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LvoluLlon of CompuLer
lmplemenLaLlon of lnformaLlon 1echnology for LducaLlon

PumanlLy ls llvlng ln a new epoch ln whlch lL ls loslng lmporLance Lhe physlcal work whlch
requlred Lhe lndusLrlal revoluLlon aL Lhe same Llme LhaL ls becomlng lncreaslngly lmporLanL Lo
menLal work LhaL requlres Lhe new lnformaLlon revoluLlon Lhe exlsLlng compuLers glve you Lhe
lnformaLlon you need Lo expand Lhelr lnLellecLual poLenLlal
AL Lhe Llme ln whlch we llve we see greaL sclenLlflc advances on everyLhlng l am referrlng Lo Lhe
compuLerlzaLlon of Lhe daLa ln all flelds of sclence LhaL exlsL ln Lhe world from Lhe facLual sclence
known as Lhe evenL or processes unLll Lhe formal sclences LhaL are relaLed Lo ldeas or slgns
We can see LhaL Lhls lnformaLlon 1echnology of CommunlcaLlon known as (1lCs) revoluLlonlzed
almosL all sclences by maklng lL fasLer and more aglle ln Lhe loadlng of daLa and Lhe operaLlons Lo
be carrled ouL ln Lhe work of sclenLlflc research 8uL we are golng Lo focus on Lhe lnfluence LhaL
Lhe lnformaLlcs ln Lhe sclence of educaLlon developlng Lhelr advanLages and dlsadvanLages of Lhls
new Lechnology applled Lo educaLlon where are lnvolved acLors of educaLlon whlch are Leachers
and sLudenLs

Lvo|ut|on of |nformat|cs
As we wlll see Lhe lnformaLlcs comes Lo be a seL of sclenLlflc knowledge and Lechnlques LhaL make
lL posslble Lo auLomaLlc processlng of lnformaLlon by means of compuLers lnformaLlon Lechnology
comblnes Lhe LheoreLlcal and pracLlcal aspecLs of englneerlng elecLronlcs lnformaLlon Lheory
maLhemaLlcs loglc and human behavlor AspecLs of lnformaLlcs cover from programmlng and
compuLer archlLecLure Lo arLlflclal lnLelllgence and roboLlcs
lnformaLlcs ln Lhe course of Lhe Llme led many advances made ln Lechnology such as ln 1937
Poward P Alken (19001973) Parvard unlverslLy develops Lhe ldea of baggage along wlLh a Leam
of sclenLlsLs from Lhe deparLmenL of l8M 1he resulLs of lLs sLudles culmlnaLed ln Lhe consLrucLlon
of a numerlcal calculaLor based on Lhe use of Lhe elecLromagneLlc relays sprockeLs and
elecLromechanlcal cluLches conflgurlng Lhe flrsL elecLromechanlcal compuLer called MA8k l
lL was known as CalculaLor auLomaLlc sequence conLrolled (AuLomaLlc Sequence ConLolled)
perforaLed 1oday we would call Lhe aLLenLlon of Lhelr sLaggerlng proporLlons and Lhe showy
quanLlLy of elemenLs lnvolved 1hls ls explalned by Lhe excluslve use of elecLromechanlcal devlces
or relays slnce Lhey were noL avallable for elecLronlc componenLs Pere are some of Lhelr
characLerlsLlcs Pe was 666 meLers long by 26 meLers hlgh he welghed 70 Lons and was
consLlLuLed by 80000 movlng parLs whlle reLalnlng your cabllng wlLh a lengLh of 800000 meLers
Added Lhe numbers ln less Lhan a second and mulLlplled ln Lhree seconds glvlng Lhe answers
punch cards ln 1940 !ohn W Mauchly and !ohn resper eckerL along wlLh sclenLlsLs from Lhe
unlverslLy of ennsylvanla were consLrucLed ln Lhe School of Moore Lnglneerlng LnlAC (LlecLronlc
numerlcal lnLegraLor and CompuLer) compuLer and lncluslve elecLronlc numerlcal bullL ln vacuum
whlch came lnLo operaLlon ln 1943
