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Dec 13

AAL |per keeps Mac LsLlmaLe uesplLe SofL CcL nov CrowLh
8arrons (blog)
8y 1lernan 8ay |per Iaffrays Gene Munster Lhls afLernoon offers an updaLe on how Apples (AAL)
uecember quarLer sales are golng for lLs Mac llne based on daLa from nu for november for uSonly
sales 1he nu daLa are sofL" compared Lo LhaL
See all sLorles on Lhls Loplc

Pow Apple 1elevlslon Wlll 8evoluLlonlze ?our Llvlng 8oom
Channel lnslder
lor years now |per Iaffray analysL Gene Munster has been saylng LhaL Apple would release a
Lelevlslon of lLs own buL so far lL hasnL causlng some Lo speculaLe LhaL Lhe lhone maker wonL do so
Powever earller Lhls year MunsLer and hls
See all sLorles on Lhls Loplc

Dec 12
Why Apple may never caLch MlcrosofL ln 1v
|per Iaffray analysL Gene Munster whos been beaLlng Lhe drum llke mad for an lnLegraLed Apple 1v
slnce aL leasL early 2009 Lhlnks he knows exacLly whaL Apple wlll do Lelllng audlence members aL Lhe
lgnlLlon conference LhaL Lhey should walL Lo buy
See all sLorles on Lhls Loplc

Dec 9
|per Iaffray l1unes MaLch llkely breaklng even for Apple
by Mlke Schramm uec 9Lh 2011 aL 300AM Gene Munster of |per Iaffray belleves LhaL for all of Apples
success wlLh l1unes MaLch so far Lhe company ls probably sLlll only breaklng even on Lhe servlce Sure
$2499 a year from all of Lhe servlces users
See all sLorles on Lhls Loplc

Dec 8
Apple |per onders l1unes MaLch lmpllcaLlons
8arrons (blog)
8y 1lernan 8ay |per Iaffrays Gene Munster Lhls mornlng curlously offers an lAC" Lhls mornlng
regardlng Apples (AAL) l1unes MaLch" servlce whlch does noL affecL Lhe companys revenue and
proflL buL has an lndlrecL lmpacL" on l1unes sales and
See all sLorles on Lhls Loplc
AnalysL 8ulllsh Cn Amazon Apple for 2012
Cn8Ccom (blog)
SLrong hollday sales and new producLs should make Amazoncom Gene Munster managlng dlrecLor and
senlor research analysL aL |per Iaffray seL an Amazoncom prlce LargeL of $236 per share MunsLer sald
he llked Amazons offer of $3 rebaLes Lo anyone
See all sLorles on Lhls Loplc

Dec 7
Apple Pu1v Lo posslbly come ln 3 slzes feaLurlng A6 processors
AparL from Lhls |per Iaffray analysL Gene Munster gave a posslble Llme frame as Lo when Lhls Slrl
enabled Pu1v from Apple would be launched whlch ls by Lhe end of 2012 Addlng fuel Lo Lhese
rumours a reporL by SmarLPouse sLaLes LhaL anonymous
See all sLorles on Lhls Loplc

Dec 6
Apple 1v Lo come ln 3 slzes Lop ouL aL 33 lnches reporL says
8ack ln 2009 for lnsLance |per Iaffray analysL Gene Munster sald LhaL he belleved Lhe Lech glanL
would sell lLs flrsL Lelevlslon by Lhe end of 2011 Slnce LhaL hasnL happened MunsLer has revlsed hls
schedule a blL saylng now LhaL Lhe Lelevlslon
See all sLorles on Lhls Loplc

Dec 2
Munster on Moblle neLworks CuLlook for Apple 1v
WashlngLon osL
1 (8loomberg) Gene Munster an analysL wlLh |per Iaffray Cos Lalks abouL 4C versus 3C moblle
neLworks Lhe paLenL dlspuLe beLween Apple lnc and Samsung LlecLronlcs Co and Lhe ouLlook for Lhe
Apple 1v MunsLer speaks wlLh !on Lrllchman on
See all sLorles on Lhls Loplc
Apple l1v seLs Lo launch ln 2012 wlLh premlum prlce Lag
1ech8adar uk
Munster who works for |per Iaffray was speaklng aL Lhe lgnlLlon luLure of Medla conference and
revealed LhaL Apple was looklng Lo creaLe a LoLal home enLerLalnmenL package conLalned wlLhln Lhe
Lelevlslon seL so no plugglng ln of seLLop boxes Lo
See all sLorles on Lhls Loplc

