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I1I1)1I1O) OI /))

/n ovni:vion, v.vv, v .oovion, .nvccv , v .vc o

{cvcv o.cnncn, .ni.n voc. no. o v o{ nc { vcnvnv vco.i. vnv inc vco.i., nono. in.vncn.
vv.n on ncn, vnv v,. incc. on ncn, vi..ovn. noc., nv[c.
ovn., vnv in.c.. in .c.viic., .oc.. .nc.[., vv{., vnv noc.,
.ci{ic. .nc.[., vnv vv{. vnv .v.nic. .nc.[..
Ii.ionv, ^cvnin o{ vn[in v. 'vn[in i. vn in.ivion
{o cnvin, ,c_.nvnc , o .v{cvvvin nonc,"
vn[in ncvn. nc o{ nonc, on
.vcn o vco.i v..ovn, v,in vnv .ncqvc. vv.n
, o viv in , .v.onc., nc nv[in o{ o
.v.onc., vnv in.vvc. .v.n onc v. nc /vnoi,
nv, c..ic {o nc vo.c. o{ ni. /., (vn[in /.
(invoc), c.ion 2, 1nccvion).
vn[in ncvn. nc o{ cinc o on o{ nc
1. {on nc cncv vi. nonc, on .vcn, vco.i, o onc .iniv v..ovn cv,vc on vcnvnv o
.inin c.. nvn [ nonn.] ... o .in v ciov o{ .v o
noi.c o{ c.. nvn nv ciov,
2. v,in o .ncqvc. vv.n , o viv in ,
in.c nc o{ 1IITO (1c.oni. Ivnv. Ivn.{c v
Toin O{ vc), vic. .cvi, vic. vci vnv incnc vn[in, nc
.ncqvc nv. o. i. inv., in no. vn[in .,.cn. v. v v,ncn
in.vncn. Ini. nv. cv cv ncoi.. o .vc. nv nc .ncqvc vc{iniion .novv c ovvcncv o in.vvc {invn.iv
in.ivion. nv .onvv. .vcn v..ovn. {o .v.onc. vnv
cnvc .v.onc. o v, vnv c viv , niv vic., i{ nc,
vo no v, vnv .oc. .ncqvc..
c.ion (.)o{ vn[in )cvvion /.,1^!^ vc{inc. vn[in v.
,"/..cin , {o nc vo.c o{ cnvin o in.c.ncn o{ vco.i.
o{ nonc, {on nc vi. , cv,vc on vcnvnv o onc.i.c, vnv , .ncqvc , vv{, ovc o onc.i.c".
O_{ov Ii.ionv, vc{inc. v. ' vn {o .v.ov, o{
nonc, , .ni.n i v,. ov on .v.onc. ovc ."

now books come loto exlsteoce
1he name bank derlves from Lhe lLallan word banco
desk/bench used durlng Lhe 8enalssance by
llorenLlnes bankers who used Lo make Lhelr LransacLlons
above a desk covered by a green LablecloLhPowever
Lhere are Lraces of banklng acLlvlLy even ln anclenL Llmes
ln facL Lhe word Lraces lLs orlglns back Lo Lhe AnclenL
8oman Lmplre where moneylenders would seL up Lhelr
sLalls ln Lhe mlddle of enclosed courLyards called macella
on a long bench called a bancu from whlch Lhe words
banco and bank are derlved As a moneychanger Lhe
merchanL aL Lhe bancu dld noL so much lnvesL money as
merely converL Lhe forelgn currency lnLo Lhe only legal
Lender ln 8omeLhaL of Lhe lmperlal MlnL
Crlgln of 8anklng

1he flrsL bank was probably Lhe rellglous Lemples of
Lhe anclenL world whereln gold was sLored ln Lhe form of
easyLocarry compressed plaLes 1helr owners [usLly felL
LhaL Lemples were Lhe safesL places Lo sLore Lhelr gold as
Lhey were consLanLly aLLended well bullL and were
sacred Lhus deLerrlng wouldbe Lhleves 1here are exLenL
records of loans from Lhe 18Lh cenLury 8C ln 8abylon
LhaL were made by Lemple prlesLs Lo merchanLs