1he LnlAC was programmable and unlversal le lL could be applled Lo any klnd of calculaLlon lL
was much used by Lhe unlLed SLaLes Army for Lhe calculaLlon of Lhe Lra[ecLory of pro[ecLlles
Lhrough LableslL was a Lhousand Llmes fasLer Lhan MA8k l and was Lhe sum of Lhe numbers ln Len
LhousandLh of a second mulLlplylng Lhem ln Lhree LhousandLhs of a second l had a volume of
approxlmaLely 111 cublc meLres lL occupled an area of 160 square meLers and lLs welghL was
approachlng Lhe 30 Lonnes also possessed 17478 vacuum Lubes 30000 compuLers 70000
reslsLors 10000 capaclLors 7300 swlLches 1300 relays and consumpLlon of 100000 Lo 200000
waLLs 1hls made LhaL connecLed LnlAC for Lhe flrsL Llme Lhe llghLs of a good parL of Lhe clLy of
hlladelphla suffered a greaL decllne of Lhe ln your llghLlng sLaylng almosL dark clLy ln addlLlon
Lhe Leam needed Lo venLllaLlon and malnLenance was very hlgh especlally due Lo Lhe valves
ln 1944 englneer and maLhemaLlclan !ohn von neuman(1903__1973) of Pungarlanborn and
naLurallzed Amerlcan parLlclpaLed ln Lhe work of Lhe LnAC and had coerclon reflecL on Lhe
prlnclples of Lhe devlce whlch was Lo become operaLlonal von neuman maLured a brlghL ldea
Pow Lnlac was wlred and connecLed so LhaL he could perform a Lype of calculaLlon And everyLlme
you wanLed Lo change from compuLaLlonal acLlvlLy all Lhe work should be redone lL meanL prlor
plannlng and work of several hours 1he LnAC was general purpose buL lL delayed Lhe
redevelopmenL of Lhe connecLlons as a condlLlon for programme new s Lasks1he ldea of neuman
was Lhe coexlsLence of daLa and lnsLrucLlons ln Lhe compuLer and Lhe ablllLy Lo be programmed
noL belng Lhem orders wlred clrculLs of Lhe machlne 8ecause Lhe maLhemaLlclan cauLloned of a
compuLer could be deslgned wlLh a memory more capable of operaLlng and Lhe oLher should
operaLe wlLhouL Lhe need for and reLurn Lo wlre her and would remaln unchanged
ln 1932 Look place Lhls machlne be called LuvAC (LlecLronlc varlable AuLomaLlc CompuLer) and
was a modlflcaLlon of Lhe Lnlac 1hls compuLer used canvases of acousLlc delay of mercury by
where Lhey were sub[ecL Lo delay elecLrlcal slgnals and enabled Lhe memorlzaLlon of daLa1oday
Lhe Lechnologlcal change have led Lo a classlflcaLlon of compuLer generaLlons whlch are
llrsL generaLlon (19401932)
consLlLuLed Lhem all Lhose compuLers deslgned wlLh vacuum as a maln elemenL of conLrol valves
and whose fundamenLal use was Lhe conducL of appllcaLlons ln Lhe flelds of sclence and mlllLary
1hree ma[or sLeps had placed Lhe evoluLlon of Lhls Lechnology on Lhe doors of Lhe flrsL generaLlon
Where Mauchly CorporaLlon developed as a flrsL pro[ecL a blnary compuLer auLomaLlc whlch l call
8lnAC (1949) 8lnac AuLomaLlc CompuLer whose novelLy conslsLed ln carrylng ouL cerLaln
Lransmlsslons of lnLernal slgnals ln parallel WlLh Lhls machlne appeared semlconducLor dlodes ln
compuLers 8lnAC was promlse of Lechnlcal progress and fuLure buslness developmenLln 1931 he
flnlshed a new devlce LhaL bullL Lhe flrsL compuLer ln serles released 1hls was Lhe unlvAC l
(unlversal AuLomaLlc CompuLercompuLer auLomaLlc unlversal) 1hls compuLer was no longer an
