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Commun|ty nea|th Nurs|ng

O (WPC) lL ls a speclals fleld of nurslng

LhaL comblne Lhe skllls of nurslng
publlc healLh and some phase of soclal
asslsLance and funcLlons as parL of Lhe
LoLal ubllc PealLh rogram for Lhe
promoLlon of healLh lmprovemenL of
Lhe condlLlons ln Lhe soclal and physlcal
envlronmenL and rehablllLaLlon of
lllness and dlsablllLy

O nurses are dlvlded lnLo Lwo communlLy
and hosplLal

O 8ural healLh nurses are communlLy
healLh nurses buL classlfled as publlc
healLh nurse

O nurses aL lndusLrles schools
governmenL company are communlLy
healLh nurse

O (AnA) ls a company pracLlce LhaL
promoLes and preserves Lhe healLh of
Lhe populaLlon by lnLegraLlng Lhe skllls
and knowledge relevanL Lo boLh
nurslng and publlc healLh

O (lreeman) lL refers Lo a servlce
rendered by a professlonal nurse wlLh a
communlLles groups famllles and
lndlvlduals aL home ln Lhe healLh
cenLers ln cllnlcs ln schools ln Lhe
work place for promoLlon of healLh
prevenLlon of lllness care of Lhe slck aL
home and rehablllLaLlon

CnN def|n|t|on h|gh||ghts the fo||ow|ng
O oa| promoLlon and preservaLlon of
O Nature of ract|ce comprehenslve
general conLlnual and noL eplsodlc
O now|edge base from nurslng and
publlc healLh
O eve|s of c||ente|e lndlvlduals famllles
group and communlLles
O 1he pracLlLloner's recognlLlon of Lhe
prlmary of Lhe populaLlon whole

n|story deve|opment of CnN (|oba|)

Stage 1 (8efore M|d 1800s)
O Many cenLurles Lhe slck were Lended ln
Lhe homes by female famllles and
frlendsreduce sufferlngs and promoLe
heallng (roverbs 3120 8omans 162)
O lL began wlLh rellglous and charlLable
groups/lnsLlLuLlons renderlng healLh
servlces Lo Lhe poor 1eachlng poor ln
Lhe home seLLlng Lo help Lhemselves
(Mademolselle Le Cras 1963)
O upheavals charlLy work decllned more
bables dellvered by mldwlfe wlLh llLLle
no Lralnlng aL all
O LeasL repuLable women pursued

I|orence N|ght|nga|e (18S418S6)
O ueLermlnaLlon Lo servlce Lhe needs
resulLed ln ma[or reforms and
lmprovemenL ln Lhe sLaLus of nurslng
O Sklllful ln lobbylng for healLh reforms
O She organlzes care LhaL resulLed ln
savlng hundreds of llves

Stage 2
O vlslLlng nurslng dlsLrlcL nurslng
O 1hls was formally organlze vlslLlng Lhe
slck poor ln Lhelr homes
O 1eachlng Lhelr cllenLs cleanllness and
wholesome llvlng
O lnsLrucLlve ulsLrlcL nurslng emphaslzes
Lhe Leachlng of hyglene and cleanllness

Stage 3 ub||c nea|th Nurs|ng (19001970)
O ulsLrlcL nurslng broadened ls focus Lo
lnclude healLh and welfare of Lhe
general publlc noL [usL Lhe poor
O ulsLrlcL nurses ploneered ln healLh
Leachlng dlsease prevenLlon and
promoLlon of good healLh pracLlces

SLage 4 CPn (1970presenL)
O nurses who were noL necessarlly
pracLlclng publlc healLh were based ln

Nurs|ng 1heor|es re|ated to CnN
(McLwen and Wllls 2007)

O llorence nlghLlngale's Model (nurslng)
O ueduced LhaL cleanllness fresh alr
comforL and sanlLaLlon were necessary
Lo heallng

Nurs|ng 1heor|es
O uoroLhea Crem (SelfCare ueflclL
nurslng 1heory)
4 8elleved LhaL humans engaged
ln conLlnuous communlcaLlon
an lnLerchange among
Lhemselves and Lhelr
envlronmenLs Lo remaln allve
and Lo funcLlon
O Lelnlnger's CulLure Care ulverslLy and
unlverslLy 1heory
4 uemonsLraLe Lhe lmporLance of
conslderlng Lhe lmpacL of
culLure on healLh and heallng
4 1ransculLural nurslng Model"
4 urposes Lo generaLe
knowledge relaLed Lo Lhe
nurslng care of people who
value Lhelr culLural herlLage and
llfe ways
4 CenLral LeneL lL ls lmporLanL for
Lhe nurse Lo undersLand Lhe
lndlvlduals vlew of lllness
4 locus recognlzlng and
undersLandlng culLural
slmllarlLles and dlfferences
uslng Lhls lnfo Lo lnfluence
nurslng care and healLh

