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[Took effect on July 1, 1997, in accordance with the resolution in Bar Matter No. 8 ! ado"ted #y the $u"re%e &ourt in Ba'uio &ity on ("ril 8, 1997)

*ursuant to the "ro+isions of $ection ,-,. of (rticle /000 of the &onstitution, the $u"re%e &ourt here#y ado"ts and "ro%ul'ates the followin' rules concernin' the "rotection and enforce%ent of constitutional ri'hts, "leadin', "ractice and "rocedure in all courts, the ad%ission to the "ractice of law, the 0nte'rated Bar, and le'al assistance to the under"ri+ile'ed1

R234 1 54N4R(3 *R6/0$6N$ $ection 1. Title of the Rules. These Rules shall #e known and cited as the Rules of &ourt. $ec. 7. 0n what courts a""lica#le. These Rules shall a""ly in all the courts, e8ce"t as otherwise "ro+ided #y the $u"re%e &ourt. $ec. !. &ases 'o+erned.

These Rules shall 'o+ern the "rocedure to #e o#ser+ed in actions, ci+il or cri%inal, and s"ecial "roceedin's. -a. ( ci+il action is one #y which a "arty sues another for the enforce%ent or "rotection of a ri'ht, or the "re+ention or redress of a wron'. ( ci+il action %ay either #e ordinary or s"ecial. Both are 'o+erned #y the rules for ordinary ci+il actions, su#9ect to the s"ecific rules "rescri#ed for a s"ecial ci+il action. -#. ( cri%inal action is one #y which the $tate "rosecutes a "erson for an act or o%ission "unisha#le #y law. -c. ( s"ecial "roceedin' is a re%edy #y which a "arty seeks to esta#lish a status, a ri'ht, or a "articular fact. $ec. :. 0n what cases not a""lica#le. These Rules shall not a""ly to election cases, land re'istration, cadastral, naturali;ation and insol+ency "roceedin's, and other cases not herein "ro+ided for, e8ce"t #y analo'y or in a su""letory character and whene+er "ractica#le and con+enient. $ec. ,. &o%%ence%ent of action. ( ci+il action is co%%enced #y the filin' of the ori'inal co%"laint in court. 0f an additional defendant is i%"leaded in a later "leadin', the action is co%%enced with re'ard to hi% on the date of the filin' of such later "leadin', irres"ecti+e of whether the %otion for its ad%ission, if necessary, is denied #y the court.

$ec. <. &onstruction. These Rules shall #e li#erally construed in order to "ro%ote their o#9ecti+e of securin' a 9ust, s"eedy and ine8"ensi+e dis"osition of e+ery action and "roceedin'.

[Rules 2 to 5]

R234 7 &(2$4 6= (&T06N $ection 1. 6rdinary ci+il actions, #asis of. 4+ery ordinary ci+il action %ust #e #ased on a cause of action. $ec. 7. &ause of action, defined. ( cause of action is the act or o%ission #y which a "arty +iolates a ri'ht of another. $ec. !. 6ne suit for a sin'le cause of action. ( "arty %ay not institute %ore than one suit for a sin'le cause of action. $ec. :. $"littin' a sin'le cause of action> effect of. 0f two or %ore suits are instituted on the #asis of the sa%e cause of action, the filin' of one or a 9ud'%ent u"on the %erits in any one is a+aila#le as a 'round for the dis%issal of the others. $ec. ,. Joinder of causes of action.

( "arty %ay in one "leadin' assert, in the alternati+e or otherwise, as %any causes of action as he %ay ha+e a'ainst an o""osin' "arty, su#9ect to the followin' conditions1 -a. The "arty 9oinin' the causes of action shall co%"ly with the rules on 9oinder of "arties> -#. The 9oinder shall not include s"ecial ci+il actions or actions 'o+erned #y s"ecial rules> -c. ?here the causes of action are #etween the sa%e "arties #ut "ertain to different +enues or 9urisdictions, the 9oinder %ay #e allowed in the Re'ional Trial &ourt "ro+ided one of the causes of action falls within the 9urisdiction of said court and the +enue lies therein> and -d. ?here the clai%s in all the causes of action are "rinci"ally for reco+ery of %oney, the a''re'ate a%ount clai%ed shall #e the test of 9urisdiction. $ec. <. Mis9oinder of causes of action. Mis9oinder of causes of action is not a 'round for dis%issal of an action. ( %is9oined cause of action %ay, on %otion of a "arty or on the initiati+e of the court, #e se+ered and "roceeded with se"arately. R234 ! *(RT04$ T6 &0/03 (&T06N$

$ection 1. ?ho %ay #e "arties> "laintiff and defendant. 6nly natural or 9uridical "ersons, or entities authori;ed #y law %ay #e "arties in a ci+il action. The ter% @"laintiff@ %ay refer to the clai%in' "arty, the counterAclai%ant, the crossAclai%ant, or the third -fourth, etc.. "arty "laintiff. The ter% @defendant@ %ay refer to the ori'inal defendin' "arty, the defendant in a counterclai%, the crossA defendant, or the third -fourth, etc.. "arty defendant. $ec. 7. *arties in interest. ( real "arty in interest is the "arty who stands to #e #enefited or in9ured #y the 9ud'%ent in the suit, or the "arty entitled to the a+ails of the suit. 2nless otherwise authori;ed #y law or these Rules, e+ery action %ust #e "rosecuted or defended in the na%e of the real "arty in interest. $ec. !. Re"resentati+es as "arties. ?here the action is allowed to #e "rosecuted or defended #y a re"resentati+e or so%eone actin' in a fiduciary ca"acity, the #eneficiary shall #e included in the title of the case and shall #e dee%ed to #e the real "arty in interest. ( re"resentati+e %ay #e a trustee of an e8"ress trust, a 'uardian, an e8ecutor or ad%inistrator, or a "arty authori;ed #y law or these Rules. (n a'ent actin' in his own na%e and for the #enefit of an undisclosed "rinci"al %ay sue or #e sued without 9oinin' the "rinci"al e8ce"t when the

contract in+ol+es thin's #elon'in' to the "rinci"al. $ec. :. $"ouses as "arties. Bus#and and wife shall sue or #e sued 9ointly, e8ce"t as "ro+ided #y law. $ec. ,. Minor or inco%"etent "ersons. ( %inor or a "erson alle'ed to #e inco%"etent, %ay sue or #e sued, with the assistance of his father, %other, 'uardian, or if he has none, a 'uardian ad lite%. $ec. <. *er%issi+e 9oinder of "arties. (ll "ersons in who% or a'ainst who% any ri'ht to relief in res"ect to or arisin' out of the sa%e transaction or series of transactions is alle'ed to e8ist, whether 9ointly, se+erally, or in the alternati+e, %ay, e8ce"t as otherwise "ro+ided in these Rules, 9oin as "laintiffs or #e 9oined as defendants in one co%"laint, where any Cuestion of law or fact co%%on to all such "laintiffs or to all such defendants %ay arise in the action> #ut the court %ay %ake such orders as %ay #e 9ust to "re+ent any "laintiff or defendant fro% #ein' e%#arrassed or "ut to e8"ense in connection with any "roceedin's in which he %ay ha+e no interest. $ec. 7. &o%"ulsory 9oinder of indis"ensa#le "arties. *arties in interest without who% no final deter%ination can #e had of an action shall #e 9oined either as "laintiffs or defendants. $ec. 8. Necessary "arty.

( necessary "arty is one who is not indis"ensa#le #ut who ou'ht to #e 9oined as a "arty if co%"lete relief is to #e accorded as to those already "arties, or for a co%"lete deter%ination or settle%ent of the clai% su#9ect of the action. $ec. 9. NonA9oinder of necessary "arties to #e "leaded. ?hene+er in any "leadin' in which a clai% is asserted a necessary "arty is not 9oined, the "leader shall set forth his na%e, if known, and shall state why he is o%itted. $hould the court find the reason for the o%ission un%eritorious, it %ay order the inclusion of the o%itted necessary "arty if 9urisdiction o+er his "erson %ay #e o#tained. The failure to co%"ly with the order for his inclusion, without 9ustifia#le cause, shall #e dee%ed a wai+er of the clai% a'ainst such "arty. The nonAinclusion of a necessary "arty does not "re+ent the court fro% "roceedin' in the action, and the 9ud'%ent rendered therein shall #e without "re9udice to the ri'hts of such necessary "arty. $ec. 1 . 2nwillin' coA"laintiff. 0f the consent of any "arty who should #e 9oined as "laintiff can not #e o#tained, he %ay #e %ade a defendant and the reason therefor shall #e stated in the co%"laint. $ec. 11. Mis9oinder and nonA9oinder of "arties. Neither %is9oinder nor nonA9oinder of "arties is 'round for dis%issal of an action. *arties %ay #e

dro""ed or added #y order of the court on %otion of any "arty or on its own initiati+e at any sta'e of the action and on such ter%s as are 9ust. (ny clai% a'ainst a %is9oined "arty %ay #e se+ered and "roceeded with se"arately. $ec. 17. &lass suit. ?hen the su#9ect %atter of the contro+ersy is one of co%%on or 'eneral interest to %any "ersons so nu%erous that it is i%"ractica#le to 9oin all as "arties, a nu%#er of the% which the court finds to #e sufficiently nu%erous and re"resentati+e as to fully "rotect the interests of all concerned %ay sue or defend for the #enefit of all. (ny "arty in interest shall ha+e the ri'ht to inter+ene to "rotect his indi+idual interest. $ec. 1!. (lternati+e defendants. ?here the "laintiff is uncertain a'ainst who of se+eral "ersons he is entitled to relief, he %ay 9oin any or all of the% as defendants in the alternati+e, althou'h a ri'ht to relief a'ainst one %ay #e inconsistent with a ri'ht of relief a'ainst the other. $ec. 1:. 2nknown identity or na%e of defendant. ?hene+er the identity or na%e of a defendant is unknown, he %ay #e sued as the unknown owner, heir, de+isee, or #y such other desi'nation as the case %ay reCuire> when his identity or true na%e is disco+ered, the "leadin' %ust #e a%ended accord $ec. 1,. 4ntity without 9uridical "ersonality as defendant.

?hen two or %ore "ersons not or'ani;ed as an entity with 9uridical "ersonality enter into a transaction, they %ay #e sued under the na%e #y which they are 'enerally or co%%only known. 0n the answer of such defendant, the na%es and addresses of the "ersons co%"osin' said entity %ust all #e re+ealed. $ec. 1<. Death of "arty> duty of counsel. ?hene+er a "arty to a "endin' action dies, and the clai% is not there#y e8tin'uished, it shall #e the duty of his counsel to infor% the court within thirty -! . days after such death of the fact thereof, and to 'i+e the na%e and address of his le'al re"resentati+e or re"resentati+es. =ailure of counsel to co%"ly with this duty shall #e a 'round for disci"linary action. The heirs of the deceased %ay #e allowed to #e su#stituted for the deceased, without reCuirin' the a""oint%ent of an e8ecutor or ad%inistrator and the court %ay a""oint a 'uardian ad lite% for the %inor heirs. The court shall forthwith order said le'al re"resentati+e or re"resentati+es to a""ear and #e su#stituted within a "eriod of thirty -! . days fro% notice. 0f no le'al re"resentati+e is na%ed #y the counsel for the deceased "arty, or if the one so na%ed shall fail to a""ear within the s"ecified "eriod,

the court %ay order the o""osin' "arty, within a s"ecified ti%e, to "rocure the a""oint%ent of an e8ecutor or ad%inistrator for the estate of the deceased and the latter shall i%%ediately a""ear for and on #ehalf of the deceased. The court char'es in "rocurin' such a""oint%ent, if defrayed #y the o""osin' "arty, %ay #e reco+ered as costs. $ec. 17. Death or se"aration of a "arty who is a "u#lic officer. ?hen a "u#lic officer is a "arty in an action in his official ca"acity and durin' its "endency dies, resi'ns, or otherwise ceases to hold office, the action %ay #e continued and %aintained #y or a'ainst his successor if, within thirty -! . days after the successor takes office or such ti%e as %ay #e 'ranted #y the court, it is satisfactorily shown to the court #y any "arty that there is a su#stantial need for continuin' or %aintainin' it and that the successor ado"ts or continues or threatens to ado"t or continue the action of his "redecessor. Before a su#stitution is %ade, the "arty or officer to #e affected, unless e8"ressly assentin' thereto, shall #e 'i+en reasona#le notice of the a""lication therefor and accorded an o""ortunity to #e heard. $ec. 18. 0nco%"etency or inca"acity. 0f a "arty #eco%es inco%"etent or inca"acitated, the court, u"on %otion with notice, %ay allow the action to #e continued #y or a'ainst the

inco%"etent or inca"acitated "erson assisted #y his le'al 'uardian or 'uardian ad litem. $ec. 19. Transfer of interest. 0n case of any transfer of interest, the action %ay #e continued #y or a'ainst the ori'inal "arty, unless the court u"on %otion directs the "erson to who% the interest is transferred to #e su#stituted in the action or 9oined with the ori'inal "arty. $ec. 7 . (ction on contractual %oney clai%s. ?hen the action is for reco+ery of %oney arisin' fro% contract, e8"ress or i%"lied, and the defendant dies #efore entry of final 9ud'%ent in the court in which the action was "endin' at the ti%e of such death, it shall not #e dis%issed #ut shall instead #e allowed to continue until entry of final 9ud'%ent. ( fa+ora#le 9ud'%ent o#tained #y the "laintiff therein shall #e enforced in the %anner es"ecially "ro+ided in these Rules for "rosecutin' clai%s a'ainst the estate of a deceased "erson. $ec. 71. 0ndi'ent "arty. ( "arty %ay #e authori;ed to liti'ate his action, clai% or defense as an indi'ent if the court, u"on an e8 "arte a""lication and hearin', is satisfied that the "arty is one who has no %oney or "ro"erty sufficient and a+aila#le for food, shelter and #asic necessities for hi%self and his fa%ily. $uch authority shall include an e8e%"tion fro% "ay%ent of docket and other lawful fees, and of transcri"ts of steno'ra"hic notes which the court

%ay order to #e furnished hi%. The a%ount of the docket and other lawful fees which the indi'ent was e8e%"ted fro% "ayin' shall #e a lien on any 9ud'%ent rendered in the case fa+ora#le to the indi'ent, unless the court otherwise "ro+ides. (ny ad+erse "arty %ay contest the 'rant of such authority at any ti%e #efore 9ud'%ent is rendered #y the trial court. 0f the court should deter%ine after hearin' that the "arty declared as an indi'ent is in fact a "erson with sufficient inco%e or "ro"erty, the "ro"er docket and other lawful fees shall #e assessed and collected #y the clerk of court. 0f "ay%ent is not %ade within the ti%e fi8ed #y the court, e8ecution shall issue for the "ay%ent thereof, without "re9udice to such other sanctions as the court %ay i%"ose. $ec. 77. Notice to the $olicitor 5eneral. 0n any action in+ol+in' the +alidity of any treaty, law, ordinance, e8ecuti+e order, "residential decree, rules or re'ulations, the court, in its discretion, %ay reCuire the a""earance of the $olicitor 5eneral who %ay #e heard in "erson or throu'h a re"resentati+e duly desi'nated #y hi%. R234 : /4N24 6= (&T06N$ $ection 1. /enue of real actions.

(ctions affectin' title to or "ossession of real "ro"erty, or interest therein, shall #e co%%enced and tried in the "ro"er court which has 9urisdiction o+er the area wherein the real "ro"erty in+ol+ed, or a "ortion thereof, is situated. =orci#le entry and detainer actions shall #e co%%enced and tried in the %unici"al trial court of the %unici"ality or city wherein the real "ro"erty in+ol+ed, or a "ortion thereof, is situated. $ec. 7. /enue of "ersonal actions. (ll other actions %ay #e co%%enced and tried where the "laintiff or any of the "rinci"al "laintiffs resides, or where the defendant or any of the "rinci"al defendants resides, or in the case of a nonAresident defendant where he %ay #e found, at the election of the "laintiff. $ec. !. /enue of actions a'ainst nonAresidents. 0f any of the defendants does not reside and is not found in the *hili""ines, and the action affects the "ersonal status of the "laintiff, or any "ro"erty of said defendant located in the *hili""ines, the action %ay #e co%%enced and tried in the court of the "lace where the "laintiff resides, or where the "ro"erty or any "ortion thereof is situated or found. $ec. :. ?hen Rule not a""lica#le. This Rule shall not a""ly1

-a. 0n those cases where a s"ecific rule or law "ro+ides otherwise> or -#. ?here the "arties ha+e +alidly a'reed in writin' #efore the filin' of the action on the e8clusi+e +enue thereof. R234 , 2N0=6RM *R6&4D2R4 0N TR0(3 &62RT$ $ection 1. 2nifor% "rocedure. The "rocedure in the Munici"al Trial &ourts shall #e the sa%e as in the Re'ional Trial &ourts, e8ce"t -a. where a "articular "ro+ision e8"ressly or i%"liedly a""lies only to either of said courts, or -#. in ci+il cases 'o+erned #y the Rule on $u%%ary *rocedure. $ec. 7. Meanin' of ter%s. The ter% "Municipal Trial Courts" as used in these Rules shall include Metro"olitan Trial &ourts, Munici"al Trial &ourts in &ities, Munici"al Trial &ourts, and Munici"al &ircuit Trial &ourts. RULE 6 KINDS OF PLEADINGS Section 1. Pleadings defined.

Pleadings are t e !ritten state"ents of t e res#ecti$e clai"s and

defenses of t e #arties s%&"itted to t e co%rt for a##ro#riate '%dg"ent. Sec. (. Pleadings allo!ed. ) e clai"s of a #art* are asserted in a co"#laint+ co%nterclai"+ cross, clai"+ t ird -fo%rt + etc.. #art* co"#laint+ or co"#laint,in, inter$ention. ) e defenses of a #art* are alleged in t e ans!er to t e #leading asserting a clai" against i". An ans!er "a* &e res#onded to &* a re#l*. Sec. /. 0o"#laint.

) e co"#laint is t e #leading alleging t e #laintiff1s ca%se or ca%ses of action. ) e na"es and residences of t e #laintiff and defendant "%st &e stated in t e co"#laint. Sec. 2. Ans!er. An ans!er is a #leading in ! ic a defending #art* sets fort is defenses. Sec. 3. Defenses. Defenses "a* eit er &e negati$e or affir"ati$e.

-a. A negati$e defense is t e s#ecific denial of t e "aterial fact or facts alleged in t e #leading of t e clai"ant essential to is ca%se or ca%ses of action. -&. An affir"ati$e defense is an allegation of a ne! "atter ! ic + ! ile *#ot eticall* ad"itting t e "aterial allegations in t e #leading of t e clai"ant+ !o%ld ne$ert eless #re$ent or &ar reco$er* &* i". ) e affir"ati$e defenses incl%de fra%d+ stat%te of li"itations+ release+ #a*"ent+ illegalit*+ stat%te of fra%ds+ esto##el+ for"er reco$er*+ disc arge in &an4r%#tc*+ and an* ot er "atter &* !a* of confession and a$oidance. Sec. 6. 0o%nterclai".

A co%nterclai" is an* clai" ! ic a defending #art* "a* a$e against an o##osing #art*. Sec. 5. 0o"#%lsor* co%nterclai". A co"#%lsor* co%nterclai" is one ! ic + &eing cogni6a&le &* t e reg%lar co%rts of '%stice+ arises o%t of or is connected !it t e transaction or occ%rrence constit%ting t e s%&'ect "atter of

t e o##osing #art*1s clai" and does not re7%ire for its ad'%dication t e #resence of t ird #arties of ! o" t e co%rt cannot ac7%ire '%risdiction. S%c a co%nterclai" "%st &e !it in t e '%risdiction of t e co%rt &ot as to t e a"o%nt and t e nat%re t ereof+ e8ce#t t at in an original action &efore t e Regional )rial 0o%rt+ t e co%nterclai" "a* &e considered co"#%lsor* regardless of t e a"o%nt. Sec. 9. 0ross,clai". A cross,clai" is an* clai" &* one #art* against a co,#art* arising o%t of t e transaction or occ%rrence t at is t e s%&'ect "atter eit er of t e original action or of a co%nterclai" t erein. S%c cross, clai" "a* incl%de a clai" t at t e #art* against ! o" it is asserted is or "a* &e lia&le to t e cross, clai"ant for all or #art of a clai" asserted in t e action against t e cross,clai"ant. Sec. :. 0o%nter,co%nterclai"s and co%nter,cross,clai"s. A co%nterclai" "a* &e against an original clai"ant. asserted co%nter,

A cross,clai" "a* also &e filed against an original cross,clai"ant. Sec. 1;. Re#l*.

A re#l* is a #leading+ t e office or f%nction of ! ic is to den*+ or allege facts in denial or a$oidance of ne! "atters alleged &* !a* of defense in t e ans!er and t ere&* 'oin or "a4e iss%e as to s%c ne! "atters. If a #art* does not file s%c re#l*+ all t e ne! "atters alleged in t e ans!er are dee"ed contro$erted. If t e #laintiff !is es to inter#ose an* clai"s arising o%t of t e ne! "atters so alleged+ s%c clai"s s all &e set fort in an a"ended or s%##le"ental co"#laint. Sec. 11. ) ird+ co"#laint. -fo%rt + etc.. #art*

A t ird -fo%rt + etc.. #art* co"#laint is a clai" t at a defending #art* "a*+ !it lea$e of co%rt+ file against a #erson not a #art* to t e action+ called t e t ird -fo%rt + etc.. #art* defendant+ for contri&%tion+ inde"nit*+ s%&rogation or an* ot er

relief+ in res#ect of is o##onent1s clai". Sec. 1(. <ringing ne! #arties. = en t e #resence of #arties ot er t an t ose to t e original action is re7%ired for t e granting of co"#lete relief in t e deter"ination of a co%nterclai" or cross,clai"+ t e co%rt s all order t e" to &e &ro%g t in as defendants+ if '%risdiction o$er t e" can &e o&tained. Sec. 1/. Ans!er to t ird -fo%rt + etc.. #art* co"#laint. A t ird -fo%rt + etc.. #art* defendant "a* allege in is ans!er is defenses+ co%nterclai"s or cross,clai"s+ incl%ding s%c defenses t at t e t ird -fo%rt + etc.. #art* #laintiff "a* a$e against t e original #laintiff1s clai". In #ro#er cases+ e "a* also assert a co%nterclai" against t e original #laintiff in res#ect of t e latter1s clai" against t e t ird, #art* #laintiff. RULE 5 PAR)S OF A PLEADING




) e ca#tion sets fort t e na"e of t e co%rt+ t e title of t e action+ and t e doc4et n%"&er if assigned. ) e title of t e action indicates t e na"es of t e #arties. ) e* s all all &e na"ed in t e original co"#laint or #etition> &%t in s%&se7%ent #leadings+ it s all &e s%fficient if t e na"e of t e first #art* on eac side &e stated !it an a##ro#riate indication ! en t ere are ot er #arties. ) eir res#ecti$e #artici#ation t e case s all &e indicated. Sec. (. ) e &od*. in

) e &od* of t e #leading sets fort its designation+ t e allegations of t e #art*1s clai"s or defenses+ t e relief #ra*ed for+ and t e date of t e #leading. -a. Paragra# s. , ) e allegations in t e &od* of a #leading s all &e di$ided into #aragra# s so n%"&ered as to &e readil* identified+ eac of ! ic s all contain a state"ent of a

single set of circ%"stances so far as t at can &e done !it con$enience. A #aragra# "a* &e referred to &* its n%"&er in all s%cceeding #leadings. -&. ?eadings. , = en t!o or "ore ca%ses of action are 'oined+ t e state"ent of t e first s all &e #refaced &* t e !ords @first ca%se of action+@ of t e second &* @second ca%se of action+@ and so on for t e ot ers. = en one or "ore #aragra# s in t e ans!er are addressed to one of se$eral ca%ses of action in t e co"#laint+ t e* s all &e #refaced &* t e !ords @ans!er to t e first ca%se of action@ or @ans!er to t e second ca%se of action@ and so on> and ! en one or "ore #aragra# s of t e ans!er are addressed to se$eral ca%ses of action+ t e* s all &e #refaced &* !ords to t at effect. -c. Relief. , ) e #leading s all s#ecif* t e relief so%g t+ &%t it "a* add a general #ra*er for s%c f%rt er or ot er relief as "a* &e dee"ed '%st or e7%ita&le.

-d. Date. , E$er* #leading s all &e dated. Sec. /. Signat%re and address.

E$er* #leading "%st &e signed &* t e #art* or co%nsel re#resenting i"+ stating in eit er case is address ! ic s o%ld not &e a #ost office &o8. ) e signat%re of co%nsel constit%tes a certificate &* i" t at e as read t e #leading> t at to t e &est of is 4no!ledge+ infor"ation+ and &elief t ere is good gro%nd to s%##ort it> and t at it is not inter#osed for dela*. An %nsigned #leading #rod%ces no legal effect. ?o!e$er+ t e co%rt "a*+ in its discretion+ allo! s%c deficienc* to &e re"edied if it s all a##ear t at t e sa"e !as d%e to "ere inad$ertence and not intended for dela*. 0o%nsel ! o deli&eratel* files an %nsigned #leading+ or signs a #leading in $iolation of t is R%le+ or alleges scandalo%s or indecent "atter t erein+ or fails to #ro"#tl* re#ort to t e co%rt a c ange of is

address+ s all &e s%&'ect a##ro#riate disci#linar* action. Sec. 2. Aerification.


E8ce#t ! en ot er!ise s#ecificall* re7%ired &* la! or r%le+ #leadings need not &e %nder oat + $erified or acco"#anied &* affida$it. A #leading is $erified &* an affida$it t at t e affiant as read t e #leading and t at t e allegations t erein are tr%e and correct of is 4no!ledge and &elief. A #leading re7%ired to &e $erified ! ic contains a $erification &ased on @infor"ation and &elief+@ or %#on @4no!ledge+ infor"ation and &elief+@ or lac4s a #ro#er $erification+ s all &e treated as an %nsigned #leading. Sec. 3. 0ertification s o##ing. against for%"

) e #laintiff or #rinci#al #art* s all certif* %nder oat in t e co"#laint or ot er initiator* #leading asserting a clai" for relief+ or in a s!orn certification anne8ed t ereto and si"%ltaneo%sl*

filed t ere!it B -a. t at e as not t eretofore co""enced an* action or filed an* clai" in$ol$ing t e sa"e iss%es in an* co%rt+ tri&%nal or 7%asi,'%dicial agenc* and+ to t e &est of is 4no!ledge+ no s%c ot er action or clai" is #ending t erein> -&. if t ere is s%c ot er #ending action or clai"+ a co"#lete state"ent of t e #resent stat%s t ereof> and -c. if e s o%ld t ereafter learn t at t e sa"e or si"ilar action or clai" as &een filed or is #ending+ e s all re#ort t at fact !it in fi$e -3. da*s t erefro" to t e co%rt ! erein is aforesaid co"#laint or initiator* #leading as &een filed. Fail%re to co"#l* !it t e foregoing re7%ire"ents s all not &e c%ra&le &* "ere a"end"ent of t e co"#laint or ot er initiator* #leading &%t s all &e ca%se for t e dis"issal of t e case !it o%t #re'%dice+ %nless ot er!ise #ro$ided+ %#on "otion and after earing. ) e s%&"ission of a false certification or non, co"#liance !it an* of t e %nderta4ings t erein s all constit%te indirect conte"#t of co%rt+ !it o%t #re'%dice to t e

corres#onding ad"inistrati$e and cri"inal actions. If t e acts of t e #art* or is co%nsel clearl* constit%te !illf%l and deli&erate for%" s o##ing+ t e sa"e s all &e gro%nd for s%""ar* dis"issal !it #re'%dice and s all constit%te direct conte"#t+ as !ell as a ca%se for ad"inistrati$e sanctions. RULE 9 CANNER OF CAKING ALLEGA)IONS IN PLEADINGS Section 1. In general.

E$er* #leading s all contain in a "et odical and logical for"+ a #lain+ concise and direct state"ent of t e %lti"ate facts on ! ic t e #art* #leading relies for is clai" or defense+ as t e case "a* &e+ o"itting t e state"ent of "ere e$identiar* facts. If a defense relied on is &ased on la!+ t e #ertinent #ro$isions t ereof and t eir a##lica&ilit* to i" s all &e clearl* and concisel* stated.

Sec. (. Alternati$e ca%ses of action or defenses. A #art* "a* set fort t!o or "ore state"ents of a clai" or defense alternati$el* or *#ot eticall*+ eit er in one ca%se of action or defense or in se#arate ca%ses of action or defenses. = en t!o or "ore state"ents are "ade in t e alternati$e and one of t e" if "ade inde#endentl* !o%ld &e s%fficient+ t e #leading is not "ade ins%fficient &* t e ins%fficienc* of one or "ore of t e alternati$e state"ents. Sec. /. 0onditions #recedent. In an* #leading a general a$er"ent of t e #erfor"ance or occ%rrence of all conditions #recedent s all &e s%fficient. Sec. 2. 0a#acit*. Facts s o!ing t e ca#acit* of a #art* to s%e or &e s%ed or t e a%t orit* of a #art* to s%e or &e s%ed in a re#resentati$e ca#acit* or t e legal e8istence of an organi6ed association of #ersons t at is "ade a #art*+ "%st &e a$erred. A #art* desiring to raise an iss%e as to t e

legal e8istence of an* #art* or t e ca#acit* of an* #art* to s%e or &e s%ed in a re#resentati$e ca#acit*+ s all do so &* s#ecific denial+ ! ic s all incl%de s%c s%##orting #artic%lars as are #ec%liarl* !it in t e #leader1s 4no!ledge. Sec. 3. Fra%d+ "ista4e+ condition of t e "ind. In all a$er"ents of fra%d or "ista4e+ t e circ%"stances constit%ting fra%d or "ista4e "%st &e stated !it #artic%larit*. Calice+ intent+ 4no!ledge or ot er condition of t e "ind of a #erson "a* &e a$erred generall*. Sec. 6. D%dg"ent. In #leading a '%dg"ent or decision of a do"estic or foreign co%rt+ '%dicial or 7%asi,'%dicial tri&%nal+ or of a &oard or officer+ it is s%fficient to a$er t e '%dg"ent or decision !it o%t setting fort "atter s o!ing '%risdiction to render it. Sec. 5. Action or defense &ased on doc%"ent. = ene$er an action or defense is &ased %#on a !ritten instr%"ent or

doc%"ent+ t e s%&stance of s%c instr%"ent or doc%"ent s all &e set fort in t e #leading+ and t e original or a co#* t ereof s all &e attac ed to t e #leading as an e8 i&it+ ! ic s all &e dee"ed to &e a #art of t e #leading+ or said co#* "a* !it li4e effect &e set fort in t e #leading. Sec. 9. ?o! to contest s%c doc%"ents. = en an action or defense is fo%nded %#on a !ritten instr%"ent+ co#ied in or attac ed to t e corres#onding #leading as #ro$ided in t e #receding section+ t e gen%ineness and d%e e8ec%tion of t e instr%"ent s all &e dee"ed ad"itted %nless t e ad$erse #art*+ %nder oat + s#ecificall* denies t e"+ and sets fort ! at e clai"s to &e t e facts> &%t t e re7%ire"ent of an oat does not a##l* ! en t e ad$erse #art* does not a##ear to &e a #art* to t e instr%"ent or ! en co"#liance !it an order for an ins#ection of t e original instr%"ent is ref%sed. Sec. :. Official doc%"ent or act. In #leading an official doc%"ent or official act+ it is s%fficient to

a$er t at t e doc%"ent !as iss%ed or t e act done in co"#liance !it la!. Sec. 1;. S#ecific denial. A defendant "%st s#ecif* eac "aterial allegation of fact t e tr%t of ! ic e does not ad"it and+ ! ene$er #ractica&le+ s all set fort t e s%&stance of t e "atters %#on ! ic e relies to s%##ort is denial. = ere a defendant desires to den* onl* a #art of an a$er"ent+ e s all s#ecif* so "%c of it as is tr%e and "aterial and s all den* onl* t e re"ainder. = ere a defendant is !it o%t 4no!ledge or infor"ation s%fficient to for" a &elief as to t e tr%t of a "aterial a$er"ent "ade in t e co"#laint+ e s all so state+ and t is s all a$e t e effect of a denial. Sec. 11. Allegations not s#ecificall* denied dee"ed ad"itted. Caterial a$er"ent in t e co"#laint+ ot er t an t ose as to t e a"o%nt of %nli7%idated da"ages+ s all &e dee"ed ad"itted ! en not s#ecificall* denied. Allegations of %s%r* in a co"#laint to reco$er %s%rio%s interest are dee"ed ad"itted if not denied %nder oat .

Sec. 1(. Stri4ing o%t of #leading or "atter contained t erein. U#on "otion "ade &* a #art* &efore res#onding to a #leading or+ if no res#onsi$e #leading is #er"itted &* t ese R%les+ %#on "otion "ade &* a #art* !it in t!ent* -(;. da*s after t e ser$ice of t e #leading %#on i"+ or %#on t e co%rt1s o!n initiati$e at an* ti"e+ t e co%rt "a* order an* #leading to &e stric4en o%t or t at an* s a" or false+ red%ndant+ i""aterial+ i"#ertinent+ or scandalo%s "atter &e stric4en o%t t erefro". RULE : EFFE0) OF FAILURE )O PLEAD Section 1. Defenses and o&'ections not #leaded. Defenses and o&'ections not #leaded eit er in a "otion to dis"iss or in t e ans!er are dee"ed !ai$ed. ?o!e$er+ ! en it a##ears fro" t e #leadings or t e e$idence on record t at t e co%rt as no '%risdiction o$er t e s%&'ect "atter+ t at t ere

is anot er action #ending &et!een t e sa"e #arties for t e sa"e ca%se+ or t at t e action is &arred &* a #rior '%dg"ent or &* stat%te of li"itations+ t e co%rt s all dis"iss t e clai". Sec. (. 0o"#%lsor* co%nterclai"+ or cross,clai"+ not set %# &arred. A co"#%lsor* co%nterclai"+ or a cross,clai"+ not set %# s all &e &arred. Sec. /. Defa%lt> declaration of. If t e defending #art* fails to ans!er !it in t e ti"e allo!ed t erefor+ t e co%rt s all+ %#on "otion of t e clai"ing #art* !it notice to t e defending #art*+ and #roof of s%c fail%re+ declare t e defending #art* in defa%lt. ) ere%#on+ t e co%rt s all #roceed to render '%dg"ent granting t e clai"ant s%c relief as is #leading "a* !arrant+ %nless t e co%rt in its discretion re7%ires t e clai"ant to s%&"it e$idence. S%c rece#tion of e$idence "a* &e delegated to t e cler4 of co%rt. -a. Effect of order of defa%lt. , A #art* in defa%lt s all &e entitled

to notice of s%&se7%ent #roceedings &%t not to ta4e #art in t e trial. -&. Relief fro" order of defa%lt. , A #art* declared in defa%lt "a* at an* ti"e after notice t ereof and &efore '%dg"ent file a "otion %nder oat to set aside t e order of defa%lt %#on #ro#er s o!ing t at is fail%re to ans!er !as d%e to fra%d+ accident+ "ista4e or e8c%sa&le negligence and t at e as a "eritorio%s defense. In s%c case+ t e order of defa%lt "a* &e set aside on s%c ter"s and conditions as t e '%dge "a* i"#ose in t e interest of '%stice. -c. Effect of #artial defa%lt. , = en a #leading asserting a clai" states a co""on ca%se of action against se$eral defending #arties+ so"e of ! o" ans!er and t e ot ers fail to do so+ t e co%rt s all tr* t e case against all %#on t e ans!ers t %s filed and render '%dg"ent %#on t e e$idence #resented. -d. E8tent of relief to &e a!arded. , A '%dg"ent rendered against a #art* in defa%lt s all not e8ceed

t e a"o%nt or &e different in 4ind fro" t at #ra*ed for nor a!ard %nli7%idated da"ages. -e. = ere no defa%lts allo!ed. , If t e defending #art* in an action for ann%l"ent or declaration of n%llit* of "arriage or for legal se#aration fails to ans!er+ t e co%rt s all order t e #rosec%ting attorne* to in$estigate ! et er or not a coll%sion &et!een t e #arties e8ists+ and if t ere is no coll%sion+ to inter$ene for t e State in order to see to it t at t e e$idence s%&"itted is not fa&ricated. RULE 1; ACENDED AND SUPPLECEN)AL PLEADINGS Section 1. A"end"ents in general.

Pleadings "a* &e a"ended &* adding or stri4ing o%t an allegation or t e na"e of an* #art*+ or &* correcting a "ista4e in t e na"e of a #art* or a "ista4en or inade7%ate allegation or descri#tion in an* ot er res#ect+ so t at t e act%al "erits of t e

contro$ers* "a* s#eedil* &e deter"ined+ !it o%t regard to tec nicalities+ and in t e "ost e8#editio%s and ine8#ensi$e "anner. Sec. (. A"end"ents as a "atter of rig t. A #art* "a* a"end is #leading once as a "atter of rig t at an* ti"e &efore a res#onsi$e #leading is ser$ed or+ in t e case of a re#l*+ at an* ti"e !it in ten -l;. da*s after it is ser$ed. Sec. /. A"end"ents &* lea$e of co%rt. E8ce#t as #ro$ided in t e ne8t #receding section+ s%&stantial a"end"ents "a* &e "ade onl* %#on lea$e of co%rt. <%t s%c lea$e "a* &e ref%sed if it a##ears to t e co%rt t at t e "otion !as "ade !it intent to dela*. Orders of t e co%rt %#on t e "atters #ro$ided in t is section s all &e "ade %#on "otion filed in co%rt+ and after notice to t e ad$erse #art*+ and an o##ort%nit* to &e eard. Sec. 2. For"al a"end"ents. A defect in t e designation of t e #arties and ot er clearl* clerical or t*#ogra# ical errors "a* &e s%""aril* corrected &* t e co%rt at

an* stage of t e action+ at its initiati$e or on "otion+ #ro$ided no #re'%dice is ca%sed t ere&* to t e ad$erse #art*. Sec. 3. A"end"ent to a%t ori6e #resentation confor" to or of e$idence.

= en iss%es not raised &* t e #leadings are tried !it t e e8#ress or i"#lied consent of t e #arties+ t e* s all &e treated in all res#ects as if t e* ad &een raised in t e #leadings. S%c a"end"ent of t e #leadings as "a* &e necessar* to ca%se t e" to confor" to t e e$idence and to raise t ese iss%es "a* &e "ade %#on "otion of an* #art* at an* ti"e+ e$en after '%dg"ent> &%t fail%re to a"end does not affect t e res%lt of t e trial of t ese iss%es. If e$idence is o&'ected to at t e trial on t e gro%nd t at it is not !it in t e iss%es "ade &* t e #leadings+ t e co%rt "a* allo! t e #leadings to &e a"ended and s all do so !it li&eralit* if t e #resentation of t e "erits of t e action and t e ends of s%&stantial '%stice !ill &e s%&ser$ed t ere&*. ) e co%rt "a* grant a contin%ance to ena&le t e a"end"ent to &e "ade.





U#on "otion of a #art* t e co%rt "a*+ %#on reasona&le notice and %#on s%c ter"s as are '%st+ #er"it i" to ser$e a s%##le"ental #leading setting fort transactions+ occ%rrences or e$ents ! ic a$e a##ened since t e date of t e #leading so%g t to &e s%##le"ented. ) e ad$erse #art* "a* #lead t ereto !it in ten -1;. da*s fro" notice of t e order ad"itting t e s%##le"ental #leading. Sec. 5. Filing of a"ended #leadings. = en an* #leading is a"ended+ a ne! co#* of t e entire #leading+ incor#orating t e a"end"ents+ ! ic s all &e indicated &* a##ro#riate "ar4s+ s all &e filed. Sec. 9. Effect of a"ended #leadings. An a"ended #leading s%#ersedes t e #leading t at it a"ends. ?o!e$er+ ad"issions in s%#erseded #leadings "a* &e recei$ed in e$idence against t e #leader> and clai"s or defenses alleged t erein not incor#orated in t e a"ended #leading s all &e dee"ed !ai$ed.

RULE 11 =?EN )O FILE RESPONSIAE PLEADINGS Section 1. Ans!er to t e co"#laint.

) e defendant s all file is ans!er to t e co"#laint !it in fifteen -l3. da*s after ser$ice of s%""ons+ %nless a different #eriod is fi8ed &* t e co%rt. Sec. (. Ans!er of a defendant foreign #ri$ate '%ridical entit*. = ere t e defendant is a foreign #ri$ate '%ridical entit* and ser$ice of s%""ons is "ade on t e go$ern"ent official designated &* la! to recei$e t e sa"e+ t e ans!er s all &e filed !it in t irt* -/;. da*s after recei#t of s%""ons &* s%c entit*. Sec. /. Ans!er to a"ended co"#laint. = ere t e #laintiff files an a"ended co"#laint as a "atter of rig t+ t e defendant s all ans!er t e sa"e !it in fifteen -l3. da*s after &eing ser$ed !it a co#* t ereof. = ere its filing is not a "atter of rig t+ t e defendant s all ans!er

t e a"ended co"#laint !it in ten -1;. da*s fro" notice of t e order ad"itting t e sa"e. An ans!er earlier filed "a* ser$e as t e ans!er to t e a"ended co"#laint if no ne! ans!er is filed. ) is R%le s all a##l* to t e ans!er to an a"ended co%nterclai"+ a"ended cross,clai"+ a"ended t ird -fo%rt + etc.. #art* co"#laint+ and a"ended co"#laint,in,inter$ention. Sec. 2. Ans!er cross,clai". to co%nterclai" or

A co%nterclai" or cross,clai" "%st &e ans!ered !it in ten -l;. da*s fro" ser$ice. Sec. 3. Ans!er to t ird -fo%rt + etc.., #art* co"#laint. ) e ti"e to ans!er a t ird -fo%rt + etc.., #art* co"#laint s all &e go$erned &* t e sa"e r%le as t e ans!er to t e co"#laint. Sec. 6. Re#l*. A re#l* "a* &e filed !it in ten -l;. da*s fro" ser$ice of t e #leading res#onded to.

Sec. 5. co"#laint.




A s%##le"ental co"#laint "a* &e ans!ered !it in ten -1;. da*s fro" notice of t e order ad"itting t e sa"e+ %nless a different #eriod is fi8ed &* t e co%rt. ) e ans!er to t e co"#laint s all ser$e as t e ans!er to t e s%##le"ental co"#laint if no ne! or s%##le"ental ans!er is filed. Sec. 9. E8isting co%nterclai" or cross, clai". A co"#%lsor* co%nterclai" or a cross,clai" t at a defending #art* as at t e ti"e e files is ans!er s all &e contained t erein. Sec. :. 0o%nterclai" or cross,clai" arising after ans!er. A co%nterclai" or a cross,clai" ! ic eit er "at%red or !as ac7%ired &* a #art* after ser$ing is #leading "a*+ !it t e #er"ission of t e co%rt+ &e #resented as a co%nterclai" or a cross,clai" &* s%##le"ental #leading &efore '%dg"ent. Sec. 1;. O"itted co%nterclai" or cross, clai".

= en a #leader fails to set %# a co%nterclai" or a cross,clai" t ro%g o$ersig t+ inad$ertence+ or e8c%sa&le neglect+ or ! en '%stice re7%ires+ e "a*+ &* lea$e of co%rt+ set %# t e co%nterclai" or cross, clai" &* a"end"ent &efore '%dg"ent. Sec. 11. E8tension of ti"e to #lead. U#on "otion and on s%c ter"s as "a* &e '%st+ t e co%rt "a* e8tend t e ti"e to #lead #ro$ided in t ese R%les. ) e co%rt "a* also+ %#on li4e ter"s+ allo! an ans!er or ot er #leading to &e filed after t e ti"e fi8ed &* t ese R%les. RULE 1( <ILL OF PAR)I0ULARS Section 1. = en a##lied for> #%r#ose. <efore res#onding to a #leading+ a #art* "a* "o$e for a definite state"ent or for a &ill of #artic%lars of an* "atter ! ic is not a$erred !it s%fficient definiteness or #artic%larit* to

ena&le i" #ro#erl* to #re#are is res#onsi$e #leading. If t e #leading is a re#l*+ t e "otion "%st &e filed !it in ten -1;. da*s fro" ser$ice t ereof. S%c "otion s all #oint o%t t e defects co"#lained of+ t e #aragra# s ! erein t e* are contained+ and t e details desired. Sec. (. Action &* t e co%rt. U#on t e filing of t e "otion+ t e cler4 of co%rt "%st i""ediatel* &ring it to t e attention of t e co%rt ! ic "a* eit er den* or grant it o%trig t+ or allo! t e #arties t e o##ort%nit* to &e eard. Sec. /. 0o"#liance !it order. If t e "otion is granted+ eit er in ! ole or in #art+ t e co"#liance t ere!it "%st &e effected !it in ten -l;. da*s fro" notice of t e order+ %nless a different #eriod is fi8ed &* t e co%rt. ) e &ill of #artic%lars or a "ore definite state"ent ordered &* t e co%rt "a* &e filed eit er in a se#arate or in an a"ended #leading+ ser$ing a co#* t ereof on t e ad$erse #art*. Sec. 2. Effect of non,co"#liance.

If t e order is not o&e*ed+ or in case of ins%fficient co"#liance t ere!it + t e co%rt "a* order t e stri4ing o%t of t e #leading or t e #ortions t ereof to ! ic t e order !as directed or "a4e s%c ot er order as it dee"s '%st. Sec. 3. Sta* of #eriod to file res#onsi$e #leading. After ser$ice of t e &ill of #artic%lars or of a "ore definite #leading+ or after notice of denial of is "otion+ t e "o$ing #art* "a* file is res#onsi$e #leading !it in t e #eriod to ! ic e !as entitled at t e ti"e of filing is "otion+ ! ic s all not &e less t an fi$e -3. da*s in an* e$ent. Sec. 6. <ill a #art of #leading. A &ill of #artic%lars &eco"es #art of t e #leading for ! ic it is intended. RULE 1/ FILING AND SERAI0E OF PLEADINGS+ DUDGCEN)S AND O)?ER PAPERS Section 1. 0o$erage.

) is R%le s all go$ern t e filing of all #leadings and ot er #a#ers+ as !ell as t e ser$ice t ereof+ e8ce#t t ose for ! ic a different "ode of ser$ice is #rescri&ed. Sec. (. Filing and ser$ice+ defined. Filing is t e act of #resenting t e #leading or ot er #a#er to t e cler4 of co%rt. Ser$ice is t e act of #ro$iding a #art* !it a co#* of t e #leading or #a#er concerned. If an* #art* as a##eared &* co%nsel+ ser$ice %#on i" s all &e "ade %#on is co%nsel or one of t e"+ %nless ser$ice %#on t e #art* i"self is ordered &* t e co%rt. = ere one co%nsel a##ears for se$eral #arties+ e s all onl* &e entitled to one co#* of an* #a#er ser$ed %#on i" &* t e o##osite side. Sec. /. Canner of filing.

) e filing of #leadings+ a##earances+ "otions+ notices+ orders+ '%dg"ents and all ot er #a#ers s all &e "ade &* #resenting t e original co#ies t ereof+ #lainl* indicated as s%c + #ersonall* to t e cler4 of co%rt or &* sending t e" &*

registered "ail. In t e first case+ t e cler4 of co%rt s all endorse on t e #leading t e date and o%r of filing. In t e second case+ t e date of t e "ailing of "otions+ #leadings+ or an* ot er #a#ers or #a*"ents or de#osits+ as s o!n &* t e #ost office sta"# on t e en$elo#e or t e registr* recei#t+ s all &e considered as t e date of t eir filing+ #a*"ent+ or de#osit in co%rt. ) e en$elo#e s all &e attac ed to t e record of t e case. Sec. 2. Pa#ers re7%ired to &e filed and ser$ed. E$er* '%dg"ent+ resol%tion+ order+ #leading s%&se7%ent to t e co"#laint+ !ritten "otion+ notice+ a##earance+ de"and+ offer of '%dg"ent or si"ilar #a#ers s all &e filed !it t e co%rt+ and ser$ed %#on t e #arties affected. Sec. 3. Codes of ser$ice. Ser$ice of #leadings+ "otions+ notices+ orders+ '%dg"ents and ot er #a#ers s all &e "ade eit er #ersonall* or &* "ail. Sec. 6. Personal ser$ice.

Ser$ice of t e #a#ers "a* &e "ade &* deli$ering #ersonall* a co#* to t e #art* or is co%nsel+ or &* lea$ing it in is office !it is cler4 or !it a #erson a$ing c arge t ereof. If no #erson is fo%nd in is office+ or is office is not 4no!n+ or e as no office+ t en &* lea$ing t e co#*+ &et!een t e o%rs of eig t in t e "orning and si8 in t e e$ening+ at t e #art*1s or co%nsel1s residence+ if 4no!n+ !it a #erson of s%fficient age and discretion t en residing t erein. Sec. 5. Ser$ice &* "ail. Ser$ice &* registered "ail s all &e "ade &* de#ositing t e co#* in t e office+ in a sealed en$elo#e+ #lainl* addressed to t e #art* or is co%nsel at is office+ if 4no!n+ ot er!ise at is residence+ if 4no!n+ !it #ostage f%ll* #re,#aid+ and !it instr%ctions to t e #ost"aster to ret%rn t e "ail to t e sender after ten -l;. da*s if %ndeli$ered. If no registr* ser$ice is a$aila&le in t e localit* of eit er t e sender or t e addressee+ ser$ice "a* &e done &* ordinar* "ail.





If ser$ice of #leadings+ "otions+ notices+ resol%tions+ orders and ot er #a#ers cannot &e "ade %nder t e t!o #receding sections+ t e office and #lace of residence of t e #art* or is co%nsel &eing %n4no!n+ ser$ice "a* &e "ade &* deli$ering t e co#* to t e cler4 of co%rt+ !it #roof of fail%re of &ot #ersonal ser$ice and ser$ice &* "ail. ) e ser$ice is co"#lete at t e ti"e of s%c deli$er*. Sec. :. Ser$ice of '%dg"ents+ final orders or resol%tions. D%dg"ents+ final orders or resol%tions s all &e ser$ed eit er #ersonall* or &* registered "ail. = en a #art* s%""oned &* #%&lication as failed to a##ear in t e action+ '%dg"ents+ final orders or resol%tions against i" s all &e ser$ed %#on i" also &* #%&lication at t e e8#ense of t e #re$ailing #art*. Sec. 1;. 0o"#leteness of ser$ice. Personal ser$ice is co"#lete %#on act%al deli$er*. Ser$ice &* ordinar* "ail is co"#lete %#on t e e8#iration

of ten -1;. da*s after "ailing+ %nless t e co%rt ot er!ise #ro$ides. Ser$ice &* registered "ail is co"#lete %#on act%al recei#t &* t e addressee+ or after fi$e -3. da*s fro" t e date e recei$ed t e first notice of t e #ost"aster+ ! ic e$er date is earlier. Sec. 11. Priorities in "odes of ser$ice and filing. = ene$er #ractica&le+ t e ser$ice and filing of #leadings and ot er #a#ers s all &e done #ersonall*. E8ce#t !it res#ect to #a#ers e"anating fro" t e co%rt+ a resort to ot er "odes "%st &e acco"#anied &* a !ritten e8#lanation ! * t e ser$ice or filing !as not done #ersonall*. A $iolation of t is R%le "a* &e ca%se to consider t e #a#er as not filed. Sec. 1(. Proof of filing. ) e filing of a #leading or #a#er s all &e #ro$ed &* its e8istence in t e record of t e case. If it is not in t e record+ &%t is clai"ed to a$e &een filed #ersonall*+ t e filing s all &e #ro$ed &* t e !ritten or sta"#ed ac4no!ledg"ent of its filing &* t e cler4 of co%rt on

a co#* of t e sa"e> if filed &* registered "ail+ &* t e registr* recei#t and &* t e affida$it of t e #erson ! o did t e "ailing+ containing a f%ll state"ent of t e date and #lace of de#ositing t e "ail in t e #ost office in a sealed en$elo#e addressed to t e co%rt+ !it #ostage f%ll* #re#aid+ and !it instr%ctions to t e #ost"aster to ret%rn t e "ail to t e sender after ten -1;. da*s if not deli$ered. Sec. 1/. Proof of ser$ice. Proof of #ersonal ser$ice s all consist of a !ritten ad"ission of t e #art* ser$ed+ or t e official ret%rn of t e ser$er+ or t e affida$it of t e #art* ser$ing+ containing a f%ll state"ent of t e date+ #lace and "anner of ser$ice. If t e ser$ice is &* ordinar* "ail+ #roof t ereof s all consist of an affida$it of t e #erson "ailing of facts s o!ing co"#liance !it section 5 of t is R%le. If ser$ice is "ade &* registered "ail+ #roof s all &e "ade &* s%c affida$it and t e registr* recei#t iss%ed &* t e "ailing office. ) e registr* ret%rn card s all &e filed i""ediatel* %#on its recei#t &* t e sender+ or in

lie% t ereof t e %nclai"ed letter toget er !it t e certified or s!orn co#* of t e notice gi$en &* t e #ost"aster to t e addressee. Sec. 12. Notice of lis #endens. In an action affecting t e title or t e rig t of #ossession of real #ro#ert*+ t e #laintiff and t e defendant+ ! en affir"ati$e relief is clai"ed in is ans!er+ "a* record in t e office of t e registr* of deeds of t e #ro$ince in ! ic t e #ro#ert* is sit%ated a notice of t e #endenc* of t e action. Said notice s all contain t e na"es of t e #arties and t e o&'ect of t e action or defense+ and a descri#tion of t e #ro#ert* in t at #ro$ince affected t ere&*. Onl* fro" t e ti"e of filing s%c notice for record s all a #%rc aser+ or enc%"&rancer of t e #ro#ert* affected t ere&*+ &e dee"ed to a$e constr%cti$e notice of t e #endenc* of t e action+ and onl* of its #endenc* against t e #arties designated &* t eir real na"es. ) e notice of lis #endens ereina&o$e "entioned "a* &e cancelled onl* %#on order of t e co%rt+ after #ro#er s o!ing t at t e

notice is for t e #%r#ose of "olesting t e ad$erse #art*+ or t at it is not necessar* to #rotect t e rig ts of t e #art* ! o ca%sed it to &e recorded. RULE 12 SUCCONS Section 1. 0ler4 to iss%e s%""ons.

U#on t e filing of t e co"#laint and t e #a*"ent of t e re7%isite legal fees+ t e cler4 of co%rt s all fort !it iss%e t e corres#onding s%""ons to t e defendants. Sec. (. 0ontents. ) e s%""ons s all &e directed to t e defendant+ signed &* t e cler4 of co%rt %nder seal+ and containB -a. t e na"e of t e co%rt and t e na"es of t e #arties to t e action> -&. a direction t at t e defendant ans!er !it in t e ti"e fi8ed &* t ese R%les> -c. a notice t at %nless t e defendant so ans!ers+ #laintiff !ill

ta4e '%dg"ent &* defa%lt and "a* &e granted t e relief a##lied for. A co#* of t e co"#laint and order for a##oint"ent of g%ardian ad lite"+ if an*+ s all &e attac ed to t e original and eac co#* of t e s%""ons. Sec. /. <* ! o" ser$ed. ) e s%""ons "a* &e ser$ed &* t e s eriff+ is de#%t*+ or ot er #ro#er co%rt officer+ or for '%stifia&le reasons &* an* s%ita&le #erson a%t ori6ed &* t e co%rt iss%ing t e s%""ons. Sec. 2. Ret%rn. = en t e ser$ice as &een co"#leted+ t e ser$er s all+ !it in fi$e -3. da*s t erefro"+ ser$e a co#* of t e ret%rn+ #ersonall* or &* registered "ail+ to t e #laintiff1s co%nsel+ and s all ret%rn t e s%""ons to t e cler4 ! o iss%ed it+ acco"#anied &* #roof of ser$ice. Sec. 3. Iss%ance of alias s%""ons. If a s%""ons is ret%rned !it o%t &eing ser$ed on an* or all of t e defendants+ t e ser$er s all also ser$e a co#* of t e ret%rn on t e #laintiff1s co%nsel+ stating t e

reasons for t e fail%re of ser$ice+ !it in fi$e -3. da*s t erefro". In s%c a case+ or if t e s%""ons as &een lost+ t e cler4+ on de"and of t e #laintiff+ "a* iss%e an alias s%""ons. Sec. 6. Ser$ice in #erson on defendant. = ene$er #ractica&le+ t e s%""ons s all &e ser$ed &* anding a co#* t ereof to t e defendant in #erson+ or+ if e ref%ses to recei$e and sign for it+ &* tendering it to i". Sec. 5. S%&stit%ted ser$ice. If+ for '%stifia&le ca%ses+ t e defendant cannot &e ser$ed !it in a reasona&le ti"e as #ro$ided in t e #receding section+ ser$ice "a* &e effected -a. &* lea$ing co#ies of t e s%""ons at t e defendant1s residence !it so"e #erson of s%ita&le age and discretion t en residing t erein+ or -&. &* lea$ing t e co#ies at defendant1s office or reg%lar #lace of &%siness !it so"e co"#etent #erson in c arge t ereof. Sec. 9. Ser$ice %#on entit* !it o%t '%ridical #ersonalit*. = en #ersons associated in an entit* !it o%t '%ridical #ersonalit* are

s%ed %nder t e na"e &* ! ic t e* are generall* or co""onl* 4no!n+ ser$ice "a* &e effected %#on all t e defendants &* ser$ing %#on an* one of t e"+ or %#on t e #erson in c arge of t e office or #lace of &%siness "aintained in s%c na"e. <%t s%c ser$ice s all not &ind indi$id%all* an* #erson ! ose connection !it t e entit* as+ %#on d%e notice+ &een se$ered &efore t e action !as &ro%g t. Sec. :. Ser$ice %#on #risoners. = en t e defendant is a #risoner confined in a 'ail or instit%tion+ ser$ice s all &e effected %#on i" &* t e officer a$ing t e "anage"ent of s%c 'ail or instit%tion ! o is dee"ed de#%ti6ed as a s#ecial s eriff for said #%r#ose. Sec. 1;. Ser$ice %#on "inors and inco"#etents. = en t e defendant is a "inor+ insane or ot er!ise an inco"#etent+ ser$ice s all &e "ade %#on i" #ersonall* and on is legal g%ardian if e as one+ or if none+ %#on is g%ardian ad lite" ! ose a##oint"ent s all &e a##lied for &* t e #laintiff. In t e case of a "inor+

ser$ice "a* also &e "ade on is fat er or "ot er. Sec. 11. Ser$ice %#on do"estic #ri$ate '%ridical entit*. = en t e defendant is a cor#oration+ #artners i# or association organi6ed %nder t e la!s of t e P ili##ines !it a '%ridical #ersonalit*+ ser$ice "a* &e "ade on t e #resident+ "anaging #artner+ general "anager+ cor#orate secretar*+ treas%rer+ or in, o%se co%nsel. Sec. 1(. Ser$ice %#on foreign #ri$ate '%ridical entit*. = en t e defendant is a foreign #ri$ate '%ridical entit* ! ic as transacted &%siness in t e P ili##ines+ ser$ice "a* &e "ade on its resident agent designated in accordance !it la! for t at #%r#ose+ or+ if t ere &e no s%c agent+ on t e go$ern"ent official designated &* la! to t at effect+ or on an* of its officers or agents !it in t e P ili##ines. Sec. 1/. Ser$ice %#on #%&lic cor#orations. = en t e defendant is t e Re#%&lic of t e P ili##ines+ ser$ice "a* &e

effected on t e Solicitor General> in case of a #ro$ince+ cit* or "%nici#alit*+ or li4e #%&lic cor#orations+ ser$ice "a* &e effected on its e8ec%ti$e ead+ or on s%c ot er officer or officers as t e la! or t e co%rt "a* direct. Sec. 12. Ser$ice %#on defendant ! ose identit* or ! erea&o%ts are %n4no!n. In an* action ! ere t e defendant is designated as an %n4no!n o!ner+ or t e li4e+ or ! ene$er is ! erea&o%ts are %n4no!n and cannot &e ascertained &* diligent in7%ir*+ ser$ice "a*+ &* lea$e of co%rt+ &e effected %#on i" &* #%&lication in a ne!s#a#er of general circ%lation and in s%c #laces and for s%c ti"e as t e co%rt "a* order. Sec. 13. E8traterritorial ser$ice. = en t e defendant does not reside and is not fo%nd in t e P ili##ines+ and t e action affects t e #ersonal stat%s of t e #laintiff or relates to+ or t e s%&'ect of ! ic is+ #ro#ert* !it in t e P ili##ines+ in ! ic t e defendant as or clai"s a lien or interest+ act%al or contingent+ or in ! ic t e relief de"anded consists+ ! oll* or in

#art+ in e8cl%ding t e defendant fro" an* interest t erein+ or t e #ro#ert* of t e defendant as &een attac ed !it in t e P ili##ines+ ser$ice "a*+ &* lea$e of co%rt+ &e effected o%t of t e P ili##ines &* #ersonal ser$ice as %nder section 6> or &* #%&lication in a ne!s#a#er of general circ%lation in s%c #laces and for s%c ti"e as t e co%rt "a* order+ in ! ic case a co#* of t e s%""ons and order of t e co%rt s all &e sent &* registered "ail to t e last 4no!n address of t e defendant+ or in an* ot er "anner t e co%rt "a* dee" s%fficient. An* order granting s%c lea$e s all s#ecif* a reasona&le ti"e+ ! ic s all not &e less t an si8t* -6;. da*s after notice+ !it in ! ic t e defendant "%st ans!er. Sec. 16. Residents te"#oraril* o%t of t e P ili##ines. = en an* action is co""enced against a defendant ! o ordinaril* resides !it in t e P ili##ines+ &%t ! o is te"#oraril* o%t of it+ ser$ice "a*+ &* lea$e of co%rt+ &e also effected

o%t of t e P ili##ines+ as %nder t e #receding section. Sec. 15. Lea$e of co%rt.

An* a##lication to t e co%rt %nder t is R%le for lea$e to effect ser$ice in an* "anner for ! ic lea$e of co%rt is necessar* s all &e "ade &* "otion in !riting+ s%##orted &* affida$it of t e #laintiff or so"e #erson on is &e alf+ setting fort t e gro%nds for t e a##lication. Sec. 19. Proof of ser$ice.

) e #roof of ser$ice of a s%""ons s all &e "ade in !riting &* t e ser$er and s all set fort t e "anner+ #lace+ and date of ser$ice> s all s#ecif* an* #a#ers ! ic a$e &een ser$ed !it t e #rocess and t e na"e of t e #erson ! o recei$ed t e sa"e> and s all &e s!orn to ! en "ade &* a #erson ot er t an a s eriff or is de#%t*. Sec. 1:. #%&lication. Proof of ser$ice &*

If t e ser$ice as &een "ade &* #%&lication+ ser$ice "a* &e #ro$ed &* t e affida$it of t e #rinter+ is fore"an or #rinci#al cler4+ or of t e editor+ &%siness or ad$ertising "anager+ to ! ic affida$it a co#* of t e #%&lication s all &e attac ed+ and &* an affida$it s o!ing t e de#osit of a co#* of t e s%""ons and order for #%&lication in t e #ost office+ #ostage #re#aid+ directed to t e defendant &* registered "ail to is last 4no!n address. Sec. (;. Aol%ntar* a##earance.

) e defendant1s $ol%ntar* a##earance in t e action s all &e e7%i$alent to ser$ice of s%""ons. ) e incl%sion in a "otion to dis"iss of ot er gro%nds aside fro" lac4 of '%risdiction o$er t e #erson of t e defendant s all not &e dee"ed a $ol%ntar* a##earance. RULE 13 CO)IONS Section 1. Cotion defined.

A "otion is an a##lication for relief ot er t an &* a #leading. Sec. (. Cotions "%st &e in !riting.

All "otions s all &e in !riting e8ce#t t ose "ade in o#en co%rt or in t e co%rse of a earing or trial. Sec. /. 0ontents.

A "otion s all state t e relief so%g t to &e o&tained and t e gro%nds %#on ! ic it is &ased+ and if re7%ired &* t ese R%les or necessar* to #ro$e facts alleged t erein+ s all &e acco"#anied &* s%##orting affida$its and ot er #a#ers. Sec. 2. ?earing of "otion.

E8ce#t for "otions ! ic t e co%rt "a* act %#on !it o%t #re'%dicing t e rig ts of t e ad$erse #art*+ e$er* !ritten "otion s all &e set for earing &* t e a##licant. E$er* !ritten eard and t e t ereof s all "anner as to "otion re7%ired to &e notice of t e earing &e ser$ed in s%c a ens%re its recei#t &*

t e ot er #art* at least t ree -/. da*s &efore t e date of earing+ %nless t e co%rt for good ca%se sets t e earing on s orter notice. Sec. 3. Notice of earing.

) e notice of earing s all &e addressed to all #arties concerned+ and s all s#ecif* t e ti"e and date of t e earing ! ic "%st not &e later t an ten -1;. da*s after t e filing of t e "otion. Sec. 6. Proof of ser$ice necessar*.

No !ritten "otion set for earing s all &e acted %#on &* t e co%rt !it o%t #roof of ser$ice t ereof. Sec. 5. Cotion da*.

E8ce#t for "otions re7%iring i""ediate action+ all "otions s all &e sc ed%led for earing on Frida* afternoons+ or if Frida* is a non, !or4ing da*+ in t e afternoon of t e ne8t !or4ing da*. Sec. 9. O"ni&%s "otion.

S%&'ect to t e #ro$isions of section 1 of R%le :+ a "otion attac4ing a #leading+ order+ '%dg"ent+ or #roceeding s all incl%de all o&'ections t en a$aila&le+ and all o&'ections not so incl%ded s all &e dee"ed !ai$ed. Sec. :. Cotion for lea$e.

A "otion for lea$e to file a #leading or "otion s all &e acco"#anied &* t e #leading or "otion so%g t to &e ad"itted. Sec. 1;. For".

) e R%les a##lica&le to #leadings s all a##l* to !ritten "otions so far as concerns ca#tion+ designation+ signat%re+ and ot er "atters of for". RULE 16 CO)ION )O DISCISS Section 1. Gro%nds.

=it in t e ti"e for &%t &efore filing t e ans!er to t e co"#laint or #leading asserting a clai"+ a

"otion to dis"iss "a* &e "ade on an* of t e follo!ing gro%ndsB -a. ) at t e co%rt as no '%risdiction o$er t e #erson of t e defending #art*> -&. ) at t e co%rt as no '%risdiction o$er t e s%&'ect "atter of t e clai"> -c. ) at $en%e is i"#ro#erl* laid> -d. ) at t e #laintiff ca#acit* to s%e> as no legal

-e. ) at t ere is anot er action #ending &et!een t e sa"e #arties for t e sa"e ca%se> -f. ) at t e ca%se of action is &arred &* a #rior '%dg"ent or &* t e stat%te of li"itations> -g. ) at t e #leading asserting t e clai" states no ca%se of action> - . ) at t e clai" or de"and set fort in t e #laintiff1s #leading as &een #aid+ !ai$ed+ a&andoned+ or ot er!ise e8ting%is ed> -i. ) at t e clai" on ! ic t e action is fo%nded is %nenforcea&le

%nder t e #ro$isions of t e stat%te of fra%ds> and -'. ) at a condition #recedent for filing t e clai" as not &een co"#lied !it . Sec. (. ?earing of "otion.

At t e earing of t e "otion+ t e #arties s all s%&"it t eir arg%"ents on t e 7%estions of la! and t eir e$idence on t e 7%estions of fact in$ol$ed e8ce#t t ose not a$aila&le at t at ti"e. S o%ld t e case go to trial+ t e e$idence #resented d%ring t e earing s all a%to"aticall* &e #art of t e e$idence of t e #art* #resenting t e sa"e. Sec. /. Resol%tion of "otion.

After t e earing+ t e co%rt "a* dis"iss t e action or clai"+ den* t e "otion+ or order t e a"end"ent of t e #leading. ) e co%rt s all not defer t e resol%tion of t e "otion for t e reason t at t e gro%nd relied %#on is not ind%&ita&le.

In e$er* case+ t e resol%tion s all state clearl* and distinctl* t e reasons t erefor. Sec. 2. )i"e to #lead.

If t e "otion is denied+ t e "o$ant s all file is ans!er !it in t e &alance of t e #eriod #rescri&ed &* R%le 11 to ! ic e !as entitled at t e ti"e of ser$ing is "otion+ &%t not less t an fi$e -3. da*s in an* e$ent+ co"#%ted fro" is recei#t of t e notice of t e denial. If t e #leading is ordered to &e a"ended+ e s all file is ans!er !it in t e #eriod #rescri&ed &* R%le 11 co%nted fro" ser$ice of t e a"ended #leading+ %nless t e co%rt #ro$ides a longer #eriod. Sec. 3. Effect of dis"issal.

S%&'ect to t e rig t of a##eal+ an order granting a "otion to dis"iss &ased on #aragra# s -f.+ - . and -i. of section 1 ereof s all &ar t e refiling of t e sa"e action or clai". Sec. 6. Pleading gro%nds as affir"ati$e

defenses. If no "otion to dis"iss as &een filed+ an* of t e gro%nds for dis"issal #ro$ided for in t is R%le "a* &e #leaded as an affir"ati$e defense in t e ans!er and+ in t e discretion of t e co%rt+ a #reli"inar* earing "a* &e ad t ereon as if a "otion to dis"iss ad &een filed. ) e dis"issal of t e co"#laint %nder t is section s all &e !it o%t #re'%dice to t e #rosec%tion in t e sa"e or se#arate action of a co%nterclai" #leaded in t e ans!er. RULE 15 DISCISSAL OF A0)IONS Section 1. #laintiff. Dis"issal %#on notice &*

A co"#laint "a* &e dis"issed &* t e #laintiff &* filing a notice of dis"issal at an* ti"e &efore ser$ice of t e ans!er or of a "otion for s%""ar* '%dg"ent. U#on s%c notice &eing filed+ t e co%rt s all iss%e an order confir"ing t e dis"issal.

Unless ot er!ise stated in t e notice+ t e dis"issal is !it o%t #re'%dice+ e8ce#t t at a notice o#erates as an ad'%dication %#on t e "erits ! en filed &* a #laintiff ! o as once dis"issed in a co"#etent co%rt an action &ased on or incl%ding t e sa"e clai". Sec. (. Dis"issal #laintiff. %#on "otion of

E8ce#t as #ro$ided in t e #receding section+ a co"#laint s all not &e dis"issed at t e #laintiff1s instance sa$e %#on a##ro$al of t e co%rt and %#on s%c ter"s and conditions as t e co%rt dee"s #ro#er. If a co%nterclai" as &een #leaded &* a defendant #rior to t e ser$ice %#on i" of t e #laintiff1s "otion for dis"issal+ t e dis"issal s all &e li"ited to t e co"#laint. ) e dis"issal s all &e !it o%t #re'%dice to t e rig t of t e defendant to #rosec%te is co%nterclai" in a se#arate action %nless !it in fifteen -13. da*s fro" notice of t e "otion e "anifests is #reference to a$e is co%nterclai" resol$ed in t e sa"e

action. Unless ot er!ise s#ecified in t e order+ a dis"issal %nder t is #aragra# s all &e !it o%t #re'%dice. A class s%it s all not &e dis"issed or co"#ro"ised !it o%t t e a##ro$al of t e co%rt. Sec. /. Dis"issal #laintiff. d%e to fa%lt of

If+ for no '%stifia&le ca%se+ t e #laintiff fails to a##ear on t e date of t e #resentation of is e$idence in c ief on t e co"#laint+ or to #rosec%te is action for an %nreasona&le lengt of ti"e+ or to co"#l* !it t ese R%les or an* order of t e co%rt+ t e co"#laint "a* &e dis"issed %#on "otion of t e defendant or %#on t e co%rt1s o!n "otion+ !it o%t #re'%dice to t e rig t of t e defendant to #rosec%te is co%nterclai" in t e sa"e or in a se#arate action. ) is dis"issal s all a$e t e effect of an ad'%dication %#on t e "erits+ %nless ot er!ise declared &* t e co%rt. Sec. 2. Dis"issal of co%nterclai"+ cross,clai"+ or t ird,#art* co"#laint.

) e #ro$isions of t is R%le s all a##l* to t e dis"issal of an* co%nterclai"+ cross,clai"+ or t ird, #art* co"#laint. A $ol%ntar* dis"issal &* t e clai"ant &* notice as in section 1 of t is R%le+ s all &e "ade &efore a res#onsi$e #leading or a "otion for s%""ar* '%dg"ent is ser$ed or+ if t ere is none+ &efore t e introd%ction of e$idence at t e trial or earing. RULE 19 PRE,)RIAL Section 1. = en cond%cted.

After t e last #leading as &een ser$ed and filed+ it s all &e t e d%t* of t e #laintiff to #ro"#tl* "o$e e8 #arte t at t e case &e set for #re,trial. Sec. (. Nat%re and #%r#ose. ) e

) e #re,trial is co%rt s all

"andator*. considerB

-a. ) e #ossi&ilit* of an a"ica&le settle"ent or of a s%&"ission to alternati$e "odes of dis#%te resol%tion>

-&. ) e iss%es>



t e

-c. ) e necessit* or desira&ilit* of a"end"ents to t e #leadings> -d. ) e #ossi&ilit* of o&taining sti#%lations or ad"issions of facts and of doc%"ents to a$oid %nnecessar* #roof> -e. ) e li"itation of t e n%"&er of !itnesses> -f. ) e ad$isa&ilit* of a #reli"inar* reference of iss%es to a co""issioner> -g. ) e #ro#riet* of rendering '%dg"ent on t e #leadings+ or s%""ar* '%dg"ent+ or of dis"issing t e action s o%ld a $alid gro%nd t erefor &e fo%nd to e8ist> - . ) e ad$isa&ilit* or necessit* of s%s#ending t e #roceedings> and -i. S%c ot er "atters as "a* aid in t e #ro"#t dis#osition of t e action. Sec. /. Notice of #re,trial.

) e notice of #re,trial s all &e ser$ed on co%nsel+ or on t e #art* ! o as no co%nsel. ) e co%nsel ser$ed !it s%c notice is c arged !it t e d%t* of notif*ing t e #art* re#resented &* i". Sec. 2. A##earance of #arties.

It s all &e t e d%t* of t e #arties and t eir co%nsel to a##ear at t e #re,trial. ) e non,a##earance of a #art* "a* &e e8c%sed onl* if a $alid ca%se is s o!n t erefor or if a re#resentati$e s all a##ear in is &e alf f%ll* a%t ori6ed in !riting to enter into an a"ica&le settle"ent+ to s%&"it to alternati$e "odes of dis#%te resol%tion+ and to enter into sti#%lations or ad"issions of facts and of doc%"ents. Sec. 3. Effect of fail%re to a##ear. ) e fail%re of t e #laintiff to a##ear ! en so re7%ired #%rs%ant to t e ne8t #receding section s all &e ca%se for dis"issal of t e action. ) e dis"issal s all &e !it #re'%dice+ %nless ot er!ise ordered

&* t e co%rt. A si"ilar fail%re on t e #art of t e defendant s all &e ca%se to allo! t e #laintiff to #resent is e$idence e8 #arte and t e co%rt to render '%dg"ent on t e &asis t ereof. Sec. 6. Pre,trial &rief.

) e #arties s all file !it t e co%rt and ser$e on t e ad$erse #art*+ in s%c "anner as s all ens%re t eir recei#t t ereof at least t ree -/. da*s &efore t e date of t e #re,trial+ t eir res#ecti$e #re,trial &riefs ! ic s all contain+ a"ong ot ersB -a. A state"ent of t eir !illingness to enter into a"ica&le settle"ent or alternati$e "odes of dis#%te resol%tion+ indicating t e desired ter"s t ereof> -&. A s%""ar* of ad"itted facts and #ro#osed sti#%lation of facts> -c. ) e iss%es resol$ed> to &e tried or

-d. ) e doc%"ents or e8 i&its to &e #resented+ stating t e #%r#ose t ereof>

-e. A "anifestation of t eir a$ing a$ailed or t eir intention to a$ail t e"sel$es of disco$er* #roced%res or referral to co""issioners> and -f. ) e n%"&er and na"es of t e !itnesses+ and t e s%&stance of t eir res#ecti$e testi"onies. Fail%re to file t e #re,trial &rief s all a$e t e sa"e effect as fail%re to a##ear at t e #re,trial. Sec. 5. Record of #re,trial.

) e #roceedings in t e #re,trial s all &e recorded. U#on t e ter"ination t ereof+ t e co%rt s all iss%e an order ! ic s all recite in detail t e "atters ta4en %# in t e conference+ t e action ta4en t ereon+ t e a"end"ents allo!ed to t e #leadings+ and t e agree"ents or ad"issions "ade &* t e #arties as to an* of t e "atters considered. S o%ld t e action #roceed to trial+ t e order s all e8#licitl* define and li"it t e iss%es to &e tried. ) e contents of t e order s all control t e s%&se7%ent co%rse of t e

action+ %nless "odified &efore trial to #re$ent "anifest in'%stice. RULE 1: IN)ERAEN)ION Section 1. = o "a* inter$ene.

A #erson ! o as a legal interest in t e "atter in litigation+ or in t e s%ccess of eit er of t e #arties+ or an interest against &ot + or is so sit%ated as to &e ad$ersel* affected &* a distri&%tion or ot er dis#osition of #ro#ert* in t e c%stod* of t e co%rt or of an officer t ereof "a*+ !it lea$e of co%rt+ &e allo!ed to inter$ene in t e action. ) e co%rt s all consider ! et er or not t e inter$ention !ill %nd%l* dela* or #re'%dice t e ad'%dication of t e rig ts of t e original #arties+ and ! et er or not t e inter$enor1s rig ts "a* &e f%ll* #rotected in a se#arate #roceeding. Sec. (. )i"e to inter$ene.

) e "otion to inter$ene "a* &e filed at an* ti"e &efore rendition of '%dg"ent &* t e trial co%rt. A co#*

of t e #leading,in,inter$ention s all &e attac ed to t e "otion and ser$ed on t e original #arties. Sec. /. Pleadings,in,inter$ention.

) e inter$enor s all file a co"#laint,in,inter$ention if e asserts a clai" against eit er or all of t e original #arties+ or an ans!er,in,inter$ention if e %nites !it t e defending #art* in resisting a clai" against t e latter. Sec. 2. Ans!er inter$ention. to co"#laint,in,

) e ans!er to t e co"#laint,in ,inter$ention s all &e filed !it in fifteen -13. da*s fro" notice of t e order ad"itting t e sa"e+ %nless a different #eriod is fi8ed &* t e co%rt. RULE (; 0ALENDAR OF 0ASES Section 1. 0alendar of cases.

) e cler4 of co%rt+ %nder t e direct s%#er$ision of t e '%dge+ s all 4ee# a calendar of cases for #re,trial+ for trial+ t ose ! ose trials !ere ad'o%rned or #ost#oned+ and t ose !it "otions to set for earing. Preference s all &e gi$en to a&eas cor#%s cases+ election cases+ s#ecial ci$il actions+ and t ose so re7%ired &* la!. Sec. (. Assign"ent of cases.

) e assign"ent of cases to t e different &ranc es of a co%rt s all &e done e8cl%si$el* &* raffle. ) e assign"ent s all &e done in o#en session of ! ic ade7%ate notice s all &e gi$en so as to afford interested #arties t e o##ort%nit* to &e #resent. RULE (1 SU<POENA Section 1. S%&#oena and s%&#oena d%ces tec%". S%&#oena is a #rocess directed to a #erson re7%iring i" to attend and to testif* at t e earing or t e

trial of an action+ or at an* in$estigation cond%cted &* co"#etent a%t orit*+ or for t e ta4ing of is de#osition. It "a* also re7%ire i" to &ring !it i" an* &oo4s+ doc%"ents+ or ot er t ings %nder is control+ in ! ic case it is called a s%&#oena d%ces tec%". Sec. ) e (. <* ! o" "a* &e iss%ed. iss%ed &*B


a. t e co%rt &efore ! o" t e !itness is re7%ired to attend> &. t e co%rt of t e #lace ! ere t e de#osition is to &e ta4en> c. t e officer or &od* a%t ori6ed &* la! to do so in connection !it in$estigations cond%cted &* said officer or &od*> or d. an* D%stice of t e S%#re"e 0o%rt or of t e 0o%rt of A##eals in an* case or in$estigation #ending !it in t e P ili##ines. = en a##lication for a s%&#oena to a #risoner is "ade+ t e '%dge or officer s all e8a"ine and st%d*

caref%ll* s%c a##lication to deter"ine ! et er t e sa"e is "ade for a $alid #%r#ose. No #risoner sentenced to deat + recl%sion #er#et%a or life i"#rison"ent and ! o is confined in an* #enal instit%tion s all &e &ro%g t o%tside t e said #enal instit%tion for a##earance or attendance in an* co%rt %nless a%t ori6ed &* t e S%#re"e 0o%rt. Sec. /. For" and contents.

A s%&#oena s all state t e na"e of t e co%rt and t e title of t e action or in$estigation+ s all &e directed to t e #erson ! ose attendance is re7%ired+ and in t e case of a s%&#oena d%ces tec%"+ it s all also contain a reasona&le descri#tion of t e &oo4s+ doc%"ents or t ings de"anded ! ic "%st a##ear to t e co%rt #ri"a facie rele$ant. Sec. 2. E%as ing a s%&#oena.

) e co%rt "a* 7%as a s%&#oena d%ces tec%" %#on "otion #ro"#tl* "ade and+ in an* e$ent+ at or &efore t e ti"e

s#ecified t erein if it is %nreasona&le and o##ressi$e+ or t e rele$anc* of t e &oo4s+ doc%"ents or t ings does not a##ear+ or if t e #erson in ! ose &e alf t e s%&#oena is iss%ed fails to ad$ance t e reasona&le cost of t e #rod%ction t ereof. ) e co%rt "a* 7%as a s%&#oena ad testificand%" on t e gro%nd t at t e !itness is not &o%nd t ere&*. In eit er case+ t e s%&#oena "a* &e 7%as ed on t e gro%nd t at t e !itness fees and 4ilo"etrage allo!ed &* t ese R%les !ere not tendered ! en t e s%&#oena !as ser$ed. Sec. 3. S%&#oena for de#ositions.

Proof of ser$ice of a notice to ta4e a de#osition+ as #ro$ided in sections 13 and (3 of R%le (/+ s all constit%te s%fficient a%t ori6ation for t e iss%ance of s%&#oenas for t e #ersons na"ed in said notice &* t e cler4 of t e co%rt of t e #lace in ! ic t e de#osition is to &e ta4en. ) e cler4 s all not+ o!e$er+ iss%e a s%&#oena d%ces tec%" to an*

s%c #erson !it o%t an order of t e co%rt. Sec. 6. Ser$ice.

Ser$ice of a s%&#oena s all &e "ade in t e sa"e "anner as #ersonal or s%&stit%ted ser$ice of s%""ons. ) e original s all &e e8 i&ited and a co#* t ereof deli$ered to t e #erson on ! o" it is ser$ed+ tendering to i" t e fees for one da*Fs attendance and t e 4ilo"etrage allo!ed &* t ese R%les+ e8ce#t t at+ ! en a s%&#oena is iss%ed &* or on &e alf of t e Re#%&lic of t e P ili##ines or an officer or agenc* t ereof+ t e tender need not &e "ade. ) e ser$ice "%st &e "ade so as to allo! t e !itness a reasona&le ti"e for #re#aration and tra$el to t e #lace of attendance. If t e s%&#oena is d%ces tec%"+ t e reasona&le cost of #rod%cing t e &oo4s+ doc%"ents or t ings de"anded s all also &e tendered. Sec. 5. Personal a##earance in co%rt. A #erson #resent in co%rt &efore a '%dicial officer "a* &e re7%ired to

testif* as if e !ere in attendance %#on a s%&#oena iss%ed &* s%c co%rt or officer. Sec. 9. 0o"#elling attendance.

In case of fail%re of a !itness to attend+ t e co%rt or '%dge iss%ing t e s%&#oena+ %#on #roof of t e ser$ice t ereof and of t e fail%re of t e !itness+ "a* iss%e a !arrant to t e s eriff of t e #ro$ince+ or is de#%t*+ to arrest t e !itness and &ring i" &efore t e co%rt or officer ! ere is attendance is re7%ired+ and t e cost of s%c !arrant and sei6%re of s%c !itness s all &e #aid &* t e !itness if t e co%rt iss%ing it s all deter"ine t at is fail%re to ans!er t e s%&#oena !as !illf%l and !it o%t '%st e8c%se. Sec. :. 0onte"#t.

Fail%re &* an* #erson !it o%t ade7%ate ca%se to o&e* a s%&#oena ser$ed %#on i" s all &e dee"ed a conte"#t of t e co%rt fro" ! ic t e s%&#oena is iss%ed. If t e s%&#oena !as not iss%ed &* a co%rt+ t e

diso&edience t ereto s all #%nis ed in accordance !it a##lica&le la! or R%le. Sec. 1;. E8ce#tions.

&e t e

) e #ro$isions of sections 9 and : of t is R%le s all not a##l* to a !itness ! o resides "ore t an one %ndred -1;;. 4ilo"eters fro" is residence to t e #lace ! ere e is to testif* &* t e ordinar* co%rse of tra$el+ or to a detention #risoner if no #er"ission of t e co%rt in ! ic is case is #ending !as o&tained. RULE (( 0OCPU)A)ION OF )ICE Section 1. ?o! to co"#%te ti"e.

In co"#%ting an* #eriod of ti"e #rescri&ed or allo!ed &* t ese R%les+ or &* order of t e co%rt+ or &* an* a##lica&le stat%te+ t e da* of t e act or e$ent fro" ! ic t e designated #eriod of ti"e &egins to r%n is to &e e8cl%ded and t e date of #erfor"ance incl%ded. If t e last da* of t e #eriod+ as t %s co"#%ted+

falls on a Sat%rda*+ a S%nda*+ or a legal olida* in t e #lace ! ere t e co%rt sits+ t e ti"e s all not r%n %ntil t e ne8t !or4ing da*. Sec. (. Effect of interr%#tion.

S o%ld an act &e done ! ic effecti$el* interr%#ts t e r%nning of t e #eriod+ t e allo!a&le #eriod after s%c interr%#tion s all start to r%n on t e da* after notice of t e cessation of t e ca%se t ereof. ) e da* of t e act t at ca%sed t e interr%#tion s all &e e8cl%ded in t e co"#%tation of t e #eriod. RULE (/ DEPOSI)IONS PENDING A0)IONS Section 1. De#ositions #ending action+ ! en "a* &e ta4en. <* lea$e of co%rt after '%risdiction as &een o&tained o$er an* defendant or o$er #ro#ert* ! ic is t e s%&'ect of t e action+ or !it o%t s%c lea$e after an ans!er as &een ser$ed+ t e testi"on* of an* #erson+ ! et er a #art* or not+ "a* &e

ta4en+ at t e instance of an* #art*+ &* de#osition %#on oral e8a"ination or !ritten interrogatories. ) e attendance of !itnesses "a* &e co"#elled &* t e %se of a s%&#oena as #ro$ided in R%le (1. De#ositions s all &e ta4en onl* in accordance !it t ese R%les. ) e de#osition of a #erson confined in #rison "a* &e ta4en onl* &* lea$e of co%rt on s%c ter"s as t e co%rt #rescri&es. Sec. (. Sco#e of e8a"ination.

Unless ot er!ise ordered &* t e co%rt as #ro$ided &* section 16 or 19 of t is R%le+ t e de#onent "a* &e e8a"ined regarding an* "atter+ not #ri$ileged+ ! ic is rele$ant to t e s%&'ect of t e #ending action+ ! et er relating to t e clai" or defense of an* ot er #art*+ incl%ding t e e8istence+ descri#tion+ nat%re+ c%stod*+ condition+ and location of an* &oo4s+ doc%"ents+ or ot er tangi&le t ings and t e identit* and location of #ersons a$ing 4no!ledge of rele$ant facts. Sec. /. E8a"ination and cross,

e8a"ination. E8a"ination and cross,e8a"ination of de#onents "a* #roceed as #er"itted at t e trial %nder sections / to 19 of R%le 1/(. Sec. 2. Use of de#ositions.

At t e trial or %#on t e earing of a "otion or an interloc%tor* #roceeding+ an* #art or all of a de#osition+ so far as ad"issi&le %nder t e r%les of e$idence+ "a* &e %sed against an* #art* ! o !as #resent or re#resented at t e ta4ing of t e de#osition or ! o ad d%e notice t ereof+ in accordance !it an* one of t e follo!ing #ro$isionsB -a. An* de#osition "a* &e %sed &* an* #art* for t e #%r#ose of contradicting or i"#eac ing t e testi"on* of de#onent as a !itness> -&. ) e de#osition of a #art* or of an* one ! o at t e ti"e of ta4ing t e de#osition !as an officer+ director+ or "anaging agent of a #%&lic or #ri$ate cor#oration+ #artners i#+ or association ! ic is

a #art* "a* &e %sed &* an ad$erse #art* for an* #%r#ose> -c. ) e de#osition of a !itness+ ! et er or not a #art*+ "a* &e %sed &* an* #art* for an* #%r#ose if t e co%rt findsB -1. t at t e !itness is dead> or -(. t at t e !itness resides at a distance "ore t an one %ndred -1;;. 4ilo"eters fro" t e #lace of trial or earing+ or is o%t of t e P ili##ines+ %nless it a##ears t at is a&sence !as #roc%red &* t e #art* offering t e de#osition> or -/. t at t e !itness is %na&le to attend or testif* &eca%se of age+ sic4ness+ infir"it*+ or i"#rison"ent> or -2. t at t e #art* offering t e de#osition as &een %na&le to #roc%re t e attendance of t e !itness &* s%&#oena> or -3. %#on a##lication and notice+ t at s%c e8ce#tional circ%"stances e8ist as to "a4e it desira&le+ in t e interest of '%stice and !it d%e regard to t e i"#ortance of #resenting t e testi"on* of !itnesses orall* in o#en co%rt+ to allo! t e de#osition to &e %sed> and

-d. If onl* #art of a de#osition is offered in e$idence &* a #art*+ t e ad$erse #art* "a* re7%ire i" to introd%ce all of it ! ic is rele$ant to t e #art introd%ced+ and an* #art* "a* introd%ce an* ot er #arts. Sec. 3. #arties. Effect of s%&stit%tion of

S%&stit%tion of #arties does not affect t e rig t to %se de#ositions #re$io%sl* ta4en> and+ ! en an action as &een dis"issed and anot er action in$ol$ing t e sa"e s%&'ect is after!ard &ro%g t &et!een t e sa"e #arties or t eir re#resentati$es or s%ccessors in interest+ all de#ositions la!f%ll* ta4en and d%l* filed in t e for"er action "a* &e %sed in t e latter as if originall* ta4en t erefor. Sec. 6. O&'ections to ad"issi&ilit*.

S%&'ect to t e #ro$isions of section (: of t is R%le+ o&'ection "a* &e "ade at t e trial or earing to recei$ing in e$idence an* de#osition or #art t ereof for an* reason ! ic

!o%ld re7%ire t e e8cl%sion of t e e$idence if t e !itness !ere t en #resent and testif*ing. Sec. 5. Effect of ta4ing de#ositions. A #art* s all not &e dee"ed to "a4e a #erson is o!n !itness for an* #%r#ose &* ta4ing is de#osition. Sec. 9. Effect of %sing de#ositions. ) e introd%ction in e$idence of t e de#osition or an* #art t ereof for an* #%r#ose ot er t an t at of contradicting or i"#eac ing t e de#onent "a4es t e de#onent t e !itness of t e #art* introd%cing t e de#osition+ &%t t is s all not a##l* to t e %se &* an ad$erse #art* of a de#osition as descri&ed in #aragra# -&. of section 2 of t is R%le. Sec. :. Re&%tting de#osition.

At t e trial or earing+ an* #art* "a* re&%t an* rele$ant e$idence contained in a de#osition ! et er introd%ced &* i" or &* an* ot er #art*.

Sec. 1;. Persons &efore ! o" de#ositions "a* &e ta4en !it in t e P ili##ines. =it in t e P ili##ines+ de#ositions "a* &e ta4en &efore an* '%dge+ notar* #%&lic+ or t e #erson referred to in section 12 ereof. Sec. 11. de#ositions co%ntries. Persons &efore ! o" "a* &e ta4en in foreign

In a foreign state or co%ntr*+ de#ositions "a* &e ta4en -a. on notice &efore a secretar* of e"&ass* or legation+ cons%l general+ cons%l+ $ice,cons%l+ or cons%lar agent of t e Re#%&lic of t e P ili##ines> -&. &efore s%c #erson or officer as "a* &e a##ointed &* co""ission or %nder letters rogator*> or -c. t e #erson referred to in section 12 ereof. Sec. 1(. 0o""ission or letters rogator*. A co""ission or letters rogator* s all &e iss%ed onl* ! en necessar* or con$enient+ on a##lication and notice+ and on s%c ter"s and !it

s%c direction as are '%st and a##ro#riate. Officers "a* &e designated in notices or co""issions eit er &* na"e or descri#ti$e title and letters rogator* "a* &e addressed to t e a##ro#riate '%dicial a%t orit* in t e foreign co%ntr*. Sec. 1/. Dis7%alification &* interest. No de#osition s all &e ta4en &efore a #erson ! o is a relati$e !it in t e si8t degree of consang%init* or affinit*+ or e"#lo*ee or co%nsel of an* of t e #arties> or ! o is a relati$e !it in t e sa"e degree+ or e"#lo*ee of s%c co%nsel> or ! o is financiall* interested in t e action. Sec. 12. Sti#%lations regarding ta4ing of de#ositions. If t e #arties so sti#%late in !riting+ de#ositions "a* &e ta4en &efore an* #erson a%t ori6ed to ad"inister oat s+ at an* ti"e or #lace+ in accordance !it t ese R%les+ and ! en so ta4en "a* &e %sed li4e ot er de#ositions.

Sec. 13. e8a"ination>

De#osition notice> ti"e

%#on oral and #lace.

A #art* desiring to ta4e t e de#osition of an* #erson %#on oral e8a"ination s all gi$e reasona&le notice in !riting to e$er* ot er #art* to t e action. ) e notice s all state t e ti"e and #lace for ta4ing t e de#osition and t e na"e and address of eac #erson to &e e8a"ined+ if 4no!n+ and if t e na"e is not 4no!n+ a general descri#tion s%fficient to identif* i" or t e #artic%lar class or gro%# to ! ic e &elongs. On "otion of an* #art* %#on ! o" t e notice is ser$ed+ t e co%rt "a* for ca%se s o!n enlarge or s orten t e ti"e. Sec. 16. Orders for t e #rotection of #arties and de#onents. After notice is ser$ed for ta4ing a de#osition &* oral e8a"ination+ %#on "otion seasona&l* "ade &* an* #art* or &* t e #erson to &e e8a"ined and for good ca%se s o!n+ t e co%rt in ! ic t e action is #ending "a* "a4e an order t at t e de#osition s all

not &e ta4en+ or t at it "a* &e ta4en onl* at so"e designated #lace ot er t an t at stated in t e notice+ or t at it "a* &e ta4en onl* on !ritten interrogatories+ or t at certain "atters s all not &e in7%ired into+ or t at t e sco#e of t e e8a"ination s all &e eld !it no one #resent e8ce#t t e #arties to t e action and t eir officers or co%nsel+ or t at after &eing sealed t e de#osition s all &e o#ened onl* &* order of t e co%rt+ or t at secret #rocesses+ de$elo#"ents+ or researc need not &e disclosed+ or t at t e #arties s all si"%ltaneo%sl* file s#ecified doc%"ents or infor"ation enclosed in sealed en$elo#es to &e o#ened as directed &* t e co%rt> or t e co%rt "a* "a4e an* ot er order ! ic '%stice re7%ires to #rotect t e #art* or !itness fro" anno*ance+ e"&arrass"ent+ or o##ression. Sec. 15. Record of e8a"ination> oat > o&'ections. ) e officer &efore ! o" t e de#osition is to &e ta4en s all #%t t e !itness on oat and s all

#ersonall*+ or &* so"e one acting %nder is direction and in is #resence+ record t e testi"on* of t e !itness. ) e testi"on* s all &e ta4en stenogra# icall* %nless t e #arties agree ot er!ise. All o&'ections "ade at t e ti"e of t e e8a"ination to t e 7%alifications of t e officer ta4ing t e de#osition+ or to t e "anner of ta4ing it+ or to t e e$idence #resented+ or to t e cond%ct of an* #art*+ and an* ot er o&'ection to t e #roceedings+ s all &e noted &* t e officer %#on t e de#osition. E$idence o&'ected to s all &e ta4en s%&'ect to t e o&'ections. In lie% of #artici#ating in t e oral e8a"ination+ #arties ser$ed !it notice of ta4ing a de#osition "a* trans"it !ritten interrogatories to t e officers+ ! o s all #ro#o%nd t e" to t e !itness and record t e ans!ers $er&ati". Sec. 19. Cotion to ter"inate or li"it e8a"ination. At an* ti"e d%ring t e ta4ing of t e de#osition+ on "otion or #etition of an* #art* or of t e de#onent and %#on a s o!ing t at t e e8a"ination

is &eing cond%cted in &ad fait or in s%c "anner as %nreasona&l* to anno*+ e"&arrass+ or o##ress t e de#onent or #art*+ t e co%rt in ! ic t e action is #ending or t e Regional )rial 0o%rt of t e #lace ! ere t e de#osition is &eing ta4en "a* order t e officer cond%cting t e e8a"ination to cease fort !it fro" ta4ing t e de#osition+ or "a* li"it t e sco#e and "anner of t e ta4ing of t e de#osition+ as #ro$ided in section 16 of t is R%le. If t e order "ade ter"inates t e e8a"ination+ it s all &e res%"ed t ereafter onl* %#on t e order of t e co%rt in ! ic t e action is #ending. U#on de"and of t e o&'ecting #art* or de#onent+ t e ta4ing of t e de#osition s all &e s%s#ended for t e ti"e necessar* to "a4e a notice for an order. In granting or ref%sing s%c order+ t e co%rt "a* i"#ose %#on eit er #art* or %#on t e !itness t e re7%ire"ent to #a* s%c costs or e8#enses as t e co%rt "a* dee" reasona&le. Sec. 1:. c anges> S%&"ission to signing. !itness>

= en t e testi"on* is f%ll* transcri&ed+ t e de#osition s all &e s%&"itted to t e !itness for e8a"ination and s all &e read to or &* i"+ %nless s%c e8a"ination and reading are !ai$ed &* t e !itness and &* t e #arties. An* c anges in for" or s%&stance ! ic t e !itness desires to "a4e s all &e entered %#on t e de#osition &* t e officer !it a state"ent of t e reasons gi$en &* t e !itness for "a4ing t e". ) e de#osition s all t en &e signed &* t e !itness+ %nless t e #arties &* sti#%lation !ai$e t e signing or t e !itness is ill or cannot &e fo%nd or ref%ses to sign. If t e de#osition is not signed &* t e !itness+ t e officer s all sign it and state on t e record t e fact of t e !ai$er or of t e illness or a&sence of t e !itness or t e fact of t e ref%sal to sign toget er !it t e reason gi$en t erefor+ if an*+ and t e de#osition "a* t en &e %sed as f%ll* as t o%g signed+ %nless on a "otion to s%##ress %nder section (: -f. of t is R%le+ t e co%rt olds t at t e reasons gi$en for t e ref%sal to sign re7%ire re'ection of t e de#osition in ! ole or in #art.