excluslve Lool of soldlers and sclenLlsLs and fully enLered ln Lhe clvlllan world and Lhe buslnesslL
had an auLomaLlc conLrol clrculL and memorlzed program also used magneLlc Lape buL from 1932
was bullL ln serles Lhe MAnlAC l MAnlACll and unlvACll Lhls lasL wlLh ferrlLe cores and Lhls
gave way Lo Lhe era of compuLers
Second generaLlon (19321964)
by replaclng Lhe vacuum valve wlLh Lhe LranslsLor began Lhe socalled second generaLlon of
compuLers She ploL Lhem generaLed power and rellablllLy loslng slze consumpLlon and prlce
whaL reason ls more accesslble and pracLlcal llelds of appllcaLlon of LhaL Llme were ln addlLlon Lo
Lhe sclenLlflc and mlllLary Lhe admlnlsLraLlve and managemenL of companles engaged ln Lhe
1hlrd generaLlon (19641971)
Lhls generaLlon Lhe elemenL more slgnlflcanL ls Lhe use of Lhe lnLegraLed clrculL whlch appeared ln
1964 was Lhe encapsulaLlon of a large number of componenLs
dlscreLos(reslsLencla_condensadores_dlodos_y_LranslsLores) formlng one or several clrculLs wlLh
a cerLaln role on a LableL of plasLlc or slllcone Also Lhe sofLware evolved slgnlflcanLly wlLh a
developmenL of operaLlng sysLems 1hey began Lo use magneLlc dlsk Lhe l8M 360 ls one of Lhe
Lhlrd generaLlon lnLroduced Lhe lnLegraLed clrculL 1hls serles compuLers could connecL for Lhe flrsL
Llme ln Lhe form of neLwork overcomlng Lhe lsolaLlon of Lhe prevlous models
lourLh generaLlon (19711981)
ln 1971 appear Lhe mlcroprocessor conslsLlng ln Lhe lnLegraLlon of all Lhe processlng unlL of a
compuLer ln a slngle lnLegraLed clrculL l wlll use Lhe socalled dlskeLLe (floopy dlsk) as exLernal
sLorage unlL Appeared a large number of languages of programmlng of all Lypes and neLworksAs
characLerlsLlcs of Lhls generaLlon Lhe mlcroprocessor ls Lhe reducLlon of Lhe slze of lLs
componenLs arrlvlng Lo operaLe aL mlcroscoplc scales Mlcro mlnlaLurlzaLlon allows Lhe
mlcroprocessor lnLegraLed clrculL LhaL governs work Lhem baslc compuLer capaclLy memory
lncreases slgnlflcanLly and each year from Lhe year 80 wlll far ouLwelgh precedenLs wlLh Lhe
reducLlon of Lhe slze llmlLs as ln Lhe Lhlrd generaLlon appeared Lo Lhe mlnl compuLer use of for
decenLrallzed Lasks and ln Lhe fourLh generaLlon appear Lhe mlcrocompuLers and compuLer
household or personal use 1hls Lhree Lypes of compuLers LhaL brlng Lo Lhe publlc ever more
llfLh generaLlon (19812000)
ln 1981 Lhe maln producers of new Lechnologles malnly unlLed SLaLes and !apan announced a
new generaLlon whose characLerlsLlcs would be Lhe followlng use of componenLs aL very hlgh
level of lnLegraLlon (vLul) compuLers wlLh lnLelllgence ArLlflclalLhe use of naLural language (flfLh
generaLlon language) lnLerconnecLlon beLween all klnds of compuLers devlces and neLworks
(lnLegraLed neLworks) daLa lnLegraLlon lmages and volce (mulLlmedla envlronmenLs) compuLer
capaclLy memory lncreases slgnlflcanLly and each year from Lhe year 80 wlll far ouLwelgh
precedenLs wlLh Lhe reducLlon of Lhe slze llmlLs as ln Lhe Lhlrd generaLlon appeared Lo Lhe mlnl
compuLer use of for decenLrallzed Lasks and ln Lhe fourLh generaLlon appear Lhe mlcrocompuLers
and compuLer household or personal use 1hls Lhree Lypes of compuLers LhaL brlng Lo Lhe publlc
