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Presented by Wendy Alec


Revelation of the Father (part 1)
Because He always talks to me, often in the early hours of the morning, and the thing that He really laid on my heart, and this was incredible because it was also a revelation for me, was that He said: Wendy, what I want to share with My people in the next few weeks is this. There were miracles when My Son walked the earth in My power and authority. And people saw the blind healed and the lame healed and people raised from the dead But, this was the incredible thing that touched my life, beloved, it really did. I felt that the Father said But you know beloved child, that the greatest miracle was when Jesus shared about Me and imparted the love and the revelation of the Father. And, I am going to pray right now: Father, I bring everyone before You who needs to hear, not the things that I am saying, but the things that You would have from Heaven. Father, Your words from Heaven today are the only thing that can change our lives. A word from You, a supernatural word from Heaven can bring light out of darkness, Father, that can change the destiny of somebody watching today. And Father I ask that You talk through me. That I would hear Your voice clearly for the impartation that You have for Your people, for Your sons and for Your daughters today, in the name of Jesus. For all of those who are weary, for those who feel that they need a refreshing, for all those who feel that they have dust on their feet, that they need their feet to be washed, that they need to be dipped in the refreshing water of the Holy Spirit, Father I ask that You would touch them today with Your refreshing. For yes, there are signs and wonders, yes, there are signs and wonders and there are many, many miracles and many, many creative miracles that I have yet to release on the earth, says the Lord. And yet there will be a magnitude released on the earth in these End Times and in the End Time Outpouring to come And yet there is one miracle, that is above every miracle, that is above every blind eye healed, that is above every miracle. The greatest miracle is salvation, but I really felt that as the Father was speaking today, that this miracle is really on par with the miracle of salvation, and it is the miracle of the revelation of the knowledge of the Father. And Father I want to pray today and to speak This is what the Lord asked me in the midnight hour to speak and address, not on my behalf but on His behalf, to address every son and daughter, every one of you watching. And He said, Wendy, you know there are many who had a good father relationship, but He said to me, Wendy, this is a fatherless generation. It is a generation of abandonment and of rejection, a fatherless generation. He said, Wendy, there are so many, many more of My children, not only My sons, but My daughters, who grew up fatherless, who grew up abandoned and who did not know the love of a father. And the Lord said, It is to these ones that I want you to speak. So, it is to you today, that the Father wanted me to speak, not for me to speak, but because He wanted to speak through me to you, because of His desperate love for you, because of His compassions for you. He wanted to reach out today and to start to speak to you about His love for you, as a Father, that you would know His love in a supernatural way that you have never known before. And this is what the Father spoke to me in the early hours of the morning. He said, Wendy, I am going to ignite and activate the supernatural in these programmes to come. I

Beloved friend, its so wonderful to be back with you today, and you know me, I find no reason to be on television unless the Lord really says so, and the Lord has something. And I said Father what is it that so many of your people might need this week, might need today, might need for this hour?


Presented by Wendy Alec

am going to activate the supernatural love of the Father. And, Father, I thank you right now that in these programmes over these next weeks, we ask you and I ask you for a supernatural activation in the spiritual realm for all those who have been abandoned by fathers. For all those who all they have known from an earthly father is broken promises.

the Word, that you go to the Gospel of John. I just want to leave you with a few things. In John 14:21 (NIV) it says: Whoever has My commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me. He who loves Me will be loved by My Father... He who loves, me thats you! And I leave you with one more scripture, if you would just consider it for this week, before we pray next week. Why does the Father love you? I wrote in my notes. The answer is in John 16:26: In that day you will ask in My name. I am not saying that I will ask the Father on your behalf. No, the Father Himself loves you because you have loved Me and have believed that I came from God. These are the words of our beloved Jesus. And the Lord is talking to you today, to many of you, a son watching today, a daughter watching today, because you fulll this, because you love Jesus, and you believe Jesus has come from God, but you have never felt the complete overwhelming love and consuming passion and love from the Father for you. And the Father said, Because you are this one, and you fulll this criteria. And Jesus would look in your eyes today and say, Beloved, the Father Himself, My Father, My Father in Heaven Himself, LOVES YOU! And so Father, as we just nish this programme today, I lift up everyone, especially the ones who grew up abandoned by a father, in a divorced household where their father image was destroyed by the devil and Father I ask that in the week to come, before next week, when we pray, Holy Spirit I ask that you would show some of these ones, these beloved of You, just some of the wounds that need healing, some of the things in the past, the self protective mechanisms. Father I ask that You reveal these things, even bring them to the surface this week, Father, that as we continue in the weeks ahead that we can start to see these bonds broken, Father. And Father, I just thank You for Your all-consuming love, for Your presence, Father for Your consuming passion for those who love Your Son, for those who follow You. For the Father Himself, He loves you so much, He will never break His promise to you. He loves you. He watches you from Heaven, every hour, every minute. He knows the number of hairs on your head. He knows every desire of your heart. He knows every disappointment, every broken promise and He is the One who will take you up. He is your eternal, loving Father of all compassions and He will never let you down. He loves you, and we love you and will see you next week.

The Lord showed me people, some of you, who all you have known from an earthly father is broken promises. The Lord kept saying Broken Promises. He said, Child, there are some of you that all you have known from your earthly father is broken promises, promises that were like the wind that you could never catch. He showed me some of you, that even from when you were little, there were instances even from the age of ve or six, or eight, that your father promised something to you and those promises were like the wind and they were never kept. And the Lord said that these things have caused wounds in some of your sons and some of your daughters, that you have started a self protection mechanism that even when you came to salvation and even when you came and fell at the feet of the Father and received His son, the Lord Jesus Christ, that there was a protection mechanism that you could never completely abandon yourself to God. And I believe that the Lord said This is the day, this is the hour and this is the season that I am reaching out to these ones in this fatherless generation, in this generation of broken promises, in this generation where sons and daughters are being rejected by their earthly fathers, by the ones that should have been showing them, who should have been an earthly attribute of everything that I am. And the Father said to tell you today, that His love for you transcends that fatherlessness, that abandonment, every broken promise, every broken dream and every broken desire, everything that was never fullled through your earthly father, but that He Himself will take you up in a manner that you could not even dream or think was possible. And we are going to start to break the bonds, supernaturally, that there is going to be a supernatural activation of a breaking of bonds and a breaking of past wounds and a breaking of self protective mechanisms There are many of you who have loved the Father by faith, but there are many of you, the Father showed me, who have never felt that overwhelming presence that only the Father can bring. And He loves you so much. His desire for you is so consuming. His desire for you today in this hour and this day is so overwhelming and He longs to take you up in His arms and reach out to you and love you and hold you close to His breast as a Father. And that is His hearts desire and it is His overwhelming passion to do so. Next week we are going to pray concerning these wounds and I ask you, that in the next few days, as you study

God bless you.

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