AnclenL Creece holds furLher evldence of banklng Creek
Lemples as well as prlvaLe and clvlc enLlLles conducLed
flnanclal LransacLlons such as loans deposlLs currency
exchange and valldaLlon of colnage 1here ls evldence
Loo of credlL whereby ln reLurn for a paymenL from a
cllenL a moneylender ln one Creek porL would wrlLe a
credlL noLe for Lhe cllenL who could cash" Lhe noLe ln
anoLher clLy savlng Lhe cllenL Lhe danger of carLlng
colnage wlLh hlm on hls [ourney

AnclenL 8ome perfecLed Lhe admlnlsLraLlve aspecL of
banklng and saw greaLer regulaLlon of flnanclal
lnsLlLuLlons and flnanclal pracLlces Charglng lnLeresL on
loans and paylng lnLeresL on deposlLs became more
hlghly developed and compeLlLlve

1he orlgln of banklng ln lndla can be Lraced back Lo
almosL Lhe vedlc perlod 1he LransformaLlon from pure
money lendlng Lo proper banklng appears Lo have Laken
place before Lhe Llmes of Manu Manu a greaL Plndu
[urlsL had devoLed a secLlon of hls work explalnlng Lhe
deposlLs and advances and he even lald down cerLaln
rules on raLes of lnLeresL

1hrough ouL Mauryan perlod and laLer on desl bankers
played some role ln Lhe economy of Lhe counLry
Powever lL was durlng Lhe Moghul perlod LhaL
lndlgenous bankers sLarLed playlng a vlLal role ln lendlng
money and flnanclng of Lhe forelgn Lrade and commerce

8anklng durlng brlLlsh perlod before lndependence
1he flrsL [olnL sLock bank namely 1he Ceneral 8ank of
lndla was esLabllshed ln 17LaLer on 8ank of PlndusLan
and 8engal 8ank came lnLo exlsLence
8ank of PlndusLan carrled on buslness Llll 19
LasL lndla Company esLabllshed Lhe followlng Lhree
banks namely 1he 8ank of 8engal ln 1809 1he 8ank of
8ombay ln 1840 and 8ank of Madras ln 1843 1hey were
collecLlvely called resldency 8anks and were well
funcLlonlng lndependenL unlLs
1he Lhree banks esLabllshed by Lhe LasL lndla Company
were amalgamaLed ln 1920 and a new bank called
lmperlal 8ank of lndla was esLabllshed
A number of prlvaLe banks had been esLabllshed by Lhe
buslnessmen from mld of Lhe 19Lh cenLury onwards ln
Lhe surchanged aLmosphere of Swadeshl movemenL a
number of banks wlLh lndlan managemenL namely
un[ab naLlonal 8ank LLd 8ank of lndla LLd Canara
8ank LLd lndlan 8ank LLd eLc were esLabllshed
1he 8eserve 8ank of lndla was esLabllshed as Lhe CenLral
bank of Lhe counLry ln 1933 under an acL called 8eserve
bank of lndla AcL LaLer on wlLh Lhe passage of Lhe
8anklng 8egulaLlon AcL passed ln 1949 88l was broughL
under governmenL conLrol under Lhls AcL 88l was
conferred wlLh supervlslon and conLrol of Lhe banks and
llcenslng powers and Lhe auLhorlLy Lo conducL
lnspecLlons was also glven Lo lL
AfLer lndependence
ln 1933 Lhe lmperlal 8ank of lndla was naLlonallsed and
was glven Lhe name SLaLe 8ank of lndla" lL was
esLabllshed under SLaLe 8ank of lndla AcL 1933
ln 1960 88l was empowered Lo force Lhe compulsory
merger of Lhe weak banks wlLh Lhe sLrong ones 1hls led
Lo reducLlon ln Lhe number of banks from 366 ln 1931 Lo
abouL 89 ln 1969 Cn !uly 19 1969 14 ma[or banks were
ln1980 anoLher slx banks were naLlonallsed and Lhus
ralslng Lhe number of naLlonallzed banks Lo 20
Cn Lhe suggesLlons of narslmham CommlLLee Lhe
8anklng 8egulaLlon AcL was amended ln 1993 and Lhus
Lhe gaLes for Lhe new prlvaLe secLor banks were opened

normally charLered accounLlng flrms audlL Lradlng and
manufacLurlng flrms 1he work of bank branch audlL ls a
very speclallzed [ob and comes once ln a year number of
CA flrms ellglble for 8ank audlLs are llmlLed AudlLors
should updaLe Lhelr knowledge abouL 88l clrculars as 88l
on monLhly /yearly basls keep on revlslng lLs guldellnes
AudlL ln Lhls fleld should be done wlLh exLra precauLlon