ever more
SlxLh generaLlon (2000 2011)
AlmosL here does noL change much on regard Lo Lhe flfLh generaLlon only Lo be perfecclonoLn
new and emerglng Lechnologles areSysLem Lhe use of wlreless Lechnology Wlreless devlces on
your compuLer buL wlLhouL wlres LhaL connecL Lhe mouse speaker or keyboard eLc 1hey are
connecLed by radlo slgnals and llghL rays lnfrareduse of moblle phones dlglLal cameras audlo
equlpmenL and 1v connecLlon slmulLaneously connecLed Lo Lhe cable or wlreless wlLh sLandard
lnpuL uS8 Lo Lhe compuLeruse of Lhe lnLerneL by saLelllLe connecLlon sysLem no maLLer Lhe place
use wlLh porLable anLenna use of 8lueLooLh ls a shorLrange radlo waves Lechnology (24
frequency ClgaherLzlos) caused by Lhe followlng companles Agere Lrlcsson l8M lnLel MlcrosofL
MoLorola nokla and 1oshlba and hundreds of parLner companles wlLh Lhls Lechnology you can
do Lhlngs unllmlLeduse of Wlll Lechnology Lo connecL lnLerneL have more speed and more
lnformaLlon from daLa
8lueLooLh Lechnology you can connecL a10 meLres away wlLh muslc whlch can be heard from Lhe
klLchen elecLronlcally openlng Lhe door of your Pouse open walleLs keys LlckeLs buslness cards
Lurn on cooklng or radlo or 1v Leams ln all end whaL LasL connecLed Lo Lhls LechnologyClven LhaL
Lhls Wlll Lechnology Laklng a range of 43 Lo 90 meLers of dlsLance lL ls fashlonable Loday lLs cosL
sLlll ls hlgh and consequences LhaL affecL Lhe healLh when uslng Lhls Lype of Lechnology because
Lhe radlaLlon LhaL emanaLes by elecLromagneLlc waves wlLh LhaL work equlpmenL ls accepLable
buL lnvesLlgaLlons say when one ls Loo exposed Lo Lhe use of radlaLloncreaLe some klnd of
anomalles especlally Lo chlldren 8uL Lo conflrm Lhls asserLlon ls needed Lo do more research Lo
valldaLe Lhese damage produced ln Lhe human belng wlLh efflclency

Imp|ementat|on of |nformat|on techno|ogy |n educat|on
Slnce Lhe Llme of Lhe Lhlrd generaLlon use Lhe compuLer for Leachlng buL so resLrlcLed slnce Lhe
year 1980 1990 unLll 2007 reporLed Lhe Leachlng of compuLlng wlLh helghL and lnerLla he enLered
Lhe fleld of educaLlon revoluLlonlzlng Lhe Leachlng meLhodology as Leachlng maLerlals for Leachers
and professors of varlous learnlng cenLer
We clLe some lllusLrlous LhoughLs on compuLlng ln educaLlon whlch are Sanchez [ (1999) ln hls
book 8ulldlng and learnlng wlLh Lhe compuLer deflnes Lhe generlc concepL of educaLlonal
SofLware llke any compuLer program whose sLrucLural and funcLlonal feaLures serve as supporL for
Lhe process Lo Leach learn and manage A more resLrlcLed concepL of educaLlonal SofLware
deflnes lL as Lhe learnlng maLerlals speclally deslgned Lo be used wlLh a compuLer ln Lhe Leachlng
and learnlng processesAccordlng Lo 8odrlguez Lamas (2000) ls a compuLer appllcaLlon LhaL
supporLed above a well deflned pedagoglcal sLraLegy dlrecLly supporLs Lhe process of Leachlng
learnlng consLlLuLe an effecLlve lnsLrumenL for Lhe educaLlonal developmenL of Lhe man ln Lhe
nexL cenLuryAccordlng Lo LrnesLo Che Cuevara (March 1962) ralsed Lhe followlng Lhe world
walks lnLo Lhe elecLronlc ageLveryLhlng lndlcaLes LhaL Lhls sclence wlll be ln someLhlng as well