Sec. (;. officer.





) e officer s all certif* on t e de#osition t at t e !itness !as d%l* s!orn to &* i" and t at t e de#osition is a tr%e record of t e testi"on* gi$en &* t e !itness. ?e s all t en sec%rel* seal t e de#osition in an en$elo#e indorsed !it t e title of t e action and "ar4ed @De#osition of - ere insert t e na"e of !itness.@ and s all #ro"#tl* file it !it t e co%rt in ! ic t e action is #ending or send it &* registered "ail to t e cler4 t ereof for filing. Sec. (1. Notice of filing.

) e officer ta4ing t e de#osition s all gi$e #ro"#t notice of its filing to all t e #arties. Sec. ((. F%rnis ing co#ies.

U#on #a*"ent of reasona&le c arges t erefor+ t e officer s all f%rnis a co#* of t e de#osition to an* #art* or to t e de#onent.

Sec. (/. gi$ing


to attend notice.



If t e #art* gi$ing t e notice of t e ta4ing of a de#osition fails to attend and #roceed t ere!it and anot er attends in #erson or &* co%nsel #%rs%ant to t e notice+ t e co%rt "a* order t e #art* gi$ing t e notice to #a* s%c ot er #art* t e a"o%nt of t e reasona&le e8#enses inc%rred &* i" and is co%nsel in so attending+ incl%ding reasona&le attorne*Fs fees. Sec. (2. Fail%re of #art* gi$ing notice to ser$e s%&#oena. If t e #art* gi$ing t e notice of t e ta4ing of a de#osition of a !itness fails to ser$e a s%&#oena %#on i" and t e !itness &eca%se of s%c fail%re does not attend+ and if anot er #art* attends in #erson or &* co%nsel &eca%se e e8#ects t e de#osition of t at !itness to &e ta4en+ t e co%rt "a* order t e #art* gi$ing t e notice to #a* to s%c ot er #art* t e a"o%nt of t e reasona&le e8#enses inc%rred &* i"

and is co%nsel in so incl%ding reasona&le fees.

attending+ attorne*Fs

Sec. (3. De#osition %#on !ritten interrogatories> ser$ice of notice and of interrogatories. A #art* desiring to ta4e t e de#osition of an* #erson %#on !ritten interrogatories s all ser$e t e" %#on e$er* ot er #art* !it a notice stating t e na"e and address of t e #erson ! o is to ans!er t e" and t e na"e or descri#ti$e title and address of t e officer &efore ! o" t e de#osition is to &e ta4en. =it in ten -1;. da*s t ereafter+ a #art* so ser$ed "a* ser$e cross, interrogatories %#on t e #art* #ro#osing to ta4e t e de#osition. =it in fi$e -3. da*s t ereafter+ t e latter "a* ser$e re,direct interrogatories %#on a #art* ! o as ser$ed cross, interrogatories. =it in t ree -/. da*s after &eing ser$ed !it re,direct interrogatories+ a #art* "a* ser$e recross,interrogatories %#on t e #art* #ro#osing to ta4e t e de#osition.

Sec. (6. Officers to ta4e res#onses and #re#are record. A co#* of t e notice and co#ies of all interrogatories ser$ed s all &e deli$ered &* t e #art* ta4ing t e de#osition to t e officer designated in t e notice+ ! o s all #roceed #ro"#tl*+ in t e "anner #ro$ided &* sections 15+ 1: and (; of t is R%le+ to ta4e t e testi"on* of t e !itness in res#onse to t e interrogatories and to #re#are+ certif*+ and file or "ail t e de#osition+ attac ing t ereto t e co#* of t e notice and t e interrogatories recei$ed &* i". Sec. (5. f%rnis ing Notice of filing co#ies. and

= en a de#osition %#on interrogatories is filed+ t e officer ta4ing it s all #ro"#tl* gi$e notice t ereof to all t e #arties+ and "a* f%rnis co#ies to t e" or to t e de#onent %#on #a*"ent of reasona&le c arges t erefor. Sec. (9. Orders for t e #rotection of




After t e ser$ice of t e interrogatories and #rior to t e ta4ing of t e testi"on* of t e de#onent+ t e co%rt in ! ic t e action is #ending+ on "otion #ro"#tl* "ade &* a #art* or a de#onent+ and for good ca%se s o!n+ "a* "a4e an* order s#ecified in sections 13+ 16 and 19 of t is R%le ! ic is a##ro#riate and '%st or an order t at t e de#osition s all not &e ta4en &efore t e officer designated in t e notice or t at it s all not &e ta4en e8ce#t %#on oral e8a"ination. Sec. (:. Effects of errors and irreg%larities in de#ositions. -a. As to notice., All errors and irreg%larities in t e notice for ta4ing a de#osition are !ai$ed %nless !ritten o&'ection is #ro"#tl* ser$ed %#on t e #art* gi$ing t e notice. -&. As to dis7%alification of officer., O&'ection to ta4ing a de#osition &eca%se of dis7%alification of t e officer &efore ! o" it is to &e ta4en is

!ai$ed %nless "ade &efore t e ta4ing of t e de#osition &egins or as soon t ereafter as t e dis7%alification &eco"es 4no!n or co%ld &e disco$ered !it reasona&le diligence. -c. As to co"#etenc* or rele$anc* of e$idence., O&'ections to t e co"#etenc* of a !itness or t e co"#etenc*+ rele$anc*+ or "aterialit* of testi"on* are not !ai$ed &* fail%re to "a4e t e" &efore or d%ring t e ta4ing of t e de#osition+ %nless t e gro%nd of t e o&'ection is one ! ic "ig t a$e &een o&$iated or re"o$ed if #resented at t at ti"e. -d. As to oral e8a"ination and ot er #artic%lars., Errors and irreg%larities occ%rring at t e oral e8a"ination in t e "anner of ta4ing t e de#osition+ in t e for" of t e 7%estions or ans!ers+ in t e oat or affir"ation+ or in t e cond%ct of t e #arties and errors of an* 4ind ! ic "ig t &e o&$iated+ re"o$ed+ or c%red if #ro"#tl* #rosec%ted+ are !ai$ed %nless reasona&le o&'ection t ereto is "ade at t e ta4ing of t e de#osition.

-e. As to for" of !ritten interrogatories., O&'ections to t e for" of !ritten interrogatories s%&"itted %nder sections (3 and (6 of t is R%le are !ai$ed %nless ser$ed in !riting %#on t e #art* #ro#o%nding t e" !it in t e ti"e allo!ed for ser$ing s%cceeding cross or ot er interrogatories and !it in t ree -/. da*s after ser$ice of t e last interrogatories a%t ori6ed. -f. As to "anner of #re#aration., Errors and irreg%larities in t e "anner in ! ic t e testi"on* is transcri&ed or t e de#osition is #re#ared+ signed+ certified+ sealed+ indorsed+ trans"itted+ filed+ or ot er!ise dealt !it &* t e officer %nder sections 15+ 1:+ (; and (6 of t is R%le are !ai$ed %nless a "otion to s%##ress t e de#osition or so"e #art t ereof is "ade !it reasona&le #ro"#tness after s%c defect is+ or !it d%e diligence "ig t a$e &een+ ascertained. RULE (2 DEPOSI)IONS <EFORE A0)ION OR PENDING APPEAL.

Section 1. #etition.




A #erson ! o desires to #er#et%ate is o!n testi"on* or t at of anot er #erson regarding an* "atter t at "a* &e cogni6a&le in an* co%rt of t e P ili##ines+ "a* file a $erified #etition in t e co%rt of t e #lace of t e residence of an* e8#ected ad$erse #art*. Sec. (. 0ontents of #etition.

) e #etition s all &e entitled in t e na"e of t e #etitioner and s all s o!B -a. t at t e #etitioner e8#ects to &e a #art* to an action in a co%rt of t e P ili##ines &%t is #resentl* %na&le to &ring it or ca%se it to &e &ro%g t> -&. t e s%&'ect "atter of t e e8#ected action and is interest t erein> -c. t e facts ! ic e desires to esta&lis &* t e #ro#osed testi"on* and is reasons for desiring to #er#et%ate it> -d. t e na"es or a descri#tion of t e #ersons e e8#ects !ill &e ad$erse #arties and t eir addresses so far as 4no!n> and -e. t e na"es and addresses of t e

#ersons to &e e8a"ined and t e s%&stance of t e testi"on* ! ic e e8#ects to elicit fro" eac + and s all as4 for an order a%t ori6ing t e #etitioner to ta4e t e de#ositions of t e #ersons to &e e8a"ined na"ed in t e #etition for t e #%r#ose of #er#et%ating t eir testi"on*. Sec. /. Notice and ser$ice.

) e #etitioner s all ser$e a notice %#on eac #erson na"ed in t e #etition as an e8#ected ad$erse #art*+ toget er !it a co#* of t e #etition+ stating t at t e #etitioner !ill a##l* to t e co%rt+ at a ti"e and #lace na"ed t erein+ for t e order descri&ed in t e #etition. At least t!ent* -(;. da*s &efore t e date of t e earing+ t e co%rt s all ca%se notice t ereof to &e ser$ed on t e #arties and #ros#ecti$e de#onents in t e "anner #ro$ided for ser$ice of s%""ons. Sec. 2. Order and e8a"ination.

If t e co%rt is satisfied t at t e #er#et%ation of t e testi"on* "a*

#re$ent a fail%re or dela* of '%stice+ it s all "a4e an order designating or descri&ing t e #ersons ! ose de#osition "a* &e ta4en and s#ecif*ing t e s%&'ect "atter of t e e8a"ination and ! et er t e de#ositions s all &e ta4en %#on oral e8a"ination or !ritten interrogatories. ) e de#ositions "a* t en &e ta4en in accordance !it R%le (/ &efore t e earing. Sec. 3. Reference to co%rt.

For t e #%r#ose of a##l*ing R%le (/ to de#ositions for #er#et%ating testi"on*+ eac reference t erein to t e co%rt in ! ic t e action is #ending s all &e dee"ed to refer to t e co%rt in ! ic t e #etition for s%c de#osition !as filed. Sec. 6. Use of de#osition.

If a de#osition to #er#et%ate testi"on* is ta4en %nder t is R%le+ or if+ alt o%g not so ta4en+ it !o%ld &e ad"issi&le in e$idence+ it "a* &e %sed in an* action in$ol$ing t e sa"e s%&'ect "atter s%&se7%entl*

&ro%g t in accordance !it t e #ro$isions of sections 2 and 3 of R%le (/. Sec. 5. De#ositions #ending a##eal.

If an a##eal as &een ta4en fro" a '%dg"ent of a co%rt+ incl%ding t e 0o%rt of A##eals in #ro#er cases+ or &efore t e ta4ing of an a##eal if t e ti"e t erefor as not e8#ired+ t e co%rt in ! ic t e '%dg"ent !as rendered "a* allo! t e ta4ing of de#ositions of !itnesses to #er#et%ate t eir testi"on* for %se in t e e$ent of f%rt er #roceedings in t e said co%rt. In s%c case t e #art* ! o desires to #er#et%ate t e testi"on* "a* "a4e a "otion in t e said co%rt for lea$e to ta4e t e de#ositions+ %#on t e sa"e notice and ser$ice t ereof as if t e action !as #ending t erein. ) e "otion s all state -a. t e na"es and addresses of t e #ersons to &e e8a"ined and t e s%&stance of t e testi"on* ! ic e e8#ects to elicit fro" eac > and -&. t e reason for #er#et%ating t eir testi"on*. If t e co%rt finds t at t e #er#et%ation of t e testi"on* is #ro#er to a$oid a

fail%re or dela* of '%stice+ it "a* "a4e an order allo!ing t e de#ositions to &e ta4en+ and t ere%#on t e de#ositions "a* &e ta4en and %sed in t e sa"e "anner and %nder t e sa"e conditions as are #rescri&ed in t ese R%les for de#ositions ta4en in #ending actions. RULE (3 IN)ERROGA)ORIES )O PAR)IES Section 1. Interrogatories to #arties> ser$ice t ereof. Under t e sa"e conditions s#ecified in section 1 of R%le (/+ an* #art* desiring to elicit "aterial and rele$ant facts fro" an* ad$erse #arties s all file and ser$e %#on t e latter !ritten interrogatories to &e ans!ered &* t e #art* ser$ed or+ if t e #art* ser$ed is a #%&lic or #ri$ate cor#oration or a #artners i# or association+ &* an* officer t ereof co"#etent to testif* in its &e alf. Sec. (. Ans!er to interrogatories.

) e interrogatories s all &e ans!ered f%ll* in !riting and s all &e signed and s!orn to &* t e #erson "a4ing t e". ) e #art* %#on ! o" t e interrogatories a$e &een ser$ed s all file and ser$e a co#* of t e ans!ers on t e #art* s%&"itting t e interrogatories !it in fifteen -13. da*s after ser$ice t ereof+ %nless t e co%rt+ on "otion and for good ca%se s o!n+ e8tends or s ortens t e ti"e. Sec. /. O&'ections to interrogatories. O&'ections to an* interrogatories "a* &e #resented to t e co%rt !it in ten -1;. da*s after ser$ice t ereof+ !it notice as in case of a "otion> and ans!ers s all &e deferred %ntil t e o&'ections are resol$ed+ ! ic s all &e at as earl* a ti"e as is #ractica&le. Sec. 2. N%"&er of interrogatories.

No #art* "a*+ !it o%t lea$e of co%rt+ ser$e "ore t an one set of interrogatories to &e ans!ered &* t e sa"e #art*.

Sec. 3. Sco#e interrogatories.




Interrogatories "a* relate to an* "atters t at can &e in7%ired into %nder section ( of R%le (/+ and t e ans!ers "a* &e %sed for t e sa"e #%r#oses #ro$ided in section 2 of t e sa"e R%le. Sec. 6. !ritten Effect of fail%re to interrogatories. ser$e

Unless t ereafter allo!ed &* t e co%rt for good ca%se s o!n and to #re$ent a fail%re of '%stice+ a #art* not ser$ed !it !ritten interrogatories "a* not &e co"#elled &* t e ad$erse #art* to gi$e testi"on* in o#en co%rt+ or to gi$e a de#osition #ending a##eal. RULE (6 ADCISSION <G ADAERSE PAR)G Section 1. Re7%est for ad"ission.

At an* ti"e after iss%es a$e &een 'oined+ a #art* "a* file and ser$e %#on an* ot er #art* a !ritten

re7%est for t e ad"ission &* t e latter of t e gen%ineness of an* "aterial and rele$ant doc%"ent descri&ed in and e8 i&ited !it t e re7%est or of t e tr%t of an* "aterial and rele$ant "atter of fact set fort in t e re7%est. 0o#ies of t e doc%"ents s all &e deli$ered !it t e re7%est %nless co#ies a$e alread* &een f%rnis ed. Sec. (. I"#lied ad"ission.

Eac of t e "atters of ! ic an ad"ission is re7%ested s all &e dee"ed ad"itted %nless+ !it in a #eriod designated in t e re7%est+ ! ic s all not &e less t an fifteen -13. da*s after ser$ice t ereof+ or !it in s%c f%rt er ti"e as t e co%rt "a* allo! on "otion+ t e #art* to ! o" t e re7%est is directed files and ser$es %#on t e #art* re7%esting t e ad"ission a s!orn state"ent eit er den*ing s#ecificall* t e "atters of ! ic an ad"ission is re7%ested or setting fort in detail t e reasons ! * e cannot tr%t f%ll* eit er ad"it or den* t ose "atters.

O&'ections to an* re7%est for ad"ission s all &e s%&"itted to t e co%rt &* t e #art* re7%ested !it in t e #eriod for and #rior to t e filing of is s!orn state"ent as conte"#lated in t e #receding #aragra# and is co"#liance t ere!it s all &e deferred %ntil s%c o&'ections are resol$ed+ ! ic resol%tion s all &e "ade as earl* as #ractica&le. Sec. /. Effect of ad"ission.

An* ad"ission "ade &* a #art* #%rs%ant to s%c re7%est is for t e #%r#ose of t e #ending action onl* and s all not constit%te an ad"ission &* i" for an* ot er #%r#ose nor "a* t e sa"e &e %sed against i" in an* ot er #roceeding. Sec. 2. =it dra!al.

) e co%rt "a* allo! t e #art* "a4ing an ad"ission %nder t is R%le+ ! et er e8#ress or i"#lied+ to !it dra! or a"end it %#on s%c ter"s as "a* &e '%st. Sec. 3. Effect of fail%re to file and





Unless ot er!ise allo!ed &* t e co%rt for good ca%se s o!n and to #re$ent a fail%re of '%stice+ a #art* ! o fails to file and ser$e a re7%est for ad"ission on t e ad$erse #art* of "aterial and rele$ant facts at iss%e ! ic are+ or o%g t to &e+ !it in t e #ersonal 4no!ledge of t e latter+ s all not &e #er"itted to #resent e$idence on s%c facts. RULE (5 PRODU0)ION OR INSPE0)ION OF DO0UCEN)S OR )?INGS Section 1. ins#ection> Cotion for #rod%ction order. or

U#on "otion of an* #art* s o!ing good ca%se t erefor+ t e co%rt in ! ic an action is #ending "a* -a. order an* #art* to #rod%ce and #er"it t e ins#ection and co#*ing or # otogra# ing+ &* or on &e alf of t e "o$ing #art*+ of an* designated doc%"ents+ #a#ers+ &oo4s+ acco%nts+ letters+ # otogra# s+ o&'ects or tangi&le t ings+ not #ri$ileged+ ! ic constit%te or contain e$idence

"aterial to an* "atter in$ol$ed in t e action and ! ic are in is #ossession+ c%stod* or control> or -&. order an* #art* to #er"it entr* %#on designated land or ot er #ro#ert* in is #ossession or control for t e #%r#ose of ins#ecting+ "eas%ring+ s%r$e*ing+ or # otogra# ing t e #ro#ert* or an* designated rele$ant o&'ect or o#eration t ereon. ) e order s all s#ecif* t e ti"e+ #lace and "anner of "a4ing t e ins#ection and ta4ing co#ies and # otogra# s+ and "a* #rescri&e s%c ter"s and conditions as are '%st. RULE (9 P?GSI0AL AND CEN)AL EHACINA)ION OF PERSONS Section 1. ordered. = en e8a"ination "a* &e

In an action in ! ic t e "ental or # *sical condition of a #art* is in contro$ers*+ t e co%rt in ! ic t e action is #ending "a* in its discretion order i" to s%&"it to a # *sical or "ental e8a"ination &* a # *sician.






) e order for e8a"ination "a* &e "ade onl* on "otion for good ca%se s o!n and %#on notice to t e #art* to &e e8a"ined and to all ot er #arties+ and s all s#ecif* t e ti"e+ #lace+ "anner+ conditions and sco#e of t e e8a"ination and t e #erson or #ersons &* ! o" it is to &e "ade. Sec. /. Re#ort of findings.

If re7%ested &* t e #art* e8a"ined+ t e #art* ca%sing t e e8a"ination to &e "ade s all deli$er to i" a co#* of a detailed !ritten re#ort of t e e8a"ining # *sician setting o%t is findings and concl%sions. After s%c re7%est and deli$er*+ t e #art* ca%sing t e e8a"ination to &e "ade s all &e entitled %#on re7%est to recei$e fro" t e #art* e8a"ined a li4e re#ort of an* e8a"ination+ #re$io%sl* or t ereafter "ade+ of t e sa"e "ental or # *sical condition. If t e #art* e8a"ined ref%ses to deli$er s%c re#ort+ t e co%rt on "otion and notice "a* "a4e an order re7%iring deli$er* on s%c

ter"s as are '%st+ and if a # *sician fails or ref%ses to "a4e s%c a re#ort t e co%rt "a* e8cl%de is testi"on* if offered at t e trial. Sec. 2. =ai$er of #ri$ilege.

<* re7%esting and o&taining a re#ort of t e e8a"ination so ordered or &* ta4ing t e de#osition of t e e8a"iner+ t e #art* e8a"ined !ai$es an* #ri$ilege e "a* a$e in t at action or an* ot er in$ol$ing t e sa"e contro$ers*+ regarding t e testi"on* of e$er* ot er #erson ! o as e8a"ined or "a* t ereafter e8a"ine i" in res#ect of t e sa"e "ental or # *sical e8a"ination. RULE (: REFUSAL )O 0OCPLG =I)? CODES OF DIS0OAERG Section 1. Ref%sal to ans!er.

If a #art* or ot er de#onent ref%ses to ans!er an* 7%estion %#on oral e8a"ination+ t e e8a"ination "a* &e co"#leted on ot er "atters or ad'o%rned as t e #ro#onent of t e

7%estion "a* #refer. ) e #ro#onent "a* t ereafter a##l* to t e #ro#er co%rt of t e #lace ! ere t e de#osition is &eing ta4en+ for an order to co"#el an ans!er. ) e sa"e #roced%re "a* &e a$ailed of ! en a #art* or a !itness ref%ses to ans!er an* interrogator* s%&"itted %nder R%les (/ or (3. If t e a##lication is granted+ t e co%rt s all re7%ire t e ref%sing #art* or de#onent to ans!er t e 7%estion or interrogator* and if it also finds t at t e ref%sal to ans!er !as !it o%t s%&stantial '%stification+ it "a* re7%ire t e ref%sing #art* or de#onent or t e co%nsel ad$ising t e ref%sal+ or &ot of t e"+ to #a* t e #ro#onent t e a"o%nt of t e reasona&le e8#enses inc%rred in o&taining t e order+ incl%ding attorne*Fs fees. If t e a##lication is denied and t e co%rt finds t at it !as filed !it o%t s%&stantial '%stification+ t e co%rt "a* re7%ire t e #ro#onent or t e co%nsel ad$ising t e filing of t e a##lication+ or &ot of t e"+ to #a* to t e ref%sing #art* or de#onent t e a"o%nt of t e

reasona&le e8#enses inc%rred in o##osing t e a##lication+ incl%ding attorne*Fs fees. Sec. (. 0onte"#t of co%rt.

If a #art* or ot er !itness ref%ses to &e s!orn or ref%ses to ans!er an* 7%estion after &eing directed to do so &* t e co%rt of t e #lace in ! ic t e de#osition is &eing ta4en+ t e ref%sal "a* &e considered a conte"#t of t at co%rt. Sec. /. Ot er conse7%ences.

If an* #art* or an officer or "anaging agent of a #art* ref%ses to o&e* an order "ade %nder section 1 of t is R%le re7%iring i" to ans!er designated 7%estions+ or an order %nder R%le (5 to #rod%ce an* doc%"ent or ot er t ing for ins#ection+ co#*ing+ or # otogra# ing or to #er"it it to &e done+ or to #er"it entr* %#on land or ot er #ro#ert*+ or an order "ade %nder R%le (9 re7%iring i" to s%&"it to a # *sical or "ental e8a"ination+ t e co%rt "a* "a4e s%c orders in regard to t e ref%sal as

are '%st+ follo!ingB



ot ers

t e

-a. An order t at t e "atters regarding ! ic t e 7%estions !ere as4ed+ or t e c aracter or descri#tion of t e t ing or land+ or t e contents of t e #a#er+ or t e # *sical or "ental condition of t e #art*+ or an* ot er designated facts s all &e ta4en to &e esta&lis ed for t e #%r#oses of t e action in accordance !it t e clai" of t e #art* o&taining t e order> -&. An order ref%sing to allo! t e diso&edient #art* to s%##ort or o##ose designated clai"s or defenses or #ro i&iting i" fro" introd%cing in e$idence designated doc%"ents or t ings or ite"s of testi"on*+ or fro" introd%cing e$idence of # *sical or "ental condition> -c. An order stri4ing o%t #leadings or #arts t ereof+ or sta*ing f%rt er #roceedings %ntil t e order is o&e*ed+ or dis"issing t e action or #roceeding or an* #art t ereof+ or rendering a '%dg"ent &* defa%lt against t e diso&edient #art*> and

-d. In lie% of an* of t e foregoing orders or in addition t ereto+ an order directing t e arrest of an* #art* or agent of a #art* for diso&e*ing an* of s%c orders e8ce#t an order to s%&"it to a # *sical or "ental e8a"ination. Sec. 2. E8#enses on ref%sal to ad"it. If a #art* after &eing ser$ed !it a re7%est %nder R%le (6 to ad"it t e gen%ineness of an* doc%"ent or t e tr%t of an* "atter of fact+ ser$es a s!orn denial t ereof and if t e #art* re7%esting t e ad"issions t ereafter #ro$es t e gen%ineness of s%c doc%"ent or t e tr%t of an* s%c "atter of fact+ e "a* a##l* to t e co%rt for an order re7%iring t e ot er #art* to #a* i" t e reasona&le e8#enses inc%rred in "a4ing s%c #roof+ incl%ding attorne*Fs fees. Unless t e co%rt finds t at t ere !ere good reasons for t e denial or t at ad"issions so%g t !ere of no s%&stantial i"#ortance+ s%c order s all &e iss%ed. Sec. 3. Fail%re of #art* to attend or



If a #art* or an officer or "anaging agent of a #art* !ilf%ll* fails to a##ear &efore t e officer ! o is to ta4e is de#osition+ after &eing ser$ed !it a #ro#er notice+ or fails to ser$e ans!ers to interrogatories s%&"itted %nder R%le (3 after #ro#er ser$ice of s%c interrogatories+ t e co%rt on "otion and notice+ "a* stri4e o%t all or an* #art of an* #leading of t at #art*+ or dis"iss t e action or #roceeding or an* #art t ereof+ or enter a '%dg"ent &* defa%lt against t at #art*+ and in its discretion+ order i" to #a* reasona&le e8#enses inc%rred &* t e ot er+ incl%ding attorne*Fs fees. Sec. 6. E8#enses against t e Re#%&lic of t e P ili##ines. E8#enses and attorne*Fs fees are not to &e i"#osed %#on t e Re#%&lic of t e P ili##ines %nder t is R%le. RULE /; )RIAL






U#on entr* of a case in t e trial calendar+ t e cler4 s all notif* t e #arties of t e date of its trial in s%c "anner as s all ens%re is recei#t of t at notice at least fi$e -3. da*s &efore s%c date. Sec. (. Ad'o%rn"ents and #ost#one"ents. A co%rt "a* ad'o%rn a trial fro" da* to da*+ and to an* stated ti"e+ as t e e8#editio%s and con$enient transaction of &%siness "a* re7%ire+ &%t s all a$e no #o!er to ad'o%rn a trial for a longer #eriod t an one "ont for eac ad'o%rn"ent+ nor "ore t an t ree "ont s in all+ e8ce#t ! en a%t ori6ed in !riting &* t e 0o%rt Ad"inistrator+ S%#re"e 0o%rt. Sec. /. Re7%isites of "otion to #ost#one trial for a&sence of e$idence. A "otion to #ost#one a trial on t e gro%nd of a&sence of e$idence can &e granted onl* %#on affida$it s o!ing t e "aterialit* or rele$anc* of s%c e$idence+ and t at d%e diligence as &een %sed to #roc%re it. <%t if t e

ad$erse #art* ad"its t e facts to &e gi$en in e$idence+ e$en if e o&'ects or reser$es t e rig t to t eir ad"issi&ilit*+ t e trial s all not &e #ost#oned. Sec. 2. Re7%isites of "otion to #ost#one trial for illness of #art* or co%nsel. A "otion to #ost#one a trial on t e gro%nd of illness of a #art* or co%nsel "a* &e granted if it a##ears %#on affida$it or s!orn certification t at t e #resence of s%c #art* or co%nsel at t e trial is indis#ensa&le and t at t e c aracter of is illness is s%c as to render is non,attendance e8c%sa&le. Sec. 3. Order of trial.

S%&'ect to t e #ro$isions of section ( of R%le /1+ and %nless t e co%rt for s#ecial reasons ot er!ise directs+ t e trial s all &e li"ited to t e iss%es stated in t e #re, trial order and s all #roceed as follo!sB

-a. ) e #laintiff s all add%ce e$idence in s%##ort of is co"#laint> -&. ) e defendant s all t en add%ce e$idence in s%##ort of is defense+ co%nterclai"+ cross,clai" and t ird, #art* co"#laint> -c. ) e t ird,#art* defendant+ if an*+ s all add%ce e$idence of is defense+ co%nterclai"+ cross,clai" and fo%rt ,#art* co"#laint> -d. ) e fo%rt ,#art*+ and so fort + if an*+ s all add%ce e$idence of t e "aterial facts #leaded &* t e"> -e. ) e #arties against ! o" an* co%nterclai" or cross,clai" as &een #leaded+ s all add%ce e$idence in s%##ort of t eir defense+ in t e order to &e #rescri&ed &* t e co%rt> -f. ) e #arties "a* t en res#ecti$el* add%ce re&%tting e$idence onl*+ %nless t e co%rt+ for good reasons and in t e f%rt erance of '%stice+ #er"its t e" to add%ce e$idence %#on t eir original case> and

-g. U#on ad"ission of t e e$idence+ t e case s all &e dee"ed s%&"itted for decision+ %nless t e co%rt directs t e #arties to arg%e or to s%&"it t eir res#ecti$e "e"oranda or an* f%rt er #leadings. If se$eral defendants or t ird,#art* defendants+ and so fort + a$ing se#arate defenses a##ear &* different co%nsel+ t e co%rt s all deter"ine t e relati$e order of #resentation of t eir e$idence. Sec. 6. Agreed state"ent of facts.

) e #arties to an* action "a* agree+ in !riting+ %#on t e facts in$ol$ed in t e litigation+ and s%&"it t e case for '%dg"ent on t e facts agreed %#on+ !it o%t t e introd%ction of e$idence. If t e #arties agree onl* on so"e of t e facts in iss%e+ t e trial s all &e eld as to t e dis#%ted facts in s%c order as t e co%rt s all #rescri&e.






D%ring t e earing or trial of a case an* state"ent "ade &* t e '%dge !it reference to t e case+ or to an* of t e #arties+ !itnesses or co%nsel+ s all &e "ade of record in t e stenogra# ic notes. Sec. 9. S%s#ension of actions.

) e s%s#ension of actions s all &e go$erned &* t e #ro$isions of t e 0i$il 0ode. Sec. :. D%dge delegation to to recei$e cler4 of e$idence> co%rt.

) e '%dge of t e co%rt ! ere t e case is #ending s all #ersonall* recei$e t e e$idence to &e add%ced &* t e #arties. ?o!e$er+ in defa%lt or e8 #arte earings+ and in an* case ! ere t e #arties agree in !riting+ t e co%rt "a* delegate t e rece#tion of e$idence to its cler4 of co%rt ! o is a "e"&er of t e &ar. ) e cler4 of co%rt s all a$e no #o!er to r%le on o&'ections to an* 7%estion or to t e ad"ission of

e8 i&its+ ! ic resol$ed &* s%&"ission of transcri#ts !it fro" ter"ination

o&'ections s all &e t e co%rt %#on is re#ort and t e in ten -1;. da*s of t e earing.

RULE /1 0ONSOLIDA)ION OR SEAERAN0E Section 1. 0onsolidation.

= en actions in$ol$ing a co""on 7%estion of la! or fact are #ending &efore t e co%rt+ it "a* order a 'oint earing or trial of an* or all t e "atters in iss%e in t e actions> it "a* order all t e actions consolidated> and it "a* "a4e s%c orders concerning #roceedings t erein as "a* tend to a$oid %nnecessar* costs or dela*. Sec. (. Se#arate trials.

) e co%rt+ in f%rt erance of con$enience or to a$oid #re'%dice+ "a* order a se#arate trial of an* clai"+ cross,clai"+ co%nterclai"+ or t ird,#art* co"#laint+ or of an* se#arate iss%e or of an* n%"&er of

clai"s+ cross,clai"s+ co%nterclai"s+ t ird,#art* co"#laints or iss%es. RULE /( )RIAL <G 0OCCISSIONER Section 1. Reference &* consent.

<* !ritten consent of &ot #arties+ t e co%rt "a* order an* or all of t e iss%es in a case to &e referred to a co""issioner to &e agreed %#on &* t e #arties or to &e a##ointed &* t e co%rt. As %sed in t ese R%les+ t e !ord @co""issioner@ incl%des a referee+ an a%ditor and an e8a"iner. Sec. (. Reference ordered on "otion. = en t e #arties co%rt "a*+ %#on eit er or of its a reference to a follo!ing do not consent+ t e t e a##lication of o!n "otion+ direct co""issioner in t e casesB

-a. = en t e trial of an iss%e of fact re7%ires t e e8a"ination of a long acco%nt on eit er side+ in ! ic case t e co""issioner "a* &e directed to ear and re#ort %#on t e ! ole iss%e or an* s#ecific 7%estion in$ol$ed t erein>

-&. = en t e ta4ing of an acco%nt is necessar* for t e infor"ation of t e co%rt &efore '%dg"ent+ or for carr*ing a '%dg"ent or order into effect> -c. = en a 7%estion of fact+ ot er t an %#on t e #leadings+ arises %#on "otion or ot er!ise+ in an* stage of a case+ or for carr*ing a '%dg"ent or order into effect. Sec. /. Order of reference> #o!ers of t e co""issioner. = en a reference is "ade+ t e cler4 s all fort !it f%rnis t e co""issioner !it a co#* of t e order of reference. ) e order "a* s#ecif* or li"it t e #o!ers of t e co""issioner+ and "a* direct i" to re#ort onl* %#on #artic%lar iss%es+ or to do or #erfor" #artic%lar acts+ or to recei$e and re#ort e$idence onl*+ and "a* fi8 t e date for &eginning and closing t e earings and for t e filing of is re#ort. S%&'ect to t e s#ecifications and li"itations stated in t e order+ t e co""issioner as and s all e8ercise t e #o!er to reg%late t e #roceedings in e$er* earing &efore

i" and to do all acts and ta4e all "eas%res necessar* or #ro#er for t e efficient #erfor"ance of is d%ties %nder t e order. ?e "a* iss%e s%&#oenas and s%&#oenas d%ces tec%"+ s!ear !itnesses+ and %nless ot er!ise #ro$ided in t e order of reference+ e "a* r%le %#on t e ad"issi&ilit* of e$idence. ) e trial or earing &efore i" s all #roceed in all res#ects as it !o%ld if eld &efore t e co%rt. Sec. 2. Oat of co""issioner.

<efore entering %#on is d%ties t e co""issioner s all &e s!orn to a fait f%l and onest #erfor"ance t ereof. Sec. 3. Proceedings &efore co""issioner. U#on recei#t of t e order of reference and %nless ot er!ise #ro$ided t erein+ t e co""issioner s all fort !it set a ti"e and #lace for t e first "eeting of t e #arties or t eir co%nsel to &e eld !it in ten -l;. da*s after t e date of t e order of reference and s all notif* t e #arties or t eir co%nsel.

Sec. 6. Fail%re of #arties to a##ear &efore co""issioner. If a #art* fails to a##ear at t e ti"e and #lace a##ointed+ t e co""issioner "a* #roceed e8 #arte or+ in is discretion+ ad'o%rn t e #roceedings to a f%t%re da*+ gi$ing notice to t e a&sent #art* or is co%nsel of t e ad'o%rn"ent. Sec. 5. Ref%sal of !itness.

) e ref%sal of a !itness to o&e* a s%&#oena iss%ed &* t e co""issioner or to gi$e e$idence &efore i"+ s all &e dee"ed a conte"#t of t e co%rt ! ic a##ointed t e co""issioner. Sec. 9. 0o""issioner s all a$oid dela*s. It is t e d%t* of t e co""issioner to #roceed !it all reasona&le diligence. Eit er #art*+ on notice to t e #arties and co""issioner+ "a* a##l* to t e co%rt for an order re7%iring t e co""issioner to e8#edite t e #roceedings and to "a4e is re#ort.






U#on t e co"#letion of t e trial or earing or #roceeding &efore t e co""issioner+ e s all file !it t e co%rt is re#ort in !riting %#on t e "atters s%&"itted to i" &* t e order of reference. = en is #o!ers are not s#ecified or li"ited+ e s all set fort is findings of fact and concl%sions of la! in is re#ort. ?e s all attac t ereto all e8 i&its+ affida$its+ de#ositions+ #a#ers and t e transcri#t+ if an*+ of t e testi"onial e$idence #resented &efore i". Sec. 1;. filing Notice of to #arties of re#ort. t e

U#on t e filing of t e re#ort+ t e #arties s all &e notified &* t e cler4+ and t e* s all &e allo!ed ten -l;. da*s !it in ! ic to signif* gro%nds of o&'ections to t e findings of t e re#ort+ if t e* so desire. O&'ections to t e re#ort &ased %#on gro%nds ! ic !ere a$aila&le to t e #arties d%ring t e #roceedings &efore t e co""issioner+

ot er t an o&'ections to t e findings and concl%sions t erein set fort + s all not &e considered &* t e co%rt %nless t e* !ere "ade &efore t e co""issioner. Sec. 11. ?earing %#on re#ort.

U#on t e e8#iration of t e #eriod of ten -l;. da*s referred to in t e #receding section+ t e re#ort s all &e set for earing+ after ! ic t e co%rt s all iss%e an order ado#ting+ "odif*ing+ or re'ecting t e re#ort in ! ole or in #art+ or reco""itting it !it instr%ctions+ or re7%iring t e #arties to #resent f%rt er e$idence &efore t e co""issioner or t e co%rt. Sec. 1(. Sti#%lations as to findings. = en t e #arties sti#%late t at a co""issionerFs findings of fact s all &e final+ onl* 7%estions of la! s all t ereafter &e considered. Sec. 1/. 0o"#ensation of co""issioner. ) e co%rt co""issioner s all s%c allo! t e reasona&le

co"#ensation as t e circ%"stances of t e case !arrant+ to &e ta8ed as costs against t e defeated #art*+ or a##ortioned+ as '%stice re7%ires. RULE // DECURRER )O EAIDEN0E Section 1. De"%rrer to e$idence.

After t e #laintiff as co"#leted t e #resentation of is e$idence+ t e defendant "a* "o$e for dis"issal on t e gro%nd t at %#on t e facts and t e la! t e #laintiff as s o!n no rig t to relief. If is "otion is denied+ e s all a$e t e rig t to #resent e$idence. If t e "otion is granted &%t on a##eal t e order of dis"issal is re$ersed e s all &e dee"ed to a$e !ai$ed t e rig t to #resent e$idence. RULE /2 DUDGCEN) ON )?E PLEADINGS Section 1. D%dg"ent on t e #leadings. = ere an ans!er fails to tender an iss%e+ or ot er!ise ad"its t e "aterial allegations of t e ad$erse #art*Fs #leading+ t e co%rt "a*+ on

"otion of t at #art*+ direct '%dg"ent on s%c #leading. ?o!e$er+ in actions for declaration of n%llit* or ann%l"ent of "arriage or for legal se#aration+ t e "aterial facts alleged in t e co"#laint s all al!a*s &e #ro$ed. RULE /3 SUCCARG DUDGCEN)S Section 1. clai"ant. S%""ar* '%dg"ent for

A #art* see4ing to reco$er %#on a clai"+ co%nterclai"+ or cross,clai" or to o&tain a declarator* relief "a*+ at an* ti"e after t e #leading in ans!er t ereto as &een ser$ed+ "o$e !it s%##orting affida$its+ de#ositions or ad"issions for a s%""ar* '%dg"ent in is fa$or %#on all or an* #art t ereof. Sec. (. S%""ar* '%dg"ent for defending #art*. A #art* against ! o" a clai"+ co%nterclai"+ or cross,clai" is asserted or a declarator* relief is so%g t "a*+ at an* ti"e+ "o$e !it s%##orting affida$its+ de#ositions

or ad"issions for a s%""ar* '%dg"ent in is fa$or as to all or an* #art t ereof. Sec. /. Cotion and #roceedings t ereon. ) e "otion s all &e ser$ed at least ten -1;. da*s &efore t e ti"e s#ecified for t e earing. ) e ad$erse #art* "a* ser$e o##osing affida$its+ de#ositions+ or ad"issions at least t ree -/. da*s &efore t e earing. After t e earing+ t e '%dg"ent so%g t s all &e rendered fort !it if t e #leadings+ s%##orting affida$its+ de#ositions+ and ad"issions on file+ s o! t at+ e8ce#t as to t e a"o%nt of da"ages+ t ere is no gen%ine iss%e as to an* "aterial fact and t at t e "o$ing #art* is entitled to a '%dg"ent as a "atter of la!. Sec. 2. 0ase not f%ll* ad'%dicated on "otion. If on "otion %nder t is R%le+ '%dg"ent is not rendered %#on t e ! ole case or for all t e reliefs so%g t and a trial is necessar*+ t e co%rt at t e earing of t e "otion+

&* e8a"ining t e #leadings and t e e$idence &efore it and &* interrogating co%nsel s all ascertain ! at "aterial facts e8ist !it o%t s%&stantial contro$ers* and ! at are act%all* and in good fait contro$erted. It s all t ere%#on "a4e an order s#ecif*ing t e facts t at a##ear !it o%t s%&stantial contro$ers*+ incl%ding t e e8tent to ! ic t e a"o%nt of da"ages or ot er relief is not in contro$ers*+ and directing s%c f%rt er #roceedings in t e action as are '%st. ) e facts so s#ecified s all &e dee"ed esta&lis ed+ and t e trial s all &e cond%cted on t e contro$erted facts accordingl*. Sec. 3. s%##orting For" of affida$its #a#ers. and

S%##orting and o##osing affida$its s all &e "ade on #ersonal 4no!ledge+ s all set fort s%c facts as !o%ld &e ad"issi&le in e$idence+ and s all s o! affir"ati$el* t at t e affiant is co"#etent to testif* to t e "atters stated t erein. 0ertified tr%e co#ies of all #a#ers or #arts t ereof referred to in t e affida$it

s all &e attac ed t ereto or ser$ed t ere!it . Sec. 6. Affida$its in &ad fait .

S o%ld it a##ear to its satisfaction at an* ti"e t at an* of t e affida$its #resented #%rs%ant to t is R%le are #resented in &ad fait + or solel* for t e #%r#ose of dela*+ t e co%rt s all fort !it order t e offending #art* or co%nsel to #a* to t e ot er #art* t e a"o%nt of t e reasona&le e8#enses ! ic t e filing of t e affida$its ca%sed i" to inc%r+ incl%ding attorne*Fs fees. It "a*+ after earing+ f%rt er ad'%dge t e offending #art* or co%nsel g%ilt* of conte"#t. RULE /6 DUDGCEN)S+ FINAL ORDERS AND EN)RG )?EREOF Section 1. Rendition of '%dg"ents and final orders. A '%dg"ent or final order deter"ining t e "erits of t e case s all &e in !riting #ersonall* and directl* #re#ared &* t e '%dge+

stating clearl* and distinctl* t e facts and t e la! on ! ic it is &ased+ signed &* i"+ and filed !it t e cler4 of t e co%rt. Sec. (. Entr* of '%dg"ents and final orders. If no a##eal or "otion for ne! trial or reconsideration is filed !it in t e ti"e #ro$ided in t ese R%les+ t e '%dg"ent or final order s all fort !it &e entered &* t e cler4 in t e &oo4 of entries of '%dg"ents. ) e date of finalit* of t e '%dg"ent or final order s all &e dee"ed to &e t e date of its entr*. ) e record s all contain t e dis#ositi$e #art of t e '%dg"ent or final order and s all &e signed &* t e cler4+ !it a certificate t at s%c '%dg"ent or final order as &eco"e final and e8ec%tor*. Sec. /. D%dg"ent for or against one or "ore of se$eral #arties. D%dg"ent "a* &e gi$en for or against one or "ore of se$eral #laintiffs+ and for or against one or "ore of se$eral defendants. = en '%stice so

de"ands+ t e co%rt "a* re7%ire t e #arties on eac side to file ad$ersar* #leadings as &et!een t e"sel$es and deter"ine t eir %lti"ate rig ts and o&ligations. Sec. 2. Se$eral '%dg"ents.

In an action against se$eral defendants+ t e co%rt "a*+ ! en a se$eral '%dg"ent is #ro#er+ render '%dg"ent against one or "ore of t e"+ lea$ing t e action to #roceed against t e ot ers. Sec. 3. Se#arate '%dg"ents.

= en "ore t an one clai" for relief is #resented in an action+ t e co%rt+ at an* stage+ %#on a deter"ination of t e iss%es "aterial to a #artic%lar clai" and all co%nterclai"s arising o%t of t e transaction or occ%rrence ! ic is t e s%&'ect "atter of t e clai"+ "a* render a se#arate '%dg"ent dis#osing of s%c clai". ) e '%dg"ent s all ter"inate t e action !it res#ect to t e clai" so dis#osed of and t e action s all #roceed as to t e re"aining clai"s. In case a se#arate

'%dg"ent is rendered+ t e co%rt &* order "a* sta* its enforce"ent %ntil t e rendition of a s%&se7%ent '%dg"ent or '%dg"ents and "a* #rescri&e s%c conditions as "a* &e necessar* to sec%re t e &enefit t ereof to t e #art* in ! ose fa$or t e '%dg"ent is rendered. Sec. 6. D%dg"ent against entit* !it o%t '%ridical #ersonalit*. = en '%dg"ent is rendered against t!o or "ore #ersons s%ed as an entit* !it o%t '%ridical #ersonalit*+ t e '%dg"ent s all set o%t t eir indi$id%al or #ro#er na"es+ if 4no!n. RULE /5 NE= )RIAL OR RE0ONSIDERA)ION Section 1. Gro%nds of and #eriod for filing "otion for ne! trial or reconsideration. =it in t e #eriod for ta4ing an a##eal+ t e aggrie$ed #art* "a* "o$e t e trial co%rt to set aside t e '%dg"ent or final order and grant a

ne! trial for one or "ore of t e follo!ing ca%ses "ateriall* affecting t e s%&stantial rig ts of said #art*B -a. Fra%d+ accident+ "ista4e or e8c%sa&le negligence ! ic ordinar* #r%dence co%ld not a$e g%arded against and &* reason of ! ic s%c aggrie$ed #art* as #ro&a&l* &een i"#aired in is rig ts> or -&. Ne!l* disco$ered e$idence+ ! ic e co%ld not+ !it reasona&le diligence+ a$e disco$ered and #rod%ced at t e trial+ and ! ic if #resented !o%ld #ro&a&l* alter t e res%lt. =it in t e sa"e #eriod+ t e aggrie$ed #art* "a* also "o$e for reconsideration %#on t e gro%nds t at t e da"ages a!arded are e8cessi$e+ t at t e e$idence is ins%fficient to '%stif* t e decision or final order+ or t at t e decision or final order is contrar* to la!. Sec. (. 0ontents of "otion for ne! trial or reconsideration and notice

t ereof. ) e "otion s all &e "ade in !riting stating t e gro%nd or gro%nds t erefor+ a !ritten notice of ! ic s all &e ser$ed &* t e "o$ant on t e ad$erse #art*. A "otion for ne! trial s all &e #ro$ed in t e "anner #ro$ided for #roof of "otions. A "otion for t e ca%se "entioned in #aragra# -a. of t e #receding section s all &e s%##orted &* affida$its of "erits ! ic "a* &e re&%tted &* affida$its. A "otion for t e ca%se "entioned in #aragra# -&. s all &e s%##orted &* affida$its of t e !itnesses &* ! o" s%c e$idence is e8#ected to &e gi$en+ or &* d%l* a%t enticated doc%"ents ! ic are #ro#osed to &e introd%ced in e$idence. A "otion for reconsideration s all #oint o%t s#ecificall* t e findings or concl%sions of t e '%dg"ent or final order ! ic are not s%##orted &* t e e$idence or ! ic are contrar* to la!+ "a4ing e8#ress reference to t e testi"onial or doc%"entar* e$idence or to t e #ro$isions of la! alleged to &e

contrar* to concl%sions.




A #ro for"a "otion for ne! trial or reconsideration s all not toll t e regle"entar* #eriod of a##eal. Sec. /. trial Action or %#on "otion for reconsideration. ne!

) e trial co%rt "a* set aside t e '%dg"ent or final order and grant a ne! trial+ %#on s%c ter"s as "a* &e '%st+ or "a* den* t e "otion. If t e co%rt finds t at e8cessi$e da"ages a$e &een a!arded or t at t e '%dg"ent or final order is contrar* to t e e$idence or la!+ it "a* a"end s%c '%dg"ent or final order accordingl*. Sec. 2. Resol%tion of "otion.

A "otion for ne! trial or reconsideration s all &e resol$ed !it in t irt* -/;. da*s fro" t e ti"e it is s%&"itted for resol%tion. Sec. 3. Second "otion for ne! trial.

A "otion for ne! trial s all incl%de all gro%nds t en a$aila&le and t ose not so incl%ded s all &e dee"ed !ai$ed. A second "otion for ne! trial+ &ased on a gro%nd not e8isting nor a$aila&le ! en t e first "otion !as "ade+ "a* &e filed !it in t e ti"e erein #ro$ided e8cl%ding t e ti"e d%ring ! ic t e first "otion ad &een #ending. No #art* s all &e allo!ed a second "otion for reconsideration of a '%dg"ent or final order. Sec. 6. Effect of granting of "otion for ne! trial. If a ne! trial is granted in accordance !it t e #ro$isions of t is R%le+ t e original '%dg"ent or final order s all &e $acated+ and t e action s all stand for trial de no$o> &%t t e recorded e$idence ta4en %#on t e for"er trial+ in so far as t e sa"e is "aterial and co"#etent to esta&lis t e iss%es+ s all &e %sed at t e ne! trial !it o%t reta4ing t e sa"e. Sec.5. Partial ne! trial or

reconsideration. If t e gro%nds for a "otion %nder t is R%le a##ear to t e co%rt to affect t e iss%es as to onl* a #art+ or less t an all of t e "atter in contro$ers*+ or onl* one+ or less t an all+ of t e #arties to it+ t e co%rt "a* order a ne! trial or grant reconsideration as to s%c iss%es if se$era&le !it o%t interfering !it t e '%dg"ent or final order %#on t e rest. Sec. 9. Effect of order for #artial ne! trial. = en less t an all of t e iss%es are ordered retried+ t e co%rt "a* eit er enter a '%dg"ent or final order as to t e rest+ or sta* t e enforce"ent of s%c '%dg"ent or final order %ntil after t e ne! trial. Sec. :. Re"ed* against order den*ing a "otion for ne! trial or reconsideration. An order den*ing a "otion for ne! trial or reconsideration is not a##eala&le+ t e re"ed* &eing an

a##eal order.


t e




RULE /9 RELIEF FROC DUDGCEN)S+ ORDERS+ OR O)?ER PRO0EEDINGS Section 1. Petition for relief fro" '%dg"ent+ order+ or ot er #roceedings. = en a '%dg"ent or final order is entered+ or an* ot er #roceeding is t ereafter ta4en against a #art* in an* co%rt t ro%g fra%d+ accident+ "ista4e+ or e8c%sa&le negligence+ e "a* file a #etition in s%c co%rt and in t e sa"e case #ra*ing t at t e '%dg"ent+ order or #roceeding &e set aside. Sec. (. Petition for relief fro" denial of a##eal. = en a '%dg"ent or final order is rendered &* an* co%rt in a case+ and a #art* t ereto+ &* fra%d+ accident+ "ista4e+ or e8c%sa&le negligence+ as &een #re$ented fro" ta4ing an a##eal+ e "a* file a #etition in s%c co%rt and in t e sa"e case

#ra*ing t at t e a##eal &e gi$en d%e co%rse. Sec. /. contents )i"e for and filing #etition> $erification.

A #etition #ro$ided for in eit er of t e #receding sections of t is R%le "%st &e $erified+ filed !it in si8t* -6;. da*s after t e #etitioner learns of t e '%dg"ent+ final order+ or ot er #roceeding to &e set aside+ and not "ore t an si8 -6. "ont s after s%c '%dg"ent or final order !as entered+ or s%c #roceeding !as ta4en> and "%st &e acco"#anied !it affida$its s o!ing t e fra%d+ accident+ "ista4e+ or e8c%sa&le negligence relied %#on+ and t e facts constit%ting t e #etitioner1s good and s%&stantial ca%se of action or defense+ as t e case "a* &e. Sec. 2. Order to file an ans!er.

If t e #etition is s%fficient in for" and s%&stance to '%stif* relief+ t e co%rt in ! ic it is filed+ s all iss%e an order re7%iring t e ad$erse #arties to ans!er t e sa"e !it in fifteen -13.

da*s fro" t e recei#t t ereof. ) e order s all &e ser$ed in s%c "anner as t e co%rt "a* direct+ toget er !it co#ies of t e #etition and t e acco"#an*ing affida$its. Sec. 3. Preli"inar* in'%nction #ending #roceedings. ) e co%rt in ! ic t e #etition is filed+ "a* grant s%c #reli"inar* in'%nction as "a* &e necessar* for t e #reser$ation of t e rig ts of t e #arties+ %#on t e filing &* t e #etitioner of a &ond in fa$or of t e ad$erse #art* all da"ages and costs t at "a* &e a!arded to i" &* reason of iss%ance of s%c in'%nction or t e ot er #roceedings follo!ing t e #etition> &%t s%c in'%nction s all not o#erate to disc arge or e8ting%is an* lien ! ic t e ad$erse #art* "a* a$e ac7%ired %#on t e #ro#ert* of t e #etitioner. Sec. 6. filed. Proceedings after ans!er is

After t e filing of t e ans!er or t e e8#iration of t e #eriod t erefor+ t e co%rt s all ear t e

#etition and if after s%c earing+ it finds t at t e allegations t ereof are not tr%e+ t e #etition s all &e dis"issed> &%t if it finds said allegations to &e tr%e+ it s all set aside t e '%dg"ent or final order or ot er #roceedings co"#lained of %#on s%c ter"s as "a* &e '%st. ) ereafter t e case s all stand as if s%c '%dg"ent+ final order or ot er #roceeding ad ne$er &een rendered+ iss%ed or ta4en. ) e co%rt s all t en #roceed to ear and deter"ine t e case as if a ti"el* "otion for a ne! trial or reconsideration ad &een granted &* it. Sec. 5. Proced%re ! ere t e denial of an a##eal is set aside. = ere t e denial of an a##eal is set aside+ t e lo!er co%rt s all &e re7%ired to gi$e d%e co%rse to t e a##eal and to ele$ate t e record of t e a##elaed case as if a ti"el* and #ro#er a##eal ad &een "ade. RULE /:

EHE0U)ION+ SA)ISFA0)ION AND EFFE0) OF DUDGCEN)S Section 1. E8ec%tion %#on '%dg"ents or final orders. E8ec%tion s all iss%e as a "atter rig t+ on "otion+ %#on a '%dg"ent order t at dis#oses of t e action #roceeding %#on t e e8#iration t e #eriod to a##eal t erefro" if a##eal as &een d%l* #erfected. of or or of no

If t e a##eal as &een d%l* #erfected and finall* resol$ed+ t e e8ec%tion "a* fort !it &e a##lied for in t e co%rt of origin+ on "otion of t e '%dg"ent o&ligee+ s%&"itting t ere!it certified tr%e co#ies of t e '%dg"ent or '%dg"ents or final order or orders so%g t to &e enforced and of t e entr* t ereof+ !it notice to t e ad$erse #art*. ) e a##ellate co%rt "a*+ on "otion in t e sa"e case+ ! en t e interest of '%stice so re7%ires+ direct t e co%rt of origin to iss%e t e !rit of e8ec%tion.





-a. E8ec%tion of a '%dg"ent or final order #ending a##eal.I On "otion of t e #re$ailing #art* !ill notice to t e ad$erse #art* filed in t e trial co%rt ! ile it as '%risdiction o$er t e case and is in #ossession of eit er t e original record or t e record on a##eal+ as t e case "a* &e+ at t e ti"e of t e filing of s%c "otion+ said co%rt "a*+ in its discretion+ order e8ec%tion of a '%dg"ent or final order e$en &efore t e e8#iration of t e #eriod to a##eal. After t e trial co%rt as lost '%risdiction+ t e "otion for e8ec%tion #ending a##eal "a* &e filed in t e a##ellate co%rt. Discretionar* e8ec%tion "a* onl* iss%e %#on good reasons to &e stated in a s#ecial order after d%e earing. -&. E8ec%tion of se$eral+ se#arate or #artial '%dg"ents.I A se$eral se#arate or #artial '%dg"ent "a* &e e8ec%ted %nder t e sa"e ter"s and

conditions as e8ec%tion '%dg"ent or final order a##eal.

of a #ending

Sec. /. Sta* of discretionar* e8ec%tion. Discretionar* e8ec%tion iss%ed %nder t e #receding section "a* &e sta*ed %#on a##ro$al &* t e #ro#er co%rt of a s%fficient s%#ersede as &ond filed &* t e #art* against ! o" it is directed+ conditioned %#on t e #erfor"ance of t e '%dg"ent or order allo!ed to &e e8ec%ted in case it s all &e finall* s%stained in ! ole or in #art. ) e &ond t %s gi$en "a* &e #roceeded against on "otion !it notice to t e s%ret*. Sec. 2. D%dg"ents not sta*ed &* a##eal. D%dg"ents in actions for in'%nction+ recei$ers i#+ acco%nting and s%##ort+ and s%c ot er '%dg"ents as are no! or "a* ereafter &e declared to &e i""ediatel* e8ec%tor*+ s all &e enforcea&le after t eir rendition and s all not &e sta*ed &* an a##eal ta4en t erefro"+ %nless ot er!ise ordered &* t e trial co%rt. On

a##eal t erefro"+ t e a##ellate co%rt in its discretion "a* "a4e an order s%s#ending+ "odif*ing+ restoring or granting t e in'%nction+ recei$ers i#+ acco%nting+ or a!ard of s%##ort. ) e sta* of e8ec%tion s all &e %#on s%c ter"s as to &ond or ot er!ise as "a* &e considered #ro#er for t e sec%rit* or #rotection of t e rig ts of t e ad$erse #art*. Sec. 3. Effect of re$ersal of e8ec%ted '%dg"ent. = ere t e e8ec%ted '%dg"ent is re$ersed totall* or #artiall*+ or ann%lled+ on a##eal or ot er!ise+ t e trial co%rt "a*+ on "otion+ iss%e s%c orders of restit%tion or re#aration of da"ages as e7%it* and '%stice "a* !arrant %nder t e circ%"stances. Sec. 6. E8ec%tion inde#endent &* "otion action. or &*

A final and e8ec%tor* '%dg"ent or order "a* &e e8ec%ted on "otion !it in fi$e -3. *ears fro" t e date

of its entr*. After t e la#se of s%c ti"e+ and &efore it is &arred &* t e stat%te of li"itations+ a '%dg"ent "a* &e enforced &* action. ) e re$i$ed '%dg"ent "a* also &e enforced &* "otion !it in fi$e -3. *ears fro" t e date of its entr* and t ereafter &* action &efore it is &arred &* t e stat%te of li"itations. Sec. 5. E8ec%tion in case of deat #art*. of

In case of t e deat of #art*+ e8ec%tion "a* iss%e or &e enforced in t e follo!ing "annerB -a. In case of t e deat of t e '%dg"ent o&ligee+ %#on t e a##lication of is e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator+ or s%ccessor in interest> -&. In case of t e deat of '%dg"ent o&ligor+ against e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator s%ccessor in interest+ if '%dg"ent &e for t e reco$er* of or #ersonal #ro#ert*+ or enforce"ent of t e lien t ereon> t e is or t e real t e

-c. In case of t e deat of t e '%dg"ent o&ligor+ after e8ec%tion is act%all* le$ied %#on an* of is #ro#ert*+ t e sa"e "a* &e sold for t e satisfaction of t e '%dg"ent o&ligation+ and t e officer "a4ing t e sale s all acco%nt to t e corrs#onding e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator for an* s%r#l%s in is ands. Sec. 9. Iss%ance+ for" and contents of a !rit of e8ec%tion. ) e !rit of e8ec%tion s allB -1. iss%e in t e na"e of t e Re#%&lic of t e P ili##ines fro" t e co%rt ! ic granted t e "otion> -(. state t e na"e of t e co%rt+ t e case n%"&er and title+ t e dis#ositi$e #art of t e s%&'ect '%dg"ent or order> and -/. re7%ire t e s eriff or ot er #ro#er officer to ! o" it is directed to enforce t e !rit according to its ter"s+ in t e "anner erein after #ro$idedB -a. If t e e8ec%tion &e against t e #ro#ert* of t e '%dg"ent o&ligor+ to satisf* t e '%dg"ent+ !it interest+ o%t of t e real or #ersonal #ro#ert* of s%c '%dg"ent o&ligor>

-&. If it &e against real or #ersonal #ro#ert* in t e 'ands of #ersonal re#resentati$es+ eirs+ de$isees+ legatees+ tenants+ or tr%stees of t e '%dg"ent o&ligor+ to satisf* t e '%dg"ent+ !it interest+ o%t of s%c #ro#erties> -c. If it &e for t e sale of real or #ersonal #ro#ert*+ to sell s%c #ro#ert*+ descri&ing it+ and a##l* t e #roceeds in confor"it* !it t e '%dg"ent+ t e "aterial #arts of ! ic s all &e recited in t e !rit of e8ec%tion> -d. If it &e for t e deli$er* of t e #ossession of real or #ersonal #ro#ert*+ to deli$er t e #ossession of t e sa"e+ descri&ing it+ to t e #art* entitled t ereto+ and to satisf* an* costs+ da"ages+ rents+ or #rofits co$ered &* t e '%dg"ent o%t of t e #ersonal #ro#ert* of t e #erson against ! o" it !as rendered+ and if s%fficient #ersonal #ro#ert* cannot &e fo%nd+ t en o%t of t e real #ro#ert*> and -e. In all cases+ t e !rit of e8ec%tion s all s#ecificall* state t e a"o%nt of t e interest+ costs+

da"ages+ rents+ or #rofits d%e as of t e date of t e iss%ance of t e !rit+ aside fro" t e #rinci#al o&ligation %nder t e '%dg"ent. For t is #%r#ose+ t e "otion for e8ec%tion s all s#ecif* t e a"o%nts of t e foregoing reliefs so%g t &* t e "o$ant. Sec. :. "one*+ E8ec%tion o! of '%dg"ents enforced. for

-a. I""ediate #a*"ent on de"and. , ) e officer s all enforce an e8ec%tion of a '%dg"ent for "one* &* de"anding fro" t e '%dg"ent o&ligor t e i""ediate #a*"ent of t e f%ll a"o%nt stated in t e !rit of e8ec%tion and all la!f%l fees. ) e '%dg"ent o&ligor s all #a* in cas + certified &an4 c ec4 #a*a&le to t e '%dg"ent o&ligee or is a%t ori6ed re#resentati$e if #resent at t e ti"e of #a*"ent. ) e la!f%l fees s all &e anded %nder #ro#er recei#t to t e e8ec%ting s eriff ! o s all t%rn o$er t e said a"o%nt !it in t e sa"e da* to t e cler4 of co%rt of t e co%rt t at iss%ed t e !rit.

If t e '%dg"ent o&ligee or is a%t ori6ed re#resentati$e is not #resent to recei$e #a*"ent+ t e '%dg"ent o&ligor s all deli$er t e aforesaid #a*"ent to t e e8ec%ting s eriff. ) e latter s all t%rn o$er all t e a"o%nts co"ing into is #ossesssion !it in t e sa"e da* to t e cler4 of co%rt of t e co%rt t at iss%ed t e !rit+ or if t e sa"e is not #ractica&le+ de#osit said a"o%nt to a fid%ciar* acco%nt in t e nearest go$ern"ent de#ositor* &an4 of t e Regional )rial 0o%rt of t e localit*. ) e cler4 of co%rt s all t ereafter arrange for t e re"ittance of t e de#osit to t e acco%nt of t e co%rt t at iss%ed t e !rit ! ose cler4 of co%rt s all t en deli$er said #a*"ent to t e '%dg"ent o&ligee in satisfactionn of t e '%dg"en. ) e e8cess+ if an*+ s all &e deli$ered to t e '%dg"ent o&ligor ! ile t e la!f%l fees s all &e retained &* t e cler4 of co%rt for dis#osition as #ro$ided &* la!. In no case s all t e e8ec%ting s eriff de"and t at an* #a*"ent &* c ec4 &e "ade #a*a&le to i".

-&. Satisfaction &* le$*. , If t e '%dg"ent o&ligor cannot #a* all or #art of t e o&ligation in cas + certified &an4 c ec4 or ot er "ode of #a*"ent acce#ta&le to t e '%dg"ent o&ligee+ t e officer s all le$* %#on t e #ro#erties of t e '%dg"ent o&ligor of e$er* 4ind and nat%re ! atsoe$er ! ic "a* &e dis#osed of for $al%e and not ot er!ise e8e"#t fro" e8ec%tion gi$ing t e latter t e o#tion to i""ediatel* c oose ! ic #ro#ert* or #art t ereof "a* &e le$ied %#on+ s%fficient to satisf* t e '%dg"ent. If t e '%dg"ent o&ligor does not e8ercise t e o#tion+ t e officer s all first le$* on t e #ersonal #ro#erties+ if an*+ an t en on t e real #ro#erties if t e #ersonal #ro#erties are ins%fficient to ans!er for t e '%dg"ent. ) e s eriff s all sell onl* a s%fficient #ortion of t e #ersonal or real #ro#ert* of t e '%dg"ent o&ligor ! ic as &een le$ied %#on. = en t ere is "ore #ro#ert* of t e '%dg"ent o&ligor t an is s%fficient to satisf* t e '%dg"ent and la!f%l fees+ e "%st sell onl* so "%c of

t e #ersonal or real #ro#ert* as is s%fficient to satisf* t e '%dg"ent and la!f%l fees. Real #ro#ert*+ stoc4s+ s ares+ de&ts+ credits+ and ot er #ersonal #ro#ert*+ or an* interest in eit er real or #ersoanl #ro#ert*+ "a* &e le$ied %#on in li4e "anner and !it li4e effect as %nder a !rit of attac "ent. -c. Garnis "ent of de&ts and credits. , ) e officer "a* le$* on de&ts d%e t e '%dg"ent o&ligor and ot er credits+ incl%ding &an4 de#osits+ financial interests+ ro*alties+ co""issions and ot er #ersonal #ro#ert* not ca#a&le of "an%al deli$er* in t e #osssession or control of t ird #arties. Le$* s all &e "ade &* ser$ing notice %#on t e #erson o!ing s%c de&ts or a$ing in is #ossession or control s%c credits to ! ic t e '%dg"ent o&ligor is entitled. ) e garnis "ent s all co$er onl* s%c a"o%nt as !ill satisf* t e '%dg"ent and all la!f%l fees. ) e garnis ee s all "a4e a !ritten re#ort to t e co%rt !it in fi$e -3.

da*s fro" ser$ice of t e notice of garnis "ent stating ! et er or not t e '%dg"ent o&ligor as s%fficient f%nds or credits to satisf* t e a"o%nt of t e '%dg"ent. If not+ t e re#ort s all state o! "%c f%nds or credits t e garnis ee olds for t e '%dg"ent o&ligor. ) e garnis ed a"o%nt in cas + or certified &an4 c ec4 iss%ed in t e na"e of t e '%dg"ent o&ligee+ s all &e deli$ered directl* to t e '%dg"ent o&ligee !it in ten -1;. !or4ing da*s fro" ser$ice of notice on said garnis ing re7%iring s%c deli$er*+ e8ce#t t e la!f%l fees ! ic s all &e #aid directl* to t e co%rt. In t e e$ent t ere are t!o or "ore garnis ees olding de#osits or credits s%fficient to satisf* t e '%dg"ent+ t e '%dg"ent o&ligor+ if a$aila&le+ s all a$e t e rig t to indicate t e garnis ee or garnis ees ! o s all &e re7%ired to deli$er t e a"o%nt d%e> ot er!ise+ t e c oice s all &e "ade &* t e '%dg"ent o&ligee. ) e e8ec%ting s eriff s all o&ser$e t e sa"e #roced%re %nder #aragra#

-a. !it res#ect to deli$er* #a*"ent to t e '%dg"ent o&ligee. Sec. 1;. s#ecific E8ec%tion of '%dg"ents act.



-a. 0on$e*ance+ deli$er* of deeds+ or ot er s#ecific acts> $esting title. , If a '%dg"ent directs a #art* ! o e8ec%te a con$e*ance of land or #ersonal #ro#ert*+ or to deli$er deeds or ot er doc%"ents+ or to #erfor" an* ot er s#ecific act in connection t ere!it + and t e #art* fails to co"#l* !it in t e ti"e s#ecified+ t e co%rt "a* direct t e act to &e done at t e cost of t e diso&edient #art* &* so"e ot er #erson a##ointed &* t e co%rt and t e act ! en so done s all a$e li4e effect as if done &* t e #art*. If real or #ersonla #ro#ert* is sit%ated !it in t e P ili##ines+ t e co%rt in lie% of directing a con$e*ance t ereof "a* &e an order di$est t e title of an* #art* and $est it in ot ers+ ! ic s all a$e t e force and effect of a con$e*ance e8ec%ted in d%e for" of la!.

-&. Sale of real or #ersonal #ro#ert*.I If t e '%dg"ent &e for t e sale of real or #ersonal #ro#ert*+ to sell s%c #ro#ert*+ descri&ing it+ and a##l* t e #roceeds in confor"it* !it t e '%dg"ent. -c. Deli$er* or restit%tion of real #ro#ert*., ) e officer s all de"and of t e #erson against ! o" t e '%dg"ent for t e deli$er* or restit%tion of real #ro#ert* is rendered and all #erson clai"ing rig ts %nder i" to #eacea&l* $acate t e #ro#ert* !it in t ree -/. !or4ing da*s+ and restore #ossession t ereof to t e '%dg"ent o&ligee> ot er!ise+ t e officer s all o%st and s%c #ersons t erefro" !it t e assistance+ if necessar* of a##ro#riate #eace officers+ and e"#lo*ing s%c "eans as "a* &e reasona&l* necessar* to reta4e #ossession+ and #lace t e '%dg"ent o&ligee in #ossession of s%c #ro#ert*. An* costs+ da"ages+ rents or #rofits a!arded &* t e '%dg"ent s all &e satisfied in t e sa"e "anner as a '%dg"ent for "one*.

-d. Re"o$al of i"#ro$e"ents on #ro#ert* s%&'ect of e8ec%tion., = en t e #ro#ert* s%&'ect of t e e8ec%tion contains i"#ro$e"ents constr%cted or #lanted &* t e '%dg"ent o&ligor or is agent+ t e officer s all not destro*+ de"olis or re"o$e said i"#ro$e"ents e8ce#t %#on s#ecial order of t e co%rt iss%ed %#on "otion of t e '%dg"ent o&ligee after d%e earing and after t e for"er as failed to re"o$e t e sa"e !it in a reasona&le ti"e fi8ed &* t e co%rt. -e. Deli$er* of #ersonal #ro#ert*., In '%dg"ents for t e deli$er* of #ersonal #ro#ert*+ t e officer s all ta4e #ossession of t e sa"e and fort !it deli$er it to t e #art* entitled t ereto and satisf* an* '%dg"ent for "one* as t erein #ro$ided. Sec. 11. E8ec%tion of s#ecial '%dg"ents. = en a '%dg"ent re7%ires t e #erfor"ance of an* act ot er t an t ose "entioned in t e t!o #receding sections+ a certified co#* of t e

'%dg"ent s all &e attac ed to t e !rit of e8ec%tion and s all &e ser$ed &* t e officer %#on t e #art* against ! o" t e sa"e is rendered+ or %#on an* ot er #erson re7%ired t ere&*+ or &* la!+ to o&e* t e sa"e+ and s%c #art* or #erson "a* &e #%nis ed for conte"#t if e diso&e*s s%c '%dg"ent. Sec. 1(. Effect of le$* on e8ec%tion as to t ird #ersons. ) e le$* on e8ec%tion s all create a lien in fa$or of t e '%dg"ent o&ligee o$er t e rig t+ title and interest of t e '%dg"ent o&ligor in s%c #ro#ert* at t e ti"e of t e le$*+ s%&'ect to liens and enc%"&rances t en e8isting. Sec. 1/. Pro#ert* e8e"#t fro" e8ec%tion. E8ce#t as ot er!ise e8#ressl* #ro$ided &* la!+ t e follo!ing #ro#ert*+ and no ot er+ s all &e e8e"#t fro" e8ec%tionB -a. ) e '%dg"ent o"e as #ro$ided o"estead in ! ic o&ligor1s fa"il* &* la!+ or t e e resides+ and

land necessaril* %sed in connection t ere!it > -&. Ordinar* tools and i"#le"ents #ersonall* %sed &* i" in s trade+ e"#lo*"ent+ or li$eli ood> -c. ) ree orses+ or t ree co!s+ or t ree cara&aos+ or ot er &easts of &%rden s%c as t e '%dg"ent o&ligor "a* select necessaril* %sed &* i" in is ordinar* occ%#ation> -d. ?is necessar* clot ing and articles for ordinar* #ersonal %se+ e8cl%ding 'e!elr*> -e. ?o%se old f%rnit%re and %tensils necessar* for o%se4ee#ing+ and %sed for t at #%r#ose &* t e '%dg"ent o&ligor and is fa"il*+ s%c as t e '%dg"ent o&ligor "a* select+ of a $al%e not e8ceeding one %ndred t o%sand #esos> -f. Pro$isions for indi$id%al or fa"il* %se s%fficient for fo%r "ont s> -g. ) e #rofessional li&raries and e7%i#"ent of '%dges+ la!*ers+ # *sicians+ # ar"acists+ dentists+ engineers+ s%r$e*ors+ clerg*"en+

teac ers+ and ot er #rofessionals+ not e8ceeding t ree %ndred t o%sand #esos in $al%e> - . One fis ing &oat and accessories not e8ceeding t e total $al%e of one %ndred t o%sand #esos o!ned &* a fis er"an and &* t e la!f%l %se of ! ic e earns is li$eli ood> -i. So "%c of t e salaries+ !ages+ or earnings of t e '%dg"ent o&ligor of is #ersonal ser$ices !it in t e fo%r "ont s #receding t e le$* as are necessar* for t e s%##ort of is fa"il*> -'. Lettered gra$estones> -4. Conies &enefits+ #ri$ileges+ or ann%ities accr%ing or in an* "anner gro!ing o%t of an* life ins%rance> -l. ) e rig t to recei$e legal s%##ort+ or "one* or #ro#ert* o&tained as s%c s%##ort+ or an* #ension or grat%it* fro" t e Go$ern"ent> -". Pro#erties s#eciall* e8e"#t &* la!.

<%t no article or s#ecies of #ro#ert* "entioned in is section s all &e e8e"#t fro" e8ec%tio iss%ed %#on a '%dg"ent reco$ered for its #rice or %#on a '%dg"ent of foreclos%re of a "ortgage t ereon. Sec. 12. Ret%rn of !rit of e8ec%tion. ) e !rit of e8ec%tion s all &e ret%rna&le to t e co%rt iss%ing it i""ediatel* after t e '%dg"ent as &een satisfied in #art or in f%ll. If t e '%dg"ent cannot &e satisfied in f%ll !it in t irt* -/;. da*s after is recei#t of t e !rit+ t e officer s all re#ort to t e co%rt and state t e reason t erefor. S%c !rit s all contin%e in effect d%ring t e #eriod !it in ! ic t e '%dg"ent "a* &e enforced &* "otion. ) e officer s all "a4e a re#ort to t e co%rt e$er* t irt* -/;. da*s on t e #roceedings ta4en t ereon %ntil t e '%dg"ent is satisfied in f%ll+ or its effecti$it* e8#ires. ) e ret%rns or #eriodic re#orts s all set fort t e ! ole of t e #roceedings ta4en+ and s all &e filed !it t e co%rt and co#ies t ereof #ro"#tl* f%rnis ed t e #arties.

Sec. 13. Notice of sale of #ro#ert* on e8ec%tion. <efore t e sale e8ec%tion+ notice gi$en as of #ro#ert* t ereof "%st follo!sB on &e

-a. In case of #eris a&le #ro#ert*+ &* #osting !ritten notice of t e ti"e and #lace of t e sale in t ree -/. #%&lic #laces+ #refera&l* in cons#ic%o%s areas of t e "%nici#al or cit* all+ #ost office and #%&lic "ar4et in t e "%nici#alit* or cit* ! ere t e sale is to ta4e #lace+ for s%c ti"e as "a* &e reasona&le+ considering t e c aracter and condition of t e #ro#ert*> -&. In case of ot er #ersonal #ro#ert*+ &* #osting a si"ilar notice in t e t ree -/. #%&lic #laces a&o$e,"entioned for not less t an fi$e -3. da*s> -c. In case of real #ro#ert*+ &* #osting for t!ent* -(;. da*s in t e t ree -/. #%&lic #laces a&o$e, "entioned a si"ilar notice #artic%larl* descri&ing t e #ro#ert* and stating ! ere t e #ro#ert* is to

&e sold+ and if t e assessed $al%e of t e #ro#ert* e8ceeds fift* t o%sand -P3;+;;;.;;. #esos+ &* #%&lis ing a co#* of t e notice once a !ee4 for t!o -(. consec%ti$e !ee4s in one ne!s#a#er selected &* raffle+ ! et er in Englis + Fili#ino+ or an* "a'or regional lang%age #%&lis ed+ edited and circ%lated or+ in t e a&sence t ereof+ a$ing general circ%lation in t e #ro$ince or cit*> -d. In all cases+ !ritten notice of t e sale s all &e gi$en to t e '%dg"ent o&ligor+ at least t ree -/. da*s &efore t e sale+ e8ce#t as #ro$ided in #aragra# -a. ereof ! ere notice s all &e gi$en at an* ti"e &efore t e sale+ in t e sa"e "anner as #ersonal ser$ice of #leadings and ot er #a#ers as #ro$ided &* Section 6 of R%le 1/. ) e notice s all s#ecif* t e #lace+ date and e8act ti"e of t e sale ! ic s o%ld not &e earlier t an nine oFcloc4 in t e "orning and not later t an t!o oFcloc4 in t e afternoon. ) e #lace of t e sale "a* &e agreed %#on &* t e #arties. In t e a&sence of s%c agree"ent+ t e

sale of real #ro#ert* or #ersonal #ro#ert* not ca#a&le of "an%al deli$er* s all &e eld in t e office of t e cler4 of co%rt of t e Regional )rial 0o%rt or t e C%nici#al )rial 0o%rt ! ic iss%ed t e !rit or ! ic !as designated &* t e a##ellate co%rt. In t e case of #ersonal #ro#ert* ca#a&le of "an%al deli$er*+ t e sale s all &e eld in t e #lace ! ere t e #ro#ert* is located. Sec. 16. clai"ed Proceedings ! ere #ro#ert* &* t ird #erson.

If t e #ro#ert* le$ied on is clai"ed &* an* #erson ot er t an t e '%dg"ent o&ligor or is agent+ and s%c #erson "a4es an affida$it of is title t ereto or rig t to t e #ossession t ereof+ stating t e gro%nds of s%c rig t or title+ and ser$es t e sa"e %#on t e officer "a4ing t e le$* and a co#* t ereof %#on t e '%dg"ent o&ligee+ t e officer s all not &e &o%nd to 4ee# t e #ro#ert*+ %nless s%c '%dg"ent o&ligee+ on de"and of t e officer+ files a &ond a##ro$ed &* t e co%rt to inde"nif* t e t ird,#art*

clai"ant in a s%" not less t an t e $al%e of t e #ro#ert* le$ied on. In case of disagree"ent as to s%c $al%e+ t e sa"e s all &e deter"ined &* t e co%rt iss%ing t e !rit of e8ec%tion. No clai" for da"ages for t e ta4ing or 4ee#ing of t e #ro#ert* "a* &e enforced against t e &ond %nless t e action t erefor is filed !it in one %ndred t!ent* -1(;. da*s fro" t e date of t e filing of t e &ond. ) e officer s all not &e lia&le for da"ages for t e ta4ing or 4ee#ing of t e #ro#ert*+ to an* t ird,#art* clai"ant if s%c &ond is filed. Not ing erein contained s all #re$ent s%c clai"ant or an* t ird #erson fro" $indicating is clai" to t e #ro#ert* in a se#arate action+ or #re$ent t e '%dg"ent o&ligee fro" clai"ing da"ages in t e sa"e or a se#arate action against a t ird, #art* clai"ant ! o filed a fri$olo%s or #lainl* s#%rio%s clai". = en t e !rit of e8ec%tion is iss%ed in fa$or of t e Re#%&lic of t e P ili##ines+ or an* officer d%l* re#resenting it+ t e filing of s%c &ond s all not &e re7%ired+ and in

case t e s eriff or le$*ing officer is s%ed for da"ages as a res%lt of t e le$*+ e s all &e re#resented &* t e Solicitor General and if eld lia&le t erefor+ t e act%al da"ages ad'%dged &* t e co%rt s all &e #aid &* t e National )reas%rer o%t of s%c f%nds as "a* &e a##ro#riated for t e #%r#ose. Sec. 15. Penalt* for selling !it o%t notice+ or re"o$ing or defacing notice. An officer selling !it o%t t e notice #rescri&ed &* section 13 of t is R%le s all &e lia&le to #a* #%niti$e da"ages in t e a"o%nt of fi$e t o%sand -P3+;;;.;;. #esos to an* #erson in'%red t ere&*+ in addition to is act%al da"ages+ &ot to &e reco$ered &* "otion in t e sa"e action> and a #erson !illf%ll* re"o$ing or defacing t e notice #osted+ if done &efore t e sale+ or &efore t e satisfaction of t e '%dg"ent if it &e satisfied &efore t e sale+ s all &e lia&le to #a* fi$e t o%sand -P3+;;;.;;;. #esos to an* #erson in'%red &* reason t ereof+ in addition to is act%al

da"ages+ to &e reco$ered &* "otion in t e sa"e action. Sec. 19. No sale if '%dg"ent and costs #aid. At an* ti"e &efore t e sale of #ro#ert* on e8ec%tion+ t e '%dg"ent o&ligor "a* #re$ent t e sale &* #a*ing t e a"o%nt re7%ired &* t e e8ec%tion and t e costs t at a$e &een inc%rred t erein. Sec. 1:. ?o! #ro#ert* sold e8ec%tion> ! o "a* direct "anner order of sale. on and

All sales of #ro#ert* %nder e8ec%tion "%st &e "ade at #%&lic a%ction+ to t e ig est &idder+ to start at t e e8act ti"e fi8ed in t e notice. After s%fficient #ro#ert* as &een sold to satisf* t e e8ec%tion+ no "ore s all &e sold and an* e8cess #ro#ert* or #roceeds of t e sale s all &e #ro"#tl* deli$ered to t e '%dg"ent o&ligor or is a%t ori6ed re#resentati$e+ %nless ot er!ise directed &* t e '%dg"ent or order of t e co%rt. = en t e sale is of real #ro#ert*+ consisting of

se$eral 4no!n lots+ t e* "%st &e sold se#aratel*> or+ ! en a #ortion of s%c real #ro#ert* is clai"ed &* a t ird #erson+ e "a* re7%ire it to &e sold se#aratel*. = en t e sale is of #ersonal #ro#ert* ca#a&le of "an%al deli$er*+ it "%st &e sold !it in $ie! of t ose attending t e sa"e and in s%c #arcels as are li4el* to &ring t e ig est #rice. ) e '%dg"ent o&ligor+ if #resent at t e sale+ "a* direct t e order in ! ic #ro#ert*+ real or #ersonal+ s all &e sold+ ! en s%c #ro#ert* consists of se$eral 4no!n lots or #arcels ! ic can &e sold to ad$antage se#aratel*. Neit er t e officer cond%cting t e e8ec%tion sale+ nor is de#%ties+ can &eco"e a #%rc aser+ nor &e interested directl* or indirectl* in an* #%rc ase at s%c sale. Sec. (;. Ref%sal of #%rc aser to #a*. If a #%rc aser ref%ses to #a* t e a"o%nt &id &* i" for #ro#ert* str%c4 off to i" at a sale %nder e8ec%tion+ t e officer "a* again sell t e #ro#ert* to t e ig est &idder and s all not &e res#onsi&le

for an* loss occasioned t ere&*> &%t t e co%rt "a* order t e ref%sing #%rc aser to #a* into t e co%rt t e a"o%nt of s%c loss+ !it costs+ and "a* #%nis i" for conte"#t if e diso&e*s t e order. ) e a"o%nt of s%c #a*"ent s all &e for t e &enefit of t e #erson entitled to t e #roceeds of t e e8ec%tion+ %nless t e e8ec%tion as &een f%ll* satisfied+ in ! ic e$ent s%c #roceeds s all &e for t e &enefit of t e '%dg"ent o&ligor. ) e officer "a* t ereafter re'ect an* s%&se7%ent &id of s%c #%rc aser ! o ref%ses to #a*. Sec. (1. D%dg"ent o&ligee as #%rc aser. = en t e #%rc aser is t e '%dg"ent o&ligee+ and no t ird,#art* clai" as &een filed+ e need not #a* t e a"o%nt of t e &id if it does not e8ceed t e a"o%nt of is '%dg"ent. If it does+ e s all #a* onl* t e e8cess. Sec. ((. Ad'o%rn"ent of sale.

<* !ritten consent of t e '%dg"ent o&ligor and o&ligee+ or t eir d%l*

a%t ori6ed re#resentati$es+ t e officer "a* ad'o%rn t e sale to an* date and ti"e agreed %#on &* t e". =it o%t s%c agree"ent+ e "a* ad'o%rn t e sale fro" da* to da* if it &eco"es necessar* to do so for lac4 of ti"e to co"#lete t e sale on t e da* fi8ed in t e notice or t e da* to ! ic it !as ad'o%rned. Sec. (/. 0on$e*ance to #%rc aser of #ersonal #ro#ert* ca#a&le of "an%al deli$er*. = en t e #%rc aser of an* #ersonal #ro#ert*+ ca#a&le of "an%al deli$er*+ #a*s t e #%rc ase #rice+ t e officer "a4ing t e sale "%st deli$er t e #ro#ert* to t e #%rc aser and+ if desired+ e8ec%te and deli$er to i" a certificate of sale. ) e sale con$e*s to t e #%rc aser all t e rig ts ! ic t e '%dg"ent o&ligor ad in s%c #ro#ert* as of t e date of t e le$* on e8ec%tion or #reli"inar* attac "ent. Sec. (2. 0on$e*ance to #%rc aser of #ersonal #ro#ert* not ca#a&le of "an%al

deli$er*. = en t e #%rc aser of an* #ersonal #ro#ert*+ not ca#a&le of "an%al deli$er*+ #a*s t e #%rc ase #rice+ t e officer "a4ing t e sale "%st e8ec%te and deli$er to t e #%rc aser a certificate of sale. S%c certificate con$e*s to t e #%rc aser all t e rig ts ! ic t e '%dg"ent o&ligor ad in s%c #ro#ert* as of t e date of t e le$* on e8ec%tion or #reli"inar* attac "ent. Sec. (3. 0on$e*ance of real #ro#ert*> certificate t ereof gi$en to #%rc aser and filed !it registr* of deeds. U#on a sale of real #ro#ert*+ t e officer "%st gi$e to t e #%rc aser a certificate of sale containingB -a. A #artic%lar descri#tion of t e real #ro#ert* sold> -&. ) e #rice #aid for eac lot or #arcel> -c. ) e ! ole #rice #aid &* distinct i">

-d. A state"ent t at t e rig t of rede"#tion e8#ires one -1. *ear fro" t e date of t e registration of t e




S%c certificate "%st &e registered in t e registr* of deeds of t e #lace ! ere t e #ro#ert* is sit%ated. Sec. (6. 0ertificate of sale ! ere #ro#ert* clai"ed &* t ird #erson. = en a #ro#ert* sold &* $irt%e of a !rit of e8ec%tion as &een clai"ed &* a t ird #erson+ t e certificate of sale to &e iss%ed &* t e s eriff #%rs%ant to sections (/+ (2 and (3 of t is R%le s all "a4e e8#ress "ention of t e e8istence of s%c t ird,#art* clai". Sec. (5. = o "a* redee" real #ro#ert* so sold. Real #ro#ert* sold as #ro$ided in t e last #receding section+ or an* #art t ereof sold se#aratel*+ "a* &e redee"ed in t e "anner ereinafter #ro$ided+ &* t e follo!ing #ersonsB -a. ) e '%dg"ent o&ligor+ or is s%ccessor in interest in t e ! ole or an* #art of t e #ro#ert*>

-&. A creditor a$ing a lien &* $irt%e of an attac "ent+ '%dg"ent or "ortgage on t e #ro#ert* sold+ or on so"e #art t ereof+ s%&se7%ent to t e lien %nder ! ic t e #ro#ert* !as sold. S%c redee"ing creditor is ter"ed a rede"#tioner. Sec. (9. )i"e and "anner of+ and a"o%nts #a*a&le on+ s%ccessi$e rede"#tions> notice to &e gi$en and filed. ) e '%dg"ent o&ligor+ or rede"#tioner+ "a* redee" t e #ro#ert* fro" t e #%rc aser+ at an* ti"e !it in one -1. *ear fro" t e date of t e registration of t e certificate of sale+ &* #a*ing t e #%rc aser t e a"o%nt of is #%rc ase+ !it one #er cent%" #er "ont interest t ereon in addition+ %# to t e ti"e of rede"#tion+ toget er !it t e a"o%nt of an* assess"ents or ta8es ! ic t e #%rc aser "a* a$e #aid t ereon after #%rc ase+ and interest on s%c last na"ed a"o%nt at t e sa"e rate> and if t e #%rc aser &e also a creditor a$ing a #rior lien to t at of t e rede"#tioner+ ot er t an t e '%dg"ent %nder ! ic s%c #%rc ase

!as "ade+ t e a"o%nt of s%c lien+ !it interest.

ot er

Pro#ert* so redee"ed "a* again &e redee"ed !it in si8t* -6;. da*s after t e last rede"#tion %#on #a*"ent of t e s%" #aid on t e last rede"#tion+ !it t!o #er cent%" t ereon in addition+ and t e a"o%nt of an* assess"ents or ta8es ! ic t e last rede"#tioner "a* a$e #aid t ereon after rede"#tion &* i"+ !it interest on s%c last,na"ed a"o%nt+ and in addition+ t e a"o%nt of an* liens eld &* said last rede"#tioner #rior to is o!n+ !it interest. ) e #ro#ert* "a* &e again+ and as often as a rede"#tioner is so dis#osed+ redee"ed fro" an* #re$io%s rede"#tioner !it in si8t* -6;. da*s after t e last rede"#tion+ on #a*ing t e s%" #aid on t e last #re$io%s rede"#tion+ !it t!o #er cent%" t ereon in addition+ and t e a"o%nts of an* assess"ents or ta8es ! ic t e last #re$io%s rede"#tioner #aid after t e rede"#tion t ereon+ !it interest t ereon+ and t e a"o%nt of an* liens eld &* t e last rede"#tioner #rior to is o!n+ !it interest.

=ritten notice of an* rede"#tion "%st &e gi$en to t e officer ! o "ade t e sale and a d%#licate filed !it t e registr* of deeds of t e #lace+ and if an* assess"ents or ta8es are #aid &* t e rede"#tioner or if e as or ac7%ires an* lien ot er t an t at %#on ! ic t e rede"#tion !as "ade+ notice t ereof "%st in li4e "anner &e gi$en to t e officer and filed !it t e registr* of deeds> if s%c notice &e not filed+ t e #ro#ert* "a* &e redee"ed !it o%t #a*ing s%c assess"ents+ ta8es+ or liens. Sec. (:. Effect of rede"#tion &* '%dg"ent o&ligor+ and a certificate to &e deli$ered and recorded t ere%#on> to ! o" #a*"ents on rede"#tion "ade. If t e '%dg"ent o&ligor redee"s+ e "%st "a4e t e sa"e #a*"ents as are re7%ired to effect a rede"#tion &* a rede"#tioner+ ! ere%#on+ no f%rt er rede"#tion s all &e allo!ed and e is restored to is estate. ) e #erson to ! o" t e rede"#tion #a*"ent is "ade "%st e8ec%te and deli$er to i" a certificate of rede"#tion ac4no!ledged &efore a

notar* #%&lic or ot er officer a%t ori6ed to ta4e ac4no!ledg"ents of con$e*ances of real #ro#ert*. S%c certificate "%st &e filed and recorded in t e registr* of deeds of t e #lace in ! ic t e #ro#ert* is sit%ated+ and t e registrar of deeds "%st note t e record t ereof on t e "argin of t e record of t e certificate of sale. ) e #a*"ents "entioned in t is and t e last #receding sections "a* &e "ade to t e #%rc aser or rede"#tioner+ or for i" to t e officer ! o "ade t e sale. Sec. /;. Proof re7%ired of rede"#tioner. A rede"#tioner "%st #rod%ce to t e officer+ or #erson fro" ! o" e see4s to redee"+ and ser$e !it is notice to t e officer a co#* of t e '%dg"ent or final order %nder ! ic e clai"s t e rig t to redee"+ certified &* t e cler4 of t e co%rt ! erein t e '%dg"ent or final order is entered> or+ if e redee"s %#on a "ortgage or ot er lien+ a "e"orand%" of t e record t ereof+ certified &* t e registrar of deeds> or an original or certified co#* of an*

assign"ent necessar* to esta&lis is clai"> and an affida$it e8ec%ted &* i" or is agent+ s o!ing t e a"o%nt t en act%all* d%e on t e lien. Sec. /1. Canner of %sing #re"ises #ending rede"#tion> !aste restrained. Until t e e8#iration of t e ti"e allo!ed for rede"#tion+ t e co%rt "a*+ as in ot er #ro#er cases+ restrain t e co""ission of !aste on t e #ro#ert* &* in'%nction+ on t e a##lication of t e #%rc aser or t e '%dg"ent o&ligee+ !it or !it o%t notice> &%t it is not !aste for a #erson in #ossession of t e #ro#ert* at t e ti"e of t e sale+ or entitled to #ossession after!ards+ d%ring t e #eriod allo!ed for rede"#tion+ to contin%e to %se it in t e sa"e "anner in ! ic it !as #re$io%sl* %sed> or to %se it in t e ordinar* co%rse of %s&andr*> or to "a4e t e necessar* re#airs to &%ildings t ereon ! ile e occ%#ies t e #ro#ert*. Sec. /(. Rents+ earnings and inco"e of




) e #%rc aser or a rede"#tioner s all not &e entitled to recei$e t e rents+ earnings and inco"e of t e #ro#ert* sold on e8ec%tion+ or t e $al%e of t e %se and occ%#ation t ereof ! en s%c #ro#ert* is in t e #ossession of a tenant. All rents+ earnings and inco"e deri$ed fro" t e #ro#ert* #ending rede"#tion s all &elong to t e '%dg"ent o&ligor %ntil t e e8#iration of is #eriod of rede"#tion. Sec. //. Deed and #ossession to &e gi$en at e8#iration of rede"#tion #eriod> &* ! o" e8ec%ted or gi$en. If no rede"#tion &e "ade !it in one -1. *ear fro" t e date of t e registration of t e certificate of sale+ t e #%rc aser is entitled to a con$e*ance and #ossession of t e #ro#ert*> or+ if so redee"ed ! ene$er si8t* -6;. da*s a$e ela#sed and no ot er rede"#tion as &een "ade+ and notice t ereof gi$en+ and t e ti"e for rede"#tion as e8#ired+ t e last rede"#tioner is entitled to t e con$e*ance and

#ossession> &%t in all cases t e '%dg"ent o&ligor s all a$e t e entire #eriod of one -1. *ear fro" t e date of t e registration of t e sale to redee" t e #ro#ert*. ) e deed s all &e e8ec%ted &* t e officer "a4ing t e sale or &* is s%ccessor in office+ and in t e latter case s all a$e t e sa"e $alidit* as t o%g t e officer "a4ing t e sale ad contin%ed in office and e8ec%ted it. U#on t e e8#iration of t e rig t of rede"#tion+ t e #%rc aser or rede"#tioner s all &e s%&stit%ted to and ac7%ire all t e rig ts+ title+ interest and clai" of t e '%dg"ent o&ligor to t e #ro#ert* as of t e ti"e of t e le$*. ) e #ossession of t e #ro#ert* s all &e gi$en to t e #%rc aser or last rede"#tioner &* t e sa"e officer %nless a t ird #art* is act%all* olding t e #ro#ert* ad$ersel* to t e '%dg"ent o&ligor. Sec. /2. Reco$er* of #rice if sale not effecti$e> re$i$al of '%dg"ent.