Gopinath Patil Parsik Janata Sahakari

Founded on 21st May 1972, in a remote village in
Kalwa (Thane District, Maharashtra), Gopinath Patil Parsik
Janata Sahakari Bank enjoyed tremendous patronage
right since the inception. Under the leadership of Shri.
Gopinath Shivram Patil and other founding directors, the
bank flourished and expanded its reach to Thane, Navi
Mumbai, Pune and Nashik. With an inspiring deposit base
more than Rs 1100 Crores, Gopinath Patil Parsik Janata
Sahakari Bank is riding high on customer satisfaction and
trust. What is even more heartening is that the bank has
helped many to meet their financial needs.

Currently operating through 33 fully-equipped branches
and 1 Extension Counters. Gopinath Patil Parsik Janata
Sahakari Bank is getting ready for the next phase of rapid

No D|rectors Name Des|gnat|on
1 Mr 8an[lL C aLll Chalrman
2 Mr uevra[ 8 aLll vlce Chalrman
3 Mr !ayram k aLll ulrecLor
4 Mr namdev 8 aLll ulrecLor
3 Mr uashraLh u CharaL ulrecLor
6 Adv C aLll ulrecLor
7 Mr CoplnaLh 8 aLll ulrecLor
8 Mr rakash n aLll ulrecLor
9 Mr narayan C Cawand ulrecLor
10 Mr kayyum 8 Cheulkar ulrecLor
11 Mr andurang u 8unde ulrecLor
12 Mr 8avlndra k aLll ulrecLor
13 Mr 8upa[l S khulaL ulrecLor
14 Mrs 8a[ashree aLll ulrecLor
13 Mrs Shashlkala u aLll ulrecLor
16 CA 8 8 LahoLl 8anklng LxperL
17 Mr kesarlnaLh 8 CharaL 8anklng LxperL

n the year 1971 the Government of Maharashtra acquired
all agricultural land of 68 villages of Thane-Belapur belt in
Thane district of Maharashtra, for the purpose of setting
up a new city i.e. "New Bombay. Acquisition of land for
New Bombay project means compulsorily depriving
several thousands of people of their means of livelihood.
Though Government was paying them money as
compensation, but they were away their land which was
the only mean of livelihood for them.

To equip the project affected persons and their family
members with strength and ability, to survive with new
urban means of livelihood, it was necessary to provide
them financial assistance. CDCO (City ndustrial
Development Corporation) was established by
Government of Maharashtra for the purpose of
development of infrastructure and city of New Bombay.
Development of infrastructure requires plenty of resources
like men, machines, earthmover, vehicles & money.

The idea of formation of Urban Co-operative Bank for the
area was visualized in 1971 by a group of youngsters of
Kalwa village, which is on the boundary of Thane
Belapur Belt. This group of youngsters were successful in
running a Consumer Co-operative Society by name
"Kalwa Consumer Co-operaive Society. This group of
youngsters, on their study-tour to Western Maharashtra,
for study of co-operation, was fascinated by network and
growth of cooperative societies and the role played by
Urban Cooperative Banks in the development of that
The group of youngsters called a meeting of residents
from Kalwa and nearby villages when they came back
from their study tour. They collect the Share Money in
December 1971 for the formation of the bank. Collection of
share money was the most difficult task at that time. n a
village where there were no banking facility available
these youngsters started collection Rs. 50/- as contribution
towards share capital. n year 1971 Rs.50/- was also a
substantial amount, it took lot of efforts and hardship to
collect the require numbers of members. n all 360
members came together for the formation of bank. The
registration of "Parsik Janata Sahakari Bank Ltd. was
approved by Co-operative Department in the month of
April, 1972, with registration number TNAK/BNK/160
dated 24th April, 1972. The first branch office at Kalwa
Naka was opened on 21st May, 1972.The bank was
named as "Parsik because active jurisdiction of bank was
the west side area of Parsik Hill, which has range from
Kalwa to Belapur (the famous Parsik Railway Tunnel is
situated in the same range). Parsik is also mean
Parshwanath ( Lord Shiva), whose temple was existed on
the hill as per history.