Dec 1
Apple 1v seLs wlll be mlghLy prlcey analysL says
CnL1 (blog)
by uon 8elslnger uecember 1 2011 749 AM S1 8umors have been swlrllng LhaL Apple ls
Lhlnklng abouL launchlng a Lelevlslon nexL year and |per Iaffray analysLGene
Munster clalms Lo have some lnslghL lnLo whaL Lhe lhone maker has planned
See all sLorles on Lhls Loplc

Gene Munster 1lme Lo 8uy ?ahoo
Cn8Ccom (blog)
Accordlng Lo |per Iaffrays Gene Munster a fuLure buyouL means lLs Llme Lo buy ?ahoo sLock We
recommend ownlng lL here based on some changes LhaL are ulLlmaLely are golng Lo have Lo happen wlLh
a new CLC ln Lhe nexL Lhree Lo slx monLhs" he Lold
See all sLorles on Lhls Loplc
Apples new 1v ls Colng Lo 8e Puge
MoLley lool
AfLer all no one has champloned Lhe cause Lhe way LhaL |per Iaffrays Gene Munster has lor nearly
Lhree years MunsLer has hopped on hls horse shouLlng Lo anyone wlLhln hearlng dlsLance 1he Apple
Pu1vs are comlng! 1he Apple Pu1vs are comlng!
See all sLorles on Lhls Loplc
Apples 1v ouL by nexL ChrlsLmas
hoLo Al/CL11? 8y MaLL Warman Consumer 1echnology LdlLor Gene Munsterclalmed a producL
called l1v" around Lhe world would launch ln Llme for Lhe hollday season" 1he respecLed |per
Iaffray Managlng ulrecLor and Senlor 8esearch AnalysL Lold Lhe
See all sLorles on Lhls Loplc

Nov 30
LveryLhlng ?ou need 1o know AbouL Pow Apple Wlll ConLlnue Crushlng 1he CompeLlLlon
8uslness lnslder
|per Iaffray analysL Gene Munster [usL dellvered a knockouL presenLaLlon on Apple and lLs fuLure aL
our lCnl1lCn conference Pe Lackled 3 blg lssues for Lhe company golng forward ManagemenL
lnLernaLlonal growLh moblle markeL share bulldlng user
See all sLorles on Lhls Loplc

Nov 29
Apple 8reaks 8lack lrlday 8ecord
based company sold 13 lads per hour ln each sLore accordlng Lo |per Iaffray analysL Gene Munster
who predlcLs lL may sell more Lhan 13 mllllon LableLs durlng lLs uecember quarLer 1he lad faces sLlff
compeLlLlon Lhls season from lowerprlced
See all sLorles on Lhls Loplc

Nov 28
|per Iaffray reporLs on Apples lmpresslve 8lack lrlday sales
by kelly Podgklns nov 28Lh 2011 aL 1000AM As reporLed by hlllp LlmerueWlLL aL lorLunes Apple 20
column |per Iaffray analysL Gene crunched hls 8lack lrlday sales numbers and found LhaL Macs and
lads were popular glfLs Munster sald Apple sold
See all sLorles on Lhls Loplc
Apple Amazon lead blg Lech 8lack lrlday
|per Iaffray analysL Gene Munster counLed sales ln an Apple SLore ([usL as hes done every year slnce
2008) reporLlng LhaL lads and Macs were leavlng Lhe sLore aL a raLe of 148 and 101 per hour
respecLlvely 1haLs up from 88 and 82 per hour
See all sLorles on Lhls Loplc
Apple lad sales worrles appear overblown
ZuneL (blog)
Powever some fleld work from |per Iaffray analysL Gene Munster may sllence Lhose freLLlng abouL
lad sales MunsLer who esLlmaLes Apple wlll sell 133 mllllon unlLs ln Lhe uecember quarLer concluded
LhaL Lhe companys flagshlp sLores were selllng
See all sLorles on Lhls Loplc