If t e #%rc aser of real #ro#ert* sold on e8ec%tion+ or is s%ccessor in interest+ fails to reco$er t e #ossession t ereof+ or is e$icted t erefro"+ in conse7%ence of irreg%larities in t e #roceedings concerning t e sale+ or &eca%se t e '%dg"ent as &een re$ersed or set aside+ or &eca%se t e #ro#ert* sold !as e8e"#t fro" e8ec%tion+ or &eca%se a t ird #erson as $indicated is clai" to t e #ro#ert*+ e "a* on "otion in t e sa"e action or in a se#arate action reco$er fro" t e '%dg"ent o&ligee t e #rice #aid+ !it interest+ or so "%c t ereof as as not &een deli$ered to t e '%dg"ent o&ligor> or e "a*+ on "otion+ a$e t e original '%dg"ent re$i$ed in is na"e for t e ! ole #rice !it interest+ or so "%c t ereof as as &een deli$ered to t e '%dg"ent o&ligor. ) e '%dg"ent so re$i$ed s all a$e t e sa"e force and effect as an original '%dg"ent !o%ld a$e as of t e date of t e re$i$al and no "ore. Sec. /3. Rig t to contri&%tion or

rei"&%rse"ent. = en #ro#ert* lia&le to an e8ec%tion against se$eral #ersons is sold t ereon+ and "ore t an a d%e #ro#ortion of t e '%dg"ent is satisfied o%t of t e #roceeds of t e sale of t e #ro#ert* of one of t e"+ or one of t e" #a*s+ !it o%t a sale+ "ore t an is #ro#ortion+ e "a* co"#el a contri&%tion fro" t e ot ers> and ! en a '%dg"ent is %#on an o&ligation of one of t e"+ as sec%rit* for anot er+ and t e s%ret* #a*s t e a"o%nt+ or an* #art t ereof+ eit er &* sale of is #ro#ert* or &efore sale+ e "a* co"#el re#a*"ent fro" t e #rinci#al. Sec. /6. E8a"ination o&ligor ! en '%dg"ent of '%dg"ent %nsatisfied.

= en t e ret%rn of a !rit of e8ec%tion iss%ed against #ro#ert* of a '%dg"ent o&ligor+ or an* one of se$eral o&ligors in t e sa"e '%dg"ent+ s o!s t at t e '%dg"ent re"ains %nsatisfied+ in ! ole or in #art+ t e '%dg"ent o&ligee+ at an* ti"e after s%c ret%rn is "ade+ s all &e entitled to an order fro"

t e co%rt ! ic rendered t e said '%dg"ent+ re7%iring s%c '%dg"ent o&ligor to a##ear and &e e8a"ined concerning is #ro#ert* and inco"e &efore s%c co%rt or &efore a co""issioner a##ointed &* it+ at a s#ecified ti"e and #lace> and #roceedings "a* t ere%#on &e ad for t e a##lication of t e #ro#ert* and inco"e of t e '%dg"ent o&ligor to!ards t e satisfaction of t e '%dg"ent. <%t no '%dg"ent o&ligor s all &e so re7%ired to a##ear &efore a co%rt or co""issioner o%tside t e #ro$ince or cit* in ! ic s%c o&ligor resides or is fo%nd. Sec. /5. '%dg"ent E8a"ination of o&ligor o&ligor. of

= en t e ret%rn of a !rit of e8ec%tion against t e #ro#ert* of a '%dg"ent o&ligor s o!s t at t e '%dg"ent re"ains %nsatisfied+ in ! ole or in #art+ and %#on #roof to t e satisfaction of t e co%rt ! ic iss%ed t e !rit+ t at a #erson+ cor#oration+ or ot er '%ridical entit* as #ro#ert* of s%c '%dg"ent o&ligor or is inde&ted to i"+ t e

co%rt "a*+ &* an order+ re7%ire s%c #erson+ cor#oration+ or ot er '%ridical entit*+ or an* officer or "e"&er t ereof+ to a##ear &efore t e co%rt or a co""issioner a##ointed &* it+ at a ti"e and #lace !it in t e #ro$ince or cit* ! ere s%c de&tor resides or is fo%nd+ and &e e8a"ined concerning t e sa"e. ) e ser$ice of t e order s all &ind all credits d%e t e '%dg"ent o&ligor and all "one* and #ro#ert* of t e '%dg"ent o&ligor in t e #ossession or in t e control of s%c #erson+ cor#oration+ or '%ridical entit* fro" t e ti"e of ser$ice> and t e co%rt "a* also re7%ire notice of s%c #roceedings to &e gi$en to an* #art* to t e action in s%c "anner as it "a* dee" #ro#er. Sec. /9. Enforce"ent of attendance and cond%ct of e8a"ination. A #art* or ot er #erson "a* &e co"#elled+ &* an order or s%&#oena+ to attend &efore t e co%rt or co""issioner to testif* as #ro$ided in t e t!o #receding sections+ and %#on fail%re to o&e* s%c order or s%&#oena or to &e s!orn+ or to

ans!er as a !itness or to s%&scri&e is de#osition+ "a* &e #%nis ed for conte"#t as in ot er cases. E8a"inations s all not &e %nd%l* #rolonged+ &%t t e #roceedings "a* &e ad'o%rned fro" ti"e to ti"e+ %ntil t e* are co"#leted. If t e e8a"ination is &efore a co""issioner+ e "%st ta4e it in !riting and certif* it to t e co%rt. All e8a"inations and ans!ers &efore a co%rt or co""issioner "%st &e %nder oat + and ! en a cor#oration or ot er '%ridical entit* ans!ers+ it "%st &e on t e oat of an a%t ori6ed officer or agent t ereof. Sec. /:. against O&ligor "a* #a* o&ligee. e8ec%tion

After a !rit of e8ec%tion against #ro#ert* as &een iss%ed+ a #erson inde&ted to t e '%dg"ent o&ligor "a* #a* to t e s eriff olding t e !rit of e8ec%tion t e a"o%nt of is de&t or so "%c t ereof as "a* &e necessar* to satisf* t e '%dg"ent+ in t e "anner #rescri&ed in section : of t is R%le+ and t e s eriffFs recei#t s all &e a s%fficient disc arge for t e a"o%nt so #aid or

directed to &e credited &* t e '%dg"ent o&ligee on t e e8ec%tion. Sec. 2;. Order for a##lication of #ro#ert* and inco"e to satisfaction of '%dg"ent. ) e co%rt "a* order an* #ro#ert* of t e '%dg"ent o&ligor+ or "one* d%e i"+ not e8e"#t fro" e8ec%tion+ in t e ands of eit er i"self or anot er #erson+ or of a cor#oration or ot er '%ridical entit*+ to &e a##lied to t e satisfaction of t e '%dg"ent+ s%&'ect to an* #rior rig ts o$er s%c #ro#ert*. If+ %#on in$estigation of is c%rrent inco"e and e8#enses+ it a##ears t at t e earnings of t e '%dg"ent o&ligor for is #ersonal ser$ices are "ore t an necessar* for t e s%##ort of is fa"il*+ t e co%rt "a* order t at e #a* t e '%dg"ent in fi8ed "ont l* install"ents+ and %#on is fail%re to #a* an* s%c install"ent ! en d%e !it o%t good e8c%se+ "a* #%nis i" for indirect conte"#t.






) e co%rt "a* a##oint a recei$er of t e #ro#ert* of t e '%dg"ent o&ligor> and it "a* also for&id a transfer or ot er dis#osition of+ or an* interference !it + t e #ro#ert* of t e '%dg"ent o&ligor not e8e"#t fro" e8ec%tion. Sec. 2(. Sale of ascertaina&le interest of '%dg"ent o&ligor in real estate. If it a##ears t at t e '%dg"ent o&ligor as an interest in real estate in t e #lace in ! ic #roceedings are ad+ as "ortgagor or "ortgagee or ot er!ise+ and is interest t erein can &e ascertained !it o%t contro$ers*+ t e recei$er "a* &e ordered to sell and con$e* s%c real estate or t e interest of t e o&ligor t erein> and s%c sale s all &e cond%cted in all res#ects in t e sa"e "anner as is #ro$ided for t e sale of real estate %#on e8ec%tion+ and t e #roceedings t ereon s all &e a##ro$ed &* t e co%rt &efore t e e8ec%tion of t e deed.

Sec. 2/. Proceedings ! en inde&tedness denied or anot er #erson clai"s t e #ro#ert*. If it a##ears t at a #erson or cor#oration+ alleged to a$e #ro#ert* of t e '%dg"ent o&ligor or to &e inde&ted to i"+ clai"s an interest in t e #ro#ert* ad$erse to i" or denies t e de&t+ t e co%rt "a* a%t ori6e+ &* an order "ade to t at effect+ t e '%dg"ent o&ligee to instit%te an action against s%c #erson or cor#oration for t e reco$er* of s%c interest or de&t+ for&id a transfer or ot er dis#osition of s%c interest or de&t !it in one %ndred t!ent* -1(;. da*s fro" notice of t e order+ and "a* #%nis diso&edience of s%c order as for conte"#t. S%c order "a* &e "odified or $acated at an* ti"e &* t e co%rt ! ic iss%ed it+ or &* t e co%rt in ! ic t e action is &ro%g t+ %#on s%c ter"s as "a* &e '%st. Sec. 22. '%dg"ent Entr* of satisfaction of &* cler4 of co%rt.

Satisfaction of a '%dg"ent s all &e entered &* t e cler4 of co%rt in t e co%rt doc4et+ and in t e e8ec%tion &oo4+ %#on t e ret%rn of a !rit of e8ec%tion s o!ing t e f%ll satisfaction of t e '%dg"ent+ or %#on t e filing of an ad"ission to t e satisfaction of t e '%dg"ent e8ec%ted and ac4no!ledged in t e sa"e "anner as a con$e*ance of real #ro#ert* &* t e '%dg"ent o&ligee or &* is co%nsel %nless a re$ocation of is a%t orit* is filed+ or %#on t e endorse"ent of s%c ad"ission &* t e '%dg"ent o&ligee or is co%nsel on t e face of t e record of t e '%dg"ent. Sec. 23. Entr* of satisfaction !it !it o%t ad"ission. or

= ene$er a '%dg"ent is satisfied in fact+ or ot er!ise t an %#on an e8ec%tion+ on de"and of t e '%dg"ent o&ligor+ t e '%dg"ent o&ligee or is co%nsel "%st e8ec%te and ac4no!ledge+ or indorse+ an ad"ission of t e satisfaction as #ro$ided in t e last #receding section+ and after notice and %#on "otion t e co%rt "a* order eit er

t e '%dg"ent o&ligee or is co%nsel to do so+ or "a* order t e entr* of satisfaction to &e "ade !it o%t s%c ad"ission. Sec. 26. '%dg"ent = en #rinci#al &o%nd against s%ret*. &*

= en a '%dg"ent is rendered against a #art* ! o stands as s%ret* for anot er+ t e latter is also &o%nd fro" t e ti"e t at e as notice of t e action or #roceeding+ and an o##ort%nit* at t e s%ret*Fs re7%est to 'oin in t e defense. Sec. 25. Effect of '%dg"ents or final orders. ) e effect of a '%dg"ent or final order rendered &* a co%rt of t e P ili##ines+ a$ing '%risdiction to #rono%nce t e '%dg"ent or final order+ "a* &e as follo!sB -a. In case of a '%dg"ent or final order against a s#ecific t ing+ or in res#ect to t e #ro&ate of a !ill+ or t e ad"inistration of t e estate of a deceased #erson+ or in res#ect to t e #ersonal+ #olitical+ or legal condition or stat%s of a #artic%lar

#erson or is relations i# to anot er+ t e '%dg"ent or final order is concl%si$e %#on t e title to t e t ing+ t e !ill or ad"inistration+ or t e condition+ stat%s or relations i# of t e #erson> o!e$er+ t e #ro&ate of a !ill or granting of letters of ad"inistration s all onl* &e #ri"a facie e$idence of t e deat of t e testator or intestate> -&. In ot er cases+ t e '%dg"ent or final order is+ !it res#ect to t e "atter directl* ad'%dged or as to an* ot er "atter t at co%ld a$e &een raised in relation t ereto+ concl%si$e &et!een t e #arties and t eir s%ccessors in interest &* title s%&se7%ent to t e co""ence"ent of t e action or s#ecial #roceeding+ litigating for t e sa"e t ing and %nder t e sa"e title and in t e sa"e ca#acit*> and -c. In an* ot er litigation &et!een t e sa"e #arties or t eir s%ccessors in interest+ t at onl* is dee"ed to a$e &een ad'%dged in a for"er '%dg"ent or final order ! ic a##ears %#on its face to a$e &een so ad'%dged+ or ! ic !as act%all*

and necessaril* incl%ded t erein or necessar* t ereto. Sec. 29. Effect of foreign '%dg"ents or final orders. ) e effect of a '%dg"ent or final order of a tri&%nal of a foreign co%ntr*+ a$ing '%risdiction to render t e '%dg"ent or final order is as follo!sB -a. In case of a '%dg"ent or final order %#on a s#ecific t ing+ t e '%dg"ent or final order is concl%si$e %#on t e title to t e t ing> and -&. In case of a '%dg"ent or final order against a #erson+ t e '%dg"ent or final order is #res%"#ti$e e$idence of a rig t as &et!een t e #arties and t eir s%ccessors in interest &* a s%&se7%ent title. In eit er case+ t e '%dg"ent or final order "a* &e re#elled &* e$idence of a !ant of '%risdiction+ !ant of notice to t e #art*+ coll%sion+ fra%d+ or clear "ista4e of la! or fact.


to 55]

RULE ORDINARY APPEALED CASES Se!t"o# 1$ T"tle o% !&ses$

I# &ll !&ses &''e&le( to t)e Cou*t o% A''e&ls u#(e* Rule 1+ t)e t"tle o% t)e !&se s)&ll *e,&"# &s "t -&s "# t)e !ou*t o% o*"."#+ /ut t)e '&*t0 &''e&l"#. t)e !&se s)&ll /e %u*t)e* *e%e**e( to &s t)e &''ell&#t &#( t)e &(1e*se '&*t0 &s t)e &''ellee$ !)&# *o/les 1"*tu&l l&- l"/*&*0 Se!$ 2$ Cou#sel &#( .u&*("&#s$ T)e !ou#sel &#( .u&*("&#s &( l"te, o% t)e '&*t"es "# t)e !ou*t o% o*"."# s)&ll /e *es'e!t"1el0 !o#s"(e*e( &s t)e"* !ou#sel &#( .u&*("&#s &( l"te, "# t)e Cou*t o% A''e&ls$ 2)e# ot)e*s &''e&* o* &*e &''o"#te(+ #ot"!e t)e*eo% s)&ll /e se*1e( ",,e("&tel0 o# t)e &(1e*se '&*t0 &#( %"le( -"t) t)e !ou*t$ 32&+ R 45 Se!$ 6$ O*(e* o% t*&#s,"tt&l o% *e!o*($ I% t)e o*"."#&l *e!o*( o* t)e *e!o*( o# &''e&l "s #ot t*&#s,"tte( to t)e Cou*t o% A''e&ls -"t)"# t)"*t0 3675 (&0s &%te* t)e 'e*%e!t"o# o% t)e &''e&l+ e"t)e* '&*t0 ,&0 %"le & ,ot"o# -"t) t)e t*"&l !ou*t+ -"t) #ot"!e to t)e ot)e*+ %o* t)e t*&#s,"tt&l o% su!) *e!o*( o* *e!o*( o# &''e&l$ Se!$ $ Do!8et"#. o% !&se$ U'o# *e!e"1"#. t)e o*"."#&l *e!o*( o* t)e *e!o*( o# &''e&l &#( t)e &!!o,'&#0"#. (o!u,e#ts &#( e9)"/"ts t*&#s,"tte( /0 t)e lo-e* !ou*t+ &s -ell &s t)e '*oo% o% '&0,e#t o% t)e (o!8et &#( ot)e* l&-%ul %ees+ t)e !le*8 o% !ou*t o% t)e Cou*t o% A''e&ls s)&ll (o!8et t)e !&se &#( #ot"%0 t)e '&*t"es t)e*eo%$ 2"t)"# te# 3175 (&0s %*o, *e!e"'t o% s&"( #ot"!e+ t)e &''ell&#t+ "# &''e&ls /0 *e!o*( o# &''e&l+ s)&ll %"le -"t) t)e !le*8 o% !ou*t se1e# 375 !le&*l0 le."/le !o'"es o% t)e &''*o1e( *e!o*( o# &''e&l+* -"t) t)e '*oo% o% se*1"!e o% t-o 325 !o'"es t)e*eo% u'o# t)e &''ellee$

A#0 u#&ut)o*":e( &lte*&t"o#+ o,"ss"o# o* &(("t"o# "# t)e &''*o1e( *e!o*( o# &''e&l s)&ll /e & .*ou#( %o* ("s,"ss&l o% t)e &''e&l$ Se!$ 5$ Co,'let"o# o% *e!o*($

2)e*e t)e *e!o*( o% t)e (o!8ete( !&se "s "#!o,'lete+ t)e !le*8 o% !ou*t o% t)e Cou*t o% A''e&ls s)&ll so "#%o*, s&"( !ou*t &#( *e!o,,e#( to "t ,e&su*es #e!ess&*0 to !o,'lete t)e *e!o*($ It s)&ll /e t)e (ut0 o% s&"( !ou*t to t&8e &''*o'*"&te &!t"o# to-&*(s t)e !o,'let"o# o% t)e *e!o*( -"t)"# t)e s)o*test 'oss"/le t",e$ Se!$ 4$ D"s'e#s"#. -"t) !o,'lete *e!o*($ 2)e*e t)e !o,'let"o# o% t)e *e!o*( !oul( #ot /e &!!o,'l"s)e( -"t)"# & su%%"!"e#t 'e*"o( &llotte( %o* s&"( 'u*'ose (ue to "#su'e*&/le o* e9t*e,el0 ("%%"!ult !&uses+ t)e !ou*t+ o# "ts o-# ,ot"o# o* o# ,ot"o# o% &#0 o% t)e '&*t"es+ ,&0 (e!l&*e t)&t t)e *e!o*( &#( "ts &!!o,'&#0"#. t*&#s!*"'ts &#( e9)"/"ts so %&* &1&"l&/le &*e su%%"!"e#t to (e!"(e t)e "ssues *&"se( "# t)e &''e&l+ &#( s)&ll "ssue &# o*(e* e9'l&"#"#. t)e *e&so#s %o* su!) (e!l&*&t"o#$ Se!$ 7$ A''ell&#t;s /*"e%$ It s)&ll /e t)e (ut0 o% t)e &''ell&#t to %"le -"t) t)e !ou*t+ -"t)"# %o*t0<%"1e 3 55 (&0s %*o, *e!e"'t o% t)e #ot"!e o% t)e !le*8 t)&t &ll t)e e1"(e#!e+ o*&l &#( (o!u,e#t&*0+ &*e &tt&!)e( to t)e *e!o*(+ se1e# 375 !o'"es o% )"s le."/l0 t0'e-*"tte#+ ,",eo.*&')e( o* '*"#te( /*"e%+ -"t) '*oo% o% se*1"!e o% t-o 325 !o'"es t)e*eo% u'o# t)e &''ellee$ Se!$ =$ A''ellee;s /*"e%$ 2"t)"# %o*t0<%"1e 3 55 (&0s %*o, *e!e"'t o% t)e &''ell&#t;s /*"e%+ t)e &''ellee s)&ll %"le -"t) t)e !ou*t se1e# 375 !o'"es o% )"s le."/l0 t0'e-*"tte#+ ,",eo.*&')e( o* '*"#te( /*"e%+ -"t) '*oo% o% se*1"!e o% t-o 325 !o'"es t)e*eo% u'o# t)e &''ell&#t$ Se!$ 9$ A''ell&#t;s *e'l0 /*"e%$ 2"t)"# t-e#t0 3275 (&0s %*o, *e!e"'t o% t)e &''ellee;s /*"e%+ t)e &''ell&#t ,&0 %"le & *e'l0 /*"e% &#s-e*"#.

'o"#ts "# t)e &''ellee;s /*"e% #ot !o1e*e( "# )"s ,&"# /*"e%$ Se!$ 17$ T",e %o* %"l"#. ,e,o*&#(& "# s'e!"&l !&ses$ I# !e*t"o*&*"+ '*o)"/"t"o#+ ,&#(&,us+ >uo -&**&#to &#( )&/e&s !o*'us !&ses+ t)e '&*t"es s)&ll %"le+ "# l"eu o% /*"e%s+ t)e"* *es'e!t"1e ,e,o*&#(& -"t)"# & #o#< e9te#("/le 'e*"o( o% t)"*t0 3675 (&0s %*o, *e!e"'t o% t)e #ot"!e "ssue( /0 t)e !le*8 t)&t &ll t)e e1"(e#!e+ o*&l &#( (o!u,e#t&*0+ "s &l*e&(0 &tt&!)e( to t)e *e!o*($ T)e %&"lu*e o% t)e &''ell&#t to %"le )"s ,e,o*&#(u, -"t)"# t)e 'e*"o( t)e*e%o* ,&0 /e & .*ou#( %o* ("s,"ss&l o% t)e &''e&l$ Se!$ 11$ Se1e*&l &''ell&#ts o* &''ellees o* se1e*&l !ou#sel %o* e&!) '&*t0$ 2)e*e t)e*e &*e se1e*&l &''ell&#ts o* &''ellees+ e&!) !ou#sel *e'*ese#t"#. o#e o* ,o*e /ut #ot &ll o% t)e, s)&ll /e se*1e( -"t) o#l0 o#e !o'0 o% t)e /*"e%s$ 2)e# se1e*&l !ou#sel *e'*ese#t o#e &''ell&#t o* &''ellee+ !o'"es o% t)e /*"e% ,&0 /e se*1e( u'o# &#0 o% t)e,$ Se!$ 12$ E9te#s"o# o% t",e %o* %"l"#. /*"e%s$ E9te#s"o# o% t",e %o* t)e %"l"#. o% /*"e%s -"ll #ot /e &llo-e(+ e9!e't %o* .oo( &#( su%%"!"e#t !&use+ &#( o#l0 "% t)e ,ot"o# %o* e9te#s"o# "s %"le( /e%o*e t)e e9'"*&t"o# o% t)e t",e sou.)t to /e e9te#(e($
chan robles virtual law library







T)e &''ell&#t;s /*"e% s)&ll !o#t&"#+ "# t)e o*(e* )e*e"# "#("!&te(+ t)e %ollo-"#.? 3&5 A su/@e!t "#(e9 o% t)e ,&tte* "# t)e /*"e% -"t) & (".est o% t)e &*.u,e#ts &#( '&.e *e%e*e#!es+ &#( & t&/le o% !&ses &l')&/et"!&ll0 &**&#.e(+ te9t/oo8s &#( st&tutes !"te( -"t) *e%e*e#!es to t)e '&.es -)e*e t)e0 &*e !"te(A 3/5 A# &ss".#,e#t o% e**o*s "#te#(e( to /e u*.e(+ -)"!) e**o*s s)&ll /e se'&*&tel0+ ("st"#!tl0 &#(

!o#!"sel0 st&te( -"t)out *e'et"t"o# &#( #u,/e*e( !o#se!ut"1el0A 3!5 U#(e* t)e )e&("#. BSt&te,e#t o% t)e C&se+B & !le&* &#( !o#!"se st&te,e#t o% t)e #&tu*e o% t)e &!t"o#+ & su,,&*0 o% t)e '*o!ee("#.s+ t)e &''e&le( *ul"#.s &#( o*(e*s o% t)e !ou*t+ t)e #&tu*e o% t)e @u(.,e#t &#( &#0 ot)e* ,&tte*s #e!ess&*0 to &# u#(e*st&#("#. o% t)e #&tu*e o% t)e !o#t*o1e*s0+ -"t) '&.e *e%e*e#!es to t)e *e!o*(A 3(5 U#(e* t)e )e&("#. BSt&te,e#t o% F&!ts+B & !le&* &#( !o#!"se st&te,e#t "# & #&**&t"1e %o*, o% t)e %&!ts &(,"tte( /0 /ot) '&*t"es &#( o% t)ose "# !o#t*o1e*s0+* -"t) t)e su/st&#!e o% t)e '*oo% *el&t"#. t)e*eto "# su%%"!"e#t (et&"l to ,&8e "t !le&*l0 "#tell"."/le+ -"t) '&.e *e%e*e#!es to t)e *e!o*(A 3e5 A !le&* &#( !o#!"se st&te,e#t o% t)e "ssues o% %&!t o* l&- to /e su/,"tte( to t)e !ou*t %o* "ts @u(.,e#tA 3%5 U#(e* t)e )e&("#. BA*.u,e#t+B t)e &''ell&#t;s &*.u,e#ts o# e&!) &ss".#,e#t o% e**o* -"t) '&.e *e%e*e#!es to t)e *e!o*($ T)e &ut)o*"t"es *el"e( u'o# s)&ll /e !"te( /0 t)e '&.e o% t)e *e'o*t &t -)"!) t)e !&se /e."#s &#( t)e '&.e o% t)e *e'o*t o# -)"!) t)e !"t&t"o# "s %ou#(A 3.5 U#(e* t)e )e&("#. BRel"e%+B & s'e!"%"!&t"o# o% t)e o*(e* o* @u(.,e#t -)"!) t)e &''ell&#t see8sA &#( 3)5 I# !&ses #ot /*ou.)t u' /0 *e!o*( o# &''e&l+ t)e &''ell&#t;s /*"e% s)&ll !o#t&"#+ &s &# &''e#("9+ & !o'0 o% t)e @u(.,e#t o* %"#&l o*(e* &''e&le( %*o,$ Se!$ 1 $ Co#te#ts o% &''ellee;s /*"e%$

T)e &''ellee;s /*"e% s)&ll !o#t&"#+ "# t)e o*(e* )e*e"# "#("!&te(+ t)e %ollo-"#.?

3&5 A su/@e!t "#(e9 o% t)e ,&tte* "# t)e /*"e% -"t) & (".est o% t)e &*.u,e#ts &#( '&.e *e%e*e#!es+ &#( & t&/le o% !&ses &l')&/et"!&ll0 &**&#.e(+ te9t/oo8s &#( st&tutes !"te( -"t) *e%e*e#!es to t)e '&.es -)e*e t)e0 &*e !"te(A 3/5 U#(e* t)e )e&("#. BSt&te,e#t o% F&!ts+B t)e &''ellee s)&ll st&te t)&t )e &!!e'ts t)e st&te,e#t o% %&!ts "# t)e &''ell&#t;s /*"e%+ o* u#(e* t)e )e&("#. BCou#te*<St&te,e#t o% F&!ts+B )e s)&ll 'o"#t out su!) "#su%%"!"e#!"es o* "#&!!u*&!"es &s )e /el"e1es e9"st "# t)e &''ell&#t;s st&te,e#t o% %&!ts -"t) *e%e*e#!es to t)e '&.es o% t)e *e!o*( "# su''o*t t)e*eo%+ /ut -"t)out *e'et"t"o# o% ,&tte*s "# t)e &''ell&#t;s st&te,e#t o% %&!tsA &#( 3!5 U#(e* t)e )e&("#. BA*.u,e#t+B t)e &''ellee s)&ll set %o*t) )"s &*.u,e#ts "# t)e !&se o# e&!) &ss".#,e#t o% e**o* -"t) '&.e *e%e*e#!es to t)e *e!o*($ T)e &ut)o*"t"es *el"e( o# s)&ll /e !"te( /0 t)e '&.e o% t)e *e'o*t &t -)"!) t)e !&se /e."#s &#( t)e '&.e o% t)e *e'o*t o# -)"!) t)e !"t&t"o# "s %ou#($ Se!$ 15$ Cuest"o#s t)&t ,&0 /e *&"se( o# &''e&l$

2)et)e* o* #ot t)e &''ell&#t )&s %"le( & ,ot"o# %o* #et*"&l "# t)e !ou*t /elo-+ )e ,&0 "#!lu(e "# )"s &ss".#,e#t o% e**o*s &#0 >uest"o# o% l&- o* %&!t t)&t )&s /ee# *&"se( "# t)e !ou*t /elo- &#( -)"!) "s -"t)"# t)e "ssues %*&,e( /0 t)e '&*t"es$ RULE 5 APPEAL DY CERTIORARI TO THE SUPREEE COURT Se!t"o# 1$ F"l"#. o% 'et"t"o# -"t) Su'*e,e Cou*t$

A '&*t0 (es"*"#. to &''e&l /0 !e*t"o*&*" %*o, & @u(.,e#t o* %"#&l o*(e* o* *esolut"o# o% t)e Cou*t o% A''e&ls+ t)e S&#(".&#/&0&#+ t)e Re."o#&l T*"&l Cou*t o* ot)e* !ou*ts -)e#e1e* &ut)o*":e( /0 l&-+ ,&0 %"le -"t) t)e Su'*e,e Cou*t & 1e*"%"e( 'et"t"o# %o* *e1"e- o# !e*t"o*&*"$ T)e

'et"t"o# s)&ll *&"se o#l0 >uest"o#s o% l&- -)"!) ,ust /e ("st"#!tl0 set %o*t)$ Se!$ 2$ T",e %o* %"l"#.A e9te#s"o#$ T)e 'et"t"o# s)&ll /e %"le( -"t)"# %"%tee# 3155 (&0s %*o, #ot"!e o% t)e @u(.,e#t o* %"#&l o*(e* o* *esolut"o# &''e&le( %*o,+ o* o% t)e (e#"&l o% t)e 'et"t"o#e*;s ,ot"o# %o* #e- t*"&l o* *e!o#s"(e*&t"o# %"le( "# (ue t",e &%te* #ot"!e o% t)e @u(.,e#t$ O# ,ot"o# (ul0 %"le( &#( se*1e(+ -"t) %ull '&0,e#t o% t)e (o!8et &#( ot)e* l&-%ul %ees &#( t)e (e'os"t %o* !osts /e%o*e t)e e9'"*&t"o# o% t)e *e.le,e#t&*0 'e*"o(+ t)e Su'*e,e Cou*t ,&0 %o* @ust"%"&/le *e&so#s .*&#t &# e9te#s"o# o% t)"*t0 3675 (&0s o#l0 -"t)"# -)"!) to %"le t)e 'et"t"o#$ Se!$ 6$ Do!8et &#( ot)e* l&-%ul %eesA '*oo% o% se*1"!e o% 'et"t"o#$ U#less )e )&s t)e*eto%o*e (o#e so+ t)e 'et"t"o#e* s)&ll '&0 t)e !o**es'o#("#. (o!8et &#( ot)e* l&-%ul %ees to t)e !le*8 o% !ou*t o% t)e Su'*e,e Cou*t &#( (e'os"t t)e &,ou#t o% P577$77 %o* !osts &t t)e t",e o% t)e %"l"#. o% t)e 'et"t"o#$ P*oo% o% se*1"!e o% & !o'0 t)e*eo% o# t)e lo-e* !ou*t !o#!e*#e( &#( o# t)e &(1e*se '&*t0 s)&ll /e su/,"tte(* -"t) t)e 'et"t"o#$ Se!$ $ Co#te#ts o% 'et"t"o#$ T)e 'et"t"o# s)&ll /e %"le( "# e".)tee# 31=5 !o'"es+ -"t) t)e o*"."#&l !o'0 "#te#(e( %o* t)e !ou*t /e"#. "#("!&te( &s su!) /0 t)e 'et"t"o#e*+ &#( s)&ll 3&5 st&te t)e %ull #&,e o% t)e &''e&l"#. '&*t0 &s t)e 'et"t"o#e* &#( t)e &(1e*se '&*t0 &s *es'o#(e#t+ -"t)out ",'le&("#. t)e lo-e* !ou*ts o* @u(.es t)e*eo% e"t)e* &s 'et"t"o#e*s o* *es'o#(e#tsA 3/5 "#("!&te t)e ,&te*"&l (&tes s)o-"#. -)e# #ot"!e o% t)e @u(.,e#t o* %"#&l o*(e* o* *esolut"o# su/@e!t t)e*eo% -&s *e!e"1e(+ -)e# & ,ot"o# %o* #et*"&l o* *e!o#s"(e*&t"o#+ "% &#0+ -&s %"le( &#( -)e# #ot"!e o% t)e (e#"&l t)e*eo% -&s *e!e"1e(A 3!5 set %o*t) !o#!"sel0 & st&te,e#t o% t)e ,&tte*s "#1ol1e(+ &#( t)e *e&so#s o* &*.u,e#ts *el"e( o# %o* t)e &llo-&#!e o% t)e 'et"t"o#A 3(5 /e &!!o,'&#"e( /0 & !le&*l0 le."/le (u'l"!&te o*"."#&l+ o* & !e*t"%"e( t*ue !o'0 o% t)e @u(.,e#t o* %"#&l o*(e* o* *esolut"o# !e*t"%"e( /0 t)e

!le*8 o% !ou*t o% t)e !ou*t & >uo &#( t)e *e>u"s"te #u,/e* o% 'l&"# !o'"es t)e*eo%+ &#( su!) ,&te*"&l 'o*t"o#s o% t)e *e!o*( &s -oul( su''o*t t)e 'et"t"o#A &#( 3e5 !o#t&"# & s-o*# !e*t"%"!&t"o# &.&"#st %o*u, s)o''"#. &s '*o1"(e( "# t)e l&st '&*&.*&') o% se!t"o# 2+ Rule 2$ Se!$ 5$ D"s,"ss&l o* (e#"&l o% 'et"t"o#$ T)e %&"lu*e o% t)e 'et"t"o#e* to !o,'l0 -"t) &#0 o% t)e %o*e.o"#. *e>u"*e,e#ts *e.&*("#. t)e '&0,e#t o% t)e (o!8et &#( ot)e* l&-%ul %ees+ (e'os"t %o* !osts+ '*oo% o% se*1"!e o% t)e 'et"t"o#+ &#( t)e !o#te#ts o% &#( t)e (o!u,e#ts -)"!) s)oul( &!!o,'&#0 t)e 'et"t"o# s)&ll /e su%%"!"e#t .*ou#( %o* t)e ("s,"ss&l t)e*eo%$ T)e Su'*e,e Cou*t ,&0 o# "ts o-# "#"t"&t"1e (e#0 t)e 'et"t"o# o# t)e .*ou#( t)&t t)e &''e&l "s -"t)out ,e*"t+ o* "s '*ose!ute( ,&#"%estl0 %o* (el&0+ o* t)&t t)e >uest"o#s *&"se( t)e*e"# &*e too u#su/st&#t"&l to *e>u"*e !o#s"(e*&t"o#$ Se!$ 4$ Re1"e("s!*et"o#&*0$

A *e1"e- "s #ot & ,&tte* o% *".)t+ /ut o% sou#( @u("!"&l ("s!*et"o#+ &#( -"ll /e .*&#te( o#l0 -)e# t)e*e &*e s'e!"&l &#( ",'o*t&#t *e&so#s t)e*e%o*$ T)e %ollo-"#.+ -)"le #e"t)e* !o#t*oll"#. #o* %ull0 ,e&su*"#. t)e !ou*t;s ("s!*et"o#+ "#("!&te t)e !)&*&!te* o% t)e *e&so#s -)"!) -"ll /e !o#s"(e*e(? 3&5 2)e# t)e !ou*t & >uo )&s (e!"(e( & >uest"o# o% su/st&#!e+ #ot t)e*eto%o*e (ete*,"#e( /0 t)e Su'*e,e Cou*t+ o* )&s (e!"(e( "t "# & -&0 '*o/&/l0 #ot "# &!!o*( -"t) l&- o* -"t) t)e &''l"!&/le (e!"s"o#s o% t)e Su'*e,e Cou*tA o* 3/5 2)e# t)e !ou*t & >uo )&s so %&* (e'&*te( %*o, t)e &!!e'te( &#( usu&l !ou*se o% @u("!"&l '*o!ee("#.s+ o* so %&* s&#!t"o#e( su!) (e'&*tu*e /0 & lo-e* !ou*t+ &s to !&ll %o* &# e9e*!"se o% t)e 'o-e* o% su'e*1"s"o#$

Se!$ 7$ Ple&("#.s &#( (o!u,e#ts t)&t ,&0 /e *e>u"*e(A s&#!t"o#s$ Fo* 'u*'oses o% (ete*,"#"#. -)et)e* t)e 'et"t"o# s)oul( /e ("s,"sse( o* (e#"e( 'u*su&#t to se!t"o# 5 o% t)"s Rule+ o* -)e*e t)e 'et"t"o# "s ."1e# (ue !ou*se u#(e* se!t"o# = )e*eo%+ t)e Su'*e,e Cou*t ,&0 *e>u"*e o* &llo- t)e %"l"#. o% su!) 'le&("#.s+ /*"e%s+ ,e,o*&#(& o* (o!u,e#ts &s "t ,&0 (ee, #e!ess&*0 -"t)"# su!) 'e*"o(s &#( u#(e* su!) !o#("t"o#s &s "t ,&0 !o#s"(e* &''*o'*"&te+ &#( ",'ose t)e !o**es'o#("#. s&#!t"o#s "# !&se o% #o#<%"l"#. o* u#&ut)o*":e( %"l"#. o% su!) 'le&("#.s &#( (o!u,e#ts o* #o#<!o,'l"&#!e -"t) t)e !o#("t"o#s t)e*e%o*$
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I% t)e 'et"t"o# "s ."1e# (ue !ou*se+ t)e Su'*e,e Cou*t ,&0 *e>u"*e t)e ele1&t"o# o% t)e !o,'lete *e!o*( o% t)e !&se o* s'e!"%"e( '&*ts t)e*eo% -"t)"# %"%tee# 3155 (&0s %*o, #ot"!e$ Se!$ 9$ Rule &''l"!&/le to /ot) !"1"l &#( !*","#&l !&ses$ T)e ,o(e o% &''e&l '*es!*"/e( "# t)"s Rule s)&ll /e &''l"!&/le to /ot) !"1"l &#( !*","#&l !&ses+ e9!e't "# !*","#&l !&ses -)e*e t)e 'e#&lt0 ",'ose( "s (e&t)+ *e!lus"o# 'e*'etu& o* l"%e ",'*"so#,e#t$ RULE 4 ORIFINAL CASES Se!t"o# 1$ T"tle o% !&ses$

I# &ll !&ses o*"."#&ll0 %"le( "# t)e Cou*t o% A''e&ls+ t)e '&*t0 "#st"tut"#. t)e &!t"o# s)&ll /e !&lle( t)e 'et"t"o#e* &#( t)e o''os"#. '&*t0 t)e *es'o#(e#t$ Se!$ 2$ To -)&t &!t"o#s &''l"!&/le$ T)"s Rule s)&ll &''l0 to o*"."#&l &!t"o#s %o* !e*t"o*&*"+ '*o)"/"t"o#+ ,&#(&,us &#( >uo -&**&#to$ E9!e't &s ot)e*-"se '*o1"(e(+ t)e &!t"o#s %o* &##ul,e#t o% @u(.,e#t s)&ll /e .o1e*#e( /0 Rule 7+ %o* !e*t"o*&*"+

'*o)"/"t"o# &#( ,&#(&,us /0 Rule 45+ &#( %o* >uo -&**&#to /0 Rule 44$ Se!$ 6$ Co#te#ts &#( %"l"#. o% 'et"t"o#A e%%e!t o% #o#< !o,'l"&#!e -"t) *e>u"*e,e#ts$ T)e 'et"t"o# s)&ll !o#t&"# t)e %ull #&,es &#( &!tu&l &((*esses o% &ll t)e 'et"t"o#e*s &#( *es'o#(e#ts+ & !o#!"se st&te,e#t o% t)e ,&tte*s "#1ol1e(+ t)e %&!tu&l /&!8.*ou#( o% t)e !&se+ &#( t)e .*ou#(s *el"e( u'o# %o* t)e *el"e% '*&0e( %o*$ It s)&ll /e %"le( "# se1e# 375 !le&*l0 le."/le !o'"es* -"t) '*oo% o% se*1"!e t)e*eo% o# t)e *es'o#(e#t -"t) t)e o*"."#&l !o'0 "#te#(e( %o* t)e !ou*t "#("!&te( &s su!) /0 t)e 'et"t"o#e*+ &#( s)&ll /e &!!o,'&#"e( /0 & !le&*l0 le."/le (u'l"!&te o*"."#&l o* !e*t"%"e( t*ue !o'0 o% t)e @u(.,e#t+ o*(e*+ *esolut"o#+ o* *ul"#. su/@e!t t)e*eo%+ su!) ,&te*"&l 'o*t"o#s o% t)e *e!o*( &s &*e *e%e**e( to t)e*e"#+ &#( ot)e* (o!u,e#ts *ele1&#t o* 'e*t"#e#t t)e*eto$ T)e !e*t"%"!&t"o# s)&ll /e &!!o,'l"s)e( /0 t)e '*o'e* !le*8 o% !ou*t o* /0 )"s (ul0 &ut)o*":e( *e'*ese#t&t"1e+ o* /0 t)e '*o'e* o%%"!e* o% t)e !ou*t+ t*"/u#&l+ &.e#!0 o* o%%"!e "#1ol1e( o* /0 )"s (ul0 &ut)o*":e( *e'*ese#t&t"1e$ T)e ot)e* *e>u"s"te #u,/e* o% !o'"es o% t)e 'et"t"o# s)&ll /e &!!o,'&#"e( /0 !le&*l0 le."/le 'l&"# !o'"es o% &ll (o!u,e#ts &tt&!)e( to t)e o*"."#&l$ T)e 'et"t"o#e* s)&ll &lso su/,"t* -"t) t)e 'et"t"o# & s-o*# !e*t"%"!&t"o# t)&t )e )&s #ot t)e*eto%o*e !o,,e#!e( &#0 ot)e* &!t"o# "#1ol1"#. t)e s&,e "ssues "# t)e Su'*e,e Cou*t+ t)e Cou*t o% A''e&ls o* ("%%e*e#t ("1"s"o#s t)e*eo%+ o* &#0 ot)e* t*"/u#&l o* &.e#!0A "% t)e*e "s su!) ot)e* &!t"o# o* '*o!ee("#.+ )e ,ust st&te t)e st&tus o% t)e s&,eA &#( "% )e s)oul( t)e*e&%te* le&*# t)&t & s","l&* &!t"o# o* '*o!ee("#. )&s /ee# %"le( o* "s 'e#("#. /e%o*e t)e Su'*e,e Cou*t+ t)e Cou*t o% A''e&ls+ o* ("%%e*e#t ("1"s"o#s t)e*eo%+ o* &#0 ot)e* t*"/u#&l o* &.e#!0+ )e u#(e*t&8es to '*o,'tl0 "#%o*, t)e &%o*es&"( !ou*ts &#( ot)e* t*"/u#&l o* &.e#!0 t)e*eo% -"t)"# %"1e 355 (&0s t)e*e%*o,$

T)e 'et"t"o#e* s)&ll '&0 t)e !o**es'o#("#. (o!8et &#( ot)e* l&-%ul %ees to t)e !le*8 o% !ou*t &#( (e'os"t t)e &,ou#t o% P577$77 %o* !osts &t t)e t",e o% t)e %"l"#. o% t)e 'et"t"o#$ T)e %&"lu*e o% t)e 'et"t"o#e* to !o,'l0 -"t) &#0 o% t)e %o*e.o"#. *e>u"*e,e#ts s)&ll /e su%%"!"e#t .*ou#( %o* t)e ("s,"ss&l o% t)e 'et"t"o#$ Se!$ $ Gu*"s("!t"o# o1e* 'e*so# o% *es'o#(e#t+ )o- &!>u"*e($ T)e !ou*t s)&ll &!>u"*e @u*"s("!t"o# o1e* t)e 'e*so# o% t)e *es'o#(e#t /0 t)e se*1"!e o# )", o% "ts o*(e* o* *esolut"o# "#("!&t"#. "ts "#"t"&l &!t"o# o# t)e 'et"t"o# o* /0 )"s 1olu#t&*0 su/,"ss"o# to su!) @u*"s("!t"o#$ Se!$ 5$ A!t"o# /0 t)e !ou*t$ T)e !ou*t ,&0 ("s,"ss t)e 'et"t"o# out*".)t -"t) s'e!"%"! *e&so#s %o* su!) ("s,"ss&l o* *e>u"*e t)e *es'o#(e#t to %"le & !o,,e#t o# t)e s&,e -"t)"# te# 3175 (&0s %*o, #ot"!e$ O#l0 'le&("#.s *e>u"*e( /0 t)e !ou*t s)&ll /e &llo-e($ All ot)e* 'le&("#.s &#( '&'e*s ,&0 /e %"le( o#l0 -"t) le&1e o% !ou*t$ Se!$ 4$ Dete*,"#&t"o# o% %&!tu&l "ssues$ 2)e#e1e* #e!ess&*0 to *esol1e %&!tu&l "ssues+ t)e !ou*t "tsel% ,&0 !o#(u!t )e&*"#.s t)e*eo# o* (ele.&te t)e *e!e't"o# o% t)e e1"(e#!e o# su!) "ssues to &#0 o% "ts ,e,/e*s o* to &# &''*o'*"&te !ou*t+ &.e#!0 o* o%%"!e$ Se!$ 7$ E%%e!t o% %&"lu*e to %"le !o,,e#t$ 2)e# #o !o,,e#t "s %"le( /0 &#0 o% t)e *es'o#(e#ts+ t)e !&se ,&0 /e (e!"(e( o# t)e /&s"s o% t)e *e!o*(+ -"t)out '*e@u("!e to &#0 ("s!"'l"#&*0 &!t"o# -)"!) t)e !ou*t ,&0 t&8e &.&"#st t)e ("so/e("e#t '&*t0$ RULE 7 ANNULEENT OF GUDFEENTS OR FINAL ORDERS AND RESOLUTIONS Se!t"o# 1$ Co1e*&.e$

T)"s Rule s)&ll .o1e*# t)e &##ul,e#t /0 t)e Cou*t o% A''e&ls o% @u(.,e#ts o* %"#&l o*(e*s &#( *esolut"o#s "# !"1"l &!t"o#s o% Re."o#&l T*"&l Cou*ts %o* -)"!) t)e o*("#&*0 *e,e("es o% #e- t*"&l+ &''e&l+ 'et"t"o# %o* *el"e% o* ot)e* &''*o'*"&te *e,e("es &*e #o lo#.e* &1&"l&/le t)*ou.) #o %&ult o% t)e 'et"t"o#e*$ Se!$ 2$ F*ou#(s %o* &##ul,e#t$ T)e &##ul,e#t ,&0 /e /&se( o#l0 o# t)e .*ou#(s o% e9t*"#s"! %*&u( &#( l&!8 o% @u*"s("!t"o#$ E9t*"#s"! %*&u( s)&ll #ot /e & 1&l"( .*ou#( "% "t -&s &1&"le( o%+ o* !oul( )&1e /ee# &1&"le( o%+ "# & ,ot"o# %o* #e- t*"&l o* 'et"t"o# %o* *el"e%$ Se!$ 6$ Pe*"o( %o* %"l"#. &!t"o#$

I% /&se( o# e9t*"#s"! %*&u(+ t)e &!t"o# ,ust /e %"le( -"t)"# %ou* 3 5 0e&*s %*o, "ts ("s!o1e*0A &#( "% /&se( o# l&!8 o% @u*"s("!t"o#+ /e%o*e "t "s /&**e( /0 l&!)es o* esto''el$ Se!$ $ F"l"#. &#( !o#te#ts o% 'et"t"o#$ T)e &!t"o# s)&ll /e !o,,e#!e( /0 %"l"#. & 1e*"%"e( 'et"t"o# &lle."#. t)e*e"# -"t) '&*t"!ul&*"t0 t)e %&!ts &#( t)e l&- *el"e( u'o# %o* &##ul,e#t+ &s -ell &s t)ose su''o*t"#. t)e 'et"t"o#e*;s .oo( &#( su/st&#t"&l !&use o% &!t"o# o* (e%e#se+ &s t)e !&se ,&0 /e$ T)e 'et"t"o# s)&ll /e %"le( "# se1e# 375 !le&*l0 le."/le !o'"es+* -"t) su%%"!"e#t !o'"es !o**es'o#("#. to t)e #u,/e* o% *es'o#(e#ts$ A !e*t"%"e( t*ue !o'0 o% t)e @u(.,e#t o* %"#&l o*(e* o* *esolut"o# s)&ll /e &tt&!)e( to t)e o*"."#&l !o'0 o% t)e 'et"t"o# "#te#(e( %o* t)e !ou*t &#( "#("!&te( &s su!) /0 t)e 'et"t"o#e*$ T)e 'et"t"o#e* s)&ll &lso su/,"t* -"t) t)e 'et"t"o# &%%"(&1"ts o% -"t#esses o* (o!u,e#ts su''o*t"#. t)e !&use o% &!t"o# o* (e%e#se &#( & s-o*# !e*t"%"!&t"o# t)&t )e )&s #ot t)e*eto%o*e !o,,e#!e( &#0 ot)e* &!t"o# "#1ol1"#. t)e s&,e "ssues "# t)e Su'*e,e Cou*t+ t)e Cou*t o% A''e&ls o* ("%%e*e#t ("1"s"o#s t)e*eo%+ o* &#0 ot)e* t*"/u#&l o* &.e#!0A "% t)e*e "s su!) ot)e* &!t"o# o*

'*o!ee("#.+ )e ,ust st&te t)e st&tus o% t)e s&,e+ &#( "% )e s)oul( t)e*e&%te* le&*# t)&t & s","l&* &!t"o# o* '*o!ee("#. )&s /ee# %"le( o* "s 'e#("#. /e%o*e t)e Su'*e,e Cou*t+ t)e Cou*t o% A''e&ls+ o* ("%%e*e#t ("1"s"o#s t)e*eo%+ o* &#0 ot)e* t*"/u#&l o* &.e#!0+ )e u#(e*t&8es to '*o,'tl0 "#%o*, t)e &%o*es&"( !ou*ts &#( ot)e* t*"/u#&l o* &.e#!0 t)e*eo% -"t)"# %"1e 355 (&0s t)e*e%*o,$!)&# *o/les 1"*tu&l l&- l"/*&*0 Se!$ 5$ A!t"o# /0 t)e !ou*t$

S)oul( t)e !ou*t %"#( #o su/st&#t"&l ,e*"t "# t)e 'et"t"o#+ t)e s&,e ,&0 /e ("s,"sse( out*".)t -"t) s'e!"%"! *e&so#s %o* su!) ("s,"ss&l$ S)oul( '*",& %&!"e ,e*"t /e %ou#( "# t)e 'et"t"o#+ t)e s&,e s)&ll /e ."1e# (ue !ou*se &#( su,,o#s s)&ll /e se*1e( o# t)e *es'o#(e#t$ Se!$ 4$ P*o!e(u*e$

T)e '*o!e(u*e "# o*("#&*0 !"1"l !&ses s)&ll /e o/se*1e($ S)oul( & t*"&l /e #e!ess&*0+ t)e *e!e't"o# o% t)e e1"(e#!e ,&0 /e *e%e**e( to & ,e,/e* o% t)e !ou*t o* & @u(.e o% & Re."o#&l T*"&l Cou*t$ Se!$ 7$ E%%e!t o% @u(.,e#t$ A @u(.,e#t o% &##ul,e#t s)&ll set &s"(e t)e >uest"o#e( @u(.,e#t o* %"#&l o*(e* o* *esolut"o# &#( *e#(e* t)e s&,e #ull &#( 1o"(+ -"t)out '*e@u("!e to t)e o*"."#&l &!t"o# /e"#. *e%"le( "# t)e '*o'e* !ou*t$ Ho-e1e*+ -)e*e t)e @u(.,e#t o* %"#&l o*(e* o* *esolut"o# "s set &s"(e o# t)e .*ou#( o% e9t*"#s"! %*&u(+ t)e !ou*t ,&0 o# ,ot"o# o*(e* t)e t*"&l !ou*t to t*0 t)e !&se &s "% & t",el0 ,ot"o# %o* #e- t*"&l )&( /ee# .*&#te( t)e*e"#$ Se!$ =$ Sus'e#s"o# o% '*es!*"'t"1e 'e*"o($ T)e '*es!*"'t"1e 'e*"o( %o* t)e *e%"l"#. o% t)e &%o*es&"( o*"."#&l &!t"o# s)&ll /e (ee,e( sus'e#(e( %*o, t)e %"l"#. o% su!) o*"."#&l &!t"o# u#t"l t)e %"#&l"t0 o% t)e @u(.,e#t o% &##ul,e#t$ Ho-e1e*+ t)e '*es!*"'t"1e 'e*"o( s)&ll #ot /e sus'e#(e( -)e*e t)e e9t*"#s"! %*&u( "s &tt*"/ut&/le to t)e 'l&"#t"%% "# t)e o*"."#&l &!t"o#$





T)e @u(.,e#t o% &##ul,e#t ,&0 "#!lu(e t)e &-&*( o% (&,&.es+ &tto*#e0;s %ees &#( ot)e* *el"e%$ I% t)e >uest"o#e( @u(.,e#t o* %"#&l o*(e* o* *esolut"o# )&( &l*e&(0 /ee# e9e!ute(+ t)e !ou*t ,&0 "ssue su!) o*(e*s o% *est"tut"o# o* ot)e* *el"e% &s @ust"!e &#( e>u"t0 ,&0 -&**&#t u#(e* t)e !"*!u,st&#!es$ Se!$ 17$ A##ul,e#t o% @u(.,e#ts o* %"#&l o*(e*s o% Eu#"!"'&l T*"&l Cou*ts$ A# &!t"o# to &##ul & @u(.,e#t o* %"#&l o*(e* o% & Eu#"!"'&l T*"&l Cou*t s)&ll /e %"le( "# t)e Re."o#&l T*"&l Cou*t )&1"#. @u*"s("!t"o# o1e* t)e %o*,e*$ It s)&ll /e t*e&te( &s &# o*("#&*0 !"1"l &!t"o# &#( se!t"o#s 2+ 6+ + 7+ = &#( 9 o% t)"s Rule s)&ll /e &''l"!&/le t)e*eto$ RULE = PRELIEINARY CONFERENCE Se!t"o# 1$ P*el","#&*0 !o#%e*e#!e$

At &#0 t",e (u*"#. t)e 'e#(e#!0 o% & !&se+ t)e !ou*t ,&0 !&ll t)e '&*t"es &#( t)e"* !ou#sel to & '*el","#&*0 !o#%e*e#!e? 3&5 To !o#s"(e* t)e 'oss"/"l"t0 o% &# &,"!&/le settle,e#t+ e9!e't -)e# t)e !&se "s #ot &llo-e( /0 l&- to /e !o,'*o,"se(A 3/5 To (e%"#e+ s",'l"%0 &#( !l&*"%0 t)e "ssues %o* (ete*,"#&t"o#A 3!5 To %o*,ul&te st"'ul&t"o#s o% %&!ts &#( &(,"ss"o#s o% (o!u,e#t&*0 e9)"/"ts+ l","t t)e #u,/e* o% -"t#esses to /e '*ese#te( "# !&ses %&ll"#. -"t)"# t)e o*"."#&l @u*"s("!t"o# o% t)e !ou*t+ o* t)ose -"t)"# "ts &''ell&te @u*"s("!t"o# -)e*e & ,ot"o# %o* #e- t*"&l "s .*&#te( o# t)e .*ou#( o% #e-l0 ("s!o1e*e( e1"(e#!eA &#(

3(5 To t&8e u' su!) ot)e* l&tte*s -)"!) ,&0 &"( t)e !ou*t "# t)e '*o,'t ("s'os"t"o# o% t)e !&se$ Se!$ 2$ Re!o*( o% t)e !o#%e*e#!e$

T)e '*o!ee("#.s &t su!) !o#%e*e#!e s)&ll /e *e!o*(e( &#(+ u'o# t)e !o#!lus"o# t)e*eo%+ & *esolut"o# s)&ll /e "ssue( e,/o(0"#. &ll t)e &!t"o#s t&8e# t)e*e"#+ t)e st"'ul&t"o#s &#( &(,"ss"o#s ,&(e+ &#( t)e "ssues (e%"#e($ Se!$ 6$ D"#("#. e%%e!t o% t)e *esults o% t)e !o#%e*e#!e$ Su/@e!t to su!) ,o("%"!&t"o#s -)"!) ,&0 /e ,&(e to '*e1e#t ,&#"%est "#@ust"!e+ t)e *esolut"o# "# t)e '*e!e("#. se!t"o# s)&ll !o#t*ol t)e su/se>ue#t '*o!ee("#.s "# t)e !&se u#less+ -"t)"# %"1e 355 (&0s %*o, #ot"!e t)e*eo%+ &#0 '&*t0 s)&ll s&t"s%&!to*"l0 s)o- 1&l"( !&use -)0 t)e s&,e s)oul( #ot /e %ollo-e($ RULE 9 ORAL ARFUEENT Se!t"o# 1$ 2)e# &llo-e($

At "ts o-# "#st&#!e o* u'o# ,ot"o# o% & '&*t0+ t)e !ou*t ,&0 )e&* t)e '&*t"es "# o*&l &*.u,e#t o# t)e ,e*"ts o% & !&se+ o* o# &#0 ,&te*"&l "#!"(e#t "# !o##e!t"o# t)e*e-"t)$ T)e o*&l &*.u,e#t s)&ll /e l","te( to su!) ,&tte*s &s t)e !ou*t ,&0 s'e!"%0 "# "ts o*(e* o* *esolut"o#$ Se!$ 2$ Co#(u!t o% o*&l &*.u,e#t$

U#less &ut)o*":e( /0 t)e !ou*t+ o#l0 o#e !ou#sel ,&0 &*.ue %o* & '&*t0$ T)e (u*&t"o# &llo-e( %o* e&!) '&*t0+ t)e se>ue#!e o% t)e &*.u,e#t&t"o#+ &#( &ll ot)e* *el&te( ,&tte*s s)&ll /e &s ("*e!te( /0 t)e !ou*t$ Se!$ 6$ No )e&*"#. o* o*&l &*.u,e#t %o* ,ot"o#s$ Eot"o#s s)&ll #ot /e set %o* )e&*"#. &#(+ u#less t)e !ou*t ot)e*-"se ("*e!ts+ #o )e&*"#. o* o*&l &*.u,e#t s)&ll /e &llo-e( "# su''o*t t)e*eo%$ T)e &(1e*se '&*t0 ,&0 %"le

o/@e!t"o#s to t)e ,ot"o# -"t)"# %"1e 355 (&0s %*o, se*1"!e+ u'o# t)e e9'"*&t"o# o% -)"!) su!) ,ot"o# s)&ll /e (ee,e( su/,"tte( %o* *esolut"o#$ RULE 57 DISEISSAL OF APPEAL Se!t"o# 1$ F*ou#(s %o* ("s,"ss&l o% &''e&l$

A# &''e&l ,&0 /e ("s,"sse( /0 t)e Cou*t o% A''e&ls+ o# "ts o-# ,ot"o# o* o# t)&t o% t)e &''ellee+ o# t)e %ollo-"#. .*ou#(s? 3&5 F&"lu*e o% t)e *e!o*( o# &''e&l to s)o- o# "ts %&!e t)&t t)e &''e&l -&s t&8e# -"t)"# t)e 'e*"o( %"9e( /0 t)ese RulesA 3/5 F&"lu*e to %"le t)e #ot"!e o% &''e&l o* t)e *e!o*( o# &''e&l -"t)"# t)e 'e*"o( '*es!*"/e( /0 t)ese RulesA 3!5 F&"lu*e o% t)e &''ell&#t to '&0 t)e (o!8et &#( ot)e* l&-%ul %ees &s '*o1"(e( "# se!t"o# o% Rule 1A 3(5 U#&ut)o*":e( &lte*&t"o#s+ o,"ss"o#s o* &(("t"o#s "# t)e &''*o1e( *e!o*( o# &''e&l &s '*o1"(e( "# se!t"o# o% Rule A 3e5 F&"lu*e o% t)e &''ell&#t to se*1e &#( %"le t)e *e>u"*e( #u,/e* o% !o'"es o% )"s /*"e% o* ,e,o*&#(u, -"t)"# t)e t",e '*o1"(e( /0 t)ese RulesA 3%5 A/se#!e o% s'e!"%"! &ss".#,e#t o% e**o*s "# t)e &''ell&#t;s /*"e%+ o* o% '&.e *e%e*e#!es to t)e *e!o*( &s *e>u"*e( "# se!t"o# 16+ '&*&.*&')s 3&5+ 3!5+ 3(5 &#( 3%5 o% Rule A 3.5 F&"lu*e o% t)e &''ell&#t to t&8e t)e #e!ess&*0 ste's %o* t)e !o**e!t"o# o* !o,'let"o# o% t)e *e!o*( -"t)"# t)e t",e l","te( /0 t)e !ou*t "# "ts o*(e*A

3)5 F&"lu*e o% t)e &''ell&#t to &''e&* &t t)e '*el","#&*0 !o#%e*e#!e u#(e* Rule = o* to !o,'l0 -"t) o*(e*s+ !"*!ul&*s+ o* ("*e!t"1es o% t)e !ou*t -"t)out @ust"%"&/le !&useA &#( 3"5 T)e %&!t t)&t t)e o*(e* o* @u(.,e#t &''e&le( %*o, "s #ot &''e&l&/le$ Se!$ 2$ D"s,"ss&l o% ",'*o'e* &''e&l to t)e Cou*t o% A''e&ls$ A# &''e&l u#(e* Rule 1 t&8e# %*o, t)e Re."o#&l T*"&l Cou*t to t)e Cou*t o% A''e&ls *&"s"#. o#l0 >uest"o#s o% l&- s)&ll /e ("s,"sse(+ "ssues 'u*el0 o% l&- #ot /e"#. *e1"e-&/le /0 s&"( !ou*t$ S","l&*l0+ &# &''e&l /0 #ot"!e o% &''e&l "#ste&( o% /0 'et"t"o# %o* *e1"e- %*o, t)e &''ell&te @u(.,e#t o% & Re."o#&l T*"&l Cou*t s)&ll /e ("s,"sse($ A# &''e&l e**o#eousl0 t&8e# to t)e Cou*t o% A''e&ls s)&ll #ot /e t*&#s%e**e( to t)e &''*o'*"&te !ou*t /ut s)&ll /e ("s,"sse( out*".)t$ Se!$ 6$ 2"t)(*&-&l o% &''e&l$

A# &''e&l ,&0 /e -"t)(*&-# &s o% *".)t &t &#0 t",e /e%o*e t)e %"l"#. o% t)e &''ellee;s /*"e%$ T)e*e&%te*+ t)e -"t)(*&-&l ,&0 /e &llo-e( "# t)e ("s!*et"o# o% t)e !ou*t$ RULE 51 GUDFEENT Se!t"o# 1$ 2)e# !&se (ee,e( su/,"tte( %o* @u(.,e#t$ A !&se s)&ll /e (ee,e( su/,"tte( %o* @u(.,e#t? A$ I# o*("#&*0 &''e&ls$<

15 2)e*e #o )e&*"#. o# t)e ,e*"ts o% t)e ,&"# !&se "s )el(+ u'o# t)e %"l"#. o% t)e l&st 'le&("#.+ /*"e%+ o* ,e,o*&#(u, *e>u"*e( /0 t)e Rules o* /0 t)e !ou*t "tsel%+ o* t)e e9'"*&t"o# o% t)e 'e*"o( %o* "ts %"l"#.$

25 2)e*e su!) & )e&*"#. "s )el(+ u'o# "ts te*,"#&t"o# o* u'o# t)e %"l"#. o% t)e l&st 'le&("#. o* ,e,o*&#(u, &s ,&0 /e *e>u"*e( o* 'e*,"tte( to /e %"le( /0 t)e !ou*t+ o* t)e e9'"*&t"o# o% t)e 'e*"o( %o* "ts %"l"#.$ D$ I# o*"."#&l &!t"o#s &#( 'et"t"o#s %o* *e1"e-$< 15 2)e*e #o !o,,e#t "s %"le(+ u'o# t)e e9'"*&t"o# o% t)e 'e*"o( to !o,,e#t$ 25 2)e*e #o )e&*"#. "s )el(+ u'o# t)e %"l"#. o% t)e l&st 'le&("#. *e>u"*e( o* 'e*,"tte( to /e %"le( /0 t)e !ou*t+ o* t)e e9'"*&t"o# o% t)e 'e*"o( %o* "ts %"l"#.$ 65 2)e*e & )e&*"#. o# t)e ,e*"ts o% t)e ,&"# !&se "s )el(+ u'o# "ts te*,"#&t"o# o* u'o# t)e %"l"#. o% t)e l&st 'le&("#. o* ,e,o*&#(u, &s ,&0 /e *e>u"*e( o* 'e*,"tte( to /e %"le( /0 t)e !ou*t+ o* t)e e9'"*&t"o# o% t)e 'e*"o( %o* "ts %"l"#.$ !)&# *o/les 1"*tu&l
l&- l"/*&*0






T)e @u(.,e#t s)&ll /e *e#(e*e( /0 t)e ,e,/e*s o% t)e !ou*t -)o '&*t"!"'&te( "# t)e (el"/e*&t"o# o# t)e ,e*"ts o% t)e !&se /e%o*e "ts &ss".#,e#t to & ,e,/e* %o* t)e -*"t"#. o% t)e (e!"s"o#$ Se!$ 6$ Cuo*u, &#( 1ot"#. "# t)e !ou*t$ T)e '&*t"!"'&t"o# o% &ll t)*ee Gust"!es o% & ("1"s"o# s)&ll /e #e!ess&*0 &t t)e (el"/e*&t"o# &#( t)e u#&#",ous 1ote o% t)e t)*ee Gust"!es s)&ll /e *e>u"*e( %o* t)e '*o#ou#!e,e#t o% & @u(.,e#t o* %"#&l *esolut"o#$ I% t)e t)*ee Gust"!es (o #ot *e&!) & u#&#",ous 1ote+ t)e !le*8 s)&ll e#te* t)e 1otes o% t)e ("sse#t"#. Gust"!es "# t)e *e!o*($ T)e*e&%te*+ t)e C)&"*,&# o% t)e ("1"s"o# s)&ll *e%e* t)e !&se+* -"t) t)e ,"#utes o% t)e (el"/e*&t"o#+ to t)e P*es"("#. Gust"!e -)o s)&ll (es".#&te t-o Gust"!es !)ose# /0 *&%%le %*o, &,o#. &ll t)e ot)e* ,e,/e*s o% t)e !ou*t to s"t te,'o*&*"l0 -"t) t)e,+ %o*,"#. & s'e!"&l ("1"s"o# o% %"1e Gust"!es$ T)e

'&*t"!"'&t"o# o% &ll t)e %"1e ,e,/e*s o% t)e s'e!"&l ("1"s"o# s)&ll /e #e!ess&*0 %o* t)e (el"/e*&t"o# *e>u"*e( "# se!t"o# 2 o% t)"s Rule &#( t)e !o#!u**e#!e o% & ,&@o*"t0 o% su!) ("1"s"o# s)&ll /e *e>u"*e( %o* t)e '*o#ou#!e,e#t o% & @u(.,e#t o* %"#&l *esolut"o#$ Se!$ $ D"s'os"t"o# o% & !&se$ T)e Cou*t o% A''e&ls+ "# t)e e9e*!"se o% "ts &''ell&te @u*"s("!t"o#+ ,&0 &%%"*,+ *e1e*se+ o* ,o("%0 t)e @u(.,e#t o* %"#&l o*(e* &''e&le( %*o,+ &#( ,&0 ("*e!t & #e- t*"&l o* %u*t)e* '*o!ee("#.s to /e )&($ Se!$ 5$ Fo*, o% (e!"s"o#$ E1e*0 (e!"s"o# o* %"#&l *esolut"o# o% t)e !ou*t "# &''e&le( !&ses s)&ll !le&*l0 &#( ("st"#!tl0 st&te t)e %"#("#.s o% %&!t &#( t)e !o#!lus"o#s o% l&- o# -)"!) "t "s /&se(+ -)"!) ,&0 /e !o#t&"#e( "# t)e (e!"s"o# o* %"#&l *esolut"o# "tsel%+ o* &(o'te( %*o, t)ose set %o*t) "# t)e (e!"s"o#+ o*(e*+ o* *esolut"o# &''e&le( %*o,$ Se!$ 4$ H&*,less e**o*$ No e**o* "# e"t)e* t)e &(,"ss"o# o* t)e e9!lus"o# o% e1"(e#!e &#( #o e**o* o* (e%e!t "# &#0 *ul"#. o* o*(e* o* "# &#0t)"#. (o#e o* o,"tte( /0 t)e t*"&l !ou*t o* /0 &#0 o% t)e '&*t"es "s .*ou#( %o* .*&#t"#. & #e- t*"&l o* %o* sett"#. &s"(e+ ,o("%0"#.+ o* ot)e*-"se ("stu*/"#. & @u(.,e#t o* o*(e*+ u#less *e%us&l to t&8e su!) &!t"o# &''e&*s to t)e !ou*t "#!o#s"ste#t -"t) su/st&#t"&l @ust"!e$ T)e !ou*t &t e1e*0 st&.e o% t)e '*o!ee("#. ,ust ("s*e.&*( &#0 e**o* o* (e%e!t -)"!) (oes #ot &%%e!t t)e su/st&#t"&l *".)ts o% t)e '&*t"es$ Se!$ 7$ Gu(.,e#t -)e*e t)e*e &*e se1e*&l '&*t"es$ I# &ll &!t"o#s o* '*o!ee("#.s+ &# &''e&le( @u(.,e#t ,&0 /e &%%"*,e( &s to so,e o% t)e &''ell&#ts+ &#( *e1e*se( &s to ot)e*s+ &#( t)e !&se s)&ll t)e*e&%te* /e '*o!ee(e( -"t)+ so %&* &s #e!ess&*0+ &s "% se'&*&te &!t"o#s )&( /ee# /e.u# &#( '*ose!ute(A &#( e9e!ut"o# o% t)e @u(.,e#t o% &%%"*,&#!e ,&0 /e )&( &!!o*("#.l0+ &#( !osts ,&0 /e &(@u(.e( "# su!) !&ses+ &s t)e !ou*t s)&ll (ee, '*o'e*$ Se!$ =$ Cuest"o#s t)&t ,&0 /e (e!"(e($

No e**o* -)"!) (oes #ot &%%e!t t)e @u*"s("!t"o# o1e* t)e su/@e!t ,&tte* o* t)e 1&l"("t0 o% t)e @u(.,e#t &''e&le( %*o, o* t)e '*o!ee("#.s t)e*e"# -"ll /e !o#s"(e*e( u#less st&te( "# t)e &ss".#,e#t o% e**o*s+ o* !losel0 *el&te( to o* (e'e#(e#t o# &# &ss".#e( e**o* &#( '*o'e*l0 &*.ue( "# t)e /*"e%+ s&1e &s t)e !ou*t ,&0 '&ss u'o# 'l&"# e**o*s &#( !le*"!&l e**o*s$ Se!$ 9$ P*o,ul.&t"o# &#( #ot"!e o% @u(.,e#t$ A%te* t)e @u(.,e#t o* %"#&l *esolut"o# &#( ("sse#t"#. o* se'&*&te o'"#"o#s+ "% &#0+ &*e s".#e( /0 t)e Gust"!es t&8"#. '&*t+ t)e0 s)&ll /e (el"1e*e( %o* %"l"#. to t)e !le*8 -)o s)&ll "#("!&te t)e*eo# t)e (&te o% '*o,ul.&t"o# &#( !&use t*ue !o'"es t)e*eo% to /e se*1e( u'o# t)e '&*t"es o* t)e"* !ou#sel Se!$ 17$ E#t*0 o% @u(.,e#ts &#( %"#&l *esolut"o#s$ I% #o &''e&l o* ,ot"o# %o* #e- t*"&l o* *e!o#s"(e*&t"o# "s %"le( -"t)"# t)e t",e '*o1"(e( "# t)ese Rules+ t)e @u(.,e#t o* %"#&l *esolut"o# s)&ll %o*t)-"t) /e e#te*e( /0 t)e !le*8 "# t)e /oo8 o% e#t*"es o% @u(.,e#ts$ T)e (&te -)e# t)e @u(.,e#t o* %"#&l *esolut"o# /e!o,es e9e!uto*0 s)&ll /e (ee,e( &s t)e (&te o% "ts e#t*0$ T)e *e!o*( s)&ll !o#t&"# t)e ("s'os"t"1e '&*t o% t)e @u(.,e#t o* %"#&l *esolut"o# &#( s)&ll /e s".#e( /0 t)e !le*8+ -"t) & !e*t"%"!&te t)&t su!) @u(.,e#t o* %"#&l *esolut"o# )&s /e!o,e %"#&l &#( e9e!uto*0$ Se!$ 11$ E9e!ut"o# o% @u(.,e#t$ E9!e't -)e*e t)e @u(.,e#t o* %"#&l o*(e* o* *esolut"o#+ o* & 'o*t"o# t)e*eo%+ "s o*(e*e( to /e ",,e("&tel0 e9e!uto*0+ t)e ,ot"o# %o* "ts e9e!ut"o# ,&0 o#l0 /e %"le( "# t)e '*o'e* !ou*t &%te* "ts e#t*0$ I# o*"."#&l &!t"o#s "# t)e Cou*t o% A''e&ls+ "ts -*"t o% e9e!ut"o# s)&ll /e &!!o,'&#"e( /0 & !e*t"%"e( t*ue !o'0 o% t)e e#t*0 o% @u(.,e#t o* %"#&l *esolut"o# &#( &((*esse( to &#0 &''*o'*"&te o%%"!e* %o* "ts e#%o*!e,e#t$ I# &''e&le( !&ses+ -)e*e t)e ,ot"o# %o* e9e!ut"o# 'e#("#. &''e&l "s %"le( "# t)e Cou*t o% A''e&ls &t & t",e t)&t "t "s "# 'ossess"o# o% t)e o*"."#&l *e!o*( o* t)e *e!o*( o# &''e&l+ t)e *esolut"o# .*&#t"#. su!) ,ot"o#

s)&ll /e t*&#s,"tte( to t)e lo-e* !ou*t %*o, -)"!) t)e !&se o*"."#&te(+* -"t) & !e*t"%"e( t*ue !o'0 o% t)e @u(.,e#t o* %"#&l o*(e* to /e e9e!ute(+ -"t) & ("*e!t"1e %o* su!) !ou*t o% o*"."# to "ssue t)e '*o'e* -*"t %o* "ts e#%o*!e,e#t$ RULE 52 EOTION FOR RECONSIDERATION Se!t"o# 1$ Pe*"o( %o* %"l"#.$

A '&*t0 ,&0 %"le & ,ot"o# %o* *e!o#s"(e*&t"o# o% & @u(.,e#t o* %"#&l *esolut"o# -"t)"# %"%tee# 3155 (&0s %*o, #ot"!e t)e*eo%+ -"t) '*oo% o% se*1"!e o# t)e &(1e*se '&*t0$ Se!$ 2$ Se!o#( ,ot"o# %o* *e!o#s"(e*&t"o#$ No se!o#( ,ot"o# %o* *e!o#s"(e*&t"o# o% & @u(.,e#t o* %"#&l *esolut"o# /0 t)e s&,e '&*t0 s)&ll /e e#te*t&"#e($ Se!$ 6$ Resolut"o# o% ,ot"o#$ I# t)e Cou*t o% A''e&ls+ & ,ot"o# %o* *e!o#s"(e*&t"o# s)&ll /e *esol1e( -"t)"# #"#et0 3975 (&0s %*o, t)e (&te -)e# t)e !ou*t (e!l&*es "t su/,"tte( %o* *esolut"o#$ Se!$ $ St&0 o% e9e!ut"o#$ T)e 'e#(e#!0 o% & ,ot"o# %o* *e!o#s"(e*&t"o# %"le( o# t",e &#( /0 t)e '*o'e* '&*t0 s)&ll st&0 t)e e9e!ut"o# o% t)e @u(.,e#t o* %"#&l *esolut"o# sou.)t to /e *e!o#s"(e*e( u#less t)e !ou*t+ %o* .oo( *e&so#s+ s)&ll ot)e*-"se ("*e!t$ RULE 56 NE2 TRIAL Se!t"o# 1$ Pe*"o( %o* %"l"#.A .*ou#($

At &#0 t",e &%te* t)e &''e&l %*o, t)e lo-e* !ou*t )&s /ee# 'e*%e!te( &#( /e%o*e t)e Cou*t o% A''e&ls loses @u*"s("!t"o# o1e* t)e !&se+ & '&*t0 ,&0 %"le & ,ot"o# %o* & #e- t*"&l o# t)e .*ou#( o% #e-l0 ("s!o1e*e( e1"(e#!e -)"!) !oul( #ot )&1e /ee# ("s!o1e*e( '*"o* to t)e t*"&l "#

t)e !ou*t /elo- /0 t)e e9e*!"se o% (ue ("l".e#!e &#( -)"!) "s o% su!) & !)&*&!te* &s -oul( '*o/&/l0 !)&#.e t)e *esult$ T)e ,ot"o# s)&ll /e &!!o,'&#"e( /0 &%%"(&1"ts s)o-"#. t)e %&!ts !o#st"tut"#. t)e .*ou#(s t)e*e%o* &#( t)e #e-l0 ("s!o1e*e( e1"(e#!e$
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T)e Cou*t o% A''e&ls s)&ll !o#s"(e* t)e #e- e1"(e#!e* -"t) t)&t &((u!e( &t t)e t*"&l /elo-+ &#( ,&0 .*&#t o* *e%use & #e- t*"&l+ o* ,&0 ,&8e su!) o*(e*+ -"t) #ot"!e to /ot) '&*t"es+ &s to t)e t&8"#. o% %u*t)e* test",o#0+ e"t)e* o*&ll0 "# !ou*t+ o* /0 (e'os"t"o#s+ o* *e#(e* su!) ot)e* @u(.,e#t &s ou.)t to /e *e#(e*e( u'o# su!) te*,s &s "t ,&0 (ee, @ust$ Se!$ 6$ Resolut"o# o% ,ot"o#$ I# t)e Cou*t o% A''e&ls+ & ,ot"o# %o* #e- t*"&l s)&ll /e *esol1e( -"t)"# #"#et0 3975 (&0s %*o, t)e (&te -)e# t)e !ou*t (e!l&*es "t su/,"tte( %o* *esolut"o#$ Se!$ $ P*o!e(u*e "# #et*"&l$ U#less t)e !ou*t ot)e*-"se ("*e!ts+ t)e '*o!e(u*e "# t)e #e- t*"&l s)&ll /e t)e s&,e &s t)&t .*&#te( /0 & Re."o#&l T*"&l Cou*t$ RULE 5 INTERNAL DUSINESS Se!t"o# 1$ D"st*"/ut"o# o% !&ses &,o#. ("1"s"o#s$

All t)e !&ses o% t)e Cou*t o% A''e&ls s)&ll /e &llotte( &,o#. t)e ("%%e*e#t ("1"s"o#s t)e*eo% %o* )e&*"#. &#( (e!"s"o#$ T)e Cou*t o% A''e&ls+ s"tt"#. e# /&#!+ s)&ll ,&8e '*o'e* o*(e*s o* *ules to .o1e*# t)e &llot,e#t o% !&ses &,o#. t)e ("%%e*e#t ("1"s"o#s+ t)e !o#st"tut"o# o% su!) ("1"s"o#s+ t)e *e.ul&* *ot&t"o# o% Gust"!es &,o#. t)e,+ t)e %"ll"#. o% 1&!&#!"es o!!u**"#. t)e*e"#+ &#( ot)e* ,&tte*s *el&t"#. to t)e /us"#ess o% t)e !ou*tA &#( su!) *ules s)&ll !o#t"#ue "# %o*!e u#t"l *e'e&le( o* &lte*e( /0 "t o* /0 t)e Su'e,e Cou*t$ Se!$ 2$ Cuo*u, o% t)e Cou*t$

A ,&@o*"t0 o% t)e &!tu&l ,e,/e*s o% t)e !ou*t s)&ll !o#st"tute & >uo*u, %o* "ts sess"o# e# /&#!$ T)*ee ,e,/e*s s)&ll !o#st"tute & >uo*u, %o* "ts sess"o#s o% & ("1"s"o#$ T)e &%%"*,&t"1e 1otes o% t)e ,&@o*"t0 o% t)e ,e,/e*s '*ese#t s)&ll /e #e!ess&*0 to '&ss & *esolut"o# o% t)e !ou*t e# /&#!$ T)e &%%"*,&t"1e 1otes o% t)*ee ,e,/e*s o% & ("1"s"o# s)&ll /e #e!ess&*0 %o* t)e '*o#ou#!e,e#t o% & @u(.,e#t o* %"#&l *esolut"o#+ -)"!) s)&ll /e *e&!)e( "# !o#sult&t"o# /e%o*e t)e -*"t"#. o% t)e o'"#"o# /0 &#0 ,e,/e* o% t)e ("1"s"o#$ RULE 55 PUDLICATION OF GUDFEENTS AND FINAL RESOLUTION Se!t"o# 1$ Pu/l"!&t"o#$

T)e @u(.,e#ts &#( %"#&l *esolut"o#s o% t)e !ou*t s)&ll /e 'u/l"s)e( "# t)e O%%"!"&l F&:ette &#( "# t)e Re'o*ts o%%"!"&ll0 &ut)o*":e( /0 t)e !ou*t "# t)e l&#.u&.e "# -)"!) t)e0 )&1e /ee# o*"."#&ll0 -*"tte#+* -"t) t)e s0ll&/" t)e*e%o* '*e'&*e( /0 t)e *e'o*te* "# !o#sult&t"o# -"t) t)e -*"te*s t)e*eo%$ Ee,o*&#(& o% &ll ot)e* @u(.,e#ts &#( %"#&l *esolut"o#s #ot so 'u/l"s)e( s)&ll /e ,&(e /0 t)e *e'o*te* &#( 'u/l"s)e( "# t)e O%%"!"&l F&:ette &#( t)e &ut)o*":e( *e'o*ts$ Se!$ 2$ P*e'&*&t"o# o% o'"#"o#s %o* 'u/l"!&t"o#$ T)e *e'o*te* s)&ll '*e'&*e &#( 'u/l"s) -"t) e&!) *e'o*te( @u(.,e#t &#( %"#&l *esolut"o# & !o#!"se s0#o's"s o% t)e %&!ts #e!ess&*0 %o* & !le&* u#(e*st&#("#. o% t)e !&se+ t)e #&,es o% !ou#sel+ t)e ,&te*"&l &#( !o#t*o1e*te( 'o"#ts "#1ol1e(+ t)e &ut)o*"t"es !"te( t)e*e"#+ &# & s0ll&/us -)"!) s)&ll /e !o#%"#e( to 'o"#ts o% l&-$ Se!$ 6$ Fe#e*&l ,&8e<u' o% 1olu,es$
The published decisions and final resolutions of the Supreme Court shall be called "Philippine Reports," while those of the Court of Appeals shall be known as the "Court of Appeals Reports." Each volume thereof shall contain a table of the cases reported and the cases cited in the opinions, with a complete alphabetical inde of the sub!ect matters of the volume. "t shall consist of not less than seven hundred pa#es printed upon #ood paper, well bound and numbered consecutivel$ in the order of the volume published


JR%les 36,A to 36,<K

RULE 36,A ORIGINAL 0ASES Section 1. Original cases cogni6a&le. Onl* #etitions for certiorari+ #ro i&ition+ "anda"%s+ 7%o !arranto+ a&eas cor#%s+ disci#linar* #roceeding against "e"&ers of t e '%diciar* and attorne*s+ and cases affecting a"&assadors+ ot er #%&lic "inisters and cons%ls "a* &e filed originall* in t e S%#re"e 0o%rt. Sec. (. R%les a##lica&le. ) e #roced%re in original cases for certiorari+ #ro i&ition+ "anda"%s+ 7%o !arranto and a&eas cor#%s s all &e in accordance !it t e a##lica&le #ro$isions of t e 0onstit%tion+ la!s+ and R%les 26+ 29+ 2:+ 31+ 3( and t is R%le+ s%&'ect to t e follo!ing #ro$isionsB a. All references in said R%les to t e 0o%rt of A##eals s all &e %nderstood to also a##l* to t e S%#re"e 0o%rt>

&. ) e #ortions of ssaid R%les dealing strictl* !it and s#ecificall* intended for a##ealed cases in t e 0o%rt of A##eals s all not &e a##lica&le> and c. Eig teen -19. clearl* legi&le co#ies of t e #etition s all &e filed+ toget er !it #roof of ser$ice on all ad$erse #arties. ) e #roceedings for disci#linar* action against "e"&ers of t e '%diciar* s all &e go$erned &* t e la!s and R%les #rescri&ed t erefor+ and t ose against attorne*s &* R%le 1/:,<+ as a"ended. RULE 36,< APPEALED 0ASES Sec. /. Code of a##eal. An a##eal to t e S%#re"e 0o%rt "a* &e ta4en onl* &* a #etition for re$ie! on certiorari+ e8ce#t in cri"inal cases ! ere t e #enalt* i"#osed is deat + reclusion perpetua or life

Sec. 2. Proced%re. ) e a##eal s all &e go$erned &* and dis#osed of in accordance !it t e

a##lica&le #ro$isions of t e constit%tion+ la!s+ R%les 23+ 29+ Sections 1+ (+ and 3 to 11 of R%le 31+ 3( and t is R%le. Sec. 3. Gro%nds for dis"issal of a##eal. ) e a##eal "a* &e dis"issed motu proprio or
on "otion of t e res#ondent on t e follo!ing gro%ndsB

-a. Fail%re to ta4e t e a##eal !it in t e regle"entar* #eriod> -&. Lac4 #etition> of "erit in t e

-c. Fail%re to #a* t e re7%isite doc4et fee and ot er la!f%l fees or to "a4e a de#osit for costs> -d. Fail%re to co"#l* !it t e re7%ire"ents regarding #roof of ser$ice and contents of and t e doc%"ents ! ic s o%ld acco"#an* t e #etition> -e. Fail%re to co"#l* !it an* circ%lar+ directi$e or order of t e S%#re"e 0o%rt !it o%t '%stifia&le ca%se> -f. Error in t e c oice or "ode of a##eal> and -g. ) e fact t at t e case is not a##eala&le to t e S%#re"e co%rt.

Sec. 6. Dis#osition of i"#ro#er a##eal. E8ce#t as #ro$ided in Section /+ R%le 1(( regarding a##eals in cri"inal cases ! ere t e #enalt* i"#osed is deat + reclusion perpetua or life
i"#rison"ent+ an a##eal ta4en to t e S%#re"e 0o%rt &* notice of a##eal s all &e dis"issed.

An a##eal &* certiorari ta4en to t e S%#re"e 0o%rt fro" t e Regional )rial 0o%rt s%&"itting iss%es of fact "a* &e referred to t e 0o%rt of A##eals for decision or a##ro#riate action. ) e deter"ination of t e S%#re"e 0o%rt on ! et er or not iss%es of fact are in$ol$ed s all &e final. Sec. 5. Proced%re if o#inion is e7%all* di$ided. = ere t e 0o%rt en banc is e7%all* di$ided in
o#inion+ or t e necessar* "a'orit* cannot &e ad+ t e case s all again &e deli&erated on+ and if after s%c deli&eration no decision is reac ed+ t e original action co""enced in t e 0o%rt s all &e dis"issed> in a##ealed cases+ t e '%dg"ent or order a##ealed fro" s all stand affir"ed> and on all incidental "atters+ t e #etition or "otion s all &e denie

JR%les 35 to 61K


Section 1. attac "ent

Gro%nds "a*

%#on ! ic iss%e.

At t e co""ence"ent of t e action or at an* ti"e &efore entr* of '%dg"ent+ a #laintiff or an* #ro#er #art* "a* a$e t e #ro#ert* of t e ad$erse #art* attac ed as sec%rit* for t e satisfaction of an* '%dg"ent t at "a* &e reco$ered in t e follo!ing casesB -a. In an action for t e reco$er* of a s#ecified a"o%nt of "one* or da"ages+ ot er t an "oral and e8e"#lar*+ on a ca%se of action arising fro" la!+ contract+ 7%asi,contract+ delict or 7%asi, delict against a #art* ! o is a&o%t to de#art fro" t e P ili##ines ! ic intent to defra%d is creditors> -&. In an action for "one* or #ro#ert* e"&e66led or fra%d%lentl* "isa##lied or con$erted to is o!n %se &* a #%&lic officer+ or an officer of a cor#oration+ or an attorne*+ factor+ &ro4er agent+ or cler4+ in t e co%rse of is e"#lo*"ent as s%c + or &* ot er #erson in a

fid%ciar* ca#acit*+ or for !illf%l $iolation of d%t*>

-c. In an action to reco$er t e #ossession of #ro#ert* %n'%stl* or fra%d%lentl* ta4en+ detained or con$erted+ ! en t e #ro#ert*+ or an* #art t ereof+ as &een concealed+ re"o$ed+ or dis#osed of to #re$ent its &eing fo%nd or ta4en &* t e a##licant or an a%t ori6ed #erson> -d. In an action against a #art* ! o as &een g%ilt* of a fra%d in contracting t e de&t or inc%rring t e o&ligation %#on ! ic t e action is &ro%g t+ or in t e #erfor"ance t ereof> -e. In an action ! o as re"o$ed is #ro#ert*+ or so+ !it intent creditors> or against a #art* or dis#osed of is a&o%t to do to defra%d is

-f. In an action against a #art* ! o does not reside and is not fo%nd in t e P ili##ines+ or on ! o" s%""ons "a* &e ser$ed &* #%&lication.

Sec. (. Iss%ance and contents of order. An order of attac "ent "a* &e iss%ed eit er e8 #arte or %#on "otion !it notice and earing &* t e co%rt in ! ic t e action is #ending+ or &* t e 0o%rt of A##eals or t e S%#re"e 0o%rt+ and "%st re7%ire t e s eriff of t e co%rt to attac so "%c of t e #ro#ert* in t e P ili##ines of t e #art* against ! o" it is iss%ed+ not e8e"#t fro" e8ec%tion+ as "a* &e s%fficient to satisf* t e a##licant1s de"and+ %nless s%c #art* "a4es de#osit or gi$es a &ond as ereinafter #ro$ided in an a"o%nt e7%al to t at fi8ed in t e order+ ! ic "a* &e t e a"o%nt s%fficient to satisf* t e a##licant1s de"and or t e $al%e of t e #ro#ert* to &e attac ed as stated &* t e a##licant+ e8cl%si$e of costs. Se$eral !rits "a* &e iss%ed at t e sa"e ti"e to t e s eriffs of t e co%rts of different '%dicial regions. Sec. /. Affida$it and &ond re7%ired. An order of attac "ent s all &e granted onl* ! en it a##ears &* t e affida$it of t e a##licant+ or of so"e ot er #erson ! o #ersonall* 4no!s t e facts+ t at a s%fficient

ca%se of action e8ists+ t at t e case is one of t ose "entioned in section 1 ereof+ t at t ere is no ot er s%fficient sec%rit* for t e clai" so%g t to &e enforced &* t e action+ and t at t e a"o%nt d%e to t e a##licant+ or t e $al%e of t e #ro#ert* t e #ossession of ! ic e is entitled to reco$er+ is as "%c as t e s%" for ! ic t e order is granted a&o$e all legal co%nterclai"s. ) e affida$it+ and t e &ond re7%ired &* t e ne8t s%cceeding section+ "%st &e d%l* filed !it t e co%rt &efore t e order iss%es. Sec. 2. 0ondition of a##licant1s &ond. ) e #art* a##l*ing for t e order "%st t ereafter gi$e a &ond e8ec%ted to t e ad$erse #art* in t e a"o%nt fi8ed &* t e co%rt in its order granting t e iss%ance of t e !rit+ conditioned t at t e latter !ill #a* all t e costs ! ic "a* &e ad'%dged to t e ad$erse #art* and all da"ages ! ic e "a* s%stain &* reason of t e attac "ent+ if t e co%rt s all finall* ad'%dged t at te a##licant !as not entitled t ere to. Sec. 3. Canner of attac ing #ro#ert*.

) e s eriff enforcing t e !rit s all !it o%t dela* and !it all reasona&le diligence attac + to a!ait '%dg"ent and e8ec%tion in t e action+ onl* so "%c of t e #ro#ert* in t e P ili##ines of t e #art* against ! o" t e !rit is iss%ed+ not e8e"#t fro" e8ec%tion+ as "a* &e s%fficient to satisf* t e a##licant1s de"and+ %nless t e for"er "a4es a de#osit !it t e co%rt fro" ! ic t e !rit is iss%ed+ or gi$es a co%nter&ond e8ec%ted to t e a##licant+ in an a"o%nt e7%al to t e &ond fi8ed &* t e co%rt in t e order of attac "ent or to t e $al%e of t e #ro#ert* to &e attac ed+ e8cl%si$e of costs. No le$* on attac "ent #%rs%ant to t e !rit iss%ed %nder section ( ereof s all &e enforced %nless it is #receded+ or conte"#oraneo%sl* acco"#anied+ &* ser$ice of s%""ons+ toget er !it a co#* of t e co"#laint+ t e a##lication for attac "ent+ t e a##licant1s affida$it and &ond+ and t e order and !rit of attac "ent+ on t e defendant !it in t e P ili##ines. ) e re7%ire"ent of conte"#oraneo%s ser$ice #rior or of s%""ons

s all not a##l* ! ere t e s%""ons co%ld not &e ser$ed #ersonall* or &* s%&stit%ted ser$ice des#ite diligent efforts+ or t e defendant is a resident of t e P ili##ines te"#oraril* a&sent t erefro"+ or t e defendant is a non,resident of t e P ili##ines+ or t e action is one in re" or 7%asi in re". Sec. 6. S eriff1s ret%rn.