The main purpose of social audit is to ascertain the
responsibilities and performance of an organization
towards the society, stake holders and community. Until
now social audit is not compulsory but it will be worth while
to take note of what parsik bank has done towards the
society, stake holders and community.
he principles of cooperation always keeps community or
society to the fore front. What ever is done through
cooperation is done for the welfare and upliftment of the
community. The board of parsik bank until now has
undertaken following activities towards the betterment of
the society
1. The founder of Parsik Janata Sahakari Bank Ltd. Mr.
Gopinath Shivram Patil had initiated a proposal
through their consumer co-operative society in
October, 1985 to Forest Department, Pune. Through
which they sought permission for a project, which
included allotment of one hill, called Parsik Hill, which
is situated nearby Kalwa Village and the well known
Parsik Railway Tunnel passes through it, for
plantation. Forest Department gave permission for the
plantation on the Parsik Hill only after 1990. For last
20 years the work of plantation and other related
activities like minor irrigation , forest conservation are
going on. The employees of Parsik Bank with their
Board of Directors has been regularly visiting the
Parsik Hill , due to their hard work and consistency
the land admeasuring 70 hectare came under
plantation. Once a barren hill is now covered with fifty
to fifty five thousand plants. The Board of Directors
of Parsik Bank has taken tremendous efforts for last
20 years for this project , which is a huge successes.
Other organizations has also started similar project by
taking inspiration from Mr. Gopinath Shivram Patil.
n the year 1988-89 Parsik Bank has been allotted
one plot of land, adjoining to Kalwa bridge for
development of garden by Thane Muncipal

1 At the request of CDCO LTD. in the year 1993,
Parsik Bank has undertaken the development of
garden on 14 acres of land situated near Belapur in
Navi Mumbai area. The said garden was also named
as "Parsik Hill Garden. The employees and members
of Board has given their total commitment for the
development of garden.
2. Parsik Bank in the year 1998-99 has planted nearly
1200 plants in Kalwa Vitawa region under scheme
called "Clean Thane Green Thane, which was
initiated by Thane Muncipal Corporation. t also
included decoration of one traffic island and building a
bus stop.
3. Other activities
O Educational help
O Medical help
O Building of shed for funeral & other religious
O Sports
O Financial assistance to social organizations
4. For last 28 years bank is retaining amount out of their
net profit for charitable purpose. Generally 1% of net
profit is appropriated for the charitable purpose.
5. 6) Bank has maintained a fund called "Member
Welfare Fund. Every year a considerable amount is
contributed to this fund out of net profit earned by the
bank. At present the amount in Member Welfare fund
is around 1.29 crore of rupees.
Moments of Pride
1. " Congress Seva Dal Navi Mumbai awarded Seva
Bhushan Award in the year 1995-96.
2. Maharashtra State Cooperative Banks Association
awarded the "Best Urban Bank Padmabhushan
Vasantdada Patil Award for three consecutive years
1996-97, 1997-98 and 1998-99.
3. Parsik Bank got awards for three consecutive years
ending 98-99 from Organization called " Yuvak
Mudra, who organized competition in memory of
Rajarambapu patil in regards with merit and principal
of cooperative banks.
4. Bris ndiglo has ranked Parsik Bank as follows in their
O First Number in "Overall Ranking in Thane
O Second Number in "Overall Ranking in all over
Maharashtra State.
O Fourth Number in "Safest Category

C8S ( Core 8anklng SoluLlon)
Core 8anklng SoluLlon (C8S) ls neLworklng of branches whlch
enables CusLomers Lo operaLe Lhelr accounLs and avall banklng
servlces from any branch of Lhe 8ank on C8S neLwork
regardless of where he malnLalns hls accounL 1he cusLomer ls
no more Lhe cusLomer of a 8ranch Pe becomes Lhe 8ank's
CusLomer 1hus C8S ls a sLep Lowards enhanclng cusLomer
convenlence Lhrough anywhere and anyLlme 8anklng

All C8S branches are lnLerconnecLed wlLh each oLher
1herefore CusLomers of C8S branches can avall varlous banklng
faclllLles from any oLher C8S branch locaLed any where ln Lhe
world 1hese servlces are