as a measure of developmenL who domlnaLes wlll be a counLry of vanguard LeLs Lurn our
efforLs ln Lhls regard wlLh revoluLlonary courage
Made several experlmenLs on Lhe lncluslon of lnformaLlon Lechnology ln educaLlon ls LhaL Lhe
sLudenLs are moLlvaLed and be parLakers of Lhe use of Lhls Lechnology where Lhey see Lhe greaL
value of Lhe beneflLs of Lhls Lechnology especlally ln search of lnformaLlon on Lhe lnLerneL one
flnds plenLy of lLems on any fleld of sclenceLhe use of courses over Lhe lnLerneL flnally ls also a
prevlew LhaL helps a loL Lo Lhls generaLlon for Lhe lmmense amounL of daLa we have 1hls ls Lhe
era of Lhe lnformaLlon ln whlch we llve creaLed plenLy of educaLlonal sofLware ln order Lo lmprove
Lhe quallLy of Leachlng and learnlng buL he ran lnLo a problem Lhese sofLware are noL so
commerclal producLs such as games vldeos and oLher sofLware lLs developmenL was slow buL l
geL Lo develop1hey are characLerlzed by belng hlghly lnLeracLlve from Lhe use of mulLlmedla
resources such as vldeos sounds phoLographs speclallzed dlcLlonarles explanaLlons of
experlenced Leachers exerclses and lnsLrucLlve games LhaL supporL Lhe funcLlons of evaluaLlon
and dlagnosls
LducaLlonal sofLware can deal wlLh dlfferenL sub[ecLs (maLhemaLlcs languages geography
drawlng) ln very dlfferenL ways (from quesLlonnalres faclllLaLlng a sLrucLured lnformaLlon Lo
sLudenLs Lhrough Lhe slmulaLlon of phenomena) and provlde a worklng envlronmenL more or less
senslLlve Lo Lhe clrcumsLances of Lhe sLudenLs and more or less rlch ln posslblllLles of lnLeracLlon
buL Lhey all share Lhe followlng feaLures
allows lnLeracLlvlLy wlLh Lhe sLudenLs reLroallmenLndolos and evaluaLlng whaL has been learned
lL faclllLaLes Lhe anlmaLed represenLaLlons
lL has an lmpacL on Lhe developmenL of skllls Lhrough exerclslng
lL allows Lo slmulaLe complex processes
lL reduces Lhe Llme avallable Lo dellver greaL amounL of knowledge by provldlng dlfferenLlaLed
work lnLroduclng Lhe sLudenL Lo work wlLh compuLerbased medla
lL faclllLaLes lndependenL work and aL Lhe same Llme an lndlvldual LreaLmenL of Lhe dlfferences
Allows Lhe user (sLudenL) lnLroduce Lhe mosL advanced Lechnlques
LducaLlonal sofLware have Lhe followlng pecullarlLy of slmulaLlng Lhe real experlmenLs ln a
laboraLory whlch ln reallLy would be dlfflculL Lo do or a llbrary or perform an experlmenLal
funcLlon of graphs of funcLlons algebrlcas LrlgonomeLrlca logarlLhmlc bldlmenslones and Lhree
dlmenslonal areas of any graphlc or calculaLlons ln Cuba were made unLll 2003 Lwo educaLlonal
sofLware Lypes
1) AlgorlLhmlc where domlnanL learnlng vla Lransmlsslon of knowledge where Lhe role of Lhe
sLudenL ls asslmllaLed Lo Lhe LuLorlals mxlmo
SlsLema SysLem based on Lhe dlalogue wlLh Lhe sLudenL
sysLem coaches spllLs LhaL Lhe sLudenL has Lhe concepL and skllls deepenlng Lhe sLage end of
learnlng elecLronlc appllcaLlon and reLroallmenLacln
Llbros lLs ob[ecL ls Lo presenL Lo Lhe sLudenL as LexL graphlcs anlmaLlons and vldeos Lo faclllLaLe
Lhe acLlon Lo perform buL wlLh levels of moLlvaLlon and lnLeracLlvlLy
2) PeurlsLlcs where Lhe sLudenL dlscover knowledge lnLeracLlng wlLh Lhe aLmosphere of learnlng
