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JUDAISM- ZIONISM: from the name zion(the historic land of Israel) its a movement w/ orgins in the late 19 th century

that sought to resore a jewish homeland in Palestine in response to anti-semitism. SYNAGOGUE: place of assembly outside ones homeland(sacred places/spaces) TORAH: gods self revelation to the jewish people, most sacred object. RABBI: Hebrew for my master or my teacher ISLAM- Hijrah: migration, recalls the escape of Muhammad from his enemies in 622 and the establishment of Islam. UMMAH: Islamic community. WUDU: ritual of washing of the face, hands, arms, top of head, and feet that muslims must preform before salah, second pillar of islam. MECCA: holiest city for muslims. Site of Muhammads birth. ADAN: call to prayer. ABU BAKR: consolidated the loyalty of the newly Islamized triber of Arabian peninsula to muslim leadership and community. MUHAMMAD: final messenger of God lived in present day Saudi Arabi. EID-AL-FITR: festival of breaking the fast marks the end of the Ramadan, occurring on the first new moon 29 or 30 days after the start of the month. MALCOM X: leader of the nation of islam temple, went to pilgrimage mecca, messenger of allah and holy prophet. ABRAHAM: muslims understand the story of Abraham for the the rituals of Hajj to make sense. MEDINA: second holiest city, place when Muhammad and his followers migrated after it became intolerable to stay any longer in Mecca. JERUSALEM: holy site for Muslims, Christians and Jews Muhammad miraculous night journey and ascension occurred. SUNNI: majority of Muslims, accepted the rule of the Umayyads, didnt approve. MUEZZIN: crier proclaims this creed from tower, or minaret, of every mosque. QURAN: Gods final revelation, superceding both jewish and Christian bibles. Word means recite or recitation. ALLAH: Arabic word for god. SEAL OF PROPHETS: final messenger of God. HADDITH: story sayings and stories of Muhammad that are meant to form guidance for living out religion. CHRISTIANITY: ULRICHZWINGLI: began church reforms of their own inzurich and Geneva, Switzerland, respectively. KING HENRY VIII: Defender of the faith MARTIN LUTHER: Catalyst of the protestant reformation. PROTESTANT MOVEMENT: multifaceted attempt to reform catholic Christianity. MAGISTIRIUM: Sees its self as obligated to safeguard scripture and tradition from being manipulated bible book of books its is the sole source of authority for Christians, draws on its jewish roots by including Hebrew scripture. HINDUISM: ATMAN: in Hinduism, the individual sour or essence. MAYA: Sanskrit for illusion a teaching of the Upanishads that says only Brahman is permanent everything else is only an illusion. KARMA: based on the belief in reincarnation, the hindu and Buddhist belief that the form the soul will take in the next life is determined by its behavior in this life. BRAHMARCARIN: the student learns about the hindu tradition, usually at feet of a guru. BRAHMAN: ultimate reality or absolute reality. SAMSARA: experience of birth, life, and death over and over again until one has achieved oneness with Brahman. SATYAGRAHA: policy of non violent resistance initialed by Gandhi as a means for pressing political reform. PUJA: practice of honoring a God or goddess in a worship service with minimum participation by people. AVATAR: incarnation of hindu God, human or animal. MOKSHA: true self- realization, liberation from the endless cycle of rebirth YOGA: a hindu discipline aimed at training the consciousness for a state of perfect spiritual insight and tranquility. VEDA: ancient scriptures found, most important part is Rig Veda, consists of 1028 hymns praising gods of Aryan tribes.UNTOUCHABLES: asprishya(born in caste system). CASTE SYSTEM: social class system that is prevalent I Hindu India. VISHNI: Preserving God. Brahma: Creator God. KRISHNA: An avatar of the god Vishnu supports righteous family. SHIVA: one of the 2 Hindu gods that gained prominence