After enforcing t e !rit+ t e s eriff "%st li4e!ise !it o%t dela* "a4e a ret%rn t ereon to t e co%rt fro" ! ic t e !rit iss%ed+ !it a f%ll state"ent of is #roceedings %nder t e !rit and a co"#lete in$entor* of t e #ro#ert* attac ed+ toget er !it an* co%nter,&ond gi$en &* t e #art* against ! o" attac "ent is iss%ed+ and ser$e co#ies t ereof on t e a##licant. Sec. 5. Attac "ent of real and #ersonal #ro#ert*> recording t ereof. Real and #ersonal #ro#ert* s all &e attac ed &* t e s eriff e8ec%ting t e !rit in t e follo!ing "annerB -a. Real #ro#ert*+ or gro!ing cro#s t ereon+ or an* interest t erein+ standing %#ont e record

of t e registr* of deed of t e #ro$ince in t e na"e of t e #art* against ! o" attac "ent is iss%ed+ or not a##earing at all %#on s%c records+ or &elonging to t e #art* against ! o" attac "ent is iss%ed and eld &* an* ot er #erson+ or standing on t e records of t e registr* of deeds in t e na"e of an* ot er #erson+ &* filing !it t e registr* of deeds a co#* of t e order+ toget er !it a descri#tion of t e #ro#ert* attac ed+ and a notice t at it is attac ed+ or t at s%c real #ro#ert* and an* interest t erein eld &* or standing in t e na"e of s%c ot er #erson are attac ed+ and &* lea$ing a co#* of s%c order+ descri#tion+ and notice !it t e occ%#ant of t e #ro#ert*+ if an*+ or !it s%c ot er #erson or is agent if fo%nd !it in t e #ro$ince. = ere t e #ro#ert* as &een &ro%g t %nder t e o#eration of eit er t e Land Registration Act or t e Pro#ert* Registration Decree+ t e notice s all contain a reference to t e n%"&er of t e certificate

of title+ t e $ol%"e and #age in t e registration &oo4 ! ere t e certificate is registered+ and t e registered o!ner or o!ners t ereof. ) e registrar of deed "%st inde8 attac "ents filed %nder t is section in t e na"es of t e a##licant+ t e ad$erse #art*+ or t e #erson &* ! o" t e #ro#ert* is eld or in ! ose na"e it stands in t e records. If t e attac "ent is not clai"ed on t e entire area of t e land co$ered &* t e certificate of title+ a descri#tion s%fficientl* acc%rate for t e identification of t e land or interest to &e affected s all &e incl%ded in t e registration of s%c attac "ent> -&. Personal #ro#ert* ca#a&le of "an%al deli$er*+ &* ta4ing and safel* 4ee#ing it in is c%stod*+ after iss%ing t e corres#onding recei#t t erefor> -c. Stoc4s or s ares+ or interest in stoc4s or s ares+ an* cor#oration or co"#an*+ lea$ing !it t e #resident an of &* or

"anaging agent t ereof+ a co#* of t e !rit+ and a notice stating t at t e stoc4 or interest of t e #art* against ! o" t e attac "ent is iss%ed is attac ed in #%rs%ance of s%c !rit> -d. De&ts and credits+ incl%ding &an4 de#osits+ financial interest+ ro*alties+ co""issions+ and ot er #ersonal #ro#ert* not ca#a&le of "an%al deli$er*+ &* lea$ing !it t e #erson o!ing s%c de&ts+ or a$ing in is #ossession or %nder is control+ s%c credits or ot er #ersonal #ro#ert*+ or !it is agent+ a co#* of t e !rit+ and notice t at t e de&ts o!ing &* i" to t e #art* against ! o" attac "ent is iss%ed+ and t e credits and ot er #ersonal #ro#ert* in is #ossession+ or %nder is control+ &elonging to said #art*+ are attac ed in #%rs%ance of s%c !rit> -e. ) e interest of t e #art* ! o" attac "ent is iss%ed in #ro#ert* &elonging to t e estate of t e decedent+ !et er as eir+ legatee+ or de$isee+ &* ser$ing

t e e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator or ot er #ersonal re#resentati$e of t e decedent !it a co#* of t e !rit and notice t at said interest is attac ed. A co#* of said !rit of attac "ent and of said notice s all also &e filed in t e office of t e cler4 of t e co%rt in ! ic said estate is &eing settled and ser$ed %#on t e eir+ legatee or de$isee concerned. If t e #ro#ert* so%g t to &e attac ed is in c%stodia legis+ a co#* of t e !rit of attac "ent s all &e filed !it t e #ro#er co%rt or 7%asi,'%dicial agenc*+ and notice of t e attac "ent ser$ed %#on t e c%stodian of s%c #ro#ert*. Sec. 9. Effect of attac "ent of de&ts+ credits and all ot er si"ilar #ersonal #ro#ert*. All #ersons a$ing in t eir #ossession or %nder t eir control an* credits or ot er si"ilar #ersonal #ro#ert* &elonging to t e #art* against ! o" attac "ent is iss%ed+ or o!ing an* de&ts to i"+

at t e ti"e of ser$ice %#on t e" of t e co#* of t e !rit of attac "ent and notice as #ro$ided in t e last #receding section+ s all &e lia&le to t e a##licant for t e a"o%nt of s%c credits+ de&ts or ot er si"ilar #ersonal #ro#ert*+ %ntil t e attac "ent is disc arged+ or an* '%dg"ent reco$ered &* i" is satisfied+ %nless s%c #ro#ert* is deli$ered or transferred+ or s%c de&ts are #aid+ to t e cler4+ s eriff+ or ot er #ro#er officer of t e co%rt iss%ing t e attac "ent. Sec. :. Effect of attac "ent of interest in #ro#ert* &elonging to t e estate of a decedent. ) e attac "ent of t e interest of an eir+ legatee+ or de$isee in t e #ro#ert* &elonging to t e estate of a decedent s all not i"#air t e #o!er of t e e8ec%tor+ ad"inistrator+ or ot er #ersonal re#resentati$e of t e decedent o$er s%c #ro#ert* for t e #%r#ose of ad"inistration. S%c #ersonal re#resentati$e+ o!e$er+ s all re#ort t e attac "ent to t e co%rt ! en an* #etition for distri&%tion is filed+ and in t e order "ade %#on s%c #etition+ distri&%tion "a* &e

a!arded to s%c eir+ legatee+ or de$isee+ &%t t e #ro#ert* attac ed s all &e ordered deli$ered to t e s eriff "a4ing t e le$*+ s%&'ect to t e clai" of s%c eir+ legatee+ or de$isee+ or an* #erson clai"ing %nder i". Sec. 1;. E8a"ination of #art* ! ose #ro#ert* is attac ed and #ersons inde&ted to i" or controlling is #ro#ert*> deli$er* of #ro#ert* to s eriff. An* #erson o!ing de&ts to t e #art* ! ose #ro#ert* is attac ed or a$ing in is #ossession or %nder is control an* credit or ot er #ersonal #ro#ert* &elonging to s%c #art*+ "a* &e re7%ired to attend &efore t e co%rt in ! ic t e action is #ending+ or &efore a co""issioner a##ointed &* t e co%rt+ and &e e8a"ine on oat res#ecting t e sa"e. ) e #art* ! ose #ro#ert* is attac ed "a* also &e re7%ired to attend for t e #%r#ose of gi$ing infor"ation res#ecting is #ro#ert*+ and "a* &e e8a"ined on oat . ) e co%rt "a*+ after s%c e8a"ination+ order #ersonal #ro#ert* ca#a&le of "an%al deli$er* &elonging to i"+ in t e #ossession of t e #erson so re7%ired

to attend &efore t e co%rt+ to &e deli$ered to t e cler4 of t e co%rt or s eriff on s%c ter"s as "a* &e '%st+ a$ing reference to an* lien t ereon or clai" against t e sa"e+ to a!ait t e '%dg"ent in t e action. Sec. 11. = en attac ed #ro#ert* "a* &e sold after le$* on attac "ent and &efore entr* of '%dg"ent. = ene$er it s all &e "ade to a##ear to t e co%rt in ! ic t e action is #ending+ %#on earing !it notice to &ot #arties+ t at t e #art* attac ed is #eris a&le+ or t at t e interests of all t e #arties to t e action !ill &e !ill &e s%&ser$ed &* t e sale t ereof+ t e co%rt "a* order s%c #ro#ert* to &e sold at #%&lic a%ction in s%c "anner as it "a* direct+ and t e #roceeds of s%c sale to &e de#osited in co%rt to a&ide t e '%dg"ent in t e action. Sec. 1(. Disc arge of attac "ent %#on gi$ing co%nter&ond. After a !rit of attac "ent as &een enforced+ t e #art* ! ose #ro#ert* as &een attac ed+ or t e #erson a##earing on is &e alf+ "a* "o$e for t e disc arge of t e attac "ent ! oll* or in #art on t e sec%rit*

gi$en. ) e co%rt s all+ after d%e notice and earing+ order t e disc arge of t e attac "ent if t e "o$ant "a4es a cas de#osit+ or files a co%nter,&ond e8ec%ted to t e attac ing #art* !it t e cler4 of t e co%rt ! ere t e a##lication is "ade+ in an a"o%nt e7%al to t at fi8ed &* t e co%rt in t e order of attac "ent+ e8cl%si$e of costs. <%t if t e attac "ent is so%g t to &e disc arged !it res#ect to a #artic%lar #ro#ert*+ t e co%nter, &ond s all &e e7%al to t e $al%e of t at #ro#ert* as deter"ined &* t e co%rt. In eit er case+ t e cas de#osit or t e co%nter,&ond s all sec%re t e #a*"ent of an* '%dg"ent t at t e attac ing #art* "a* reco$er in t e action. A notice of t e de#osit s all fort !it &e ser$ed on t e attac ing #art*. U#on t e disc arge of an attac "ent in accordance !it t e #ro$isions of t is section+ t e #ro#ert* attac ed+ or t e #roceeds of an* sale t ereof+ s all &e deli$ered to t e #art* "a4ing t e de#osit or gi$ing t e co%nter,&ond+ or to t e #erson a##earing on is &e alf+ t e de#osit or co%nter,&ond aforesaid standing

in #lace of t e #ro#ert* so released. S o%ld s%c co%nter,&ond for an* reason to &e fo%nd to &e or &eco"e ins%fficient+ and t e #art* f%rnis ing t e sa"e fail to file an additional co%nter,&ond+ t e attac ing #art* "a* a##l* for a ne! order of attac "ent. Sec. 1/. Disc arge of attac "ent on ot er gro%nds. ) e #art* ! ose #ro#ert* as &een ordered attac ed "a* file a "otion !it t e co%rt in ! ic t e action is #ending+ &efore or after le$* or e$en after t e release of t e attac ed #ro#ert*+ for an order to set aside or disc arged t e attac "ent on t e gro%nd t at t e sa"e !as i"#ro#erl* or irreg%larl* iss%ed or enforced+ or t at t e &ond is ins%fficient. If t e attac "ent is e8cessi$e+ t e disc arge s all &e li"ited to t e e8cess. If t e "otion &e "ade on affida$its on t e #art of t e "o$ant &%t not ot er!ise+ t e attac ing #art* "a* o##ose t e "otion &* co%nter,affida$its or ot er e$idence in addition to t at on ! ic t e attac "ent !as "ade. After d%e notice and earing+ t e

co%rt s all order t e setting aside or t e corres#onding disc arge of t e attac "ent if it a##ears t at it !as i"#ro#erl* or irreg%larl* iss%ed or enforced+ or t at t e &ond is ins%fficient+ or t at t e attac "ent is e8cessi$e+ and t e defect is not c%red fort !it . Sec. 12. Proceedings ! ere #ro#ert* clai"ed &* t ird #erson. If t e #ro#ert* attac ed is clai"ed &* an* #erson ot er t an t e #art* against ! o" attac "ent ad &een iss%ed or is agent+ and s%c #erson "a4es an affida$it of is title t ereto+ or rig t to t e #ossession t ereof+ stating t e gro%nds of s%c rig t or title+ and ser$es s%c affida$it %#on t e s eriff ! ile t e latter as #ossession of t e attac ed #art*+ and a co#* t ereof %#on t e attac ing #art*+ t e s eriff s all not &e &o%nd to 4ee# t e #ro#ert* %nder attac "ent+ %nless t e attac ing #art* or is agent+ on de"and of t e s eriff+ s all file a &ond a##ro$ed &* t e co%rt to inde"nif* t e t ird,#art* clai"ant in a s%" not less t an t e $al%e of t e #ro#ert* le$ied %#on. In case of disagree"ent as to s%c

$al%e+ t e sa"e s all &e decided &* t e co%rt iss%ing t e !rit of attac "ent. No clai" for da"ages for t e ta4ing or 4ee#ing of t e #ro#ert* "a* &e enforced against t e &ond %nless t e action t erefor is filed !it in one %ndred t!ent* -1(;. da*s fro" t e date of t e filing of t e &ond. ) e s eriff s all not &e lia&le for da"ages for t e ta4ing or 4ee#ing of s%c #ro#ert*+ to an* s%c t ird, #art* clai"ant+ if s%c &ond s all &e filed. Not ing erein contained s%c #re$ent s%c clai"ant or an* t ird #erson fro" $indicating is clai" to t e #ro#ert*+ or #re$ent t e attac ing #art* fro" clai"ing da"ages against a t ird,#art* clai"ant ! o filed a fri$olo%s or #lainl* s#%rio%s clai"+ in t e sa"e or a se#arate action. = en t e !rit of attac "ent is iss%ed in fa$or of t e Re#%&lic of t e P ili##ines+ or an* officer d%l* re#resenting it+ t e filing of s%c &ond s all not &e re7%ired+ and in case t e s eriff is s%ed for da"ages as a res%lt of t e attac "ent+ e s all &e re#resented &* t e

Solicitor General+ and if eld lia&le t erefor+ t e act%al da"ages ad'%dged &* t e co%rt s all &e #aid &* t e National )reas%rer o%t of t e f%nds to &e a##ro#riated for t e #%r#ose. Sec. 13. Satisfaction of '%dg"ent o%t of #ro#ert* attac ed> ret%rn of s eriff. If '%dg"ent &e reco$ered &* t e attac ing #art* and e8ec%tion iss%e t ereon+ t e s eriff "a* ca%se t e '%dg"ent to &e satisfied o%t of t e #ro#ert* attac ed+ if it &e s%fficient for t at #%r#ose in t e follo!ing "annerB -a. <* #a*ing to t e '%dg"ent o&ligee t e #roceeds of all sales of #eris a&le or ot er #ro#ert* sold in #%rs%ance of t e order of t e co%rt+ or so "%c as s all &e necessar* to satisf* t e '%dg"ent> -&. If an* &alance re"ains d%e+ &* selling so "%c of t e #ro#ert*+ real or #ersonal+ as "a* &e necessar* to satisf* t e &alance+ if eno%g for t at #%r#ose re"ain in t e s eriff1s

ands+ or in t ose of t e cler4 of t e co%rt> -c. <* collecting fro" all #ersons a$ing in t eir #ossession credits &elonging to t e '%dg"ent o&ligor+ or o!ing de&ts to t e latter at t e ti"e of t e attac "ent of s%c credits or de&ts+ t e a"o%nt of s%c credits and de&ts as deter"ine &* t e co%rt in t e action+ and stated in t e '%dg"ent+ and #a*ing t e #roceeds of s%c collection o$er to t e '%dg"ent o&ligee. ) e s eriff s all fort !it "a4e a ret%rn in !riting to t e co%rt of is #roceedings %nder t is section and f%rnis t e #arties !it co#ies t ereof. Sec. 16. <alance d%e collected %#on an e8ec%tion> e8cess deli$ered to '%dg"ent o&ligor. After reali6ing %#on all t e #ro#ert* attac ed+ incl%ding t e #roceed of an* de&ts or credits collected+ and a##l*ing t e #roceeds to t e satisfaction of t e '%dg"ent+ less t e e8#enses

of #roceedings %#on t e '%dg"ent+ an* &alance s all re"ain d%e+ t e s eriff "%st #roceed to collect s%c &alance as %#on ordinar* e8ec%tion. = ene$er t e '%dg"ent s all a$e &een #aid+ t e s eriff+ %#on reasona&le de"and+ "%st ret%rn to t e '%dg"ent o&ligor t e attac ed #ro#ert* re"aining in is ands+ and an* #roceeds of t e sale of t e #ro#ert* attac ed not a##lied to t e '%dg"ent. Sec. 15. Reco$er* %#on t e co%nter,&ond. = en t e '%dg"ent as &eco"e e8ec%tor*+ t e s%ret* or s%reties on an* co%nter,&ond gi$en #%rs%ant to t e #ro$isions of t is R%le to sec%re t e #a*"ent of t e '%dg"ent s all &eco"e c arged on s%c co%nter,&ond and &o%nd to #a* t e '%dg"ent o&ligee %#on de"and t e a"o%nt d%e %nder t e '%dg"ent+ ! ic a"o%nt "a* &e reco$ered fro" s%c s%ret* or s%reties after notice and s%""ar* earing in t e sa"e action. Sec. 19. Dis#osition of "one* de#osited. = ere t e attac "ent #art* against ! o" ad &een iss%ed as

de#osited "one* instead of gi$ing co%nter,&ond+ it s all &e a##lied %nder t e direction of t e co%rt to t e satisfaction of an* '%dg"ent rendered in fa$or of t e attac ing #art*+ and after satisf*ing t e '%dg"ent t e &alance s all &e rendered to t e de#ositor or is assignee. If t e '%dg"ent is in fa$or of t e #art* against ! o" attac "ent !as iss%ed+ t e ! ole s%" de#osited "%st &e ref%nded to i" or is assignee. Sec. 1:. Dis#osition of attac e #ro#ert* ! ere '%dg"ent is for #art* against ! o" attac "ent !as iss%ed. If '%dg"ent &e rendered against t e attac ing #art*+ all t e #roceeds of sales and "one* collected or recei$ed &* t e s eriff+ %nder t e order of attac "ent+ and all #ro#ert* attac ed re"aining in an* s%c officer1s ands+ s all &e deli$ered to t e #art* against ! o" attac "ent !as iss%ed+ and t e order of attac "ent disc arged. Sec. (;. 0lai" for da"ages on acco%nt of i"#ro#er+ irreg%lar or e8cessi$e attac "ent.

An a##lication for da"ages on acco%nt of i"#ro#er+ irreg%lar or e8cessi$e attac "ent "%st &e filed &efore t e trial or &efore t e trial or &efore a##eal is #erfected or &efore t e '%dg"ent &eco"es e8ec%tor*+ !it d%e notice to t e attac ing #art* and is s%ret* or s%reties+ setting fort t e facts s o!ing is rig t to da"ages and t e a"o%nt t ereof. S%c da"ages "a* &e a!arded onl* after #ro#er earing and s all &e incl%ded in t e '%dg"ent on t e "ain case. If t e '%dg"ent of t e a##ellate co%rt &e fa$ora&le to t e #art* against ! o" t e attac "ent !as iss%ed+ e "%st clai" da"ages s%stained d%ring t e #endenc* of t e a##eal &* filing an a##lication in t e a##ellate co%rt+ !it notice to t e #art* in ! ose fa$or t e attac "ent !as iss%ed or is s%ret* or s%reties+ &efore t e '%dg"ent of t e a##ellate co%rt &eco"es e8ec%tor*. ) e a##ellate co%rt "a* allo! t e a##lication to &e eard and decided &* t e trial co%rt. Not ing erein contained s all #re$ent t e #art* against ! o" t e

attac "ent !as iss%ed fro" reco$ering in t e sa"e action t e da"ages a!arded to i" fro" an* #ro#ert* of t e attac ing #art* not e8e"#t fro" e8ec%tion s o%ld t e &ond or de#osit gi$en &* t e latter &e ins%fficient or fail to f%ll* satisf* t e a!ard. RULE 39 PRELICINARG INDUN0)ION Section defined> 1. Preli"inar* in'%nction classes.

A #reli"inar* in'%nction is an order granted at an* stage of an action or #roceeding #rior to t e '%dg"ent or final order+ re7%iring a #art* or a co%rt+ agenc* or a #erson to refrain fro" a #artic%lar act or acts. It "a* also re7%ire t e #erfor"ance of a #artic%lar act or acts+ in ! ic case it s all &e 4no!n as a #reli"inar* "andator* in'%nction. Sec. (. = o "a* grant #reli"inar* in'%nction. A #reli"inar* in'%nction "a* &e granted &* t e co%rt ! ere t e action or #roceeding is #ending. If

t e action or #roceeding is #ending in t e 0o%rt of A##eals or in t e S%#re"e 0o%rt+ it "a* &e iss%ed &* said co%rt or an* "e"&er t ereof. Sec. /. Gro%nds for iss%ance of #reli"inar* in'%nction. A #reli"inar* in'%nction "a* &e granted ! en it is esta&lis edB -a. ) at t e a##licant is entitled to t e relief de"anded+ and t e ! ole or #art of s%c relief consists in restraining t e co""ission or contin%ance of t e act or acts co"#lained of+ or in re7%iring t e #erfor"ance of an act or acts+ eit er for a li"ited #eriod or #er#et%all*> -&. ) at t e co""ission+ contin%ance or non,#erfor"ance of t e act or acts co"#lained of d%ring t e litigation !o%ld #ro&a&l* !or4 in'%stice to t e a##licant> or -c. ) at a #art*+ co%rt+ agenc* or a #erson is doing+ t reatening+ or is atte"#ting to do+ or is #roc%ring or s%ffering to &e done+ so"e act or acts #ro&a&l* in $iolation of t e

rig ts of t e a##licant res#ecting t e s%&'ect of t e action or #roceeding+ and tending to render t e '%dg"ent ineffect%al. Sec. 2. Aerified a##lication and &ond for #reli"inar* in'%nction or te"#orar* restraining order. A #reli"inar* in'%nction or te"#orar* restraining order "a* &e granted onl* ! enB -a. ) e a##lication in t e action or #roceeding is $erified+ and s o!s facts entitling t e a##licant to t e relief de"anded> and -&. Unless e8e"#ted &* t e co%rt+ t e a##licant files !it t e co%rt ! ere t e action or #roceeding is #ending+ a &ond e8ec%ted to t e #art* or #erson en'oined+ in an a"o%nt to &e fi8ed &* t e co%rt+ to t e effect t at t e a##licant !ill #a* to s%c #art* or #erson all da"ages ! ic e "a* s%stain &* reason of t e in'%nction or te"#orar* restraining order if t e co%rt s o%ld finall* decide t at t e

a##licant !as not entitled t ereto. U#on a##ro$al of t e re7%isite &ond+ a !rit of #reli"inar* in'%nction s all &e iss%ed. -c. = en an a##lication for a !rit of #reli"inar* in'%nction or a te"#orar* restraining order is incl%ded in a co"#laint or an* initiator* #leading+ t e case+ if filed in a "%lti#le,sala co%rt+ s all &e raffled onl* after notice to and in t e #resence of t e ad$erse #art* or t e #erson to &e en'oined. In an* e$ent+ s%c notice s all &e #receded+ or conte"#oraneo%sl* acco"#anied+ &* ser$ice of s%""ons+ toget er !it a co#* of t e co"#laint or initiator* #leading and t e a##licantFs affida$it and &ond+ %#on t e ad$erse #art* in t e P ili##ines. ?o!e$er+ ! ere t e s%""ons co%ld not &e ser$ed #ersonall* or &* s%&stit%ted ser$ice des#ite diligent efforts+ or t e ad$erse #art* is a resident of t e P ili##ines te"#oraril* a&sent t erefro" or is a nonresident

t ereof+ t e re7%ire"ent of #rior or conte"#oraneo%s ser$ice of s%""ons s all not a##l*. -d. ) e a##lication for a te"#orar* restraining order s all t ereafter &e acted %#on onl* after all #arties are eard in a s%""ar* earing ! ic s all &e cond%cted !it in t!ent*,fo%r -(2. o%rs after t e s eriffFs ret%rn of ser$ice andLor t e records are recei$ed &* t e &ranc selected &* raffle and to ! ic t e records s all &e trans"itted i""ediatel*. Sec. 3. Preli"inar* in'%nction not granted !it o%t notice> e8ce#tion. No #reli"inar* in'%nction s all &e granted !it o%t earing and #rior notice to t e #art* or #erson so%g t to &e en'oined. If it s all a##ear fro" facts s o!n &* affida$its or &* t e $erified a##lication t at great or irre#ara&le in'%r* !o%ld res%lt to t e a##licant &efore t e "atter can &e eard on notice+ t e co%rt to ! ic t e a##lication for #reli"inar* in'%nction !as "ade+ "a* iss%e e8 #arte a te"#orar*

restraining order to &e effecti$e onl* for a #eriod of t!ent* -(;. da*s fro" ser$ice on t e #art* or #erson so%g t to &e en'oined+ e8ce#t as erein #ro$ided. =it in t e said t!ent*,da* #eriod+ t e co%rt "%st order said #art* or #erson to s o! ca%se+ at a s#ecified ti"e and #lace+ ! * t e in'%nction s o%ld not &e granted+ deter"ine !it in t e sa"e #eriod ! et er or not t e #reli"inar* in'%nction s all &e granted+ and accordingl* iss%e t e corres#onding order. ?o!e$er+ and s%&'ect to t e #ro$isions of t e #receding sections+ if t e "atter is of e8tre"e %rgenc* and t e a##licant !ill s%ffer gra$e in'%stice and irre#ara&le in'%r*+ t e e8ec%ti$e '%dge of a "%lti#le,sala co%rt or t e #residing '%dge of a single,sala co%rt "a* iss%e e8 #arte a te"#orar* restraining order effecti$e for onl* se$ent*,t!o -5(. o%rs fro" iss%ance &%t e s all i""ediatel* co"#l* !it t e #ro$isions of t e ne8t #receding section as to ser$ice of s%""ons and t e doc%"ents to &e ser$ed t ere!it . ) ereafter+ !it in t e aforesaid se$ent*,t!o -5(. o%rs+

t e '%dge &efore ! o" t e case is #ending s all cond%ct a s%""ar* earing to deter"ine ! et er t e te"#orar* restraining order s all &e e8tended %ntil t e a##lication for #reli"inar* in'%nction can &e eard. In no case s all t e total #eriod of effecti$it* of t e te"#orar* restraining order e8ceed t!ent* -(;. da*s+ incl%ding t e original se$ent*,t!o o%rs #ro$ided erein. In t e e$ent t at t e a##lication for #reli"inar* in'%nction is denied or not resol$ed !it in t e said #eriod+ t e te"#orar* restraining order is dee"ed a%to"aticall* $acated. ) e effecti$it* of a te"#orar* restraining order is not e8tendi&le !it o%t need of an* '%dicial declaration to t at effect and no co%rt s all a$e a%t orit* to e8tend or rene! t e sa"e on t e sa"e gro%nd for ! ic it !as iss%ed. ?o!e$er+ if iss%ed &* t e 0o%rt of A##eals or a "e"&er t ereof+ t e te"#orar* restraining order s all &e effecti$e for si8t* -6;. da*s fro" ser$ice on t e #art* or #erson so%g t to &e en'oined. A restraining order iss%ed &* t e S%#re"e 0o%rt or

a "e"&er t ereof s all &e effecti$e %ntil f%rt er orders. Sec. 6. Gro%nds for o&'ection to+ or for "otion of dissol%tion of+ in'%nction or restraining order. ) e a##lication for in'%nction or restraining order "a* &e denied+ %#on a s o!ing of its ins%fficienc*. ) e in'%nction or restraining order "a* also &e denied+ or+ if granted+ "a* &e dissol$ed+ on ot er gro%nds %#on affida$its of t e #art* or #erson en'oined+ ! ic "a* &e o##osed &* t e a##licant also &* affida$its. It "a* f%rt er &e denied+ or+ if granted+ "a* &e dissol$ed+ if it a##ears after earing t at alt o%g t e a##licant is entitled to t e in'%nction or restraining order+ t e iss%ance or contin%ance t ereof+ as t e case "a* &e+ !o%ld ca%se irre#ara&le da"age to t e #art* or #erson en'oined ! ile t e a##licant can &e f%ll* co"#ensated for s%c da"ages as e "a* s%ffer+ and t e for"er files a &ond in an a"o%nt fi8ed &* t e co%rt conditioned t at e !ill #a* all da"ages ! ic t e a##licant "a* s%ffer &* t e denial or t e

dissol%tion of t e in'%nction or restraining order. If it a##ears t at t e e8tent of t e #reli"inar* in'%nction or restraining order granted is too great+ it "a* &e "odified. Sec. 5. Ser$ice of co#ies of &onds> effect of disa##ro$al of sa"e. ) e #art* filing a &ond in accordance !it t e #ro$isions of t is R%le s all fort !it ser$e a co#* of s%c &ond on t e ot er #art*+ ! o "a* e8ce#t to t e s%fficienc* of t e &ond+ or of t e s%ret* or s%reties t ereon. If t e a##licantFs &ond is fo%nd to &e ins%fficient in a"o%nt+ or if t e s%ret* or s%reties t ereon fail to '%stif*+ and a &ond s%fficient in a"o%nt !it s%fficient s%reties a##ro$ed after '%stification is not filed fort !it + t e in'%nction s all &e dissol$ed. If t e &ond of t e ad$erse #art* is fo%nd to &e ins%fficient in a"o%nt+ or t e s%ret* or s%reties t ereon fail to '%stif* a &ond s%fficient in a"o%nt !it s%fficient s%reties a##ro$ed after '%stification is not filed fort !it + t e in'%nction s all &e

granted or restored+ as t e case "a* &e. Sec. 9. D%dg"ent to incl%de da"ages against #art* and s%reties. At t e trial+ t e a"o%nt of da"ages to &e a!arded to eit er #art*+ %#on t e &ond of t e ad$erse #art*+ s all &e clai"ed+ ascertained+ and a!arded %nder t e sa"e #roced%re #rescri&ed in section (; of R%le 35. Sec. :. = en final in'%nction granted. If after t e trial of t e action it a##ears t at t e a##licant is entitled to a$e t e act or acts co"#lained of #er"anentl* en'oined+ t e co%rt s all grant a final in'%nction #er#et%all* restraining t e #art* or #erson en'oined fro" t e co""ission or contin%ance of t e act or acts or confir"ing t e #reli"inar* "andator* in'%nction. RULE 3: RE0EIAERS?IP Section 1. A##oint"ent of recei$er.

U#on a $erified a##lication+ one or "ore recei$ers of t e #ro#ert*

s%&'ect of t e action or #roceeding "a* &e a##ointed &* t e co%rt ! ere t e action is #ending+ or &* t e 0o%rt of A##eals or &* t e S%#re"e 0o%rt+ or a "e"&er t ereof+ in t e follo!ing casesB -a. = en it a##ears fro" t e $erified a##lication+ and s%c ot er #roof as t e co%rt "a* re7%ire+ t at t e #art* a##l*ing for t e a##oint"ent of a recei$er as an interest in t e #ro#ert* or f%nd ! ic is t e s%&'ect of t e action or #roceeding+ and t at s%c #ro#ert* or f%nd is in danger of &eing lost+ re"o$ed+ or "ateriall* in'%red %nless a recei$er &e a##ointed to ad"inister and #reser$e it> -&. = en it a##ears in an action &* t e "ortgagee for t e foreclos%re of a "ortgage t at t e #ro#ert* is in danger of &eing !asted or dissi#ated or "ateriall* in'%red+ and t at its $al%e is #ro&a&l* ins%fficient to disc arge t e "ortgage de&t+ or t at t e #arties a$e so sti#%lated in t e contract of "ortgage>

-c. After '%dg"ent+ to #reser$e t e #ro#ert* d%ring t e #endenc* of an a##eal+ or to dis#ose of it according to t e '%dg"ent+ or to aid e8ec%tion ! en t e e8ec%tion as &een ret%rned %nsatisfied or t e '%dg"ent o&ligor ref%ses to a##l* is #ro#ert* in satisfaction of t e '%dg"ent+ or ot er!ise to carr* t e '%dg"ent into effect> -d. = ene$er in ot er cases it a##ears t at t e a##oint"ent of a recei$er is t e "ost con$enient and feasi&le "eans of #reser$ing+ ad"inistering+ or dis#osing of t e #ro#ert* in litigation. D%ring t e #endenc* of an a##eal+ t e a##ellate co%rt "a* allo! an a##lication for t e a##oint"ent of a recei$er to &e filed in and decided &* t e co%rt of origin and t e recei$er a##ointed to &e s%&'ect to t e control of said co%rt. Sec. (. <ond on a##oint"ent of recei$er. <efore iss%ing t e order a##ointing a recei$er t e co%rt s all re7%ire

t e a##licant to file a &ond e8ec%ted to t e #art* against ! o" t e a##lication is #resented+ in an a"o%nt to &e fi8ed &* t e co%rt+ to t e effect t at t e a##licant !ill #a* s%c #art* all da"ages e "a* s%stain &* reason of t e a##oint"ent of s%c recei$er in case t e a##licant s all a$e #roc%red s%c a##oint"ent !it o%t s%fficient ca%se> and t e co%rt "a*+ in its discretion+ at an* ti"e after t e a##oint"ent+ re7%ire an additional &ond as f%rt er sec%rit* for s%c da"ages. Sec. /. Denial of a##lication or disc arge of recei$er. ) e a##lication "a* &e denied+ or t e recei$er disc arged+ ! en t e ad$erse #art* files a &ond e8ec%ted to t e a##licant+ in an a"o%nt to &e fi8ed &* t e co%rt+ to t e effect t at s%c #art* !ill #a* t e a##licant all da"ages e "a* s%ffer &* reason of t e acts+ o"issions+ or ot er "atters s#ecified in t e a##lication as gro%nd for s%c a##oint"ent. ) e recei$er "a* also &e disc arged if it is s o!n t at is a##oint"ent !as o&tained !it o%t s%fficient ca%se.








<efore entering %#on is d%ties+ t e recei$er s all &e s!orn to #erfor" t e" fait f%ll*+ and s all file a &ond+ e8ec%ted to s%c #erson and in s%c s%" as t e co%rt "a* direct+ to t e effect t at e !ill fait f%ll* disc arge is d%ties in t e action or #roceeding and o&e* t e orders of t e co%rt. Sec. 3. Ser$ice of co#ies of &onds> effect of disa##ro$al of sa"e. ) e #erson filing a &ond in accordance !it t e #ro$isions of t is R%le s all fort !it ser$e a co#* t ereof on eac interested #art*+ ! o "a* e8ce#t to its s%fficienc* or of t e s%ret* or s%reties t ereon. If eit er t e a##licantFs or t e recei$erFs &ond is fo%nd to &e ins%fficient in a"o%nt+ or if t e s%ret* or s%reties t ereon fail to '%stif*+ and a &ond s%fficient in a"o%nt !it s%fficient s%reties a##ro$ed after '%stification is not filed fort !it + t e a##lication s all &e denied or t e recei$er disc arged+ as t e case "a* &e. If t e &ond of t e ad$erse #art* is fo%nd to &e

ins%fficient in a"o%nt or t e s%ret* or s%reties t ereon fail to '%stif*+ and a &ond s%fficient in a"o%nt !it s%fficient s%reties a##ro$ed after '%stification is not filed fort !it + t e recei$er s all &e a##ointed or re,a##ointed+ as t e case "a* &e. Sec. 6. General #o!ers of recei$er. S%&'ect to t e control of t e co%rt in ! ic t e action or #roceeding is #ending+ a recei$er s all a$e t e #o!er to &ring and defend+ in s%c ca#acit*+ actions in is o!n na"e> to ta4e and 4ee# #ossession of t e #ro#ert* in contro$ers*> to recei$e rents> to collect de&ts d%e to i"self as recei$er or to t e f%nd+ #ro#ert*+ estate+ #erson+ or cor#oration of ! ic e is t e recei$er> to co"#o%nd for and co"#ro"ise t e sa"e> to "a4e transfers> to #a* o%tstanding de&ts> to di$ide t e "one* and ot er #ro#ert* t at s all re"ain a"ong t e #ersons legall* entitled to recei$e t e sa"e> and generall* to do s%c acts res#ecting t e #ro#ert* as t e co%rt "a* a%t ori6e. ?o!e$er+ f%nds in t e ands of a recei$er "a* &e in$ested onl* &* order of t e co%rt

%#on t e !ritten consent of all t e #arties to t e action. No action "a* &e filed &* or against a recei$er !it o%t lea$e of t e co%rt ! ic a##ointed i". Sec. 5. Lia&ilit* for ref%sal or neglect to deli$er #ro#ert* to recei$er. A #erson ! o ref%ses or neglects+ %#on reasona&le de"and+ to deli$er to t e recei$er all t e #ro#ert*+ "one*+ &oo4s+ deeds+ notes+ &ills+ doc%"ents and #a#ers !it in is #o!er or control+ s%&'ect of or in$ol$ed in t e action or #roceeding+ or in case of disagree"ent+ as deter"ined and ordered &* t e co%rt+ "a* &e #%nis ed for conte"#t and s all &e lia&le to t e recei$er for t e "one* or t e $al%e of t e #ro#ert* and ot er t ings so ref%sed or neglected to &e s%rrendered+ toget er !it all da"ages t at "a* a$e &een s%stained &* t e #art* or #arties entitled t ereto as a conse7%ence of s%c ref%sal or neglect. Sec. 9. )er"ination of recei$ers i#> co"#ensation of recei$er.

= ene$er t e co%rt+ "ot% #ro#rio or on "otion of eit er #art*+ s all deter"ine t at t e necessit* for a recei$er no longer e8ists+ it s all+ after d%e notice to all interested #arties and earing+ settle t e acco%nts of t e recei$er+ direct t e deli$er* of t e f%nds and ot er #ro#ert* in is #ossession to t e #erson ad'%dged to &e entitled to recei$e t e"+ and order t e disc arge of t e recei$er fro" f%rt er d%t* as s%c . ) e co%rt s all allo! t e recei$er s%c reasona&le co"#ensation as t e circ%"stances of t e case !arrant+ to &e ta8ed as costs against t e defeated #art*+ or a##ortioned+ as '%stice re7%ires. Sec. :. D%dg"ent to incl%de reco$er* against s%reties. ) e a"o%nt+ if an*+ to &e a!arded to an* #art* %#on an* &ond filed in accordance !it t e #ro$isions of t is R%le+ s all &e clai"ed+ ascertained+ and granted %nder t e sa"e #roced%re #rescri&ed in section (; of R%le 35. RULE 6;

REPLEAIN Section 1. A##lication.

A #art* #ra*ing for t e reco$er* of #ossession of #ersonal #ro#ert* "a*+ at t e co""ence"ent of t e action or at an* ti"e &efore ans!er+ a##l* for an order for t e deli$er* of s%c #ro#ert* to i"+ in t e "anner ereinafter #ro$ided. Sec. (. Affida$it and &ond. ) e a##licant "%st s o! &* is o!n affida$it or t at of so"e ot er #erson ! o #ersonall* 4no!s t e factsB -a. ) at t e a##licant is t e o!ner of t e #ro#ert* clai"ed+ #artic%larl* descri&ing it+ or is entitled to t e #ossession t ereof> -&. ) at t e #ro#ert* is !rongf%ll* detained &* t e ad$erse #art*+ alleging t e ca%se of detention t ereof according to t e &est of is 4no!ledge+ infor"ation+ and &elief> -c. ) at t e #ro#ert* as not &een distrained or ta4en for a

ta8 assess"ent or a fine #%rs%ant to la!+ or sei6ed %nder a !rit of e8ec%tion or #reli"inar* attac "ent+ or ot er!ise #laced %nder c%stodia legis+ or if so sei6ed+ t at it is e8e"#t fro" s%c sei6%re or c%stod*> and -d. ) e act%al "ar4et $al%e of t e #ro#ert*. ) e a##licant "%st also gi$e a &ond+ e8ec%ted to t e ad$erse #art* in do%&le t e $al%e of t e #ro#ert* as stated in t e affida$it afore"entioned+ for t e ret%rn of t e #ro#ert* to t e ad$erse #art* if s%c ret%rn &e ad'%dged+ and for t e #a*"ent to t e ad$erse #art* of s%c s%" as e "a* reco$er fro" t e a##licant in t e action. Sec. /. Order. affida$it t e co%rt and t e re#le$in #ro#ert* detained fort !it

U#on t e filing of s%c and a##ro$al of t e &ond+ s all iss%e an order corres#onding !rit of descri&ing t e #ersonal alleged to &e !rongf%ll* and re7%iring t e s eriff

to ta4e s%c c%stod*. Sec. 2. D%t*

#ro#ert* of t e

into s eriff.


U#on recei$ing s%c order+ t e s eriff "%st ser$e a co#* t ereof on t e ad$erse #art*+ toget er !it a co#* of t e a##lication+ affida$it and &ond+ and "%st fort !it ta4e t e #ro#ert*+ if it &e in t e #ossession of t e ad$erse #art*+ or is agent+ and retain it in is c%stod*. If t e #ro#ert* or an* #art t ereof &e concealed in a &%ilding or enclos%re+ t e s eriff "%st de"and its deli$er*+ and if it &e not deli$ered+ e "%st ca%se t e &%ilding or enclos%re to &e &ro4en o#en and ta4e t e #ro#ert* into is #ossession. After t e s eriff as ta4en #ossession of t e #ro#ert* as erein #ro$ided+ e "%st 4ee# it in a sec%re #lace and s all &e res#onsi&le for its deli$er* to t e #art* entitled t ereto %#on recei$ing is fees and necessar* e8#enses for ta4ing and 4ee#ing t e sa"e. Sec. 3. Ret%rn of #ro#ert*. If t e ad$erse #art* o&'ects to t e s%fficienc* of t e a##licantFs &ond+

or of t e s%ret* or s%reties t ereon+ e cannot i""ediatel* re7%ire t e ret%rn of t e #ro#ert*+ &%t if e does not so o&'ect+ e "a*+ at an* ti"e &efore t e deli$er* of t e #ro#ert* to t e a##licant+ re7%ire t e ret%rn t ereof+ &* filing !it t e co%rt ! ere t e action is #ending a &ond e8ec%ted to t e a##licant+ in do%&le t e $al%e of t e #ro#ert* as stated in t e a##licantFs affida$it for t e deli$er* t ereof to t e a##licant+ if s%c deli$er* &e ad'%dged+ and for t e #a*"ent of s%c s%" to i" as "a* &e reco$ered against t e ad$erse #art*+ and &* ser$ing a co#* of s%c &ond on t e a##licant. Sec. 6. Dis#osition of #ro#ert* &* s eriff. If !it in fi$e -3. da*s after t e ta4ing of t e #ro#ert* &* t e s eriff+ t e ad$erse #art* does not o&'ect to t e s%fficienc* of t e &ond+ or of t e s%ret* or s%reties t ereon> or if t e ad$erse #art* so o&'ects and t e co%rt affir"s its a##ro$al of t e a##licantFs &ond or a##ro$es a ne! &ond+ or if t e ad$erse #art* re7%ires t e ret%rn of t e #ro#ert* &%t is &ond is

o&'ected to and fo%nd ins%fficient and e does not fort !it file an a##ro$ed &ond+ t e #ro#ert* s all &e deli$ered to t e a##licant. If for an* reason t e #ro#ert* is not deli$ered to t e a##licant+ t e s eriff "%st ret%rn it to t e ad$erse #art*. Sec. 5. Proceedings ! ere #ro#ert* clai"ed &* t ird #erson. If t e #ro#ert* ta4en is clai"ed &* an* #erson ot er t an t e #art* against ! o" t e !rit of re#le$in ad &een iss%ed or is agent+ and s%c #erson "a4es an affida$it of is title t ereto+ or rig t to t e #ossession t ereof+ stating t e gro%nds t erefor+ and ser$es s%c affida$it %#on t e s eriff ! ile t e latter as #ossession of t e #ro#ert* and a co#* t ereof %#on t e a##licant+ t e s eriff s all not &e &o%nd to 4ee# t e #ro#ert* %nder re#le$in or deli$er it to t e a##licant %nless t e a##licant or is agent+ on de"and of said s eriff+ s all file a &ond a##ro$ed &* t e co%rt to inde"nif* t e t ird, #art* clai"ant in a s%" not less t an t e $al%e of t e #ro#ert* %nder re#le$in as #ro$ided in section (

ereof. In case of disagree"ent as to s%c $al%e+ t e co%rt s all deter"ine t e sa"e. No clai" for da"ages for t e ta4ing or 4ee#ing of t e #ro#ert* "a* &e enforced against t e &ond %nless t e action t erefor is filed !it in one %ndred t!ent* -1(;. da*s fro" t e date of t e filing of t e &ond. ) e s eriff s all not &e lia&le for da"ages+ for t e ta4ing or 4ee#ing of s%c #ro#ert*+ to an* s%c t ird, #art* clai"ant if s%c &ond s all &e filed. Not ing erein contained s all #re$ent s%c clai"ant or an* t ird #erson fro" $indicating is clai" to t e #ro#ert*+ or #re$ent t e a##licant fro" clai"ing da"ages against a t ird,#art* clai"ant ! o filed a fri$olo%s or #lainl* s#%rio%s clai"+ in t e sa"e or a se#arate action. = en t e !rit of re#le$in is iss%ed in fa$or of t e Re#%&lic of t e P ili##ines+ or an* officer d%l* re#resenting it+ t e filing of s%c &ond s all not &e re7%ired+ and in case t e s eriff is s%ed for da"ages as a res%lt of t e re#le$in+ e s all &e re#resented &* t e

Solicitor General+ and if eld lia&le t erefor+ t e act%al da"ages ad'%dged &* t e co%rt s all &e #aid &* t e National )reas%rer o%t of t e f%nds to &e a##ro#riated for t e #%r#ose. Sec. 9. Ret%rn of #a#ers.

) e s eriff "%st file t e order+ !it is #roceedings indorsed t ereon+ !it t e co%rt !it in ten -1;. da*s after ta4ing t e #ro#ert* "entioned t erein. Sec. :. D%dg"ent. After trial of t e iss%es+ t e co%rt s all deter"ine ! o as t e rig t of #ossession to and t e $al%e of t e #ro#ert* and s all render '%dg"ent in t e alternati$e for t e deli$er* t ereof to t e #art* entitled to t e sa"e+ or for its $al%e in case deli$er* cannot &e "ade+ and also for s%c da"ages as eit er #art* "a* #ro$e+ !it costs. Sec. 1;. D%dg"ent to incl%de reco$er* against s%reties. ) e a"o%nt+ if an*+ to &e a!arded to an* #art* %#on an* &ond filed in accordance !it t e #ro$isions of t is R%le+ s all &e clai"ed+

ascertained+ and granted %nder t e sa"e #roced%re as #rescri&ed in section (; of R%le 35. RULE 61 SUPPOR) PENDEN)E LI)E Section 1. A##lication.

At t e co""ence"ent of t e #ro#er action or #roceeding+ or at an* ti"e #rior to t e '%dg"ent or final order+ a $erified a##lication for s%##ort #endente lite "a* &e filed &* an* #art* stating t e gro%nds for t e clai" and t e financial conditions of &ot #arties+ and acco"#anied &* affida$its+ de#ositions or ot er a%t entic doc%"ents in s%##ort t ereof. Sec. (. 0o""ent. A co#* of t e a##lication and all s%##orting doc%"ents s all &e ser$ed %#on t e ad$erse #art*+ ! o s all a$e fi$e -3. da*s to co""ent t ereon %nless a different #eriod is fi8ed &* t e co%rt %#on is "otion. ) e co""ent s all &e $erified and s all &e acco"#anied &* affida$its+

de#ositions or ot er a%t entic doc%"ents in s%##ort t ereof. Sec. /. ?earing. After t e co""ent is filed+ or after t e e8#iration of t e #eriod for its filing+ t e a##lication s all &e set for earing not "ore t an t ree -/. da*s t ereafter. ) e facts in iss%e s all &e #ro$ed in t e sa"e "anner as is #ro$ided for e$idence on "otions. Sec. 2. Order. ) e co%rt s all deter"ine #ro$isionall* t e #ertinent facts+ and s all render s%c orders as '%stice and e7%it* "a* re7%ire+ a$ing d%e regard to t e #ro&a&le o%tco"e of t e case and s%c ot er circ%"stances as "a* aid in t e #ro#er resol%tion of t e 7%estion in$ol$ed. If t e a##lication is granted+ t e co%rt s all fi8 t e a"o%nt of "one* to &e #ro$isionall* #aid or s%c ot er for"s of s%##ort as s o%ld &e #ro$ided+ ta4ing into acco%nt t e necessities of t e a##licant and t e reso%rces or "eans of t e ad$erse #art*+ and t e ter"s of #a*"ent or "ode for #ro$iding t e s%##ort. If t e a##lication is

denied+ t e #rinci#al case s all &e tried and decided as earl* as #ossi&le. Sec. 3. Enforce"ent of order. If t e ad$erse #art* fails to co"#l* !it an order granting s%##ort #endente lite+ t e co%rt s all+ "ot% #ro#rio or %#on "otion+ iss%e an order of e8ec%tion against i"+ !it o%t #re'%dice to is lia&ilit* for conte"#t. = en t e #erson ordered to gi$e s%##ort #endente lite ref%ses or fails to do so+ an* t ird #erson ! o f%rnis ed t at s%##ort to t e a##licant "a*+ after d%e notice and earing in t e sa"e case+ o&tain a !rit of e8ec%tion to enforce is rig t of rei"&%rse"ent against t e #erson ordered to #ro$ide s%c s%##ort. Sec. 6. S%##ort in cri"inal cases.

In cri"inal actions ! ere t e ci$il lia&ilit* incl%des s%##ort for t e offs#ring as a conse7%ence of t e cri"e and t e ci$il as#ect t ereof as not &een !ai$ed+ reser$ed or instit%ted #rior to its filing+ t e acc%sed "a* &e ordered to #ro$ide

s%##ort #endente lite to t e c ild &orn to t e offended #art* allegedl* &eca%se of t e cri"e. ) e a##lication t erefor "a* &e filed s%ccessi$el* &* t e offended #art*+ er #arents+ grand#arents or g%ardian and t e State in t e corres#onding cri"inal case d%ring its #endenc*+ in accordance !it t e #roced%re esta&lis ed %nder t is R%le. Sec. 5. Restit%tion. = en t e '%dg"ent or final order of t e co%rt finds t at t e #erson ! o as &een #ro$iding s%##ort #endente lite is not lia&le t erefor+ it s all order t e reci#ient t ereof to ret%rn to t e for"er t e a"o%nts alread* #aid !it legal interest fro" t e dates of act%al #a*"ent+ !it o%t #re'%dice to t e rig t of t e reci#ient to o&tain rei"&%rse"ent in a se#arate action fro" t e #erson legall* o&liged to gi$e t e s%##ort. S o%ld t e reci#ient fail to rei"&%rse said a"o%nts+ t e #erson ! o #ro$ided t ro%g sa"e "a* li4e!ise see4 rei"&%rse"ent t ereof in a se#arate action fro" t e #erson legall* o&liged to gi$e s%c s%##ort.

RULE 6( IN)ERPLEADER Section 1. = en inter#leader #ro#er.

= ene$er conflicting clai"s %#on t e sa"e s%&'ect "atter are or "a* &e "ade against a #erson ! o clai"s no interest ! ate$er in t e s%&'ect "atter+ or an interest ! ic in ! ole or in #art is not dis#%ted &* t e clai"ants+ e "a* &ring an action against t e conflicting clai"ants to co"#el t e" to inter#lead and litigate t eir se$eral clai"s a"ong t e"sel$es. Sec. (. Order. U#on t e filing of t e co"#laint+ t e co%rt s all iss%e an order re7%iring t e conflicting clai"ants to inter#lead !it one anot er. If t e interests of '%stice so re7%ire+ t e co%rt "a* direct in s%c order t at t e s%&'ect "atter &e #aid or deli$ered to t e co%rt. Sec. /. S%""ons. S%""ons s all &e ser$ed %#on t e conflicting clai"ants+ toget er !it a co#* of t e co"#laint and order. Sec. 2. Cotion to dis"iss.

=it in t e ti"e for filing an ans!er+ eac clai"ant "a* file a "otion to dis"iss on t e gro%nd of i"#ro#riet* of t e inter#leader action or on ot er a##ro#riate gro%nds s#ecified in R%le 16. ) e #eriod to file t e ans!er s all &e tolled and if t e "otion is denied+ t e "o$ant "a* file is ans!er !it in t e re"aining #eriod+ &%t ! ic s all not &e less t an fi$e -3. da*s in an* e$ent+ rec4oned fro" notice of denial. Sec. 3. Ans!er and ot er #leadings. Eac clai"ant s all file is ans!er setting fort is clai" !it in fifteen -13. da*s fro" ser$ice of t e s%""ons %#on i"+ ser$ing a co#* t ereof %#on eac of t e ot er conflicting clai"ants ! o "a* file t eir re#l* t ereto as #ro$ided &* t ese R%les. If an* clai"ant fails to #lead !it in t e ti"e erein fi8ed+ t e co%rt "a*+ on "otion+ declare i" in defa%lt and t ereafter render '%dg"ent &arring i" fro" an* clai" in res#ect to t e s%&'ect "atter. ) e #arties in an inter#leader action "a* file co%nterclai"s+ cross,clai"s+ t ird,#art* co"#laints and res#onsi$e #leadings t ereto+ as #ro$ided &* t ese R%les.




After t e #leadings of t e conflicting clai"ants a$e &een filed+ and #re, trial as &een cond%cted in accordance !it t e R%les+ t e co%rt s all #roceed to deter"ine t eir res#ecti$e rig ts and ad'%dicate t eir se$eral clai"s. Sec. 5. Doc4et and ot er la!f%l fees+ costs and litigation e8#enses as liens. ) e doc4et and ot er la!f%l fees #aid &* t e #art* ! o filed a co"#laint %nder t is R%le+ as !ell as t e costs and litigation e8#enses+ s all constit%te a lien or c arge %#on t e s%&'ect "atter of t e action+ %nless t e co%rt s all order ot er!ise. RULE 6/ DE0LARA)ORG RELIEF AND SICILAR RECEDIES Section 1. = o "a* file #etition.

An* #erson interested %nder a deed+ !ill+ contract or ot er !ritten instr%"ent+ ! ose rig ts are affected &* a stat%te+ e8ec%ti$e order or reg%lation+ ordinance+ or an* ot er go$ern"ental reg%lation "a*+ &efore &reac or $iolation t ereof+ &ring an

action in t e a##ro#riate Regional )rial 0o%rt to deter"ine an* 7%estion of constr%ction or $alidit* arising+ and for a declaration of is rig ts or d%ties+ t ere%nder. An action for t e refor"ation of an instr%"ent+ to 7%iet title to real #ro#ert* or re"o$e clo%ds t erefro"+ or to consolidate o!ners i# %nder Article 16;5 of t e 0i$il 0ode+ "a* &e &ro%g t %nder t is R%le. Sec. (. Parties. All #ersons ! o a$e or clai" an* interest ! ic !o%ld &e affected &* t e declaration s all &e "ade #arties> and no declaration s all+ e8ce#t as ot er!ise #ro$ided in t ese R%les+ #re'%dice t e rig ts of #ersons not #arties to t e action. Sec. /. Notice on Solicitor General. In an* action ! ic in$ol$es t e $alidit* of a stat%te+ e8ec%ti$e order or reg%lation+ or an* ot er go$ern"ental reg%lation+ t e Solicitor General s all &e notified &* t e #art* assailing t e sa"e and s all &e entitled to &e eard %#on s%c 7%estion. Sec. 2. Local go$ern"ent ordinances.

In an* action in$ol$ing t e $alidit* of a local go$ern"ent ordinance+ t e corres#onding #rosec%tor or attorne* of t e local go$ern"ental %nit in$ol$ed s all &e si"ilarl* notified and entitled to &e eard. If s%c ordinance is alleged to &e %nconstit%tional+ t e Solicitor General s all also &e notified and entitled to &e eard. Sec. 3. 0o%rt action discretionar*. E8ce#t in actions falling %nder t e second #aragra# of section 1 of t is R%le+ t e co%rt+ "ot% #ro#rio or %#on "otion+ "a* ref%se to e8ercise t e #o!er to declare rig ts and to constr%e instr%"ents in an* case ! ere a decision !o%ld not ter"inate t e %ncertaint* or contro$ers* ! ic ga$e rise to t e action+ or in an* case ! ere t e declaration or constr%ction is not necessar* and #ro#er %nder t e circ%"stances. Sec. 6. 0on$ersion into ordinar* action. If &efore t e final ter"ination of t e case+ a &reac or $iolation of an instr%"ent or a stat%te+ e8ec%ti$e order or reg%lation+ ordinance+ or an* ot er go$ern"ental reg%lation s o%ld ta4e #lace+ t e action "a* t ere%#on &e

con$erted into an ordinar* action+ and t e #arties s all &e allo!ed to file s%c #leadings as "a* &e necessar* or #ro#er. RULE 62 REAIE= OF DUDGCEN)S AND FINAL ORDERS OR RESOLU)IONS OF )?E 0OCCISSION ON ELE0)IONS AND )?E 0OCCISSION ON AUDI) Section 1. Sco#e.

) is R%le s all go$ern t e re$ie! of '%dg"ents and final orders or resol%tions of t e 0o""ission on Elections and t e 0o""ission on A%dit. Sec. (. Code of re$ie!. A '%dg"ent or final order or resol%tion of t e 0o""ission on Elections and t e 0o""ission on A%dit "a* &e &ro%g t &* t e aggrie$ed #art* to t e S%#re"e 0o%rt on certiorari %nder R%le 63+ e8ce#t as ereinafter #ro$ided. Sec. /. )i"e to file #etition. ) e #etition s all &e filed !it in t irt* -/;. da*s fro" notice of t e '%dg"ent or final order or resol%tion

so%g t to &e re$ie!ed. ) e filing of a "otion for ne! trial or reconsideration of said '%dg"ent or final order or resol%tion+ if allo!ed %nder t e #roced%ral r%les of t e 0o""ission concerned+ s all interr%#t t e #eriod erein fi8ed. If t e "otion is denied+ t e aggrie$ed #art* "a* file t e #etition !it in t e re"aining #eriod+ &%t ! ic s all not &e less t an fi$e -3. da*s in an* e$ent+ rec4oned fro" notice of denial. Sec. 2. Doc4et and ot er la!f%l fees. U#on t e filing #etitioner s all co%rt t e doc4et and de#osit t e costs. Sec. 3. For" and of t e #etition+ t e #a* to t e cler4 of and ot er la!f%l fees a"o%nt of P3;;.;; for contents of #etition.

) e #etition s all &e $erified and filed in eig teen -19. legi&le co#ies. ) e #etition s all na"e t e aggrie$ed #art* as #etitioner and s all 'oin as res#ondents t e 0o""ission concerned and t e #erson or #ersons interested in s%staining t e '%dg"ent+ final order or resol%tion a 7%o. ) e #etition s all state t e facts !it certaint*+ #resent clearl* t e iss%es in$ol$ed+ set fort t e gro%nds and &rief arg%"ents relied

%#on for re$ie!+ and #ra* for '%dg"ent ann%lling or "odif*ing t e 7%estioned '%dg"ent+ final order or resol%tion. Findings of fact of t e 0o""ission s%##orted &* s%&stantial e$idence s all &e final and non,re$ie!a&le. ) e #etition s all &e acco"#anied &* a clearl* legi&le d%#licate original or certified tr%e co#* of t e '%dg"ent+ final order or resol%tion s%&'ect t ereof+ toget er !it certified tr%e co#ies of s%c "aterial #ortions of t e record as are referred to t erein and ot er doc%"ents rele$ant and #ertinent t ereto. ) e re7%isite n%"&er of co#ies of t e #etition s all contain #lain co#ies of all doc%"ents attac ed to t e original co#* of said #etition. ) e #etition s all state t e s#ecific "aterial dates s o!ing t at it !as filed !it in t e #eriod fi8ed erein+ and s all contain a s!orn certification against for%" s o##ing as #ro$ided in t e t ird #aragra# of section /+ R%le 26. ) e #etition s all f%rt er &e acco"#anied &* #roof of ser$ice of a co#* t ereof on t e 0o""ission concerned and on t e ad$erse #art*+ and

of t e ti"el* #a*"ent ot er la!f%l fees.




) e fail%re of #etitioner to co"#l* !it an* of t e foregoing re7%ire"ents s all &e s%fficient gro%nd for t e dis"issal of t e #etition. Sec. 6. Order to co""ent.

If t e S%#re"e 0o%rt finds t e #etition s%fficient in for" and s%&stance+ it s all order t e res#ondents to file t eir co""ents on t e #etition !it in ten -1;. da*s fro" notice t ereof> ot er!ise+ t e 0o%rt "a* dis"iss t e #etition o%trig t. ) e 0o%rt "a* also dis"iss t e #etition if it !as filed "anifestl* for dela*+ or t e 7%estions raised are too %ns%&stantial to !arrant f%rt er #roceedings. Sec. 5. 0o""ents of res#ondents. ) e co""ents of t e res#ondents s all &e filed in eig teen -19. legi&le co#ies. ) e original s all &e acco"#anied &* certified tr%e co#ies of s%c "aterial #ortions of t e record as are referred to t erein toget er !it ot er s%##orting #a#ers. ) e re7%isite n%"&er of co#ies of t e co""ents s all contain #lain co#ies of all doc%"ents attac ed to t e original and a co#*

t ereof s all #etitioner.




t e

No ot er #leading "a* &e filed &* an* #art* %nless re7%ired or allo!ed &* t e 0o%rt. Sec. 9. Effect of filing.

) e filing of a #etition for certiorari s all not sta* t e e8ec%tion of t e '%dg"ent or final order or resol%tion so%g t to &e re$ie!ed+ %nless t e S%#re"e 0o%rt s all direct ot er!ise %#on s%c ter"s as it "a* dee" '%st. Sec. :. S%&"ission for decision. Unless t e 0o%rt sets t e case for oral arg%"ent+ or re7%ires t e #arties to s%&"it "e"oranda+ t e case s all &e dee"ed s%&"itted for decision %#on t e filing of t e co""ents on t e #etition+ or of s%c ot er #leadings or #a#ers as "a* &e re7%ired or allo!ed+ or t e e8#iration of t e #eriod to do so. RULE 63 0ER)IORARI+ PRO?I<I)ION AND CANDACUS Section 1. Petition for certiorari.

= en an* tri&%nal+ e8ercising '%dicial

&oard or officer or 7%asi,'%dicial

f%nctions as acted !it o%t or in e8cess of its or is '%risdiction+ or !it gra$e a&%se of discretion a"o%nting to lac4 or e8cess of '%risdiction+ and t ere is no a##eal+ or an* #lain+ s#eed*+ and ade7%ate re"ed* in t e ordinar* co%rse of la!+ a #erson aggrie$ed t ere&* "a* file a $erified #etition in t e #ro#er co%rt+ alleging t e facts !it certaint* and #ra*ing t at '%dg"ent &e rendered ann%lling or "odif*ing t e #roceedings of s%c tri&%nal+ &oard or officer+ and granting s%c incidental reliefs as la! and '%stice "a* re7%ire. ) e #etition s all &e acco"#anied &* a certified tr%e co#* of t e '%dg"ent+ order or resol%tion s%&'ect t ereof+ co#ies of all #leadings and doc%"ents rele$ant and #ertinent t ereto+ and a s!orn certification of non,for%" s o##ing as #ro$ided in t e t ird #aragra# of section /+ R%le 26. Sec. (. Petition for #ro i&ition. = en t e #roceedings of an* tri&%nal+ cor#oration+ &oard+ officer or #erson+ ! et er e8ercising '%dicial+ 7%asi, '%dicial or "inisterial f%nctions+ are !it o%t or in e8cess of its or is '%risdiction+ or !it gra$e a&%se of discretion a"o%nting to lac4 or e8cess

of '%risdiction+ and t ere is no a##eal or an* ot er #lain+ s#eed*+ and ade7%ate re"ed* in t e ordinar* co%rse of la!+ a #erson aggrie$ed t ere&* "a* file a $erified #etition in t e #ro#er co%rt+ alleging t e facts !it certaint* and #ra*ing t at '%dg"ent &e rendered co""anding t e res#ondent to desist fro" f%rt er #roceedings in t e action or "atter s#ecified t erein+ or ot er!ise granting s%c incidental reliefs as la! and '%stice "a* re7%ire. ) e #etition s all li4e!ise &e acco"#anied &* a certified tr%e co#* of t e '%dg"ent+ order or resol%tion s%&'ect t ereof+ co#ies of all #leadings and doc%"ents rele$ant and #ertinent t ereto+ and a s!orn certification of non,for%" s o##ing as #ro$ided in t e t ird #aragra# of section /+ R%le 26. Sec. /. Petition for "anda"%s.

= en an* tri&%nal+ cor#oration+ &oard+ officer or #erson %nla!f%ll* neglects t e #erfor"ance of an act ! ic t e la! s#ecificall* en'oins as a d%t* res%lting fro" an office+ tr%st+ or station+ or %nla!f%ll* e8cl%des anot er fro" t e %se and en'o*"ent of a rig t

or office to ! ic s%c ot er is entitled+ and t ere is no ot er #lain+ s#eed* and ade7%ate re"ed* in t e ordinar* co%rse of la!+ t e #erson aggrie$ed t ere&* "a* file a $erified #etition in t e #ro#er co%rt+ alleging t e facts !it certaint* and #ra*ing t at '%dg"ent &e rendered co""anding t e res#ondent+ i""ediatel* or at so"e ot er ti"e to &e s#ecified &* t e co%rt+ to do t e act re7%ired to &e done to #rotect t e rig ts of t e #etitioner+ and to #a* t e da"ages s%stained &* t e #etitioner &* reason of t e !rongf%l acts of t e res#ondent. ) e #etition s all also contain a s!orn certification of non,for%" s o##ing as #ro$ided in t e t ird #aragra# of section /+ R%le 26. Sec. 2. = ere #etition filed. ) e #etition "a* &e filed not later t an si8t* -6;. da*s fro" notice of t e '%dg"ent+ order or resol%tion so%g t to &e assailed in t e S%#re"e 0o%rt or+ if it relates to t e acts or o"issions of a lo!er co%rt or of a cor#oration+ &oard+ officer or #erson+ in t e Regional )rial 0o%rt e8ercising '%risdiction o$er t e territorial area as defined &* t e S%#re"e 0o%rt. It "a* also &e filed in t e 0o%rt of A##eals

! et er or not t e sa"e is in aid of its a##ellate '%risdiction+ or in t e Sandigan&a*an if it is in aid of its '%risdiction. If it in$ol$es t e acts or o"issions of a 7%asi,'%dicial agenc*+ and %nless ot er!ise #ro$ided &* la! or t ese R%les+ t e #etition s all &e filed in and cogni6a&le onl* &* t e 0o%rt of A##eals. Sec. 3. Res#ondents and costs in certain cases. = en t e #etition filed relates to t e acts or o"issions of a '%dge+ co%rt+ 7%asi,'%dicial agenc*+ tri&%nal+ cor#oration+ &oard+ officer or #erson+ t e #etitioner s all 'oin+ as #ri$ate res#ondent or res#ondents !it s%c #%&lic res#ondent or res#ondents+ t e #erson or #ersons interested in s%staining t e #roceedings in t e co%rt> and it s all &e t e d%t* of s%c #ri$ate res#ondents to a##ear and defend+ &ot in is or t eir o!n &e alf and in &e alf of t e #%&lic res#ondent or res#ondents affected &* t e #roceedings+ and t e costs a!arded in s%c #roceedings in fa$or of t e #etitioner s all &e against t e #ri$ate res#ondents onl*+ and not against t e '%dge+ co%rt+ 7%asi,'%dicial agenc*+ tri&%nal+ cor#oration+ &oard+ officer

or #erson i"#leaded as #%&lic res#ondent or res#ondents. Unless ot er!ise s#ecificall* directed &* t e co%rt ! ere t e #etition is #ending+ t e #%&lic res#ondents s all not a##ear in or file an ans!er or co""ent to t e #etition or an* #leading t erein. If t e case is ele$ated to a ig er co%rt &* eit er #art*+ t e #%&lic res#ondents s all &e incl%ded t erein as no"inal #arties. ?o!e$er+ %nless ot er!ise s#ecificall* directed &* t e co%rt+ t e* s all not a##ear or #artici#ate in t e #roceedings t erein. Sec. 6. Order to co""ent. If t e #etition is s%fficient in for" and s%&stance to '%stif* s%c #rocess+ t e co%rt s all iss%e an order re7%iring t e res#ondent or res#ondents to co""ent on t e #etition !it in ten -1;. da*s fro" recei#t of a co#* t ereof. S%c order s all &e ser$ed on t e res#ondents in s%c "anner as t e co%rt "a* direct+ toget er !it a co#* of t e #etition and an* anne8es t ereto. In #etitions for certiorari &efore t e S%#re"e 0o%rt and t e 0o%rt of A##eals+ t e #ro$isions of section (+ R%le 36+ s all &e o&ser$ed. <efore gi$ing d%e co%rse t ereto+ t e co%rt "a* re7%ire

t e res#ondents to file t eir co""ent to+ and not a "otion to dis"iss+ t e #etition. ) ereafter+ t e co%rt "a* re7%ire t e filing of a re#l* and s%c ot er res#onsi$e or ot er #leadings as it "a* dee" necessar* and #ro#er. Sec. 5. in'%ncti$e E8#editing #roceedings> relief.

) e co%rt in ! ic t e #etition is filed "a* iss%e orders e8#editing t e #roceedings+ and it "a* also grant a te"#orar* restraining order or a !rit of #reli"inar* in'%nction for t e #reser$ation of t e rig ts of t e #arties #ending s%c #roceedings. ) e #etition s all not interr%#t t e co%rse of t e #rinci#al case %nless a te"#orar* restraining order or a !rit of #reli"inar* in'%nction as &een iss%ed against t e #%&lic res#ondent fro" f%rt er #roceeding in t e case. Sec. 9. Proceedings after co""ent is filed. After t e co""ent or ot er #leadings re7%ired &* t e co%rt are filed+ or t e ti"e for t e filing t ereof as e8#ired+ t e co%rt "a* ear t e case or re7%ire t e #arties to s%&"it "e"oranda. If after s%c earing or

s%&"ission of "e"oranda e8#iration of t e #eriod for t ereof t e co%rt finds allegations of t e #etition it s all render '%dg"ent for #ra*ed for or to ! ic t e is entitled.

or t e t e filing t at t e are tr%e+ t e relief #etitioner

) e co%rt+ o!e$er+ "a* dis"iss t e #etition if it finds t e sa"e to &e #atentl* !it o%t "erit+ #rosec%ted "anifestl* for dela*+ or t at t e 7%estions raised t erein are too %ns%&stantial to re7%ire consideration. Sec. :. order Ser$ice or and enforce"ent '%dg"ent. of

A certified co#* of t e '%dg"ent rendered in accordance !it t e last #receding section s all &e ser$ed %#on t e co%rt+ 7%asi,'%dicial agenc*+ tri&%nal+ cor#oration+ &oard+ officer or #erson concerned in s%c "anner as t e co%rt "a* direct+ and diso&edience t ereto s all &e #%nis ed as conte"#t. An e8ec%tion "a* iss%e for an* da"ages or costs a!arded in accordance !it section 1 of R%le /:.

RULE 66 EUO =ARRAN)O Section 1. Action &* Go$ern"ent against indi$id%als. An action for t e %s%r#ation of a #%&lic office+ #osition or franc ise "a* &e co""enced &* a $erified #etition &ro%g t in t e na"e of t e Re#%&lic of t e P ili##ines againstB -a. A #erson ! o %s%r#s+ intr%des into+ or %nla!f%ll* olds or e8ercises a #%&lic office+ #osition or franc ise> -&. A #%&lic officer ! o does or s%ffers an act ! ic + &* t e #ro$ision of la!+ constit%tes a gro%nd for t e forfeit%re of is office> or -c. An association ! ic acts as a cor#oration !it in t e P ili##ines !it o%t &eing legall* incor#orated or !it o%t la!f%l a%t orit* so to act. Sec. (. = en Solicitor General or #%&lic #rosec%tor "%st co""ence action. ) e Solicitor General or a #%&lic #rosec%tor+ ! en directed &* t e President of t e P ili##ines+ or ! en

%#on co"#laint or ot er!ise e as good reason to &elie$e t at an* case s#ecified in t e #receding section can &e esta&lis ed &* #roof+ "%st co""ence s%c action. Sec. /. = en Solicitor General or #%&lic #rosec%tor "a* co""ence action !it #er"ission of co%rt. ) e Solicitor General or a #%&lic #rosec%tor "a*+ !it t e #er"ission of t e co%rt in ! ic t e action is to &e co""enced+ &ring s%c an action at t e re7%est and %#on t e relation of anot er #erson> &%t in s%c case t e officer &ringing it "a* first re7%ire an inde"nit* for t e e8#enses and costs of t e action in an a"o%nt a##ro$ed &* and to &e de#osited in t e co%rt &* t e #erson at ! ose re7%est and %#on ! ose relation t e sa"e is &ro%g t. Sec. 2. = en earing ad on a##lication for #er"ission to co""ence action. U#on a##lication for #er"ission to co""ence s%c action in accordance !it t e ne8t #receding section+ t e co%rt s all direct t at notice &e gi$en to t e res#ondent so t at e "a* &e eard in o##osition t ereto> and if #er"ission is granted+ t e co%rt s all iss%e an order to t at effect+ co#ies

of ! ic s all &e ser$ed on all interested #arties+ and t e #etition s all t en &e filed !it in t e #eriod ordered &* t e co%rt. Sec. 3. = en an indi$id%al "a* co""ence s%c an action. A #erson clai"ing to &e entitled to a #%&lic office or #osition %s%r#ed or %nla!f%ll* eld or e8ercised &* anot er "a* &ring an action t erefor in is o!n na"e. Sec. 6. Parties and contents of #etition against %s%r#ation. = en t e action is against a #erson for %s%r#ing a #%&lic office+ #osition or franc ise+ t e #etition s all set fort t e na"e of t e #erson ! o clai"s to &e entitled t ereto+ if an*+ !it an a$er"ent of is rig t to t e sa"e and t at t e res#ondent is %nla!f%ll* in #ossession t ereof. All #ersons ! o clai" to &e entitled to t e #%&lic office+ #osition or franc ise "a* &e "ade #arties+ and t eir res#ecti$e rig ts to s%c #%&lic office+ #osition or franc ise deter"ined+ in t e sa"e action. Sec. 5. Aen%e.

An action %nder t e #receding si8 sections can &e &ro%g t onl* in t e S%#re"e 0o%rt+ t e 0o%rt of A##eals+ or in t e Regional )rial 0o%rt e8ercising '%risdiction o$er t e territorial area ! ere t e res#ondent or an* of t e res#ondents resides+ &%t ! en t e Solicitor General co""ences t e action+ it "a* &e &ro%g t in a Regional )rial 0o%rt in t e 0it* of Canila+ in t e 0o%rt of A##eals+ or in t e S%#re"e 0o%rt. Sec. 9. Period for #leadings and #roceedings "a* &e red%ced> action gi$en #recedence. ) e co%rt "a* red%ce t e #eriod #ro$ided &* t ese R%les for filing #leadings and for all ot er #roceedings in t e action in order to sec%re t e "ost e8#editio%s deter"ination of t e "atters in$ol$ed t erein consistent !it t e rig ts of t e #arties. S%c action "a* &e gi$en #recedence o$er an* ot er ci$il "atter #ending in t e co%rt. Sec. :. D%dg"ent ! ere %s%r#ation fo%nd. = en t e res#ondent is fo%nd g%ilt* of %s%r#ing+ intr%ding into+ or %nla!f%ll* olding or e8ercising a #%&lic office+ #osition or franc ise+ '%dg"ent s all

&e rendered t at s%c res#ondent &e o%sted and altoget er e8cl%ded t erefro"+ and t at t e #etitioner or relator+ as t e case "a* &e+ reco$er is costs. S%c f%rt er '%dg"ent "a* &e rendered deter"ining t e res#ecti$e rig ts in and to t e #%&lic office+ #osition or franc ise of all t e #arties to t e action as '%stice re7%ires. Sec. 1;. Rig ts of #ersons ad'%dged entitled to #%&lic office> deli$er* of &oo4s and #a#ers> da"ages. If '%dg"ent &e rendered in fa$or of t e #erson a$erred in t e co"#laint to &e entitled to t e #%&lic office e "a*+ after ta4ing t e oat of office and e8ec%ting an* official &ond re7%ired &* la!+ ta4e %#on i"self t e e8ec%tion of t e office+ and "a* i""ediatel* t ereafter de"and of t e res#ondent all t e &oo4s and #a#ers in t e res#ondentFs c%stod* or control a##ertaining to t e office to ! ic t e '%dg"ent relates. If t e res#ondent ref%ses or neglects to deli$er an* &oo4 or #a#er #%rs%ant to s%c de"and+ e "a* &e #%nis ed for conte"#t as a$ing diso&e*ed a la!f%l order of t e co%rt. ) e #erson ad'%dged entitled to t e office "a* also &ring action against

t e res#ondent to reco$er t e da"ages s%stained &* s%c #erson &* reason of t e %s%r#ation. Sec. 11. Li"itations. Not ing contained in t is R%le s all &e constr%ed to a%t ori6e an action against a #%&lic officer or e"#lo*ee for is o%ster fro" office %nless t e sa"e &e co""enced !it in one -1. *ear after t e ca%se of s%c o%ster+ or t e rig t of t e #etitioner to old s%c office or #osition+ arose> nor to a%t ori6e an action for da"ages in accordance !it t e #ro$isions of t e ne8t #receding section %nless t e sa"e &e co""enced !it in one -1. *ear after t e entr* of t e '%dg"ent esta&lis ing t e #etitionerFs rig t to t e office in 7%estion. Sec. 1(. D%dg"ent for costs. In an action &ro%g t in accordance !it t e #ro$isions of t is R%le+ t e co%rt "a* render '%dg"ent for costs against eit er t e #etitioner+ t e relator+ or t e res#ondent+ or t e #erson or #ersons clai"ing to &e a cor#oration+ or "a* a##ortion t e costs+ as '%stice re7%ires.

RULE 65 EHPROPRIA)ION Section 1. ) e co"#laint.

) e rig t of e"inent do"ain s all &e e8ercised &* t e filing of a $erified co"#laint ! ic s all state !it certaint* t e rig t and #%r#ose of e8#ro#riation+ descri&e t e real or #ersonal #ro#ert* so%g t to &e e8#ro#riated+ and 'oin as defendants all #ersons o!ning or clai"ing to o!n+ or occ%#*ing+ an* #art t ereof or interest t erein+ s o!ing+ so far as #ractica&le+ t e se#arate interest of eac defendant. If t e title to an* #ro#ert* so%g t to &e e8#ro#riated a##ears to &e in t e Re#%&lic of t e P ili##ines+ alt o%g occ%#ied &* #ri$ate indi$id%als+ or if t e title is ot er!ise o&sc%re or do%&tf%l so t at t e #laintiff cannot !it acc%rac* or certaint* s#ecif* ! o are t e real o!ners+ a$er"ent to t at effect s all &e "ade in t e co"#laint. Sec. (. Entr* of #laintiff %#on de#ositing $al%e !it a%t ori6ed go$ern"ent de#ositar*.

U#on t e filing of t e co"#laint or at an* ti"e t ereafter and after d%e notice to t e defendant+ t e #laintiff s all a$e t e rig t to ta4e or enter %#on t e #ossession of t e real #ro#ert* in$ol$ed if e de#osits !it t e a%t ori6ed go$ern"ent de#ositar* an a"o%nt e7%i$alent to t e assessed $al%e of t e #ro#ert* for #%r#oses of ta8ation to &e eld &* s%c &an4 s%&'ect to t e orders of t e co%rt. S%c de#osit s all &e in "one*+ %nless in lie% t ereof t e co%rt a%t ori6es t e de#osit of a certificate of de#osit of a go$ern"ent &an4 of t e Re#%&lic of t e P ili##ines #a*a&le on de"and to t e a%t ori6ed go$ern"ent de#ositar*. If #ersonal #ro#ert* is in$ol$ed+ its $al%e s all &e #ro$isionall* ascertained and t e a"o%nt to &e de#osited s all &e #ro"#tl* fi8ed &* t e co%rt. After s%c de#osit is "ade t e co%rt s all order t e s eriff or ot er #ro#er officer to fort !it #lace t e #laintiff in #ossession of t e #ro#ert* in$ol$ed and #ro"#tl* s%&"it a re#ort t ereof to t e co%rt !it ser$ice of co#ies to t e #arties.






If a defendant as no o&'ection or defense to t e action or t e ta4ing of is #ro#ert*+ e "a* file and ser$e a notice of a##earance and a "anifestation to t at effect+ s#ecificall* designating or identif*ing t e #ro#ert* in ! ic e clai"s to &e interested+ !it in t e ti"e stated in t e s%""ons. ) ereafter+ e s all &e entitled to notice of all #roceedings affecting t e sa"e. If a defendant as an* o&'ection to t e filing of or t e allegations in t e co"#laint+ or an* o&'ection or defense to t e ta4ing of is #ro#ert*+ e s all ser$e is ans!er !it in t e ti"e stated in t e s%""ons. ) e ans!er s all s#ecificall* designate or identif* t e #ro#ert* in ! ic e clai"s to a$e an interest+ state t e nat%re and e8tent of t e interest clai"ed+ and add%ce all is o&'ections and defenses to t e ta4ing of is #ro#ert*. No co%nterclai"+ cross,clai" or t ird, #art* co"#laint s all &e alleged or allo!ed in t e ans!er or an* s%&se7%ent #leading.

A defendant !ai$es all defenses and o&'ections not so alleged &%t t e co%rt+ in t e interest of '%stice+ "a* #er"it a"end"ents to t e ans!er to &e "ade not later t an ten -1;. da*s fro" t e filing t ereof. ?o!e$er+ at t e trial of t e iss%e of '%st co"#ensation+ ! et er or not a defendant as #re$io%sl* a##eared or ans!ered+ e "a* #resent e$idence as to t e a"o%nt of t e co"#ensation to &e #aid for is #ro#ert*+ and e "a* s are in t e distri&%tion of t e a!ard. Sec. 2. Order of e8#ro#riation.

If t e o&'ections to and t e defenses against t e rig t of t e #laintiff to e8#ro#riate t e #ro#ert* are o$err%led+ or ! en no #art* a##ears to defend as re7%ired &* t is R%le+ t e co%rt "a* iss%e an order of e8#ro#riation declaring t at t e #laintiff as a la!f%l rig t to ta4e t e #ro#ert* so%g t to &e e8#ro#riated+ for t e #%&lic %se or #%r#ose descri&ed in t e co"#laint+ %#on t e #a*"ent of '%st co"#ensation to &e deter"ined as of t e date of t e ta4ing of t e #ro#ert* or t e filing of t e co"#laint+ ! ic e$er ca"e first.

A final order s%staining t e rig t to e8#ro#riate t e #ro#ert* "a* &e a##ealed &* an* #art* aggrie$ed t ere&*. S%c a##eal+ o!e$er+ s all not #re$ent t e co%rt fro" deter"ining t e '%st co"#ensation to &e #aid. After t e rendition of s%c an order+ t e #laintiff s all not &e #er"itted to dis"iss or discontin%e t e #roceeding e8ce#t on s%c ter"s as t e co%rt dee"s '%st and e7%ita&le. Sec. 3. Ascertain"ent of co"#ensation. U#on t e rendition of t e order of e8#ro#riation+ t e co%rt s all a##oint not "ore t an t ree -/. co"#etent and disinterested #ersons as co""issioners to ascertain and re#ort to t e co%rt t e '%st co"#ensation for t e #ro#ert* so%g t to &e ta4en. ) e order of a##oint"ent s all designate t e ti"e and #lace of t e first session of t e earing to &e eld &* t e co""issioners and s#ecif* t e ti"e !it in ! ic t eir re#ort s all &e s%&"itted to t e co%rt. 0o#ies of t e order s all &e ser$ed on t e #arties. O&'ections to t e a##oint"ent of an* of t e co""issioners s all &e filed !it t e co%rt !it in ten -1;. da*s fro" ser$ice+ and s all

&e resol$ed !it in t irt* -/;. da*s after all t e co""issioners s all a$e recei$ed co#ies of t e o&'ections. Sec. 6. Proceedings &* co""issioners. <efore entering %#on t e #erfor"ance of t eir d%ties+ t e co""issioners s all ta4e and s%&scri&e an oat t at t e* !ill fait f%ll* #erfor" t eir d%ties as co""issioners+ ! ic oat s all &e filed in co%rt !it t e ot er #roceedings in t e case. E$idence "a* &e introd%ced &* eit er #art* &efore t e co""issioners ! o are a%t ori6ed to ad"inister oat s on earings &efore t e"+ and t e co""issioners s all+ %nless t e #arties consent to t e contrar*+ after d%e notice to t e #arties to attend+ $ie! and e8a"ine t e #ro#ert* so%g t to &e e8#ro#riated and its s%rro%ndings+ and "a* "eas%re t e sa"e+ after ! ic eit er #art* "a*+ &* i"self or co%nsel+ arg%e t e case. ) e co""issioners s all assess t e conse7%ential da"ages to t e #ro#ert* not ta4en and ded%ct fro" s%c conse7%ential da"ages t e conse7%ential &enefits to &e deri$ed &* t e o!ner fro" t e #%&lic %se or #%r#ose of t e #ro#ert* ta4en+ t e o#eration of its franc ise &* t e cor#oration or t e

carr*ing on of t e &%siness of t e cor#oration or #erson ta4ing t e #ro#ert*. <%t in no case s all t e conse7%ential &enefits assessed e8ceed t e conse7%ential da"ages assessed+ or t e o!ner &e de#ri$ed of t e act%al $al%e of is #ro#ert* so ta4en. Sec. 5. Re#ort &* co""issioners and '%dg"ent t ere%#on. ) e co%rt "a* order t e co""issioners to re#ort ! en an* #artic%lar #ortion of t e real estate s all a$e &een #assed %#on &* t e"+ and "a* render '%dg"ent %#on s%c #artial re#ort+ and direct t e co""issioners to #roceed !it t eir !or4 as to s%&se7%ent #ortions of t e #ro#ert* so%g t to &e e8#ro#riated+ and "a* fro" ti"e to ti"e so deal !it s%c #ro#ert*. ) e co""issioners s all "a4e a f%ll and acc%rate re#ort to t e co%rt of all t eir #roceedings+ and s%c #roceedings s all not &e effect%al %ntil t e co%rt s all a$e acce#ted t eir re#ort and rendered '%dg"ent in accordance !it t eir reco""endations. E8ce#t as ot er!ise e8#ressl* ordered &* t e co%rt+ s%c re#ort s all &e filed !it in si8t* -6;. da*s fro" t e date t e co""issioners !ere notified of t eir a##oint"ent+ ! ic ti"e "a* &e

e8tended in t e discretion of t e co%rt. U#on t e filing of s%c re#ort+ t e cler4 of t e co%rt s all ser$e co#ies t ereof on all interested #arties+ !it notice t at t e* are allo!ed ten -1;. da*s !it in ! ic to file o&'ections to t e findings of t e re#ort+ if t e* so desire. Sec. 9. Action %#on co""issionersF re#ort. U#on t e e8#iration of t e #eriod of ten -1;. da*s referred to in t e #receding section+ or e$en &efore t e e8#iration of s%c #eriod &%t after all t e interested #arties a$e filed t eir o&'ections to t e re#ort or t eir state"ent of agree"ent t ere!it + t e co%rt "a*+ after earing+ acce#t t e re#ort and render '%dg"ent in accordance t ere!it > or+ for ca%se s o!n+ it "a* reco""it t e sa"e to t e co""issioners for f%rt er re#ort of facts> or it "a* set aside t e re#ort and a##oint ne! co""issioners> or it "a* acce#t t e re#ort in #art and re'ect it in #art> and it "a* "a4e s%c order or render s%c '%dg"ent as s all sec%re to t e #laintiff t e #ro#ert* essential to t e e8ercise of is rig t of e8#ro#riation+ and to t e defendant

'%st co"#ensation for t e #ro#ert* so ta4en. Sec. :. Uncertain o!ners i#> conflicting clai"s. If t e o!ners i# of t e #ro#ert* ta4en is %ncertain+ or t ere are conflicting clai"s to an* #art t ereof+ t e co%rt "a* order an* s%" or s%"s a!arded as co"#ensation for t e #ro#ert* to &e #aid to t e co%rt for t e &enefit of t e #erson ad'%dged in t e sa"e #roceeding to &e entitled t ereto. <%t t e '%dg"ent s all re7%ire t e #a*"ent of t e s%" or s%"s a!arded to eit er t e defendant or t e co%rt &efore t e #laintiff can enter %#on t e #ro#ert*+ or retain it for t e #%&lic %se or #%r#ose if entr* as alread* &een "ade. Sec. 1;. Rig ts of #laintiff after '%dg"ent and #a*"ent. U#on #a*"ent &* t e #laintiff to t e defendant of t e co"#ensation fi8ed &* t e '%dg"ent+ !it legal interest t ereon fro" t e ta4ing of t e #ossession of t e #ro#ert*+ or after tender to i" of t e a"o%nt so fi8ed and #a*"ent of t e costs+ t e #laintiff s all a$e t e rig t to enter %#on t e #ro#ert* e8#ro#riated and to a##ro#riate it for t e #%&lic %se or

#%r#ose defined in t e '%dg"ent+ or to retain it s o%ld e a$e ta4en i""ediate #ossession t ereof %nder t e #ro$isions of section ( ereof. If t e defendant and is co%nsel a&sent t e"sel$es fro" t e co%rt+ or decline to recei$e t e a"o%nt tendered+ t e sa"e s all &e ordered to &e de#osited in co%rt and s%c de#osit s all a$e t e sa"e effect as act%al #a*"ent t ereof to t e defendant or t e #erson %lti"atel* ad'%dged entitled t ereto. Sec. 11. Entr* not dela*ed &* a##eal> effect of re$ersal. ) e rig t of t e #laintiff to enter %#on t e #ro#ert* of t e defendant and a##ro#riate t e sa"e for #%&lic %se or #%r#ose s all not &e dela*ed &* an a##eal fro" t e '%dg"ent. <%t if t e a##ellate co%rt deter"ines t at #laintiff as no rig t of e8#ro#riation+ '%dg"ent s all &e rendered ordering t e Regional )rial 0o%rt to fort !it enforce t e restoration to t e defendant of t e #ossession of t e #ro#ert*+ and to deter"ine t e da"ages ! ic t e defendant s%stained and "a* reco$er &* reason of t e #ossession ta4en &* t e #laintiff.





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) e fees of t e co""issioners s all &e ta8ed as a #art of t e costs of t e #roceedings. All costs+ e8ce#t t ose of ri$al clai"ants litigating t eir clai"s+ s all &e #aid &* t e #laintiff+ %nless an a##eal is ta4en &* t e o!ner of t e #ro#ert* and t e '%dg"ent is affir"ed+ in ! ic e$ent t e costs of t e a##eal s all &e #aid &* t e o!ner. Sec. 1/. Recording '%dg"ent+ and its effect. ) e '%dg"ent entered in e8#ro#riation #roceedings s all state definitel*+ &* an ade7%ate descri#tion+ t e #artic%lar #ro#ert* or interest t erein e8#ro#riated+ and t e nat%re of t e #%&lic %se or #%r#ose for ! ic it is e8#ro#riated. = en real estate is e8#ro#riated+ a certified co#* of s%c '%dg"ent s all &e recorded in t e registr* of deeds of t e #lace in ! ic t e #ro#ert* is sit%ated+ and its effect s all &e to $est in t e #laintiff t e title to t e real estate so descri&ed for s%c #%&lic %se or #%r#ose. Sec. 12. Po!er of g%ardian in s%c #roceedings.

) e g%ardian or g%ardian ad lite" of a "inor or of a #erson '%diciall* declared to &e inco"#etent "a*+ !it t e a##ro$al of t e co%rt first ad+ do and #erfor" on &e alf of is !ard an* act+ "atter+ or t ing res#ecting t e e8#ro#riation for #%&lic %se or #%r#ose of #ro#ert* &elonging to s%c "inor or #erson '%diciall* declared to &e inco"#etent+ ! ic s%c "inor or #erson '%diciall* declared to &e inco"#etent co%ld do in s%c #roceedings if e !ere of age or co"#etent.

RULE 69 FORE0LOSURE OF REAL ES)A)E COR)GAGE Section 1. 0o"#laint foreclos%re. in action for

In an action for t e foreclos%re of a "ortgage or ot er enc%"&rance %#on real estate+ t e co"#laint s all set fort t e date and d%e e8ec%tion of t e "ortgage> its assign"ents+ if an*> t e na"es and residences of t e "ortgagor and t e "ortgagee> a descri#tion of t e "ortgaged #ro#ert*> a state"ent of t e

date of t e note or ot er doc%"entar* e$idence of t e o&ligation sec%red &* t e "ortgage+ t e a"o%nt clai"ed to &e %n#aid t ereon> and t e na"es and residences of all #ersons a$ing or clai"ing an interest in t e #ro#ert* s%&ordinate in rig t to t at of t e older of t e "ortgage+ all of ! o" s all &e "ade defendants in t e action. Sec. (. D%dg"ent on foreclos%re for #a*"ent or sale. If %#on t e trial in s%c action t e co%rt s all find t e facts set fort in t e co"#laint to &e tr%e+ it s all ascertain t e a"o%nt d%e to t e #laintiff %#on t e "ortgage de&t or o&ligation+ incl%ding interest and ot er c arges as a##ro$ed &* t e co%rt+ and costs+ and s all render '%dg"ent for t e s%" so fo%nd d%e and order t at t e sa"e &e #aid to t e co%rt or to t e '%dg"ent o&ligee !it in a #eriod of not less t an ninet* -:;. da*s nor "ore t an one %ndred t!ent* -1(;. da*s fro" t e entr* of '%dg"ent+ and t at in defa%lt of s%c #a*"ent t e #ro#ert* s all &e sold at #%&lic a%ction to satisf* t e '%dg"ent. Sec. /. Sale of "ortgaged #ro#ert*> effect.

= en t e defendant+ after &eing directed to do so as #ro$ided in t e ne8t #receding section+ fails to #a* t e a"o%nt of t e '%dg"ent !it in t e #eriod s#ecified t erein+ t e co%rt+ %#on "otion+ s all order t e #ro#ert* to &e sold in t e "anner and %nder t e #ro$isions of R%le /: and ot er reg%lations go$erning sales of real estate %nder e8ec%tion. S%c sale s all not affect t e rig ts of #ersons olding #rior enc%"&rances %#on t e #ro#ert* or a #art t ereof+ and ! en confir"ed &* an order of t e co%rt+ also %#on "otion+ it s all o#erate to di$est t e rig ts in t e #ro#ert* of all t e #arties to t e action and to $est t eir rig ts in t e #%rc aser+ s%&'ect to s%c rig ts of rede"#tion as "a* &e allo!ed &* la!. U#on t e finalit* of t e order of confir"ation or %#on t e e8#iration of t e #eriod of rede"#tion ! en allo!ed &* la!+ t e #%rc aser at t e a%ction sale or last rede"#tioner+ if an*+ s all &e entitled to t e #ossession of t e #ro#ert* %nless a t ird #art* is act%all* olding t e sa"e ad$ersel* to t e '%dg"ent o&ligor. ) e said #%rc aser or last rede"#tioner "a* sec%re a !rit of #ossession+ %#on

"otion+ fro" t e t e foreclos%re.


! ic


Sec. 2. Dis#osition of #roceeds of sale. ) e a"o%nt reali6ed fro" t e foreclos%re sale of t e "ortgaged #ro#ert* s all+ after ded%cting t e costs of t e sale+ &e #aid to t e #erson foreclosing t e "ortgage+ and ! en t ere s all &e an* &alance or resid%e+ after #a*ing off t e "ortgage de&t d%e+ t e sa"e s all &e #aid to '%nior enc%"&rancers in t e order of t eir #riorit*+ to &e ascertained &* t e co%rt+ or if t ere &e no s%c enc%"&rancers or t ere &e a &alance or resid%e after #a*"ent to t e"+ t en to t e "ortgagor or is d%l* a%t ori6ed agent+ or to t e #erson entitled to it. Sec. 3. ?o! sale to #roceed in case t e de&t is not all d%e. If t e de&t for ! ic t e "ortgage or enc%"&rance !as eld is not all d%e as #ro$ided in t e '%dg"ent+ as soon as a s%fficient #ortion of t e #ro#ert* as &een sold to #a* t e total a"o%nt and t e costs d%e+ t e sale s all ter"inate> and after!ards+ as often as "ore &eco"es d%e for #rinci#al or interest and ot er $alid c arges+ t e

co%rt "a*+ on "otion+ order "ore to &e sold. <%t if t e #ro#ert* cannot &e sold in #ortions !it o%t #re'%dice to t e #arties+ t e ! ole s all &e ordered to &e sold in t e first instance+ and t e entire de&t and costs s all &e #aid+ if t e #roceeds of t e sale &e s%fficient t erefor+ t ere &eing a re&ate of interest ! ere s%c re&ate is #ro#er. Sec. 6. Deficienc* '%dg"ent. If %#on t e sale of an* real #ro#ert* as #ro$ided in t e ne8t #receding section t ere &e a &alance d%e to t e #laintiff after a##l*ing t e #roceeds of t e sale+ t e co%rt+ %#on "otion+ s all render '%dg"ent against t e defendant for an* s%c &alance for ! ic + &* t e record of t e case+ e "a* &e #ersonall* lia&le to t e #laintiff+ %#on ! ic e8ec%tion "a* iss%e i""ediatel* if t e &alance is all d%e at t e ti"e of t e rendition of t e '%dg"ent> ot er!ise+ t e #laintiff s all &e entitled to e8ec%tion at s%c ti"e as t e &alance re"aining &eco"es d%e %nder t e ter"s of t e original contract+ ! ic ti"e s all &e stated in t e '%dg"ent. Sec. 5. Registration.

A certified co#* of t e final order of t e co%rt confir"ing t e sale s all &e registered in t e registr* of deeds. If no rig t of rede"#tion e8ists+ t e certificate of title in t e na"e of t e "ortgagor s all &e cancelled+ and a ne! one iss%ed in t e na"e of t e #%rc aser. = ere a rig t of rede"#tion e8ists+ t e certificate of title in t e na"e of t e "ortgagor s all not &e cancelled+ &%t t e certificate of sale and t e order confir"ing t e sale s all &e registered and a &rief "e"orand%" t ereof "ade &* t e registrar of deeds %#on t e certificate of title. In t e e$ent t e #ro#ert* is redee"ed+ t e deed of rede"#tion s all &e registered !it t e registr* of deeds+ and a &rief "e"orand%" t ereof s all &e "ade &* t e registrar of deeds on said certificate of title. If t e #ro#ert* is not redee"ed+ t e final deed of sale e8ec%ted &* t e s eriff in fa$or of t e #%rc aser at t e foreclos%re sale s all &e registered !it t e registr* of deeds> ! ere%#on t e certificate of title in t e na"e of t e "ortgagor s all &e cancelled and a ne! one iss%ed in t e na"e of t e #%rc aser.

Sec. 9. #ro$isions.



ot er

) e #ro$isions of sections /1+ /( and /2 of R%le /: s all &e a##lica&le to t e '%dicial foreclos%re of real estate "ortgages %nder t is R%le insofar as t e for"er are not inconsistent !it or "a* ser$e to s%##le"ent t e #ro$isions of t e latter. RULE 6: PAR)I)ION Section 1. #artition 0o"#laint in of real action for estate.