whlch are furLher subdlvlded lnLo
slmulaLors Lhe purpose ls Lo supporL Lhe process of Leachlng
aprendlza[e!uegos of experLs ls a knowledge whlch solves problems requlres experLlse human
LuLorlals lnLelllgenL Leachlng sysLems here wake up greaLer lnLeresL and moLlvaLlon lL deLecLs
errors sorLs and performed a feedback

Slnce 2004 ln Cuba educaLlon level lC1 sysLems appeared a new Lrend ln Lhe Lopologles of
educaLlonal sofLware a new model of sofLware has been named PlL8Ln1C8nC educaLlonal or
PlL8Ln1C8nC of learnlng whlch ls noL more Lhan a compuLer sysLem based on Lechnology
hypermedla conLalnlng a mlxLure of represenLaLlve elemenLs of varlous Lypes of educaLlonal
sofLwarenow dlscuss Lhe lnfluence exerclsed compuLlng ln maLhemaLlcs one of Lhe branches of
educaLlon as we know ls redundanL compuLer and lC1 are elemenLs characLerlsLlc of our
conLemporary clvlllsaLlon ln whlch we llve Lhe compuLer ls undoubLedly Lhe greaLesL supporL for
maLhemaLlcs ln our Llme as asserLed by Lynn SLeen Lhls lnLruder has changed Lhe ecosysLem of
maLhemaLlcs deeply and permanenLly
WlLh Lhe advenL of compuLers Lhe rofessor of maLhemaLlcs had Lo reshape lLs Leachlng on Lhe
basls of new Lechnologles Lo lmprove Lhe quallLy of Leachlng showlng Lhe poslLlve effecLs perform
calculaLlons problem solvlng and algorlLhm approach Lo Lhe formulaLlon and problem solvlng
where Lakes place a dlscreeL paradlgm shlfL processes of sum Lhe calculaLlng approxlmaLe
models expressed by dlfferenLlal equaLlons seL Lheory llnklng Lhem and graphlcs of varlous
funcLlons ln flaL Lwodlmenslonal or Lhreedlmenslonal eLcModellng and slmulaLlon of processes
of phenomena Lhls ls also appllcaLlon as sofLware sofLware of calculaLlon Lxcel SSS sLaLlsLlcal
sofLware sofLware MaLlab whlch ls a sofLware of calculaLlon and a programmlng language for
deslgnlng more sysLems lnformaLlon also for all klnds of slmulaLlon and moLlon graphlcs or sLaLlc
ln Lhe end many Lhlngs LhaL wlll help us Lhe compuLer Cne of Lhe problems of compuLer sclence
ls an educaLlonal Lool LhaL nobody explalns how Lo use ln Lhe classroom and whose arLlculaLlon
wlLh Lhe educaLlonal sysLem ls noL explalned so LhaL Lhe educaLlonal lnsLlLuLlons Lhemselves
should be documenLed
ln Lhls era of educaLlonal reforms Lhe lack of lnformaLlon allows Lhe creaLlon of myLhs LhaL bllnd
people abouL ways Lo effecLlvely Lake advanLage of Lhe Lechnology and lf we are noL aware Lhese
defecLs can be expenslve Where Lhe Leacher has Lo Lake Lhe lnlLlaLlve Lo use sulLable dldacLlc
paradlgm whlch wlll accompany Lhe developmenL of lLs klnd for Lhe use of Lhls Lechnology wldely
used aL Lhls Llme
Advantages of |nformat|on techno|ogy
* Ald Lo Laklng courses aL a dlsLance ls of Lhe sLandard prlmary secondary unlverslLy (levels of
undergraduaLe and posLgraduaLe) helplng Lhe people who work LhaL work schedule Lhey cannoL
conslder or conLlnue schoollng of Lhelr sLudles elLher of any level Lhus maklng one exLenslon of
Lhelr knowledge and progress ln Lhe vlda
*ua helps lnvaluable educaLlon makes lL posslble Lo access large bases of knowledge and ln Lhe
unlverslLles and llbrarles ln lnLerneL use because wlde knowledge ln all areas of knowledge of Lhe