Nov 27
Androld MarkeL has llLLle markeL share ln dollars spenL on moblle devlces
Moblle bloom news
1he analysL for |per Iaffray Gene Munster sald ln oLher words lL appears LhaL Apple has roughly 83
90 markeL share ln dollars spenL on moblle appllcaLlons whlle Coogle has closed Lhe gap ln Lerms of
app dollars spenL over Lhe lasL year and we
See all sLorles on Lhls Loplc

Nov 2S
Apple 8eaLs Androld Cn ueveloper 8evenues
eWLLk Lurope uk
|per Iaffray analysL Gene Munster used Apples publlc announcemenLs and daLa from AndroLlb an
Androld appllcaLlon dlscovery Lool Lo esLlmaLe LhaL Apples App SLore has Laken ln gross revenues of
$49 bllllon (3bn) slnce lLs launch ln !uly 2008
See all sLorles on Lhls Loplc

Nov 22
Apples App SLore Wlll 8eLaln Lead uollar 1erms Says |per
8arrons (blog)
8y 1lernan 8ay uear reader l apologlze l seemed Lo have mlssed a brlef buL lnLeresLlng noLe yesLerday
from |per Iaffrays Gene Munster who has done an analysls of Lhe respecLlve appllcaLlons sales for
moblle devlces by Apple (AAL) and Coogle
See all sLorles on Lhls Loplc
Apple Whlps Coogle WlLh up Lo 90 Moblle App Spend
Apples App SLore has generaLed nearly $3 bllllon ln revenues compared Lo [usL $330 mllllon for Lhe
Androld MarkeL Lo daLe clalmed |per Iaffray analysL Gene Munster lLs wldely known LhaL Apple
(nASuACAAL) commands Lhe overwhelmlng llons share of
See all sLorles on Lhls Loplc

Nov 21
Coogles Androld MarkeL esLlmaLed Lo earn [usL 7 of whaL Apples
Apple lnslder
AnalysL Gene Munster wlLh |per Iaffray sald on Monday LhaL he belleves Coogles Androld MarkeL has
generaLed abouL 7 percenL of Lhe gross revenue LhaL
Amazon May Sell 4 Mllllon klndle llres Cver ChrlsLmas
eWLLk Lurope uk
CounL |per Iaffray analysL Gene Munster among Lhose MunsLer who dld channel checks and found
Lhe devlce raLed hlghly among consumers sald Amazon wlll

Nov 16
Apple 8eadles for Pollday 8onanza
And LhaLs noL all |per Iaffray analysL Gene Munster predlcLs Apple wlll sell a record number of Macs
over Lhe holldays Apple shlpped 17 mllllon lhones ln Lhe laLesL quarLer down 3 mllllon unlLs from Lhe
second quarLer of 2011 due Lo consumers
See all sLorles on Lhls Loplc
Apple names Levlnson Chalrman ulsneys 8ob lger Lo 8oard
San lranclsco Chronlcle
Addlng lger may cemenL Lles Lo ulsney on whose board !obs had a seaL and may ensure LhaL Apple
reLalns access Lo Lhe enLerLalnmenL companys 1v shows and movles sald Gene Munster an analysL
aL |per Iaffray Cos Levlnsons appolnLmenL leLs 1lm Cook
See all sLorles on Lhls Loplc

Nov 1S
Apple could sell up Lo 33 mllllon Macs Lhls quarLer
2011 922 AM S1 lollow [lancewhlL Sales of Apples Mac are already off Lo a cheerful sLarL Lhls
quarLer and could reach as hlgh as 33 mllllon by Lhe end of uecember accordlng a new reporL
from|per Iaffray analysL Gene Munster
See all sLorles on Lhls Loplc

Nov 10
AnalysLs See no Slgns Cf lhone Sales Slowdown
newslacLor neLwork
Clven Lhe sLock ouLages aL uS Apple sLores nearly one monLh afLer Lhe launch we belleve lL ls unllkely
LhaL Apple would cuL producLlon when lL clearly cannoL bulld lhones fasL enough Lo meeL demand
sald |per Iaffray analysLs Gene Munster and
See all sLorles on Lhls Loplc

Nov 9
|per Iaffray
CnL1 (blog)
WlLh penLup demand for Lhe lhone 3 Lhe new phone could double Apples markeL share accordlng Lo
an lnvesLors reporL released yesLerday by |per Iaffray analysL Gene Munster Surveylng a sampllng of
216 moblle phone users MunsLer found huge
See all sLorles on Lhls Loplc

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