A #erson a$ing t e rig t to co"#el t e #artition of real estate "a* do so as #ro$ided in t is R%le+ setting fort in is co"#laint t e nat%re and e8tent of is title and an ade7%ate descri#tion of t e real estate of ! ic #artition is de"anded and 'oining as defendants all ot er #ersons interested in t e #ro#ert*. Sec. (. Order for #artition+ and #artition &* agree"ent t ere%nder.

If after t e trial t e co%rt finds t at t e #laintiff as t e rig t t ereto+ it s all order t e #artition of t e real estate a"ong all t e #arties in interest. ) ere%#on t e #arties "a*+ if t e* are a&le to agree+ "a4e t e #artition a"ong t e"sel$es &* #ro#er instr%"ents of con$e*ance+ and t e co%rt s all confir" t e #artition so agreed %#on &* all t e #arties+ and s%c #artition+ toget er !it t e order of t e co%rt confir"ing t e sa"e+ s all &e recorded in t e registr* of deeds of t e #lace in ! ic t e #ro#ert* is sit%ated. A final order decreeing #artition and acco%nting "a* &e a##ealed &* an* #art* aggrie$ed t ere&*. Sec. /. 0o""issioners to "a4e #artition ! en #arties fail to agree. If t e #arties are %na&le to agree %#on t e #artition+ t e co%rt s all a##oint not "ore t an t ree -/. co"#etent and disinterested #ersons as co""issioners to "a4e t e #artition+ co""anding t e" to set off to t e #laintiff and to eac #art* in interest s%c #art and #ro#ortion of t e #ro#ert* as t e co%rt s all direct.

Sec. 2. Oat co""issioners.




<efore "a4ing s%c #artition+ t e co""issioners s all ta4e and s%&scri&e an oat t at t e* !ill fait f%ll* #erfor" t eir d%ties as co""issioners+ ! ic oat s all &e filed in co%rt !it t e ot er #roceedings in t e case. In "a4ing t e #artition+ t e co""issioners s all $ie! and e8a"ine t e real estate+ after d%e notice to t e #arties to attend at s%c $ie! and e8a"ination+ and s all ear t e #arties as to t eir #reference in t e #ortion of t e #ro#ert* to &e set a#art to t e" and t e co"#arati$e $al%e t ereof+ and s all set a#art t e sa"e to t e #arties in lots or #arcels as !ill &e "ost ad$antageo%s and e7%ita&le+ a$ing d%e regard to t e i"#ro$e"ents+ sit%ation and 7%alit* of t e different #arts t ereof. Sec. 3. Assign"ent or sale of real estate &* co""issioners. = en it is "ade to a##ear to t e co""issioners t at t e real estate+ or a #ortion t ereof+ cannot &e di$ided !it o%t #re'%dice to t e interests of t e #arties+ t e co%rt "a* order it assigned to one of t e #arties !illing

to ta4e t e sa"e+ #ro$ided e #a*s to t e ot er #arties s%c a"o%nts as t e co""issioners dee" e7%ita&le+ %nless one of t e interested #arties as4s t at t e #ro#ert* &e sold instead of &eing so assigned+ in ! ic case t e co%rt s all order t e co""issioners to sell t e real estate at #%&lic sale %nder s%c conditions and !it in s%c ti"e as t e co%rt "a* deter"ine. Sec. 6. Re#ort of co""issioners> #roceedings not &inding %ntil confir"ed. ) e co""issioners s all "a4e a f%ll and acc%rate re#ort to t e co%rt of all t eir #roceedings as to t e #artition+ or t e assign"ent of real estate to one of t e #arties+ or t e sale of t e sa"e. U#on t e filing of s%c re#ort+ t e cler4 of co%rt s all ser$e co#ies t ereof on all t e interested #arties !it notice t at t e* are allo!ed ten -1;. da*s !it in ! ic to file o&'ections to t e findings of t e re#ort+ if t e* so desire. No #roceeding ad &efore or cond%cted &* t e co""issioners s all #ass t e title to t e #ro#ert* or &ind t e #arties %ntil t e co%rt s all a$e acce#ted t e re#ort of t e co""issioners and rendered '%dg"ent t ereon.

Sec. 5. Action co""issionersF


t e co%rt re#ort.


U#on t e e8#iration of t e #eriod of ten -1;. da*s referred to in t e #receding section+ or e$en &efore t e e8#iration of s%c #eriod &%t after t e interested #arties a$e filed t eir o&'ections to t e re#ort or t eir state"ent of agree"ent t ere!it + t e co%rt "a*+ %#on earing+ acce#t t e re#ort and render '%dg"ent in accordance t ere!it > or+ for ca%se s o!n+ reco""it t e sa"e to t e co""issioners for f%rt er re#ort of facts> or set aside t e re#ort and a##oint ne! co""issioners> or acce#t t e re#ort in #art and re'ect it in #art> and "a* "a4e s%c order and render s%c '%dg"ent as s all effect%ate a fair and '%st #artition of t e real estate+ or of its $al%e+ if assigned or sold as a&o$e #ro$ided+ &et!een t e se$eral o!ners t ereof. Sec. 9. Acco%nting for rent and #rofits in action for #artition. In an action for #artition in accordance !it t is R%le+ a #art* s all reco$er fro" anot er is '%st s are of rents and #rofits recei$ed &* s%c ot er #art* fro" t e real estate

in 7%estion+ and t e '%dg"ent s all incl%de an allo!ance for s%c rents and #rofits. Sec. :. Po!er of g%ardian in s%c #roceedings. ) e g%ardian or g%ardian ad lite" of a "inor or #erson '%diciall* declared to &e inco"#etent "a*+ !it t e a##ro$al of t e co%rt first ad+ do and #erfor" on &e alf of is !ard an* act+ "atter+ or t ing res#ecting t e #artition of real estate+ ! ic t e "inor or #erson '%diciall* declared to &e inco"#etent co%ld do in #artition #roceedings if e !ere of age or co"#etent. Sec. 1;. 0osts and e8#enses to &e ta8ed and collected. ) e co%rt s all e7%ita&l* ta8 and a##ortion &et!een or a"ong t e #arties t e costs and e8#enses ! ic accr%e in t e action+ incl%ding t e co"#ensation of t e co""issioners+ a$ing regard to t e interests of t e #arties+ and e8ec%tion "a* iss%e t erefor as in ot er cases. Sec. 11. ) e '%dg"ent and its effect> co#* to &e recorded in registr* of deeds.

If act%al #artition of #ro#ert* is "ade+ t e '%dg"ent s all state definitel*+ &* "etes and &o%nds and ade7%ate descri#tion+ t e #artic%lar #ortion of t e real estate assigned to eac #art*+ and t e effect of t e '%dg"ent s all &e to $est in eac #art* to t e action in se$eralt* t e #ortion of t e real estate assigned to i". If t e ! ole #ro#ert* is assigned to one of t e #arties %#on is #a*ing to t e ot ers t e s%" or s%"s ordered &* t e co%rt+ t e '%dg"ent s all state t e fact of s%c #a*"ent and of t e assign"ent of t e real estate to t e #art* "a4ing t e #a*"ent+ and t e effect of t e '%dg"ent s all &e to $est in t e #art* "a4ing t e #a*"ent t e ! ole of t e real estate free fro" an* interest on t e #art of t e ot er #arties to t e action. If t e #ro#ert* is sold and t e sale confir"ed &* t e co%rt+ t e '%dg"ent s all state t e na"e of t e #%rc aser or #%rc asers and a definite descri#tion of t e #arcels of real estate sold to eac #%rc aser+ and t e effect of t e '%dg"ent s all &e to $est t e real estate in t e #%rc aser or #%rc asers "a4ing t e #a*"ent or #a*"ents+ free fro" t e clai"s of an* of t e #arties to t e

action. A certified co#* of t e '%dg"ent s all in eit er case &e recorded in t e registr* of deeds of t e #lace in ! ic t e real estate is sit%ated+ and t e e8#enses of s%c recording s all &e ta8ed as #art of t e costs of t e action. Sec. 1(. Neit er #ara"o%nt rig ts nor a"ica&le #artition affected &* t is R%le. Not ing in t is R%le contained s all &e constr%ed so as to #re'%dice+ defeat+ or destro* t e rig t or title of an* #erson clai"ing t e real estate in$ol$ed &* title %nder an* ot er #erson+ or &* title #ara"o%nt to t e title of t e #arties a"ong ! o" t e #artition "a* a$e &een "ade> nor so as to restrict or #re$ent #ersons olding real estate 'ointl* or in co""on fro" "a4ing an a"ica&le #artition t ereof &* agree"ent and s%ita&le instr%"ents of con$e*ance !it o%t reco%rse to an action. Sec. 1/. Partition of #ersonal #ro#ert*. ) e #ro$isions of t is R%le s all a##l* to #artitions of estates co"#osed of #ersonal #ro#ert*+ or of &ot real and

#ersonal #ro#ert*+ in so sa"e "a* &e a##lica&le.



t e

RULE 5; FOR0I<LE EN)RG AND UNLA=FUL DE)AINER Section 1. #roceedings+ = o and "a* instit%te ! en.

S%&'ect to t e #ro$isions of t e ne8t s%cceeding section+ a #erson de#ri$ed of t e #ossession of an* land or &%ilding &* force+ inti"idation+ t reat+ strateg*+ or stealt + or a lessor+ $endor+ $endee+ or ot er #erson against ! o" t e #ossession of an* land or &%ilding is %nla!f%ll* !it eld after t e e8#iration or ter"ination of t e rig t to old #ossession+ &* $irt%e of an* contract+ e8#ress or i"#lied+ or t e legal re#resentati$es or assigns of an* s%c lessor+ $endor+ $endee+ or ot er #erson+ "a*+ at an* ti"e !it in one -1. *ear after s%c %nla!f%l de#ri$ation or !it olding of #ossession+ &ring an action in t e #ro#er C%nici#al )rial 0o%rt against t e #erson or #ersons %nla!f%ll* !it olding or de#ri$ing of #ossession+

or an* #erson or #ersons clai"ing %nder t e"+ for t e restit%tion of s%c #ossession+ toget er !it da"ages and costs. Sec. (. Lessor to #roceed against lessee onl* after de"and. Unless ot er!ise sti#%lated+ s%c action &* t e lessor s all &e co""enced onl* after de"and to #a* or co"#l* !it t e conditions of t e lease and to $acate is "ade %#on t e lessee+ or &* ser$ing !ritten notice of s%c de"and %#on t e #erson fo%nd on t e #re"ises+ or &* #osting s%c notice on t e #re"ises if no #erson &e fo%nd t ereon+ and t e lessee fails to co"#l* t ere!it after fifteen -13. da*s in t e case of land or fi$e -3. da*s in t e case of &%ildings. Sec. /. S%""ar* #roced%re. E8ce#t in cases co$ered &* t e agric%lt%ral tenanc* la!s or ! en t e la! ot er!ise e8#ressl* #ro$ides+ all actions for forci&le entr* and %nla!f%l detainer+ irres#ecti$e of t e a"o%nt of da"ages or %n#aid rentals so%g t to &e reco$ered+ s all &e go$erned &* t e s%""ar* #roced%re ere%nder #ro$ided. Sec. 2. Pleadings allo!ed.

) e onl* #leadings allo!ed to &e filed are t e co"#laint+ co"#%lsor* co%nterclai" and cross,clai" #leaded in t e ans!er+ and t e ans!ers t ereto. All #leadings s all &e $erified. Sec. 3. Action on co"#laint.

) e co%rt "a*+ fro" an e8a"ination of t e allegations in t e co"#laint and s%c e$idence as "a* &e attac ed t ereto+ dis"iss t e case o%trig t on an* of t e gro%nds for t e dis"issal of a ci$il action ! ic are a##arent t erein. If no gro%nd for dis"issal is fo%nd+ it s all fort !it iss%e s%""ons. Sec. 6. Ans!er. =it in ten -1;. da*s fro" ser$ice of s%""ons+ t e defendant s all file is ans!er to t e co"#laint and ser$e a co#* t ereof on t e #laintiff. Affir"ati$e and negati$e defenses not #leaded t erein s all &e dee"ed !ai$ed+ e8ce#t lac4 of '%risdiction o$er t e s%&'ect "atter. 0ross,clai"s and co"#%lsor* co%nterclai"s not asserted in t e ans!er s all &e considered &arred. ) e ans!er to co%nterclai"s or cross,clai"s s all &e ser$ed and filed !it in ten -1;. da*s fro" ser$ice of t e ans!er in ! ic t e* are #leaded.

Sec. 5. Effect of fail%re to ans!er. S o%ld t e defendant fail to ans!er t e co"#laint !it in t e #eriod a&o$e #ro$ided+ t e co%rt+ "ot% #ro#rio or on "otion of t e #laintiff+ s all render '%dg"ent as "a* &e !arranted &* t e facts alleged in t e co"#laint and li"ited to ! at is #ra*ed for t erein. ) e co%rt "a* in its discretion red%ce t e a"o%nt of da"ages and attorne*Fs fees clai"ed for &eing e8cessi$e or ot er!ise %nconsciona&le+ !it o%t #re'%dice to t e a##lica&ilit* of section / -c.+ R%le : if t ere are t!o or "ore defendants. Sec. 9. Preli"inar* conference> a##earance of #arties. Not later t an t irt* -/;. da*s after t e last ans!er is filed+ a #reli"inar* conference s all &e eld. ) e #ro$isions of R%le 19 on #re,trial s all &e a##lica&le to t e #reli"inar* conference %nless inconsistent !it t e #ro$isions of t is R%le. ) e fail%re of t e #laintiff to a##ear in t e #reli"inar* conference s all &e ca%se for t e dis"issal of is co"#laint. ) e defendant ! o a##ears in t e a&sence of t e #laintiff s all &e

entitled to '%dg"ent on is co%nterclai" in accordance !it t e ne8t #receding section. All cross, clai"s s all &e dis"issed. If a sole defendant s all fail to a##ear+ t e #laintiff s all li4e!ise &e entitled to '%dg"ent in accordance !it t e ne8t #receding section. ) is #roced%re s all not a##l* ! ere one of t!o or "ore defendants s%ed %nder a co""on ca%se of action ! o ad #leaded a co""on defense s all a##ear at t e #reli"inar* conference. No #ost#one"ent of t e #reli"inar* conference s all &e granted e8ce#t for ig l* "eritorio%s gro%nds and !it o%t #re'%dice to s%c sanctions as t e co%rt in t e e8ercise of so%nd discretion "a* i"#ose on t e "o$ant. Sec. :. conference. Record of #reli"inar*

=it in fi$e -3. da*s after t e ter"ination of t e #reli"inar* conference+ t e co%rt s all iss%e an order stating t e "atters ta4en %# t erein+ incl%ding &%t not li"ited toB 1. = et er t e #arties a$e arri$ed at an a"ica&le settle"ent+ and if so+ t e ter"s t ereof>

(. ) e sti#%lations or entered into &* t e #arties>


/. = et er+ on t e &asis of t e #leadings and t e sti#%lations and ad"issions "ade &* t e #arties+ '%dg"ent "a* &e rendered !it o%t t e need of f%rt er #roceedings+ in ! ic e$ent t e '%dg"ent s all &e rendered !it in t irt* -/;. da*s fro" iss%ance of t e order> 2. A clear s#ecification of "aterial facts ! ic re"ain contro$erted> and 3. S%c ot er "atters intended to e8#edite t e dis#osition of t e case. Sec. 1;. S%&"ission of affida$its and #osition #a#ers. =it in ten -1;. da*s fro" recei#t of t e order "entioned in t e ne8t #receding section+ t e #arties s all s%&"it t e affida$its of t eir !itnesses and ot er e$idence on t e fact%al iss%es defined in t e order+ toget er !it t eir #osition #a#ers setting fort t e la! and t e facts relied %#on &* t e". Sec. 11. Period for rendition of '%dg"ent.

=it in t irt* -/;. da*s after recei#t of t e affida$its and #osition #a#ers+ or t e e8#iration of t e #eriod for filing t e sa"e+ t e co%rt s all render '%dg"ent. ?o!e$er+ s o%ld t e co%rt find it necessar* to clarif* certain "aterial facts+ it "a*+ d%ring t e said #eriod+ iss%e an order s#ecif*ing t e "atters to &e clarified+ and re7%ire t e #arties to s%&"it affida$its or ot er e$idence on t e said "atters !it in ten -1;. da*s fro" recei#t of said order. D%dg"ent s all &e rendered !it in fifteen -13. da*s after t e recei#t of t e last affida$it or t e e8#iration of t e #eriod for filing t e sa"e. ) e co%rt s all not resort to t e foregoing #roced%re '%st to gain ti"e for t e rendition of t e '%dg"ent. Sec. 1(. Referral for conciliation.

0ases re7%iring referral for conciliation+ ! ere t ere is no s o!ing of co"#liance !it s%c re7%ire"ent+ s all &e dis"issed !it o%t #re'%dice+ and "a* &e re$i$ed onl* after t at re7%ire"ent s all a$e &een co"#lied !it .

Sec. 1/. "otions.

Pro i&ited



) e follo!ing #etitions+ "otions+ or #leadings s all not &e allo!edB 1. Cotion to dis"iss t e co"#laint e8ce#t on t e gro%nd of lac4 of '%risdiction o$er t e s%&'ect "atter+ or fail%re to co"#l* !it section 1(> (. Cotion for a &ill of #artic%lars> /. Cotion for ne! trial+ or for reconsideration of a '%dg"ent+ or for reo#ening of trial> 2. Petition for relief fro" '%dg"ent> 3. Cotion for e8tension of ti"e to file #leadings+ affida$its or an* ot er #a#er> 6. Ce"oranda> 5. Petition for certiorari+ "anda"%s+ or #ro i&ition against an* interloc%tor* order iss%ed &* t e co%rt> 9. Cotion to declare t e defendant in defa%lt> :. Dilator* "otions for #ost#one"ent> 1;. Re#l*>

11. ) ird,#art* co"#laints> 1(. Inter$entions. Sec. 12. Affida$its.

) e affida$its re7%ired to &e s%&"itted %nder t is R%le s all state onl* facts of direct #ersonal 4no!ledge of t e affiants ! ic are ad"issi&le in e$idence+ and s all s o! t eir co"#etence to testif* to t e "atters stated t erein. A $iolation of t is re7%ire"ent "a* s%&'ect t e #art* or t e co%nsel ! o s%&"its t e sa"e to disci#linar* action+ and s all &e ca%se to e8#%nge t e inad"issi&le affida$it or #ortion t ereof fro" t e record. Sec. 13. Preli"inar* in'%nction.

) e co%rt "a* grant #reli"inar* in'%nction+ in accordance !it t e #ro$isions of R%le 39 ereof+ to #re$ent t e defendant fro" co""itting f%rt er acts of dis#ossession against t e #laintiff. A #ossessor de#ri$ed of is #ossession t ro%g forci&le entr* or %nla!f%l detainer "a*+ !it in fi$e -3. da*s fro"

t e filing of t e co"#laint+ #resent a "otion in t e action for forci&le entr* or %nla!f%l detainer for t e iss%ance of a !rit of #reli"inar* "andator* in'%nction to restore i" in is #ossession. ) e co%rt s all decide t e "otion !it in t irt* -/;. da*s fro" t e filing t ereof. Sec. 16. Resol$ing defense of o!ners i#. = en t e defendant raises t e defense of o!ners i# in is #leadings and t e 7%estion of #ossession cannot &e resol$ed !it o%t deciding t e iss%e of o!ners i#+ t e iss%e of o!ners i# s all &e resol$ed onl* to deter"ine t e iss%e of #ossession. Sec. 15. D%dg"ent. If after trial t e co%rt finds t at t e allegations of t e co"#laint are tr%e+ it s all render '%dg"ent in fa$or of t e #laintiff for t e restit%tion of t e #re"ises+ t e s%" '%stl* d%e as arrears of rent or as reasona&le co"#ensation for t e %se and occ%#ation of t e #re"ises+ attorne*Fs fees and costs. If it finds t at said allegations are not tr%e+ it s all render '%dg"ent for t e defendant to reco$er is costs. If a co%nterclai" is

esta&lis ed+ t e co%rt s all render '%dg"ent for t e s%" fo%nd in arrears fro" eit er #art* and a!ard costs as '%stice re7%ires. Sec. 19. D%dg"ent concl%si$e onl* on #ossession> not concl%si$e in actions in$ol$ing title or o!ners i#. ) e '%dg"ent rendered in an action for forci&le entr* or detainer s all &e concl%si$e !it res#ect to t e #ossession onl* and s all in no !ise &ind t e title or affect t e o!ners i# of t e land or &%ilding. S%c '%dg"ent s all not &ar an action &et!een t e sa"e #arties res#ecting title to t e land or &%ilding. ) e '%dg"ent or final order s all &e a##eala&le to t e a##ro#riate Regional )rial 0o%rt ! ic s all decide t e sa"e on t e &asis of t e entire record of t e #roceedings ad in t e co%rt of origin and s%c "e"oranda andLor &riefs as "a* &e s%&"itted &* t e #arties or re7%ired &* t e Regional )rial 0o%rt. Sec. 1:. '%dg"ent> I""ediate o! to e8ec%tion of sta* sa"e.

If '%dg"ent is rendered against t e defendant+ e8ec%tion s all iss%e i""ediatel* %#on "otion+ %nless an

a##eal as &een #erfected and t e defendant to sta* e8ec%tion files a s%fficient s%#ersedeas &ond+ a##ro$ed &* t e C%nici#al )rial 0o%rt and e8ec%ted in fa$or of t e #laintiff to #a* t e rents+ da"ages+ and costs accr%ing do!n to t e ti"e of t e '%dg"ent a##ealed fro"+ and %nless+ d%ring t e #endenc* of t e a##eal+ e de#osits !it t e a##ellate co%rt t e a"o%nt of rent d%e fro" ti"e to ti"e %nder t e contract+ if an*+ as deter"ined &* t e '%dg"ent of t e C%nici#al )rial 0o%rt. In t e a&sence of a contract+ e s all de#osit !it t e Regional )rial 0o%rt t e reasona&le $al%e of t e %se and occ%#ation of t e #re"ises for t e #receding "ont or #eriod at t e rate deter"ined &* t e '%dg"ent of t e lo!er co%rt on or &efore t e tent da* of eac s%cceeding "ont or #eriod. ) e s%#ersedeas &ond s all &e trans"itted &* t e C%nici#al )rial 0o%rt+ !it t e ot er #a#ers+ to t e cler4 of t e Regional )rial 0o%rt to ! ic t e action is a##ealed. All a"o%nts so #aid to t e a##ellate co%rt s all &e de#osited !it said co%rt or a%t ori6ed go$ern"ent de#ositar* &an4+ and s all &e eld t ere %ntil t e final dis#osition of

t e a##eal+ %nless t e co%rt+ &* agree"ent of t e interested #arties+ or in t e a&sence of reasona&le gro%nds of o##osition to a "otion to !it dra!+ or for '%stifia&le reasons+ s all decree ot er!ise. S o%ld t e defendant fail to "a4e t e #a*"ents a&o$e #rescri&ed fro" ti"e to ti"e d%ring t e #endenc* of t e a##eal+ t e a##ellate co%rt+ %#on "otion of t e #laintiff+ and %#on #roof of s%c fail%re+ s all order t e e8ec%tion of t e '%dg"ent a##ealed fro" !it res#ect to t e restoration of #ossession+ &%t s%c e8ec%tion s all not &e a &ar to t e a##eal ta4ing its co%rse %ntil t e final dis#osition t ereof on t e "erits. After t e case is decided &* t e Regional )rial 0o%rt+ an* "one* #aid to t e co%rt &* t e defendant for #%r#oses of t e sta* of e8ec%tion s all &e dis#osed of in accordance !it t e #ro$isions of t e '%dg"ent of t e Regional )rial 0o%rt. In an* case ! erein it a##ears t at t e defendant as &een de#ri$ed of t e la!f%l #ossession of land or &%ilding #ending t e a##eal &* $irt%e of t e e8ec%tion of t e '%dg"ent of t e C%nici#al )rial 0o%rt+ da"ages for s%c de#ri$ation of #ossession and restoration of

#ossession "a* &e allo!ed t e defendant in t e '%dg"ent of t e Regional )rial 0o%rt dis#osing of t e a##eal. Sec. (;. in'%nction Preli"inar* in case of "andator* a##eal.

U#on "otion of t e #laintiff+ !it in ten -1;. da*s fro" t e #erfection of t e a##eal to t e Regional )rial 0o%rt+ t e latter "a* iss%e a !rit of #reli"inar* "andator* in'%nction to restore t e #laintiff in #ossession if t e co%rt is satisfied t at t e defendantFs a##eal is fri$olo%s or dilator*+ or t at t e a##eal of t e #laintiff is #ri"a facie "eritorio%s. Sec. (1. I""ediate e8ec%tion on a##eal to 0o%rt of A##eals or S%#re"e 0o%rt. ) e '%dg"ent of t e Regional )rial 0o%rt against t e defendant s all &e i""ediatel* e8ec%tor*+ !it o%t #re'%dice to a f%rt er a##eal t at "a* &e ta4en t erefro". RULE 51 0ON)ECP) Section 1. s%""aril*. Direct conte"#t #%nis ed

A #erson g%ilt* of "is&e a$ior in t e #resence of or so near a co%rt as to o&str%ct or interr%#t t e #roceedings &efore t e sa"e+ incl%ding disres#ect to!ard t e co%rt+ offensi$e #ersonalities to!ard ot ers+ or ref%sal to &e s!orn or to ans!er as a !itness+ or to s%&scri&e an affida$it or de#osition ! en la!f%ll* re7%ired to do so+ "a* &e s%""aril* ad'%dged in conte"#t &* s%c co%rt and #%nis ed &* a fine not e8ceeding t!o t o%sand #esos or i"#rison"ent not e8ceeding ten -1;. da*s+ or &ot + if it &e a Regional )rial 0o%rt or a co%rt of e7%i$alent or ig er ran4+ or &* a fine not e8ceeding t!o %ndred #esos or i"#rison"ent not e8ceeding one -1. da*+ or &ot + if it &e a lo!er co%rt. Sec. (. Re"ed* t erefro". ) e #erson ad'%dged in direct conte"#t &* an* co%rt "a* not a##eal t erefro"+ &%t "a* a$ail i"self of t e re"edies of certiorari or #ro i&ition. ) e e8ec%tion of t e '%dg"ent s all &e s%s#ended #ending resol%tion of s%c #etition+ #ro$ided s%c #erson files a &ond fi8ed &* t e co%rt ! ic rendered t e '%dg"ent and conditioned t at e !ill a&ide &* and #erfor" t e '%dg"ent

s o%ld t e #etition &e decided against i". Sec. /. Indirect conte"#t to &e #%nis ed after c arge and earing. After a c arge in !riting as &een filed+ and an o##ort%nit* gi$en to t e res#ondent to co""ent t ereon !it in s%c #eriod as "a* &e fi8ed &* t e co%rt and to &e eard &* i"self or co%nsel+ a #erson g%ilt* of an* of t e follo!ing acts "a* &e #%nis ed for indirect conte"#tB -a. Cis&e a$ior of an officer of a co%rt in t e #erfor"ance of is official d%ties or in is official transactions> -&. Diso&edience of or resistance to a la!f%l !rit+ #rocess+ order+ or '%dg"ent of a co%rt+ incl%ding t e act of a #erson ! o+ after &eing dis#ossessed or e'ected fro" an* real #ro#ert* &* t e '%dg"ent or #rocess of an* co%rt of co"#etent '%risdiction+ enters or atte"#ts or ind%ces anot er to enter into or %#on s%c real #ro#ert*+ for t e #%r#ose of e8ec%ting acts of o!ners i# or #ossession+ or in an* "anner dist%r&s t e #ossession gi$en to t e #erson ad'%dged to &e entitled t ereto>

-c. An* a&%se of or an* %nla!f%l interference !it t e #rocesses or #roceedings of a co%rt not constit%ting direct conte"#t %nder section 1 of t is R%le> -d. An* i"#ro#er cond%ct tending+ directl* or indirectl*+ to i"#ede+ o&str%ct+ or degrade t e ad"inistration of '%stice> -e. Ass%"ing to &e an attorne* or an officer of a co%rt+ and acting as s%c !it o%t a%t orit*> -f. Fail%re ser$ed> to o&e* a s%&#oena d%l*

-g. ) e resc%e+ or atte"#ted resc%e+ of a #erson or #ro#ert* in t e c%stod* of an officer &* $irt%e of an order or #rocess of a co%rt eld &* i". <%t not ing in t is section s all &e so constr%ed as to #re$ent t e co%rt fro" iss%ing #rocess to &ring t e res#ondent into co%rt+ or fro" olding i" in c%stod* #ending s%c #roceedings. Sec. 2. ?o! #roceedings co""enced.

Proceedings for indirect conte"#t "a* &e initiated "ot% #ro#rio &* t e co%rt

against ! ic t e conte"#t !as co""itted &* an order or an* ot er for"al c arge re7%iring t e res#ondent to s o! ca%se ! * e s o%ld not &e #%nis ed for conte"#t. In all ot er cases+ c arges for indirect conte"#t s all &e co""enced &* a $erified #etition !it s%##orting #artic%lars and certified tr%e co#ies of doc%"ents or #a#ers in$ol$ed t erein+ and %#on f%ll co"#liance !it t e re7%ire"ents for filing initiator* #leadings for ci$il actions in t e co%rt concerned. If t e conte"#t c arges arose o%t of or are related to a #rinci#al action #ending in t e co%rt+ t e #etition for conte"#t s all allege t at fact &%t said #etition s all &e doc4eted+ eard and decided se#aratel*+ %nless t e co%rt in its discretion orders t e consolidation of t e conte"#t c arge and t e #rinci#al action for 'oint earing and decision. Sec. 3. = ere c arge to &e filed.

= ere t e c arge for indirect conte"#t as &een co""itted against a Regional )rial 0o%rt or a co%rt of e7%i$alent or ig er ran4+ or against an officer a##ointed &* it+ t e c arge "a* &e

filed !it s%c co%rt. = ere s%c conte"#t as &een co""itted against a lo!er co%rt+ t e c arge "a* &e filed !it t e Regional )rial 0o%rt of t e #lace in ! ic t e lo!er co%rt is sitting> &%t t e #roceedings "a* also &e instit%ted in s%c lo!er co%rt s%&'ect to a##eal to t e Regional )rial 0o%rt of s%c #lace in t e sa"e "anner as #ro$ided in section ( of t is R%le. Sec. 6. ?earing> release on &ail. If t e earing is not ordered to &e ad fort !it + t e res#ondent "a* &e released fro" c%stod* %#on filing a &ond+ in an a"o%nt fi8ed &* t e co%rt+ for is a##earance at t e earing of t e c arge. On t e da* set t erefor+ t e co%rt s all #roceed to in$estigate t e c arge and consider s%c co""ent+ testi"on* or defense as t e res#ondent "a* "a4e or offer. Sec. 5. P%nis "ent for indirect conte"#t. If t e res#ondent is ad'%dged g%ilt* of indirect conte"#t co""itted against a Regional )rial 0o%rt or a co%rt of e7%i$alent or ig er ran4+ e "a* &e #%nis ed &* a fine not e8ceeding t irt* t o%sand #esos or i"#rison"ent not e8ceeding si8 -6. "ont s+ or &ot . If

e is ad'%dged g%ilt* of conte"#t co""itted against a lo!er co%rt+ e "a* &e #%nis ed &* a fine not e8ceeding fi$e t o%sand #esos or i"#rison"ent not e8ceeding one -1. "ont + or &ot . If t e conte"#t consists in t e $iolation of a !rit of in'%nction+ te"#orar* restraining order or stat%s 7%o order+ e "a* also &e ordered to "a4e co"#lete restit%tion to t e #art* in'%red &* s%c $iolation of t e #ro#ert* in$ol$ed or s%c a"o%nt as "a* &e alleged and #ro$ed. ) e !rit of e8ec%tion+ as in ordinar* ci$il actions+ s all iss%e for t e enforce"ent of a '%dg"ent i"#osing a fine %nless t e co%rt ot er!ise #ro$ides. Sec. 9. I"#rison"ent %ntil order o&e*ed. = en t e conte"#t consists in t e ref%sal or o"ission to do an act ! ic is *et in t e #o!er of t e res#ondent to #erfor"+ e "a* &e i"#risoned &* order of t e co%rt concerned %ntil e #erfor"s it. Sec. :. Proceeding ! en #art* released on &ail fails to ans!er.

= en a res#ondent released on &ail fails to a##ear on t e da* fi8ed for t e earing+ t e co%rt "a* iss%e anot er order of arrest or "a* order t e &ond for is a##earance to &e forfeited and confiscated+ or &ot > and+ if t e &ond &e #roceeded against+ t e "eas%re of da"ages s all &e t e e8tent of t e loss or in'%r* s%stained &* t e aggrie$ed #art* &* reason of t e "iscond%ct for ! ic t e conte"#t c arge !as #rosec%ted+ !it t e costs of t e #roceedings+ and s%c reco$er* s all &e for t e &enefit of t e #art* in'%red. If t ere is no aggrie$ed #art*+ t e &ond s all &e lia&le and dis#osed of as in cri"inal cases. Sec. 1;. 0o%rt "a* release res#ondent. ) e co%rt ! ic iss%ed t e order i"#risoning a #erson for conte"#t "a* disc arge i" fro" i"#rison"ent ! en it a##ears t at #%&lic interest !ill not &e #re'%diced &* is release. Sec. 11. Re$ie! of '%dg"ent or final order> &ond for sta*. ) e '%dg"ent or final order of in a case of indirect conte"#t a##ealed to t e #ro#er co%rt cri"inal cases. <%t e8ec%tion '%dg"ent or final order s all a co%rt "a* &e as in of t e not &e

s%s#ended %ntil a &ond is filed &* t e #erson ad'%dged in conte"#t+ in an a"o%nt fi8ed &* t e co%rt fro" ! ic t e a##eal is ta4en+ conditioned t at if t e a##eal &e decided against i" e !ill a&ide &* and #erfor" t e '%dg"ent or final order. Sec.1(. 0onte"#t against 7%asi,'%dicial entities. Unless ot er!ise #ro$ided &* la!+ t is R%le s all a##l* to conte"#t co""itted against #ersons+ entities+ &odies or agencies e8ercising 7%asi,'%dicial f%nctions+ or s all a$e s%##letor* effect to s%c r%les as t e* "a* a$e ado#ted #%rs%ant to a%t orit* granted to t e" &* la! to #%nis for conte"#t. ) e Regional )rial 0o%rt of t e #lace ! erein t e conte"#t as &een co""itted s all a$e '%risdiction o$er s%c c arges as "a* &e filed t erefor.


Sec. 1.

Subject matter of special proceedings. , R%les of s#ecial #roceedings are #ro$ided for in t e follo!ing casesB

-a. Settle"ent #ersons> -&. Esc eat>





-c. G%ardians i# c ildren> -d. )r%stees> -e. Ado#tion> -f. Rescission ado#tion>







-g. ?os#itali6ation of insane #ersons> - . ?a&eas cor#%s> -i. 0 ange of na"e> -'. Aol%ntar* cor#orations> dissol%tion of

-4. D%dicial a##ro$al of $ol%ntar* recognition of "inor nat%ral c ildren> -l. 0onstit%tion of fa"il* o"e>

-". Declaration of a&sence and deat > -n. 0ancellation or correction entries in t e ci$il registr*. of

Sec. (.

Applicability of rules of civil actions. - In t e a&sence of s#ecial #ro$isions+ t e r%les #ro$ided for in ordinar* actions s all &e+ as far as #ractica&le+ a##lica&le in s#ecial #roceedings.


Where estate of deceased person settled. , If t e decedent is an in a&itant of t e P ili##ines at t e ti"e of is deat + ! et er a citi6en or an alien+ is !ill s all &e #ro$ed+ or letters of ad"inistration granted+ and is estate settled+ in t e 0o%rt of First Instance in t e #ro$ince in ! ic e resides at t e ti"e of is deat + and if e is an in a&itant of a foreign co%ntr*+ t e 0o%rt of First Instance of an* #ro$ince in ! ic e ad estate. ) e co%rt first ta4ing cogni6ance of t e settle"ent of t e estate of a decedent+ s all e8ercise '%risdiction to t e e8cl%sion of all ot er co%rts. ) e '%risdiction ass%"ed &* a co%rt+ so far as it de#ends on t e #lace of residence of t e decedent+ or of t e location of is estate+ s all not &e contested in a s%it or #roceeding+ e8ce#t in an a##eal fro" t at co%rt+ in t e original case+ or ! en t e !ant of '%risdiction a##ears on t e record.chanrobles virtua law library

Sec. (.

Where estate settled upon dissolution of marriage. - = en t e "arriage is dissol$ed &* t e deat of t e %s&and or !ife+ t e co""%nit* #ro#ert* s all &e in$entoried+ ad"inistered+ and li7%idated+ and t e de&ts t ereof #aid+ in t e testate or intestate #roceedings of t e deceased s#o%se. If &ot s#o%ses a$e died+ t e con'%gal #artners i# s all &e li7%idated in t e testate or intestate #roceedings of eit er.

Sec. /.

Process. , In t e e8ercise of #ro&ate '%risdiction+ 0o%rt of First Instance "a* iss%e !arrants and #rocesses necessar* to co"#el t e attendance of !itnesses or to carr* into effect t eir orders and '%dg"ents+ and all ot er #o!ers granted t e" &* la!. If a #erson does not #erfor" an order of '%dg"ent rendered &* a co%rt in t e e8ercise of its #ro&ate '%risdiction+ it "a* iss%e a !arrant for t e a##re ension and i"#rison"ent of s%c #erson %ntil e #erfor"s s%c order or '%dg"ent+ or is released.

Sec. 2.

Presumption of death. - For #%r#oses of settle"ent of is estate+ a #erson s all &e #res%"ed dead if a&sent and %n eard fro" for t e #eriods fi8ed in t e 0i$il 0ode. <%t if s%c #erson #ro$es to &e ali$e+ e s all &e entitled to t e &alance of is estate after #a*"ent of all is de&ts. ) e &alance "a* &e reco$ered &* "otion in t e sa"e



Extrajudicial settlement by agreement between heirs. - If t e decedent left no !ill and no de&ts and t e eirs are all of age+ or t e "inors are re#resented &* t eir '%dicial or legal re#resentati$es d%l* a%t ori6ed for t e #%r#ose+ t e #arties "a*+ !it o%t sec%ring letters of ad"inistration+ di$ide t e estate a"ong t e"sel$es as t e* see fit &* "eans of a #%&lic instr%"ent filed in t e office of t e register of deeds+ and s o%ld t e* disagree+ t e* "a* do so in an ordinar* action of #artition. If t ere is onl* one eir+ e "a* ad'%dicate to i"self t e entire estate &* "eans of an affida$it filed in t e office of t e register of deeds. ) e #arties to an e8tra'%dicial settle"ent+ ! et er &* #%&lic instr%"ent or &* sti#%lation in a #ending action for #artition+ or t e sole eir ! o ad'%dicates t e entire estate to i"self &* "eans of an affida$it s all file+ si"%ltaneo%sl* !it and as a condition #recedent to t e filing of t e #%&lic instr%"ent+ or sti#%lation in t e action for #artition+ or of t e affida$it in t e office of t e register of deeds+ a &ond !it t e said register of deeds+ in an a"o%nt e7%i$alent to t e $al%e of t e #ersonal #ro#ert* in$ol$ed as certified to %nder oat &* t e #arties concerned and conditioned %#on t e #a*"ent of an* '%st clai" t at "a* &e filed %nder Section 2 of t is r%le. It s all &e #res%"ed t at t e decedent left no de&ts if no creditor files a #etition for letters of ad"inistration !it in t!o -(. *ears after t e deat of t e decedent.

) e fact of t e e8tra'%dicial settle"ent or ad"inistration s all &e #%&lis ed in a ne!s#a#er of general circ%lation in t e "anner #ro$ided in t e ne8t s%cceeding section> &%t no e8tra'%dicial settle"ent s all &e &inding %#on an* #erson ! o as not #artici#ated t erein or ad no notice t ereof. Sec. (.
Summary settlement of estates of small value. - = ene$er t e gross $al%e of t e estate of a deceased #erson+ ! et er e died testate or intestate+ does not e8ceed ten t o%sand #esos+ and t at fact is "ade to a##ear to t e 0o%rt of First Instance a$ing '%risdiction of t e estate &* t e #etition of an interested #erson and %#on earing+

! ic s all &e eld not less t an -1. "ont nor "ore t an t ree -/. "ont s fro" t e date of t e last #%&lication of a notice ! ic s all &e #%&lis ed once a !ee4 for t ree -/. consec%ti$e !ee4s in a ne!s#a#er of general circ%lation in t e #ro$ince+ and after s%c ot er notice to interested #ersons as t e co%rt "a* direct+ t e co%rt "a* #roceed s%""aril*+ !it o%t t e a##oint"ent of an e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator+ and !it o%t dela*+ to grant+ if #ro#er+ allo!ance of t e !ill+ if an* t ere &e+ to deter"ine ! o are t e #ersons legall* entitled to #artici#ate in t e estate+ and to a##ortion and di$ide it a"ong t e" after t e #a*"ent of s%c de&ts of t e estate as t e co%rt s all t en find to &e d%e> and s%c #ersons+ in t eir o!n rig t+ if t e* are of la!f%l age and legal ca#acit*+ or &* t eir g%ardians or tr%stees legall* a##ointed and 7%alified+ if ot er!ise+ s all t ere%#on &e entitled to recei$e and enter into t e #ossession of t e #ortions of t e estate so a!arded to t e" res#ecti$el*. ) e co%rt s all "a4e s%c order as "a* &e '%st res#ecting t e costs of t e #roceedings+ and all orders and '%dg"ents "ade or rendered in t e co%rse t ereof s all &e recorded in t e office of t e cler4+ and t e order of #artition or a!ard+ if it in$ol$es real estate+ s all &e recorded in t e #ro#er register1s office. chan robles virtual law

Sec. /.

ond to be filed by distributees. - ) e co%rt+ &efore allo!ing a #artition in accordance !it t e #ro$isions of t e #receding section+ "a* re7%ire t e distri&%tees+ if #ro#ert* ot er t an real is to &e distri&%ted+ to file a &ond in an a"o%nt to &e fi8ed &* co%rt+ conditioned for t e #a*"ent of an* '%st clai" ! ic "a* &e filed %nder t e ne8t s%cceeding section.

Sec. 2.

!iability of distributees and estate. - If it s all a##ear at an* ti"e !it in t!o -(. *ears after t e settle"ent and distri&%tion of an estate in accordance !it t e #ro$isions of eit er of t e first t!o sections of t is r%le+ t at an eir or ot er #erson as &een %nd%l* de#ri$ed of is la!f%l #artici#ation in t e estate+ s%c eir or s%c ot er #erson "a* co"#el t e settle"ent of t e estate in t e co%rts in t e "anner ereinafter #ro$ided for t e #%r#ose of satisf*ing s%c la!f%l #artici#ation. And if !it in t e sa"e ti"e of t!o -(. *ears+ it s all a##ear t at t ere are de&ts o%tstanding against t e estate ! ic a$e not &een #aid+ or t at an eir or ot er #erson as &een %nd%l* de#ri$ed of is la!f%l #artici#ation #a*a&le in "one*+ t e co%rt a$ing '%risdiction of t e estate "a*+ &* order for t at #%r#ose+ after earing+ settle t e a"o%nt of s%c de&ts or la!f%l #artici#ation and order o! "%c and in ! at "anner eac distri&%tee s all contri&%te in t e #a*"ent t ereof+ and "a* iss%e e8ec%tion+ if circ%"stances re7%ire+ against t e &ond #ro$ided in t e #receding section or against t e real estate &elonging to t e deceased+ or &ot . S%c &ond and s%c real estate s all re"ain c arged !it a lia&ilit* to creditors+ eirs+ or ot er #ersons for t e f%ll #eriod of t!o -(. *ears after s%c distri&%tion+ not!it standing an* transfers of real estate t at "a* a$e &een "ade.

Sec. 3.

Period for claim of minor or incapacitated person. - If on t e date of t e e8#iration of t e #eriod of t!o -(. *ears #rescri&ed in t e #receding section t e #erson a%t ori6ed to file a clai" is a "inor or "entall* inca#acitated+ or is in #rison or o%tside t e

P ili##ines+ disa&ilit*

e "a* #resent is clai" !it in one -1. *ear after s%c is re"o$ed.


virtua law library

Allowances necessary" #onclusive as to execution. - No !ill s all #ass eit er real or #ersonal estate %nless it is #ro$ed and allo!ed in t e #ro#er co%rt. S%&'ect to t e rig t of a##eal+ s%c allo!ance of t e !ill s all &e concl%si$e as to its d%e e8ec%tion. chanrobles

Sec. (.

#ustodian of will to deliver. - ) e #erson ! o as c%stod* of a !ill s all+ !it in t!ent* -(;. da*s after e 4no!s of t e deat of t e testator+ deli$er t e !ill to t e co%rt a$ing '%risdiction+ or to t e e8ec%tor na"ed in t e !ill.

Sec. /.

Executor to present will and accept or refuse trust. - A #erson na"ed as e8ec%tor in a !ill s all+ !it in t!ent* -(;. da*s after e 4no!s of t e deat of t e testator+ or !it in t!ent* -(;. da*s after 4no!s t at e is na"ed e8ec%tor if e o&tained s%c 4no!ledge after t e deat of t e testator+ #resent s%c !ill to t e co%rt a$ing '%risdiction+ %nless t e !ill as reac ed t e co%rt in an* ot er "anner+ and s all+ !it in s%c #eriod+ signif* to t e co%rt in !riting is acce#tance of t e tr%st or is ref%sal to acce#t it. chan robles virtual law librar$

Sec. 2.

#ustodian and executor subject to fine for neglect. - A #erson ! o neglects an* of t e d%ties re7%ired in t e t!o last #receding sections !it o%t e8c%se satisfactor* to t e co%rt s all &e fined not e8ceeding t!o t o%sand #esos.

Sec. 3.

Person retaining will may be committed. - A #erson a$ing c%stod* of a !ill after t e deat of t e testator ! o neglects !it o%t reasona&le ca%se to deli$er t e sa"e+ ! en ordered so to do+ to t e co%rt a$ing '%risdiction+ "a* &e co""itted to #rison and t ere 4e#t %ntil e deli$ers t e !ill.


Sec. 1.

Who e8ec%tor+ de$isee+ interested in t e testator+ #etition allo!ed+ ! et er t destro*ed.

may petition for the allowance of will. - An* or legatee na"ed in a !ill+ or an* ot er #erson estate+ "a*+ at an* ti"e after t e deat of t e t e co%rt a$ing '%risdiction to a$e t e !ill e sa"e &e in is #ossession or not+ or is lost or

) e testator i"self "a*+ d%ring lifeti"e+ #etition t e co%rt for allo!ance of is !ill. Sec. (.

is t e

#ontents of petition. - A #etition for t e allo!ance of a !ill "%st s o!+ so far as 4no!n to t e #etitionerB

-a. ) e '%risdictional facts> -&. ) e na"es+ ages+ and residences of t e eirs+ legatees+ and de$isees of t e testator or decedent> -c. ) e #ro&a&le $al%e and c aracter of t e #ro#ert* of t e estate> -d. ) e na"e of t e letters are #ra*ed> #erson for ! o"

-e. If t e !ill as not &een deli$ered to t e co%rt+ t e na"e of t e #erson a$ing c%stod* of it. <%t no defect in t e #etition s all render $oid t e allo!ance of t e !ill+ or t e iss%ance of letters testa"entar* or of ad"inistration !it t e !ill anne8ed.

Sec. /.

#ourt to appoint time for proving will. , Notice t ereof to &e #%&lis ed. = en a !ill is deli$ered to+ or a #etition for t e allo!ance of a !ill is filed in+ t e co%rt a$ing '%risdiction+ s%c co%rt s all fi8 a ti"e and #lace for #ro$ing t e !ill ! en all concerned "a* a##ear to contest t e allo!ance t ereof+ and s all ca%se notice of s%c ti"e and #lace to &e #%&lis ed t ree -/. !ee4s s%ccessi$el*+ #re$io%s to t e ti"e a##ointed+ in a ne!s#a#er of general circ%lation in t e #ro$ince.

<%t no ne!s#a#er #%&lication s all &e "ade ! ere t e #etition for #ro&ate as &een filed &* t e testator i"self. Sec. 2.
$eirs% devisees% legatees% and executors to be notified by mail or personally. - ) e co%rt s all also ca%se co#ies of t e notice of t e ti"e and #lace fi8ed for #ro$ing t e !ill to &e addressed to t e designated or ot er 4no!n eirs+ legatees+ and de$isees of t e testator resident in t e P ili##ines at t eir #laces of residence+ and de#osited in t e #ost office !it t e #ostage t ereon #re#aid at least t!ent* -(;. da*s &efore t e earing+ if s%c #laces of residence &e 4no!n. A co#* of t e notice "%st in li4e "anner &e "ailed to t e #erson na"ed as e8ec%tor+ if e &e not &e #etitioner> also+ to an* #erson na"ed as co,e8ec%tor not #etitioning+ if t eir #laces of residence &e 4no!n. Personal ser$ice of co#ies of t e notice at least ten -1;. da*s &efore t e da* of earing s all &e e7%i$alent to "ailing.

If t e testator as4s for t e allo!ance of is o!n !ill+ notice s all &e sent onl* to is co"#%lsor* eirs. Sec. 3.
Proof at hearing. - = at s%fficient in a&sence of contest. At t e earing co"#liance !it t e #ro$isions of t e last t!o #receding sections "%st &e s o!n &efore t e introd%ction of testi"on* in s%##ort of t e !ill. All s%c testi"on* s all &e ta4en %nder oat and red%ced to !riting. If no #erson a##ears to contest t e allo!ance of t e !ill+ t e co%rt "a* grant allo!ance t ereof on t e testi"on* of one of t e s%&scri&ing !itnesses onl*+ if s%c !itness testif* t at t e !ill !as e8ec%ted as is re7%ired &* la!.chanrobles virtua law library

In t e case of a ologra# ic !ill+ it s all &e necessar* t at at least one !itness ! o 4no!s t e and!riting and signat%re of t e testator e8#licitl* declare t at t e !ill and t e signat%re

are in t e and!riting of t e testator. In t e a&sence of an* s%c co"#etent !itness+ and if t e co%rt dee" it necessar*+ e8#ert testi"on* "a* &e resorted to. Sec. 6.
Proof of lost or destroyed will. - 0ertificate t ere%#on. No !ill s all &e #ro$ed as a lost or destro*ed !ill %nless t e e8ec%tion and $alidit* of t e sa"e &e esta&lis ed+ and t e !ill is #ro$ed to a$e &een in e8istence at t e ti"e of deat of t e testator+ or is s o!n to a$e &een fra%d%lentl* or accidentall* destro*ed in t e lifeti"e of t e testator !it o%t is 4no!ledge+ nor %nless its #ro$isions are clearl* and distinctl* #ro$ed &* at least t!o -(. credi&le !itnesses. = en a lost !ill is #ro$ed+ t e #ro$isions t ereof "%st &e distinctl* stated and certified &* t e '%dge+ %nder t e seal of t e co%rt+ and t e certificate "%st &e filed and recorded as ot er !ills are filed and recorded.

Sec. 5.

Proof when witnesses do not reside in province. - If it a##ears at t e ti"e fi8ed for t e earing t at none of t e s%&scri&ing !itnesses resides in t e #ro$ince+ &%t t at t e de#osition of one or "ore of t e" can &e ta4en else! ere+ t e co%rt "a*+ on "otion+ direct it to &e ta4en+ and "a* a%t ori6e a # otogra# ic co#* of t e !ill to &e "ade and to &e #resented to t e !itness on is e8a"ination+ ! o "a* &e as4ed t e sa"e 7%estions !it res#ect to it+ and to t e and!riting of t e testator and ot ers+ as !o%ld &e #ertinent and co"#etent if t e original !ill !ere #resent.

Sec. 9.

Proof when witnesses dead or insane or do not reside in the Philippines. - If it a##ears at t e ti"e fi8ed for t e earing t at t e s%&scri&ing !itnesses are dead or insane+ or t at none of t e" resides in t e P ili##ines+ t e co%rt "a* ad"it t e testi"on* of ot er !itnesses to #ro$e t e sanit* of t e testator+ and t e d%e e8ec%tion of t e !ill> and as e$idence of t e e8ec%tion of t e !ill+ it "a* ad"it #roof of t e and!riting of t e testator and of t e s%&scri&ing !itnesses+ or of an* of t e".

Sec. :.

&rounds for disallowing disallo!ed in an* of t e follo!ing casesB


) e


s all


-a. If not e8ec%ted re7%ired &* la!>




-&. If t e testator !as insane+ or ot er!ise "entall* inca#a&le to "a4e a !ill+ at t e ti"e of its e8ec%tion> -c. If it !as e8ec%ted %nder d%ress+ or t e infl%ence of fear+ or t reats> -d. If it !as #roc%red &* %nd%e and i"#ro#er #ress%re and infl%ence+ on t e #art of t e &eneficiar*+ or of so"e ot er #erson for is &enefit> -e. If t e signat%re of t e testator !as #roc%red &* fra%d or tric4+ and e did not intend t at t e instr%"ent s o%ld &e is !ill at t e ti"e of fi8ing is signat%re t ereto. Sec. 1;.
#ontestant to file grounds of contest. - An*one a##earing to contest t e !ill "%st state in !riting is gro%nds for o##osing its allo!ance+ and ser$e a co#* t ereof on t e #etitioner and ot er #arties interested in t e estate.

Sec. 11.

Subscribing witnesses produced or accounted for where will contested. - If t e !ill is contested+ all t e s%&scri&ing !itnesses+ and t e notar* in t e case of !ills e8ec%ted %nder t e 0i$il 0ode of t e P ili##ines+ if #resent in t e P ili##ines and not insane+ "%st &e #rod%ced and e8a"ined+ and t e deat + a&sence+ or insanit* of an* of t e" "%st &e satisfactor* s o!n to t e co%rt. If all or so"e of s%c !itnesses are #resent in t e P ili##ines &%t o%tside t e #ro$ince ! ere t e !ill as &een filed+ t eir de#osition "%st &e ta4en. If an* or all of t e" testif* against t e d%e e8ec%tion of t e !ill+ or do not re"e"&er a$ing attested to it+ or are ot er!ise of do%&tf%l credi&ilit*+ t e !ill "a*+ ne$ert eless+ &e allo!ed if t e co%rt is satisfied fro" t e testi"on* of ot er !itnesses and fro" all t e e$idence #resented t at t e !ill !as e8ec%ted and attested in t e "anner re7%ired &* la!.

If a ologra# ic !ill is contested+ t e sa"e s all &e allo!ed if at least t ree

-/. !itnesses ! o 4no! t e and!riting of t e testator e8#licitl* declare t at t e !ill and t e signat%re are in t e and!riting of t e testator> in t e a&sence of an* co"#etent !itness+ and if t e co%rt dee" it necessar*+ e8#ert testi"on* "a* &e resorted to. Sec. 1(.
Proof where testator petitions for allowance of holographic will. - = ere t e testator i"self #etitions for t e #ro&ate of is ologra# ic !ill and no contest in filed+ t e fact t at e affir"s t at t e ologra# ic !ill and t e signat%re are in is o!n and!riting+ s all &e s%fficient e$idence of t e gen%ineness and d%e e8ec%tion t ereof. If t e ologra# ic !ill is contested+ t e &%rden of dis#ro$ing t e gen%ineness and d%e e8ec%tion t ereof s all &e on t e contestant. ) e testator "a*+ in is t%rn+ #resent s%c additional #roof as "a* &e necessar* to re&%t t e e$idence for t e contestant. chan
robles virtual law librar$

Sec. 1/.

#ertificate of allowance attached to proved will. - )o &e recorded in t e Office of Register of Deeds. If t e co%rt is satisfied+ %#on #roof ta4en and filed+ t at t e !ill !as d%l* e8ec%ted+ and t at t e testator at t e ti"e of its e8ec%tion !as of so%nd and dis#osing "ind+ and not acting %nder d%ress+ "enace+ and %nd%e infl%ence+ or fra%d+ a certificate of its allo!ance+ signed &* t e '%dge+ and attested &* t e seal of t e co%rt s all &e attac ed to t e !ill and t e !ill and certificate filed and recorded &* t e cler4. Attested co#ies of t e !ill de$ising real estate and of certificate of allo!ance t ereof+ s all &e recorded in t e register of deeds of t e #ro$ince in ! ic t e lands lie.

Will proved outside Philippines may be allowed here. =ills #ro$ed and allo!ed in a foreign co%ntr*+ according to t e la!s of s%c co%ntr*+ "a* &e allo!ed+ filed+ and recorded &* t e #ro#er 0o%rt of First Instance in t e P ili##ines.chanrobles virtua law library

Sec. (.

'otice of hearing for allowance. - = en a co#* of s%c !ill and of t e order or decree of t e allo!ance t ereof+ &ot d%l* a%t enticated+ are filed !it a #etition for allo!ance in t e P ili##ines+ &* t e e8ec%tor or ot er #erson interested+ in t e co%rt a$ing '%risdiction+ s%c co%rt s all fi8 a ti"e and #lace for t e earing+ and ca%se notice t ereof to &e gi$en as in case of an original !ill #resented for allo!ance.

Sec. /.

When will allowed% and effect thereof. - If it a##ears at t e earing t at t e !ill s o%ld &e allo!ed in t e P ili##ines+ t e co%rt s all so allo! it+ and a certificate of its allo!ance+ signed &* t e '%dge+ and attested &* t e seal of t e co%rt+ to ! ic s all &e attac ed a co#* of t e !ill+ s all &e filed and recorded &* t e cler4+ and t e !ill s all a$e t e sa"e effect as if originall* #ro$ed and allo!ed in s%c co%rt.

Sec. 2.

Estate% how administered. - = en a !ill is t %s allo!ed+ t e co%rt s all grant letters testa"entar*+ or letters of ad"inistration !it t e !ill anne8ed+ and s%c letters testa"entar* or of ad"inistration+ s all e8tend to all t e estate of t e testator in t e P ili##ines. S%c estate+ after t e #a*"ent of '%st de&ts and e8#enses of ad"inistration+ s all &e dis#osed of according to s%c !ill+ so far as s%c !ill "a* o#erate %#on it> and t e resid%e+ if an*+ s all &e dis#osed of as is #ro$ided &* la! in cases of estates in t e P ili##ines &elonging to #ersons ! o are in a&itants of anot er state or co%ntr*.

Who are incompetent to administrators. - No #erson is co"#etent ad"inistrator ! oB


serve as executors or to ser$e as e8ec%tor or

-a. Is a "inor> -&. Is not a P ili##ines> and resident of t e

-c. Is in t e o#inion of t e co%rt %nfit to e8ec%te t e d%ties of t e

tr%st &* reason of dr%n4enness+ i"#ro$idence+ or !ant of %nderstanding or integrit*+ or &* reason of con$iction of an offense in$ol$ing "oral t%r#it%de. Sec. (. Sec. /.
Executor of executor not to administer estate. - ) e e8ec%tor of an e8ec%tor s all not+ as s%c + ad"inister t e estate of t e first testator. (arried women may serve. - A "arried !o"an "a* ser$e as e8ec%tri8 or ad"inistratri8+ and t e "arriage of a single !o"an s all not affect er a%t orit* so to ser$e %nder a #re$io%s a##oint"ent.

Sec. 2.

!etters testamentary issued when will allowed. - = en a !ill as &een #ro$ed and allo!ed+ t e co%rt s all iss%e letters testa"entar* t ereon to t e #erson na"ed as e8ec%tor t erein+ if e is co"#etent+ acce#ts t e tr%st+ and gi$es &ond as re7%ired &* t ese r%les.

Sec. 3.

Where some coexecutors dis)ualified others may act. = en all of t e e8ec%tors na"ed in a !ill can not act &eca%se of inco"#etenc*+ ref%sal to acce#t t e tr%st+ or fail%re to gi$e &ond+ on t e #art of one or "ore of t e"+ letters testa"entar* "a* iss%e to s%c of t e" as are co"#etent+ acce#t and gi$e &ond+ and t e* "a* #erfor" t e d%ties and disc arge t e tr%st re7%ired &* t e !ill.

Sec. 6.

When and to whom letters of administration granted. - If no e8ec%tor is na"ed in t e !ill+ or t e e8ec%tor or e8ec%tors are inco"#etent+ ref%se t e tr%st+ or fail to gi$e &ond+ or a #erson dies intestate+ ad"inistration s all &e grantedB

-a. )o t e s%r$i$ing %s&and or !ife+ as t e case "a* &e+ or ne8t of 4in+ or &ot + in t e discretion of t e co%rt+ or to s%c #erson as s%c s%r$i$ing %s&and or !ife+ or ne8t of 4in+ re7%ests to a$e a##ointed+ if co"#etent and !illing to ser$e>chanrobles virtua law library

-&. If s%c s%r$i$ing %s&and or !ife+ as t e case "a* &e+ or ne8t of 4in+ or t e #erson selected &* t e"+ &e inco"#etent or %n!illing+ or if t e %s&and or !ido!+ or ne8t of 4in+ neglects for t irt* -/;. da*s after t e deat of t e #erson to a##l* for ad"inistration or to re7%est t at ad"inistration &e granted to so"e ot er #erson+ it "a* &e granted to one or "ore of t e #rinci#al creditors+ if co"#etent and !illing to ser$e> -c. If t ere is no s%c creditor co"#etent and !illing to ser$e+ it "a* &e granted to s%c ot er #erson as t e co%rt "a* select. RULE 5: OPPOSING ISSUAN0E OF LE))ERS )ES)ACEN)ARG. PE)I)ION AND 0ON)ES) FOR LE))ERS OF ADCINIS)RA)ION Sec.
*pposition to issuance of letters testamentary" Simultaneous petition for administration. , An* #erson interested in a !ill "a* state in !riting t e gro%nds ! * letters testa"entar* s o%ld not iss%e to t e #ersons na"ed t erein e8ec%tors+ or an* of t e"+ and t e co%rt+ after earing %#on notice+ s all #ass %#on t e s%fficienc* of s%c gro%nds. A #etition "a*+ at t e sa"e ti"e+ &e filed for letters of ad"inistration !it t e !ill anne8ed.


Sec. (.

#ontents of petition for letters of administration. - A #etition for letters of ad"inistration "%st &e filed &* an interested #erson and "%st s o!+ so far as 4no!n to t e #etitionerB

-a. ) e '%risdictional facts> -&. ) e na"es+ ages+ and residences of t e eirs+ and t e na"es and residences of t e creditors+ of t e decedent -c. ) e #ro&a&le $al%e and c aracter of t e #ro#ert* of t e estate> -d. ) e na"e of t e #erson for ! o" letters of ad"inistration are #ra*ed. <%t no defect on t e #etition s all render $oid t e iss%ance of letters of ad"inistration. Sec. /.
#ourt to set time for hearing. 'otice thereof. - = en a #etition for letters of ad"inistration is filed in t e co%rt a$ing '%risdiction+ s%c co%rt s all fi8 a ti"e and #lace for earing t e #etition+ and s all ca%se notice t ereof to &e gi$en to t e 4no!n eirs and creditors of t e decedent+ and to an* ot er #ersons &elie$ed to a$e an interest in t e estate+ in t e "anner #ro$ided in Sections / and 2 of R%le 56. chan robles virtual law librar$

Sec. 2.

*pposition to petition for interested #erson "a*+ &* filing a !ritten #etition on t e gro%nd of t e inco"#etenc* letters are #ra*ed t erein+ or on t e gro%nd rig t to t e ad"inistration+ and "a* #ra* i"self+ or to an* co"#etent #erson or #ersons

administration. - An* o##osition+ contest t e of t e #erson for ! o" of t e contestant1s o!n t at letters iss%e to na"ed in t e o##osition.

Sec. 3.

$earing and order for letters to issue. - At t e earing of t e #etition+ it "%st first &e s o!n t at notice as &een gi$en as ereina&o$e re7%ired+ and t ereafter t e co%rt s all ear t e #roofs of t e #arties in s%##ort of t eir res#ecti$e allegations+ and if satisfied t at t e decedent left no !ill+ or t at t ere is no co"#etent and !illing e8ec%tor+ it s all order t e iss%ance of letters of ad"inistration to t e #art* &est entitled t ereto.

Sec. 6.

When letters of administration granted to any applicant. - Letters of ad"inistration "a* &e granted to an* 7%alified a##licant+ t o%g it a##ears t at t ere are ot er co"#etent #ersons a$ing &etter rig t to t e ad"inistration+ if s%c #ersons fail to a##ear ! en




t e





t e"sel$es.


Appointment of special administrator.- = en t ere is dela* in granting letters testa"entar* or of ad"inistration &* an* ca%se incl%ding an a##eal fro" t e allo!ance or disallo!ance of a !ill+ t e co%rt "a* a##oint a s#ecial ad"inistrator to ta4e #ossession and c arge of t e estate of t e deceased %ntil t e 7%estions ca%sing t e dela* are decided and e8ec%tors or ad"inistrators a##ointed.

Sec. (.

Powers and duties of special administrator. - S%c s#ecial ad"inistrator s all ta4e #ossession and c arge of goods+ c attels+ rig ts+ credits+ and estate of t e deceased and #reser$e t e sa"e for t e e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator after!ards a##ointed+ and for t at #%r#ose "a* co""ence and "aintain s%its as ad"inistrator. ?e "a* sell onl* s%c #eris a&le and ot er #ro#ert* as t e co%rt orders sold. A s#ecial ad"inistrator s all not &e lia&le to #a* an* de&ts of t e deceased %nless so ordered &* t e co%rt.

Sec. /.

When powers of special administrator cease" +ransfer of effects" Pending suits. = en letters testa"entar* or of ad"inistration are granted on t e estate of t e deceased+ t e #o!ers of t e s#ecial ad"inistrator s all cease+ and e s all fort !it deli$er to t e e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator t e goods+ c attels+ "one*+ and estate of t e deceased in is ands. ) e e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator "a* #rosec%te to final '%dg"ent s%its co""enced &* s%c s#ecial ad"inistrator.


ond to be given before issuance of letters" Amount" #onditions. - <efore an e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator enters %#on t e e8ec%tion of is tr%st+ and letters testa"entar* or of ad"inistration iss%e+ e s all gi$e a &ond+ in s%c s%" as t e co%rt directs+ conditioned as follo!sB

-a. )o "a4e and ret%rn to t e co%rt+ !it in t ree -/. "ont s+ a tr%e and co"#lete in$entor* of all goods+

c attels+ rig ts+ credits+ and estate of t e deceased ! ic s all co"e to is #ossession or 4no!ledge or to t e #ossession of an* ot er #erson for i"> -&. )o ad"inister according to t ese r%les+ and+ if an e8ec%tor+ according to t e !ill of t e testator+ all goods+ c attels+ rig ts+ credits+ and estate ! ic s all at an* ti"e co"e to is #ossession or to t e #ossession of an* ot er #erson for i"+ and fro" t e #roceeds to #a* and disc arge all de&ts+ legacies+ and c arges on t e sa"e+ or s%c di$idends t ereon as s all &e decreed &* t e co%rt> -c. )o render a tr%e and '%st acco%nt of is ad"inistration to t e co%rt !it in one -1. *ear+ and at an* ot er ti"e ! en re7%ired &* t e co%rt> -d. )o #erfor" all orders of t e co%rt &* i" to &e #erfor"ed. Sec. (.
ond of executor where directed in will. When further bond re)uired. - If t e testator in is !ill directs t at t e e8ec%tor ser$e !it o%t &ond+ or !it onl* is indi$id%al &ond+ e "a* &e allo!ed &* t e co%rt to gi$e &ond in s%c s%" and !it s%c s%ret* as t e co%rt a##ro$es conditioned onl* to #a* t e de&ts of t e testator> &%t t e co%rt "a* re7%ire of t e e8ec%tor a f%rt er &ond in case a c ange in is circ%"stances+ or for ot er s%fficient ca%se+ !it t e conditions na"ed in t e last #receding section. chan robles virtual law librar$

Sec. /.

onds of joint executors and administrators. - = en t!o or "ore #ersons are a##ointed e8ec%tors or ad"inistrators t e co%rt "a* ta4e a se#arate &ond fro" eac + or a 'oint &ond fro" all.

Sec. 2.

ond of special administrator. - A s#ecial ad"inistrator &efore entering %#on t e d%ties of is tr%st s all gi$e a &ond+ in s%c s%" as t e co%rt directs+ conditioned t at e !ill "a4e and ret%rn a tr%e in$entor* of t e goods+ c attels+ rig ts+ credits+ and estate of t e deceased ! ic co"e to is #ossession or 4no!ledge+ and t at e !ill tr%l* acco%nt for s%c as are recei$ed &* i" ! en re7%ired &* t e co%rt+ and !ill deli$er t e sa"e to t e #erson a##ointed e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator+ or to s%c ot er #erson as "a* &e a%t ori6ed to recei$e t e".

Administration revo,ed if will discovered" Proceedings thereupon. - If after letters of ad"inistration a$e &een granted on t e estate of a decedent as if e ad died intestate+ is !ill is #ro$ed and allo!ed &* t e co%rt+ t e letters of ad"inistration s all &e re$o4ed and all #o!ers t ere%nder cease+ and t e ad"inistrator s all fort !it s%rrender t e letters to t e co%rt+ and render is acco%nt !it in s%c ti"e as t e co%rt directs. Proceedings for t e iss%ance of letters testa"entar* or of ad"inistration %nder t e !ill s all &e as erein&efore #ro$ided.

Sec. (.

#ourt may remove or accept resignation of executor or administrator" Proceedings upon death% resignation% or removal. - If an e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator neglects to render is acco%nt and settle t e estate according to la!+ or to #erfor" an order or '%dg"ent of t e co%rt+ or a d%t* e8#ressl* #ro$ided &* t ese r%les+ or a&sconds+ or &eco"es insane+ or ot er!ise inca#a&le or %ns%ita&le to disc arge t e tr%st+ t e co%rt "a* re"o$e i"+ or+ in its discretion+ "a* #er"it i" to resign. = en an e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator dies+ resigns+ or is re"o$ed t e re"aining e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator "a* ad"inister t e tr%st alone+ %nless t e co%rt grants letters to so"eone to act !it i". If t ere is no re"aining e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator+ ad"inistration "a* &e granted to an* s%ita&le #erson.

Sec. /.

Acts before revocation% resignation% or removal to be valid. - ) e la!f%l acts an e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator &efore t e re$ocation of is letters testa"entar* or of ad"inistration+ or &efore is resignation or re"o$al+ s all a$e t e li4e $alidit* as if t ere ad &een no s%c re$ocation+ resignation+ or re"o$al.chanrobles virtua law library

Sec. 2.

Powers of new executor or administrator. - Rene!al of license to sell real estate. ) e #erson to ! o" letters testa"entar* or

of ad"inistration are granted after t e re$ocation of for"er letters+ or t e deat + resignation+ or re"o$al of a for"er e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator+ s all a$e t e li4e #o!ers to collect and settle t e estate not ad"inistered t at t e for"er e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator ad+ and "a* #rosec%te or defend actions co""enced &* or against t e for"er e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator+ and a$e e8ec%tion on '%dg"ents reco$ered in t e na"e of s%c for"er e8ec%tion or ad"inistrator. An a%t orit* granted &* t e co%rt to t e for"er e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator for t e sale or "ortgage of real estate "a* &e rene!ed in fa$or of s%c #erson !it o%t f%rt er notice or earing.


-nventory and appraisal to be returned within three months. - = en t ree -/. "ont s after is a##oint"ent e$er* e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator s all ret%rn to t e co%rt a tr%e in$entor* and a##raisal of all t e real and #ersonal estate of t e deceased ! ic as co"e into is #ossession or 4no!ledge. In t e a##raise"ent of s%c estate+ t e co%rt "a* order one or "ore of t e in eritance ta8 a##raisers to gi$e is or t eir assistance.

Sec. (.

#ertain articles not to be inventoried. - ) e !earing a##arel of t e s%r$i$ing %s&and or !ife and "inor c ildren+ t e "arriage &ed and &edding+ and s%c #ro$isions and ot er articles as !ill necessaril* &e cons%"ed in t e s%&sistence of t e fa"il* of t e deceased+ %nder t e direction of t e co%rt+ s all not &e considered as assets+ nor ad"inistered as s%c + and s all not &e incl%ded in t e in$entor*.

Sec. /.

Allowance to widow and family. - ) e !ido! and "inor or inca#acitated c ildren of a deceased #erson+ d%ring t e settle"ent of t e estate+ s all recei$e t erefro"+ %nder t e direction of t e co%rt+ s%c allo!ance as are #ro$ided &* la!.


Executor or administrator to have access to partnership boo,s and property" $ow right enforced. - ) e e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator

of t e estate of a deceased #artner s all at all ti"es a$e access to+ and "a* e8a"ine and ta4e co#ies of+ &oo4s and #a#ers relating to t e #artners i# &%siness+ and "a* e8a"ine and "a4e in$oices of t e #ro#ert* &elonging to s%c #artners i#> and t e s%r$i$ing #artner or #artners+ on re7%est+ s all e8 i&it to i" all s%c &oo4s+ #a#ers+ and #ro#ert* in t eir ands or control. On t e !ritten a##lication of s%c e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator+ t e co%rt a$ing '%risdiction of t e estate "a* order an* s%c s%r$i$ing #artner or #artners to freel* #er"it t e e8ercise of t e rig ts+ and to e8 i&it t e &oo4s+ #a#ers+ and #ro#ert*+ as in t is section #ro$ided+ and "a* #%nis an* #artner failing to do so for conte"#t.

Sec. (.
An e8ec%tor o%ses and deli$er t e so to do &*

Executor or administrator to ,eep buildings in repair. or ad"inistrator s all "aintain in tenanta&le re#air t e ot er str%ct%res and fences &elonging to t e estate+ and sa"e in s%c re#air to t e eirs or de$isees ! en directed t e co%rt.

Sec. /.

Executor or administrator to retain whole estate to pay debts% and to administer estate not willed. - An e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator s all a$e t e rig t to t e #ossession and "anage"ent of t e real as !ell as t e #ersonal estate of t e deceased so long as it is necessar* for t e #a*"ent of t e de&ts and t e e8#enses of ad"inistration.


Executor or administrator chargeable with all estate and income. - E8ce#t as ot er!ise e8#ressl* #ro$ided in t e follo!ing sections+ e$er* e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator is c argea&le in is acco%nt !it t e ! ole of t e estate of t e deceased ! ic as co"e into is #ossession+ at t e $al%e of t e a##raise"ent contained in t e in$entor*> !it all t e interest+ #rofit+ and inco"e of s%c estate> and !it t e #roceeds of so "%c of t e estate as is sold &* i"+ at t e #rice at ! ic it !as sold.

Sec. (.

'ot to profit by increase or lose by decrease in value. No e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator s all #rofit &* t e increase+ or s%ffer loss &* t e decrease or destr%ction+ !it o%t is fa%lt+ of an* #art of t e estate. ?e "%st acco%nt for t e e8cess ! en e sells an* #art of t e estate for "ore t an a##raise"ent+ and if an* is sold for less t an t e a##raise"ent+ e is not res#onsi&le for t e loss+ if t e sale as &een '%stl* "ade. If e settles an* clai" against t e estate for less

t an its no"inal $al%e+ e is entitled to c arge in t e a"o%nt e act%all* #aid on t e settle"ent.

is acco%nt onl*

Sec. /. Sec. 2.

When not accountable for debts due estate. - No e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator s all &e acco%nta&le for de&ts d%e t e deceased ! ic re"ain %ncollected !it o%t is fa%lt. Accountable for income from realty used by him. - If t e e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator %ses or occ%#ies an* #art of t e real estate i"self+ e s all acco%nt for it as "a* &e agreed %#on &et!een i" and t e #arties interested+ or ad'%sted &* t e co%rt !it t eir assent> and if t e #arties do not agree %#on t e s%" to &e allo!ed+ t e sa"e "a* &e ascertained &* t e co%rt+ ! ose deter"ination in t is res#ect s all &e final.

Sec. 3.

Accountable if he neglects or delays to raise or pay money. - = en an e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator neglects or %nreasona&l* dela*s to raise "one*+ &* collecting t e de&ts or selling t e real or #ersonal estate of t e deceased+ or neglects to #a* o$er t e "one* e as in is ands+ and t e $al%e of t e estate is t ere&* lessened or %nnecessar* cost or interest accr%es+ or t e #ersons interested s%ffer loss+ t e sa"e s all &e dee"ed !aste and t e da"age s%stained "a* &e c arged and allo!ed against i" in is acco%nt+ and e s all &e lia&le t erefor on is &ond.

Sec. 6.

When allowed money paid as costs. - ) e a"o%nt #aid &* an e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator for costs a!arded against i" s all &e allo!ed in is ad"inistration acco%nt+ %nless it a##ears t at t e action or #roceeding in ! ic t e costs are ta8ed !as #rosec%ted or resisted !it o%t '%st ca%se+ and not in good fait .

Sec. 5.

What expenses and fees allowed executor or administrator. - Not to c arge for ser$ices as attorne*. 0o"#ensation #ro$ided &* !ill controls %nless reno%nced. An e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator s all &e allo!ed t e necessar* e8#enses in t e care+ "anage"ent+ and settle"ent of t e estate+ and for is ser$ices+ fo%r #esos #er da* for t e ti"e act%all* and necessaril* e"#lo*ed+ or a co""ission %#on t e $al%e of so "%c of t e estate as co"es into is #ossession and is finall* dis#osed of &* i" in t e #a*"ent of de&ts+ e8#enses+ legacies+ or distri&%ti$e s ares+ or &* deli$er* to eirs or de$isees+ of t!o #er cent%" of t e first fi$e t o%sand #esos of s%c $al%e+ one #er cent%" of so "%c of s%c $al%e as e8ceeds fi$e t o%sand #esos and does not e8ceed t irt* t o%sand #esos+ one, alf #er cent%" of so "%c of s%c $al%e as e8ceeds t irt* t o%sand #esos and does not e8ceed one %ndred t o%sand #esos and one,7%arter #er cent%" of so "%c of s%c $al%e as e8ceed one %ndred t o%sand #esos. <%t in an* s#ecial case+ ! ere t e estate is large+ and t e settle"ent as &een attended !it great diffic%lt*+ and as re7%ired a ig degree or ca#acit* on t e #art of t e e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator+ a greater s%" "a* &e allo!ed. If o&'ection to t e fees allo!ed &e ta4en+ t e allo!ance "a* &e re,e8a"ined on a##eal. chan robles virtual
law librar$

If t ere are t!o or "ore e8ec%tors or ad"inistrators+ t e co"#ensation s all &e a##ortioned a"ong t e" &* t e co%rt according to t e ser$ices act%all* rendered &* t e" res#ecti$el*. = en t e e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator is an attorne*+ e s all not c arge against t e estate an* #rofessional fees for legal ser$ices rendered &* i". = en t e deceased &* !ill "a4es so"e ot er #ro$ision for t e co"#ensation of is e8ec%tor+ t at #ro$ision s all &e a f%ll satisfaction for is ser$ices %nless &* a !ritten instr%"ent filed in t e co%rt e reno%nces all clai" to t e co"#ensation #ro$ided &* t e !ill. Sec. 9.
When executor or administrator to render account. - E$er* e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator s all render an acco%nt of is ad"inistration !it in one -1. *ear fro" t e ti"e of recei$ing letters testa"entar* or of ad"inistration+ %nless t e co%rt ot er!ise directs &eca%se of e8tensions of ti"e for #resenting clai"s against+ or #a*ing t e de&ts of+ t e estate+ or for dis#osing of t e estate> and e s all render s%c f%rt er acco%nts as t e co%rt "a* re7%ire %ntil t e estate is ! oll* settled.

Sec. :.

Examination on oath with respect to account. - ) e co%rt "a* e8a"ine t e e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator %#on oat !it res#ect to e$er* "atter relating to an* acco%nt rendered &* i"+ and s all so e8a"ine i" as to t e correctness of is acco%nt &efore t e sa"e is allo!ed+ e8ce#t ! en no o&'ection is "ade to t e allo!ance of t e acco%nt and its correctness is satisfactoril* esta&lis ed &* co"#etent #roof. ) e eirs+ legatees+ distri&%tees+ and creditors of t e estate s all a$e t e sa"e #ri$ilege as t e e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator of &eing e8a"ined on oat of an* "atter relating to an ad"inistration.

Sec. 1;.

Account to be settled on notice. - <efore t e acco%nt of an e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator is allo!ed+ notice s all &e gi$en to

#ersons interested of ti"e and #lace of e8a"ining and allo!ing t e sa"e> and s%c notice "a* &e gi$en #ersonall* to s%c #ersons interested or &* ad$ertise"ent in a ne!s#a#er or ne!s#a#ers+ or &ot + as t e co%rt directs.

Sec. 11.

Surety on bond may be party to accounting. - U#on t e settle"ent of t e acco%nt of an e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator+ a #erson lia&le as s%ret* in res#ect to s%c acco%nt "a*+ %#on a##lication+ &e ad"itted as #art* to s%c acco%nting.


'otice to creditors to be issued by court. - I""ediatel* after granting letters testa"entar* or of ad"inistration+ t e co%rt s all iss%e a notice re7%iring all #ersons a$ing "one* clai"s against t e decedent to file t e" in t e office of t e cler4 of said co%rt.

Sec. (.

+ime within which claims shall be filed. - In t e notice #ro$ided in t e #receding section+ t e co%rt s all state t e ti"e for t e filing of clai"s against t e estate+ ! ic s all not &e "ore t an t!el$e -1(. nor less t an si8 -6. "ont s after t e date of t e first #%&lication of t e notice. ?o!e$er+ at an* ti"e &efore an order of distri&%tion is entered+ on a##lication of a creditor ! o as failed to file is clai" !it in t e ti"e #re$io%sl* li"ited+ t e co%rt "a*+ for ca%se s o!n and on s%c ter"s as are e7%ita&le+ allo! s%c clai" to &e filed !it in a ti"e not e8ceeding one -1. "ont .

Sec. /.

Publication of notice to creditors. - E$er* e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator s all+ i""ediatel* after t e notice to creditors is iss%ed+ ca%se t e sa"e to &e #%&lis ed t ree -/. !ee4s s%ccessi$el* in a ne!s#a#er of general circ%lation in t e #ro$ince+ and to &e #osted for t e sa"e #eriod in fo%r #%&lic #laces in t e #ro$ince and in t!o #%&lic #laces in t e "%nici#alit* ! ere t e decedent last resided.chanrobles
virtua law library

Sec. 2.

.iling copy of printed notice. - =it in ten -1;. da*s after t e notice as &een #%&lis ed and #osted in accordance !it t e #receding section+ t e e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator s all file or ca%se to &e filed in t e co%rt a #rinted co#* of t e notice acco"#anied !it an affida$it setting fort t e dates of t e first and last #%&lication t ereof and t e na"e of t e ne!s#a#er in ! ic t e sa"e is #rinted.

Sec. 3.

#laims which must be filed under the notice. - If not filed+ &arred> e8ce#tions. All clai"s for "one* against t e decedent+ arising fro" contract+ e8#ress or i"#lied+ ! et er t e sa"e &e d%e+ not

d%e+ or contingent+ all clai"s for f%neral e8#enses and e8#enses for t e last sic4ness of t e decedent+ and '%dg"ent for "one* against t e decedent+ "%st &e filed !it in t e ti"e li"ited in t e notice> ot er!ise t e* are &arred fore$er+ e8ce#t t at t e* "a* &e set fort as co%nterclai"s in an* action t at t e e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator "a* &ring against t e clai"ants. = ere an e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator co""ences an action+ or #rosec%tes an action alread* co""enced &* t e deceased in is lifeti"e+ t e de&tor "a* set fort &* ans!er t e clai"s e as against t e decedent+ instead of #resenting t e" inde#endentl* to t e co%rt as erein #ro$ided+ and "%t%al clai"s "a* &e set off against eac ot er in s%c action> and if final '%dg"ent is rendered in fa$or of t e defendant+ t e a"o%nt so deter"ined s all &e considered t e tr%e &alance against t e estate+ as t o%g t e clai" ad &een #resented directl* &efore t e co%rt in t e ad"inistration #roceedings. 0lai"s not *et d%e or contingent+ "a* &e a##ro$ed at t eir #resent $al%e.

Sec. 6.

Solidary obligation of decedent. - = ere t e o&ligation of t e decedent is solidar* !it anot er de&tor+ t e clai" s all &e filed against t e decedent as if e !ere t e onl* de&tor+ !it o%t #re'%dice to t e rig t of t e estate to reco$er contri&%tion for" t e ot er de&tor. In a 'oint o&ligation of t e decedent+ t e clai" s all &e confined to t e #ortion &elonging to i".

Sec. 5.

(ortgage debt due from estate. - A creditor olding a clai" against t e deceased sec%red &* "ortgage or ot er collateral sec%rit*+ "a* a&andon t e sec%rit* and #rosec%te is clai" in t e "anner #ro$ided in t is r%le+ and s are in t e general distri&%tion of t e assets of t e estate> or e "a* foreclose is "ortgage or reali6e %#on is sec%rit*+ &* action in co%rt+ "a4ing t e e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator a #art* defendant+ and if t ere is a '%dg"ent for a deficienc*+ after t e sale of t e "ortgaged #re"ises+ or t e #ro#ert* #ledged+ in t e foreclos%re or ot er #roceeding to reali6e %#on t e sec%rit*+ e "a* clai" is deficienc* '%dg"ent in t e "anner #ro$ided in t e #receding section> or e "a* rel* %#on is "ortgage of ot er sec%rit* alone+ and foreclose t e sa"e at an* ti"e !it in t e #eriod of t e stat%te of li"itations+ and in t at e$ent e s all not &e ad"itted as a creditor+ and s all recei$e no s are in t e distri&%tion of t e ot er assets of t e estate> &%t not ing erein contained s all #ro i&it t e e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator fro" redee"ing t e #ro#ert* "ortgaged or #ledged+ &* #a*ing t e de&t for ! ic it is eld as sec%rit*+ %nder t e direction of t e co%rt+ if t e co%rt s all ad'%dge it to &e for t e &est interest of t e estate t at s%c rede"#tion s all &e "ade.

Sec. 9.

#laim of executor or administrator against an estate. If t e e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator as a clai" against t e estate e re#resents+ e s all gi$e notice t ereof+ in !riting+ to t e co%rt+ and t e co%rt s all a##oint a s#ecial ad"inistrator+ ! o s all+ in t e ad'%st"ent of s%c clai"+ a$e t e sa"e #o!er and &e s%&'ect to t e sa"e lia&ilit* as t e general ad"inistrator or e8ec%tor in t e settle"ent of ot er clai"s. ) e co%rt "a* order t e e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator to #a* to t e s#ecial ad"inistrator necessar* f%nds to defend s%c clai".

Sec. :.

$ow to file a claim. #ontents thereof" 'otice to executor or administrator. - A clai" "a* &e filed &* deli$ering t e sa"e !it t e necessar* $o%c ers to t e cler4 of co%rt and &* ser$ing a co#* t ereof on t e e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator. If t e clai" &e fo%nded on a &ond+ &ill+ note or an* ot er instr%"ent+ t e original need not &e filed+ &%t a co#* t ereof !it all indorse"ents s all &e attac ed to t e clai" and filed t ere!it . On de"and+ o!e$er+ of t e e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator+ or &* order of t e co%rt or '%dge+ t e original s all &e e8 i&ited+ %nless it &e lost or destro*ed+ in ! ic case t e clai"ant "%st acco"#an* is clai" !it affida$it or affida$its containing a co#* or #artic%lar descri#tion of t e instr%"ent and stating its loss or destr%ction. = en t e clai" is d%e+ it "%st &e s%##orted &* affida$it stating t e a"o%nt '%stl* d%e+ t at no #a*"ents a$e &een "ade t ereon ! ic are not credited+ and t at t ere are no offsets to t e sa"e+ to t e 4no!ledge of t e affiant. If t e clai" is not d%e+ or is contingent+ ! en filed+ it "%st also &e s%##orted &* affida$it stating t e #artic%lars t ereof. = en t e affida$it is "ade &* a #erson ot er t an t e clai"ant+ e "%st set fort t erein t e reason ! * it is not "ade &* t e clai"ant. ) e clai" once filed s all &e attac ed to t e record of t e case in ! ic t e letters testa"entar* or of ad"inistration !ere iss%ed+ alt o%g t e co%rt+ in its discretion+ and as a "atter of con$enience+ "a* order all t e clai"s to &e collected in a se#arate folder.

Sec. 1;.

Answer of executor or administrator" *ffsets. - =it in fifteen -13. da*s after ser$ice of a co#* of t e clai" on t e e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator+ e s all file is ans!er ad"itting or den*ing t e clai" s#ecificall*+ and setting fort t e s%&stance of t e "atters ! ic are relied %#on to s%##ort t e ad"ission or denial. If e as no 4no!ledge s%fficient to ena&le i" to ad"it or den* s#ecificall*+ e s all state s%c !ant of 4no!ledge. ) e e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator in is ans!er s all allege in offset an* clai" ! ic t e decedent &efore deat as against t e clai"ant+ and is fail%re to do so s all &ar t e clai" fore$er. A co#* of t e ans!er s all &e ser$ed &* t e e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator on t e clai"ant. ) e co%rt in its discretion "a* e8tend t e ti"e for filing s%c ans!er.

Sec. 11.

/isposition of admitted claim. - An* clai" ad"itted entirel* &* t e e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator s all i""ediatel* &e s%&"itted &* t e cler4 to t e co%rt ! o "a* a##ro$e t e sa"e !it o%t earing> &%t t e co%rt+ in its discretion+ &efore a##ro$ing t e clai"+ "a* order t at 4no!n eirs+ legatees+ or de$isees &e notified and eard. If %#on earing+ an eir+ legatee+ or de$isee o##oses t e clai"+ t e co%rt "a*+ in its discretion+ allo! i" fifteen -13. da*s to file an ans!er to t e clai" in t e "anner #rescri&ed in t e #receding section.

Sec. 1(.

+rial of contested claim. - U#on t e filing of an ans!er to a clai"+ or %#on t e e8#iration of t e ti"e for s%c filing+ t e cler4 of co%rt s all set t e clai" for trial !it notice to &ot #arties. ) e co%rt "a* refer t e clai" to a co""issioner.

Sec. 1/.

0udgment appealable. - ) e '%dg"ent of t e co%rt a##ro$ing or disa##ro$ing a clai"+ s all &e filed !it t e record of t e ad"inistration #roceedings !it notice to &ot #arties+ and is a##eala&le as in ordinar* cases. A '%dg"ent against t e e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator s all &e t at e #a*+ in d%e co%rse of ad"inistration+ t e a"o%nt ascertained to &e d%e+ and it s all not create an* lien %#on t e #ro#ert* of t e estate+ or gi$e to t e '%dg"ent creditor an* #riorit* of #a*"ent.

Sec. 12.

#osts. - = en t e e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator+ in is ans!er+ ad"its and offers to #a* #art of a clai"+ and t e clai"ant ref%ses to acce#t t e a"o%nt offered in satisfaction of is clai"+ if e fails to o&tain a "ore fa$ora&le '%dg"ent+ e cannot reco$er costs+ &%t "%st #a* to t e e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator costs fro" t e ti"e of t e offer. = ere an action co""enced against t e deceased for "one* as &een discontin%ed and t e clai" e"&raced t erein #resented as in t is r%le #ro$ided+ t e #re$ailing #art* s all &e allo!ed t e costs of is action %# to t e ti"e of its discontin%ance.


Actions which may and which may not be brought against executor or administrator. - No action %#on a clai" for t e reco$er* of "one* or de&t or interest t ereon s all &e co""enced against t e e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator> &%t actions to reco$er real or #ersonal #ro#ert*+ or an interest t erein+ fro" t e estate+ or to enforce a lien t ereon+ and actions to reco$er da"ages for an in'%r* to #erson or #ro#ert*+ real or #ersonal+ "a* &e co""enced against i".

Sec. (.

Executor or administrator may bring or defend actions which survive. - For t e reco$er* or #rotection of t e #ro#ert* or rig ts of t e deceased+ an e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator "a* &ring or defend+ in t e rig t of t e deceased+ actions for ca%ses ! ic s%r$i$e.

Sec. /.

$eir may not sue until have share assigned. - = en an e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator is a##ointed and ass%"es t e tr%st+ no action to reco$er t e title or #ossession of lands or for da"ages done to s%c lands s all &e "aintained against i" &* an eir or de$isee %ntil t ere is an order of t e co%rt assigning s%c lands to s%c eir or de$isee %ntil t e ti"e allo!ed for #a*ing de&ts as e8#ired. chan robles virtual law librar$

Sec. 2.

Executor or administrator may compound with debtor. =it t e a##ro$al of t e co%rt+ an e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator "a* co"#o%nd !it t e de&tor of t e deceased for a de&t d%e+ and "a* gi$e a

disc arge of s%c t e de&tor.

de&t on recei$ing a '%st di$idend of t e estate of

Sec. 3.

(ortgage due estate may be foreclosed. - A "ortgage &elonging to t e estate of a deceased #erson+ as "ortgagee or assignee of t e rig t of a "ortgagee+ "a* &e foreclosed &* t e e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator.

Sec. 6.

Proceedings when property concealed% embe11led% or fraudulently conveyed. - If an e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator+ eir+ legatee+ creditor+ or ot er indi$id%al interested in t e estate of t e deceased+ co"#lains to t e co%rt a$ing '%risdiction of t e estate t at a #erson is s%s#ected of a$ing concealed+ e"&e66led+ or con$e*ed a!a* an* of t e "one*+ goods+ or c attels of t e deceased+ or t at s%c #erson as in is #ossession or as 4no!ledge of an* deed+ con$e*ance+ &ond+ contract+ or ot er !riting ! ic contains e$idence of or tends to disclose t e rig t+ title+ interest+ or clai" of t e deceased to real or #ersonal estate+ or t e last !ill and testa"ent of t e deceased+ t e co%rt "a* cite s%c s%s#ected #erson to a##ear &efore it and "a* e8a"ine i" on oat on t e "atter of s%c co"#laint> and if t e #erson so cited ref%ses to a##ear+ or to ans!er on s%c e8a"ination or s%c interrogatories as are #%t to i"+ t e co%rt "a* #%nis i" for conte"#t+ and "a* co""it i" to #rison %ntil e s%&"its to t e order of t e co%rt. ) e interrogatories #%t to an* s%c #erson+ and is ans!ers t ereto+ s all &e in !riting and s all &e filed in t e cler41s office.chanrobles virtua law library

Sec. 5.

Person entrusted with estate compelled to render account. - ) e co%rt+ on co"#laint of an e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator+ "a* cite a #erson entr%sted &* an e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator !it an* #art of t e estate of t e deceased to a##ear &efore it+ and "a* re7%ire s%c #erson to render a f%ll acco%nt+ on oat + of t e "one*+ goods+ c attels+ &onds+ acco%nts+ or ot er #a#ers &elonging to s%c estate as ca"e to is #ossession in tr%st for s%c e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator+ and of is #roceedings t ereon> and if t e #erson so cited ref%ses to a##ear to render s%c acco%nt+ t e co%rt "a* #%nis i" for conte"#t as a$ing diso&e*ed a la!f%l order of t e co%rt.

Sec. 9.

Embe11lement before letters issued. - If a #erson+ &efore t e granting of letters testa"entar* or of ad"inistration on t e estate of t e deceased+ e"&e66les or alienates an* of t e "one*+ goods+ c attels+ or effects of s%c deceased+ s%c #erson s all &e lia&le to an action in fa$or of t e e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator of t e estate for do%&le t e $al%e of t e #ro#ert* sold+ e"&e66led+ or alienated+ to &e reco$ered for t e &enefit of s%c estate.

Sec. :.

Property fraudulently conveyed by deceased may be recovered" When executor or administrator must bring action. - = en t ere is deficienc* of assets in t e ands of an e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator for t e #a*"ent of de&ts and e8#enses of ad"inistration+ and t e deceased in is lifeti"e ad con$e*ed real or #ersonal

#ro#ert*+ or a rig t or interest t erein+ or a de&t or credit+ !it intent to defra%d is creditors or to a$oid an* rig t+ de&t+ or d%t*> or ad so con$e*ed s%c #ro#ert*+ rig t+ interest+ de&t+ or credit t at &* la! t e con$e*ance !o%ld &e $oid as against is creditors+ and t e s%&'ect of t e atte"#ted con$e*ance !o%ld &e lia&le to attac "ent &* an* of t e" in is lifeti"e+ t e e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator "a* co""ence and #rosec%te to final '%dg"ent an action for t e reco$er* of s%c #ro#ert*+ rig t+ interest+ de&t+ or credit for t e &enefit of t e creditors> &%t e s all not &e &o%nd to co""ence t e action %nless on a##lication of t e creditors of t e deceased+ nor %nless t e creditors "a4ing t e a##lication #a* s%c #art of t e costs and e8#enses+ or gi$e sec%rit* t erefor to t e e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator+ as t e co%rt dee"s e7%ita&le.

