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Thermo-Fluids Lab 2 TF 1.

6 Specific Heat Capacity

Fig 1.0- Water and copper being heated

Submitted by: Christopher Treacy R00089114 Lecturer: Miss Sally Bryan Submitted on: 9/12/2011 Date Of Procedure: 1/12/2011

To find the specific heat capacity 3 individual metals i.e. Brass, Aluminuim and Iron To compare out results/findings with that of published data.

Specific Heat Capacity of a material is defined as the heat required to raise unit mass of the substance by one degree of temperature. The amount of heat contained in a quality of substance is givin by: Q= m Cp T Where: m: Change in length (kg) Cp: Specific heat capacity (J/kg-K) T: Change in tempreture (K)

In this experiment: The heat lost by the speciman = Heat gained by calorimeter + heat gained by water WsCp(T2-T1) = Wc(T2-T3) Cc = Ww(T2-T3)Cw Hence Cp = [Wc x Cc) +(Ww x Cc)] x (T2-T3)/Ws x (T1-T2) Where :
Ws Weight of speciman(kg) Wc Weight of calorimeter (kg) Ww Weight of water ( kg) Cp Specific heat capacity of speciman ( J/kg-K) Cw Specific heat capacity of water (4200J/kg/K) Cc Specific heat capacity of copper ( 390J/kg/K) T1 Initial tempeture of speciman (100 degrees celcius) T2 Final over all tempeture of water/speciman/calorimeter T3 Initial tempeture of water

Mercury/ Alcoholic bulb therometer. Insulated Beaker. Copper, Iron and Aluminium blocks. Copper Calorimeter. Hot plate. Beaker. Digital weighing scales. Tongs.

Fig 2.0 - Selection of metals (Copper, Aluminium and Iron)

Fig 2.1 Hot plate.

Refer to Labratory Manual for Biomedical Engineers page 104.

Experimental Results for Iron - Aluminium Brass

Ws .063kg - .0325kg - .0735kg Wc .0695kg - .0695kg - .0695kg Ww .065kg - .065kg - .065kg Cp ?? - ?? - ?? Cw 4200J/kg/K 4200J/kg/K 4200J/kg/K Cc 390J/kg/K 390J/kg/K 390J/kg/K T1 100 100 100 degrees T2 26 26-26 degrees T3 18 18 18 degrees

Calculations for :
Iron [(0.0695 x 390) + (0.052+4200)] x (26.5-18) / 0.665 x (100-26.5) = 451J/Kg Alliminium [(0.0695 x 390) + (0.0565+4200)] x (26.5-18) / 0.325 x (100-26.5) = 879.51J/Kg Brass [(0.0695 x 390) + (0.0575+4200)] x (26.5-18) / 0.735 x (100-26.5) = 395J/Kg

After the experiment it is wise to cross examine our results with the published results for the specific heat capacity. For iron the specific heat capcity is 460J/Kg. Our results were off by a mere 2% The specific heat capacity of Alluminium is 920J/Kg. Our results were off by 4.5%. Finally The specific heat capacity of Brass is 390J/Kg. Again our results were off by 2%


That the formula Cp = [Wc x Cc) +(Ww x Cc)] x (T2-T3)/Ws x (T1-T2) will find you the specific heat capacity of any mental or substance as long as all the data is used apropiatly. That the Specific Heat Capacity of Iron = 460J/Kg Alliminium = 920J/Kg Brass = 390J/Kg

Fig 1.0 Fig 2.0 Fig 2.1

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