during 550 BCE- 300 CE. SHRUTI: canon of Hindu scripture, from a word that means what is heard.SMRITI: second category of scriptures, means that which is to be remembered. KARMA YOGA: path of action. JHANA YOGA: Path of Knowledge. BHAKTI YOGA: Path of devotion. HOLI: Spring festival. DIWALI: festival of lights. SARASWATI: Goddess of learning, literature, and music liked with Brahma. BUDDHISM: DARMAH: Sanskrit meaning uphold teaching of Buddha. BUDDHA: a wakened one. FOUR NOBLE TRUTHS: 1. Life is filled with suffering 2 the cause of suffering is desired.3 To cease suffering, one must cease desiring. 4. The path to the end of suffering is the noble eightfold path. BUDDHISM CONTINUEDNirvana: To extinguish, to blow out refers to the extinction of suffering, impermanence, delusion, and all that keeps the life cycle going.Dalai Lama: Head lama of Tibetan Buddhism who was the spiritual and political leader of Tibet.Bhakti Movement: When laity began to drift away from Buddhism.Karma: Belief in reincarnation, Hindu and Buddhist belief that the soul will take in the next life is determined by behavior.Transcendental Meditation: Technique derived from Hinduism that pronotes relaxation through reciting a mantra.Mantra: Sacred verbal formula repeated in prayer or mediation.Avatar: Incarnation of Hindu god.Bodhi Tree: Sacred fig tree at the manabodi temple at Bodh Gaya where Siddhartha the buddhah arrived at enlightenment. Ascetic: Person who renounces material comforts to live a self disciplined life.Midway: Buddhist teaching that liberation from Sansura comes neither through severe ascetical practices nor through world indulgences but in middle of spectrum b/w those 2 opposite Mahaya ha: Great Ox CartVajrayana: Diamond Venicle Prominent Braham of Buddhism.Lotus Sutra: Mahayana Buddhist text where enlightenment is made available not only monastics but to all because o the great compassion of bodhuativus. Tantric: Describes hindu literature written in Sanskrit and concerned with rituals acts of baly, speech, and mind.5 Precepts: Basic moral standard by which all Buddhists are to living creature 2. Dont take anything not freely given.Stupas: Dome shaped monuments, erected over no relics, presence became places of Buddhist pilgrimage.Pagoda: Tower in eastern asia, roofs curving upward and division of each of several stones and erected as temple or memorial.Tripitaka: Sanskrit meaning 3 baskets or Palicanon.Sangha: Community of monks, one of 3 jewels.3 jewels: Core of Buddhism, becoming a bddhist one proclaims refuge in these 3 jewels (Buddha, Darmah, Sangha) Bodhisativa: Rerains from entering nirvana in order to solve others and is worshipped as a diety in Mahayana BuddhismSiddhartha: Or Shaky Amuni, Sage of the Shakyaclan CHINESEAncestor Venteration: Based on the belief that deceased family members are still living and that they have an interest in family affairs and can influence fates of family Members.Mandate of Heaven: Chinese concept of legitimacy used to support the rule of the kings of the Chau Dynasty.Confucious: Attempted to revitalize society through wisdom of ancient Chinese sage.Yin and Yang: Shades and Sunny Opposite but complementary extremes in Chinese culture.Lao Tzu: Wrote words of wisdom, became known as Tae-te Ching Way and Its power. He is in charge of sacred books and the court of the Chau Dynasty. Tao: The way driving force of the universe.Meng-Tzo: AAdvocated the Intrinsic goodness of human nature; evil will slowly take overReng-shui: Practicing of positioning objects, art or diving a place or date that has positive spiritual aura. Wu-Wei: Action W/o action, allowing nature to involve without human interference.Chun-Tzu: Person who lives by the ideal, never petty, arrogant, mean spirited nor vengeful.Li: Proper way to live, call for courtesyEx: Emperor- Subject, Father-son, Husband-wife, Elder brother: Younger, friend-friendJen: Humanity, or Benevolence.

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