O CommunlLy PealLh nurslng ls based on
Lhe worLh and dlgnlLy of man

1 1o parLlclpaLe on Lhe developmenL an
overall healLh plans for Lhe communlLy
and lLs lmplemenLaLlon and evaluaLlon
2 1o provlde quallLy nurslng servlce Lo
lndlvlduals famllles populaLlon group
and communlLles
3 1o coordlnaLe nurslng servlce Lo varlous
members of Lhe healLh Leam
4 1o parLlclpaLe and conducL researches
relevanL Lo communlLy healLh and
communlLy healLh nurslng servlces and
dlssemlnaLe Lhelr resulLs for Lhe
lmprovemenL of healLh care
3 1o provlde healLh nurslng personnel
wlLh opporLunlLles for conLlnulng
educaLlon and professlon growLh Lhru
sLaff developmenL

Character|st|cs of CnN
1 Comblne publlc healLh and nurslng
2 opulaLlon focused
3 Lmphaslzes prevenLlon healLh
promoLlon and wellness
4 romoLes cllenL responslblllLy and self
3 lL uses aggregaLe measuremenL and
6 lL ls a fleld of nurslng
7 uses prlnclples of organlzaLlon Lheory

oa| of ub||c nea|th
O lncreases Lhe years and quallLy of llfe
and reduce dlsparlLy

u|de||ne r|nc|p|es of CnN
1 CPn ls an lnLegral parL of Lhe
communlLy healLh servlce sysLems ls
parL of Lhe large socloeconomlc
developmenL sysLem of a glven
2 A CommunlLy PealLh nurse ls a general
pracLlLloner and nurslng
3 1he communlLy ls Lhe cllenL/paLlenL ln
Lhe CPn
4 1he baslc purpose of CPn ls Lo lmprove
communlLy healLh SelecLlve appllcaLlon
nurslng and publlc healLh measures
wlLhln Lhe framework of Lhe LoLal
healLh sysLem
3 1he goal of lmprovlng communlLy
healLh ls reallzed Lhrough
mulLldlsclpllnary efforL
6 1he basls fro Lhe professlonal pracLlce
of nurslng and of CPn ls Lhe appllcaLlon
of problemsolvlng meLhod Lhe
nurslng process"
7 1he famlly ls Lhe baslc unlL of care ln
8 1he CPn works wlLh and noL for Lhe
lndlvldual cllenL paLlenLs famlly
groups or communlLy 1he laLLer are
acLlve parLners
9 1wo very lmporLanL roles of Lhe
communlLy healLh nurse are Lhose of a
healLh Leacher/ educaLor and a change
10 1he pracLlce of CPn ls affecLed by
changes ln socleLy ln general and by
changes and developmenLs ln Lhe
healLh and relaLed flelds

ko|es of the Nurse In CnN

1 PealLh MonlLorlng
2 rovlder of nurslng Care
3 PealLh 1eacher/educaLor
4 Counselor
3 CllenL/aLlenL advocaLe
6 Change agenL
7 CommunlLy organlzer
8 1eam member
9 1ralner supervlsor manager
10 CoordlnaLlon of healLh and relaLed
11 8esearcher
12 8ole model

