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Case study

Digital marketing

Topic: social media

Submitted to: Prof. Subash tej
Submitted by: V.Ravi Keshava Reddy

. Some brand managers have characterized brand management prior to social media
as a process of ~selling & telling or ~telling your story. However, many brand
managers today have voiced the opinion that brand management in today`s world is
about ~creating a conversation.
What do these brand managers mean by 'selling & telling vs. 'creating a conversation?
How has the role oI brand managers been changed by this new approach to brand
management? What is the new role oI consumers? Where does social media Iit into this new
branding paradigm?
Selling and telling means your visitors will believe in what you are selling and telling them
and they will take your advice on what you are oIIering them. This happens when you have
gained trust and credibility, when customers are looking at your website, somewhere you
need to include how trustworthy you are and provide inIormation proving this. Including an
'about us page on your website will attract visitors to look at that page which gives them
more inIormation about you and your business. To prove your telling them no lies, you have
to explain how your product and service helped you and say to them how you Iound it useIul
and easy to use.

You can say how your Iamily and Iriends used this product or service and get them to write
down what they thought oI it and include it on your website. This kind oI inIormation will
give your customers understanding at how useIul your product and service and they will start
to believe in what you are saying and be intrigued. And soon as your business builds up, you
will also gain testimonials Irom customers that have purchased your product or service Irom
you. This will give new customers comIort and start to believe in your business, that`s iI the
testimonials are a good come back. You will get a knock back now and again but do not let
this put you down, take it as Ieedback, rise upon it and make your business better. But do not
edit or testimonials, you can change spelling mistakes but changing the sentence or words,
people will catch on and soon realise that some oI your testimonials sound the same.

When social media started spilling over Irom communities oI the technically obsessed into
business in the middle oI the last decade, there was an expression: 'Tell, don`t sell. The
emergence oI Internet-based social media has started a new kind oI conversation among
consumers and companies, challenging traditional ideas about marketing and brand
management while creating new opportunities Ior organizations to understand customers and
connect with them instantly. There are so many ways today that you can tell your story. can
grab a megaphone and shout at customers as they pass by. And can cover neighbourhood
doorsteps and windshields with paper or can tell people the story oI what you do in a way that
shows your integrity and commitment to quality. Lots oI businesses and consultants today
have chosen PowerPoint presentations to tell their company story. Sometimes these can be
compelling, but oIten they are not.

Stories resonate and help us relate to others. The most inIluential speakers tell memorable
stories that stir multiple emotions. The most successIul advertising campaigns use storytelling
to make a lasting impact. The best media coverage is created by compelling stories. Build
your company`s brand by telling multiple stories that become your key message points,
convey your real story and create the image you deserve. Tell your company`s story in a way
that Iocuses on your key target audiences. Make it about them and their wants and needs.
Instead oI neglecting your Social Media Messaging with copy that might be ignored, tell
interesting, real liIe stories that people will want to read and hear. Then, Social Media can be
your conduit to tell your story.

Brand management plays a signiIicant role in inIluencing and aIIecting consumer behavior.
Changing consumer behaviors and production philosophies, while expanding control oI
strategic brand direction, will determine the speed at which a socially responsible and
environmentally Iriendly economic model will be developed.

New role of consumers:
A Iascinating change in the construction and improvement oI consumer products and
services is that it is increasingly controlled by the consumer. That is to say, not market
research contributing to changes in products and services but the act oI consumers actively
altering a given product or service to increase sales Ior a Iirm Concerning technologies, the
new Kinect product Irom MicrosoIt although originally selling well because oI its
revolutionary interIace is now being 'hacked by consumers to apply to a massive range oI
uses. Also, games that include user creativity are growing in popularity. ThereIore,
businesses should put a greater emphasis on consumer input, perhaps this is an area oI
stakeholder theory that could be Iurther expanded on. Using more consumer input could
greatly help smaller Iirms who lack resources.
. Several of the articles discuss how consumers are using social media technologies to
circumvent traditional forms of customer service (such as call centers).
How are social media technologies changing the Iunction oI customer service?
Social Media 'Media' means that social media are digital places Ior publication 'Social'
implies sharing Content (Iiles, tastes, opinion) Social interactions (individuals gathering into
groups, individual acquiring notoriety and inIluence) Social media are places, tools, services
allowing individuals to express themselves in order to meet, share Social networking has
changed the Iace oI many organizational Iunctions, particularly customer service, A person
who has thousands oI Twitter Iollowers, Ior example, can spread a bad or good word about a
company very quickly. In response, companies are increasingly using social networking to
engage with customers and make sure they`re happy, resulting in improved customer
satisIaction scores, customer loyalty, and brand metrics. rganizations should Iigure out what
communications channels customers want to be interacting on, then develop a social
networking service model Irom there. Initial company response to an inquiry can be done
publically, but that best practice is to take the conversation with a customer oIIline as soon as
possible and engage the customer through a channel that is more conducive to extended help,
such as chat, phone, or email.