1o make enqulrles abouL Lhe balance deblL or credlL enLrles ln
Lhe accounL
1o obLaln cash paymenL ouL of hls accounL by Lenderlng a
1o deposlL a cheque for credlL lnLo hls accounL
1o deposlL cash lnLo Lhe accounL
1o deposlL cheques / cash lnLo accounL of some oLher person
who has accounL ln a C8S branch
1o geL sLaLemenL of accounL
1o Lransfer funds from hls accounL Lo some oLher accounL hls
own or of Lhlrd parLy provlded boLh accounLs are ln C8S
1o obLaln uemand urafLs or 8anker's Cheques from any branch
on C8S amounL shall be onllne deblLed Lo hls accounL

All Lhese alm Lo provlde convenlenL efflclenL and hlgh quallLy
banklng experlence Lo Lhe cusLomers comparable Lo world
class sLandards

SMS 8anklng
SMS 8anklng Servlces are avallable for Lhe cusLomers of Lhe
8ank by uslng Lhe SMS feaLure of Lhe moblle phones cusLomer
can pull message llke Lo know Lhe laLesL balances and lasL 3
LransacLlons ln Lhelr accounLs
AparL from CusLomer pull operaLlons 8ank ls also glvlng SMS
alerLs Lo Lhe cusLomer for clearance of cheques maLurlLy of
Lerms deposlLs reLurn of Lhe cheques (l/W C/W) endlng l/W
cheque 1ransacLlon of amounL above 8s 3000
@ese ote te 5M5 coJe fot koowloq te occooot Jetolls
nLl1 ( naLlonal LlecLronlc lund 1ransfer
SysLem )
Cur 8ank offers naLlonal LlecLronlc lund 1ransfer SysLem (nLl1) for
efflclenL secured economlcal and rellable sysLem of Lransfer of funds
from bank Lo bank as well as from remlLLer's accounL ln our bank Lo Lhe
beneflclary's accounL ln anoLher bank wlLh ln ouL counLry as well as ln

ln Lhls paymenL sysLem lnsLrucLlons beLween banks are processed and
seLLled on baLch Lo baLch basls aL flxed Llmes durlng Lhe day 1here ls
no mlnlmum or maxlmum sLlpulaLed LransacLlon value for uslng Lhls
faclllLy @e 5peclol feotote of tls system ls tot lt ls ovolloble lo Nepol

k@5 ( keol @lme toss 5ettlemeot 5ystem)
Cur 8ank offers 8eal 1lme Cross SeLLlemenL SysLem (81CS) naLlonal
LlecLronlc lund 1ransfer SysLem ( nLl1) for efflclenL secured
economlcal and rellable Lransfer of funds from bank Lo bank as well as
from remlLLer's accounL ln our bank Lo Lhe beneflclary's accounL ln
anoLher bank wlLh ln Lhe counLry
An elecLronlc paymenL sysLem ln whlch paymenL lnsLrucLlons beLween
our bank and oLher banks are processed and seLLled lndlvldually and on
a real Llme basls for LransacLlon value of 8s 1 lac and above under
normal clrcumsLances Lhe beneflclary bank's branch recelves Lhe funds
ln real Llme as soon as funds are Lransferred by Lhe remlLLlng bank
Note 81CS sysLems work on all days excepL on Sunday and naLlonal
holldays across Lhe sLaLes

A88 (An? 88AnCP 8AnklnC)
ln Any 8ranch 8anklng ls offerlng followlng servlces Lo lLs cusLomers

1he 8anks cusLomer havlng A1M card can wlLhdraw Lhe Cash from any
A1M of Lhe 8ank

1he 8ank ls provldlng Lhe faclllLy Lo wlLhdraw / ueposlL / 1ransfer Lhe
cash Lhrough Lhe counLer from any of 8anks branches

1he cusLomer can deposlL hls/her cheque ln any of our branch of Lhe
bank 1hls faclllLy wlll be sLarL shorLly

Fixed Deposit Deposit
Fixed Deposit 3terest Rate
15 days to 45 days 4.50
46 days to 90 days 5.50
91days to 180 days 6.00
181days to below 1 year 7.00
1 year to below 18months 7.75
18 months to below 2 years 8.50
2 years upto 3 years 8.25
Above 3 years 8.00
For senior citizen additional 0.75 Interest
(On all Fixed Deposits above 1 year)
Special Scheme :12mo3ths to 18mo3ths
(Excludi3 R.D. & Rei3;estme3t)