Iunct|ons of CnN
1 lnlLlaLes conLacL esLabllshes and
malnLalns and effecLlve worklng
2 Assess and deLecLs devlaLlons from
healLh among lndlvlduals famllles
speclflc groups and communlLy as a
3 rovlde skllled nurslng care Lo Lhe slck
and dlsabled paLlenLs requlrlng parL
Llme professlonal nurslng servlce ln Lhe
varlous seLLlngs
4 AdmlnlsLer prescrlbed meds LreaLmenL
or emergency care Lo lndlvldual
paLlenLs as well as supervlsors and
paLlenLs and famlly members school
personnel 8Pw eLc
3 lmplemenL measures Lo prevenL
compllcaLlons or mlnlmlze Lhe dlsabllng
effecLs of dlsease or ln[urles
6 AsslsL ln Lhe preparaLlon and conducL of
varlous klnd of cllnlc and healLh cenLer
7 AsslsL Lhe physlclan and denLlsL wlLh
examlnaLlon and LreaLmenL procedures
8 AsslsL ln Lhe physlclan ln lnLerpreLlng Lo
Lhe paLlenL and famlly Lhe meanlng and
lmpllcaLlons of medlcal dlagnosls
9 lollow up compllcaLed or problemaLlc
cases provlde approaches nurslng care
healLh Leachlng and referral
10 rovlslon of healLh Leachlng/ educaLlon
Lhelr capablllLles for selfcare and
effecLlve performance of Lhe famlly
healLh Lasks
11 rovlde healLh supervlslon guldance
and counsellng Lo lndlvlduals and
famllles ln Lhe communlLy
12 rovldes guldance and counsellng wlLh
healLh or healLh relaLed problems
13 Assess Lhe envlronmenL ln Lhe home
school work place and Lhe communlLy
as a whole Lo ldenLlfy rlsks and hazards
Lo healLh work wlLh members lf Lhe
14 lans properly and conducLs followups
of hlghrlsk or prlorlLy famllles wlLh
ulLlmaLe ob[ecLlve of enhanclng Lhe
famllles capablllLles for selfcare and
effecLlvely cope wlLh healLh and healLh
relaLed problems
13 lnlLlaLe and/ or parLlclpaLes acLlvely ln
plannlng organlzaLlon and conducL of
screenlng an case flndlng programs
16 ldenLlfles under serve populaLlons
groups and groups aL rlsk based on
prevalllng communlLy healLh problems
and lnlLlaLes healLh promoLlve and
prevenLlve servlces for Lhem
17 rovldes supervlslon Lo school
populaLlon ldenLlfles cases needlng
medlcal care and or have followup
manages or refers cases as needed
18 rovldes healLh supervlslon Lo workers
exposed Lo cerLaln healLh hazards and
lnsLlLuLeapproprlaLe healLh promoLlve
and prevenLlve measures as well as
19 Work wlLh approprlaLe personnel ln
speclal seLLlng such as a school facLory
markeLs prlson eLc
20 rovldes rehablllLaLlve nurslng servlces
Lo Lhe physlcally and or menLally
dlsabled/handlcapped ln Lhe
21 1ralns and supervlses Lhe work of
axlllary and lndlgenous healLh workers
and volunLeers
22 arLlclpaLe acLlvely ln communlLy
organlzaLlon and developmenL
23 arLlclpaLes ln Cu conLrol programs
lncludlng secondary prevenLlon
24 CoordlnaLes nurslng servlces wlLh Lhose
of oLher members of healLh Leam
servlces rendered by oLher secLors
lnvolved ln famlly and communlLy
healLh developmenL
23 LvaluaLe healLhy nurslng servlces
provlded boLh process and ouLcome
uLlllzes resulLs or flndlngs Lo lmprove
fuLure servlces
26 keeps accuraLe and compeLenL records
and reporLs of nurslng servlces and
relaLed acLlvlLles and asslsL ln Lhe
preparaLlon and malnLenance of healLh
agencles records and reporLs sysLem
lncludlng vlLal slgns
27 arLlclpaLes ln lML of Lhe speclflc
programs of healLh agency parLlcularly
Lhose wlLh speclflc nurslng componenL
28 lndependenLly plans or parLlclpaLes ln
epldemlologlcal nurslng and relaLe
sLudles ln communlLy healLh
29 uemonsLraLes a gulde example of Lhe
role model of a healLhful personnel and
famlly llfe Lo lndlvlduals famllles and
publlc healLh aL large

Cccupat|ona| nea|th Nurs|ng
O lL ls a communlLy healLh nurslng
focused on Lhe people ln Lhelr places of
work lL provldes for and dellvers healLh
servlces Lo workers LhaL ls focused on
promoLlon proLecLlon and resLoraLlon
of workers healLh wlLhln Lhe conLexL of
safe and healLhy work envlronmenL
O 1he occupaLlonal healLh nurse works ln
LradlLlonal and manufacLurlng flrm
lndusLry servlce and healLh care
faclllLles consLrucLlon slLe consulLlng
and governmenL seLLlngs