Sec. 1;.

When creditor may bring action" !ien for costs. - = en t ere is s%c a deficienc* of assets+ and t e deceased in is lifeti"e ad "ade or atte"#ted s%c a con$e*ance+ as is stated in t e last #receding section+ and t e e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator as not co""enced t e action t erein #ro$ided for+ an* creditor of t e estate "a*+ !it t e #er"ission of t e co%rt+ co""ence and #rosec%te to final '%dg"ent+ in t e na"e of t e e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator+ a li4e action for t e reco$er* of t e s%&'ect of t e con$e*ance or atte"#ted con$e*ance for t e &enefit of t e creditors. <%t t e action s all not &e co""enced %ntil t e creditors as filed in a co%rt a &ond e8ec%ted to t e e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator+ in an a"o%nt a##ro$ed &* t e '%dge+ conditioned to inde"nif* t e e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator against t e costs and e8#enses inc%rred &* reason of s%c action. S%c creditor s all a$e a lien %#on an* '%dg"ent reco$ered &* i" in t e action for s%c costs and ot er e8#enses inc%rred t erein as t e co%rt dee"s e7%ita&le. = ere t e con$e*ance or atte"#ted con$e*ance as &een "ade &* t e deceased in is lifeti"e in fa$or of t e e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator+ t e action ! ic a creditor "a* &ring s all &e in t e na"e of all t e creditors+ and #er"ission of t e co%rt and filing of &ond as a&o$e #rescri&ed+ are not necessar*.

RULE 99 PAGCEN) OF )?E DE<)S OF )?E ES)A)E Sec. 1.

/ebts paid in full if estate sufficient. - If+ after earing all t e "one* clai"s against t e estate+ and after ascertaining t e a"o%nt of s%c clai"s+ it a##ears t at t ere are s%fficient assets to #a* de&ts+ t e e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator s all #a* t e sa"e !it in t e ti"e li"ited for t at #%r#ose.

Sec. (.

Part of estate from which debt paid when provision made by will. - If t e testator "a4es #ro$ision &* is !ill+ or designates t e estate to &e a##ro#riated for t e #a*"ent of de&ts+ t e e8#enses of ad"inistration+ or t e fa"il* e8#enses+ t e* s all &e #aid according to t e #ro$isions of t e !ill> &%t if t e #ro$isions "ade &* t e !ill or

t e estate a##ro#riated+ is not s%fficient for t at #%r#ose+ s%c #art of t e estate of t e testator+ real or #ersonal+ as is not dis#osed of &* !ill+ if an*+ s all &e a##ro#riated for t at #%r#ose.

Sec. /.

Personalty first chargeable for debts% then realty. - ) e #ersonal estate of t e deceased not dis#osed of &* !ill s all &e first c argea&le !it t e #a*"ent of de&ts and e8#enses> and if said #ersonal estate is not s%fficient for t at #%r#ose+ or its sale !o%ld redo%nd to t e detri"ent of t e #artici#ants of t e estate+ t e ! ole of t e real estate not dis#osed of &* !ill+ or so "%c t ereof as is necessar*+ "a* &e sold+ "ortgaged+ or ot er!ise enc%"&ered for t at #%r#ose &* t e e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator+ after o&taining t e a%t orit* of t e co%rt t erefor. An* deficienc* s all &e "et &* contri&%tions in accordance !it t e #ro$isions of section 6 of t is r%le.

Sec. 2.

Estate to be retained to meet contingent claims. - If t e co%rt is satisfied t at a contingent clai" d%l* filed is $alid+ it "a* order t e e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator to retain in is ands s%fficient estate to #a* s%c contingent clai" ! en t e sa"e &eco"es a&sol%te+ or+ if t e estate is insol$ent+ s%fficient to #a* a #ortion e7%al to t e di$idend of t e ot er creditors.

Sec. 3.

$ow contingent claim becoming absolute in two years allowed and paid" Action against distributees later. If s%c contingent clai" &eco"es a&sol%te and is #resented to t e co%rt+ or to t e e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator+ !it in t!o -(. *ears fro" t e ti"e li"ited for ot er creditors to #resent t eir clai"s+ it "a* &e allo!ed &* t e co%rt if not dis#%ted &* t e e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator+ and+ if dis#%ted+ it "a* &e #ro$ed and allo!ed or disallo!ed &* t e co%rt as t e facts "a* !arrant. If t e contingent clai" is allo!ed+ t e creditor s all recei$e #a*"ent to t e sa"e e8tent as t e ot er creditors if t e estate retained &* t e e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator is s%fficient. <%t if t e clai" is not so #resented+ after a$ing &eco"e a&sol%te+ !it in said t!o -(. *ears+ and allo!ed+ t e assets retained in t e ands of t e e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator+ not e8 a%sted in t e #a*"ent of clai"s+ s all &e distri&%ted &* t e order of t e co%rt to t e #ersons entitled to t e sa"e> &%t t e assets so distri&%ted "a* still &e a##lied to t e #a*"ent of t e clai" ! en esta&lis ed+ and t e creditor "a* "aintain an action against t e distri&%tees to reco$er t e de&t+ and s%c distri&%tees and t eir estates s all &e lia&le for t e de&t in #ro#ortion to t e estate t e* a$e res#ecti$el* recei$ed fro" t e #ro#ert* of t e deceased.

Sec. 6.

#ourt to fix contributive shares where devisees% legatees% or heirs have been in possession. - = ere de$isees+ legatees+ or eirs a$e entered into #ossession of #ortions of t e estate &efore t e de&ts and e8#enses a$e &een settled and #aid+ and a$e &eco"e lia&le to contri&%te for t e #a*"ent of s%c de&ts and e8#enses+ t e co%rt a$ing '%risdiction of t e estate "a*+ &* order for t at #%r#ose+ after earing+ settle t e a"o%nt of t eir se$eral lia&ilities+ and order o! "%c and in ! at "anner eac #erson s all contri&%te+ and "a* iss%e e8ec%tion as circ%"stances re7%ire.

Sec. 5.

*rder of payment if estate insolvent. - If t e assets ! ic can &e a##ro#riated for t e #a*"ent of de&ts are not s%fficient for t at #%r#ose+ t e e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator s all #a* t e de&ts against t e estate+ o&ser$ing t e #ro$isions of Articles 1;3: and ((/: to ((31 of t e

0i$il 0ode.

Sec. 9.

/ividends to be paid in proportion to claims. - If t ere are no assets s%fficient to #a* t e credits of an* one class of creditors after #a*ing t e credits entitled to #reference o$er it+ eac creditor !it in s%c class s all &e #aid a di$idend in #ro#ortion to is clai". No creditor of an* one class s all recei$e an* #a*"ent %ntil t ose of t e #receding class are #aid.

Sec. :.

Estate of insolvent nonresident% how disposed of. - In case ad"inistration is ta4en in t e P ili##ines of t e estate of a #erson ! o !as at t e ti"e of is deat an in a&itant of anot er co%ntr*+ and ! o died insol$ent+ is estate fo%nd in t e P ili##ines s all+ as far as #ractica&le+ &e so dis#osed of t at is creditors ere and else! ere "a* recei$e eac an e7%al s are+ in #ro#ortion to t eir res#ecti$e credits.

Sec. 1;.

When and how claim proved outside the Philippines against insolvent resident2s estate paid. - If it a##ears to t e co%rt a$ing '%risdiction t at clai"s a$e &een d%l* #ro$en in anot er co%ntr* against t e estate of an insol$ent ! o !as at t e ti"e of is deat an in a&itant of t e P ili##ines+ and t at t e e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator in t e P ili##ines ad 4no!ledge of t e #resentation of s%c clai"s in s%c co%ntr* and an o##ort%nit* to contest t eir allo!ance+ t e co%rt s all recei$e a certified list of s%c clai"s+ ! en #erfected in s%c co%ntr*+ and add t e sa"e to t e list of clai"s #ro$ed against t e deceased #erson in t e P ili##ines so t at a '%st distri&%tion of t e ! ole estate "a* &e "ade e7%all* a"ong all its creditors according to t eir res#ecti$e clai"s> &%t t e &enefit of t is and t e #receding sections s all not &e e8tended to t e creditors in anot er co%ntr* if t e #ro#ert* of s%c deceased #erson t ere fo%nd is not e7%all* a##ortioned to t e creditors residing in t e P ili##ines and t e ot er creditors+ according to t eir res#ecti$e clai"s.

Sec. 11.

*rder for payment of debts. - <efore t e e8#iration of t e ti"e li"ited for t e #a*"ent of t e de&ts+ t e co%rt s all order t e #a*"ent t ereof+ and t e distri&%tion of t e assets recei$ed &* t e e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator for t at #%r#ose a"ong t e creditors+ as t e circ%"stances of t e estate re7%ire and in accordance !it t e #ro$isions of t is r%le.

Sec. 1(.

*rders relating to payment of debts where appeal is ta,en. - If an a##eal as &een ta4en fro" a decision of t e co%rt concerning a clai"+ t e co%rt "a* s%s#end t e order for t e #a*"ent of t e de&ts or "a* order t e distri&%tion a"ong t e creditors ! ose clai"s are definitel* allo!ed+ lea$ing in t e ands of t e e8ec%tor or

ad"inistrator s%fficient assets to #a* t e clai" dis#%ted and a##ealed. = en a dis#%ted clai" is finall* settled t e co%rt a$ing '%risdiction of t e estate s all order t e sa"e to &e #aid o%t of t e assets retained to t e sa"e e8tent and in t e sa"e #ro#ortion !it t e clai"s of ot er creditors.

Sec. 1/.

When subse)uent distribution of assets ordered. - If t e ! ole of t e de&ts are not #aid on t e first distri&%tion+ and if t e ! ole assets are not distri&%ted+ or ot er assets after!ards co"e to t e ands of t e e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator+ t e co%rt "a* fro" ti"e to ti"e "a4e f%rt er orders for t e distri&%tion of assets.chanrobles virtua law

Sec. 12.

#reditors to be paid in accordance with terms of order. - = en an order is "ade for t e distri&%tion of assets a"ong t e creditors+ t e e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator s all+ as soon as t e ti"e of #a*"ent arri$es+ #a* t e creditors t e a"o%nts of t eir clai"s+ or t e di$idend t ereon+ in accordance !it t e ter"s of s%c order. chan robles virtual
law librar$

Sec. 13.

+ime for paying debts and legacies fixed% or extended after notice% within what periods. - On granting letters testa"entar* or ad"inistration t e co%rt s all allo! to t e e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator a ti"e for dis#osing of t e estate and #a*ing t e de&ts and legacies of t e deceased+ ! ic s all not+ in t e first instance+ e8ceed one -1. *ear> &%t t e co%rt "a*+ on a##lication of t e e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator and after earing on s%c notice of t e ti"e and #lace t erefor gi$en to all #ersons interested as it s all direct+ e8tend t e ti"e as t e circ%"stances of t e estate re7%ire not e8ceeding si8 -6. "ont s for a single e8tension nor so t at t e ! ole #eriod allo!ed to t e original e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator s all e8ceed t!o -(. *ears.

Sec. 16.

Successor of dead executor or administrator may have time extended on notice within certain period. - = en an e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator dies+ and a ne! ad"inistrator of t e sa"e estate is a##ointed+ t e co%rt "a* e8tend t e ti"e allo!ed for t e #a*"ent of t e de&ts or legacies &e*ond t e ti"e allo!ed to t e original e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator+ not e8ceeding si8 -6. "ont s at a ti"e and not e8ceeding si8 -6. "ont s &e*ond t e ti"e ! ic t e co%rt "ig t a$e allo!ed to s%c original e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator> and notice s all &e gi$en of t e ti"e and #lace for earing s%c a##lication+ as re7%ired in t e last #receding section.


Sec. 1.

*rder of sale of personalty. - U#on t e a##lication of t e e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator+ and on !ritten notice to t e eirs and ot er #ersons interested+ t e co%rt "a* order t e ! ole or a #art of t e #ersonal estate to &e sold+ if it a##ears necessar* for t e #%r#ose of #a*ing de&ts+ e8#enses of ad"inistration+ or legacies+ or for t e #reser$ation of t e #ro#ert*.

Sec. (.

When court may authori1e sale% mortgage% or other encumbrance of realty to pay debts and legacies through personalty not exhausted. - = en t e #ersonal estate of t e deceased is not s%fficient to #a* t e de&ts+ e8#enses of ad"inistration+ and legacies+ or ! ere t e sale of s%c #ersonal estate "a* in'%re t e &%siness or ot er interests of t ose interested in t e estate+ and ! ere a testator as not ot er!ise "ade s%fficient #ro$ision for t e #a*"ent of s%c de&ts+ e8#enses+ and legacies+ t e co%rt+ on t e a##lication of t e e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator and on !ritten notice to t e eirs+ de$isees+ and legatees residing in t e P ili##ines+ "a* a%t ori6e t e e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator to sell+ "ortgage+ or ot er!ise enc%"&er so "%c as "a* &e necessar* of t e real estate+ in lie% of #ersonal estate+ for t e #%r#ose of #a*ing s%c de&ts+ e8#enses+ and legacies+ if it clearl* a##ears t at s%c sale+ "ortgage+ or enc%"&rances !o%ld &e &eneficial to t e #ersons interested> and if a #art cannot &e sold+ "ortgaged+ or ot er!ise enc%"&ered !it o%t in'%r* to t ose interested in t e re"ainder+ t e a%t orit* "a* &e for t e sale+ "ortgage+ or ot er enc%"&rance of t e ! ole of s%c real estate+ or so "%c t ereof as is necessar* or &eneficial %nder t e circ%"stances.

Sec. /.

Persons interested may prevent such sale% etc.% by giving bond. - No s%c a%t orit* to sell+ "ortgage+ or ot er!ise enc%"&er real or #ersonal estate s all &e granted if an* #erson interested in t e estate gi$es a &ond+ in a s%" to &e fi8ed &* t e co%rt+ conditioned to #a* t e de&ts+ e8#enses of ad"inistration+ and legacies !it in s%c ti"e as t e co%rt directs> and s%c &ond s all &e for t e sec%rit* of t e creditors+ as !ell as of t e e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator+ and "a* &e #rosec%ted for t e &enefit of eit er.

Sec. 2.

When court may authori1e sale of estate as beneficial to interested persons" /isposal of proceeds. - = en it a##ears t at t e sale of t e ! ole or a #art of t e real or #ersonal estate+ !ill &e &eneficial to t e eirs+ de$isees+ legatees+ and ot er interested #ersons+ t e co%rt "a*+ %#on a##lication of t e e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator and on !ritten notice to t e eirs+ de$isees and legatees ! o are interested in t e estate to &e sold+ a%t ori6e t e e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator to sell t e ! ole or a #art of said estate+ alt o%g not necessar* to #a* de&ts+ legacies+ or e8#enses of ad"inistration> &%t s%c a%t orit* s all not &e granted if inconsistent !it t e #ro$isions of a !ill. In case of s%c sale+ t e #roceeds s all &e assigned to t e #ersons entitled to t e estate in t e #ro#er #ro#ortions.

Sec. 3.

When court may authori1e sale% mortgage% or other encumbrance of estate to pay debts and legacies in other countries. = en t e sale of #ersonal estate+ or t e sale+ "ortgage+ or ot er enc%"&rance of real estate is not necessar* to #a* t e de&ts+ e8#enses of ad"inistration+ or legacies in t e P ili##ines+ &%t it a##ears fro" records and #roceedings of a #ro&ate co%rt in anot er co%ntr* t at t e estate of t e deceased in s%c ot er co%ntr* is not s%fficient to #a* t e de&ts+ e8#enses of ad"inistration+ and legacies t ere+ t e co%rt ere "a* a%t ori6e t e e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator to sell t e #ersonal estate or to sell+ "ortgage+ or ot er!ise enc%"&er t e real estate for t e #a*"ent of de&ts or legacies in t e ot er co%ntr*+ in t e sa"e "anner as for t e #a*"ent of de&ts or legacies in t e P ili##ines.

Sec. 6.

When court may authori1e sale% mortgage% or other encumbrance of realty ac)uired on execution or foreclosure. - ) e co%rt "a* a%t ori6e an e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator to sell+ "ortgage+ or ot er!ise enc%"&er real estate ac7%ired &* i" on e8ec%tion or foreclos%re sale+ %nder t e sa"e circ%"stances and %nder t e sa"e reg%lations as #rescri&ed in t is r%le for t e sale+ "ortgage+ or ot er enc%"&rance of ot er real estate.

Sec. 5.

3egulations for granting authority to sell% mortgage% or otherwise encumber estate. - ) e co%rt a$ing '%risdiction of t e estate of t e deceased "a* a%t ori6e t e e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator to sell #ersonal estate+ or to sell+ "ortgage+ or ot er!ise enc%"&er real estate> in cases #ro$ided &* t ese r%les and ! en it a##ears necessar* or &eneficial+ %nder t e follo!ing reg%lationsB

-a. ) e e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator s all file a !ritten #etition setting fort t e de&ts d%e fro" t e deceased+ t e e8#enses of ad"inistration+ t e legacies+ t e $al%e of t e #ersonal estate+ t e sit%ation of t e estate to &e sold+ "ortgaged+ or ot er!ise enc%"&ered+ and s%c ot er facts as s o! t at t e sale+ "ortgage+ or ot er enc%"&rance is necessar* or &eneficial> -&. ) e co%rt s all t ere%#on fi8 a ti"e and #lace for earing s%c #etition+ and ca%se notice stating t e

nat%re of t e #etition+ t e reason for t e sa"e+ and t e ti"e and #lace of earing+ to &e gi$en #ersonall* or &* "ail to t e #ersons interested+ and "a* ca%se s%c f%rt er notice to &e gi$en+ &* #%&lication or ot er!ise+ as it s all dee" #ro#er> -c. If t e co%rt re7%ires it+ t e e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator s all gi$e an additional &ond+ in s%c s%" as t e co%rt directs+ conditioned t at s%c e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator !ill acco%nt for t e #roceeds of t e sale+ "ortgage+ or ot er enc%"&rance> -d. If t e re7%ire"ents in t e #receding s%&di$isions of t is section a$e &een co"#lied !it + t e co%rt+ &* order stating s%c co"#liance+ "a* a%t ori6e t e e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator to sell+ "ortgage+ or ot er!ise enc%"&er+ in #ro#er cases+ s%c #art of t e estate as is dee"ed necessar*+ and in case of sale t e co%rt "a* a%t ori6e it to &e #%&lic or #ri$ate+ as !o%ld &e "ost &eneficial to all #arties concerned. ) e e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator s all &e f%rnis ed !it a certified co#* of s%c order>

-e. If t e estate is to &e sold at a%ction+ t e "ode of gi$ing notice of t e ti"e and #lace of t e sale s all &e go$erned &* t e #ro$isions concerning notice of e8ec%tion sale> -f. ) ere s all &e recorded in t e registr* of deeds of t e #ro$ince in ! ic t e real estate t %s sold+ "ortgaged+ or ot er!ise enc%"&ered is sit%ated+ a certified co#* of t e order of t e co%rt+ toget er !it t e deed of t e e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator for s%c real estate+ ! ic s all &e as $alid as if t e deed ad &een e8ec%ted &* t e deceased in is lifeti"e. Sec. 9.
When a court may authori1e conveyance or realty which deceased contracted to convey" 'otice" Effect of deed. - = ere t e deceased !as in is lifeti"e %nder contract+ &inding in la!+ to deed real #ro#ert*+ or an interest t erein+ t e co%rt a$ing '%risdiction of t e estate "a*+ on a##lication for t at #%r#ose+ a%t ori6e t e e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator to con$e* s%c #ro#ert* according to s%c contract+ or !it s%c "odifications as are agreed %#on &* t e #arties and a##ro$ed &* t e co%rt> and if t e contract is to con$e* real #ro#ert* to t e e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator+ t e cler4 of t e co%rt s all e8ec%te t e deed. ) e deed e8ec%ted &* s%c e8ec%tor+ ad"inistrator+ or cler4 of co%rt s all &e as effect%al to con$e* t e #ro#ert* as if e8ec%ted &* t e deceased in is lifeti"e> &%t no s%c con$e*ance s all &e a%t ori6ed %ntil notice of t e a##lication for t at #%r#ose as &een gi$en #ersonall* or &* "ail to all #ersons interested+ and s%c f%rt er notice as &een gi$en+ &* #%&lication or ot er!ise+ as t e co%rt dee"s #ro#er> nor if t e assets in t e ands of t e e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator !ill t ere&* &e red%ced so as to #re$ent a creditor fro" recei$ing is f%ll de&t or di"inis is di$idend.chanrobles virtua law library

Sec. :.

When court may authori1e conveyance of lands which deceased held in trust. - = ere t e deceased in is lifeti"e eld real #ro#ert* in tr%st for anot er #erson+ t e co%rt "a*+ after notice gi$en as re7%ired in t e last #receding section+ a%t ori6e t e e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator to deed s%c #ro#ert* to t e #erson+ or is e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator+ for ! ose %se and &enefit it !as so eld> and t e co%rt

"a* order t e e8ec%tion of s%c la!.

tr%st+ ! et er created &* deed or &*


When order for distribution of residue made. - = en t e de&ts+ f%neral c arges+ and e8#enses of ad"inistration+ t e allo!ance to t e !ido!+ and in eritance ta8+ if an*+ c argea&le to t e estate in accordance !it la!+ a$e &een #aid+ t e co%rt+ on t e a##lication of t e e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator+ or of a #erson interested in t e estate+ and after earing %#on notice+ s all assign t e resid%e of t e estate to t e #ersons entitled to t e sa"e+ na"ing t e" and t e #ro#ortions+ or #arts+ to ! ic eac is entitled+ and s%c #erson "a* de"and and reco$er t eir res#ecti$e s ares fro" t e e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator+ or an* ot er #erson a$ing t e sa"e in is #ossession. If t ere is a contro$ers* &efore t e co%rt as to ! o are t e la!f%l eirs of t e deceased #erson or as to t e distri&%ti$e s ares to ! ic eac #erson is entitled %nder t e la!+ t e contro$ers* s all &e eard and decided as in ordinar* cases.

No distri&%tion s all &e allo!ed %ntil t e #a*"ent of t e o&ligations a&o$e "entioned as &een "ade or #ro$ided for+ %nless t e distri&%tees+ or an* of t e"+ gi$e a &ond+ in a s%" to &e fi8ed &* t e co%rt+ conditioned for t e #a*"ent of said o&ligations !it in s%c ti"e as t e co%rt directs. Sec. (.
4uestions as to advancement to be determined. - E%estions as to ad$ance"ent "ade+ or alleged to a$e &een "ade+ &* t e deceased to an* eir "a* &e eard and deter"ined &* t e co%rt a$ing '%risdiction of t e estate #roceedings> and t e final order of t e co%rt t ereon s all &e &inding on t e #erson raising t e 7%estions and on t e eir.

Sec. /.

y whom expenses of partition paid. - If at t e ti"e of t e distri&%tion t e e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator as retained s%fficient effects in is ands ! ic "a* la!f%ll* &e a##lied for t e e8#enses of #artition of t e #ro#erties distri&%ted+ s%c e8#enses of #artition "a* &e #aid &* s%c e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator ! en it a##ears e7%ita&le to t e co%rt and not inconsistent !it t e intention of t e testator>

ot er!ise+ t e* s all &e #aid &* t e #arties in #ro#ortion to t eir res#ecti$e s ares or interest in t e #re"ises+ and t e a##ortion"ent s all &e settled and allo!ed &* t e co%rt+ and+ if an* #erson interested in t e #artition does not #a* is #ro#ortion or s are+ t e co%rt "a* iss%e an e8ec%tion in t e na"e of t e e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator against t e #art* not #a*ing for t e s%" assessed. chan robles
virtual law librar$

Sec. 2.

3ecording the order of partition of estate. co#ies of final orders and '%dg"ents of t e co%rt relating estate or t e #artition t ereof s all &e recorded in t e deeds of t e #ro$ince ! ere t e #ro#ert* is

- 0ertified to t e real registr* of sit%ated.

RULE :1 ES0?EA)S Sec. 1.

When and by whom petition filed. - = en a #erson dies intestate+ sei6ed of real or #ersonal #ro#ert* in t e P ili##ines+ lea$ing no eir or #erson &* la! entitled to t e sa"e+ t e Solicitor General or is re#resentati$e in &e alf of t e Re#%&lic of t e P ili##ines+ "a* file a #etition in t e 0o%rt of First Instance of t e #ro$ince ! ere t e deceased last resided or in ! ic e ad estate+ if e resided o%t of t e P ili##ines+ setting fort t e facts+ and #ra*ing t at t e estate of t e deceased &e declared esc eated.

Sec. (.

*rder for hearing. - If t e #etition is s%fficient in for" and s%&stance+ t e co%rt+ &* an order reciting t e #%r#ose of t e #etition+ s all fi8 a date and #lace for t e earing t ereof+ ! ic date s all &e not "ore t an si8 -6. "ont s after t e entr* of t e order+ and s all direct t at a co#* of t e order &e #%&lis ed &efore t e earing at least once a !ee4 for si8 -6. s%ccessi$e !ee4s in so"e ne!s#a#er of general circ%lation #%&lis ed in t e #ro$ince+ as t e co%rt s all dee" &est.

Sec. /.

$earing and judgment. - U#on t e satisfactor* #roof in o#en co%rt on t e date fi8ed in t e order t at s%c order as &een #%&lis ed as directed and t at t e #erson died intestate+ sei6ed of real or #ersonal #ro#ert* in t e P ili##ines+ lea$ing no eir or #erson entitled to t e sa"e+ and no s%fficient ca%se &eing s o!n to t e contrar*+ t e co%rt s all ad'%dge t at t e estate of t e deceased in t e P ili##ines+ after t e #a*"ent of '%st de&ts and c arges+ s all esc eat> and s all+ #%rs%ant to la!+ assign t e #ersonal estate to t e "%nici#alit* or cit* ! ere e last resided in t e P ili##ines+ and t e real estate to t e "%nici#alities or cities+ res#ecti$el*+ in ! ic t e sa"e is sit%ated. If t e deceased ne$er resided in t e P ili##ines+ t e ! ole estate "a* &e assigned to t e res#ecti$e "%nici#alities or cities ! ere t e sa"e is located. S%c estate s all &e for t e &enefit of #%&lic sc ools+ and #%&lic c arita&le instit%tions and centers in said









) e co%rt+ at t e instance of an interested #art*+ or on its o!n "otion+ "a* order t e esta&lis "ent of a #er"anent tr%st+ so t at onl* t e inco"e fro" t e #ro#ert* s all &e %sed. Sec. 2.
When and by whom claim to estate filed. - If a de$isee+ legatee+ eir+ !ido!+ !ido!er or ot er #erson entitled to s%c estate a##ears and files a clai" t ereto !it t e co%rt !it in fi$e -3. *ears fro" t e date of s%c '%dg"ent+ s%c #erson s all a$e #ossession of and title to t e sa"e+ or if sold+ t e "%nici#alit* or cit* s all &e acco%nta&le to i" for t e #roceeds+ after ded%cting reasona&le c arges for t e care of t e estate> &%t a clai" not "ade !it in said ti"e s all &e fore$er &arred.

Sec. 3.

*ther actions for escheat. - Until ot er!ise #ro$ided &* la!+ actions for re$ersion or esc eat of #ro#erties alienated in $iolation of t e 0onstit%tion or of an* stat%te s all &e go$erned &* t is r%le+ e8ce#t t at t e action s all &e instit%ted in t e #ro$ince ! ere t e land lies in ! ole or in #art. chanrobles virtua law library

RULE :( AENUE Sec. 1.

Where to institute proceedings. - G%ardians i# of t e #erson or estate of a "inor or inco"#etent "a* &e instit%ted in t e 0o%rt of First Instance of t e #ro$ince+ or in t e '%stice of t e #eace co%rt of t e "%nici#alit*+ or in t e "%nici#al co%rt of t e c artered cit* ! ere t e "inor or inco"#etent #erson resides+ and if e resides in a foreign co%ntr*+ in t e 0o%rt of First Instance of t e #ro$ince ! erein is #ro#ert* or #art t ereof is sit%ated> #ro$ided+ o!e$er+ t at ! ere t e $al%e of t e #ro#ert* of s%c "inor or inco"#etent e8ceeds t e '%risdiction of t e '%stice of t e #eace or "%nici#al co%rt+ t e #roceedings s all &e instit%ted in t e 0o%rt of First Instance.

In t e 0it* of Canila+ t e #roceedings s all &e instit%ted in t e D%$enile and Do"estic Relations 0o%rt.

Sec. (.

(eaning of word 5incompetent.5 - Under t is r%le+ t e !ord 5incompetent5 incl%des #ersons s%ffering t e #enalt* of ci$il interdiction or ! o are os#itali6ed le#ers+ #rodigals+ deaf and d%"& ! o are %na&le to read and !rite+ t ose ! o are of %nso%nd "ind+ e$en t o%g t e* a$e l%cid inter$als+ and #ersons not &eing of %nso%nd "ind+ &%t &* reason of age+ disease+ !ea4 "ind+ and ot er si"ilar ca%ses+ cannot+ !it o%t o%tside aid+ ta4e care of t e"sel$es and "anage t eir #ro#ert*+ &eco"ing t ere&* an eas* #re* for deceit and e8#loitation.

Sec. /.

+ransfer of venue. - ) e co%rt ta4ing cogni6ance of a g%ardians i# #roceeding+ "a* transfer t e sa"e to t e co%rt of anot er #ro$ince or "%nici#alit* ! erein t e !ard as ac7%ired real #ro#ert*+ if e as transferred t ereto is &ona,fide residence+ and t e latter co%rt s all a$e f%ll '%risdiction to contin%e t e #roceedings+ !it o%t re7%iring #a*"ent of additional co%rt fees.


Who may petition for appointment of guardian for resident. - An* relati$e+ friend+ or ot er #erson on &e alf of a resident "inor or inco"#etent ! o as no #arent or la!f%l g%ardian+ or t e "inor i"self if fo%rteen *ears of age or o$er+ "a* #etition t e co%rt a$ing '%risdiction for t e a##oint"ent of a general g%ardian for t e #erson or estate+ or &ot + of s%c "inor or inco"#etent. An officer of t e Federal Ad"inistration of t e United States in t e P ili##ines "a* also file a #etition in fa$or of a !ard t ereof+ and t e Director of ?ealt + in fa$or of an insane #erson ! o s o%ld &e os#itali6ed+ or in fa$or of an isolated le#er.

Sec. (.

#ontents of petition. - A #etition for t e a##oint"ent of a general g%ardian "%st s o!+ so far as 4no!n to t e #etitionerB

-a. ) e '%risdictional facts> -&. ) e "inorit* or inco"#etenc* rendering t e a##oint"ent necessar* or con$enient> -c. ) e na"es+ ages+ and residences of t e relati$es of t e "inor or

inco"#etent+ and of t e #ersons i" in t eir care>


-d. ) e #ro&a&le $al%e and c aracter of is estate> -e. ) e na"e of t e #erson for ! o" letters of g%ardians i# are #ra*ed. ) e #etition s all &e $erified> &%t no defect in t e #etition or $erification s all render $oid t e iss%ance of letters of g%ardians i#. Sec. /.
#ourt to set time for hearing" 'otice thereof. - = en a #etition for t e a##oint"ent of a general g%ardian is filed+ t e co%rt s all fi8 a ti"e and #lace for earing t e sa"e+ and s all ca%se reasona&le notice t ereof to &e gi$en to t e #ersons "entioned in t e #etition residing in t e #ro$ince+ incl%ding t e "inor if a&o$e 12 *ears of age or t e inco"#etent i"self+ and "a* direct ot er general or s#ecial notice t ereof to &e gi$en.

Sec. 2.

*pposition to petition. - An* interested #erson "a*+ &* filing a !ritten o##osition+ contest t e #etition on t e gro%nd of "a'orit* of t e alleged "inor+ co"#etenc* of t e alleged inco"#etent+ or t e %ns%ita&ilit* of t e #erson for ! o" letters are #ra*ed+ and "a* #ra* t at t e #etition &e dis"issed+ or t at letters of g%ardians i# iss%e to i"self+ or to an* s%ita&le #erson na"ed in t e o##osition.

Sec. 3.

$earing and order for letters to issue. - At t e earing of t e #etition t e alleged inco"#etent "%st &e #resent if a&le to attend+ and it "%st &e s o!n t at t e re7%ired notice as &een gi$en. ) ere%#on t e co%rt s all ear t e e$idence of t e #arties in s%##ort of t eir res#ecti$e allegations+ and+ if t e #erson in 7%estion is a "inor+ or inco"#etent it s all a##oint a s%ita&le g%ardian of is #erson or estate+ or &ot + !it t e #o!ers and d%ties ereinafter s#ecified. chan robles virtual law librar$

Sec. 6.

When and how guardian for nonresident appointed" 'otice. - = en a #erson lia&le to &e #%t %nder g%ardians i# resides !it o%t t e P ili##ines &%t as estate t erein+ an* relati$e or friend of s%c #erson+ or an* one interested in is estate+ in e8#ectanc* or ot er!ise+ "a* #etition a co%rt a$ing '%risdiction for t e a##oint"ent of a g%ardian for t e estate+ and if+ after notice gi$en to s%c #erson

and in s%c "anner as t e co%rt dee"s #ro#er+ &* #%&lication or ot er!ise+ and earing+ t e co%rt is satisfied t at s%c nonresident is a "inor or inco"#etent rendering a g%ardian necessar* or con$enient+ it "a* a##oint a g%ardian for s%c estate.

Sec. 5.

Parents as guardians. - = en t e #ro#ert* of t e c ild %nder #arental a%t orit* is !ort t!o t o%sand #esos or less+ t e fat er or t e "ot er+ !it o%t t e necessit* of co%rt a##oint"ent+ s all &e is legal g%ardian. = en t e #ro#ert* of t e c ild is !ort "ore t an t!o t o%sand #esos+ t e fat er or t e "ot er s all &e considered g%ardian of t e c ild1s #ro#ert*+ !it t e d%ties and o&ligations of g%ardians %nder t ese r%les+ and s all file t e #etition re7%ired &* section ( t ereof. For good reasons t e co%rt "a*+ o!e$er+ a##oint anot er s%ita&le #erson. chan robles virtual law librar$

Sec. 9.

Service of judgment. - Final orders or '%dg"ents %nder t is r%le s all &e ser$ed %#on t e ci$il registrar of t e "%nici#alit* or cit* ! ere t e "inor or inco"#etent #erson resides or ! ere is #ro#ert* or #art t ereof is sit%ated.


ond to be given before issuance of letters" Amount" #onditions. - <efore a g%ardian a##ointed enters %#on t e e8ec%tion of is tr%st+ or letters of g%ardians i# iss%e+ e s all gi$e a &ond+ in s%c s%" as t e co%rt directs+ conditioned as follo!sB

-a. )o "a4e and ret%rn to t e co%rt+ !it in t ree -/. "ont s+ a tr%e and co"#lete in$entor* of all t e estate+ real and #ersonal+ of is !ard ! ic s all co"e to is #ossession or 4no!ledge or to t e #ossession or 4no!ledge of an* ot er #erson for i"> -&. )o fait f%ll* e8ec%te t e d%ties of is tr%st+ to "anage and dis#ose of t e estate according to t ese r%les for t e &est interests of t e !ard+ and to

#ro$ide for t e #ro#er care+ c%stod*+ and ed%cation of t e !ard> -c. )o render a tr%e and '%st acco%nt of all t e estate of t e !ard in is ands+ and of all #roceeds or interest deri$ed t erefro"+ and of t e "anage"ent and dis#osition of t e sa"e+ at t e ti"e designated &* t ese r%les and s%c ot er ti"es as t e co%rt directs> and at t e e8#iration of is tr%st to settle is acco%nts !it t e co%rt and deli$er and #a* o$er all t e estate+ effects+ and "one*s re"aining in is ands+ or d%e fro" i" on s%c settle"ent+ to t e #erson la!f%ll* entitled t ereto> -d. )o #erfor" all orders of t e co%rt &* i" to &e #erfor"ed. Sec. (.
When new bond may be re)uired and old sureties discharged. - = ene$er it is dee"ed necessar*+ t e co%rt "a* re7%ire a ne! &ond to &e gi$en &* t e g%ardian+ and "a* disc arge t e s%reties on t e old &ond fro" f%rt er lia&ilit*+ after d%e notice to interested #ersons+ ! en no in'%r* can res%lt t erefro" to t ose interested in t e estate.

Sec. /.

onds to be filed" Actions thereon. - E$er* &ond gi$en &* a g%ardian s all &e filed in t e office of t e cler4 of t e co%rt+ and+ in case of t e &reac of a condition t ereof+ "a* &e #rosec%ted in t e sa"e #roceeding or in a se#arate action for t e %se and &enefit of t e !ard or of an* ot er #erson legall* interested in t e estate. chan robles virtual
law librar$



Petition of guardian for leave to sell or encumber estate. - = en t e inco"e of an estate %nder g%ardians i# is ins%fficient to "aintain t e !ard and is fa"il*+ or to "aintain and ed%cate t e !ard ! en a "inor+ or ! en it a##ears t at it is for t e &enefit of t e !ard t at is real estate or so"e #art t ereof &e sold+ or "ortgaged or ot er!ise enc%"&ered+ and t e #roceeds t ereof #%t o%t at interest+ or in$ested in so"e #rod%cti$e sec%rit*+ or in t e i"#ro$e"ent or sec%rit* of ot er real estate of t e !ard+ t e g%ardian "a* #resent a $erified #etition to t e co%rt &* ! ic e !as a##ointed setting fort s%c facts+ and #ra*ing t at an order iss%e a%t ori6ing t e sale or enc%"&rance.

Sec. (.

*rder to show cause thereupon. - If it see"s #ro&a&le t at s%c sale or enc%"&rance is necessar*+ or !o%ld &e &eneficial to t e !ard+ t e co%rt s all "a4e an order directing t e ne8t of 4in of t e !ard+ and all #ersons interested in t e estate+ to a##ear at a reasona&le ti"e and #lace t erein s#ecified to s o! ca%se ! * t e #ra*er of t e #etition s o%ld not &e granted.

Sec. /.

$earing on return of order" #osts. - At t e ti"e and #lace designated in t e order to s o! ca%se+ t e co%rt s all ear t e #roofs and allegations of t e #etitioner and ne8t of 4in+ and ot er #ersons interested+ toget er !it t eir !itnesses+ and grant or ref%se t e #ra*er of t e #etition as t e &est interests of t e !ard re7%ire. ) e co%rt s all "a4e s%c order as to costs of t e earing as "a* &e '%st.

Sec. 2.

#ontents of order for sale or encumbrance% and how long effective" ond. - If+ after f%ll e8a"ination+ it a##ears t at it is necessar*+ or !o%ld &e &eneficial to t e !ard+ to sell or enc%"&er t e estate+ or so"e #ortion of it+ t e co%rt s all order s%c sale or enc%"&rance and t at t e #roceeds t ereof &e e8#ended for t e "aintenance of t e !ard and is fa"il*+ or t e ed%cation of t e !ard+ if a "inor+ or for t e #%tting of t e sa"e o%t at interest+ or t e in$est"ent of t e sa"e as t e circ%"stances "a* re7%ire. ) e order s all s#ecif* t e ca%ses ! * t e sale or enc%"&rance is necessar* or &eneficial+ and "a* direct t at estate ordered sold &e dis#osed of at eit er #%&lic or #ri$ate sale+ s%&'ect to s%c conditions as to t e ti"e and "anner of #a*"ent+ and sec%rit* ! ere a #art of t e #a*"ent is deferred+ as in t e discretion of t e co%rt are dee"ed "ost &eneficial to t e !ard. ) e original &ond of t e g%ardian s all stand as sec%rit* for t e #ro#er a##ro#riation of t e #roceeds of t e sale+ &%t t e '%dge "a*+ if dee"ed e8#edient+ re7%ire an additional &ond as a condition for t e granting of t e order of sale. No order of sale granted in #%rs%ance of t is section s all contin%e in force "ore t an one -1. *ear after granting t e sa"e+ !it o%t a sale &eing ad.

Sec. 3.


#ourt may order investment of proceeds and direct estate. - ) e co%rt "a* a%t ori6e and re7%ire t e

g%ardian to in$est t e #roceeds of sales or enc%"&rances+ and an* ot er of is !ard1s "one* in is ands+ in real estate or ot er!ise+ as s all &e for t e &est interest of all concerned+ and "a* "a4e s%c ot er orders for t e "anage"ent+ in$est"ent+ and dis#osition of t e estate and effects+ as circ%"stances "a* re7%ire.


+o what guardianship shall extend. - A g%ardian a##ointed s all a$e t e care and c%stod* of t e #erson of is !ard+ and t e "anage"ent of is estate+ or t e "anage"ent of t e estate onl*+ as t e case "a* &e. ) e g%ardian of t e estate of a nonresident s all a$e t e "anage"ent of all t e estate of t e !ard !it in t e P ili##ines+ and no co%rt ot er t an t at in ! ic s%c g%ardian !as a##ointed s all a$e '%risdiction o$er t e g%ardians i#.

Sec. (.

&uardian to pay debts of ward. - E$er* g%ardian "%st #a* t e !ard1s '%st de&ts o%t of is #ersonal estate and t e inco"e of is real estate+ if s%fficient> if not+ t en o%t of is real estate %#on o&taining an order for t e sale or enc%"&rance t ereof. chan robles virtual law librar$

Sec. /.

&uardian to settle accounts% collect debts% and appear in actions for ward. - A g%ardian "%st settle all acco%nts of is !ard+ and de"and+ s%e for+ and recei$e all de&ts d%e i"+ or "a*+ !it t e a##ro$al of t e co%rt+ co"#o%nd for t e sa"e and gi$e disc arges to t e de&tor+ on recei$ing a fair and '%st di$idend of t e estate and effects> and e s all a##ear for and re#resent is !ard in all actions and s#ecial #roceedings+ %nless anot er #erson &e a##ointed for t at #%r#ose. chan robles virtual law librar$

Sec. 2.

Estate to be managed frugally% and proceeds applied to maintenance of ward. - A g%ardian "%st "anage t e estate of is !ard fr%gall* and !it o%t !aste+ and a##l* t e inco"e and #rofits t ereon+ so far as "a* &e necessar*+ to t e co"forta&le and s%ita&le "aintenance of t e !ard and is fa"il*+ if t ere &e an*> and if s%c inco"e and #rofits &e ins%fficient for t at #%r#ose+ t e g%ardian "a* sell or enc%"&er t e real estate+ %#on &eing a%t ori6ed &* order so to do+ and a##l* so "%c of t e #roceeds as "a* &e necessar* to s%c "aintenance.
chan robles virtual law librar$

Sec. 3.

&uardian may be authori1ed to join in partition proceedings after hearing. - ) e co%rt "a* a%t ori6e t e g%ardian to 'oin in an assent to a #artition of real or #ersonal estate eld &* t e !ard 'ointl* or in co""on !it ot ers+ &%t s%c a%t orit* s all onl* &e granted after earing+ %#on s%c notice to relati$es of t e !ard as t e

co%rt "a* direct+ and a caref%l in$estigation as to t e necessit* and #ro#riet* of t e #ro#osed action.

Sec. 6.

Proceedings when person suspected of embe11ling or concealing property of ward. - U#on co"#laint of t e g%ardian or !ard+ or of an* #erson a$ing act%al or #ros#ecti$e interest in t e estate of t e !ard as creditor+ eir+ or ot er!ise+ t at an*one is s%s#ected of a$ing e"&e66led+ concealed+ or con$e*ed a!a* an* "one*+ goods+ or interest+ or a !ritten instr%"ent+ &elonging to t e !ard or is estate+ t e co%rt "a* cite t e s%s#ected #erson to a##ear for e8a"ination to%c ing s%c "one*+ goods+ interest+ or instr%"ent+ and "a4e s%c orders as !ill sec%re t e estate against s%c e"&e66le"ent+ conceal"ent or con$e*ance.

Sec. 5.

-nventories and accounts of guardians% and appraisement of estates. - A g%ardian "%st render to t e co%rt an in$entor* of t e estate of is !ard !it in t ree -/. "ont s after is a##oint"ent+ and ann%all* after s%c a##oint"ent an in$entor* and acco%nt+ t e rendition of an* of ! ic "a* &e co"#elled %#on t e a##lication of an interested #erson. S%c in$entories and acco%nts s all &e s!orn to &* t e g%ardian. All t e estate of t e !ard descri&ed in t e first in$entor* s all &e a##raised. In t e a##raise"ent t e co%rt "a* re7%est t e assistance of one or "ore of t e in eritance ta8 a##raisers. And ! ene$er an* #ro#ert* of t e !ard not incl%ded in an in$entor* alread* rendered is disco$ered+ or s%cceeded to+ or ac7%ired &* t e !ard+ li4e #roceedings s all &e ad for sec%ring an in$entor* and a##raise"ent t ereof !it in t ree -/. "ont s after s%c disco$er*+ s%ccession+ or ac7%isition.

Sec. 9.

When guardian2s accounts presented for settlement. E8#enses and co"#ensation allo!ed. U#on t e e8#iration of a *ear fro" t e ti"e of is a##oint"ent+ and as often t ereafter as "a* &e re7%ired+ a g%ardian "%st #resent is acco%nt to t e co%rt for settle"ent and allo!ance. In t e settle"ent of t e acco%nt+ t e g%ardian+ ot er t an a #arent+ s all &e allo!ed t e a"o%nt of is reasona&le e8#enses inc%rred in t e e8ec%tion of is tr%st and also s%c co"#ensation for is ser$ices as t e co%rt dee"s '%st+ not e8ceeding fifteen #er cent%" of t e net inco"e of t e !ard.


Petition that competency of ward be adjudged% and proceedings thereupon. - A #erson ! o as &een declared inco"#etent for an* reason+ or is g%ardian+ relati$e+ or friend+ "a* #etition t e co%rt to a$e is #resent co"#etenc* '%diciall* deter"ined. ) e #etition s all &e $erified &* oat + and s all state t at s%c #erson is t en co"#etent. U#on recei$ing t e #etition+ t e co%rt s all fi8 a ti"e

for earing t e 7%estions raised t ere&*+ and ca%se reasona&le notice t ereof to &e gi$en to t e g%ardian of t e #erson+ so declared inco"#etent+ and to t e !ard. On t e trial+ t e g%ardian or relati$es of t e !ard+ and+ in t e discretion of t e co%rt+ an* ot er #erson+ "a* contest t e rig t to t e relief de"anded+ and !itnesses "a* &e called and e8a"ined &* t e #arties or &* t e co%rt on its o!n "otion. If it &e fo%nd t at t e #erson is no longer inco"#etent+ is co"#etenc* s all &e ad'%dged and t e g%ardians i# s all cease. chan robles virtual law librar$

Sec. (.

When guardian removed or allowed to resign" 'ew appointment. - = en a g%ardian &eco"es insane or ot er!ise inca#a&le of disc arging is tr%st or %ns%ita&le t erefor+ or as !asted or "is"anaged t e estate+ of failed for t irt* -/;. da*s after it is d%e to render an acco%nt or "a4e a ret%rn+ t e co%rt "a*+ %#on reasona&le notice to t e g%ardian+ re"o$e i"+ and co"#el i" to s%rrender t e estate of t e !ard to t e #erson fo%nd to &e la!f%ll* entitled t ereto. A g%ardian "a* resign ! en it a##ears #ro#er to allo! t e sa"e> and %#on is resignation or re"o$al t e co%rt "a* a##oint anot er in is #lace.

Sec. /.

*ther termination of guardianship. - ) e "arriage or $ol%ntar* e"anci#ation of a "inor !ard ter"inates t e g%ardians i# of t e #erson of t e !ard+ and s all ena&le t e "inor to ad"inister is #ro#ert* as t o%g e !ere of age+ &%t e cannot &orro! "one* or alienate or enc%"&er real #ro#ert* !it o%t t e consent of is fat er or "ot er+ or g%ardian. ?e can s%e and &e s%ed in co%rt onl* !it t e assistance of is fat er+ "ot er or g%ardian. ) e g%ardian of an* #erson "a* &e disc arged &* t e co%rt ! en it a##ears+ %#on t e a##lication of t e !ard or ot er!ise+ t at t e g%ardians i# is no longer necessar*.

Sec. 2.

3ecord to be ,ept by the justice of the peace or municipal judge. - = en a '%stice of t e #eace or "%nici#al co%rt ta4es cogni6ance of t e #roceedings in #%rs%ance of t e #ro$isions of t ese r%les+ t e record of t e #roceedings s all &e 4e#t as in t e co%rt of first instance.

Sec. 3.

Service of judgment. - Final orders or '%dg"ents %nder t is r%le s all &e ser$ed %#on t e ci$il registrar of t e "%nici#alit* or cit* ! ere t e "inor or inco"#etent #erson resides or ! ere is #ro#ert* or #art t ereof is sit%ated. chanrobles virtua law library

RULE :9 )RUS)EES Sec. 1.

Where trustee appointed. - A tr%stee necessar* to carr* into effect t e #ro$isions of a !ill or !ritten instr%"ent s all &e

a##ointed &* t e 0o%rt of First Instance in ! ic t e !ill !as allo!ed if it &e a !ill allo!ed in t e P ili##ines+ ot er!ise &* t e 0o%rt of First Instance of t e #ro$ince in ! ic t e #ro#ert*+ or so"e #ortion t ereof+ affected &* t e tr%st is sit%ated.

Sec. (.

Appointment and powers of trustee under will" Executor of former trustee need not administer trust. - If a testator as o"itted in is !ill to a##oint a tr%stee in t e P ili##ines+ and if s%c a##oint"ent is necessar* to carr* into effect t e #ro$isions of t e !ill+ t e #ro#er 0o%rt of First Instance "a*+ after notice to all #ersons interested+ a##oint a tr%stee ! o s all a$e t e sa"e rig ts+ #o!ers+ and d%ties+ and in ! o" t e estate s all $est+ as if e ad &een a##ointed &* t e testator. No #erson s%cceeding to a tr%st as e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator of a for"er tr%stee s all &e re7%ired to acce#t s%c tr%st.

Sec. /.

Appointment and powers of new trustee under written instrument. - = en a tr%stee %nder a !ritten instr%"ent declines+ resigns+ dies+ or is re"o$ed &efore t e o&'ects of t e tr%st are acco"#lis ed+ and no ade7%ate #ro$ision is "ade in s%c instr%"ent for s%##l*ing t e $acanc*+ t e #ro#er 0o%rt of First Instance "a*+ after d%e notice to all #ersons interested+ a##oint a ne! tr%stee to act alone or 'ointl* !it t e ot ers+ as t e case "a* &e. S%c ne! tr%stee s all a$e and e8ercise t e sa"e #o!ers+ rig ts+ and d%ties as if e ad &een originall* a##ointed+ and t e tr%st estate s all $est in i" in li4e "anner as it ad $ested or !o%ld a$e $ested+ in t e tr%stee in ! ose #lace e is s%&stit%ted> and t e co%rt "a* order s%c con$e*ance to &e "ade &* t e for"er tr%stee or is re#resentati$es+ or &* t e ot er re"aining tr%stees+ as "a* &e necessar* or #ro#er to $est t e tr%st estate in t e ne! tr%stee+ eit er alone or 'ointl* !it t e ot ers.

Sec. 2.

Proceedings where trustee appointed abroad. - = en land in t e P ili##ines is eld in tr%st for #ersons resident ere &* a tr%stee ! o deri$es is a%t orit* fro" !it o%t t e P ili##ines+ s%c tr%stee s all+ on #etition filed in t e 0o%rt of First Instance of #ro$ince ! ere t e land is sit%ated+ and after d%e notice to all #ersons interested+ &e ordered to a##l* to t e co%rt for a##oint"ent as tr%stee> and %#on is neglect or ref%sal to co"#l* !it s%c order+ t e co%rt s all declare s%c tr%st $acant+ and s all a##oint a ne! tr%stee in ! o" t e tr%st estate s all $est in li4e "anner as if e ad &een originall* a##ointed &* s%c co%rt.

Sec. 3. )r%stee "%st file &ond. <efore entering on t e d%ties of is tr%st+ a tr%stee s all file !it t e cler4 of t e co%rt a$ing '%risdiction of t e tr%st a &ond in t e a"o%nt fi8ed &* t e

'%dge of said co%rt+ #a*a&le to t e Go$ern"ent of t e P ili##ines and s%fficient and a$aila&le for t e #rotection of an* #art* in interest+ and a tr%stee ! o neglects to file s%c &ond s all &e considered to a$e declined or resigned t e tr%st> &%t t e co%rt "a* %ntil f%rt er order e8e"#t a tr%stee %nder a !ill fro" gi$ing a &ond ! en t e testator as directed or re7%ested s%c e8e"#tion+ and "a* so e8e"#t an* tr%stee ! en all #ersons &eneficiall* interested in t e tr%st+ &eing of f%ll age+ re7%est t e e8e"#tion. S%c e8e"#tion "a* &e cancelled &* t e co%rt at an* ti"e and t e tr%stee re7%ired to fort !it file a &ond. Sec. 6.
#onditions included in bond. - ) e follo!ing conditions s all &e dee"ed to &e a #art of t e &ond ! et er !ritten t erein or notB

-a. ) at t e tr%stee !ill "a4e and ret%rn to t e co%rt+ at s%c ti"e as it "a* order+ a tr%e in$entor* of all t e real and #ersonal estate &elonging to i" as tr%stee+ ! ic at t e ti"e of t e "a4ing of s%c in$entor* s all a$e co"e to is #ossession or 4no!ledge> -&. ) at e !ill "anage and dis#ose of all s%c estate+ and fait f%ll* disc arge is tr%st in relation

t ereto+ according to la! and t e !ill of t e testator or t e #ro$isions of t e instr%"ent or order %nder ! ic e is a##ointed> -c. ) at e !ill render %#on oat at least once a *ear %ntil is tr%st is f%lfilled+ %nless e is e8c%sed t erefro" in an* *ear &* t e co%rt+ a tr%e acco%nt of t e #ro#ert* in is ands and of t e "anage"ent and dis#osition t ereof+ and !ill render s%c ot er acco%nts as t e co%rt "a* order> -d. ) at at t e e8#iration of is tr%st e !ill settle is acco%nts in co%rt and #a* o$er and deli$er all t e estate re"aining in is ands+ or d%e fro" i" on s%c settle"ent+ to t e #erson or #ersons entitled t ereto. <%t ! en t e tr%stee is a##ointed as a s%ccessor to a #rior tr%stee+ t e co%rt "a* dis#ense !it t e "a4ing and ret%rn of an in$entor*+ if one as alread* &een filed+ and in s%c case t e condition of t e &ond s all &e dee"ed to &e altered accordingl*. Sec. 5.
Appraisal" #ompensation of trustee. is re7%ired to &e ret%rned &* a tr%stee+ t e &elonging to t e tr%st s all &e a##raised and t e or "ore in eritance ta8 a##raisers to assist in t - = en an in$entor* estate and effects co%rt "a* order one e a##raise"ent. ) e

co"#ensation of t e tr%stee s all &e fi8ed &* t e co%rt+ if it &e not deter"ined in t e instr%"ent creating t e tr%st.

Sec. 9.

3emoval or resignation of trustee. - ) e #ro#er 0o%rt of First Instance "a*+ %#on #etition of t e #arties &eneficiall* interested and after d%e notice to t e tr%stee and earing+ re"o$e a tr%stee if s%c re"o$al a##ears essential in t e interests of t e #etitioners. ) e co%rt "a* also+ after d%e notice to all #ersons interested+ re"o$e a tr%stee ! o is insane or ot er!ise inca#a&le of disc arging is tr%st or e$identl* %ns%ita&le t erefor. A tr%stee+ ! et er a##ointed &* t e co%rt or %nder a !ritten instr%"ent+ "a* resign is tr%st if it a##ears to t e co%rt #ro#er to allo! s%c resignation.

Sec. :.

Proceedings for sale or encumbrance of trust estate. = en t e sale or enc%"&rance of an* real or #ersonal estate eld in tr%st is necessar* or e8#edient+ t e co%rt a$ing '%risdiction of t e tr%st "a*+ on #etition and after d%e notice and earing+ order s%c sale or enc%"&rance to &e "ade+ and t e rein$est"ent and a##lication of t e #roceeds t ereof in s%c "anner as !ill &est effect t e o&'ects of t e tr%st. ) e #etition+ notice+ earing+ order of sale or enc%"&rance+ and record of #roceedings+ s all confor" as nearl* as "a* &e to t e #ro$isions concerning t e sale or enc%"&rance &* g%ardians of t e #ro#ert* of "inors or ot er !ards. chan robles virtual law librar$


6enue. - A #erson desiring to ado#t anot er or a$e t e c%stod* of a "inor s all #resent is #etition to t e 0o%rt of First Instance of t e #ro$ince+ or t e "%nici#al or '%stice of t e #eace co%rt of t e cit* or "%nici#alit* in ! ic e resides.

In t e 0it* of Canila+ t e #roceedings s all &e instit%ted in t e D%$enile and Do"estic Relations 0o%rt. Sec. (.
#ontents of petition. - ) e #etition for ado#tion s all contain t e sa"e allegations re7%ired in a #etition for g%ardians i#+ to !itB

-a. ) e '%risdictional facts> -&. ) e 7%alifications of t e ado#ter>

-c. ) at t e ado#ter dis7%alified &* la!>



-d. ) e na"e+ age+ and residence of t e #erson to &e ado#ted and of is relati$es or of t e #ersons ! o a$e i" %nder t eir care> -e. ) e #ro&a&le $al%e and c aracter of t e estate of t e #erson to &e ado#ted. Sec. /.
#onsent to adoption. - ) ere s all &e filed !it t e #etition a !ritten consent to t e ado#tion signed &* t e c ild+ if fo%rteen *ears of age or o$er and not inco"#etent+ and &* t e c ild1s s#o%se+ if an*+ and &* eac of its 4no!n li$ing #arents ! o is not insane or o#elessl* inte"#erate or as not a&andoned s%c c ild+ or if t ere are no s%c #arents &* t e general g%ardian or g%ardian ad lite" of t e c ild+ or if t e c ild is in t e c%stod* of an or# an as*l%"+ c ildren1s o"e+ or &ene$olent societ* or #erson+ &* t e #ro#er officer or officers of s%c as*l%"+ o"e+ or societ*+ or &* s%c #erson> &%t if t e c ild is illegiti"ate and as not &een recogni6ed+ t e consent of its fat er to t e ado#tion s all not &e re7%ired.

If t e #erson to &e ado#ted is of age+ onl* is or er consent and t at of t e s#o%se+ if an*+ s all &e re7%ired. Sec. 2.
*rder for hearing. - If t e #etition and consent filed are s%fficient in for" and s%&stance+ t e co%rt+ &* an order reciting t e #%r#ose of t e #etition+ s all fi8 a date and #lace for t e earing t ereof+ ! ic date s all not &e "ore t an si8 -6. "ont s after t e entr* of t e order+ and s all direct t at a co#* of t e order &e #%&lis ed &efore t e earing at least once a !ee4 for t ree -/. s%ccessi$e !ee4s in so"e ne!s#a#er of general circ%lation #%&lis ed in t e #ro$ince+ as t e co%rt s all dee" &est. chan robles virtual law librar$

Sec. 3.

$earing and judgment. - U#on satisfactor* #roof in o#en co%rt on t e date fi8ed in t e order t at s%c order as &een #%&lis ed as directed+ t at t e allegations of t e #etition are tr%e+ and t at it is a #ro#er case for ado#tion and t e #etitioner or #etitioners are a&le to &ring %# and ed%cate t e c ild #ro#erl*+ t e co%rt s all ad'%dge t at t encefort t e c ild is freed fro" all legal o&ligations of o&edience and "aintenance !it res#ect to its nat%ral #arents+ e8ce#t t e "ot er ! en t e c ild is ado#ted &* er %s&and+ and is+ to

all legal intents and #%r#oses+ t e c ild of t e #etitioner or #etitioners+ and t at its s%rna"e is c anged to t at of t e #etitioner or #etitioners. ) e ado#ted #erson or c ild s all t ere%#on &eco"e t e legal eir of is #arents &* ado#tion and s all also re"ain t e legal eir of is nat%ral #arents. In case of t e deat of t e ado#ted #erson or c ild+ is #arents and relati$es &* nat%re+ and not &* ado#tion+ s all &e is legal eirs.chanrobles virtua law library

Sec. 6.

Proceedings as to child whose parents are separated" Appeal. - = en %s&and and !ife are di$orced or li$ing se#aratel* and a#art fro" eac ot er+ and t e 7%estion as to t e care+ c%stod*+ and control of a c ild or c ildren of t eir "arriage is &ro%g t &efore a 0o%rt of First Instance &* #etition or as an incident to an* ot er #roceeding+ t e co%rt+ %#on earing t e testi"on* as "a* &e #ertinent+ s all a!ard t e care+ c%stod*+ and control of eac s%c c ild as !ill &e for its &est interest+ #er"itting t e c ild to c oose ! ic #arent it #refers to li$e !it if it &e o$er ten *ears of age+ %nless t e #arent so c osen &e %nfit to ta4e c arge of t e c ild &* reason of "oral de#ra$it*+ a&it%al dr%n4enness+ inca#acit*+ or #o$ert*. If+ %#on s%c earing+ it a##ears t at &ot #arents are i"#ro#er #ersons to a$e t e care+ c%stod*+ and control of t e c ild+ t e co%rt "a* eit er designate t e #aternal or "aternal grand#arent of t e c ild+ or is oldest &rot er or sister+ or so"e re#%ta&le and discreet #erson to ta4e c arge of s%c c ild+ or co""it it to an* s%ita&le as*l%"+ c ildren1s o"e+ or &ene$olent societ*. ) e co%rt "a* in confor"it* !it t e #ro$isions of t e 0i$il 0ode order eit er or &ot #arents to s%##ort or el# s%##ort said c ild+ irres#ecti$e of ! o "a* &e its c%stodian+ and "a* "a4e an* order t at is '%st and reasona&le #er"itting t e #arent ! o is de#ri$ed of its care and c%stod* to $isit t e c ild or a$e te"#orar* c%stod* t ereof. Eit er #arent "a* a##eal fro" an order "ade in accordance !it t e #ro$isions of t is section. No c ild %nder se$en *ears of age s all &e se#arated fro" its "ot er+ %nless t e co%rt finds t ere are co"#elling reasons t erefor.

Sec. 5.

Proceedings as to vagrant or abused child. - = en t e #arents of an* "inor c ild are dead+ or &* reason of long a&sence or legal or # *sical disa&ilit* a$e a&andoned it+ or cannot s%##ort it t ro%g $agranc*+ negligence+ or "iscond%ct+ or neglect or ref%se to s%##ort it+ or treat it !it e8cessi$e ars ness or gi$e it corr%#ting orders+ co%nsels+ or e8a"#les+ or ca%se or allo! it to engage in &egging+ or to co""it offenses against t e la!+ t e #ro#er 0o%rt of First Instance+ %#on #etition filed &* so"e re#%ta&le resident of t e #ro$ince setting fort t e facts+ "a* iss%e an order re7%iring s%c #arents to s o! ca%se+ or+ if t e #arents are dead or cannot &e fo%nd+ re7%iring t e fiscal of t e #ro$ince to s o! ca%se+ at a ti"e and #lace fi8ed in t e order+ ! * t e c ild s o%ld not &e ta4en fro" its #arents+ if li$ing> and if %#on t e earing it a##ears t at t e allegations of t e #etition are tr%e+ and t at it is for t e &est interest of t e c ild+ t e co%rt "a* "a4e an order ta4ing it fro" its #arents+ if li$ing> and co""itting it to an* s%ita&le or# an as*l%"+ c ildren1s o"e+ or &ene$olent societ* or #erson to &e %lti"atel* #laced+ &* ado#tion or ot er!ise+ in a o"e fo%nd for it &* s%c as*l%"+ c ildren1s o"e+ societ* or #erson. chan robles virtual law librar$

Sec. 9.

Service of judgment. - Final orders or '%dg"ents %nder t is r%le s all &e ser$ed &* t e cler4 %#on t e ci$il registrar of t e cit* or "%nici#alit* ! erein t e co%rt iss%ing t e sa"e is sit%ated.


Who may file petition" grounds. - A "inor or ot er inca#acitated #erson "a*+ t ro%g a g%ardian or g%ardian ad lite"+ #etition for t e rescission or re$ocation of is or er ado#tion for t e sa"e ca%ses t at a%t ori6e t e de#ri$ation of #arental a%t orit*.

) e ado#ter "a*+ li4e!ise+ #etition t e co%rt for t e rescission or re$ocation of t e ado#tion in an* of t ese casesB -a. If t e ado#ted #erson as atte"#ted against t e life of t e ado#ter> -&. = en t e ado#ted "inor as a&andoned t e o"e of t e ado#ter for "ore t an t ree -/. *ears> -c. = en &* ot er acts t e ado#ted #erson as re#%diated t e ado#tion. Sec. (.
*rder to answer. - ) e co%rt in ! ic t e #etition is filed s all iss%e an order re7%iring t e ad$erse #art* to ans!er t e #etition !it in fifteen -13. da*s fro" recei#t of a co#* t ereof. ) e order and a co#* of t e #etition s all &e ser$ed on t e ad$erse #art* in s%c "anner as t e co%rt "a* direct.

Sec. /.

0udgment. - If %#on trial+ on t e da* set t erefor+ t e co%rt finds t at t e allegations of t e #etition are tr%e+ it s all render '%dg"ent ordering t e rescission or re$ocation of t e ado#tion+ !it or !it o%t costs+ as '%stice re7%ires.chanrobles virtua law library

Sec. 2.

Service of judgment. - A certified co#* of t e '%dg"ent rendered in accordance !it t e ne8t #receding section s all &e ser$ed

%#on t e ci$il registrar concerned+ rendition t ereof+ ! o s all fort !it co%rt in t e register.

!it in t irt* -/;. da*s fro" enter t e action ta4en &* t e

Sec. 3.

+ime within which to file petition. - A "inor or ot inca#acitated #erson "%st file t e #etition for rescission re$ocation of ado#tion !it in t e fi$e -3. *ears follo!ing "a'orit*+ or if e !as inco"#etent at t e ti"e of t e ado#tion+ !it t e *ears follo!ing t e reco$er* fro" s%c inco"#etenc*.

er or is in

) e ado#ter "%st also file t e #etition to set aside t e ado#tion !it in fi$e -3. *ears fro" t e ti"e t e ca%se or ca%ses gi$ing rise to t e rescission or re$ocation of t e sa"e too4 #lace. chan robles virtual
law librar$


6enue" Petition for commitment. - A #etition for t e co""it"ent of a #erson to a os#ital or ot er #lace for t e insane "a* &e filed !it t e 0o%rt of First Instance of t e #ro$ince ! ere t e #erson alleged to &e insane is fo%nd. ) e #etition s all &e filed &* t e Director of ?ealt in t e all cases ! ere+ in is o#inion+ s%c co""it"ent is for t e #%&lic !elfare+ or for t e !elfare of said #erson ! o+ in is '%dg"ent+ is insane+ and s%c #erson or t e one a$ing c arged of i" is o##osed to is &eing ta4en to a os#ital or ot er #lace for t e insane.

Sec. (.

*rder for hearing. - If t e #etition filed is s%fficient in for" and s%&stance+ t e co%rt+ &* an order reciting t e #%r#ose of t e #etition+ s all fi8 a date for t e earing t ereof+ and co#* of s%c order s all &e ser$ed on t e #erson alleged to &e insane+ and to t e one a$ing c arge of i"+ or on s%c of is relati$es residing in t e #ro$ince or cit* as t e '%dge "a* dee" #ro#er. ) e co%rt s all f%rt er"ore order t e s eriff to #rod%ce t e alleged insane #erson+ if #ossi&le+ on t e date of t e earing.

Sec. /.

$earing and judgment. - U#on satisfactor* #roof+ in o#en co%rt on t e date fi8ed in t e order+ t at t e co""it"ent a##lied for is for t e #%&lic !elfare or for t e !elfare of t e insane #erson+ and

t at is relati$es are %na&le for an* reason to ta4e #ro#er care of i"+ t e co%rt s all order is co""it"ent to s%c ot er #lace for t e insane as "a* &e reco""ended &* t e ?ealt . ) e co%rt s all "a4e #ro#er #ro$isions for t e #ro#ert* or "one* &elonging to t e insane %ntil a g%ardian a##ointed.

c%stod* and os#ital or Director of c%stod* of &e #ro#erl*

Sec. 2.

/ischarge of insane. - = en+ in t e o#inion of t e Director of ?ealt + t e #erson ordered to &e co""itted to a os#ital or ot er #lace for t e insane is te"#oraril* or #er"anentl* c%red+ or "a* &e released !it o%t danger e "a* file t e #ro#er #etition !it t e 0o%rt of First Instance ! ic ordered t e co""it"ent.

Sec. 3.

Assistance of fiscal in the proceeding. - It s all &e t e d%t* of t e #ro$incial fiscal or in t e 0it* of Canila t e fiscal of t e cit*+ to #re#are t e #etition for t e Director of ?ealt and re#resent i" in co%rt in all #roceedings arising %nder t e #ro$isions of t is r%le.

RULE 1;( ?A<EAS 0ORPUS Sec. 1.

+o what habeas corpus extends. - E8ce#t as ot er!ise e8#ressl* #ro$ided &* la!+ t e !rit of a&eas cor#%s s all e8tend to all cases of illegal confine"ent or detention &* ! ic an* #erson is de#ri$ed of is li&ert*+ or &* ! ic t e rig tf%l c%stod* of an* #erson is !it eld fro" t e #erson entitled t ereto.

Sec. (.

Who may grant the writ. - ) e !rit of a&eas cor#%s "a* &e granted &* t e S%#re"e 0o%rt+ or an* "e"&er t ereof+ on an* da* and at an* ti"e+ or &* t e 0o%rt of A##eals or an* "e"&er t ereof in t e instances a%t ori6ed &* la!+ and if so granted it s all &e enforcea&le an*! ere in t e P ili##ines+ and "a* &e "ade ret%rna&le &efore t e co%rt or an* "e"&er t ereof+ or &efore t e 0o%rt of First Instance+ or an* '%dge t ereof for t e earing and decision on t e "erits. It "a* also &e granted &* a 0o%rt of First Instance+ or a '%dge t ereof+ on an* da* and at an* ti"e+ and ret%rna&le &efore i"self+ enforcea&le onl* !it in is '%dicial district.

Sec. /.

3e)uisites of application therefor. - A##lication for t e !rit s all &e &* #etition signed and $erified eit er &* t e #art* for ! ose relief it is intended+ or &* so"e #erson on is &e alf+ and s all set fort B

-a. ) at t e #erson in ! ose &e alf t e a##lication is "ade is i"#risoned or restrained of is li&ert*> -&. ) e officer or na"e of t e #erson &* ! o" e is so i"#risoned or restrained> or+ if &ot are %n4no!n or %ncertain+ s%c officer or #erson "a* &e descri&ed &* an ass%"ed a##ellation+ and t e #erson ! o is ser$ed !it t e !rit s all &e dee"ed t e #erson intended> -c. ) e #lace ! ere e is so i"#risoned or restrained+ if 4no!n> -d. A co#* of t e co""it"ent or ca%se of detention of s%c #erson+ if it can &e #roc%red !it o%t i"#airing t e efficienc* of t e re"ed*> or+ if t e i"#rison"ent or restraint is !it o%t an* legal a%t orit*+ s%c fact s all a##ear. Sec. 2.
When writ not allowed or discharge authori1ed. - If it a##ears t at t e #erson alleged to &e restrained of is li&ert* is in t e c%stod* of an officer %nder #rocess iss%ed &* a co%rt or '%dge or &* $irt%e of a '%dg"ent or order of a co%rt of record+ and t at t e co%rt or '%dge ad '%risdiction to iss%e t e #rocess+ render t e '%dg"ent+ or "a4e t e order+ t e !rit s all not &e allo!ed> or if t e '%risdiction a##ears after t e !rit is allo!ed+ t e #erson s all not &e disc arged &* reason of an* infor"alit* or defect in t e #rocess+ '%dg"ent+ or order. Nor s all an*t ing in t is r%le &e eld to a%t ori6e t e disc arge of a #erson c arged !it or con$icted of an offense in t e P ili##ines+ or of a #erson s%ffering i"#rison"ent %nder la!f%l '%dg"ent.chanrobles virtua law library

Sec. 3.

When the writ must be granted and issued. - A co%rt or '%dge a%t ori6ed to grant t e !rit "%st+ ! en a #etition t erefor is #resented and it a##ears t at t e !rit o%g t to iss%e+ grant t e sa"e fort !it + and i""ediatel* t ere%#on t e cler4 of t e co%rt s all iss%e t e !rit %nder t e seal of t e co%rt> or in case of e"ergenc*+ t e '%dge "a* iss%e t e !rit %nder is o!n and+ and "a* de#%te an* officer or #erson to ser$e it.

Sec. 6.

+o whom writ directed% and what to re)uire. - In case of i"#rison"ent or restraint &* an officer+ t e !rit s all &e directed to i"+ and s all co""and i" to a$e t e &od* of t e #erson restrained of is li&ert* &efore t e co%rt or '%dge designated in t e !rit at t e ti"e and #lace t erein s#ecified. In case of i"#rison"ent or restraint &* a #erson not an officer+ t e !rit s all &e directed to an officer+ and s all co""and i" to ta4e and a$e t e &od* of t e #erson restrained of is li&ert* &efore t e co%rt or '%dge designated in t e !rit at t e ti"e and #lace t erein s#ecified+ and to s%""on t e #erson &* ! o" e is restrained t en and t ere to a##ear &efore said co%rt or '%dge to s o! t e ca%se of t e i"#rison"ent or restraint. chan robles virtual law

Sec. 5.

$ow prisoner designated and writ served. - ) e #erson to &e #rod%ced s o%ld &e designated in t e !rit &* is na"e+ if 4no!n+ &%t if is na"e is not 4no!n e "a* &e ot er!ise descri&ed or identified. ) e !rit "a* &e ser$ed in an* #ro$ince &* t e s eriff or ot er #ro#er officer+ or &* a #erson de#%ted &* t e co%rt or '%dge. Ser$ice of t e !rit s all &e "ade &* lea$ing t e original !it t e #erson to ! o" it is directed and #reser$ing a co#* on ! ic to "a4e ret%rn of ser$ice. If t at #erson cannot &e fo%nd+ or as not t e #risoner in is c%stod*+ t en t e ser$ice s all &e "ade on an* ot er #erson a$ing or e8ercising s%c c%stod*.

Sec. 9.

$ow writ executed and returned. - ) e officer to ! o" t e !rit is directed s all con$e* t e #erson so i"#risoned or restrained+ and na"ed in t e !rit+ &efore t e '%dge allo!ing t e !rit+ or+ in case of is a&sence or disa&ilit*+ &efore so"e ot er '%dge of t e sa"e co%rt+ on t e da* s#ecified in t e !rit+ %nless+ fro" sic4ness or infir"it* of t e #erson directed to &e #rod%ced+ s%c #erson cannot+ !it o%t danger+ &e &ro%g t &efore t e co%rt or '%dge> and t e officer s all "a4e d%e ret%rn of t e !rit+ toget er !it t e da* and t e ca%se of t e ca#tion and restraint of s%c #erson according to t e co""and t ereof.

Sec. :.

/efect of form. - No !rit of a&eas cor#%s can diso&e*ed for defect of for"+ if it s%fficientl* a##ears t erefro" ! ose c%stod* or %nder ! ose restraint t e #art* i"#risoned restrained is eld and t e co%rt or '%dge &efore ! o" e is to &ro%g t.

&e in or &e

Sec. 1;.

#ontents of return. - = en t e #erson to &e #rod%ced is i"#risoned or restrained &* an officer+ t e #erson ! o "a4es t e ret%rn

s all state t erein+ and in ot er cases t e #erson in ! ose c%stod* t e #risoner is fo%nd s all state+ in !riting to t e co%rt or '%dge &efore ! o" t e !rit is ret%rna&le+ #lainl* and %ne7%i$oca&l*B

-a. = et er e as or as not t e #art* in is c%stod* or #o!er+ or %nder restraint> -&. If e as t e #art* in is c%stod* or #o!er+ or %nder restraint+ t e a%t orit* and t e tr%e and ! ole ca%se t ereof+ set fort at large+ !it a co#* of t e !rit+ order+ e8ec%tion+ or ot er #rocess+ if an*+ %#on ! ic t e #art* is eld> -c. If t e #art* is in is c%stod* or #o!er or is restrained &* i"+ and is not #rod%ced+ #artic%larl* t e nat%re and gra$it* of t e sic4ness or infir"it* of s%c #art* &* reason of ! ic e cannot+ !it o%t danger+ &e &ro%g t &efore t e co%rt or '%dge> -d. If e as ad t e #art* in is c%stod* or #o!er+ or %nder restraint+ and as transferred s%c c%stod* or restraint to anot er+ #artic%larl* to ! o"+ at ! at ti"e+ for ! at ca%se+ and &* ! at a%t orit* s%c transfer !as "ade.chanrobles virtua law library Sec. 11.
3eturn to be signed and sworn to. - ) e ret%rn or state"ent s all &e signed &* t e #erson ! o "a4es it> and s all also &e s!orn to &* i" if t e #risoner is not #rod%ced+ and in all ot er cases

%nless t e ret%rn is "ade and signed &* a s!orn #%&lic officer in official ca#acit*.


Sec. 1(.

$earing on return" Adjournments. - = en t e !rit is ret%rned &efore one '%dge+ at a ti"e ! en t e co%rt is in session+ e "a* fort !it ad'o%rn t e case into t e co%rt+ t ere to &e eard and deter"ined. ) e co%rt or '%dge &efore ! o" t e !rit is ret%rned or ad'o%rned "%st i""ediatel* #roceed to ear and e8a"ine t e ret%rn+ and s%c ot er "atters as are #ro#erl* s%&"itted for consideration+ %nless for good ca%se s o!n t e earing is ad'o%rned+ in ! ic e$ent t e co%rt or '%dge s all "a4e s%c order for t e safe4ee#ing of t e #erson i"#risoned or restrained as t e nat%re of t e case re7%ires. If t e #erson i"#risoned or restrained is not #rod%ced &eca%se of is alleged sic4ness or infir"it*+ t e co%rt or '%dge "%st &e satisfied t at it is so gra$e t at s%c #erson cannot &e #rod%ced !it o%t danger+ &efore #roceeding to ear and dis#ose of t e "atter. On t e earing t e co%rt or '%dge s all disregard "atters of for" and tec nicalities in res#ect to an* !arrant or order of co""it"ent of a co%rt or officer a%t ori6ed to co""it &* la!.

Sec. 1/.

When the return evidence% and when only a plea. - If it a##ears t at t e #risoner is in c%stod* %nder a !arrant of co""it"ent in #%rs%ance of la!+ t e ret%rn s all &e considered #ri"a facie e$idence of t e ca%se of restraint> &%t if e is restrained of is li&ert* &* an* alleged #ri$ate a%t orit*+ t e ret%rn s all &e considered onl* as a #lea of t e facts t erein set fort + and t e #art* clai"ing t e c%stod* "%st #ro$e s%c facts.

Sec. 12.

When person lawfully imprisoned recommitted% and when let to bail. - If it a##ears t at t e #risoner !as la!f%ll* co""itted+ and is #lainl* and s#ecificall* c arged in t e !arrant of co""it"ent !it an offense #%nis a&le &* deat + e s all not &e released+ disc arged+ or &ailed. If e is la!f%ll* i"#risoned or restrained on a c arge of a$ing co""itted an offense not so #%nis a&le+ e "a* &e reco""itted to i"#rison"ent or ad"itted to &ail in t e discretion of t e co%rt or '%dge. If e &e ad"itted to &ail+ e s all fort !it file a &ond in s%c s%" as t e co%rt or '%dge dee"s reasona&le+ considering t e circ%"stances of t e #risoner and t e nat%re of t e offense c arged+ conditioned for is a##earance &efore t e co%rt ! ere t e offense is #ro#erl* cogni6a&le to a&ide its order or '%dg"ent> and t e co%rt or '%dge s all certif* t e #roceedings+ toget er !it t e &ond+ fort !it to t e #ro#er co%rt. If s%c &ond is not so filed+ t e #risoner s all &e reco""itted to confine"ent. chan robles virtual law librar$

Sec. 13.

When prisoner discharged if no appeal. - = en t e co%rt or '%dge as e8a"ined into t e ca%se of ca#tion and restraint of t e #risoner+ and is satisfied t at e is %nla!f%ll* i"#risoned or restrained+ e s all fort !it order is disc arge fro" confine"ent+ &%t s%c disc arge s all not &e effecti$e %ntil a co#* of t e order as &een ser$ed on t e officer or #erson detaining t e #risoner. If t e officer or #erson detaining t e #risoner does not desire to a##eal+ t e #risoner s all &e fort !it released. chan robles virtual law librar$

Sec. 16.

Penalty for refusing to issue writ% or for disobeying the same. - A cler4 of a co%rt ! o ref%ses to iss%e t e !rit after allo!ance t ereof and de"and t erefor+ or a #erson to ! o" a !rit is directed+ ! o neglects or ref%ses to o&e* or "a4e ret%rn of t e sa"e according to t e co""and t ereof+ or "a4es false ret%rn t ereof+ or ! o+ %#on de"and "ade &* or on &e alf of t e #risoner+ ref%ses to deli$er to t e #erson de"anding+ !it in si8 -6. o%rs after t e de"and t erefor+ a tr%e co#* of t e !arrant or order of co""it"ent+ s all forfeit to t e #art* aggrie$ed t e s%" of one t o%sand #esos+ to &e reco$ered in a #ro#er action+ and "a* also &e #%nis ed &* t e co%rt or '%dge as for conte"#t.

Sec. 15.

Person discharged not to be again imprisoned. - A #erson ! o is set at li&ert* %#on a !rit of a&eas cor#%s s all not &e again i"#risoned for t e sa"e offense %nless &* t e la!f%l order or #rocess of a co%rt a$ing '%risdiction of t e ca%se or offense> and a #erson ! o 4no!ingl*+ contrar* to t e #ro$isions of t is r%le+ reco""its or i"#risons+ or ca%ses to &e co""itted or i"#risoned+ for t e sa"e offense+ or #retended offense+ an* #erson so set at li&ert*+ or 4no!ingl* aids or assists t erein+ s all forfeit to t e #art* aggrie$ed t e s%" of one t o%sand #esos+ to &e reco$ered in a #ro#er action+ not!it standing an* colora&le #retense or $ariation in t e !arrant of co""it"ent+ and "a* also &e #%nis ed &* t e co%rt or '%dge granting !rit as for conte"#t.

Sec. 19.

When prisoner may be removed from one custody to another. - A #erson co""itted to #rison+ or in c%stod* of an officer+ for an* cri"inal "atter+ s all not &e re"o$ed t erefro" into t e c%stod* of anot er officer %nless &* legal #rocess+ or t e #risoner &e deli$ered to an inferior officer to carr* to 'ail+ or+ &* order of t e #ro#er co%rt or '%dge+ &e re"o$ed fro" one #lace to anot er !it in t e P ili##ines for trial+ or in case of fire+ e#ide"ic+ ins%rrection+ or ot er necessit* or #%&lic cala"it*> and a #erson ! o+ after s%c co""it"ent+ "a4es+ signs+ or co%ntersigns an* order for s%c re"o$al contrar* to t is section+ s all forfeit to t e #art* aggrie$ed t e s%" of one t o%sand #esos+ to &e reco$ered in a #ro#er action.

Sec. 1:.

3ecord of writ% fees and costs. - ) e #roceedings %#on a !rit of a&eas cor#%s s all &e recorded &* t e cler4 of t e co%rt+ and %#on t e final dis#osition of s%c #roceedings t e co%rt or '%dge s all "a4e s%c order as to costs as t e case re7%ires. ) e fees of officers and !itnesses s all &e incl%ded in t e costs ta8ed+ &%t no officer or #erson s all a$e t e rig t to de"and #a*"ent in ad$ance of an* fees to ! ic e is entitled &* $irt%e of t e #roceedings. = en a #erson confined %nder color of #roceedings in a cri"inal case is disc arged+ t e costs s all &e ta8ed against t e Re#%&lic of t e P ili##ines+ and #aid o%t of its )reas%r*> ! en a #erson in c%stod* &* $irt%e or %nder color of #roceedings in a ci$il case is disc arged+ t e costs s all &e ta8ed against i"+ or against t e #erson ! o signed t e a##lication for t e !rit+ or &ot + as t e co%rt s all direct.

RULE 1;/ 0?ANGE OF NACE Sec. 1.

6enue. - A #erson desiring to c ange is na"e s all #resent t e #etition to t e 0o%rt of First Instance of t e #ro$ince in ! ic e resides+ or+ in t e 0it* of Canila+ to t e D%$enile and Do"estic Relations 0o%rt.chanrobles virtua law library

Sec. (.

#ontents of petition. - A #etition for c ange of na"e s all &e signed and $erified &* t e #erson desiring is na"e c anged+ or so"e ot er #erson on is &e alf+ and s all set fort B

-a. ) at t e #etitioner as &een a &ona fide resident of t e #ro$ince ! ere t e #etition is filed for at least t ree -/. *ears #rior to t e date of s%c filing> -&. ) e ca%se for ! ic t e c ange of t e #etitioner1s na"e is so%g t> -c. ) e na"e as4ed for. Sec. /.
*rder for hearing. - If t e #etition filed is s%fficient in for" and s%&stance+ t e co%rt+ &* an order reciting t e #%r#ose of t e #etition+ s all fi8 a date and #lace for t e earing t ereof+ and s all direct t at a co#* of t e order &e #%&lis ed &efore t e earing at least once a !ee4 for t ree -/. s%ccessi$e !ee4s in so"e ne!s#a#er of general circ%lation #%&lis ed in t e #ro$ince+ as t e co%rt s all dee" &est. ) e date set for t e earing s all not &e !it in t irt* -/;. da*s #rior to an election nor !it in fo%r -2. "ont s after t e last #%&lication of t e notice.

Sec. 2.

$earing. - An* interested #erson "a* a##ear at t e earing and o##ose t e #etition. ) e Solicitor General or t e #ro#er #ro$incial or cit* fiscal s all a##ear on &e alf of t e Go$ern"ent of t e Re#%&lic.

Sec. 3.

0udgment. - U#on satisfactor* #roof in o#en co%rt on t e date fi8ed in t e order t at s%c order as &een #%&lis ed as directed

and t at t e allegations of t e #etition are tr%e+ t e co%rt s all+ if #ro#er and reasona&le ca%se a##ears for c anging t e na"e of t e #etitioner+ ad'%dge t at s%c na"e &e c anged in accordance !it t e #ra*er of t e #etition.

Sec. 6.

Service of judgment. - D%dg"ents or orders rendered in connection !it t is r%le s all &e f%rnis ed t e ci$il registrar of t e "%nici#alit* or cit* ! ere t e co%rt iss%ing t e sa"e is sit%ated+ ! o s all fort !it enter t e sa"e in t e ci$il register.


Where% by whom and on what showing application made. - A #etition for dissol%tion of a cor#oration s all &e filed in t e 0o%rt of First Instance of t e #ro$ince ! ere t e #rinci#al office of a cor#oration is sit%ated. ) e #etition s all &e signed &* a "a'orit* of its &oard of directors or ot er officers a$ing t e "anage"ent of its affairs+ $erified &* its #resident or secretar* or one of its directors+ and s all set fort all clai"s and de"ands against it+ and t at its dissol%tion !as resol$ed %#on &* a "a'orit* of t e "e"&ers+ or+ if a stoc4 cor#oration+ &* t e affir"ati$e $ote of t e stoc4 olders olding and re#resenting t!o,t irds of all s ares of stoc4 iss%ed or s%&scri&ed+ at a "eeting of its "e"&ers or stoc4 olders called for t at #%r#ose.

Sec. (.

*rder thereupon for filing objections. - If t e #etition is s%fficient in for" and s%&stance+ t e co%rt+ &* an order reciting t e #%r#ose of t e #etition+ s all fi8 a date on or &efore ! ic o&'ections t ereto "a* &e filed &* an* #erson+ ! ic date s all not &e less t an t irt* -/;. nor "ore t an si8t* -6;. da*s after t e entr* of t e order. <efore s%c date a co#* of t e order s all &e #%&lis ed at least once a !ee4 for fo%r -2. s%ccessi$e !ee4s in so"e ne!s#a#er of general circ%lation #%&lis ed in t e "%nici#alit* or cit* ! ere t e #rinci#al office of t e cor#oration is sit%ated+ or+ if t ere &e no s%c ne!s#a#er+ t en in so"e ne!s#a#er of general circ%lation in t e P ili##ines+ and a si"ilar co#* s all &e #osted for fo%r -2. !ee4s in t ree #%&lic #laces in s%c "%nici#alit* or cit*.


$earing% dissolution% and disposition of assets" 3eceiver. - U#on fi$e -3. da*s1 notice gi$en after t e date on ! ic t e rig t to file o&'ections as fi8ed in t e order e8#ired+ t e co%rt s all #roceed to ear t e #etition and tr* an* iss%e "ade &* o&'ections filed> and if no s%c o&'ection is s%fficient+ and t e "aterial allegations of t e #etition are tr%e+ it s all render '%dg"ent dissol$ing t e cor#oration and directing s%c dis#osition of its assets as '%stice re7%ires+ and "a* a##oint a recei$er to collect s%c assets and #a* t e de&ts of t e cor#oration.


Sec. 2.

What shall constitute record. - ) e #etition+ orders+ #roof of #%&lication and #osting+ o&'ections filed+ declaration of dissol%tion+ and an* e$idence ta4en+ s all constit%te t e record in t e case.

6enue. - = ere '%dicial a##ro$al of a $ol%ntar* recognition of a "inor nat%ral c ild is re7%ired+ s%c c ild or is #arents s all o&tain t e sa"e &* filing a #etition to t at effect !it t e 0o%rt of First Instance of t e #ro$ince in ! ic t e c ild resides. In t e 0it* of Canila+ t e #etition s all &e filed in t e D%$enile and Do"estic Relations 0o%rt.

Sec. (.

#ontents of petition. - ) e #etition for '%dicial a##ro$al of a $ol%ntar* recognition of a "inor nat%ral c ild s all contain t e follo!ing allegationsBchanrobles virtua law library

-a. ) e '%risdictional facts> -&. ) e na"es and residences of t e #arents ! o ac4no!ledged t e c ild+ or of eit er of t e"+ and t eir co"#%lsor* eirs+ and t e #erson or #ersons !it ! o" t e c ild li$es> -c. ) e fact t at t e recognition "ade &* t e #arent or #arents too4 #lace in a state"ent &efore a co%rt of record or in an a%t entic !riting+ co#* of t e state"ent or !riting &eing attac ed to t e #etition. Sec. /.
*rder for hearing. - U#on t e filing of t e #etition+ t e co%rt+ &* an order reciting t e #%r#ose of t e sa"e+ s all fi8 t e date

and #lace for t e earing t ereof+ ! ic date s all not &e "ore t an si8 -6. "ont s after t e entr* of t e order+ and s all+ "oreo$er+ ca%se a co#* of t e order to &e ser$ed #ersonall* or &* "ail %#on t e interested #arties+ and #%&lis ed once a !ee4 for t ree -/. consec%ti$e !ee4s+ in a ne!s#a#er or ne!s#a#ers of general circ%lation in t e #ro$ince.

Sec. 2.

*pposition. - An* interested #art* "%st+ !it in fifteen -13. da*s fro" ser$ice+ or fro" t e last date of #%&lication+ of t e order referred to in t e ne8t #receding section+ file is o##osition to t e #etition+ stating t e gro%nds or reasons t erefor.

Sec. 3.

0udgment. - If+ fro" t e e$idence #resented d%ring t e earing+ t e co%rt is satisfied t at t e recognition of t e "inor nat%ral c ild !as !illingl* and $ol%ntaril* "ade &* t e #arent or #arents concerned+ and t at t e recognition is for t e &est interest of t e c ild+ it s all render '%dg"ent granting '%dicial a##ro$al of s%c recognition.

Sec. 6.

Service of judgment upon civil registrar. - A co#* of t e '%dg"ent rendered in accordance !it t e #receding section s all &e ser$ed %#on t e ci$il registrar ! ose d%t* it s all &e to enter t e sa"e in t e register.


Who may constitute. - ) e ead of a fa"il* o!ning a o%se and t e land on ! ic it is sit%ated "a* constit%te t e sa"e into a fa"il* o"e &* filing a $erified #etition to t at effect !it t e 0o%rt of First Instance of t e #ro$ince or cit* !ere t e #ro#ert* is located. In t e 0it* of Canila+ t e #etition s all &e filed in t e D%$enile and Do"estic Relations 0o%rt.

= en t ere is danger t at a #erson o&liged to gi$e s%##ort "a* lose is or er fort%ne &eca%se of gra$e "is"anage"ent or on acco%nt of rioto%s li$ing+ is or er s#o%se+ if an*+ and a "a'orit* of t ose entitled to &e s%##orted &* i" or &* er "a* #etition

t e 0o%rt of First Instance creation of t e fa"il* o"e.


t e

Sec. (. 0ontents of #etition. ) e #etition s all contain t e follo!ing #artic%larsB -a. Descri#tion of t e #ro#ert*> -&. An esti"ate of its act%al $al%e> -c. A state"ent t at t e #etitioner is act%all* residing in t e #re"ises> -d. ) e enc%"&rances t ereon> -e. ) e na"es and addresses of all t e creditors of #etitioner or ead of t e fa"il* and of all "ortgagees and ot er #ersons ! o a$e an interest in t e #ro#ert*> -f. ) e na"es of all t e &eneficiaries of t e fa"il* o"e. Sec. /.
'otice and publication. - ) e co%rt s all notif* t e creditors+ "ortgagees and all ot er #ersons ! o a$e an interest in t e estate+ of t e filing of t e #etition+ ca%sing co#ies t ereof to &e ser$ed %#on t e"+ and #%&lis ed once a !ee4 for t ree -/. consec%ti$e !ee4s in a ne!s#a#er of general circ%lation. ) e #etition s all+ "oreo$er+ &e ca%sed to &e #osted in a cons#ic%o%s #lace in t e #arcel of land "entioned t erein+ and also in a cons#ic%o%s #lace of t e "%nici#al &%ilding of t e "%nici#alit* or cit* in ! ic t e land is sit%ated+ for at least fo%rteen -12. da*s #rior to t e da* of t e earing.

Sec. 2.

*bjection and date of hearing. - In t e notice and #%&lication re7%ired in t e #receding section+ t e co%rt s all re7%ire t e interested #arties to file t eir o&'ection to t e #etition !it in a

#eriod of not less t an t irt* -/;. da*s fro" recei#t of notice or fro" t e date of last #%&lication+ and s all fi8 t e date and ti"e of t e earing of t e #etition.

Sec. 3.

*rder. - After earing+ if t e co%rt finds t at t e act%al $al%e of t e #ro#osed fa"il* o"e does not e8ceed t!ent* t o%sand #esos+ or t irt* t o%sand #esos in c artered cities+ and t at no t ird #erson is #re'%diced t ere&*+ or t at creditors a$e &een gi$en s%fficient sec%rit* for t eir credits+ t e #etition s all &e a##ro$ed.

Sec. 6.

3egistration of order. - A certified co#* of t e order of t e co%rt a##ro$ing t e esta&lis "ent of t e fa"il* o"e s all &e f%rnis ed t e register of deeds ! o s all record t e sa"e in t e registr* of #ro#ert*.

RULE 1;5 A<SEN)EES Sec. 1.

Appointment of representative. - = en a #erson disa##ears fro" is do"icile+ is ! erea&o%ts &eing %n4no!n+ and !it o%t a$ing left an agent to ad"inister is #ro#ert*+ or t e #o!er conferred %#on t e agent as e8#ired+ an* interested #art*+ relati$e or friend+ "a* #etition t e 0o%rt of First Instance of t e #lace ! ere t e a&sentee resided &efore is disa##earance for t e a##oint"ent of a #erson to re#resent i" #ro$isionall* in all t at "a* &e necessar*. In t e 0it* of Canila+ t e #etition s all &e filed in t e D%$enile and Do"estic Relations 0o%rt. chan robles virtual law librar$

Sec. (.

