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Short Answer Type Questions by OP Gupta Based on Straight Lines & Conic Sections

is intercepted between the axes by x cos y sin p , where p is a constant. Q26. If the straight line 6 x y 2 k 2 x 3 y 13 0 is parallel to x-axis, find the value of k. Q27. Write all the points on the line 2 x 5 y 4 0 that lie Q03. Write radius of circle 4 x 2 4 y 2 10 x 5 y 5 0 . Q04. The line x 3 y 0 is a diameter of the circle at unit distance from the line 12 x 5 y 13 . Q28. Write the coordinates of foot of er from the point x 2 y 2 6 x 2 y 0 . True or False? Q05. Centre of the circle passing through the points (0,0) , 2, 4 on the straight line x y 1 . Q29. The distance between the foci of an ellipse is known to (a ,0) and (0, b) is Q06. What is the area of the circle which is centred at be 10units and its latus-rectum is 15. Find equation of such an ellipse. (1,2) and is passing through (4,6) ? Q30. Find the equation of an ellipse in the standard form Q07. Centre of x a x c y b y d 0 is. whose minor axis is equal to the distance between the foci Q08. The circle x 2 y 2 6 x 2 y 0 passes through the and whose latus-rectum is 10. Q31. The value of e for an ellipse is and the distance origin. Give the equation of one of its diameter. Q09. If the equation ax 2 by 2 2hxy 2 gx 2 fy c 0 between its foci is 4units. Find is equation. Q32. Find the equation to the ellipse whose foci are (4,0) represents circle, write conditions on a , b, c, f , g and h . and ( 4,0) having eccentricity as 1/3. Q10. The lines 2 x 3 y 5 and 3x 4 y 7 are diameters Q33. Write the equation of an ellipse, referred to its axes as of a circle of area 154sq.units. Its equation is x, y axes respectively, which passes through the point ( 3,1) Q11. The point (1,2) lies inside the circle given as and has the eccentricity 2 / 3 . x 2 y 2 2 x 6 y 1 0 . True/ false? Q34. Find the eccentricity of an ellipse if its latus-rectum is Q12. What is the length of a chord lying along the line half of its major axis. 3x 4 y 15 for the circle x 2 y 2 36 ? Q35. Find the eccentricity of an ellipse if its latus-rectum is Q13. The line passing through (1,2) and which cuts off one-third of its major axis. Q36. Find the equation of hyperbola whose conjugate axis is equal intercepts from the axes is.. Q14. Angle between lines 2 x 3 0 & 3 y 5 0 is 5 and the distance between the foci is 13. Q15. For what value of a the lines 3x 4 y 7 0 and Q37. Write the equation of the hyperbola if the distance between the foci is 9 and eccentricity is 3 . ax 6 y 1 0 are perpendicular? Q38. The coordinates of the foci of a hyperbola are given as Q16. Image of (1, 3) on the line x y is ( 6,0) and its latus-rectum is of length 10units. Find its Q17. Image of (4,6) by a line mirror is (2, 1) then, the equation. equation of this line mirror is. Q18. Write the equation of a straight line passing through Q39. Find the equation to the hyperbola referred to its axes as co-ordinate axes whose conjugate axis is 7 and passes the intersection of 3 y x 1 and 2 x 5 y 9 and having through the point (3, 2) . infinite slope. Q40. Find the locus of a point which moves in such a way Q19. The straight line 5 x 4 y 0 passes through the that the difference of its distances from the points ( 5,0) point of intersection of the straight lines 2 x y 5 0 and (5,0) is equal to 8. and x 2 y 10 . True/ False? Q41. Find equation of the hyperbola whose foci are Q20. Name the type of triangle formed by lines y x 0 , (0, 10) and which passes through the point (2,3) . 3x y 4 and x 3 y 4 . Q42. Write the equation of a hyperbola, the length of whose Q21. If the lines 3 y 4 x 1, y x 5 and 5 y bx 3 latus-rectum is 8 and eccentricity is 3/ 5 . are concurrent, then the value of b is. Q43. If the parabola y 2 4ax passes through the point Q22. Write the area enclosed by x y 1 . (3, 2) then, the length of its latus-rectum is.. Q23. What is the length of er drawn from (1, 2) upon the Q44. The end points of the latus-rectum of a parabola are straight line 3x 4 y 15 0 ? (7, 5) . Write its equation. Q24. What will be the distance between the two lines Q45. Check if the point whose coordinates are given by 3x 4 y 6 and 6 x 8 y 15 ? x2 y 2 (b cos , a sin ) lie on the ellipse 2 2 1 ? Q25. Write the locus of the mid-point of the portion which b a Q01. What does the equation x 2 y 2 6 x 8 y 25 0 represent? Explain. Q02. Find radius of a circle which passes through (6, 2), and two of whose diameters are x y 6 , x 2 y 4 .

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