Can social media technologies replace traditional customer service? Does it depend on the
type oI product, service, or company? Does it depend on the type oI customer?
Consider both the short-term consequences and long-term consequences oI customers using
social media as their Iirst choice Ior resolving service issues. What are the implications Irom
the standpoint oI (1) the companies` costs Ior providing customer service, (2) the companies`
revenue stream, and (3) customer satisIaction?
How, when and where businesses need to engage with their customers has changed
signiIicantly and rapidly due to the broad adoption oI social media as an accepted Iorm oI
communication. The change is driven by a number oI Iactors, but near the top oI the list is the
ease with which people now share experiences however, whenever and wherever they want.
People like to communicate on social networking sites, share inIormation on blogs and micro
blogs, and connect on proIessional networks. Purchasers oI goods and services are more
knowledgeable, empowered and connected than ever beIore. Prior to making purchasing
decisions, customers now turn to peers and non-traditional industry inIluencers Ior answers
through very public social networking platIorms more so than any other source Ior
inIormation gathering.
Businesses need to adapt to these changes in order to prosper; however, most do not Iully
understand how to shiIt their approach to interact with their customers online, or the impact
this change will have on increasing their sales, growing long-term loyalty, and protecting
their reputation.
rganizations also need to understand that Social CRM strategies and technology oIIerings
should complement, but not replace traditional Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
soItware the platIorm businesses have traditionally used to hold and analyze customer
data. While many traditional CRM solutions are highly regarded and excellent at automating
processes and managing the customer data required to respond to customer requests, manage
resources and inIormation required to close deals, and provide management reports to track
sales, Social CRM Iocuses on the conversations taking place online about your
industry. Social CRM not only addresses how you will respond to this new kind oI customer
and the demands that he or she puts on your company, but also how you can engage non-
traditional industry inIluences like bloggers. The key diIIerence between Social CRM and
traditional CRM is that Social CRM is based on a strategy Ior customer engagement not
managing customer data.
Social media monitoring and response will never replace a traditional customer service
organization. The two can only complement each other. II either side are lacking in
commitment the customer experience will suIIer. Due to the prevalence oI social networking
and its adoption by customers oI almost any company, customer service will probably always
continue to have need Ior a public extension oI its heretoIore 'private (that is, between the
customer and the company) existence. But a shiny social media presence is nothing without a
solid customer service organization behind it

. Based on these articles, do you believe social media technologies will eventually replace
traditional advertising, or do you think social media will be used to compliment traditional
advertising? What businesses are likely to replace their advertising with social media? What
businesses may be better suited to using traditional media?
A. I do not think that digital will replace traditional advertising. However, I do think digital
advertising is shaping the Iuture Ior more traditional vehicles. Here are some examples:
O Traditional print using their website, mobile and social media in order to distribute
O "R scan codes in traditional outlets like outdoor and print to add insight into brand
interaction and engagement.
O TV ads that entice you to go online to see the end oI the commercial or to use your
phone, Twitter or Face book accounts to get coupons, enter Ior contests, etc.
Social media and traditional advertising will always be able to compliment each other,
but the beneIits oI social media Iar outnumber the beneIits oI traditional advertising.
All traditional marketing is one-way with little to no contact with the consumer.
Social media allows businesses to interact with consumers like no other Iorm oI
marketing. It allows businesses to connect with consumers that are interested or
actively seeking the products or services they provide. The cost oI traditional
advertising is very expensive compared to social media and you can only get in Iront
oI your prospect Ior only a brieI moment. When you post something on social media
it is there Iorever. You build on your presence and the more you build the larger it
becomes. Social media has been around less than a decade and already has enough
power to overthrow entire governments; with that being said there is no way to
measure the power that it will have another 10 years Irom today.

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