Recurri3 deposit 3terest Rate
1 Year to below 18 months 7.75
18 months to below 2 years 8.50
2 years upto 3 years 8.25
Above 3 years 8.00

Rei3;estme3t Deposit 3terest Rate
1 Year to below 18 nmonths 7.75
18 months to below 2 years 8.50
2 years upto 3 years 8.25
Above 3 years 8.00

Fixed Deposit 3terest Rate
15 days to 45 days 4.50
46 days to 90 days 5.50
91 days to 180 days 6.00
181 days to below 1 year 7.00
1 year to below18months 7.75
18months to below 2 years 8.50
2 years upto 3 years 8.25
Above 3 years 8.00
For senior citizen additional 0.75 Interest
(On all Fixed Deposits above 1 year)

!urpose : Repairs and Renovation
House / Flat.
Rate oI interest : Upto Rs 25 lacs
14.50 p.a.
: Above Rs 25 lacs to
below Rs 50 lacs
14.00 p.a.
: Rs 50 Lacs and Above
13.75 p.a.
Eligibility : Individual.
Loan Amount : Above Rs. 2 lacs
Security : Movable / Immovable
Repayment : Maximum Upto 5 Years.

EW VEHE (ommercial Use)
Rate oI Interest : 12.00 p.a.
Loan Amount : 80 oI Invoice Value
Registration Charges Insurance
In case oI Old Vehicle upto 5
: 50 oI Agreement value
or valuation whichever is less.
Rate oI Interest : Upto Rs 2 lakh 13.75 p.a.
Above Rs 2 lakh 15.00 p.a.
Security : Vehicle & Salary/Income.
Repayment : Maximum 5 years
Conditions Apply

EW VEHE (ommercial Use
Rate oI Interest : 12.00 p.a.
Loan Amount : 80 oI Invoice Value
In ase oI Old
Vehicle upto 5
: 50 oI Agreement
or valuation whichever
is less.
Rate oI Interest : Up to Rs. 2 Lacs
13.75 p.a.
Above Rs. 2 Lacs
15.00 p.a.

!ERSONAL VEHICLE (New 4 wheeler)
Rate oI Interest : 12.00 p.a.
Security : Vehicle & Salary
Repayment : Maximum 5 years
*Conditions Apply
!urpose : !urchase oI Furniture & Fixtures,
Electronic / Consumable Appliances etc.
Rate oI Interest : 14.50 p.a.
Eligibility : Individual
Loan Amount : Maximum upto Rs. 5 lacs.
Margin : 30 *.
Security : Article / Furniture / Immovable !roperty
Repayment : Upto 5 years.
*Conditions Apply
n certain cases where the employer undertakes to deduct the loan
installment under sec 49 of Maharashtra State Co op Act, 1960 and remit
the same towards the repayment of loan or undertakes to remit the monthly
salary of employees directly to the Bank till entire loan is repaid and
intimation to that effect is given by Bank.
n such cases, Group Loan can be granted provided Minimum number of
Employees applying at a time in a group is 10.
!urpose : For !urchase oI Consumer durable goods
(with or without security oI consumer durable goods /
Domestic goods being Iinanced)
And / Or For any other domestic purpose
And / Or For repayment oI prior debts
And / Or For House repairing
Rate oI Interest : Repayable within 7 years 14.00 p.a.
Eligibility : Minimum number oI Employees applying
at a time in a group is 10
Loan Amount : Maximum upto Rs. 2 lacs.
Repayment : Upto 7 years.
Conditions Apply
!urpose : Business Expansion
!urchasing Machinery
Raw Material
Setting New !roject
Rate oI Interest

Upto Rs 50 Lacs 13.50
ABOVE Rs 50 Lacs upto 3 crores 13.00
ABOVE Rs 3 crore 12.00

Eligibility : Individual / Firm / !artnership Firm /
Company etc
Loan Amount : As per requirement
Margin : 30*
*Conditions Apply

This kind of fund based working capital facility is provided to
traders/manufacturers & the like. Bank has focus for extending cash credit
facility to small & medium size enterprises.

