. C ONTROLLER D ESIGN The closed loop system with integral action is shown in
The design procedure assumes a linear model. The Fig.(1). From the incremental control ∆u(k), actual control
linearizion was carried out about an operating point of u(k) is obtained.
the non-linear induction motor model (1), with the data u(k) = u0 + ∆uk
provided in the appendix.
Since the nonlinear system is to track a constant ref- V. S IMULATION R ESULTS AND D ISCUSSIONS
erence speed, the linear system composed of the error The system (1) is linearized about an operating point
states, obtained at this nominal speed would be equivalently using MATLAB and to get a linear system of form (2),
required to track a reference of zero. The continuous linear where
model is discretized and the discrete model is represented ⎡ ⎤
−69 5531 −43 51 533
by the following equation ⎢ −5531
⎢ −69 4.7 5324 51 ⎥⎥
A = ⎢ ⎢ −35 −324 0 218 −315 ⎥ ⎥,
∆x(k + 1) = φτ ∆x(k) + γτ ∆u(k), (11) ⎣ 67 −5349 45 52 −5147 ⎦
∆y(k) = C∆x(k), (12) 5349 67 −4.8 5147 −53
⎡ ⎤
38.96 0
where ⎢
 T ⎢ 0 38.96 ⎥ ⎥

∆x(k) = ∆ids ∆iqs ∆ωr ∆ids ∆iqs B = ⎢ 0 0 ⎥,C = 1 0 0 0 0
⎢ ⎥ 0 1 0 0 0
⎣ −37.72 0 ⎦
 T 0 −37.72
∆u(k) = ∆Vds ∆Vqs
This system is discretized at an interval of τ = 0.04 sec
with the two stator currents being the output. The ap-
to obtain the discrete state space equations and then using
propriate control action can now be computed using Eqn.
equation (9) augmented state space model is obtained as
(10). ⎡ ⎤
However, for tracking of a reference speed, the integral 4.65 2.03 0.05 4.8 1.97 0
action FI ζk would require the error in the speed of the sys- ⎢ −1.22 −1.82 0.04 −1.2 −1.85 0 ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢ 3.80 −5.11 −0.38 3.9 −5.12 0 ⎥
tem. This is not directly available and has to be calculated. Φ̄ = ⎢ ⎢ ⎥,

Using the algorithm proposed in [12], the error in speed ⎢ −4.83 −2.04 −0.06 −5.0 −1.98 0 ⎥
may be obtained as ⎣ 1.28 1.88 −0.04 1.3 1.91 0 ⎦
0.45 0.03 −0.00 0.5 0.03 1
∆ωr = L1 ∆yk + L2 ∆u(k − 1) (13) ⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤
−0.0037 −0.0231 0
where ⎢ −0.0168 0.0189 ⎥ ⎢ 0 ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ 0.0019 −0.0274 ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
L1 = c3 Φτ (C0T C0 )−1 C0T Γ̄ = ⎢ ⎥ , Γ̄r = ⎢ 0 ⎥
⎢ 0.0043 0.0311 ⎥ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥

= c3 Γτ − Φτ (C0T C0 )−1 C0T D0
⎢ ⎢ 0 ⎥
⎣ 0.0099 −0.0195 ⎦ ⎣ 0 ⎦
c3 = 0 0 1 0 0 −0.0012 −0.0030 1

Similarly Fig. 3 shows the simulation result when there is
a decrease in load torque.

In this paper, a design scheme of the control of induction
Speed in rpm

motor using fast output sampling control is developed. The

stator currents are taken as output and the speed is derived
by measuring only the stator currents using fast output
sampling technique. The output feedback control is applied
at an appropriate sampling rate to the nonlinear model of
the plant.
As shown in plots, the proposed controller is able to
0 5
Time in sec
10 15 stabilize the speed around the operating point for the
change in load torque (TL ) . The main advantage of the
Fig. 2. Simulation Results ( Load torque is above rated value at 140 %) controller is that even for a large variation of load from 70
% to 140 % of nominal load, the single controller is able
to stabilize the system around the operating point with a
1726 maximum surge of less than 25 rpm.

[1] P.L. Janson and R. D. Lorenz, “A physically insightful

Speed in rpm


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0 5 10 15 [3] S. Sangwongwanich, T Yonemoto, T. Furuhashi and
Time in sec
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F̄ = [F FI ] =

[5] Giri Venkataramana “A sliding mode observer for the
19.4 −93.4 −7 19.2 −92.46 38.99
= . induction motor,” IEEE trans. on Industrial Electron-
91.2 15.3 −0.5 94.6 14.41 9.83 ics, 1993, pp. 1151-1157.
Using (8), the fast output sampling gain is calculated as [6] Zhang Yan, Changxi Jin, and Vadim I. Utkin “Sensor-

less Sliding-Mode Control of Induction Motors”,
−5.76 −2.97 4.9 18.94 0 −28.89
L = IEEE trans. on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 47, No.6,
−6.80 −6.99 −12.8 18.58 0 −16.70
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L1 = 0.115 0.185 0.486 0.127 1.02 −0.49
  [8] H.Werner, “ Robust Control of a Laboratory Flight
L2 = 0.0493 −0.011
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This is used to simulate the nonlinear model. It has been [9] Paul C. Krause, Oleg Wasynczuk and Scott D. Sud-
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India, 2003, Paper No. ICECON160933
The following parameters are used for simulation of the
induction motor.
Power : 3 HP/2.4 KW
Voltage: 460 Volts (L-L, RMS)
Frequency: 60 Hz
Phases: 3
Full- Load Current: 4 A
Full- Load Speed: 1750 RPM
Full- Load Efficiency: 88.5%
Power Factor: 80.0%
No. of Poles: 4
Rs= 1.77 Ω
Rr=1.34 Ω
Xls=5.25 Ω ( at 60 Hz)
Xlr=4.57 Ω ( at 60 Hz)
Xm=139.0 Ω ( at 60 Hz)


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