Cb[ect|ves of CnN
1 1o proLecL Lhe workers from
occupaLlonal safeLy and healLh hazards
2 1o promoLe a safe and healLhful
3 1o faclllLaLe efforLs of workers and Lhelr
famllles Lo meeL healLh and welfare
4 1o promoLe educaLlon and research

nv|ronmenta| Work Iactors
1 hys|ca| factors lnclude work space
Lemp llghLlng vlbraLlon nolse
radlaLlon pressure and soundness of
Lhe bulldlng and equlpmenL
2 Chem|ca| factors numerous chemlcals
are found ln raw maLerlals producLlon
processes dally operaLlon of lndusLrles
such as cleaners palnLers
phoLographers plasLlc facLorles eLc
3 8|o|og|c factors Lhere lncludes
bacLerla vlruses eLc
4 rgonom|cs (human englneerlng) are
facLors whlch lnclude Lhe lnLeracLlon
beLween Lhe workers Lhe demands of
Lhe [ob Lhe work seLLlng and overall
3 sychosoc|a| Iactors lnclude Lhe
response and behavlors LhaL workers
exhlblL on Lhe [ob 1hese behavlors
come from aLLlLudes and values learned
from Lhelr culLure llfe experlences and
workslLe norms

Common rob|ems |n Work |aces
1 Cccupat|ona| D|seasesany condlLlon or
dlsorder LhaL resulLs from employmenL
2 rob|ems re|ated to rgonom|cssuch
as vlsual or musculoskeleLal problems
due Lo lncreaslng Lechnology and
changlng work envlronmenL new
concerns over such Lhlngs as lack of
naLural llghL and alr poor llghLlngs
lsolaLlon and LemperaLure exLremes
3 Work re|ated emot|ona| d|sturbance
could be due Lo a pressure aL work Lo
lncrease producLlvlLy or a physlcally
sLressful envlronmenL eLc
4 Workp|ace v|o|encedue Lo dlsgrunLled
employee syndrome" or from
lnLerpersonal relaLlonshlp problems

O lL ls a branch of CPn LhaL seeks Lo
ldenLlfy or prevenL school healLh
problems and lnLervenes Lo correcL or
reduce Lhe problems

Component of SnN
A Schoo| nea|th Serv|ces
O PealLh screenlng baslc care for mlnor
healLh problems admlnlsLerlng
medlcaLlon assesslng lmmunlzaLlon
sLaLus case flndlngs for early deLecLlon
of problems case managemenL
counsellng care of sLudenL wlLh speclal
needs and pr|mary care
8 nea|th ducat|on
oa|s of n component
O 1each all Lhe chlldren abouL Lhelr
bodles and how Lo keep Lhem healLhy
O 1o lnsLlll llfelong healLhy hablLs and
knowledge Lo make responslble
declslons concernlng healLh Lhe healLh
of Lhelr famllles and Lhe healLh of Lhelr
O 1o Leach sLudenLs how Lo use Lhe
healLh care sysLem wlsely and
C romot|on and ma|ntenance of a
hea|th schoo| commun|ty
O lL lnvolves physlcal and psychosoclal
4 LvaluaLlon of Lhe physlcal
4 lnsLllllng a sense of prlde ln
4 Assesslng sLressors of Leachers
parenLs and sLudenLs
4 LvaluaLlng Lhe aLLlLudes of Lhe
resL of Lhe school Leam for slgns
of apaLhy powerlessness and

Common nea|th Concerns of Schoo|age
1 urugs and alcohol use
2 S1us
3 1eenage pregnancles
4 vlolence and accldenLs
3 uermaLologlc dlsorders
6 8esplraLory condlLlons
7 Communlcable and lnfecLlon conLrol
8 nuLrlLlonal condlLlon denLal healLh

1ranscu|tura| Nurs|ng
O ls a culLurally senslLlve servlce Lo a
people of an eLhnlc or raclal
background dlfferenL from LhaL of Lhe
O uevelop culLural selfawareness lL ls
Lhe recognlLlon as one's own values
bellefs and pracLlces LhaL makeup
one's culLure
O CulLlvaLe culLural senslLlvlLy lL ls
recognlzlng LhaL culLurallybased values
bellefs and pracLlces lnfluence people's
healLh and llfesLyle A culLurally
senslLlve nurse needs Lo undersLand Lhe
cllenL's polnL of vlew We need Lo see
Lhe world Lhrough Lhelr eyes
O Assess Lhe cllenL's group culLure
O LLhnlc or raclal background
O Language and communlcaLlon paLLerns
O CulLural values and norms
O 8loculLural facLors (geneLlc and physlcal
LralLs unlque Lo Lhe group)
O 8ellglous bellefs and pracLlces
O PealLh bellefs and pracLlces
O Show respecL and paLlence whlle
learnlng Lhelr culLure examlne culLurally
derlved healLh pracLlces

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