/eclaration of absence" who may petition. - After t e la#se of t!o -(. *ears fro" is disa##earance and !it o%t an* ne!s a&o%t t e a&sentee or since t e recei#t of t e last ne!s+ or of fi$e -3. *ears in case t e a&sentee as left a #erson in c arge of t e ad"inistration of is #ro#ert*+ t e declaration of is a&sence and a##oint"ent of a tr%stee or ad"inistrator "a* &e a##lied for &* an* of t e follo!ingB

-a. ) e s#o%se #resent> -&. ) e eirs instit%ted in a !ill+ ! o "a* #resent an a%t entic co#* of t e sa"e>

-c. ) e relati$es ! o !o%ld s%cceed &* t e la! of intestac*> and -d. ) ose ! o a$e o$er t e #ro#ert* of t e a&sentee so"e rig t s%&ordinated to t e condition of is deat . Sec. /.
#ontents of petition. - ) e #etition for t e a##oint"ent of a re#resentati$e+ or for t e declaration of a&sence and t e a##oint"ent of a tr%stee or an ad"inistrator+ "%st s o! t e follo!ingB

-a. ) e '%risdictional facts> -&. ) e na"es+ ages+ and residences of t e eirs instit%ted in t e !ill+ co#* of ! ic s all &e #resented+ and of t e relati$es ! o !o%ld s%cceed &* t e la! of intestac*> -c. ) e na"es and residences of creditors and ot ers ! o "a* a$e an* ad$erse interest o$er t e #ro#ert* of t e a&sentee> -d. ) e #ro&a&le $al%e+ location and c aracter of t e #ro#ert* &elonging to t e a&sentee. chan robles virtual law librar$ Sec. 2.
+ime of hearing" notice and publication thereof. - = en a #etition for t e a##oint"ent of a re#resentati$e+ or for t e declaration of a&sence and t e a##oint"ent of a tr%stee or ad"inistrator+ is filed+ t e co%rt s all fi8 a date and #lace for t e earing t ereof ! ere all concerned "a* a##ear to contest t e #etition.

0o#ies of t e notice of t e ti"e and #lace fi8ed for t e earing s all &e ser$ed %#on t e 4no!n eirs+ legatees+

de$isees+ creditors and ot er interested #ersons+ at least ten -1;. da*s &efore t e da* of t e earing+ and s all &e #%&lis ed once a !ee4 for t ree -/. consec%ti$e !ee4s #rior to t e ti"e designated for t e earing+ in a ne!s#a#er of general circ%lation in t e #ro$ince or cit* ! ere t e a&sentee resides+ as t e co%rt s all dee" &est.chanrobles virtua law library Sec. 3.
*pposition. - An*one a##earing to contest t e #etition s all state in !riting is gro%nds t erefor+ and ser$ed a co#* t ereof on t e #etitioner and ot er interested #arties on or &efore t e date designated for t e earing.

Sec. 6.

Proof at hearing" order. - At t e earing+ co"#liance !it t e #ro$isions of section 2 of t is r%le "%st first &e s o!n. U#on satisfactor* #roof of t e allegations in t e #etition+ t e co%rt s all iss%e an order granting t e sa"e and a##ointing t e re#resentati$e+ tr%stee or ad"inistrator for t e a&sentee. ) e '%dge s all ta4e t e necessar* "eas%res to safeg%ard t e rig ts and interests of t e a&sentee and s all s#ecif* t e #o!ers+ o&ligations and re"%neration of is re#resentati$e+ tr%stee or ad"inistrator+ reg%lating t e" &* t e r%les concerning g%ardians.

In case of declaration of a&sence+ t e sa"e s all not ta4e effect %ntil si8 -6. "ont s after its #%&lication in a ne!s#a#er of general circ%lation designated &* t e co%rt and in t e Official Ga6ette. Sec. 5.
Who may be appointed. - In t e a##oint"ent of a re#resentati$e+ t e s#o%se #resent s all &e #referred ! en t ere is no legal se#aration. If t e a&sentee left no s#o%se+ or if t e s#o%se #resent is a "inor or ot er!ise inco"#etent+ an* co"#etent #erson "a* &e a##ointed &* t e co%rt.

In case of declaration of a&sence+ t e tr%stee or ad"inistrator of t e a&sentee1s #ro#ert* s all &e a##ointed in accordance !it t e #receding #aragra# . Sec. 9.
+ermination of administration. - ) e tr%stees i# or ad"inistration of t e #ro#ert* of t e a&sentee s all cease %#on order of t e co%rt in an* of t e follo!ing casesB

-a. = en t e a&sentee a##ears #ersonall* or &* "eans of an agent> -&. = en t e deat of t e a&sentee is #ro$ed and is testate or intestate eirs a##ear> -c. = en a s o!ing &* a as ac7%ired t #%rc ase or ot t ird #erson a##ears+ #ro#er doc%"ent t at e e a&sentee1s #ro#ert* &* er title.

In t ese cases t e tr%stee or ad"inistrator s all cease in t e #erfor"ance of is office+ and t e #ro#ert* s all &e #laced at t e dis#osal of t ose ! o "a* a$e a rig t t ereto. chanrobles virtua law library RULE 1;9 0AN0ELLA)ION OR 0ORRE0)ION OF EN)RIES IN )?E 0IAIL REGIS)RG Sec. 1.
Who may file petition. - An* #erson interested in an*

act+ e$ent+ order or decree concerning t e ci$il stat%s of #ersons ! ic as &een recorded in t e ci$il register+ "a* file a $erified #etition for t e cancellation or correction of an* entr* relating t ereto+ !it t e 0o%rt of First Instance of t e #ro$ince ! ere t e corres#onding ci$il registr* is located.

Sec. (.

Entries subject to cancellation or correction. - U#on good and $alid gro%nds+ t e follo!ing entries in t e ci$il register "a* &e cancelled or correctedB -a. &irt s> -&. "arriages> -c. deat s> -d. legal se#arations> -e. '%dg"ents of ann%l"ents of "arriage> -f. '%dg"ents declaring "arriages $oid fro" t e &eginning> -g. legiti"ations> - . ado#tions> -i. ac4no!ledg"ents of nat%ral c ildren> -'. nat%rali6ation -4. election+ loss or reco$er* of citi6ens i# -l. ci$il interdiction> -". '%dicial deter"ination of filiation> -n. $ol%ntar* e"anci#ation of a "inor> and -o. c anges of na"e.

Sec. /.

Parties. - = en cancellation or correction of an entr* in t e ci$il register is so%g t+ t e ci$il registrar and all #ersons ! o a$e or clai" an* interest ! ic !o%ld &e affected t ere&* s all &e "ade #arties to t e #roceeding.chanrobles virtua law library

Sec. 2.

'otice and publication. - U#on t e filing of t e #etition+ t e co%rt s all+ &* an order+ fi8 t e ti"e and #lace for t e earing of t e sa"e+ and ca%se reasona&le notice t ereof to &e gi$en to t e #ersons na"ed in t e #etition. ) e co%rt s all also ca%se t e order to &e #%&lis ed once a !ee4 for t ree -/. consec%ti$e !ee4s in a ne!s#a#er of general circ%lation in t e #ro$ince.

Sec. 3.

*pposition. - ) e ci$il registrar and an* #erson a$ing or clai"ing an* interest %nder t e entr* ! ose cancellation or correction is so%g t "a*+ !it in fifteen -13. da*s fro" notice of t e #etition+ or fro" t e last date of #%&lication of s%c notice+ file is o##osition t ereto.

Sec. 6.

Expediting proceedings. - ) e co%rt in ! ic t e #roceeding is &ro%g t "a* "a4e orders e8#editing t e #roceedings+ and "a* also grant #reli"inar* in'%nction for t e #reser$ation of t e rig ts of t e #arties #ending s%c #roceedings.

Sec. 5.

*rder. - After earing+ t e co%rt "a* eit er dis"iss t e #etition or iss%e an order granting t e cancellation or correction #ra*ed for. In eit er case+ a certified co#* of t e '%dg"ent s all &e ser$ed %#on t e ci$il registrar concerned ! o s all annotate t e sa"e in is record.

RULE 1;:


*rders or judgments from which appeals may be ta,en. - An interested #erson "a* a##eal in s#ecial #roceedings fro" an order or '%dg"ent rendered &* a 0o%rt of First Instance or a D%$enile and Do"estic Relations 0o%rt+ ! ere s%c order or '%dg"entB

-a. Allo!s or disallo!s a !ill> -&. Deter"ines ! o are t e la!f%l eirs of a deceased #erson+ or t e distri&%ti$e s are of t e estate to ! ic s%c #erson is entitled> -c. Allo!s or disallo!s+ in ! ole or in #art+ an* clai" against t e estate of a deceased #erson+ or an* clai" #resented on &e alf of t e estate in offset to a clai" against it> -d. Settles t e acco%nt of an e8ec%tor+ ad"inistrator+ tr%stee or g%ardian> -e. 0onstit%tes+ in #roceedings relating to t e settle"ent of t e estate of a deceased #erson+ or t e ad"inistration of a tr%stee or g%ardian+ a final deter"ination in t e lo!er co%rt of t e rig ts of t e #art* a##ealing+ e8ce#t t at no a##eal s all &e allo!ed fro" t e a##oint"ent of a s#ecial ad"inistrator> and -f. Is t e final order or '%dg"ent rendered in t e case+ and affects t e

s%&stantial rig ts of t e #erson a##ealing+ %nless it &e an order granting or den*ing a "otion for a ne! trial or for reconsideration. Sec.
Advance distribution in special proceedings. Not!it standing a #ending contro$ers* or a##eal in #roceedings to settle t e estate of a decedent+ t e co%rt "a*+ in its discretion and %#on s%c ter"s as it "a* dee" #ro#er and '%st+ #er"it t at s%c #art of t e estate as "a* not &e affected &* t e contro$ers* or a##eal &e distri&%ted a"ong t e eirs or legatees+ %#on co"#liance !it t e conditions set fort in R%le :; of t ese r%les.




-RULES 11; , 1(5+ RULES OF 0OUR). JEffecti$e Dece"&er 1+ (;;;K



. .
-nstitution of criminal actions.N 0ri"inal actions s all &e instit%ted as follo!sB

Section 1.

-a. For offenses ! ere a #reli"inar* in$estigation is re7%ired #%rs%ant to section 1 of R%le 11(+ &* filing t e co"#laint !it t e #ro#er officer for t e #%r#ose of cond%cting t e re7%isite #reli"inar* in$estigation.

-&. For all ot er offenses+ &* filing t e co"#laint or infor"ation directl* !it t e C%nici#al )rial 0o%rts and C%nici#al 0irc%it )rial 0o%rts+ or t e co"#laint !it t e office of t e #rosec%tor. In Canila and ot er c artered cities+ t e co"#laints s all &e filed !it t e office of t e #rosec%tor %nless ot er!ise #ro$ided in t eir c arters. ) e instit%tion of t e cri"inal action s all interr%#t t e r%nning of t e #eriod of #rescri#tion of t e offense c arged %nless ot er!ise #ro$ided in s#ecial la!s.
+he complaint or information N ) e co"#laint or infor"ation s all &e in !riting+ in t e na"e of t e Peo#le of t e P ili##ines and against all #ersons ! o a##ear to &e res#onsi&le for t e offense in$ol$ed.

Sec. (.

#omplaint defined. N A co"#laint is a s!orn !ritten state"ent c arging a #erson !it an offense+ s%&scri&ed &* t e offended #art*+ an* #eace officer+ or ot er #%&lic officer c arged !it t e enforce"ent of t e la! $iolated.

Sec. /.

-nformation defined. N An infor"ation is an acc%sation in !riting c arging a #erson !it an offense+ s%&scri&ed &* t e #rosec%tor and filed !it t e co%rt.

Sec. 2.

Who must prosecute criminal actions. N All cri"inal actions co""enced &* a co"#laint or infor"ation s all &e #rosec%ted %nder t e direction and control of t e #rosec%tor. ?o!e$er+ in C%nici#al )rial 0o%rts or C%nici#al 0irc%it )rial 0o%rts ! en t e #rosec%tor assigned t ereto or to t e case is not a$aila&le+ t e offended #art*+ an* #eace officer+ or #%&lic officer c arged !it t e

Sec. 3.

enforce"ent of t e la! $iolated "a* #rosec%te t e case. ) is a%t orit* s all cease %#on act%al inter$ention of t e #rosec%tor or %#on ele$ation of t e case to t e Regional )rial 0o%rt.(Read A.M. NO. 02-2-07-SC [Effective May 01, 2002] Latest Ame dme ts t! Secti! ", R#$e 110 !f t%e Revised R#$es !f C&imi a$ '&!ced#&e (%ic% )&!vides* "Section 5. Who must prosecute criminal action. - All criminal actions either commenced by complaint or by information shall be prosecuted under the direction and control of a public prosecutor. In case of heavy work schedule of the public prosecutor or in the event of lack of public prosecutors, the private prosecutor may be authorized in writing by the hief of the !rosecution "ffice or the #egional State !rosecutor to prosecute the case sub$ect to the approval of the court. "nce so authorized to prosecute the criminal action, the private prosecutor shall continue to prosecute the case up to end of the trial even in the absence of a public prosecutor, unless the authority is revoked or otherwise withdrawn. % % % .&+.

) e cri"es of ad%lter* and conc%&inage s all not &e #rosec%ted e8ce#t %#on a co"#laint filed &* t e offended s#o%se. ) e offended #art* cannot instit%te cri"inal #rosec%tion !it o%t incl%ding t e g%ilt* #arties+ if &ot are ali$e+ nor+ in an* case+ if t e offended #art* as consented to t e offense or #ardoned t e offenders. ) e offenses of sed%ction+ a&d%ction and acts of lasci$io%sness s all not &e #rosec%ted %#on a co"#laint filed &* t e offended #art* of er #arents+ grand#arents or g%ardian+ nor+ in an* case+ if t e offender as &een e8#ressl* #ardoned &* an* of t e". If t e offended #art* dies or &eco"es inca#acitated &efore s e can file t e co"#laint+ and s e as no 4no!n #arents+ grand#arents or g%ardian+ t e State s all initiate t e cri"inal action in er &e alf.c an ro&les $irt%al la!

) e offended #art*+ e$en if a "inor+ as t e rig t to initiate t e #rosec%tion of t e offenses of sed%ction+ a&d%ction and acts of lasci$io%sness inde#endentl* of er #arents+ grand#arents+ or g%ardian+ %nless s e is inco"#etent or inca#a&le of doing so. = ere t e offended #art*+ ! o is a "inor+ fails to file t e co"#laint+ er #arents+ grand#arents+ or g%ardian "a* file t e sa"e. ) e rig t to file t e action granted to #arents+ grand#arents+ or g%ardian s all &e e8cl%si$e of all ot er #ersons and s all &e e8ercised s%ccessi$el* in t e order erein #ro$ided+ e8ce#t as stated in t e #receding #aragra# . No cri"inal action for defa"ation ! ic consists in t e i"#%tation of an* of t e offenses "entioned a&o$e s all &e &ro%g t e8ce#t at t e instance of and %#on co"#laint filed &* t e offended #art*. ) e #rosec%tion for $iolation of s#ecial la!s s all &e go$erned &* t e #ro$ision t ereof. Sec. 6.
Sufficiency of complaint or information. N A infor"ation is s%fficient if it states t e na"e of t e designation of t e offense gi$en &* t e stat%te> t e acts co"#lained of as constit%ting t e offense> t e na"e of co"#laint or acc%sed> t e or o"issions t e offended

#art*> t e a##ro8i"ate date of t e co""ission of t e offense> and t e #lace ! ere t e offense !as co""itted.

= en an offense is co""itted &* "ore t an one #erson+ all of t e" s all &e incl%ded in t e co"#laint or infor"ation. Sec. 5.
'ame of the accused. N ) e co"#laint or infor"ation "%st state t e na"e and s%rna"e of t e acc%sed or an* a##ellation or nic4na"e &* ! ic e as &een or is 4no!n. If is na"e cannot &e ascertained+ e "%st &e descri&ed %nder a fictitio%s na"e !it a state"ent t at is tr%e na"e is %n4no!n.

If t e tr%e na"e of t e acc%sed is t ereafter disclosed &* i" or a##ears in so"e ot er "anner to t e co%rt+ s%c tr%e na"e s all &e inserted in t e co"#laint or infor"ation and record.
/esignation of the offense. N ) e co"#laint or infor"ation s all state t e designation of t e offense gi$en &* t e stat%te+ a$er t e acts or o"issions constit%ting t e offense+ and s#ecif* its 7%alif*ing and aggra$ating circ%"stances. If t ere is no designation of t e offense+ reference s all &e "ade to t e section or s%&section of t e stat%te #%nis ing it.

Sec. 9.

#ause of the accusation. N ) e acts or o"issions co"#lained of as constit%ting t e offense and t e 7%alif*ing and aggra$ating circ%"stances "%st &e stated in ordinar* and concise lang%age and not necessaril* in t e lang%age %sed in t e stat%te &%t in ter"s s%fficient to ena&le a #erson of co""on %nderstanding to 4no! ! at offense is &eing c arged as !ell as its 7%alif*ing and aggra$ating circ%"stance and for t e co%rt to #rono%nce '%dg"ent.

Sec. :.

Place of commission of the offense. N ) e co"#laint or infor"ation is s%fficient if it can &e %nderstood fro" its allegations t at t e offense !as co""itted or so"e of its essential ingredients occ%rred at so"e #lace !it in t e '%risdiction of t e co%rt+ %nless t e #artic%lar #lace ! ere it !as co""itted constit%tes an essential ele"ent of t e offense c arged or is necessar* for its identification.

Sec. 1;.

/ate of commission of the offense. , It is not necessar* to state in t e co"#laint or infor"ation t e #recise date t e offense !as co""itted e8ce#t ! en it is a "aterial ingredient of t e offense. ) e offense "a* &e alleged to a$e &een co""itted on a date as near as #ossi&le to t e act%al date of its co""ission.

Sec. 11.

'ame of the offended party. N ) e co"#laint or infor"ation "%st state t e na"e and s%rna"e of t e #erson against ! o" or against ! ose #ro#ert* t e offense !as co""itted+ or an* a##ellation or nic4na"e &* ! ic s%c #erson as &een or is 4no!n. If t ere is no &etter !a* of identif*ing i"+ e "%st &e descri&ed %nder a fictitio%s na"e.

Sec. 1(.

-a. In offenses against #ro#ert*+ if t e na"e of t e offended #art* is %n4no!n+ t e #ro#ert* "%st &e descri&ed !it s%c #artic%larit* as to #ro#erl* identif* t e offense c arged. -&. If t e tr%e na"e of t e #erson against ! o" or against ! ose #ro#ert* t e offense !as co""itted is t ereafter disclosed or ascertained+ t e co%rt "%st ca%se s%c tr%e na"e to &e inserted in t e co"#laint or infor"ation and t e record. -c. If t e offended #art* is a '%ridical #erson+ it is s%fficient to state its na"e+ or an* na"e or designation &* ! ic it is 4no!n or &* ! ic it "a* &e identified+ !it o%t need of a$erring t at it is

a '%ridical #erson or t at it is organi6ed in accordance !it la!.

/uplicity of the offense. N A co"#laint or infor"ation "%st c arge onl* one offense+ e8ce#t ! en t e la! #rescri&es a single #%nis "ent for $ario%s offenses. Amendment or substitution. N A co"#laint or infor"ation "a* &e a"ended+ in for" or in s%&stance+ !it o%t lea$e of co%rt and ! en it can &e done !it o%t ca%sing #re'%dice to t e rig ts of t e acc%sed.

Sec. 1/.

Sec. 12.

?o!e$er+ an* a"end"ent &efore #lea+ ! ic do!ngrades t e nat%re of t e offense c arged in or e8cl%des an* acc%sed fro" t e co"#laint or infor"ation+ can &e "ade onl* %#on "otion &* t e #rosec%tor+ !it notice to t e offended #art* and !it lea$e of co%rt. ) e co%rt s all state its reasons in resol$ing t e "otion and co#ies of its order s all &e f%rnis ed all #arties+ es#eciall* t e offended #art*. If it a##ears at an*ti"e &efore '%dg"ent t at a "ista4e as &een "ade in c arging t e #ro#er offense+ t e co%rt s all dis"iss t e original co"#laint or infor"ation %#on t e filing of a ne! one c arging t e #ro#er offense in accordance !it section 1:+ R%le 11:+ #ro$ided t e acc%sed s all not &e #laced in do%&le 'eo#ard*. ) e co%rt "a* re7%ire t e !itnesses to gi$e

&ail for t eir a##earance at t e trial.

Place where action is to be instituted. - -a. S%&'ect to e8isting la!s+ t e cri"inal action s all &e instit%ted and tried in t e co%rt of t e "%nici#alit* or territor* ! ere t e offense !as co""itted or ! ere an* of its essential ingredients occ%rred.

Sec. 13.

-&. = ere an offense is co""itted in a train+ aircraft+ or ot er #%&lic or #ri$ate $e icle in t e co%rse of its tri#+ t e cri"inal action s all &e instit%ted and tried in t e co%rt of an* "%nici#alit* or territor* ! ere s%c train+ aircraft+ or ot er $e icle #assed d%ring its tri#+ incl%ding t e #lace of its de#art%re and arri$al.c an ro&les
$irt%al la! li&rar*

-c. = ere an offense is co""itted on &oard a $essel in t e co%rse of its $o*age+ t e cri"inal action s all &e instit%ted and tried in t e co%rt of t e first #ort of entr* or of an* "%nici#alit* or territor* ! ere t e $essel #assed d%ring s%c $o*age+ s%&'ect to t e generall* acce#ted #rinci#les of international la!. -d. 0ri"es co""itted o%tside t e P ili##ines &%t #%nis a&le %nder Article ( of t e Re$ised Penal 0ode s all
&e cogni6a&le &* t e co%rt ! ere t e cri"inal action is first filed. -ntervention of the offended party in criminal action. N = ere t e ci$il action for reco$er* of ci$il lia&ilit* is

Sec. 16.

instit%ted in t e cri"inal action #%rs%ant to R%le 111+ t e offended #art* "a* inter$ene &* co%nsel in t e #rosec%tion of t e offense.


-nstitution of criminal and civil actions. N -a. = en a cri"inal action is instit%ted+ t e ci$il action for t e reco$er* of ci$il lia&ilit* arising fro" t e offense c arged s all &e dee"ed instit%ted !it t e cri"inal action %nless t e offended #art* !ai$es t e ci$il action+ reser$es t e rig t to instit%te it se#aratel* or instit%tes t e ci$il action #rior to t e cri"inal action.

Section 1.

) e reser$ation of t e rig t to instit%te se#aratel* t e ci$il action s all &e "ade &efore t e #rosec%tion starts #resenting its e$idence and %nder circ%"stances affording t e offended #art* a reasona&le o##ort%nit* to "a4e s%c reser$ation. = en t e offended #art* see4s to enforce ci$il lia&ilit* against t e acc%sed &* !a* of "oral+ no"inal+ te"#erate+ or e8e"#lar* da"ages !it o%t s#ecif*ing t e a"o%nt t ereof in t e co"#laint or infor"ation+ t e filing fees t erefore s all constit%te a first lien on t e '%dg"ent a!arding s%c da"ages. = ere t e a"o%nt of da"ages+ ot er t an act%al+ is s#ecified in t e co"#laint or infor"ation+ t e

corres#onding filing fees s all &e #aid &* t e offended #art* %#on t e filing t ereof in co%rt. E8ce#t as ot er!ise #ro$ided in t ese R%les+ no filing fees s all &e re7%ired for act%al da"ages. No co%nterclai"+ cross,clai" or t ird,#art* co"#laint "a* &e filed &* t e acc%sed in t e cri"inal case+ &%t an* ca%se of action ! ic co%ld a$e &een t e s%&'ect t ereof "a* &e litigated in a se#arate ci$il action. -&. ) e cri"inal action for $iolation of <atas Pa"&ansa <lg. (( s all
&e dee"ed to incl%de t e corres#onding ci$il action. No reser$ation to file s%c ci$il action se#aratel* s all &e allo!ed.

U#on filing of t e aforesaid 'oint cri"inal and ci$il actions+ t e offended #art* s all #a* in f%ll t e filing fees &ased on t e a"o%nt of t e c ec4 in$ol$ed+ ! ic s all &e considered as t e act%al da"ages clai"ed. = ere t e co"#laint or infor"ation also see4s to reco$er li7%idated+ "oral+ no"inal+ te"#erate or e8e"#lar* da"ages+ t e offended #art* s all #a* additional filing fees &ased on t e a"o%nts alleged t erein. If t e a"o%nts are not so alleged &%t

an* of t ese da"ages are s%&se7%entl* a!arded &* t e co%rt+ t e filing fees &ased on t e a"o%nt a!arded s all constit%te a first lien on t e '%dg"ent. = ere t e ci$il action as &een filed se#aratel* and trial t ereof as not *et co""enced+ it "a* &e consolidated !it t e cri"inal action %#on a##lication !it t e co%rt tr*ing t e latter case. If t e a##lication is granted+ t e trial of &ot actions s all #roceed in accordance !it section ( of t is R%le go$erning consolidation of t e ci$il and cri"inal actions.
When separate civil action is suspended . N After t e cri"inal action as &een co""enced+ t e se#arate ci$il action arising t erefro" cannot &e instit%ted %ntil final '%dg"ent as &een entered in t e cri"inal action.c an ro&les $irt%al la! li&rar*

Sec. (.

If t e cri"inal action is filed after t e said ci$il action as alread* &een instit%ted+ t e latter s all &e s%s#ended in ! ate$er state it "a* &e fo%nd &efore '%dg"ent on t e "erits. ) e s%s#ension s all last %ntil final '%dg"ent is rendered in t e cri"inal action. Ne$ert eless+ &efore '%dg"ent on t e "erits rendered in t e ci$il action+ t e sa"e "a*+ %#on "otion of t e offended #art*+ &e consolidated

!it t e cri"inal action in t e co%rt tr*ing t e cri"inal action. In case of consolidation+ t e e$idence alread* add%ced in t e ci$il action s all &e dee"ed a%to"aticall* re#rod%ced in t e cri"inal action !it o%t #re'%dice to t e rig t of t e #rosec%tion to cross, e8a"ine t e !itness #resented &* t e offended #art* in t e cri"inal case and of t e #arties to #resent additional e$idence. ) e consolidated cri"inal and ci$il actions s all &e tried and decided 'ointl*. D%ring t e #endenc* of t e cri"inal action+ t e r%nning #eriod of #rescri#tion of t e ci$il action ! ic cannot &e instit%ted se#aratel* or ! ose #roceeding as &een s%s#ended s all &e tolled. ) e e8tinction of t e #enal action does not carr* !it it e8tinction of t e ci$il action. ?o!e$er+ t e ci$il action &ased on delict s all &e dee"ed e8ting%is ed if t ere is a finding in a final '%dg"ent in t e cri"inal action t at t e act or o"ission fro" ! ic t e ci$il lia&ilit* "a* arise did not e8ist. Sec. /.
When civil action may proceed independently . N In

t e cases #ro$ided in Articles /(+ //+ /2 and (156 of t e


0ode of t e P ili##ines+

t e inde#endent ci$il action "a* &e &ro%g t &* t e offended #art*. It s all #roceed inde#endentl* of t e cri"inal action and s all re7%ire onl* a #re#onderance of e$idence. In no case+ o!e$er+ "a* t e offended #art* reco$er da"ages t!ice for t e sa"e act or o"ission c arged in t e cri"inal action.

Effect of death on civil actions. N ) e deat of t e acc%sed after arraign"ent and d%ring t e #endenc* of t e cri"inal action s all e8ting%is t e ci$il lia&ilit* arising fro" t e delict. ?o!e$er+ t e inde#endent ci$il action instit%ted %nder section / of t is R%le or ! ic t ereafter is instit%ted to enforce lia&ilit* arising fro" ot er so%rces of o&ligation "a* &e contin%ed against t e estate or legal re#resentati$e of t e acc%sed after #ro#er s%&stit%tion or against said estate+ as t e case "a* &e. ) e eirs of t e acc%sed "a* &e s%&stit%ted for t e deceased !it o%t re7%iring t e a##oint"ent of an e8ec%tor or ad"inistrator and t e co%rt "a* a##oint a g%ardian ad litem for t e "inor eirs.

Sec. 2.

co%rt s all fort !it order said legal re#resentati$e or re#resentati$es to a##ear and &e s%&stit%ted !it in a #eriod of t irt* -/;. da*s fro" notice. A final '%dg"ent entered in fa$or of t e offended #art* s all &e enforced in t e "anner es#eciall* #ro$ided in t ese r%les for #rosec%ting clai"s against t e estate of t e deceased.c an ro&les
$irt%al la! li&rar*

) e

If t e acc%sed dies &efore arraign"ent+ t e case s all &e dis"issed !it o%t #re'%dice to an* ci$il action t e offended #art* "a* file against t e estate of t e deceased.

0udgment in civil action not a bar. N A final '%dg"ent rendered in a ci$il action a&sol$ing t e defendant fro" ci$il lia&ilit* is not a &ar to a cri"inal action against t e defendant for t e sa"e act or o"ission s%&'ect of t e ci$il action.

Sec. 3.

Suspension by reason of prejudicial )uestion . N A #etition for s%s#ension of t e cri"inal action &ased %#on t e #endenc* of a #re'%dicial 7%estion in a ci$il action "a* &e filed in t e office of t e #rosec%tor or t e co%rt cond%cting t e #reli"inar* in$estigation. = en t e cri"inal action as &een filed in co%rt for trial+ t e #etition to s%s#end s all &e filed in t e sa"e cri"inal action at an* ti"e &efore t e #rosec%tion rests.

Sec. 6.

Elements of prejudicial )uestion. N ) e ele"ents of a #re'%dicial 7%estions areB -a. t e #re$io%sl* instit%ted ci$il action in$ol$es an iss%e si"ilar or inti"atel* related to t e iss%e raised in t e s%&se7%ent cri"inal action+ and -&. t e resol%tion of s%c iss%e deter"ines ! et er or not t e cri"inal action "a* #roceed.

Sec. 5.


Section 1. Preliminary investigation defined" when re)uired. N Preli"inar* in$estigation is an in7%ir* or #roceeding to deter"ine ! et er t ere is s%fficient gro%nd to engender a !ell,fo%nded &elief t at a cri"e as &een co""itted and t e res#ondent is #ro&a&l* g%ilt* t ereof+ and s o%ld &e eld for trial. E8ce#t as #ro$ided in Section 5 of t is R%le+ a #reli"inar* in$estigation is re7%ired to &e cond%cted &efore t e filing of a co"#liant or infor"ation

for an offense ! ere t e #enalt* #rescri&ed &* la! is at least fo%r -2. *ears+ t!o -(. "ont s and one -1. da* !it o%t regard to t e fine.
*fficers authori1ed to conduct preliminary investigations. N ) e follo!ing "a* cond%ct #reli"inar* in$estigationsB

Sec. (.

-a. Pro$incial or 0it* Prosec%tors and t eir assistants> -&. D%dges of t e C%nici#al )rial 0o%rts and C%nici#al 0irc%it )rial 0o%rts> -c. National and Prosec%tors> and Regional as State &e

-d. Ot er officers a%t ori6ed &* la!.


) eir a%t orit* to cond%ct #reli"inar* in$estigations s all incl%de all cri"es cogni6a&le &* t e #ro#er co%rt in t eir res#ecti$e territorial '%risdictions.
Procedure.N ) e #reli"inar* in$estigation s all &e cond%cted in t e follo!ing "annerB

Sec. /.

-a. ) e co"#laint s all state t e address of t e res#ondent and s all &e acco"#anied &* t e affida$its of t e co"#lainant and is !itnesses+ as !ell

as ot er s%##orting doc%"ents to esta&lis #ro&a&le ca%se. ) e* s all &e in s%c n%"&er of co#ies as t ere are res#ondents+ #l%s t!o -(. co#ies for t e official file. ) e affida$its s all &e s%&scri&ed and s!orn to &efore an* #rosec%tor or go$ern"ent official a%t ori6ed to ad"inister oat + or+ in t eir a&sence or %na$aila&ilit*+ &efore a notar* #%&lic+ eac of ! o" "%st certif* t at e #ersonall* e8a"ined t e affiants and t at e is satisfied t at t e* $ol%ntaril* e8ec%ted and %nderstood t eir affida$its. -&. =it in ten -1;. da*s after t e filing of t e co"#laint+ t e in$estigating officer s all eit er dis"iss it if e finds no gro%nd to contin%e !it t e in$estigation+ or iss%e a s%&#oena to t e res#ondent attac ing to it a co#* of t e co"#laint and its s%##orting affida$its and doc%"ents. ) e res#ondent s all a$e t e rig t to e8a"ine t e e$idence s%&"itted &* t e co"#lainant ! ic e "a* not a$e &een f%rnis ed and to co#* t e" at is e8#ense. If t e e$idence is $ol%"ino%s+ t e co"#lainant "a* &e re7%ired to s#ecif* t ose ! ic e intends to

#resent against t e res#ondent+ t ese s all &e "ade a$aila&le e8a"ination or co#*ing &* res#ondent at is e8#ense.

and for t e

O&'ects as e$idence need not &e f%rnis ed a #art* &%t s all &e "ade a$aila&le for e8a"ination+ co#*ing+ or # otogra# ing at t e e8#ense of t e re7%esting #art*. -c. =it in ten -1;. da*s fro" recei#t of t e s%&#oena !it t e co"#laint and s%##orting affida$its and doc%"ents+ t e res#ondent s all s%&"it is co%nter,affida$it and t at of is !itnesses and ot er s%##orting doc%"ents relied %#on for is defense. ) e co%nter,affida$its s all &e s%&scri&ed and s!orn to and certified as #ro$ided in #aragra# -a. of t is section+ !it co#ies t ereof f%rnis ed &* i" to t e co"#lainant. ) e res#ondent s all not &e allo!ed to file a "otion to dis"iss in lie% of a co%nter,affida$it. -d. If t e res#ondent cannot &e s%&#oenaed+ or if s%&#oenaed+ does not s%&"it co%nter,affida$its !it in t e ten -1;. da* #eriod+ t e in$estigating office s all resol$e t e co"#laint

&ased on t e e$idence #resented &* t e co"#lainant. -e. ) e in$estigating officer "a* set a earing if t ere are facts and iss%es to &e clarified fro" a #art* or a !itness. ) e #arties can &e #resent at t e earing &%t !it o%t t e rig t to e8a"ine or cross,e8a"ine. ) e* "a*+ o!e$er+ s%&"it to t e in$estigating officer 7%estions ! ic "a* &e as4ed to t e #art* or !itness concerned. ) e earing s all &e eld !it in ten -1;. da*s fro" s%&"ission of t e co%nter,affida$its and ot er doc%"ents or fro" t e e8#iration of t e #eriod for t eir s%&"ission. It s all &e ter"inated !it in fi$e -3. da*s. -f. =it in ten -1;. da*s after t e in$estigation+ t e in$estigating officer s all deter"ine ! et er or not t ere is s%fficient gro%nd to old t e res#ondent for trial.
3esolution of investigating prosecutor and its review. N If t e in$estigating #rosec%tor finds ca%se to old t e res#ondent for trial+ e s all #re#are t e resol%tion and infor"ation. ?e s all certif* %nder oat in t e infor"ation t at e+ or as s o!n &* t e record+ an a%t ori6ed officer+ as #ersonall* e8a"ined t e co"#lainant and is !itnesses> t at t ere is reasona&le gro%nd to &elie$e t at a cri"e as &een co""itted and t at t e acc%sed is #ro&a&l* g%ilt* t ereof> t at t e acc%sed !as infor"ed of t e co"#laint and of t e e$idence s%&"itted against i"> and t at e !as gi$en an o##ort%nit* to s%&"it contro$erting e$idence. Ot er!ise+ e s all reco""end t e dis"issal of t e co"#laint.

Sec. 2.

=it in fi$e -3. da*s fro" is resol%tion+ e s all for!ard t e record of t e case to t e #ro$incial or cit* #rosec%tor or c ief state #rosec%tor+ or to t e O"&%ds"an or is de#%t* in cases of offenses cogni6a&le &* t e Sandigan&a*an in t e e8ercise of its original '%risdiction. ) e* s all act on t e resol%tion !it in ten -1;. da*s fro" t eir recei#t t ereof and s all i""ediatel* infor" t e #arties of s%c action. No co"#laint or infor"ation "a* &e filed or dis"issed &* an in$estigating #rosec%tor !it o%t t e #rior !ritten a%t orit* or a##ro$al of t e #ro$incial or cit* #rosec%tor or c ief state #rosec%tor or t e O"&%ds"an or is de#%t*. = ere t e in$estigating #rosec%tor reco""ends t e dis"issal of t e co"#laint &%t is reco""endation is disa##ro$ed &* t e #ro$incial or cit* #rosec%tor or c ief state #rosec%tor or t e O"&%ds"an or is de#%t* on t e gro%nd t at a #ro&a&le ca%se e8ists+ t e latter "a*+ &* i"self+ file t e infor"ation against t e res#ondent+ or direct anot er assistant #rosec%tor or state #rosec%tor to do so !it o%t

cond%cting in$estigation.

anot er


If %#on #etition &* a #ro#er #art* %nder s%c r%les as t e De#art"ent of D%stice "a* #rescri&e or motu propio+ t e Secretar*
of D%stice re$erses or "odifies t e resol%tion of t e #ro$incial or cit* #rosec%tor or c ief state #rosec%tor+ e s all direct t e #rosec%tor concerned eit er to file t e corres#onding infor"ation !it o%t cond%cting ant er #reli"inar* in$estigation+ or to dis"iss or "o$e for dis"issal of t e co"#laint or infor"ation !it notice to t e #arties. ) e sa"e r%le s all a##l* in #reli"inar* in$estigations cond%cted &* t e officers of t e Office of t e O"&%ds"an.

Sec. 3. 3esolution of investigating judge and its review. N =it in ten -1;. da*s after t e #reli"inar* in$estigation+ t e in$estigating '%dge s all trans"it t e resol%tion of t e case to t e #ro$incial or cit* #rosec%tor+ or to t e O"&%ds"an or is de#%t* in cases of offenses cogni6a&le &* t e Sandigan&a*an in t e e8ercise of its original '%risdiction+ for a##ro#riate action. ) e resol%tion s all state t e findings of facts and t e la! s%##orting is action+ toget er !it t e record of t e case ! ic s all incl%deB -a. t e !arrant+ if t e arrest is &* $irt%e of a !arrant> -&. t e affida$its+ co%nter,affida$its and ot er s%##orting e$idence of t e #arties> -c. t e %nderta4ing or &ail of t e acc%sed and t e order for is release> -d. t e transcri#ts of t e

#roceedings d%ring t e #reli"inar* in$estigation> and -e. t e order of cancellation of is &ail &ond+ if t e resol%tion is for t e dis"issal of t e co"#laint. =it in t irt* -/;. da*s fro" recei#t of t e records+ t e #ro$incial or cit* #rosec%tor+ or t e O"&%ds"an or is de#%t*+ as t e case "a* &e+ s all re$ie! t e resol%tion of t e in$estigating '%dge on t e e8istence of #ro&a&le ca%se. ) eir r%ling s all e8#ressl* and clearl* state t e facts and t e la! on ! ic it is &ased and t e #arties s all &e f%rnis ed !it co#ies t ereof. ) e* s all order t e release of an acc%sed ! o is detained if no #ro&a&le ca%se is fo%nd against i".
When warrant of arrest may issue. N -a. y the 3egional +rial #ourt. N =it in ten -1;. da*s fro" t e filing of t e co"#laint or infor"ation+ t e '%dge s all #ersonall* e$al%ate t e resol%tion of t e #rosec%tor and its s%##orting e$idence. ?e "a* i""ediatel* dis"iss t e case if t e e$idence on record clearl* fails to esta&lis #ro&a&le ca%se. If e finds #ro&a&le ca%se+ e s all iss%e a !arrant of arrest+ or a co""it"ent order if t e acc%sed as alread* &een arrested #%rs%ant to a !arrant iss%ed &* t e '%dge ! o cond%cted t e #reli"inar* in$estigation or ! en t e co"#laint or infor"ation !as filed #%rs%ant to section 5 of t is R%le. In case of do%&t on t e e8istence of #ro&a&le ca%se+ t e '%dge "a* order t e #rosec%tor to #resent additional e$idence !it in fi$e -3. da*s fro" notice and t e iss%e "%st &e resol$ed &* t e co%rt !it in t irt* -/;. da*s fro" t e filing of t e co"#laint of infor"ation.c an ro&les $irt%al la! li&rar* y the (unicipal +rial #ourt. N = en re7%ired #%rs%ant to t e second #aragra# of section of t is R%le+ t e #reli"inar* in$estigation of cases falling %nder t e original '%risdiction of t e

Sec. 6.


Cetro#olitan )rial 0o%rt+ C%nici#al )rial 0o%rt in 0ities+ C%nici#al )rial 0o%rt+ or C%nici#al 0irc%it )rial 0o%rt "a* &e cond%cted &* eit er t e '%dge or t e #rosec%tor. = en cond%cted &* t e #rosec%tor+ t e #roced%re for t e iss%ance of a !arrant of arrest &* t e '%dge s all &e go$erned &* #aragra# -a. of t is section. = en t e in$estigation is cond%cted &* t e '%dge i"self+ e s all follo! t e #roced%re #ro$ided in section / of t is R%le. If is findings and reco""endations are affir"ed &* t e #ro$incial or cit* #rosec%tor+ or &* t e O"&%ds"an or is de#%t*+ and t e corres#onding infor"ation is filed+ e s all iss%e a !arrant of arrest. ?o!e$er+ !it o%t !aiting for t e concl%sion of t e in$estigation+ t e '%dge "a* iss%e a !arrant of arrest if e finds after an e8a"ination in !riting and %nder oat of t e co"#lainant and is !itnesses in t e for" of searc ing 7%estions and ans!ers+ t at a #ro&a&le ca%se e8ists and t at t ere is a necessit* of #lacing t e res#ondent %nder i""ediate c%stod* in order not to fr%strate t e ends of '%stice. When warrant of arrest not necessary . N A !arrant of arrest s all not iss%e if t e acc%sed is alread* %nder detention #%rs%ant to a !arrant iss%ed &* t e "%nici#al trial co%rt in accordance !it #aragra# -&. of t is section+ or if t e co"#laint or infor"ation !as filed #%rs%ant to section 5 of t is R%le or is for an offense #enali6ed &* fine onl*. ) e co%rt s all t e" #roceed in t e e8ercise of its original '%risdiction.


When accused lawfully arrested without warrant. N = en a #erson is la!f%ll* arrested !it o%t a !arrant in$ol$ing an offense ! ic re7%ires a #reli"inar* in$estigation+ t e co"#laint or infor"ation "a* &e filed &* a #rosec%tor !it o%t need of s%c in$estigation #ro$ided an in7%est as &een cond%cted in accordance !it e8isting r%les. In t e a&sence or %na$aila&ilit* of an in7%est #rosec%tor+ t e co"#laint "a* &e filed &* t e offended #art* or a #eace officer directl* !it t e #ro#er co%rt on t e &asis of t e affida$it of t e offended #art* or arresting officer or #erson.

Sec. 5.

<efore t e co"#laint or infor"ation is filed+ t e #erson arrested "a* as4 for a #reli"inar* in$estigation in accordance !it t is R%le+ &%t e "%st sign a !ai$er of t e #ro$ision of Article 1(3 of t e Re$ised Penal 0ode+ as
a"ended+ in t e #resence of is co%nsel. Not!it standing t e !ai$er+ e "a* a##l* for &ail and t e in$estigation "%st &e ter"inated !it in fifteen -13. da*s fro" its ince#tion.


After t e filing of t e co"#laint infor"ation in co%rt !it o%t a

#reli"inar* in$estigation+ t e acc%sed "a*+ !it in fi$e -3. da*s fro" t e ti"e e learns of its filing+ as4 for a #reli"inar* in$estigation !it t e sa"e rig t to add%ce e$idence in is defense as #ro$ided in t is R%le.
3ecords. N -a. 3ecords supporting the information or complaint. N An infor"ation or co"#laint filed in co%rt s all &e s%##orted &* t e affida$its and co%nter,affida$its of t e #arties and t eir !itnesses+ toget er !it t e ot er s%##orting e$idence and t e resol%tion on t e case. 3ecord of preliminary investigation. 7 ) e record of t e #reli"inar* in$estigation+ ! et er cond%cted &* a '%dge or a #rosec%tor+ s all not for" #art of t e record of t e case. ?o!e$er+ t e co%rt+ on its o!n initiati$e or on "otion of an* #art*+ "a* order t e #rod%ction of t e record or an* of its #art ! en necessar* in t e resol%tion of t e case or an* incident t erein+ or ! en it is to &e introd%ced as an e$idence in t e case &* t e re7%esting #art*.

Sec. 9.


#ases not re)uiring a preliminary investigation nor covered by the 3ule on Summary Procedure. N 8a9 -f filed with the prosecutor. N If t e co"#laint is filed directl* !it t e #rosec%tor in$ol$ing an offense #%nis a&le &* i"#rison"ent of less t an fo%r -2. *ears+ t!o -(. "ont s and one -1. da*+ t e #roced%re o%tlined in section /-a. of t is R%le s all &e o&ser$ed. ) e #rosec%tor s all act on t e co"#laint &ased on t e affida$its and ot er s%##orting doc%"ents s%&"itted &* t e co"#lainant !it in ten -1;. da*s fro" its filing.

Sec. :.

8b9 -f filed with the (unicipal +rial #ourt. N If t e co"#laint or infor"ation is filed !it

t e C%nici#al )rial 0o%rt or C%nici#al 0irc%it )rial 0o%rt for an offense co$ered &* t is section+ t e #roced%re in section / -a. of t is R%le s all &e o&ser$ed. If !it in ten -1;. da*s after t e filing of t e co"#laint or infor"ation+ t e '%dge finds no #ro&a&le ca%se after #ersonall* e$al%ating t e e$idence+ or after #ersonall* e8a"ining in !riting and %nder oat t e co"#lainant and is !itnesses in t e for" of searc ing 7%estions and ans!ers+ e s all dis"iss t e sa"e. ?e "a*+ o!e$er+ re7%ire t e s%&"ission of additional e$idence+ !it in ten -1;. da*s fro" notice+ to deter"ine f%rt er t e e8istence of #ro&a&le ca%se. If t e '%dge still finds no #ro&a&le ca%se des#ite t e additional e$idence+ e s all+ !it in ten -1;. da*s fro" its s%&"ission or e8#iration of said #eriod+ dis"iss t e case. = en e finds #ro&a&le ca%se+ e s all iss%e a !arrant of arrest+ or a co""it"ent order if t e acc%sed ad alread* &een arrested+ and old i" for trial. ?o!e$er+ if

t e '%dge is satisfied t at t ere is no necessit* for #lacing t e acc%sed %nder c%stod*+ e "a* iss%e s%""ons instead of a !arrant of arrest.


/efinition of arrest. N Arrest is t e ta4ing of a #erson into c%stod* in order t at e "a* &e &o%nd to ans!er for t e co""ission of an offense. Arrest" how made. N An arrest is "ade &* an act%al restraint of a #erson to &e arrested+ or &* is s%&"ission to t e c%stod* of t e #erson "a4ing t e arrest.

Section 1.

Sec. (.

No $iolence or %nnecessar* force s all &e %sed in "a4ing an arrest. ) e #erson arrested s all not &e s%&'ect to a greater restraint t an is necessar* for is detention.
/uty of arresting officer. N It s all &e t e d%t* of t e officer e8ec%ting t e !arrant to arrest t e acc%sed and deli$er i" to t e nearest #olice station or 'ail !it o%t %nnecessar* dela*.

Sec. /. Sec. 2.

Execution of warrant. N ) e ead of t e office to ! o" t e !arrant of arrest !as deli$ered for e8ec%tion s all ca%se t e !arrant to &e e8ec%ted !it in ten -1;. da*s fro" its recei#t. =it in ten -1;. da*s after t e e8#iration of t e #eriod+ t e officer to ! o" it !as assigned for e8ec%tion s all "a4e a re#ort to t e '%dge ! o iss%ed t e !arrant. In case of is fail%re to e8ec%te t e !arrant+ e s all state t e reason t erefore.

Arrest without warrant" when lawful. N A #eace officer or a #ri$ate #erson "a*+ !it o%t a !arrant+ arrest a #ersonB

Sec. 3.

-a. = en+ in is #resence+ t e #erson to &e arrested as co""itted+ is act%all* co""itting+ or is atte"#ting to co""it an offense> -&. = en an offense as '%st &een co""itted and e as #ro&a&le ca%se to &elie$e &ased on #ersonal 4no!ledge of facts or circ%"stances t at t e #erson to &e arrested as co""itted it> and -c. = en t e #erson to &e arrested is a #risoner ! o as esca#ed fro" a #enal esta&lis "ent or #lace ! ere e is ser$ing final '%dg"ent or is te"#oraril* confined ! ile is case is #ending+ or as esca#ed ! ile &eing transferred fro" one confine"ent to anot er. In cases falling %nder #aragra# s -a. and -&. a&o$e+ t e #erson arrested !it o%t a !arrant s all &e fort !it deli$ered to t e nearest #olice station or 'ail and s all &e #roceeded against in accordance !it section 5 of R%le 11(.
+ime of ma,ing arrest. N An arrest "a* &e "ade on an* da* and at an* ti"e of t e da* or nig t.

Sec. 6.

Sec. 5. (ethod of arrest by officer by virtue of warrant. N = en "a4ing an arrest &* $irt%e of a !arrant+ t e officer s all infor" t e #erson to &e arrested of t e ca%se of t e arrest and t e fact t at a !arrant as &een iss%ed for is arrest+ e8ce#t ! en e flees or forci&l* resists &efore t e officer as o##ort%nit* to so infor" i"+ or ! en t e gi$ing of s%c infor"ation !ill i"#eril t e arrest. ) e officer need not a$e t e !arrant in is #ossession at t e ti"e of t e arrest &%t after t e arrest+ if t e #erson arrested so re7%ires+ t e !arrant s all &e s o!n to i" as soon as #ractica&le.c an ro&les $irt%al la! li&rar*
(ethod of arrest by officer without warrant. N = en "a4ing an arrest !it o%t a !arrant+ t e officer s all infor" t e #erson to &e arrested of is a%t orit* and t e ca%se of t e arrest+ %nless t e latter is eit er engaged in t e co""ission of an offense+ is #%rs%ed i""ediatel* after its co""ission+ as esca#ed+ flees+ or forci&l* resists &efore t e officer as o##ort%nit* to so infor" i"+ or ! en t e gi$ing of s%c infor"ation !ill i"#eril t e arrest. (ethod of arrest by private person. N = en "a4ing an arrest+ a #ri$ate #erson s all infor" t e #erson to &e arrested of t e intention to arrest i" and t e case of t e arrest+ %nless t e latter is eit er engaged in t e co""ission of an offense+ is #%rs%ed i""ediatel* after its co""ission+ or as esca#ed+ flees+ or forci&l* resists &efore t e #erson "a4ing t e arrest as o##ort%nit* to so infor" i"+ or ! en t e gi$ing of s%c infor"ation !ill i"#eril t e arrest. *fficer may summon assistance. N An officer "a4ing a la!f%l arrest "a* orall* s%""on as "an* #ersons as e dee"s necessar* to assist i" in effecting t e arrest. E$er* #erson so s%""oned &* an officer s all assist i" in effecting t e arrest ! en e can render s%c assistance !it o%t detri"ent to i"self.

Sec. 9.

Sec. :.

Sec. 1;.

Sec. 11. 3ight of officer to brea, into building or enclosure. N An officer+ in order to "a4e an arrest eit er &* $irt%e of a !arrant+ or !it o%t a !arrant as #ro$ided in section 3+ "a* &rea4 into an* &%ilding or enclos%re ! ere t e #erson to &e arrested is or is reasona&l* &elie$ed to &e+ if e is ref%sed ad"ittance t ereto+ after anno%ncing is a%t orit* and #%r#ose.
3ight to brea, out from building or enclosure. N = ene$er an officer as entered t e &%ilding or enclos%re in accordance !it t e #receding section+ e "a* &rea4 o%t t erefro" ! en necessar* to li&erate i"self. Arrest after escape or rescue. N If a #erson la!f%ll* arrested esca#es or is resc%ed+ an* #erson "a* i""ediatel* #%rs%e or reta4e i" !it o%t a !arrant at an* ti"e and in an* #lace !it in t e P ili##ines. 3ight of attorney or relative to visit person arrested. N An* "e"&er of t e P ili##ine <ar s all+ at t e re7%est of t e #erson arrested or of anot er acting in is &e alf+ a$e t e rig t to $isit and confer #ri$atel* !it s%c #erson in t e 'ail or an* ot er #lace of c%stod* at an* o%r of t e da* or nig t. S%&'ect to reasona&le reg%lations+ a relati$e of t e #erson arrested can also e8ercise t e sa"e rig t.

Sec. 1(.

Sec. 1/.

Sec. 12.

RULE 112 , <AIL

ail defined. N <ail is t e sec%rit* gi$en for t e release of a #erson in c%stod* of t e la!+ f%rnis ed &* i" or a &onds"an+ to g%arantee is a##earance &efore an* co%rt as re7%ired %nder t e conditions ereinafter s#ecified. <ail "a* &e gi$en in t e for" of cor#orate s%ret*+ #ro#ert* &ond+ cas de#osit+ or recogni6ance.

Section 1.

#onditions of the bail" re)uirements. N All 4inds of &ail are s%&'ect to t e follo!ing conditionsB

Sec. (.

-a. ) e %nderta4ing s all &e effecti$e %#on a##ro$al+ and %nless cancelled+ s all re"ain in force at all stages of t e case %ntil #ro"%lgation of t e '%dg"ent of t e Regional )rial 0o%rt+ irres#ecti$e of ! et er t e case !as originall* filed in or a##ealed to it> -&. ) e acc%sed s all a##ear &efore t e #ro#er co%rt ! ene$er re7%ired &* t e co%rt of t ese R%les> -c. ) e fail%re of t e acc%sed to a##ear at t e trial !it o%t '%stification and des#ite d%e notice s all &e dee"ed a !ai$er of is rig t to &e #resent t ereat. In s%c case+ t e trial "a* #roceed in absentia> and -d. ) e &onds"an s all s%rrender t e acc%sed to t e co%rt for e8ec%tion of t e final '%dg"ent. ) e original #a#ers s all state t e f%ll na"e and address of t e acc%sed+ t e a"o%nt of t e %nderta4ing and t e

conditions re7%ired &* t is section. P otogra# s -#ass#ort si6e. ta4en !it in t e last si8 -6. "ont s s o!ing t e face+ left and rig t #rofiles of t e acc%sed "%st &e attac ed to t e &ail.
'o release or transfer except on court order or bail. N No #erson %nder detention &* legal #rocess s all &e released or transferred e8ce#t %#on order of t e co%rt or ! en e is ad"itted to &ail. ail% a matter of right" exception. N All #ersons in c%stod* s all &e ad"itted to &ail as a "atter of rig t+ !it s%fficient s%reties+ or released on recogni6ance as #rescri&ed &* la! or t is R%le -a. &efore or after con$iction &* t e Cetro#olitan )rial 0o%rt+ C%nici#al )rial 0o%rt+ C%nici#al )rial 0o%rt in 0ities+ or C%nici#al 0irc%it )rial 0o%rt+ and -&. &efore con$iction &* t e Regional )rial co%rt of an offense not #%nis a&le &* deat + reclusion perpetua+ or life i"#rison"ent. ail% when discretionary. N U#on con$iction &* t e Regional )rial 0o%rt of an offense not #%nis a&le &* deat + reclusion perpetua+ or life i"#rison"ent+ ad"ission to &ail is discretionar*. ) e a##lication for &ail "a* &e filed and acted %#on &* t e trial co%rt des#ite t e filing of a notice of a##eal+ #ro$ided it as not trans"itted t e original record to t e a##ellate co%rt. ?o!e$er+ if t e decision of t e trial co%rt con$iction t e acc%sed c anged t e nat%re of t e offense fro" non,&aila&le to &aila&le+ t e a##lication for &ail can onl* &e filed !it and resol$ed &* t e a##ellate co%rt.

Sec. /.

Sec. 2.

Sec. 3.

S o%ld t e co%rt grant t e a##lication+ t e acc%sed "a* &e allo!ed to contin%e on #ro$isional li&ert* d%ring t e #endenc* of t e a##eal %nder t e sa"e &ail s%&'ect to t e consent of t e &onds"an. If t e #enalt* i"#osed &* t e trial co%rt is i"#rison"ent e8ceeding si8 -6. *ears+ t e acc%sed s all &e denied

&ail+ or is &ail s all &e cancelled %#on a s o!ing &* t e #rosec%tion+ !it notice to t e acc%se+ of t e follo!ing or ot er si"ilar circ%"stancesB -a. ) at e is a recidi$ist+ 7%asi,recidi$ist+ or a&it%al delin7%ent+ or as co""itted t e cri"e aggra$ated &* t e circ%"stance of reiteration> -&. ) at e as #re$io%sl* esca#ed fro" legal confine"ent+ e$aded sentence+ or $iolated t e conditions of is &ail !it o%t $alid '%stification> -c. ) at e co""itted t e offense ! ile %nder #ro&ation+ #arole+ or conditional #ardon> -d. ) at t e circ%"stances of is case indicate t e #ro&a&ilit* of flig t if released on &ail> or -e. ) at t ere is %nd%e ris4 t at e "a* co""it anot er cri"e d%ring t e #endenc* of t e a##eal.
motu proprio or on "otion of an* #art*+ re$ie! t e resol%tion of t e Regional )rial 0o%rt after notice to t e ad$erse #art* in eit er case.

) e a##ellate co%rt "a*+

#apital offense defined. N A ca#ital offense is an offense ! ic + %nder t e la! e8isting at t e ti"e of its co""ission and of t e a##lication for ad"ission to &ail+ "a* &e #%nis ed !it deat . #apital offense or an offense punishable by reclusion perpetua or life imprisonment% not bailable. N No #erson c arged !it a ca#ital offense+ or an offense #%nis a&le &* reclusion perpetua or life i"#rison"ent+ s all &e ad"itted to &ail ! en e$idence of g%ilt is strong+ regardless of t e state of t e cri"inal #rosec%tion.c an ro&les $irt%al la! li&rar* urden of proof in bail application. N At t e earing of an a##lication for &ail filed &* a #erson ! o is in c%stod* for t e co""ission of an offense #%nis a&le &* deat + reclusion perpetua+ or life i"#rison"ent+ t e #rosec%tion as t e &%rden of s o!ing t at e$idence of g%ilt is strong. ) e e$idence #resented d%ring t e &ail earing s all &e considered a%to"aticall* re#rod%ced at t e trial &%t+ %#on "otion of eit er #art*+ t e co%rt "a* recall an* !itness for additional e8a"ination %nless t e latter is dead+ o%tside t e P ili##ines+ or ot er!ise %na&le to testif*. Amount of bail" guidelines. N ) e '%dge ! o iss%ed t e !arrant or granted t e a##lication s all fi8 a reasona&le a"o%nt of &ail considering #ri"aril*+ &%t not li"ited to+ t e follo!ing factorsB

Sec. 6.

Sec. 5.

Sec. 9.

Sec. :.

-a. Financial lia&ilit* acc%sed to gi$e &ail> -&. Nat%re and t e offense> -c. Penalt* c arged>


t e of

circ%"stance t e



-d. 0 aracter and re#%tation of t e acc%sed> -e. Age acc%sed> and ealt of t e

-f. =eig t of t e against t e acc%sed>


-g. Pro&a&ilit* of t e a##earing at t e trial>


- . Forfeit%re of ot er &ail> -i. ) e fact t at t e acc%sed !as a f%giti$e fro" '%stice ! en arrested> and -'. Pendenc* of ot er cases ! ere t e acc%sed is on &ail. E8cessi$e re7%ired. Sec. 1;. &ail s all not &e

#orporate surety. N An* do"estic or foreign cor#oration+ licensed as a s%ret* in accordance !it la! and c%rrentl* a%t ori6ed to act as s%c + "a* #ro$ide &ail &* a &ond s%&scri&ed 'ointl* &* t e acc%sed and an officer of t e cor#oration d%l* a%t ori6ed &* its &oard of directors. Property bond% how posted. N A #ro#ert* &ond is an %nderta4ing constit%ted as lien on t e real #ro#ert* gi$en as sec%rit* for t e a"o%nt of t e &ail. =it in ten -1;. da*s after t e a##ro$al of t e &ond+ t e acc%sed s all ca%se t e annotation of t e lien on t e certificate of title on file !it t e Registr* of Deeds if t e land is registered+ or if %nregistered+ in t e Registration <oo4 on t e s#ace #ro$ided t erefore+ in t e Registr* of Deeds for t e #ro$ince or cit* ! ere t e land lies+ and on t e corres#onding ta8 declaration in t e office of t e #ro$incial+ cit* and "%nici#al assessor concerned.

Sec. 11.

=it in t e sa"e #eriod+ t e acc%sed s all s%&"it to t e co%rt is co"#liance and is fail%re to do so s all &e s%fficient ca%se for t e cancellation of t e #ro#ert* &ond and is re,arrest and detention.

4ualifications of sureties in property bond. N ) e 7%alifications of s%reties in a #ro#ert* &ond s all &e as follo!sB

Sec. 1(.

-a. Eac "%st &e a resident o!ner of real estate !it in t e P ili##ines> -&. = ere t ere is onl* one s%ret*+ is real estate "%st &e !ort at least t e a"o%nt of %nderta4ing> -c. If t ere are t!o or "ore s%reties+ eac "a* '%stif* in an a"o%nt less t an t at e8#ressed in t e %nderta4ing &%t t e aggregate of t e '%stified s%"s "%st &e e7%i$alent to t e ! ole a"o%nt of t e &ail de"anded. In all cases+ e$er* s%ret* "%st &e !ort t e a"o%nt s#ecified in is o!n %nderta4ing o$er and a&o$e all '%st de&ts+ o&ligations and #ro#erties e8e"#t fro" e8ec%tion.
0ustification of sureties. N E$er* s%ret* s all '%stif* &* affida$it ta4en &efore t e '%dge t at e #ossesses t e 7%alification #rescri&ed in t e #receding section. ?e s all descri&e t e #ro#ert* gi$en as sec%rit*+ stating t e nat%re of is title+ its enc%"&rances+ t e n%"&er and a"o%nt of ot er &ails entered into &* i" and still %ndisc arged+ and is ot er lia&ilities. ) e co%rt "a* e8a"ine t e s%reties %#on oat concerning t eir s%fficienc* in s%c "anner as it "a* dee" #ro#er. No &ail s all &e a##ro$ed %nless t e s%ret* is 7%alified.

Sec. 1/.


Sec. 12.
acting in is

/eposit of cash as bail. N ) e acc%sed or an* &e alf "a* de#osit in cas !it t e nearest

collector of internal re$en%e or #ro$incial+ cit*+ or "%nici#al treas%rer t e a"o%nt of &ail fi8ed &* t e co%rt+ or reco""ended &* t e #rosec%tor ! o in$estigated or filed t e case. U#on s%&"ission of a #ro#er certificate of de#osit and a !ritten %nderta4ing s o!ing co"#liance !it t e re7%ire"ents of section ( of t is R%le+ t e acc%sed s all &e disc arged fro" c%stod*. ) e "one* de#osited s all &e considered as &ail and a##lied to t e #a*"ent of fine and costs ! ile t e e8cess+ if an*+ s all &e ret%rned to t e acc%sed or to ! oe$er "ade t e de#osit. 3ecogni1ance. N = ene$er allo!ed &* la! or t ese R%les+ t e co%rt "a* release a #erson in c%stod* on is o!n recogni6ance or t at of a res#onsi&le #erson. ail% when not re)uired" reduced bail or recogni1ance. N No &ail s all &e re7%ired ! en t e la! or t ese R%les so #ro$ide.

Sec. 13.

Sec. 16.

= en a #erson as &een in c%stod* for a #eriod e7%al to or "ore t an t e #ossi&le "a8i"%" i"#rison"ent #rescri&ed for t e offense c arged+ e s all &e released i""ediatel*+ !it o%t #re'%dice to t e contin%ation of t e trial or t e #roceedings on a##eal. If t e "a8i"%" #enalt* to ! ic t e acc%sed "a* &e sentenced is destierro+ e s all
&e released after t irt* -/;. da*s of #re$enti$e i"#rison"ent.

A #erson in c%stod* for a #eriod e7%al to or "ore t an t e "ini"%" of t e #rinci#al #enalt* #rescri&ed for t e offense c arged+ !it o%t a##lication of t e Indeter"inate Sentence La! or an* "odif*ing circ%"stance+ s all &e released on a red%ced &ail or on is o!n recogni6ance+ at t e discretion of t e co%rt.

Sec. 15. ail% where filed. N -a. <ail in t e a"o%nt fi8ed "a* &e filed !it t e co%rt ! ere t e case is #ending+ or in t e a&sence or %na$aila&ilit* of t e '%dge t ereof+ !it an* regional trial '%dge+ "etro#olitan trial '%dge+ "%nici#al trial '%dge+ or "%nici#al circ%it trial '%dge in t e #ro$ince+ cit* or "%nici#alit*. If t e acc%sed is arrested in a #ro$ince+ cit*+ or "%nici#alit* ot er t an ! ere t e case is #ending+ &ail "a* also &e filed !it an* regional trial co%rt of said #lace+ of if no '%dge t ereof is a$aila&le+ !it an* "etro#olitan trial '%dge+ "%nici#al trial '%dge+ or "%nici#al circ%it trial '%dge t erein. -&. = ere t e grant of &ail is a "atter of discretion+ or t e acc%sed see4s to &e released on recogni6ance+ t e a##lication "a* onl* &e filed in t e co%rt ! ere t e case is #ending+ ! et er on #reli"inar* in$estigation+ trial+ or a##eal. An* #erson in c%stod* ! o is not *et c arged in co%rt "a* a##l* for &ail !it an* co%rt in t e #ro$ince+ cit*+ or "%nici#alit* ! ere e is eld.

'otice of application to prosecutor. N In t e a##lication for &ail %nder section 9 of t is R%le+ t e co%rt "%st gi$e reasona&le notice of t e earing to t e #rosec%tor or re7%ire i" to s%&"it is reco""endation.

Sec. 19.

3elease on bail. N ) e acc%sed "%st &e disc arged %#on a##ro$al of t e &ail &* t e '%dge !it ! o" it !as filed in accordance !it section 15 of t is R%le.

Sec. 1:.

= en &ail is filed !it a co%rt ot er t an ! ere t e case is #ending+ t e '%dge ! o acce#ted t e &ail s all for!ard it+ toget er !it t e order of release and ot er s%##orting #a#ers+ to t e co%rt ! ere t e case is #ending+ ! ic "a*+ for good reason+ re7%ire a different one to &e filed.
-ncrease or reduction of bail. N After t e acc%sed is ad"itted to &ail+ t e co%rt "a*+ %#on good ca%se+ eit er increase or red%ce its a"o%nt. = en increased+ t e acc%sed "a* &e co""itted to c%stod* if e does not gi$e &ail in t e increased a"o%nt !it in a reasona&le #eriod. An acc%sed eld to ans!er a cri"inal c arge+ ! o is released !it o%t &ail %#on filing of t e co"#laint or infor"ation+ "a*+ at an* s%&se7%ent stage of t e #roceedings and ! ene$er a strong s o!ing of g%ilt a##ears to t e co%rt+ &e re7%ired to gi$e &ail in t e a"o%nt fi8ed+ or in lie% t ereof+ co""itted to c%stod*.
c an ro&les $irt%al la! li&rar*

Sec. (;.

.orfeiture of bail. N = en t e #resence of t e acc%sed is re7%ired &* t e co%rt or t ese R%les+ is &onds"en s all &e notified to #rod%ce i" &efore t e co%rt on a gi$en date and ti"e. If t e acc%sed fails to a##ear in #erson as re7%ired+ is &ail s all &e declared forfeited and t e &onds"en gi$en t irt* -/;. da*s !it in ! ic to #rod%ce t eir #rinci#al and to s o! ! * no '%dg"ent s o%ld &e rendered against t e" for t e a"o%nt of t eir &ail. =it in t e said #eriod+ t e &onds"en "%stB

Sec. (1.

-a. #rod%ce t e &od* of t eir #rinci#al or gi$e t e reason for is non,#rod%ction> and

-&. e8#lain ! * t e acc%sed did not a##ear &efore t e co%rt ! en first re7%ired to do so. Failing in t ese t!o re7%isites+ a '%dg"ent s all &e rendered against t e &onds"en+ 'ointl* and se$erall*+ for t e a"o%nt of t e &ail. ) e co%rt s all not red%ce or ot er!ise "itigate t e lia&ilit* of t e &onds"en+ %nless t e acc%sed as &een s%rrendered or is ac7%itted.
#ancellation of bail. N U#on a##lication of t e &onds"en+ !it d%e notice to t e #rosec%tor+ t e &ail "a* &e cancelled %#on s%rrender of t e acc%sed or #roof of is deat .

Sec. ((.

) e &ail s all &e dee"ed a%to"aticall* cancelled %#on ac7%ittal of t e acc%sed+ dis"issal of t e case+ or e8ec%tion of t e '%dg"ent of con$iction. In all instances+ t e cancellation s all &e !it o%t #re'%dice to an* lia&ilit* on t e &ail.
Arrest of accused out on bail. N For t e #%r#ose of s%rrendering t e acc%sed+ t e &onds"en "a* arrest i" or+ %#on !ritten a%t orit* endorsed on a certified co#* of t e %nderta4ing+ ca%se i" to &e arrested &* a #olice officer or an* ot er #erson of s%ita&le age and discretion.

Sec. (/.

An acc%sed released on &ail "a* &e re,arrested !it o%t t e necessit* of a

!arrant if e atte"#ts to de#art fro" t e P ili##ines !it o%t #er"ission of t e co%rt ! ere t e case is #ending.
'o bail after final judgment" exception. N No &ail s all &e allo!ed after a '%dg"ent of con$iction as &eco"e final. If &efore s%c finalit*+ t e acc%sed a##lies for #ro&ation+ e "a* &e allo!ed te"#orar* li&ert* %nder is &ail. = en no &ail !as filed or t e acc%sed is inca#a&le of filing one+ t e co%rt "a* allo! is release on recogni6ance to t e c%stod* of a res#onsi&le "e"&er of t e co""%nit*. In no case s all &ail &e allo!ed after t e acc%sed as co""enced to ser$e sentence.

Sec. (2.

#ourt supervision of detainees. N ) e co%rt s all e8ercise s%#er$ision o$er all #ersons in c%stod* for t e #%r#ose of eli"inating %nnecessar* detention. ) e e8ec%ti$e '%dges of t e Regional )rial 0o%rts s all cond%ct "ont l* #ersonal ins#ections of #ro$incial+ cit*+ and "%nici#al 'ails and t e #risoners !it in t eir res#ecti$e '%risdictions. ) e* s all ascertain t e n%"&er of detainees+ in7%ire on t eir #ro#er acco""odation and ealt and e8a"ine t e condition of t e 'ail facilities. ) e* s all order t e segregation of se8es and of "inors fro" ad%lts+ ens%re t e o&ser$ance of t e rig t of detainees to confer #ri$atel* !it co%nsel+ and stri$e to eli"inate conditions ini"ical to t e detainees.

Sec. (3.

In cities and "%nici#alities to &e s#ecified &* t e S%#re"e 0o%rt+ t e "%nici#al trial '%dges or "%nici#al circ%it trial '%dges s all cond%ct "ont l* #ersonal ins#ections of t e "%nici#al 'ails in t eir res#ecti$e "%nici#alities and s%&"it a re#ort to t e e8ec%ti$e '%dge of t e Regional )rial 0o%rt a$ing '%risdiction t erein. A "ont l* re#ort of s%c $isitation s all &e s%&"itted &* t e e8ec%ti$e '%dges to t e 0o%rt Ad"inistrator ! ic s all state t e total n%"&er of

detainees+ t e na"es of t ose eld for "ore t an t irt* -/;. da*s+ t e d%ration of detention+ t e cri"e c arged+ t e stat%s of t e case+ t e ca%se for detention+ and ot er #ertinent infor"ation.
ail not a bar to objections on illegal arrest% lac, of or irregular preliminary investigation. N An a##lication for or ad"ission to &ail s all not &ar t e acc%sed fro" c allenging t e $alidit* of is arrest or t e legalit* of t e !arrant iss%ed t erefore+ or fro" assailing t e reg%larit* or 7%estioning t e a&sence of a #reli"inar* in$estigation of t e c arge against i"+ #ro$ided t at e raises t e" &efore entering is #lea. ) e co%rt s all resol$e t e "atter as earl* as #ractica&le &%t not later t an t e start of t e trial of t e case.

Sec. (6.


3ights of accused at trial. N In all cri"inal #rosec%tions+ t e acc%sed s all &e entitled to t e follo!ing rig tsB

Section 1.

-a. )o &e #res%"ed innocent %ntil t e contrar* is #ro$ed &e*ond reasona&le do%&t. -&. )o &e infor"ed of t e nat%re and ca%se of t e acc%sation against i". -c. )o &e #resent and defend in #erson and &* co%nsel at e$er* stage of t e #roceedings+ fro" arraign"ent to #ro"%lgation of

t e '%dg"ent. ) e acc%sed "a*+ o!e$er+ !ai$e is #resence at t e trial #%rs%ant to t e sti#%lations set fort in is &ail+ %nless is #resence is s#ecificall* ordered &* t e co%rt for #%r#oses of identification. ) e a&sence of t e acc%sed !it o%t '%stifia&le ca%se at t e trial of ! ic e ad notice s all &e considered a !ai$er of is rig t to &e #resent t ereat. = en an acc%sed %nder c%stod* esca#es+ e s all &e dee"ed to a$e !ai$ed is rig t to &e #resent on all s%&se7%ent trial dates %ntil c%stod* o$er i" is regained. U#on "otion+ t e acc%sed "a* &e allo!ed to defend i"self in #erson ! en it s%fficientl* a##ears to t e co%rt t at e can #ro#erl* #rotect is rig ts !it o%t t e assistance of co%nsel. -d. )o testif* as a !itness in is o!n &e alf &%t s%&'ect to cross,e8a"ination on "atters co$ered &* direct e8a"ination. ?is silence s all not in an* "anner #re'%dice i".

-e. )o &e e8e"#t fro" &eing co"#elled to &e a !itness against i"self. -f. )o confront and cross,e8a"ine t e !itnesses against i" at t e trial. Eit er #art* "a* %tili6e as #art of its e$idence t e testi"on* of a !itness ! o is deceased+ o%t of or can not !it d%e diligence &e fo%nd in t e P ili##ines+ %na$aila&le+ or ot er!ise %na&le to testif*+ gi$en in anot er case or #roceeding+ '%dicial or ad"inistrati$e+ in$ol$ing t e sa"e #arties and s%&'ect "atter+ t e ad$erse #art* a$ing t e o##ort%nit* to cross,e8a"ine i". -g. )o a$e co"#%lsor* #rocess iss%ed to sec%re t e attendance of !itnesses and #rod%ction of ot er e$idence in is &e alf. - . )o a$e s#eed*+ i"#artial and #%&lic trial. -i. )o a##eal in all cases allo!ed and in t e "anner #rescri&ed &* la!.


Arraignment and plea" how made. - -a. ) e acc%sed "%st &e arraigned &efore t e co%rt ! ere t e co"#laint or infor"ation !as filed or assigned for trial. ) e arraign"ent s all &e "ade in o#en co%rt &* t e '%dge or cler4 &* f%rnis ing t e acc%sed !it a co#* of t e co"#laint or infor"ation+ reading t e sa"e in t e lang%age or dialect 4no!n to i"+ and as4ing i" ! et er e #leads g%ilt* or not g%ilt*. ) e #rosec%tion "a* call at t e trial !itnesses ot er t an t ose na"ed in t e co"#laint or infor"ation.

Section 1.

-&. ) e acc%sed "%st &e #resent at t e arraign"ent and "%st #ersonall* enter is #lea. <ot arraign"ent and #lea s all &e "ade of record+ &%t fail%re to do so s all not affect t e $alidit* of t e #roceedings. -c. = en t e acc%sed ref%ses to #lead or "a4es a conditional #lea+ a #lea of not g%ilt* s all &e entered for i". -d. = en t e acc%sed #leads g%ilt* &%t #resents e8c%l#ator* e$idence+ is #lea s all &e dee"ed !it dra!n and a #lea of not g%ilt* s all &e entered for i". -e. = en t e acc%sed is %nder #re$enti$e detention+ is case s all &e raffled and its records trans"itted to t e '%dge to ! o" t e case !as raffled

!it in t ree -/. da*s fro" t e filing of t e infor"ation or co"#laint. ) e acc%sed s all &e arraigned !it in ten -1;. da*s fro" t e date of t e raffle. ) e #re,trial conference of is case s all &e eld !it in ten -1;. da*s after arraign"ent. -f. ) e #ri$ate offended #art* s all &e re7%ired to a##ear at t e arraign"ent for #%r#oses of #lea &argaining+ deter"ination of ci$il lia&ilit*+ and ot er "atters re7%iring is #resence. In case of fail%re of t e offended #art* to a##ear des#ite d%e notice+ t e co%rt "a* allo! t e acc%sed to enter a #lea of g%ilt* to a lesser offense ! ic is necessaril* incl%ded in t e offense c arged !it t e confor"it* of t e trial #rosec%tor alone. -g. Unless a s orter #eriod is #ro$ided &* s#ecial la! or S%#re"e 0o%rt circ%lar+ t e arraign"ent s all &e eld !it in t irt* -/;. da*s fro" t e date t e co%rt ac7%ires '%risdiction o$er t e #erson of t e acc%sed. ) e ti"e of t e #endenc* of a "otion to 7%as or for a &ill or #artic%lars or ot er ca%ses '%stif*ing s%s#ension of t e arraign"ent s all &e




t e


Plea of guilty to a lesser offense. N At arraign"ent+ t e acc%sed+ !it t e consent of t e offended #art* and #rosec%tor+ "a* &e allo!ed &* t e trial co%rt to #lead g%ilt* to a lesser offense ! ic is necessaril* incl%ded in t e offense c arged. After arraign"ent &%t &efore trial+ t e acc%sed "a* still &e allo!ed to #lead g%ilt* to said lesser offense after !it dra!ing is #lea of not g%ilt*. No a"end"ent of t e co"#laint or infor"ation is necessar*. c an
ro&les $irt%al la! li&rar*

Sec. (.

Sec. /.
evidence. N = en t e co%rt s all cond%ct a co"#re ension of t e #rosec%tion to #ro$e ) e acc%sed "a*

Plea of guilty to capital offense" reception of acc%sed #leads g%ilt* to a ca#ital offense+ t e searc ing in7%ir* into t e $ol%ntariness and f%ll conse7%ences of is #lea and s all re7%ire t e is g%ilt and t e #recise degree of c%l#a&ilit*. #resent e$idence in is &e alf.

Plea of guilty to non-capital offense" reception of evidence% discretionary. N = en t e acc%sed #leads g%ilt* to a non, ca#ital offense+ t e co%rt "a* recei$e e$idence fro" t e #arties to deter"ine t e #enalt* to &e i"#osed.

Sec. 2.

Withdrawal of improvident plea of guilty. N At an* ti"e &efore t e '%dg"ent of con$iction &eco"es final+ t e co%rt "a* #er"it an i"#ro$ident #lea of g%ilt* to &e !it dra!n and &e s%&stit%ted &* a #lea of not g%ilt*.

Sec. 3.

/uty of court to inform accused of his right to counsel. N <efore arraign"ent+ t e co%rt s all infor" t e acc%sed of is rig t to co%nsel and as4 i" if e desires to a$e one. Unless t e acc%sed is allo!ed to defend i"self in #erson or as e"#lo*ed co%nsel of is c oice+ t e co%rt "%st assign a co%nsel de officio to defend i".

Sec. 6.

Appointment of counsel de officio. N ) e co%rt+ considering t e gra$it* of t e offense and t e diffic%lt* of t e 7%estions t at "a* arise+ s all a##oint as co%nsel de officio s%c "e"&ers of t e &ar in good standing ! o+ &* reason of t eir e8#erience and a&ilit*+ can co"#etentl* defend t e acc%sed. <%t in localities ! ere s%c "e"&ers of t e &ar are not a$aila&le+ t e co%rt "a* a##oint an* #erson+ resident of t e #ro$ince and of good re#%te for #ro&it* and a&ilit*+ to defend t e acc%sed.

Sec. 5.

Sec. 9.









arraignment. N = ene$er a co%nsel de office is a##ointed &* t e co%rt to defend t e acc%sed at t e arraign"ent+ e s all &e gi$en a reasona&le ti"e to cons%lt !it t e acc%sed as to is #lea &efore #roceeding !it t e arraign"ent.

ill of particulars. N ) e acc%sed "a*+ &efore arraign"ent+ "o$e for a &ill of #artic%lars to ena&le i" #ro#erl* to #lead and #re#are for trial. ) e "otion s all s#ecif* t e alleged defects of t e co"#laint or infor"ation and t e details desired.

Sec. :.

Production or inspection of material evidence in possession of prosecution. N U#on "otion of t e acc%sed s o!ing good ca%se and !it notice to t e #arties+ t e co%rt+ in order to #re$ent s%r#rise+ s%##ression+ or alteration+ "a* order t e #rosec%tion to #rod%ce and #er"it t e ins#ection and co#*ing or # otogra# ing of an* !ritten state"ent gi$en &* t e co"#lainant and ot er !itnesses in an* in$estigation of t e offense cond%cted &* t e #rosec%tion or ot er in$estigating officers+ as !ell as an* designated doc%"ents+ #a#ers+ &oo4s+ acco%nts+ letters+ # otogra# s+ o&'ect+ or tangi&le t ings not ot er!ise #ri$ileged+ ! ic constit%te or contain e$idence "aterial to an* "atter in$ol$ed in t e case and ! ic are in t e #ossession or %nder t e control of t e #rosec%tion+ #olice+ or ot er la! in$estigating agencies.

Sec. 1;.

Suspension of arraignment. N U#on "otion &* t e #ro#er #art*+ t e arraign"ent s all &e s%s#ended in t e follo!ing casesB

Sec. 11.

-a. ) e acc%sed a##ears to &e s%ffering fro" an %nso%nd "ental condition ! ic effecti$el* renders i" %na&le to f%ll* %nderstand t e c arge against i" and to #lead intelligentl* t ereto. In s%c case+ t e co%rt s all order is "ental e8a"ination and+ if necessar*+ is confine"ent for s%c #%r#ose> -&. ) ere e8ists 7%estion> and a #re'%dicial

-c. A #etition for re$ie! of t e resol%tion of t e #rosec%tor is #ending at eit er t e De#art"ent of D%stice+ or t e Office of t e President> provided+ t at t e #eriod of s%s#ension
s all not e8ceed si8t* -6;. da*s co%nted fro" t e filing of t e #etition !it t e re$ie!ing office.


+ime to move to )uash. N At an* ti"e &efore entering is #lea+ t e acc%sed "a* "o$e to 7%as t e co"#laint or infor"ation.

Section 1.

.orm and contents. N ) e "otion to 7%as s all &e in !riting+ signed &* t e acc%sed or is co%nsel and s all distinctl* s#ecif* its fact%al and legal gro%nds. ) e co%rt s all consider no gro%nd ot er t an t ose stated in t e "otion+ e8ce#t lac4 of '%risdiction o$er t e offense c arged.

Sec. (.

&rounds. N ) e acc%sed "a* "o$e to 7%as co"#laint or infor"ation on an* of t e follo!ing gro%ndsB

Sec. /.

t e

-a. ) at t e facts c arged do not constit%te an offense> -&. ) at t e co%rt tr*ing t e case as no '%risdiction o$er t e offense c arged> -c. ) at t e co%rt tr*ing t e case as no '%risdiction o$er t e #erson of t e acc%sed>

-d. ) at t e officer ! o filed t e infor"ation ad no a%t orit* to do so> -e. ) at it does not confor" s%&stantiall* to t e #rescri&ed for"> -f. ) at "ore t an one offense is c arged e8ce#t ! en a single #%nis "ent for $ario%s offenses is #rescri&ed &* la!> -g. ) at t e cri"inal action or lia&ilit* as &een e8ting%is ed> - . ) at it contains a$er"ents ! ic + if tr%e+ !o%ld constit%te a legal e8c%se or '%stification> and -i. ) at t e acc%sed as &een #re$io%sl* con$icted or ac7%itted of t e offense c arged+ or t e case against i" !as dis"issed or ot er!ise ter"inated !it o%t is e8#ress consent.
Amendment of complaint or information. N If t e "otion to 7%as is &ased on an alleged defect of t e co"#laint or infor"ation ! ic can &e c%red &* a"end"ent+ t e co%rt s all order t at an a"end"ent &e "ade.

Sec. 2.

If it is &ased on t e gro%nd t at t e facts c arged do not constit%te an

offense+ t e #rosec%tion s all &e gi$en &* t e co%rt an o##ort%nit* to correct t e defect &* a"end"ent. ) e "otion s all &e granted if t e #rosec%tion fails to "a4e t e a"end"ent+ or t e co"#laint or infor"ation still s%ffers fro" t e sa"e defect des#ite t e a"end"ent.
Effect of sustaining the motion to )uash. N If t e "otion to 7%as is s%stained+ t e co%rt "a* order t at anot er co"#laint or infor"ation &e filed e8ce#t as #ro$ided in section 6 of t is r%le. If t e order is "ade+ t e acc%sed+ if in c%stod*+ s all not &e disc arged %nless ad"itted to &ail. If no order is "ade or if a$ing &een "ade+ no ne! infor"ation is filed !it in t e ti"e s#ecified in t e order or !it in s%c f%rt er ti"e as t e co%rt "a* allo! for good ca%se+ t e acc%sed+ if in c%stod*+ s all &e disc arged %nless e is also in c%stod* of anot er c arge.

Sec. 3.

*rder sustaining the motion to )uash not a bar to another prosecution" exception. N An order s%staining t e "otion to 7%as is not a &ar to anot er #rosec%tion for t e sa"e offense %nless t e "otion !as &ased on t e gro%nds s#ecified in section / -g. and -i. of t is R%le.

Sec. 6.

.ormer conviction or ac)uittal" double jeopardy. N = en an acc%sed as &een con$icted or ac7%itted+ or t e case against i" dis"issed or ot er!ise ter"inated !it o%t is e8#ress consent &* a co%rt of co"#etent '%risdiction+ %#on a $alid co"#laint or infor"ation or ot er for"al c arge s%fficient in for" and s%&stance to s%stain a con$iction and after t e acc%sed ad #leaded to t e c arge+ t e con$iction or ac7%ittal of t e acc%sed or t e dis"issal of t e case s all &e a &ar to anot er #rosec%tion for t e offense c arged+ or for an* atte"#t to co""it t e sa"e or fr%stration t ereof+ or for an* offense ! ic necessaril* incl%des or is necessaril* incl%ded in t e offense c arged in t e for"er co"#laint or infor"ation.

Sec. 5.

?o!e$er+ t e con$iction of t e acc%sed s all not &e a &ar to anot er #rosec%tion for an offense ! ic necessaril* incl%des t e offense

c arged in t e for"er co"#laint or infor"ation %nder an* of t e follo!ing instancesB -a. t e gra$er offense de$elo#ed d%e to s%#er$ening facts arising fro" t e sa"e act or o"ission constit%ting t e for"er c arge> -&. t e facts constit%ting t e gra$er c arge &eca"e 4no!n or !ere disco$ered onl* after a #lea !as entered in t e for"er co"#laint or infor"ation> or -c. t e #lea of g%ilt* to t e lesser offense !as "ade !it o%t t e consent of t e #rosec%tor and of t e offended #art* e8ce#t as #ro$ided in section 1-f. of R%le 116. In an* of t e foregoing cases+ ! ere t e acc%sed satisfies or ser$es in ! ole or in #art t e '%dg"ent+ e s all &e credited !it t e sa"e in t e e$ent of con$iction for t e gra$er offense.
Provisional dismissal. N A case s all not &e #ro$isionall* dis"issed e8ce#t !it t e e8#ress consent of t e acc%sed and !it notice to t e offended #art*.

Sec. 9.

) e #ro$isional dis"issal of offenses #%nis a&le &* i"#rison"ent not e8ceeding si8 -6. *ears or a fine of an* a"o%nt+ or &ot + s all &eco"e #er"anent one -1. *ear after iss%ance of t e order !it o%t t e case a$ing &een re$i$ed. =it res#ect to offenses #%nis a&le &* i"#rison"ent of "ore t an si8 -6. *ears+ t eir #ro$isional dis"issal s all &eco"e #er"anent t!o -(. *ears after iss%ance of t e order !it o%t t e case a$ing &een re$i$ed. Sec. :.
.ailure to move to )uash or to allege any ground therefore. N ) e fail%re of t e acc%sed to assert an* gro%nd of a "otion to 7%as &efore e #leads to t e co"#laint or infor"ation+ eit er &eca%se e did not file a "otion to 7%as or failed to allege t e sa"e in said "otion+ s all &e dee"ed a !ai$er of an* o&'ections e8ce#t t ose &ased on t e gro%nds #ro$ided for in #aragra# s -a.+ -&.+ -g.+ and -i. of section / of t is R%le.


Pre-trial" mandatory in criminal cases. N In all cri"inal cases cogni6a&le &* t e Sandiganbayan% Regional )rial 0o%rt+ Cetro#olitan )rial 0o%rt+ C%nici#al )rial 0o%rt in 0ities+ C%nici#al )rial 0o%rt and C%nici#al 0irc%it )rial 0o%rt+ t e co%rt s all+ after arraign"ent and !it in t irt* -/;. da*s fro" t e date t e co%rt ac7%ires '%risdiction o$er t e #erson of t e acc%sed+ %nless a s orter #eriod is #ro$ided for in s#ecial la!s or circ%lars of t e S%#re"e 0o%rt+ order a #re,trial conference to consider t e follo!ingB

Section 1.

-a. #lea &argaining> -&. sti#%lation of facts>

-c. "ar4ing for identification of e$idence of t e #arties> -d. !ai$er of o&'ections ad"issi&ilit* of e$idence> to

-e. "odification of t e order of trial if t e acc%sed ad"its t e c arge &%t inter#oses a la!f%l defense> and -f. s%c "atters as !ill #ro"ote a fair and e8#editio%s trial of t e cri"inal and ci$il as#ects of t e case.
Pre-trial agreement. N All agree"ents or ad"issions "ade or entered d%ring t e #re,trial conference s all &e red%ced in !riting and signed &* t e acc%sed and co%nsel+ ot er!ise+ t e* cannot &e %sed against t e acc%sed. ) e agree"ents co$ering t e "atters referred to in section 1 of t is R%le s all &e a##ro$ed &* t e co%rt. 'on-appearance at pre-trial conference. N If t e co%nsel for t e acc%sed or t e #rosec%tor does not a##ear at t e #re, trial conference and does not offer an acce#ta&le e8c%se for is lac4 of coo#eration+ t e co%rt "a* i"#ose #ro#er sanctions or #enalties. Pre-trial order. N After t e co%rt s all iss%e an order reciting t e sti#%lated+ and e$idence "ar4ed. S%c order li"it t e trial to "atters not dis#osed of+ t e action d%ring t e trial+ %nless "odified "anifest in'%stice.



Sec. /.

Sec. 2.

t e #re,trial conference+ actions ta4en+ t e facts s all &ind t e #arties+ and control t e co%rse f &* t e co%rt to #re$ent

RULE 11: , )RIAL

+ime to prepare for trial. N After a #lea of not g%ilt* is entered+ t e acc%sed s all a$e at least fifteen -13. da*s to #re#are for trial. ) e trial s all co""ence !it in t irt* -/;. da*s fro" recei#t of t e #re,trial order. c an ro&les $irt%al la! li&rar*

Section 1.

#ontinuous trial until terminated" postponements. N )rial once co""enced s all contin%e fro" da* to da* as far as #ractica&le %ntil ter"inated. It "a* &e #ost#oned for a reasona&le #eriod of ti"e for good ca%se.

Sec. (.

) e co%rt s all+ after cons%ltation !it t e #rosec%tor and defense co%nsel+ set t e case for contin%o%s trail on a !ee4l* or ot er s ort,ter" trial calendar at t e earliest #ossi&le ti"e so as to ens%re s#eed* trial. In no case s all t e entire trial #eriod e8ceed one %ndred eig t* -19;. da*s fro" t e first da* of trial+ e8ce#t as ot er!ise a%t ori6ed &* t e S%#re"e 0o%rt. ) e ti"e li"itations #ro$ided %nder t is section and t e #receding section s all not a##l* ! ere s#ecial la!s or circ%lars of t e S%#re"e 0o%rt #ro$ide for a s orter #eriod of trial.
Exclusions. , ) e follo!ing #eriods of dela* s all &e e8cl%ded in co"#%ting t e ti"e !it in ! ic trial "%st co""enceB

Sec. /.

-a. An* #eriod of dela* res%lting fro" ot er #roceedings concerning t e

acc%sed+ incl%ding &%t not li"ited to t e follo!ingB -1. Dela* res%lting fro" an e8a"ination of t e # *sical and "ental condition of t e acc%sed> -(. Dela* res%lting fro" #roceedings !it res#ect to ot er cri"inal c arges against t e acc%sed> -/. Dela* res%lting fro" e8traordinar* re"edies against interloc%tor* orders> -2. Dela* res%lting fro" #re, trial #roceedings> #ro$ided+ t at t e dela* does not e8ceed t irt* -/;. da*s> -3. Dela* res%lting fro" orders of in i&ition+ or #roceedings relating to c ange of $en%e of cases or transfer fro" ot er co%rts> -6. Dela* res%lting fro" finding of e8istence of #re'%dicial 7%estion> and a a

-5. Dela* reasona&l* attri&%ta&le to an* #eriod+ not to e8ceed

t irt* -/;. da*s+ d%ring ! ic an* #roceeding concerning t e acc%sed is act%all* %nder ad$ise"ent. -&. An* #eriod of dela* res%lting fro" t e a&sence or %na$aila&ilit* of an essential !itness. For #%r#oses of t is s%&#aragra# + an essential !itness s all &e considered a&sent ! en is ! erea&o%ts are %n4no!n or is ! erea&o%ts cannot &e deter"ined &* d%e diligence. ?e s all &e considered %na$aila&le ! ene$er is ! erea&o%ts are 4no!n &%t is #resence for trial cannot &e o&tained &* d%e diligence. -c. An* #eriod of dela* res%lting fro" t e "ental inco"#etence or # *sical ina&ilit* of t e acc%sed to stand trial. -d. If t e infor"ation is dis"issed %#on "otion of t e #rosec%tion and t ereafter a c arge is filed against t e acc%sed for t e sa"e offense+ an* #eriod of dela* fro" t e date t e c arge !as dis"issed to t e date t e ti"e li"itation !o%ld co""ence to r%n as to t e s%&se7%ent c arge ad t ere &een no #re$io%s c arge.

-e. A reasona&le #eriod of dela* ! en t e acc%sed is 'oined for trial !it a co,acc%sed o$er ! o" t e co%rt as not ac7%ired '%risdiction+ or+ as to ! o" t e ti"e for trial as not r%n and no "otion for se#arate trial as &een granted. -f. An* #eriod of dela* res%lting fro" a contin%ance granted &* an* co%rt
motu proprio% or on #rosec%tion+ if t e findings set fort ta4ing s%c action acc%sed in "otion of eit er t co%rt granted t e in t e order t at o%t!eig t e &est a e acc%sed or is co%nsel+ or t e contin%ance on t e &asis of its t e ends of '%stice ser$ed &* interest of t e #%&lic and t e s#eed* trial.

.actors for granting continuance. N ) e follo!ing factors+ a"ong ot ers+ s all &e considered &* a co%rt in deter"ining ! et er to grant a contin%ance %nder section /-f. of t is R%le.

Sec. 2.

-a. = et er or not t e fail%re to grant a contin%ance in t e #roceeding !o%ld li4el* "a4e a contin%ation of s%c #roceeding i"#ossi&le or res%lt in a "iscarriage of '%stice> and -&. = et er or not t e case ta4en as a ! ole is so no$el+ %n%s%al and co"#le8+ d%e to t e n%"&er of acc%sed or t e nat%re of t e #rosec%tion+ or t at it is %nreasona&le to e8#ect ade7%ate #re#aration !it in t e #eriods of ti"e esta&lis ed t erein. In addition+ no contin%ance %nder section /-f. of t is R%le s all &e

granted &eca%se of congestion of t e co%rtFs calendar or lac4 of diligent #re#aration or fail%re to o&tain a$aila&le !itnesses on t e #art of t e #rosec%tor.
+ime limit following an order for new trial. N If t e acc%sed is to &e tried again #%rs%ant to an order for a ne! trial+ t e trial s all co""ence !it in t irt* -/;. da*s fro" notice of t e order+ #ro$ided t at if t e #eriod &eco"es i"#ractical d%e to %na$aila&ilit* of !itnesses and ot er factors+ t e co%rt "a* e8tend &%t not to e8ceed one %ndred eig t* -19;. da*s. For t e second t!el$e, "ont #eriod+ t e ti"e li"it s all &e one %ndred eig t* -19;. da*s fro" notice of said order for ne! trial.

Sec. 3.

Extended time limit. , Not!it standing t e #ro$isions of section 1-g.+ R%le 116 and t e #receding section 1+ for t e first t!el$e,calendar,"ont #eriod follo!ing its effecti$it* on Se#te"&er 13+ 1::9+ t e ti"e li"it !it res#ect to t e #eriod fro" arraign"ent to trial i"#osed &* said #ro$ision s all &e one %ndred eig t* -19;. da*s. For t e second t!el$e,"ont #eriod+ t e ti"e li"it s all &e one %ndred t!ent* -1(;. da*s+ and for t e t ird t!el$e,"ont #eriod+ t e ti"e li"it s all &e eig t* -9;. da*s.