!urpose : Working Capital requirements / Additional stock purchase / Repayment
oI trade condition

Rate of nterest
Below Rs 50 Lacs 12.50
Rs 50 Lacs To Rs 2
ABOVE Rs 2 Crore 11.50
Eligibility :
Small traders/ ManuIacturers / !artnership Iirms /
Margin : Minimum 30 oI net inventory *
Security : Closing Stock, Debtors, Movable/Immovable !roperties
Repayment : Maximum period upto 12 months on renewable basis.
To brighten the future of bright & committed students by extending financial
assistance to pursue higher professional / technical courses studies in ndia
& Abroad through Educational Universities / nstitutes / Organisations of
good reputation & recognition.
!urpose : Higher Education.
Rate oI Interest : Upto Rs. 10 Lacs 10 p.a.
Above Rs. 10 Lacs & Upto Rs. 20 Lacs 11 p.a
Loan Amount : Upto Rs. 10 Lacs Ior studies in India.
Upto Rs. 20 Lacs Ior studies in Abroad.
Security : Collateral security owned by !arents or Guarantor. 'Whole
LiIe' Insurance !olicy on the liIe oI the student, Ior the amount
oI loan.
Repayment : Max. 120 months, including moratorium period.

ProfessionaI Loan
Criteria : Doctor
CA & Engineer
Rate oI Interest
U!TO Rs 10 Lacs 12.50
ABOVE Rs 10 Lacs To Upto Rs 50 Lacs 12.00
ABOVE Rs 50 Lacs 12.50

Eligibility : Individual / Firm / !artnership
Firm / Company etc
Loan Amount : As per requirement
Margin : 30*

CLher lnfo
Acting on High Court directives Iollowing a petition Iiled by
Janhit Manch, the civic authorities have Iinalised a plan oI
action to demolish encroachments in the city. The Navi Mumbai
Municipal Corporation (NMMC), CIDCO and MIDC oIIicials
had a joint meeting last week to Iinalise the action plan. Sources
said the plan was Iinalised to comply with High Court orders to
demolish encroachments in the city and Iree the government
According to the plan, a joint drive would be undertaken all over
the city. The authorities have also appealed to the people to
voluntarily vacate the illegally occupied land to avoid Iurther
action. "Those who are illegally occupying government land
should vacate the same immediately. No one would be spared
once the drive starts," Municipal Commissioner Vijay Nahata
As part oI the drive, NMMC and CIDCO oIIicials in a joint
action demolished encroachments on open plots near !arsik
Bank and Mahape Flyover on Tuesday. "The plot near !arsik
Bank is owned by CIDCO, while the one near Mahape Ilyover
was reserved Ior Iire station," Koparkhairane Ward OIIicer
Sanjay Tayade said.
According to CIDCO sources, there are around 13,000 illegal
structures on its land across the city while NMMC authorities
claim that the number oI such structures is around 11,000.
"These Iigures could not be considered to be authentic as proper
survey has not been conducted in the city. The number is likely
to change as the government has regularised several such
settlements where project aIIected people were rehabilitated,"
sources said. It is learnt that civic authorities have started the
survey oI the illegal structures regularised by the government Ior
project aIIected people.
Meanwhile, Nahata has appealed to the people to cooperate
during the anti-encroachment drive. "We will take appropriate
legal action against those trying to obstruct government oIIicials
Irom discharging their duties," he added.
AdvL of flaLs ld also done
Narketing and Advertising Department.

Narketing and Advertising Department.
Narketing and advertising Department was created in
Among the main aims of the Department are:
O reation and development of the corporate identity and
advertising materials of RSUH,
O randname promotion, increase of the trademark's
O Situation analysis on the educational services market in
the sphere of higher and additional education,
O Rating of competitiveness of RSUH and estimation of
competitive environment on the educational services
O stimation of competitive marketing and advertising
strategies of the leading universities and institutions,
O Search of opportunities of forming and building mutually
beneficial relationships with the principal partners in the
sphere of education and science,
O Development of marketing and advertising strategies for
the nearest as well as for the longtime perspectives in
creating new educational products, main and additional
educational services and promoting the existing ones,
O stimation of the current price policy of the leading
operators on the educational market and creation of
current price policy for the major and additional
education services,
O Rating of effectiveness of marketing and advertising
O Nonitoring of the reaction of the target - audience,
O onducting of marketing researches among the
university - entrants, students, graduates of RSUH,
Holding various PR - events and advertising campaigns in
Nass Nedia, !nternet, exhibitions, vacancy - fairs, of open
door days

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