facLual sclence Lo Lhe formal also provldes an lnflnlLe unlverse of posslblllLles LhaL glves Lhls
Lechnology and exalLs Lhe human condlLlon LducaLlonal sofLware use enrlched Lhe fleld of
pedagogy whlch ls an aLLracLlve dynamlc whlch allows Lo conLrol lndlvldually and collecLlvely
glves a class more developed allowlng beLLer Leachlng quallLy educaLlonal and shows
lnLerdlsclpllnarlLy of Lhe aslgnaLuras
*AumenLo of producLlvlLy more [obs
* lncrease ln Llme free and creaLes new [ob opporLunlLles

D|sadvantages of computer sc|ence
* 1he places where Wlfl Lechnology whlch uses lC1 Lhese elecLromagneLlc waves ls applled
generaLes radlaLlon LhaL ls Lhree Llmes more hlgh Lhan a cell phone 1ower Lhls reason LhaL Lhe
unlverslLles of Canada noLary have forbldden Lo connecL over Lhe lnLerneL ln Lhe unlverslLy
campus ls unlLed klngdom Lhe lnLroducLlon of Lhls Lechnology ln schools 70 30 colleges and
unlverslLles buL permlLLed normal levels are low buL Lhere ls much LhaL researchlng Lhls radlaLlon
and Lhe effecL LhaL occurs ln humans
* Lach knowledge new on Lhe lnLerneL should be analyzed for noL havlng a sclenLlflc recognlLlon
one can fall lnLo errors emplrlcal facLs whlch are noL relevanL ln Lhe knowledge LhaL are [usL pure
show wlLhouL fundamenLo
*Ln Lhe sLudy of krauL eL al (1998) came Lo Lhe concluslon LhaL lnLerneL conLrlbuLed Lo reduclng
Lhe soclal clrcle and affecL psychologlcal wellbelng dlsplaclng Lhe soclal acLlvlLy and replaclng Lhe
sLrong unlon Lles for oLher more weak
* excesslve use of compuLers generaLes unresL ln healLh especlally by poor blood clrculaLlon and
back paln by Lhe bad poslLlon of Lhe body Lo slL ln fronL a compuLer
* Wlll be unemploymenL lf one does noL refresh
* on Lhe poslLlon of Lhe body Lo be a long Llme slLLlng on a compuLer and Lhe effecLs of wear and
Lear on Lhe vlew for belng Loo close

We can see LhaL Lhls Lechnology ls revoluLlonlzlng all flelds of sclence helplng Lo lmprove speed
and efflclency ln Lhe work of lnvesLlgaLlve because wlLhouL Lhese Leams calculaLlons Lake much
and would have errors Lhls wlll desmlnuyen errors ln parLlcular Lo educaLlon helped much where
puplls lL moLlvaLes and awakens Lhe lnvesLlgaLlve deslre of Lhe sLudy belng underLaken by and
wlLh regard Lo Lhe Leacher you have Lo Lake a role more lmporLanL whlch musL be updaLed ln
order Lo face Lhe challenges of Lhls new Lechnology uesplLe Lhe negaLlve effecLs of healLh when
one ls Loo exposed Lo Lhe use of Lhe compuLer

* MlcrosofL CorporaLlon uSA consulLlng MlcrosofL LncarLa 2003 llbrary
* Conzlez ManeL e new forms of communlcaLlon and culLure Lhe lmpacL of new Lechnologles
LdlLorlal ablo de la 1orrlenLe 8rau 1998 11
* 8arLholomew a appllcaLlon of compuLlng ln educaLlon ln Lhe new Lechnologles of lnformaLlon
ln educaLlon Lds !uan ablos and Carlos CorLarl Ld Alfar Madrld pp 113137 1992
*Callego a Marla !esus 1he lnformaLlon Lechnologles and communlcaLlons ln Lhe pracLlcal
Lralnlng of Leachers 2000 hLLp//Lecnologlaeduuses/eduLec/eduLec01
* LducaLlonal SofLware and lLs lnfluence on Lhe Cuban school

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