Sec. 6.

Public attorney:s duties where accused is imprisoned. N If t e #%&lic attorne* assigned to defend a #erson c arged !it a cri"e 4no!s t at e latter is #re$enti$el* detained+ eit er &eca%se e is c arged !it a &aila&le cri"e &%t as no "eans to #ost &ail+ or+ is c arged !it a non,&aila&le cri"e+ or+ is ser$ing a ter" of i"#rison"ent in an* #enal instit%tion+ it s all &e is d%t* to do t e follo!ingB

Sec. 5.

-a. S all #ro"#tl* %nderta4e to o&tain t e #resence of t e #risoner for trial or ca%se a notice to &e ser$ed on t e #erson a$ing c%stod* of t e #risoner re7%iring s%c #erson to so ad$ise t e #risoner of is rig t and de"and trial.

-&. U#on recei#t of t at notice+ t e c%stodian of t e #risoner s all #ro"#tl* ad$ise t e #risoner of t e c arge and of is rig t to de"and trial. If at an*ti"e t ereafter t e #risoner infor"s is c%stodian t at e de"ands s%c trial+ t e latter s all ca%se notice to t at effect to &e sent #ro"#tl* to t e #%&lic attorne*. -c. U#on recei#t of s%c notice+ t e #%&lic attorne* s all #ro"#tl* see4 to o&tain t e #resence of t e #risoner for trial. -d. = en t e c%stodian of t e #risoner recei$es fro" t e #%&lic attorne* a #ro#erl* s%##orted re7%est for t e a$aila&ilit* of t e #risoner for #%r#ose of trial+ t e #risoner s all &e "ade a$aila&le accordingl*. Sec. 9.
for t e acc%sed+ Sanctions. N In an* case in ! ic #ri$ate co%nsel t e #%&lic attorne*+ or t e #rosec%torB

-a. Kno!ingl* allo!s t e case to &e set for trial !it o%t disclosing t at a necessar* !itness !o%ld &e %na$aila&le for trial>

-&. Files a "otion solel* for dela* ! ic e 4no!s is totall* fri$olo%s and !it o%t "erit> -c. Ca4es a state"ent for t e #%r#ose of o&taining contin%ance ! ic e 4no!s to &e false and ! ic is "aterial to t e granting of a contin%ance> or -d. =illf%ll* fails to #roceed to trial !it o%t '%stification consistent !it t e #ro$isions ereof+ t e co%rt "a* #%nis s%c co%nsel+ attorne*+ or #rosec%tor+ as follo!sB -1. <* i"#osing on a co%nsel #ri$atel* retained in connection !it t e defense o fan acc%sed+ a fine not e8ceeding t!ent* t o%sand #esos -P(;+;;;.;;.> -(. <* i"#osing on an* a##ointed co%nsel de officio+ #%&lic attorne*+ or #rosec%tor a
fine not e8ceeding fi$e t o%sand #esos -P3+;;;.;;.> and

-/. <* den*ing an* defense co%nsel or #rosec%tor t e rig t to #ractice &efore t e co%rt tr*ing t e case for a #eriod not e8ceeding t irt* -/;. da*s. ) e #%nis "ent #ro$ided for &* t is

section s all &e !it o%t #re'%dice to an* a##ro#riate cri"inal action or ot er sanction a%t ori6ed %nder t ese r%les.
3emedy where accused is not brought to trial within the time limit. N If t e acc%sed is not &ro%g t to trial !it in t e ti"e li"it re7%ired &* Section 1-g.+ R%le 116 and Section 1+ as e8tended &* Section 6 of t is R%le+ t e infor"ation "a* &e dis"issed on "otion of t e acc%sed on t e gro%nd of denial of is rig t to s#eed* trial. ) e acc%sed s all a$e t e &%rden of #ro$ing t e "otion &%t t e #rosec%tion s all a$e t e &%rden of going for!ard !it t e e$idence to esta&lis t e e8cl%sion of ti"e %nder section / of t is r%le. ) e dis"issal s all &e s%&'ect to t e r%les on do%&le 'eo#ard*.

Sec. :.

Fail%re of t e acc%sed to "o$e for dis"issal #rior to trial s all constit%te a !ai$er of t e rig t to dis"iss %nder t is section. Sec. 1;. !aw on speedy trial trial in the #onstitution.
not a bar to provision on

speedy N No #ro$ision of la! on s#eed* trial and no r%le i"#le"enting t e sa"e s all &e inter#reted as a &ar to an* c arge of denial of t e rig t to s#eed* trial g%aranteed &* Section 12-(.+ Article III+ of t e

1:95 0onstit%tion.

Sec. 11.
follo!ing orderB

*rder of trial. N ) e trial s all #roceed in t e

-a. ) e #rosec%tion s all #resent e$idence to #ro$e t e c arge and+ in t e #ro#er case+ t e ci$il lia&ilit*. -&. ) e acc%sed "a* #resent e$idence to #ro$e is defense and da"ages+ if an*+ arising+ fro"

t e iss%ance of a re"ed* in t e case.


-c. ) e #rosec%tion and t e defense "a*+ in t at order+ #resent re&%ttal and s%r,re&%ttal e$idence %nless t e co%rt+ in f%rt erance of '%stice+ #er"its t e" to #resent additional e$idence &earing %#on t e "ain iss%e. -d. U#on ad"ission of e$idence of t e #arties+ t e case s all &e dee"ed s%&"itted for decision %nless t e co%rt directs t e" to arg%e orall* or to s%&"it !ritten "e"oranda. -e. = en t e acc%sed ad"its t e act or o"ission c arged in t e co"#laint or infor"ation &%t inter#oses a la!f%l defense+ t e order of trial "a* &e "odified.
Application for examination of witness for accused before trial. N = en t e acc%sed as &een eld to ans!er for an offense+ e "a*+ %#on "otion !it notice to t e ot er #arties+ a$e !itnesses conditionall* e8a"ined in is &e alf. ) e "otion s all stateB -a. t e na"e and residence of t e !itness> -&. t e s%&stance of is testi"on*> and -c. t at t e !itness is sic4 or infir" as to afford reasona&le gro%nd for &elie$ing t at e !ill not &e a&le to attend t e trial+ or resides "ore t an one %ndred -1;;. 4ilo"eters fro" t e #lace of trial and as no "eans to attend t e sa"e+ or t at ot er si"ilar circ%"stances e8ist t at !o%ld "a4e i" %na$aila&le or #re$ent i" fro" attending t e trial. ) e "otion s all &e s%##orted &* an affida$it of t e acc%sed and s%c ot er e$idence as t e co%rt "a* re7%ire.c an ro&les
$irt%al la! li&rar*

Sec. 1(.

Examination of defense witness" how made. N If t e co%rt is satisfied t at t e e8a"ination of a !itness for t e acc%sed is necessar*+ an order s all &e "ade directing t at t e !itness &e e8a"ined at a s#ecific date+ ti"e and #lace and t at a co#* of t e order &e ser$ed on t e #rosec%tor at least t ree -/. da*s &efore t e sc ed%led e8a"ination. ) e e8a"ination s all &e ta4en &efore a '%dge+ or+ if not #ractica&le+ a "e"&er of t e <ar in good standing so designated &* t e '%dge in t e order+ or if t e order &e "ade &* a co%rt of s%#erior '%risdiction+ &efore an inferior co%rt to &e designated t erein. ) e e8a"ination s all #roceed not!it standing t e a&sence of t e #rosec%tor #ro$ided e !as d%l* notified of t e earing. A !ritten record of t e testi"on* s all &e ta4en. ail to secure appearance of material witness. N = en t e co%rt is satisfied+ %#on #roof of oat + t at a "aterial !itness !ill not testif* ! en re7%ired+ it "a*+ %#on "otion of eit er #art*+ order t e !itness to #ost &ail in s%c s%" as "a* &e dee"ed #ro#er. U#on ref%sal to #ost &ail+ t e co%rt s all co""it i" to #rison %ntil e co"#lies or is legall* disc arged after is testi"on* as &een ta4en.

Sec. 1/.

Sec. 12.

Examination of witness for the prosecution.N = en it is satisfactoril* a##ears t at a !itness for t e #rosec%tion is too sic4 or infir" to a##ear at t e trial as directed &* t e co%rt+ of as to lea$e t e P ili##ines !it no definite date of ret%rning+ e "a* fort !it &e conditionall* e8a"ined &efore t e co%rt ! ere t e case is #ending. S%c e8a"ination+ in t e #resence of t e acc%sed+ or in is a&sence after reasona&le notice to attend t e e8a"ination as &een ser$ed on i"+ s all &e cond%cted in t e sa"e "anner as an e8a"ination at t e trial. Fail%re or ref%sal of t e acc%sed to attend t e e8a"ination at t e trial. Fail%re or ref%sal of t e acc%sed to attend t e e8a"ination after notice s all &e considered a !ai$er. ) e state"ent ta4en "a* &e ad"itted in &e alf of or against t e acc%sed. +rial of several accused. N = en t!o or "ore acc%sed are 'ointl* c arged !it an offense+ t e* s all &e tried 'ointl* %nless t e co%rt+ in its discretion and %#on "otion of t e #rosec%tor or an* acc%sed+ orders se#arate trial for one or "ore acc%sed.

Sec. 13.

Sec. 16.

/ischarge of accused to be state witness. N = en t!o or "ore #ersons are 'ointl* c arged !it t e co""ission of an* offense+ %#on "otion of t e #rosec%tion &efore resting its case+ t e co%rt "a* direct one or "ore of t e acc%sed to &e disc arged !it t eir consent so t at t e* "a* &e !itnesses for t e state ! en+ after re7%iring t e #rosec%tion to #resent e$idence and t e s!orn state"ent of eac #ro#osed state !itness at a earing in s%##ort of t e disc arge+ t e co%rt is satisfied t atB

Sec. 15.

-a. ) ere is a&sol%te necessit* for t e testi"on* of t e acc%sed ! ose disc arge is re7%ested> -&. ) ere is no ot er direct e$idence a$aila&le for t e #ro#er #rosec%tion of t e offense co""itted+ e8ce#t t e testi"on* of said acc%sed> -c. ) e testi"on* of said acc%sed can &e s%&stantiall* corro&orated in its "aterial #oints> -d. Said acc%sed does not a##ear to &e t e "ost g%ilt*> and -e. Said acc%sed as not at an* ti"e &een con$icted of an* offense in$ol$ing "oral t%r#it%de. E$idence add%ced in s%##ort of t e disc arge s all a%to"aticall* for" #art of t e trial. If t e co%rt denies t e "otion for disc arge of t e acc%sed as state !itness+ is s!orn state"ent s all &e inad"issi&le in e$idence.
/ischarge of accused operates as ac)uittal. N ) e order indicated in t e #receding section s all a"o%nt to an ac7%ittal of t e disc arged acc%sed and s all &e a &ar to f%t%re #rosec%tion for t e sa"e offense+ %nless t e acc%sed fails or ref%ses to testif* against is co,acc%sed in accordance !it is s!orn state"ent constit%ting t e &asis for is disc arge.

Sec. 19.

When mista,e has been made in charging the proper offense. N = en it &eco"es "anifest at an* ti"e &efore '%dg"ent t at a "ista4e as &een "ade in c arging t e #ro#er offense and t e acc%sed cannot &e con$icted of t e offense c arged or an* ot er offense necessaril* incl%ded t erein+ t e acc%sed s all not &e disc arged if t ere a##ears good ca%se to detain i". In s%c case+ t e co%rt s all co""it t e acc%sed to ans!er for t e #ro#er offense and dis"iss t e original case %#on t e filing of t e #ro#er infor"ation. Appointment of acting prosecutor. N = en a #rosec%tor+ is assistant or de#%t* is dis7%alified to act d%e to an* of t e gro%nds stated in section 1 of R%le 1/5 or for an* ot er reason+ t e '%dge or t e #rosec%tor s all co""%nicate !it t e Secretar* of D%stice in order t at t e latter "a* a##oint an acting #rosec%tor. Exclusion of the public. N ) e '%dge "a*+ motu proprio% e8cl%de t e #%&lic fro" t e co%rtroo" if t e e$idence to &e #rod%ced d%ring t e trial is offensi$e to decenc* or #%&lic "orals. ?e "a* also+ on "otion of t e acc%sed+ e8cl%de t e #%&lic fro" t e trial e8ce#t co%rt #ersonnel and t e co%nsel of t e #arties. #onsolidation of trials of related offenses. N 0 arges for offenses fo%nded on t e sa"e facts or for"ing #art of a series of offenses of si"ilar c aracter "a* &e tried 'ointl* at t e discretion of t e co%rt.

Sec. 1:.

Sec. (;.

Sec. (1.

Sec. ((.

/emurrer to evidence. N After t e #rosec%tion rests its case+ t e co%rt "a* dis"iss t e action on t e gro%nd of ins%fficienc* of e$idence -1. on its o!n initiati$e after gi$ing t e #rosec%tion t e o##ort%nit* to &e eard or -(. %#on de"%rrer to e$idence filed &* t e acc%sed !it or !it o%t lea$e of co%rt.

Sec. (/.

If t e co%rt denies t e de"%rrer to e$idence filed !it lea$e of co%rt+ t e acc%sed "a* add%ce e$idence in is defense. = en t e de"%rrer to e$idence is filed !it o%t lea$e of co%rt+ t e acc%sed !ai$es t e rig t to #resent e$idence and s%&"its t e case for '%dg"ent on t e &asis of t e e$idence for t e #rosec%tion.

) e "otion for lea$e of co%rt to file de"%rrer to e$idence s all s#ecificall* state its gro%nds and s all &e filed !it in a non,e8tendi&le #eriod of fi$e -3. da*s after t e #rosec%tion rests its case. ) e #rosec%tion "a* o##ose t e "otion !it in a non,e8tendi&le #eriod of fi$e -3. da*s fro" its recei#t. If lea$e of co%rt is granted+ t e acc%sed s all file t e de"%rrer to e$idence !it in a non,e8tendi&le #eriod of ten -1;. da*s fro" notice. ) e #rosec%tion "a* o##ose t e de"%rrer to e$idence !it in a si"ilar #eriod fro" its recei#t. ) e order den*ing t e "otion for lea$e of co%rt to file de"%rrer to e$idence or t e de"%rrer itself s all not &e re$ie!a&le &* a##eal or &* certiorari &efore '%dg"ent.
3eopening. N At an* ti"e &efore finalit* of t e '%dg"ent of con$iction+ t e '%dge "a*+ motu proprio or %#on "otion+ !it earing in eit er case+ reo#en t e #roceedings to a$oid a "iscarriage of '%stice. ) e #roceedings s all &e ter"inated !it in t irt* -/;. da*s fro" t e order granting it.

Sec. (2.


0udgment" definition and form. N D%dg"ent is t e ad'%dication &* t e co%rt t at t e acc%sed is g%ilt* or not g%ilt* of t e offense c arged and t e i"#osition on i" of t e #ro#er #enalt* and ci$il lia&ilit*+ if an*. It "%st &e !ritten in t e official lang%age+ #ersonall* and directl* #re#ared &* t e '%dge and signed &* i" and s all contain clearl* and distinctl* a state"ent of t e facts and t e la! %#on ! ic it is &ased.

Section 1.

#ontents of the judgment. N If t e '%dg"ent is of con$iction+ it s all state -1. t e legal 7%alification of t e offense constit%ted &* t e acts co""itted &* t e acc%sed and t e aggra$ating or "itigating circ%"stances ! ic attended its co""ission> -(. t e #artici#ation of t e acc%sed in t e offense+ ! et er as #rinci#al+ acco"#lice+ or accessor* after t e fact> -/. t e #enalt* i"#osed %#on t e acc%sed> and -2. t e ci$il lia&ilit* or da"ages ca%sed &* is !rongf%l act or o"ission to &e reco$ered fro" t e acc%sed &* t e offended #art*+ if t ere is an*+ %nless t e enforce"ent of t e ci$il lia&ilit* &* a se#arate ci$il action as &een reser$ed or !ai$ed.

Sec. (.

In case t e '%dg"ent is of ac7%ittal+ it s all state ! et er t e e$idence of t e #rosec%tion a&sol%tel* failed to #ro$e t e g%ilt of t e acc%sed or "erel* failed to #ro$e is g%ilt &e*ond reasona&le do%&t. In eit er case+ t e '%dg"ent s all deter"ine if t e act or o"ission fro" ! ic t e ci$il lia&ilit* "ig t arise did not e8ist.
0udgment for two or more offenses. N = en t!o or "ore offenses are c arged in a single co"#laint or infor"ation &%t t e acc%sed fails to o&'ect to it &efore trial+ t e co%rt "a* con$ict i" of as "an* offenses as are c arged and #ro$ed+ and i"#ose on i" t e #enalt* for eac offense+ setting o%t se#aratel* t e findings of fact and la! in eac offense.

Sec. /.

0udgment in case of variance between allegation and proof. N = en t ere is $ariance &et!een t e offense c arged in t e co"#laint or infor"ation and t at #ro$ed+ and t e offense as c arged is incl%ded in or necessaril* incl%des t e offense #ro$ed+ t e acc%sed

Sec. 2.

s all &e con$icted of t e offense #ro$ed ! ic offense c arged+ or of t e offense c arged ! ic offense #ro$ed.

is incl%ded in t e is incl%ded in t e

When an offense includes or is included in another. N An offense c arged necessaril* incl%des t e offense #ro$ed ! en so"e of t e essential ele"ents or ingredients of t e for"er+ as alleged in t e co"#laint or infor"ation+ constit%te t e latter. And an offense c arged is necessaril* incl%ded in t e offense #ro$ed+ ! en t e essential ingredients of t e for"er constit%te or for" #art of t ose constit%ting t e latter.

Sec. 3.

Promulgation of judgment. N ) e '%dg"ent is #ro"%lgated &* reading it in t e #resence of t e acc%sed and an* '%dge of t e co%rt in ! ic it !as rendered. ?o!e$er+ if t e con$iction is for a lig t offense+ t e '%dg"ent "a* &e #rono%nced in t e #resence of is co%nsel or re#resentati$e. = en t e '%dge is a&sent or o%tside t e #ro$ince or cit*+ t e '%dg"ent "a* &e #ro"%lgated &* t e cler4 of co%rt.

Sec. 6.

If t e acc%sed is confined or detained in anot er #ro$ince or cit*+ t e '%dg"ent "a* &e #ro"%lgated &* t e e8ec%ti$e '%dge of t e Regional )rial 0o%rt a$ing '%risdiction o$er t e #lace of confine"ent or detention %#on re7%est of t e co%rt ! ic rendered t e '%dg"ent. ) e co%rt #ro"%lgating t e '%dg"ent s all a$e a%t orit* to acce#t t e notice of a##eal and to a##ro$e t e &ail &ond #ending a##eal> #ro$ided+ t at if t e decision of t e trial co%rt con$icting t e acc%sed c anged t e nat%re of t e offense fro" non,&aila&le to &aila&le+ t e a##lication for &ail can onl* &e filed and resol$ed &* t e a##ellate co%rt.c an ro&les $irt%al la! li&rar*

) e #ro#er cler4 of co%rt s all gi$e notice to t e acc%sed #ersonall* or t ro%g is &onds"an or !arden and co%nsel+ re7%iring i" to &e #resent at t e #ro"%lgation of t e decision. If t e acc%sed !as tried in absentia &eca%se e '%"#ed
&ail or esca#ed fro" #rison+ t e notice to last 4no!n address. i" s all &e ser$ed at is

In case t e acc%sed fails to a##ear at t e sc ed%led date of #ro"%lgation of '%dg"ent des#ite notice+ t e #ro"%lgation s all &e "ade &* recording t e '%dg"ent in t e cri"inal doc4et and ser$ing i" a co#* t ereof at is last 4no!n address or t r% is co%nsel. If t e '%dg"ent is for con$iction and t e fail%re of t e acc%sed to a##ear !as !it o%t '%stifia&le ca%se+ e s all lose t e re"edies a$aila&le in t ese r%les against t e '%dg"ent and t e co%rt s all order is arrest. =it in fifteen -13. da*s fro" #ro"%lgation of '%dg"ent+ o!e$er+ t e acc%sed "a* s%rrender and file a "otion for lea$e of co%rt to a$ail of t ese re"edies. ?e s all state t e reasons for is a&sence at t e sc ed%led #ro"%lgation and if e #ro$es t at is a&sence !as for a '%stifia&le ca%se+ e s all &e allo!ed to a$ail of said re"edies !it in fifteen -13. da*s fro"

(odification of judgment. N A '%dg"ent of con$iction "a*+ %#on "otion of t e acc%sed+ &e "odified or set aside &efore it &eco"es final or &efore a##eal is #erfected. E8ce#t ! ere t e deat #enalt* is i"#osed+ a '%dg"ent &eco"es final after t e la#se of t e #eriod for #erfecting an a##eal+ or ! en t e sentence as &een #artiall* or totall* satisfied or ser$ed+ or ! en t e acc%sed as !ai$ed in !riting is rig t to a##eal+ or as a##lied for #ro&ation.

Sec. 5.

Sec. 9.
final+ it s all

Entry of judgment. N After a '%dg"ent as &eco"e &e entered in accordance !it R%le /6.

Existing provisions governing suspension of sentence% probation and parole not affected by this 3ule. N Not ing in t is r%le s all affect an* e8isting #ro$isions in t e la!s go$erning s%s#ension of sentence+ #ro&ation or #arole.

Sec. :.


'ew trial or reconsideration. N At an* ti"e &efore a '%dg"ent of con$iction &eco"es final+ t e co%rt "a*+ on "otion of t e acc%sed or at its o!n instance &%t !it t e consent of t e acc%sed+ grant a ne! trial or reconsideration.

Section 1.

&rounds for a new trial. N ) e co%rt s all grant a ne! trial on an* of t e follo!ing gro%ndsB

Sec. (.

-a. ) at errors of la! or irreg%larities #re'%dicial to t e s%&stantial rig ts of t e acc%sed a$e &een co""itted d%ring t e trial>

-&. ) at ne! and "aterial e$idence as &een disco$ered ! ic t e acc%sed co%ld not !it reasona&le diligence a$e disco$ered and #rod%ced at t e trial and ! ic if introd%ced and ad"itted !o%ld #ro&a&l* c ange t e '%dg"ent.
&round for reconsideration. N ) e co%rt s all grant reconsideration on t e gro%nd of errors of la! or fact in t e '%dg"ent+ ! ic re7%ires no f%rt er #roceedings. .orm of motion and notice to the prosecutor. N ) e "otion for ne! trial or reconsideration s all &e in !riting and s all state t e gro%nds on ! ic it is &ased. If &ased on a ne!l*,disco$ered e$idence+ t e "otion "%st &e s%##orted &* affida$its of !itnesses &* ! o" s%c e$idence is e8#ected to &e gi$en or &* d%l* a%t enticated co#ies of doc%"ents ! ic are #ro#osed to &e introd%ced in e$idence. Notice of t e "otion for ne! trial or reconsideration s all &e gi$en to t e #rosec%tor.

Sec. /.

Sec. 2.

$earing on motion. N = ere a "otion for ne! trial calls for resol%tion of an* 7%estion of fact+ t e co%rt "a* ear e$idence t ereon &* affida$its or ot er!ise. Effects reconsideration. N ) e effects reconsideration are t e follo!ingB

Sec. 3. Sec.


of of

granting granting

a a

new ne!

trial trial

or or

-a. = en a ne! trial is granted on t e gro%nd of errors of la! or irreg%larities co""itted d%ring t e trial+ all t e #roceedings and e$idence affected t ere&* s all &e set aside and ta4en ane!. ) e co%rt "a*+ in t e interest of '%stice+ allo! t e

introd%ction e$idence.



-&. = en a ne! trial is granted on t e gro%nd of ne!l*,disco$ered e$idence+ t e e$idence alread* add%ced s all stand and t e ne!l*,disco$ered and s%c ot er e$idence as t e co%rt "a*+ in t e interest of '%stice+ allo! to &e introd%ced s all &e ta4en and considered toget er !it t e e$idence alread* in t e record. -c. In all cases+ ! en t e co%rt grants ne! trial or reconsideration+ t e original '%dg"ent s all &e set aside or $acated and a ne! '%dg"ent rendered accordingl*.


Who may appeal. N An* #art* "a* a##eal fro" a '%dg"ent or final order+ %nless t e acc%sed !ill &e #laced in do%&le 'eo#ard*.

Section 1. Sec. (.

Where to appeal. N ) e a##eal "a* &e ta4en as


-a. )o t e Regional )rial 0o%rt+ in cases decided &* t e Cetro#olitan )rial 0o%rt+

C%nici#al )rial 0o%rt in 0ities+ C%nici#al )rial 0o%rt+ or C%nici#al 0irc%it )rial 0o%rt> -&. )o t e 0o%rt of A##eals or to t e S%#re"e 0o%rt in t e #ro#er cases #ro$ided &* la!+ in cases decided &* t e Regional )rial 0o%rt> and -c. )o t e S%#re"e 0o%rt+ cases decided &* t e 0o%rt A##eals. Sec. /. in of

$ow appeal ta,en. N -a. ) e a##eal to t e Regional )rial 0o%rt+ or to t e 0o%rt of A##eals in cases decided &* t e Regional )rial 0o%rt in t e e8ercise of its original '%risdiction+ s all &e ta4en &* filing a notice of a##eal !it t e co%rt ! ic rendered t e '%dg"ent or final order a##ealed fro" and &* ser$ing a co#* t ereof %#on t e ad$erse #art*.

-&. ) e a##eal to t e 0o%rt of A##eals in cases decided &* t e Regional )rial 0o%rt in t e e8ercise of its a##ellate '%risdiction s all &e &* #etition for re$ie! %nder R%le 2(. -c. ) e a##eal to t e S%#re"e 0o%rt in cases ! ere t e #enalt* i"#osed &* t e Regional )rial 0o%rt is reclusion perpetua+
or life i"#rison"ent+ or ! ere a lesser #enalt* is i"#osed &%t for offenses co""itted on t e sa"e occasion or ! ic arose o%t of t e sa"e occ%rrence t at ga$e rise to t e "ore serio%s offense for ! ic t e #enalt* of deat + reclusion perpetua+ or life i"#rison"ent is i"#osed+ s all &e &* filing a notice of a##eal in accordance !it #aragra# -a. of t is section.

-d. No notice of a##eal is necessar* in cases ! ere t e deat #enalt* is i"#osed &* t e Regional )rial 0o%rt. ) e sa"e s all &e a%to"aticall* re$ie!ed &* t e S%#re"e 0o%rt as #ro$ided in section 1; of t is R%le. E8ce#t as #ro$ided in t e last #aragra# of section 1/+ R%le 1(2+ all ot er a##eals to t e S%#re"e 0o%rt s all &e &* #etition for re$ie! on certiorari %nder R%le 23.
Service of notice of appeal. N If #ersonal ser$ice of t e co#* of t e notice of a##eal can not &e "ade %#on t e ad$erse #art* or is co%nsel+ ser$ice "a* &e done &* registered "ail or &* s%&stit%ted ser$ice #%rs%ant to sections 5 and 9 of R%le 1/.

Sec. 2.

Waiver of notice. N ) e a##ellee "a* !ai$e is rig t to a notice t at an a##eal as &een ta4en. ) e a##ellate co%rt "a*+ in its discretion+ entertain an a##eal not!it standing fail%re to gi$e s%c notice if t e interests of '%stice so re7%ire.

Sec. 3.

When appeal to be ta,en. N An a##eal "%st &e ta4en !it in fifteen -13. da*s fro" #ro"%lgation of t e '%dg"ent or fro" notice of t e final order a##ealed fro". ) is #eriod for #erfecting an a##eal s all &e s%s#ended fro" t e ti"e a "otion for ne! trial or reconsideration is filed %ntil notice of t e order o$err%ling t e "otion as &een ser$ed %#on t e acc%sed or is co%nsel at ! ic ti"e t e &alance of t e #eriod &egins to r%n.

Sec. 6.

+ranscribing and filing notes of stenographic reporter upon appeal. N = en notice of a##eals is filed &* t e acc%sed+ t e trial co%rt s all direct t e stenogra# ic re#orter to transcri&e is notes of t e #roceedings. = en filed &* t e Peo#le of t e P ili##ines+ t e trial co%rt s all direct t e stenogra# ic re#orter to transcri&e s%c #ortion of is notes of t e #roceedings as t e co%rt+ %#on "otion+ s all s#ecif* in !riting. ) e stenogra# ic re#orter s all certif* to t e correctness of t e notes and t e transcri#t t ereof+

Sec. 5.

! ic s all consist of t e original and fo%r co#ies+ and s all file said original and fo%r co#ies !it t e cler4 !it o%t %nnecessar* dela*.c an ro&les $irt%al la! li&rar*

If deat #enalt* is i"#osed+ t e stenogra# ic re#orter s all+ !it in t irt* -/;. da*s fro" #ro"%lgation of t e sentence+ file !it t e cler4 t e original and fo%r co#ies of t e d%l* certified transcri#t of is notes of t e #roceedings. No e8tension of ti"e for filing of said transcri#t of stenogra# ic notes s all &e granted e8ce#t &* t e S%#re"e 0o%rt and onl* %#on '%stifia&le gro%nds.
+ransmission of papers to appellate court upon appeal. N =it in fi$e -3. da*s fro" t e filing of t e notice of a##eal+ t e cler4 of co%rt !it ! o" t e notice of a##eal !as filed "%st trans"it to t e cler4 of co%rt of t e a##ellate co%rt t e co"#lete record of t e case+ toget er !it said notice. ) e original and t ree co#ies of t e transcri#t of stenogra# ic notes+ toget er !it t e records+ s all also &e trans"itted to t e cler4 of t e a##ellate co%rt !it o%t %nd%e dela*. ) e ot er co#* of t e transcri#t s all re"ain in t e lo!er co%rt.

Sec. 9.

Appeal to the 3egional +rial #ourts. N -a. =it in fi$e -3. da*s fro" #erfection of t e a##eal+ t e cler4 of co%rt s all trans"it t e original record to t e a##ro#riate Regional )rial 0o%rt.

Sec. :.

-&. U#on recei#t of t e co"#lete record of t e case+ transcri#ts and e8 i&its+ t e cler4 of co%rt of t e Regional )rial 0o%rt s all notif* t e #arties of s%c fact. -c. =it in fifteen -13. da*s fro" recei#t of said notice+ t e #arties "a*

s%&"it "e"oranda or &riefs+ or "a* &e re7%ired &* t e Regional )rial 0o%rt to do so. After t e s%&"ission of s%c "e"oranda or &riefs+ or %#on t e e8#iration of t e #eriod to file t e sa"e+ t e Regional )rial 0o%rt s all decide t e case on t e &asis of t e entire record of t e case and of s%c "e"oranda or &riefs as "a* a$e &een filed.
+ransmission of records in case of death penalty. N In all cases ! ere t e deat #enalt* is i"#osed &* t e trial co%rt+ t e records s all &e for!arded to t e S%#re"e 0o%rt for a%to"atic re$ie! and '%dg"ent !it in fi$e -3. da*s after t e fifteent -13. da* follo!ing t e #ro"%lgation of t e '%dg"ent or notice of denial of a "otion for ne! trial or reconsideration. ) e transcri#t s all also &e for!arded !it in ten -1;. da*s after t e filing t ereof &* t e stenogra# ic re#orter.

Sec. 1;.

Effect of appeal by any of several accused. N -a. An a##eal ta4en &* one or "ore of se$eral acc%sed s all not affect t ose ! o did not a##eal+ e8ce#t insofar as t e '%dg"ent of t e a##ellate co%rt is fa$ora&le and a##lica&le to t e latter.

Sec. 11.

-&. ) e a##eal of t e offended #art* fro" t e ci$il as#ect s all not affect t e cri"inal as#ect of t e '%dg"ent or order a##ealed fro". -c. U#on #erfection of t e a##eal+ t e e8ec%tion of t e '%dg"ent or final order a##ealed fro" s all &e sta*ed as to t e a##ealing #art*.
Withdrawal of appeal. , Not!it standing #erfection of t e a##eal+ t e Regional )rial 0o%rt+ Cetro#olitan )rial



0o%rt+ C%nici#al )rial 0o%rt in 0ities+ C%nici#al )rial 0o%rt+ or C%nici#al 0irc%it )rial 0o%rt+ as t e case "a* &e+ "a* allo! t e a##ellant to !it dra! is a##eal &efore t e record as &een for!arded &* t e cler4 of co%rt to t e #ro#er a##ellate co%rt as #ro$ided in section 9+ in ! ic case+ t e '%dg"ent s all &eco"e final. ) e Regional )rial 0o%rt "a* also+ in its discretion+ allo! t e a##ellant fro" t e '%dg"ent of a Cetro#olitan )rial 0o%rt+ C%nici#al )rial 0o%rt in 0ities+ C%nici#al )rial 0o%rt+ or C%nici#al 0irc%it )rial 0o%rt to !it dra! is a##eal+ #ro$ided a "otion to t at effect is filed &efore rendition of t e '%dg"ent in t e case on a##eal+ in ! ic case t e '%dg"ent of t e co%rt of origin s all &eco"e final and t e case s all &e re"anded to t e latter co%rt for e8ec%tion of t e '%dg"ent.

Appointment of counsel de officio for accused on appeal. , It s all &e t e d%t* of t e cler4 of co%rt of t e trial co%rt+ %#on filing of a notice of a##eal to ascertain fro" t e a##ellant+ if confined in #rison+ ! et er e desires t e Regional )rial 0o%rt+ 0o%rt of A##eals or t e S%#re"e 0o%rt to a##oint a co%nsel de officio to defend i" and to trans"it !it t e record on a for" to &e #re#ared &* t e cler4 of co%rt of t e a##ellate co%rt+ a certificate of co"#liance !it t is d%t* and of t e res#onse of t e a##ellate to is in7%ir*.

Sec. 1/.


;niform Procedure. N ) e #roced%re to &e o&ser$ed in t e Cetro#olitan )rial 0o%rts+ C%nici#al )rial 0o%rts and C%nici#al 0irc%it )rial 0o%rts s all &e t e sa"e as in t e Regional )rial 0o%rts+ e8ce#t ! ere a #artic%lar #ro$ision a##lies onl* to eit er of said co%rts and in cri"inal cases go$erned &* t e Re$ised R%le on S%""ar* Proced%re.

Section 1.


+itle of the case. N In all cri"inal cases a##ealed to t e 0o%rt of A##eals+ t e #art* a##ealing t e case s all &e called t e 5appellant5 and t e ad$erse #art* t e 5appellee%5 &%t t e title of t e case s all re"ain as it !as in t e co%rt of origin.

Section 1.

Appointment of counsel de officio for the accused. N If it a##ears fro" t e record of t e case as trans"itted t at -a. t e acc%sed is confined in #rison+ -&. is !it o%t co%nsel de parte on a##eal+ or -c. as signed t e notice of a##eal i"self+ as4 t e cler4 of co%rt of t e 0o%rt of A##eals s all designate a co%nsel de officio.

Sec. (.

An a##ellant ! o is not confined in #rison "a*+ %#on re7%est+ &e assigned a co%nsel de officio !it in ten -1;. da*s fro" recei#t of t e
notice to file &rief and e esta&lis es is rig t t ereto. When brief for appellant to be filed. N =it in t irt* -/;. da*s fro" recei#t &* t e a##ellant or is co%nsel of t e notice fro" t e cler4 of co%rt of t e 0o%rt of A##eals t at t e e$idence+ oral and doc%"entar*+ is alread* attac ed to t e record+ t e a##ellant s all file se$en -5. co#ies of is &rief !it t e cler4 of co%rt ! ic s all &e acco"#anied &* #roof of ser$ice of t!o -(. co#ies t ereof %#on t e a##ellee.

Sec. /.

When brief for appellee to be filed" reply brief of the appellant. N =it in t irt* -/;. da*s fro" recei#t of t e &rief of t e a##ellant+ t e a##ellee s all file se$en -5. co#ies of t e &rief of t e a##ellee !it t e cler4 of co%rt ! ic s all &e acco"#anied &* #roof of ser$ice of t!o -(. co#ies t ereof %#on t e a##ellant.

Sec. 2.

=it in t!ent* -(;. da*s fro" recei#t of t e &rief of t e a##ellee+ t e a##ellant "a* file a re#l* &rief tra$ersing "atters raised in t e for"er &%t not co$ered in t e &rief of t e a##ellant.
Extension of time for filing briefs . N E8tension of ti"e for t e filing of &riefs !ill not &e allo!ed e8ce#t for good and s%fficient ca%se and onl* if t e "otion for e8tension is filed

Sec. 3.


t e



t e


so%g t




.orm of briefs. N <riefs s all eit er &e #rinted+ encoded or t*#e!ritten in do%&le s#ace on legal si6e good 7%alit* %ngla6ed #a#er+ //; "". in lengt &* (16 "". in !idt .

Sec. 6. Sec. 5.

#ontents of brief. N ) e &riefs in cri"inal cases s all a$e t e sa"e contents as #ro$ided in sections 1/ and 12 of R%le 22. A certified tr%e co#* of t e decision or final order a##ealed fro" s all &e a##ended to t e &rief of t e a##ellant.

/ismissal of appeal for abandonment or failure to prosecute. N ) e 0o%rt of A##eals "a*+ %#on "otion of t e a##ellee or motu proprio and !it notice to t e a##ellant in eit er case+ dis"iss t e a##eal if t e a##ellant fails to file is &rief !it in t e ti"e #rescri&ed &* t is R%le+ e8ce#t ! ere t e a##ellant is re#resented &* a co%nsel de officio.

Sec. 9.

) e 0o%rt of A##eals "a* also+ %#on "otion of t e a##ellee or motu proprio+ dis"iss t e
a##eal if t e a##ellant esca#es fro" #rison or confine"ent+ '%"#s &ail or flees to a foreign co%ntr* d%ring t e #endenc* of t e a##eal.

Prompt disposition of appeals. N A##eals of acc%sed ! o are %nder detention s all &e gi$en #recedence in t eir dis#osition o$er ot er a##eals. ) e 0o%rt of A##eals s all ear and decide t e a##eal at t e earliest #ractica&le ti"e !it d%e regard to t e rig ts of t e #arties. ) e acc%sed need not &e #resent in co%rt d%ring t e earing of t e a##eal.

Sec. :.

0udgment not to be reversed or modified except for substantial error. N No '%dg"ent s all &e re$ersed or "odified %nless t e 0o%rt of A##eals+ after an e8a"ination of t e record and of t e e$idence add%ced &* t e #arties+ is of t e o#inion t at terror !as co""itted ! ic in'%rio%sl* affected t e s%&stantial rig ts of t e a##ellant.

Sec. 1;.

Scope of judgment. N ) e 0o%rt of A##eals "a* re$erse+ affir" or "odif* t e '%dg"ent and increase or red%ce t e #enalt* i"#osed &* t e trial co%rt+ re"and t e case to t e Regional )rial 0o%rt for ne! trial or retrial+ or dis"iss t e case.

Sec. 11.

Sec. 1(.
A##eals s all

Power to receive evidence. a$e t e #o!er to tr* cases and cond%ct

N ) e 0o%rt of earings+ recei$e

e$idence and #erfor" an* and all acts necessar* to resol$e fact%al iss%es raised in cases -a. falling !it in its original '%risdiction+ -&. in$ol$ing clai"s for da"ages arising fro" #ro$isional re"edies+ or -c. ! ere t e co%rt grants a ne! trial &ased onl* on t e gro%nd of ne!l*,disco$ered e$idence.

4uorum of the court" certification or appeal of cases to Supreme #ourt. N ) ree -/. D%stices of t e 0o%rt of A##eals s all constit%te a 7%or%" for t e sessions of a di$ision. ) e %nani"o%s $ote of t e t ree -/. D%stices of a di$ision s all &e necessar* for t e #rono%nce"ent of a '%dg"ent or final resol%tion+ ! ic s all &e reac ed in cons%ltation &efore t e !riting of t e o#inion &* a "e"&er of t e di$ision. In t e e$ent t at t e t ree -/. D%stices can not reac a %nani"o%s $ote+ t e Presiding D%stice s all direct t e raffle co""ittee of t e 0o%rt to designate t!o -(. additional D%stices to sit te"#oraril* !it t e"+ for"ing a s#ecial di$ision of fi$e -3. "e"&ers and t e conc%rrence of a "a'orit* of s%c di$ision s all &e necessar* for t e #rono%nce"ent of a '%dg"ent or final resol%tion. ) e designation of s%c additional D%stices s all &e "ade strictl* &* raffle and rotation a"ong all ot er D%stices of t e 0o%rt of A##eals.

Sec. 1/.

= ene$er t e 0o%rt of A##eals find t at t e #enalt* of deat + reclusion perpetua% or

life i"#rison"ent s o%ld &e i"#osed in a case+ t e co%rt+ after disc%ssion of t e e$idence and t e la! in$ol$ed+ s all render '%dg"ent i"#osing t e #enalt* of deat + reclusion perpetua+ or life i"#rison"ent as t e circ%"stance !arrant. ?o!e$er+ it s all refrain fro" entering t e '%dg"ent and fort !it certif* t e case and ele$ate t e entire record t ereof to t e S%#re"e 0o%rt for re$ie!.

(otion for new trial. N At an* ti"e after t e a##eal fro" t e lo!er co%rt as &een #erfected and &efore t e '%dg"ent of t e 0o%rt of A##eals con$icting t e a##ellant &eco"es final+ t e latter "a* "o$e for a ne! trial on t e gro%nd of ne!l*,disco$ered e$idence "aterial to is defense. ) e "otion s all confor" !it t e #ro$isions of section 2+ R%le 1(1.

Sec. 12.

Where new trial conducted. N = en a ne! trial is granted+ t e 0o%rt of A##eals "a* cond%ct t e earing and recei$e e$idence as #ro$ided in section 1( of t is R%le or refer t e trial to t e co%rt of origin.

Sec. 13.

3econsideration. N A "otion for reconsideration s all &e filed !it in fifteen -13. da*s fro" notice of t e decision or final order of t e 0o%rt of A##eals !it co#ies t ereof ser$ed %#on t e ad$erse #art*+ setting fort t e gro%nds in s%##ort t ereof. ) e "itti"%s s all &e sta*ed d%ring t e #endenc* of t e "otion for reconsideration. No #art* s all &e allo!ed a second "otion for

Sec. 16.







0udgment transmitted and filed in trial court. N = en t e entr* of '%dg"ent of t e 0o%rt of A##eals is iss%ed+ a certified tr%e co#* of t e '%dg"ent s all &e attac ed to t e original record ! ic s all &e re"anded to t e cler4 of t e co%rt fro" ! ic t e a##eal !as ta4en.

Sec. 15.

Sec. 19.

Application of certain rules in civil procedure to criminal cases. N ) e #ro$isions of R%les 2(+ 22 to 26 and 29 to 36 relating to #roced%re in t e 0o%rt of A##eals and in t e S%#re"e 0o%rt in original and a##ealed ci$il cases s all &e a##lied to cri"inal cases insofar as t e* are a##lica&le and not inconsistent !it t e #ro$ision of t is R%le.


;niform Procedure. N Unless ot er!ise #ro$ided &* t e 0onstit%tion or &* la!+ t e #roced%re in t e S%#re"e 0o%rt in original and in a##ealed cases s all &e t e sa"e as in t e 0o%rt of A##eals.

Section 1.

3eview of decisions of the #ourt of Appeals. N ) e #roced%re for t e re$ie! &* t e S%#re"e 0o%rt of decisions in cri"inal cases rendered &* t e 0o%rt of A##eals s all &e t e sa"e as in ci$il cases.

Sec. (.

/ecision if opinion is e)ually divided. N = en t e S%#re"e 0o%rt en banc is e7%all* di$ided in o#inion or t e necessar* "a'orit* cannot &e ad on ! et er to ac7%it t e a##ellant+ t e case s all again &e deli&erated %#on and if no decision is reac ed after re, deli&eration+ t e '%dg"ent of con$iction of lo!er co%rt s all &e re$ersed and t e acc%sed ac7%itted.

Sec. /.


Search warrant defined. N A searc !arrant is an order in !riting iss%ed in t e na"e of t e Peo#le of t e P ili##ines+ signed &* a '%dge and directed to a #eace officer+ co""anding i" to searc for #ersonal #ro#ert* descri&ed t erein and &ring it &efore t e co%rt.

Section 1.

#ourt where application for search warrant shall be filed. N An a##lication for searc !arrant s all &e filed !it t e follo!ingB

Sec. (.

-a. An* co%rt !it in ! ose territorial '%risdiction a cri"e !as co""itted.c an ro&les $irt%al la! li&rar* -&. For co"#elling reasons stated in t e a##lication+ an* co%rt !it in t e '%dicial region ! ere t e cri"e !as co""itted if t e #lace of t e co""ission of t e cri"e is 4no!n+ or an* co%rt !it in t e '%dicial region ! ere t e !arrant s all &e enforced. ?o!e$er+ if t e cri"inal action as alread* &een filed+ t e a##lication s all onl* &e "ade in t e co%rt ! ere t e cri"inal action is #ending.
Personal property to be sei1ed. N A searc "a* &e iss%ed for t e searc and sei6%re of #ersonal #ro#ert*B

Sec. /.


-a. S%&'ect of t e offense> -&. Stolen or e"&e66led and ot er #roceeds+ or fr%its of t e offense> or

-c. Used or intended to &e %sed as t e "eans of co""itting an offense.

3e)uisites for issuing search warrant. N A searc !arrant s all not iss%e e8ce#t %#on #ro&a&le ca%se in connection !it one s#ecific offense to &e deter"ined #ersonall* &* t e '%dge after e8a"ination %nder oat or affir"ation of t e co"#lainant and t e !itness e "a* #rod%ce+ and #artic%larl* descri&ing t e #lace to &e searc ed and t e t ings to &e sei6ed ! ic "a* &e an*! ere in t e P ili##ines. Examination of complainant" record. N ) e '%dge "%st+ &efore iss%ing t e !arrant+ #ersonall* e8a"ine in t e for" of searc ing 7%estions and ans!ers+ in !riting and %nder oat + t e co"#lainant and t e !itnesses e "a* #rod%ce on facts #ersonall* 4no!n to t e" and attac to t e record t eir s!orn state"ents+ toget er !it t e affida$its s%&"itted. -ssuance and form of search warrant. N If t e '%dge is satisfied of t e e8istence of facts %#on ! ic t e a##lication is &ased or t at t ere is #ro&a&le ca%se to &elie$e t at t e* e8ist+ e s all iss%e t e !arrant+ ! ic "%st &e s%&stantiall* in t e for" #rescri&ed &* t ese R%les. 3ight to brea, door or window to effect search. N ) e officer+ if ref%sed ad"ittance to t e #lace of directed searc after gi$ing notice of is #%r#ose and a%t orit*+ "a* &rea4 o#en an* o%ter or inner door or !indo! of a o%se or an* #art of a o%se or an*t ing t erein to e8ec%te t e !arrant to li&erate i"self or an* #erson la!f%ll* aiding i" ! en %nla!f%ll* detained t erein. Search of house% room% or premises to be made in presence of two witnesses. N No searc of a o%se+ roo"+ or an* ot er #re"ises s all &e "ade e8ce#t in t e #resence of t e la!f%l occ%#ant t ereof or an* "e"&er of is fa"il* or in t e a&sence of t e latter+ t!o !itnesses of s%fficient age and discretion residing in t e sa"e localit*.c an ro&les $irt%al la! li&rar* +ime of ma,ing search. N ) e !arrant "%st direct t at it &e ser$ed in t e da* ti"e+ %nless t e affida$it asserts t at t e #ro#ert* is on t e #erson or in t e #lace ordered to &e searc ed+ in ! ic case a direction "a* &e inserted t at it &e ser$ed at an* ti"e of t e da* or nig t.

Sec. 2.

Sec. 3.

Sec. 6.

Sec. 5.

Sec. 9.

Sec. :.

6alidity of search warrant. N A searc !arrant s all &e $alid for ten -1;. da*s fro" its date. ) ereafter+ it s all &e $oid. 3eceipt for the property sei1ed. N ) e officer sei6ing t e #ro#ert* %nder t e !arrant "%st gi$e a detailed recei#t for t e sa"e to t e la!f%l occ%#ant of t e #re"ises in ! ose #resence t e searc and sei6%re !ere "ade+ or in t e a&sence of s%c occ%#ant+ "%st+ in t e #resence of at least t!o !itnesses of s%fficient age and discretion residing in t e sa"e localit*+ lea$e a recei#t in t e #lace in ! ic e fo%nd t e sei6ed #ro#ert*.

Sec. 1;. Sec. 11.

Sec. 1(.

/elivery of property and inventory thereof to

N -a. ) e officer "%st fort !it deli$er t e #ro#ert* sei6ed to t e '%dge ! o iss%ed t e !arrant+ toget er !it a tr%e in$entor* t ereof d%l* $erified %nder oat .
court" return and proceedings thereon.

-&. )en -1;. da*s after iss%ance of t e searc !arrant+ t e iss%ing '%dge s all ascertain if t e ret%rn as &een "ade+ and if none+ s all s%""on t e #erson to ! o" t e !arrant !as iss%ed and re7%ire i" to e8#lain ! * no ret%rn !as "ade. If t e ret%rn as &een "ade+ t e '%dge s all ascertain ! et er section 11 of t is R%le as &een co"#lied !it and s all re7%ire t at t e #ro#ert* sei6ed &e deli$ered to i". ) e '%dge s all see to it t at s%&section -a. ereof as &een co"#lied !it . -c. ) e ret%rn on t e searc !arrant s all &e filed and 4e#t &* t e

c%stodian of !arrants ! o date of t e ot er actions

t e log &oo4 on searc s all enter t erein t e ret%rn+ t e res%lt+ and of t e '%dge. s all

A $iolation of t is section constit%te conte"#t of co%rt. Sec. 1/.

Search incident to lawful arrest. N A #erson la!f%ll* arrested "a* &e searc ed for dangero%s !ea#ons or an*t ing ! ic "a* a$e &een %sed or constit%te #roof in t e co""ission of an offense !it o%t a searc !arrant. (otion to )uash a search warrant or to suppress evidence" where to file. N A "otion to 7%as a searc !arrant andLor to s%##ress e$idence o&tained t ere&* "a* &e filed in and acted %#on onl* &* t e co%rt ! ere t e action as &een instit%ted. If no cri"inal action as &een instit%ted+ t e "otion "a* &e filed in and resol$ed &* t e co%rt t at iss%ed searc !arrant. ?o!e$er+ if s%c co%rt failed to resol$e t e "otion and a cri"inal case is s%&se7%entl* filed in anot er co%rt+ t e "otion s all &e resol$ed &* t e latter co%rt.c an ro&les $irt%al
la! li&rar*

Sec. 12.


Availability of provisional remedies. N ) e #ro$isional re"edies in ci$il actions+ insofar as t e* are a##lica&le+ "a* &e a$ailed of in connection !it t e ci$il action dee"ed instit%ted !it t e cri"inal action.

Section 1.

Attachment. N = en t e ci$il action is #ro#erl* instit%ted in t e cri"inal action as #ro$ided in R%le 111+ t e offended #art* "a* a$e t e #ro#ert* of t e acc%sed attac ed as sec%rit* for t e satisfaction of an* '%dg"ent t at "a* &e reco$ered fro" t e acc%sed in t e follo!ing casesB

Sec. (.

-a. = en t e acc%sed is a&o%t a&scond fro" t e P ili##ines>


-&. = en t e cri"inal action is &ased on a clai" for "one* or #ro#ert* e"&e66led or fra%d%lentl* "isa##lied or con$erted to t e %se of t e acc%sed ! o is a #%&lic officer+ officer of a cor#oration+ attorne*+ factor+ &ro4er+ agent or cler4+ in t e co%rse of is e"#lo*"ent as s%c + or &* an* ot er #erson in a fid%ciar* ca#acit*+ or for a !illf%l $iolation of d%t*> -c. = en t e acc%sed as concealed+ re"o$ed+ or dis#osed of is #ro#ert*+ or is a&o%t to do so> and -d. = en t e acc%sed resides o%tside t e P ili##ines.


AS A'()*(* !(# #(S"+,-I") A*"!-(* ") 'A# . /0, /121 !A#- I3 #,+(S "4 (3I*() (

#,+( /52 6eneral !rovisions S( -I") /.Evidence defined. 7 (vidence is the means, sanctioned by these rules, of ascertaining in a $udicial proceeding the truth respecting a matter of fact. 8/9 Sec. 5.Scope. 7 -he rules of evidence shall be the same in all courts and in all trials and hearings, e%cept as otherwise provided by law or these rules. 85a9 chanrobles virtua law library Sec. :.Admissibility of evidence. 7 (vidence is admissible when it is relevant to the issue and is not e%cluded by the law of these rules. 8:a9 Sec. 0.Relevancy; collateral matters. 7 (vidence must have such a relation to the fact in issue as to induce belief in its e%istence or non-e%istence. (vidence on collateral matters shall not be allowed, e%cept when it tends in any reasonable degree to establish the probability or improbability of the fact in issue. 80a9 #,+( /51 <hat )eed )ot =e !roved S( -I") /.Judicial notice, when mandatory. 7 A court shall take $udicial notice, without the introduction of evidence, of the e%istence and territorial e%tent of states, their political history, forms of government and symbols of nationality, the law of nations, the admiralty and maritime courts of the world and their seals, the political constitution and history of the !hilippines, the official acts of legislative, e%ecutive and $udicial departments of the !hilippines, the laws of nature, the measure of time, and the geographical divisions. 8/a9 chanrobles virtua law library Sec. 5.Judicial notice, when discretionary. 7 A court may take $udicial notice of matters which are of public knowledge, or are capable to un>uestionable demonstration, or ought to be known to $udges because of their $udicial functions. 8/a9 Sec. :.Judicial notice, when hearing necessary. 7 *uring the trial, the court, on its own initiative, or on re>uest of a party, may announce its

intention to take $udicial notice of any matter and allow the parties to be heard thereon. After the trial, and before $udgment or on appeal, the proper court, on its own initiative or on re>uest of a party, may take $udicial notice of any matter and allow the parties to be heard thereon if such matter is decisive of a material issue in the case. 8n9 Sec. 0.Judicial admissions. 7 An admission, verbal or written, made by the party in the course of the proceedings in the same case, does not re>uire proof. -he admission may be contradicted only by showing that it was made through palpable mistake or that no such admission was made. 85a9 #,+( /:? #ules of Admissibility A. "=@( - 8#(A+9 (3I*() ( S( -I") /. b!ect as evidence. 7 "b$ects as evidence are those addressed to the senses of the court. <hen an ob$ect is relevant to the fact in issue, it may be e%hibited to, e%amined or viewed by the court. 8/a9 =. *" ,'()-A#A (3I*() ( Sec. 5."ocumentary evidence. 7 *ocuments as evidence consist of writing or any material containing letters, words, numbers, figures, symbols or other modes of written e%pression offered as proof of their contents. 8n9 /. =(S- (3I*() ( #,+( Sec. :. riginal document must be produced; e#ceptions. 7 <hen the sub$ect of in>uiry is the contents of a document, no evidence shall be admissible other than the original document itself, e%cept in the following casesB
8a9<hen the original has been lost or destroyed, or cannot be produced in court, without bad faith on the part of the offeror; 8b9<hen the original is in the custody or under the control of the party against whom the evidence is offered, and the latter fails to produce it after reasonable notice;

8c9<hen the original consists of numerous accounts or other documents which cannot be e%amined in court without great loss of time and the fact sought to be established from them is only the general result of the whole; and 8d9<hen the original is a public record in the custody of a public officer or is recorded in a public office. 85a9

Sec. 0. riginal of document. 7

8a9-he original of the document is one the contents of which are the sub$ect of in>uiry. 8b9<hen a document is in two or more copies e%ecuted at or about the same time, with identical contents, all such copies are e>ually regarded as originals. 8c9<hen an entry is repeated in the regular course of business, one being copied from another at or near the time of the transaction, all the entries are likewise e>ually regarded as originals. 8:a9

5. S( ")*A#A (3I*() ( Sec. 5.When original document is unavailable . 7 <hen the original document has been lost or destroyed, or cannot be produced in court, the offeror, upon proof of its e%ecution or e%istence and the cause of its unavailability without bad faith on his part, may prove its contents by a copy, or by a recital of its contents in some authentic document, or by the testimony of witnesses in the order stated. 80a9 Sec. C.When original document is in adverse party$s custody or control . 7 If the document is in the custody or under the control of adverse party, he must have reasonable notice to produce it. If after such notice and after satisfactory proof of its e%istence, he fails to produce the document, secondary evidence may be presented as in the case of its loss. 85a9 Sec. D.Evidence admissible when original document is a public record . 7 <hen the original of document is in the custody of public officer or is recorded in a public office, its contents may be proved by a certified copy issued by the public officer in custody thereof. 85a9 Sec. 2.%arty who calls for document not bound to offer it . 7 A party who calls for the production of a document and inspects the same is not obliged to offer it as evidence. 8Ca9 :. !A#"+ (3I*() ( #,+(

Sec. 1.(vidence of written agreements. 7 <hen the terms of an agreement have been reduced to writing, it is considered as containing all the terms agreed upon and there can be, between the parties and their successors in interest, no evidence of such terms other than the contents of the written agreement. .owever, a party may present evidence to modify, e%plain or add to the terms of written agreement if he puts in issue in his pleadingB
8a9An intrinsic ambiguity, mistake or imperfection in the written agreement; 8b9-he failure of the written agreement to e%press the true intent and agreement of the parties thereto; 8c9-he validity of the written agreement; or 8d9-he e%istence of other terms agreed to by the parties or their successors in interest after the e%ecution of the written agreement.

-he term &agreement& includes wills. 8Da9 0. I)-(#!#(-A-I") "4 *" ,'()-S Sec. /?.&nterpretation of a writingaccording to its legal meaning . 7 -he language of a writing is to be interpreted according to the legal meaning it bears in the place of its e%ecution, unless the parties intended otherwise. 829 Sec. //.&nstrument construed so as to give effect to all provisions . 7 In the construction of an instrument, where there are several provisions or particulars, such a construction is, if possible, to be adopted as will give effect to all. 819 Sec. /5.&nterpretation according to intention; general and particular provisions. 7 In the construction of an instrument, the intention of the parties is to be pursued; and when a general and a particular provision are inconsistent, the latter is paramount to the former. So a particular intent will control a general one that is inconsistent with it. 8/?9 Sec. /:.&nterpretation according to circumstances . 7 4or the proper construction of an instrument, the circumstances under which it was made, including the situation of the sub$ect thereof and of the parties to it, may be shown, so that the $udge may be placed in the position of those who language he is to interpret. 8//9

Sec. /0.%eculiar signification of terms. 7 -he terms of a writing are presumed to have been used in their primary and general acceptation, but evidence is admissible to show that they have a local, technical, or otherwise peculiar signification, and were so used and understood in the particular instance, in which case the agreement must be construed accordingly. 8/59 Sec. /5.Written words control printed. 7 <hen an instrument consists partly of written words and partly of a printed form, and the two are inconsistent, the former controls the latter. 8/:9 Sec. /C.E#perts and interpreters to be used in e#plaining certain writings . 7 <hen the characters in which an instrument is written are difficult to be deciphered, or the language is not understood by the court, the evidence of persons skilled in deciphering the characters, or who understand the language, is admissible to declare the characters or the meaning of the language. 8/09 Sec. /D. f 'wo constructions, which preferred . 7 <hen the terms of an agreement have been intended in a different sense by the different parties to it, that sense is to prevail against either party in which he supposed the other understood it, and when different constructions of a provision are otherwise e>ually proper, that is to be taken which is the most favorable to the party in whose favor the provision was made. 8/59 Sec. /2.(onstruction in favor of natural right . 7 <hen an instrument is e>ually susceptible of two interpretations, one in favor of natural right and the other against it, the former is to be adopted. 8/C9 chanrobles virtua law library Sec. /1.&nterpretation according to usage. 7An instrument may be construed according to usage, in order to determine its true character. 8/D9 . -(S-I'")IA+ (3I*() ( /. E,A+I4I A-I") "4 <I-)(SS(S Sec. 5?.Witnesses; their )ualifications. 7 (%cept as provided in the ne%t succeeding section, all persons who can perceive, and perceiving, can make their known perception to others, may be witnesses.

#eligious or political belief, interest in the outcome of the case, or conviction of a crime unless otherwise provided by law, shall not be ground for dis>ualification. 8/2a9 Sec. 5/."is)ualification by reason of mental incapacity or immaturity . 7 -he following persons cannot be witnessesB
8a9-hose whose mental condition, at the time of their production for e%amination, is such that they are incapable of intelligently making known their perception to others; 8b9 hildren whose mental maturity is such as to render them incapable of perceiving the facts respecting which they are e%amined and of relating them truthfully. 8/1a9

Sec. 55."is)ualification by reason of marriage. 7 *uring their marriage, neither the husband nor the wife may testify for or against the other without the consent of the affected spouse, e%cept in a civil case by one against the other, or in a criminal case for a crime committed by one against the other or the latterFs direct descendants or ascendants. 85?a9 Sec. 5:."is)ualification by reason of death or insanity of adverse party . 7 !arties or assignor of parties to a case, or persons in whose behalf a case is prosecuted, against an e%ecutor or administrator or other representative of a deceased person, or against a person of unsound mind, upon a claim or demand against the estate of such deceased person or against such person of unsound mind, cannot testify as to any matter of fact occurring before the death of such deceased person or before such person became of unsound mind. 85?a9 Sec. 50."is)ualification by reason of privileged communication . 7 -he following persons cannot testify as to matters learned in confidence in the following casesB
8a9-he husband or the wife, during or after the marriage, cannot be e%amined without the consent of the other as to any communication received in confidence by one from the other during the marriage e%cept in a civil case by one against the other, or in a criminal case for a crime committed by one against the other or the latterFs direct descendants or ascendants; 8b9An attorney cannot, without the consent of his client, be e%amined as to any communication made by the client to him, or his advice given thereon in the course of, or with a view to, professional employment, nor can an attorneyFs secretary, stenographer, or clerk be e%amined, without the consent of the client and his

employer, concerning any fact the knowledge of which has been ac>uired in such capacity; 8c9A person authorized to practice medicine, surgery or obstetrics cannot in a civil case, without the consent of the patient, be e%amined as to any advice or treatment given by him or any information which he may have ac>uired in attending such patient in a professional capacity, which information was necessary to enable him to act in capacity, and which would blacken the reputation of the patient; 8d9A minister or priest cannot, without the consent of the person making the confession, be e%amined as to any confession made to or any advice given by him in his professional character in the course of discipline en$oined by the church to which the minister or priest belongs; 8e9A public officer cannot be e%amined during his term of office or afterwards, as to communications made to him in official confidence, when the court finds that the public interest would suffer by the disclosure. 85/a9

5. -(S-I'")IA+ !#I3I+(6( Sec. 55.%arental and filial privilege. 7 )o person may be compelled to testify against his parents, other direct ascendants, children or other direct descendants. 85?a9 :. A*'ISSI")S A)* ")4(SSI")S Sec. 5C.Admission of a party. 7 -he act, declaration or omission of a party as to a relevant fact may be given in evidence against him. 8559 Sec. 5D. ffer of compromise not admissible. 7 In civil cases, an offer of compromise is not an admission of any liability, and is not admissible in evidence against the offeror. In criminal cases, e%cept those involving >uasi-offenses 8criminal negligence9 or those allowed by law to be compromised, an offer of compromised by the accused may be received in evidence as an implied admission of guilt. A plea of guilty later withdrawn, or an unaccepted offer of a plea of guilty to lesser offense, is not admissible in evidence against the accused who made the plea or offer.

An offer to pay or the payment of medical, hospital or other e%penses occasioned by an in$ury is not admissible in evidence as proof of civil or criminal liability for the in$ury. 850a9 Sec. 52.Admission by third party. 7 -he rights of a party cannot be pre$udiced by an act, declaration, or omission of another, e%cept as hereinafter provided. 855a9 Sec. 51.Admission by co*partner or agent . 7 -he act or declaration of a partner or agent of the party within the scope of his authority and during the e%istence of the partnership or agency, may be given in evidence against such party after the partnership or agency is shown by evidence other than such act or declaration. -he same rule applies to the act or declaration of a $oint owner, $oint debtor, or other person $ointly interested with the party. 85Ca9 Sec. :?.Admission by conspirator. 7 -he act or declaration of a conspirator relating to the conspiracy and during its e%istence, may be given in evidence against the co-conspirator after the conspiracy is shown by evidence other than such act of declaration. 85D9 Sec. :/.Admission by privies. 7 <here one derives title to property from another, the act, declaration, or omission of the latter, while holding the title, in relation to the property, is evidence against the former. 8529 Sec. :5.Admission by silence. 7 An act or declaration made in the presence and within the hearing or observation of a party who does or says nothing when the act or declaration is such as naturally to call for action or comment if not true, and when proper and possible for him to do so, may be given in evidence against him. 85:a9 Sec. ::.(onfession. 7 -he declaration of an accused acknowledging his guilt of the offense charged, or of any offense necessarily included therein, may be given in evidence against him. 851a9 0. !#(3I",S ")*, - AS (3I*() ( Sec. :0.Similar acts as evidence. 7 (vidence that one did or did not do a certain thing at one time is not admissible to prove that he did or did not do the same or similar thing at another time; but it may be received to prove a specific intent or knowledge; identity, plan, system, scheme, habit, custom or usage, and the like. 802a9

Sec. :5.+naccepted offer. 7 An offer in writing to pay a particular sum of money or to deliver a written instrument or specific personal property is, if re$ected without valid cause, e>uivalent to the actual production and tender of the money, instrument, or property. 801a9 5. -(S-I'")IA+ G)"<+(*6( Sec. :C.'estimony generally confined to personal ,nowledge ; hearsay e#cluded. 7 A witness can testify only to those facts which he knows of his personal knowledge; that is, which are derived from his own perception, e%cept as otherwise provided in these rules. 8:?a9 C. (H (!-I")S -" -.( .(A#SAA #,+( Sec. :D."ying declaration. 7 -he declaration of a dying person, made under the consciousness of an impending death, may be received in any case wherein his death is the sub$ect of in>uiry, as evidence of the cause and surrounding circumstances of such death. 8:/a9 Sec. :2."eclaration against interest. 7 -he declaration made by a person deceased, or unable to testify, against the interest of the declarant, if the fact is asserted in the declaration was at the time it was made so far contrary to declarantFs own interest, that a reasonable man in his position would not have made the declaration unless he believed it to be true, may be received in evidence against himself or his successors in interest and against third persons. 8:5a9chanrobles virtua law library Sec. :1.Act or declaration about pedigree . 7 -he act or declaration of a person deceased, or unable to testify, in respect to the pedigree of another person related to him by birth or marriage, may be received in evidence where it occurred before the controversy, and the relationship between the two persons is shown by evidence other than such act or declaration. -he word &pedigree& includes relationship, family genealogy, birth, marriage, death, the dates when and the places where these fast occurred, and the names of the relatives. It embraces also facts of family history intimately connected with pedigree. 8::a9 Sec. 0?.-amily reputation or tradition regarding pedigree . 7 -he reputation or tradition e%isting in a family previous to the controversy, in respect to the pedigree of any one of its members, may be received in evidence if the

witness testifying thereon be also a member of the family, either by consanguinity or affinity. (ntries in family bibles or other family books or charts, engravings on rings, family portraits and the like, may be received as evidence of pedigree. 8:0a9 Sec. 0/.(ommon reputation. 7 ommon reputation e%isting previous to the controversy, respecting facts of public or general interest more than thirty years old, or respecting marriage or moral character, may be given in evidence. 'onuments and inscriptions in public places may be received as evidence of common reputation. 8:59 Sec. 05.%art of res gestae. 7 Statements made by a person while a starting occurrence is taking place or immediately prior or subse>uent thereto with respect to the circumstances thereof, may be given in evidence as part of res gestae. So, also, statements accompanying an e>uivocal act material to the issue, and giving it a legal significance, may be received as part of the res gestae. 8:Ca9 Sec. 0:.Entries in the course of business. 7 (ntries made at, or near the time of transactions to which they refer, by a person deceased, or unable to testify, who was in a position to know the facts therein stated, may be received as prima facie evidence, if such person made the entries in his professional capacity or in the performance of duty and in the ordinary or regular course of business or duty. 8:Da9 Sec. 00.Entries in official records. 7 (ntries in official records made in the performance of his duty by a public officer of the !hilippines, or by a person in the performance of a duty specially en$oined by law, are prima facie evidence of the facts therein stated. 8:29 Sec. 05.(ommercial lists and the li,e. 7 (vidence of statements of matters of interest to persons engaged in an occupation contained in a list, register, periodical, or other published compilation is admissible as tending to prove the truth of any relevant matter so stated if that compilation is published for use by persons engaged in that occupation and is generally used and relied upon by them therein. 8:19 Sec. 0C..earned treatises. 7 A published treatise, periodical or pamphlet on a sub$ect of history, law, science, or art is admissible as tending to prove the truth of a matter stated therein if the court takes $udicial notice, or a witness e%pert in the sub$ect testifies, that the writer of the statement in the

treatise, periodical or pamphlet is recognized in his profession or calling as e%pert in the sub$ect. 80?a9 Sec. 0D.'estimony or deposition at a former proceeding . 7 -he testimony or deposition of a witness deceased or unable to testify, given in a former case or proceeding, $udicial or administrative, involving the same parties and sub$ect matter, may be given in evidence against the adverse party who had the opportunity to cross-e%amine him. 80/a9 D. "!I)I") #,+( Sec. 02./eneral rule. 7 -he opinion of witness is not admissible, e%cept as indicated in the following sections. 8059 Sec. 01. pinion of e#pert witness. 7 -he opinion of a witness on a matter re>uiring special knowledge, skill, e%perience or training which he shown to posses, may be received in evidence. 80:a9 Sec. 5?. pinion of ordinary witnesses. 7 -he opinion of a witness for which proper basis is given, may be received in evidence regarding 7
8a9the identity of a person about whom he has ade>uate knowledge; 8b9A handwriting with which he has sufficient familiarity; and 8c9-he mental sanity of a person with whom he is sufficiently ac>uainted.

-he witness may also testify on his impressions of the emotion, behavior, condition or appearance of a person. 800a9 2. .A#A -(# (3I*() ( Sec. 5/.(haracter evidence not generally admissible; e#ceptionsB 7
8a9In riminal asesB 8/9-he accused may prove his good moral character which is pertinent to the moral trait involved in the offense charged. 859,nless in rebuttal, the prosecution may not prove his bad moral character which is pertinent to the moral trait involved in the offense charged.

8:9-he good or bad moral character of the offended party may be proved if it tends to establish in any reasonable degree the probability or improbability of the offense charged. 8b9In ivil asesB (vidence of the moral character of a party in civil case is admissible only when pertinent to the issue of character involved in the case. 8c9In the case provided for in #ule /:5, Section /0, 80Ca, 0Da9

#,+( /:/ =urden of !roof and !resumptions S( -I") /.0urden of proof. 7 =urden of proof is the duty of a party to present evidence on the facts in issue necessary to establish his claim or defense by the amount of evidence re>uired by law. 8/a, 5a9 Sec. 5.(onclusive presumptions. 7 -he following are instances of conclusive presumptionsB
8a9<henever a party has, by his own declaration, act, or omission, intentionally and deliberately led to another to believe a particular thing true, and to act upon such belief, he cannot, in any litigation arising out of such declaration, act or omission, be permitted to falsify itB 8b9-he tenant is not permitted to deny the title of his landlord at the time of commencement of the relation of landlord and tenant between them. 8:a9

Sec. :."isputable presumptions. 7 -he following presumptions are satisfactory if uncontradicted, but may be contradicted and overcome by other evidenceB
8a9-hat a person is innocent of crime or wrong; 8b9-hat an unlawful act was done with an unlawful intent; 8c9-hat a person intends the ordinary conse>uences of his voluntary act; 8d9-hat a person takes ordinary care of his concerns; 8e9-hat evidence willfully suppressed would be adverse if produced; 8f9-hat money paid by one to another was due to the latter;

8g9-hat a thing delivered by one to another belonged to the latter; 8h9-hat an obligation delivered up to the debtor has been paid; 8i9-hat prior rents or installments had been paid when a receipt for the later one is produced; 8$9-hat a person found in possession of a thing taken in the doing of a recent wrongful act is the taker and the doer of the whole act; otherwise, that things which a person possess, or e%ercises acts of ownership over, are owned by him; 8k9-hat a person in possession of an order on himself for the payment of the money, or the delivery of anything, has paid the money or delivered the thing accordingly; 8l9-hat a person acting in a public office was regularly appointed or elected to it; 8m9-hat official duty has been regularly performed; 8n9-hat a court, or $udge acting as such, whether in the !hilippines or elsewhere, was acting in the lawful e%ercise of $urisdiction; 8o9-hat all the matters within an issue raised in a case were laid before the court and passed upon by it; and in like manner that all matters within an issue raised in a dispute submitted for arbitration were laid before the arbitrators and passed upon by them; 8p9-hat private transactions have been fair and regular; 8>9-hat the ordinary course of business has been followed; 8r9-hat there was a sufficient consideration for a contract; 8s9-hat a negotiable instrument was given or indorsed for a sufficient consideration; 8t9-hat an endorsement of negotiable instrument was made before the instrument was overdue and at the place where the instrument is dated; 8u9-hat a writing is truly dated; 8v9-hat a letter duly directed and mailed was received in the regular course of the mail; 8w9-hat after an absence of seven years, it being unknown whether or not the absentee still lives, he is considered dead for all purposes, e%cept for those of succession.

-he absentee shall not be considered dead for the purpose of opening his succession till after an absence of ten years. If he disappeared after the age of seventy-five years, an absence of five years shall be sufficient in order that his succession may be opened. -he following shall be considered dead for all purposes including the division of the estate among the heirsB
8/9A person on board a vessel lost during a sea voyage, or an aircraft with is missing, who has not been heard of for four years since the loss of the vessel or aircraft; 859A member of the armed forces who has taken part in armed hostilities, and has been missing for four years; 8:9A person who has been in danger of death under other circumstances and whose e%istence has not been known for four years; 809If a married person has been absent for four consecutive years, the spouse present may contract a subse>uent marriage if he or she has well-founded belief that the absent spouse is already death. In case of disappearance, where there is a danger of death the circumstances hereinabove provided, an absence of only two years shall be sufficient for the purpose of contracting a subse>uent marriage. .owever, in any case, before marrying again, the spouse present must institute a summary proceedings as provided in the 4amily ode and in the rules for declaration of presumptive death of the absentee, without pre$udice to the effect of reappearance of the absent spouse. chanrobles
virtua law library

8%9-hat ac>uiescence resulted from a belief that the thing ac>uiesced in was conformable to the law or fact; 8y9-hat things have happened according to the ordinary course of nature and ordinary nature habits of life; 8z9-hat persons acting as copartners have entered into a contract of copartneship; 8aa9-hat a man and woman deporting themselves as husband and wife have entered into a lawful contract of marriage; 8bb9-hat property ac>uired by a man and a woman who are capacitated to marry each other and who live e%clusively with each other as husband and wife without the benefit of marriage or under

void marriage, has been obtained by their $oint efforts, work or industry. 8cc9-hat in cases of cohabitation by a man and a woman who are not capacitated to marry each other and who have ac>uire properly through their actual $oint contribution of money, property or industry, such contributions and their corresponding shares including $oint deposits of money and evidences of credit are e>ual. chanrobles virtua
law library

8dd9-hat if the marriage is terminated and the mother contracted another marriage within three hundred days after such termination of the former marriage, these rules shall govern in the absence of proof to the contraryB 8/9A child born before one hundred eighty days after the solemnization of the subse>uent marriage is considered to have been conceived during such marriage, even though it be born within the three hundred days after the termination of the former marriage. 859A child born after one hundred eighty days following the celebration of the subse>uent marriage is considered to have been conceived during such marriage, even though it be born within the three hundred days after the termination of the former marriage. 8ee9-hat a thing once proved to e%ist continues as long as is usual with things of the nature; 8ff9-hat the law has been obeyed; 8gg9-hat a printed or published book, purporting to be printed or published by public authority, was so printed or published; 8hh9-hat a printed or published book, purporting contain reports of cases ad$udged in tribunals of the country where the book is published, contains correct reports of such cases; 8ii9-hat a trustee or other person whose duty it was to convey real property to a particular person has actually conveyed it to him when such presumption is necessary to perfect the title of such person or his successor in interest; 8$$9-hat e%cept for purposes of succession, when two persons perish in the same calamity, such as wreck, battle, or conflagration, and it is not shown who died first, and there are no particular circumstances from which it can be inferred, the survivorship is determined from the

probabilities resulting from the strength and the age of the se%es, according to the following rulesB /.If both were under the age of fifteen years, the older is deemed to have survived; 5.If both were above the age si%ty, the younger is deemed to have survived; :.If one is under fifteen and the other above si%ty, the former is deemed to have survived; 0.If both be over fifteen and under si%ty, and the se% be different, the male is deemed to have survived, if the se% be the same, the older; 5.If one be under fifteen or over si%ty, and the other between those ages, the latter is deemed to have survived. 8kk9-hat if there is a doubt, as between two or more persons who are called to succeed each other, as to which of them died first, whoever alleges the death of one prior to the other, shall prove the same; in the absence of proof, they shall be considered to have died at the same time. 85a9

Sec. 0.1o presumption of legitimacy or illegitimacy . 7 -here is no presumption of legitimacy of a child born after three hundred days following the dissolution of the marriage or the separation of the spouses. <hoever alleges the legitimacy or illegitimacy of such child must prove his allegation. 8C9 #,+( /:5 !#(S()-A-I") "4 (3I*() ( A. (HA'I)A-I") "4 <I-)(SS(S S( -I") /.E#amination to be done in open court. 7 -he e%amination of witnesses presented in a trial or hearing shall be done in open court, and under oath or affirmation. ,nless the witness is incapacitated to speak, or the >uestions calls for a different mode of answer, the answers of the witness shall be given orally. 8/a9

Sec.5.%roceedings to be recorded . 7 -he entire proceedings of a trial or hearing, including the >uestions propounded to a witness and his answers thereto, the statements made by the $udge or any of the parties, counsel, or witnesses with reference to the case, shall be recorded by means of shorthand or stenotype or by other means of recording found suitable by the court. A transcript of the record of the proceedings made by the official stenographer, stenotypist or recorder and certified as correct by him shall be deemed prima facie a correct statement of such proceedings. 85a9 Sec. :.Rights and obligations of a witness . 7 A witness must answer >uestions, although his answer may tend to establish a claim against him. .owever, it is the right of a witnessB
8/9-o be protected from irrelevant, improper, or insulting >uestions, and from harsh or insulting demeanor; 859)ot to be detained longer than the interests of $ustice re>uire; 8:9)ot to be e%amined e%cept only as to matters pertinent to the issue; 809)ot to give an answer which will tend to sub$ect him to a penalty for an offense unless otherwise provided by law; or 859)ot to give an answer which will tend to degrade his reputation, unless it to be the very fact at issue or to a fact from which the fact in issue would be presumed. =ut a witness must answer to the fact of his previous final conviction for an offense. 8:a, /1a9

Sec. 0. rder in the e#amination of an individual witness . 7 -he order in which the individual witness may be e%amined is as follows;
8a9*irect e%amination by the proponent; 8b9 ross-e%amination by the opponent; 8c9#e-direct e%amination by the proponent; 8d9#e-cross-e%amination by the opponent. 809

Sec. 5."irect e#amination. 7 *irect e%amination is the e%amination-inchief of a witness by the party presenting him on the facts relevant to the issue. 85a9

Sec. C.(ross*e#amination2 its purpose and e#tent . 7 ,pon the termination of the direct e%amination, the witness may be cross-e%amined by the adverse party as to many matters stated in the direct e%amination, or connected therewith, with sufficient fullness and freedom to test his accuracy and truthfulness and freedom from interest or bias, or the reverse, and to elicit all important facts bearing upon the issue. 82a9 Sec. D.Re*direct e#amination2 its purpose and e#tent . 7 After the crosse%amination of the witness has been concluded, he may be re-e%amined by the party calling him, to e%plain or supplement his answers given during the cross-e%amination. "n re-direct-e%amination, >uestions on matters not dealt with during the cross-e%amination, may be allowed by the court in its discretion. 8/59 Sec. 2.Re*cross*e#amination. 3 ,pon the conclusion of the re-direct e%amination, the adverse party may re-cross-e%amine the witness on matters stated in his re-direct e%amination, and also on such other matters as may be allowed by the court in its discretion. 8/:9 Sec. 1.Recalling witness. 3 After the e%amination of a witness by both sides has been concluded, the witness cannot be recalled without leave of the court. -he court will grant or withhold leave in its discretion, as the interests of $ustice may re>uire. 8/09 Sec. /?..eading and misleading )uestions. 3 A >uestion which suggests to the witness the answer which the e%amining party desires is a leading >uestion. It is not allowed, e%ceptBchanrobles virtua law library
8a9"n cross e%amination; 8b9"n preliminary matters; 8c9<hen there is a difficulty is getting direct and intelligible answers from a witness who is ignorant, or a child of tender years, or is of feeble mind, or a deaf-mute; 8d9"f an unwilling or hostile witness; or 8e9"f a witness who is an adverse party or an officer, director, or managing agent of a public or private corporation or of a partnership or association which is an adverse party.

A misleading >uestion is one which assumes as true a fact not yet testified to by the witness, or contrary to that which he has previously stated. It is not allowed. 85a, Ca, and 2a9 Sec. //.&mpeachment of adverse party$s witness . 3 A witness may be impeached by the party against whom he was called, by contradictory evidence, by evidence that his general reputation for truth, honestly, or integrity is bad, or by evidence that he has made at other times statements inconsistent with his present, testimony, but not by evidence of particular wrongful acts, e%cept that it may be shown by the e%amination of the witness, or the record of the $udgment, that he has been convicted of an offense. 8/59 Sec. /5.%arty may not impeach his own witness . 3 (%cept with respect to witnesses referred to in paragraphs 8d9 and 8e9 of Section /?, the party producing a witness is not allowed to impeach his credibility. A witness may be considered as unwilling or hostile only if so declared by the court upon ade>uate showing of his adverse interest, un$ustified reluctance to testify, or his having misled the party into calling him to the witness stand. -he unwilling or hostile witness so declared, or the witness who is an adverse party, may be impeached by the party presenting him in all respects as if he had been called by the adverse party, e%cept by evidence of his bad character. .e may also be impeached and cross-e%amined by the adverse party, but such cross-e%amination must only be on the sub$ect matter of his e%amination-in-chief. 8Ca, Da9 Sec. /:.4ow witness impeached by evidence of inconsistent statements . 3 =efore a witness can be impeached by evidence that he has made at other times statements inconsistent with his present testimony, the statements must be related to him, with the circumstances of the times and places and the persons present, and he must be asked whether he made such statements, and if so, allowed to e%plain them. If the statements be in writing they must be shown to the witness before any >uestion is put to him concerning them. 8/C9 Sec. /0.Evidence of good character of witness . 3 (vidence of the good character of a witness is not admissible until such character has been impeached. 8/D9chanrobles virtua law library

Sec. /5.E#clusion and separation of witnesses. 3 "n any trial or hearing, the $udge may e%clude from the court any witness not at the time under e%amination, so that he may not hear the testimony of other witnesses. -he $udge may also cause witnesses to be kept separate and to be prevented from conversing with one another until all shall have been e%amined. 8/29 Sec. /C.When witness may refer to memorandum . 3 A witness may be allowed to refresh his memory respecting a fact, by anything written or recorded by himself or under his direction at the time when the fact occurred, or immediately thereafter, or at any other time when the fact was fresh in his memory and knew that the same was correctly written or recorded; but in such case the writing or record must be produced and may be inspected by the adverse party, who may, if he chooses, cross e%amine the witness upon it, and may read it in evidence. So, also, a witness may testify from such writing or record, though he retain no recollection of the particular facts, if he is able to swear that the writing or record correctly stated the transaction when made; but such evidence must be received with caution. 8/?a9 Sec. /D.When part of transaction, writing or record given in evidence, the remainder, the remainder admissible. 3 <hen part of an act, declaration, conversation, writing or record is given in evidence by one party, the whole of the same sub$ect may be in>uired into by the other, and when a detached act, declaration, conversation, writing or record is given in evidence, any other act, declaration, conversation, writing or record necessary to its understanding may also be given in evidence. 8//a9 Sec. /2.Right to respect writing shown to witness . 3 <henever a writing is shown to a witness, it may be inspected by the adverse party. 81a9 =. A,-.()-I A-I") A)* !#""4 "4 *" ,'()-S Sec. /1.(lasses of "ocuments. 3 4or the purpose of their presentation evidence, documents are either public or private. !ublic documents areB
8a9-he written official acts, or records of the official acts of the sovereign authority, official bodies and tribunals, and public officers, whether of the !hilippines, or of a foreign country; 8b9*ocuments acknowledge before a notary public e%cept last wills and testaments; and

8c9!ublic records, kept in the !hilippines, of private documents re>uired by law to the entered therein.

All other writings are private. 85?a9 Sec. 5?.%roof of private document. 3 =efore any private document offered as authentic is received in evidence, its due e%ecution and authenticity must be proved eitherB
8a9=y anyone who saw the document e%ecuted or written; orchanrobles virtua law library 8b9=y evidence of the genuineness of the signature or handwriting of the maker.

Any other private document need only be identified as that which it is claimed to be. 85/a9 Sec. 5/.When evidence of authenticity of private document not necessary . 3 <here a private document is more than thirty years old, is produced from the custody in which it would naturally be found if genuine, and is unblemished by any alterations or circumstances of suspicion, no other evidence of its authenticity need be given. 855a9 Sec. 55.4ow genuineness of handwriting proved. 7 -he handwriting of a person may be proved by any witness who believes it to be the handwriting of such person because he has seen the person write, or has seen writing purporting to be his upon which the witness has acted or been charged, and has thus ac>uired knowledge of the handwriting of such person. (vidence respecting the handwriting may also be given by a comparison, made by the witness or the court, with writings admitted or treated as genuine by the party against whom the evidence is offered, or proved to be genuine to the satisfaction of the $udge. 85:a9 Sec. 5:.%ublic documents as evidence. 3 *ocuments consisting of entries in public records made in the performance of a duty by a public officer are prima facie evidence of the facts therein stated. All other public documents are evidence, even against a third person, of the fact which gave rise to their e%ecution and of the date of the latter. 850a9 Sec. 50.%roof of official record. 3 -he record of public documents referred to in paragraph 8a9 of Section /1, when admissible for any purpose, may be evidenced by an official publication thereof or by a copy attested by the officer having the legal custody of the record, or by his deputy, and accompanied, if the record is not kept in the !hilippines, with a certificate

that such officer has the custody. If the office in which the record is kept is in foreign country, the certificate may be made by a secretary of the embassy or legation, consul general, consul, vice consul, or consular agent or by any officer in the foreign service of the !hilippines stationed in the foreign country in which the record is kept, and authenticated by the seal of his office. 855a9 Sec. 55.What attestation of copy must state. 3 <henever a copy of a document or record is attested for the purpose of evidence, the attestation must state, in substance, that the copy is a correct copy of the original, or a specific part thereof, as the case may be. -he attestation must be under the official seal of the attesting officer, if there be any, or if he be the clerk of a court having a seal, under the seal of such court. 85Ca9 Sec. 5C.&rremovability of public record. 3 Any public record, an official copy of which is admissible in evidence, must not be removed from the office in which it is kept, e%cept upon order of a court where the inspection of the record is essential to the $ust determination of a pending case. 85Da9 Sec. 5D.%ublic record of a private document . 3 An authorized public record of a private document may be proved by the original record, or by a copy thereof, attested by the legal custodian of the record, with an appropriate certificate that such officer has the custody. 852a9 Sec. 52.%roof of lac, of record. 3 A written statement signed by an officer having the custody of an official record or by his deputy that after diligent search no record or entry of a specified tenor is found to e%ist in the records of his office, accompanied by a certificate as above provided, is admissible as evidence that the records of his office contain no such record or entry. 8519 Sec. 51.4ow !udicial record impeached. 3 Any $udicial record may be impeached by evidence ofB 8a9 want of $urisdiction in the court or $udicial officer, 8b9 collusion between the parties, or 8c9 fraud in the party offering the record, in respect to the proceedings. 8:?a9 Sec. :?.%roof of notarial documents. 3 (very instrument duly acknowledged or proved and certified as provided by law, may be presented in evidence without further proof, the certificate of acknowledgment being prima facie evidence of the e%ecution of the instrument or document involved. 8:/a9

Sec. :/.Alteration in document, how to e#plain. 3 -he party producing a document as genuine which has been altered and appears to have been altered after its e%ecution, in a part material to the >uestion in dispute, must account for the alteration. .e may show that the alteration was made by another, without his concurrence, or was made with the consent of the parties affected by it, or was otherwise properly or innocent made, or that the alteration did not change the meaning or language of the instrument. If he fails to do that, the document shall not be admissible in evidence. 8:5a9 Sec. :5.Seal. 3 -here shall be no difference between sealed and unsealed private documents insofar as their admissibility as evidence is concerned. 8::a9 Sec. ::."ocumentary evidence in an unofficial language . 3 *ocuments written in an unofficial language shall not be admitted as evidence, unless accompanied with a translation into (nglish or 4ilipino. -o avoid interruption of proceedings, parties or their attorneys are directed to have such translation prepared before trial. 8:0a9 . "44(# A)* "=@( -I") Sec. :0. ffer of evidence. 3 -he court shall consider no evidence which has not been formally offered. -he purpose for which the evidence is offered must be specified. 8:59 Sec. :5.When to ma,e offer. 3 As regards the testimony of a witness, the offer must be made at the time the witness is called to testify. *ocumentary and ob$ect evidence shall be offered after the presentation of a partyFs testimonial evidence. Such offer shall be done orally unless allowed by the court to be done in writing. 8n9 Sec. :C. b!ection. 3 "b$ection to evidence offered orally must be made immediately after the offer is made. "b$ection to a >uestion propounded in the course of the oral e%amination of a witness shall be made as soon as the grounds therefor shall become reasonably apparent. An offer of evidence in writing shall be ob$ected to within three 8:9 days after notice of the unless a different period is allowed by the court.

In any case, the grounds for the ob$ections must be specified. 8:Ca9 Sec. :D.When repetition of ob!ection unnecessary. 3 <hen it becomes reasonably apparent in the course of the e%amination of a witness that the >uestion being propounded are of the same class as those to which ob$ection has been made, whether such ob$ection was sustained or overruled, it shall not be necessary to repeat the ob$ection, it being sufficient for the adverse party to record his continuing ob$ection to such class of >uestions. 8:Da9 Sec. :2.Ruling. 3 -he ruling of the court must be given immediately after the ob$ection is made, unless the court desires to take a reasonable time to inform itself on the >uestion presented; but the ruling shall always be made during the trial and at such time as will give the party against whom it is made an opportunity to meet the situation presented by the ruling. -he reason for sustaining or overruling an ob$ection need not be stated. .owever, if the ob$ection is based on two or more grounds, a ruling sustaining the ob$ection on one or some of them must specify the ground or grounds relied upon. 8:2a9 Sec. :1.Stri,ing out answer. 3 Should a witness answer the >uestion before the adverse party had the opportunity to voice fully its ob$ection to the same, and such ob$ection is found to be meritorious, the court shall sustain the ob$ection and order the answer given to be stricken off the record. "n proper motion, the court may also order the striking out of answers which are incompetent, irrelevant, or otherwise improper. 8n9 Sec. 0?.'ender of e#cluded evidence. 3 If documents or things offered in evidence are e%cluded by the court, the offeror may have the same attached to or made part of the record. If the evidence e%cluded is oral, the offeror may state for the record the name and other personal circumstances of the witness and the substance of the proposed testimony. 8n9chanrobles virtua law library #,+( /:: <eight and Sufficiency of (vidence S( -I") /.%reponderance of evidence, how determined. 3 In civil cases, the party having burden of proof must establish his case by a

preponderance of evidence. In determining where the preponderance or superior weight of evidence on the issues involved lies, the court may consider all the facts and circumstances of the case, the witnessesF manner of testifying, their intelligence, their means and opportunity of knowing the facts to which there are testifying, the nature of the facts to which they testify, the probability or improbability of their testimony, their interest or want of interest, and also their personal credibility so far as the same may legitimately appear upon the trial. -he court may also consider the number of witnesses, though the preponderance is not necessarily with the greater number. 8/a9 Sec. 5.%roof beyond reasonable doubt. 3 In a criminal case, the accused is entitled to an ac>uittal, unless his guilt is shown beyond reasonable doubt. !roof beyond reasonable doubt does not mean such a degree of proof, e%cluding possibility of error, produces absolute certainly. 'oral certainly only is re>uired, or that degree of proof which produces conviction in an unpre$udiced mind. 85a9 Sec. :.E#tra!udicial confession, not sufficient ground for conviction . 3 An e%tra$udicial confession made by an accused, shall not be sufficient ground for conviction, unless corroborated by evidence of corpus delicti. 8:9 Sec. 0.(ircumstantial evidence, when sufficient . 3 is sufficient for conviction ifB
8a9-here is more than one circumstances; 8b9-he facts from which the inferences are derived are proven; and 8c9-he combination of all the circumstances is such as to produce a conviction beyond reasonable doubt. 859

ircumstantial evidence

Sec. 5.Substantial evidence. 3 In cases filed before administrative or >uasi$udicial bodies, a fact may be deemed established if it is supported by substantial evidence, or that amount of relevant evidence which a reasonable mind might accept as ade>uate to $ustify a conclusion. 8n9 chanrobles
virtua law library

Sec. C.%ower of the court to stop further evidence . 3 -he court may stop the introduction of further testimony upon any particular point when the evidence upon it is already so full that more witnesses to the same point cannot be reasonably e%pected to be additionally persuasive. =ut this power should be e%ercised with caution. 8C9

Sec. D.Evidence on motion. 3 <hen a motion is based on facts not appearing of record the court may hear the matter on affidavits or depositions presented by the respective parties, but the court may direct that the matter be heard wholly or partly on oral testimony or depositions. 8D9 #,+( /:0
I)"-(B -his rule will be transposed to !art / of the #ules of ourt on *eposition and *iscoveryJ

!erpetuation of -estimony S( -I") /.%etition. 3 A person who desires to perpetuate his own testimony or that of another person regarding any matter that may be cognizable in any court of the !hilippines, any file a verified petition in the court of the province of the residence of any e%pected adverse party. Sec. 5.(ontents of petition. 3 -he petition shall be entitled in the name of the petitioner and shall showB 8a9 that the petitioner e%pects to be a party to an action in a court of the !hilippines by is presently unable to bring it or cause it to be brought; 8b9 the sub$ect matter of the e%pected action and his interest therein; 8c9 the facts which he desires to establish by the proposed testimony and his reasons for desiring to perpetuate it; 8d9 the names of a description of the persons he e%pects will be adverse parties and their addresses so far as known; and 8e9 the names and addresses of the persons to be e%amined and the substance of the testimony which he e%pects to elicit from each, and shall ask for an order authorizing the petitioner to take the depositions of the persons to be e%amined named in the petition for the purpose of perpetuating theirtestimony. Sec. :.1otice and service. 7 -he petitioner shall thereafter serve a notice upon each person named in the petition as an e%pected adverse party, together with a copy of a petition, stating that the petitioner will apply to the court, at a time and place named therein, for the order described in the petition. At least twenty 85?9 days before the date of hearing the notice shall be served in the manner provided for service of summons. Sec. 0. rder of e#amination. 7 If the court is satisfied that the perpetuation of the testimony may prevent a failure or delay of $ustice, it shall make an order designating or describing the persons whose deposition may be taken and specifying the sub$ect matter of the e%amination, and whether the depositions shall be taken upon oral

e%amination or written interrogatories. -he depositions may then be taken in accordance with #ule 50 before the hearing. Sec. 5.Reference to court. 7 4or the purpose of applying #ule 50 to depositions for perpetuating testimony, each reference therein to the court in which the action is pending shall be deemed to refer to the court in which the petition for such deposition was filed. Sec. C.+se of deposition. 7 If a deposition to perpetuate testimony is taken under this rule, or if, although not so taken, it would be admissible in evidence, it may be used in any action involving the same sub$ect matter subse>uently brought in accordance with the provisions of Sections 0 and 5 of #ule 50. Sec. D."epositions pending appeal. 7 If an appeal has been taken from a $udgment of the #egional -rial ourt or before the taking of an appeal if the time therefor has not e%pired, the #egional -rial ourt in which the $udgment was rendered may allow the taking of depositions of witnesses to perpetuate their testimony for use in the event of further proceedings in the said court. In such case the party who desires to perpetuate the testimony may make a motion in the said #egional -rial ourt for leave to take the depositions, upon the same notice and service thereof as if the action was pending therein. -he motion shall show 8a9 the name and the addresses of the persons to be e%amined and the substance of the testimony which he e%pects to elicit from each; and 8b9 the reason for perpetuating their testimony. If the court finds that the perpetuation of the testimony is proper to avoid a failure or delay of $ustice, it may make an order allowing the depositions to be taken, and thereupon the depositions may be taken and used in the same manner and under the same conditions as are prescribed in these rules for depositions taken in actions pending in the #egional -rial ourt. 8Da9

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