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Aggressive Behavior

Aggressive behavior is reactionary and impulsive behavior that often results in breaking household rules or the law. Aggressive behavior is violent and unpredictable. Sometimes people may react to their difficult feelings by being aggressive to people around them, whether they are friends, family, partners or strangers. Aggression can be either verbal or physical. Some people only behave aggressively in very particular situations, when they feel that they are not being taken seriously or when they are very upset and raw. Whatever causes the aggression and whatever form it takes it can cause a range of difficulties. These include physical risk to self or other people, police or other authority involvement, feelings of intimidation, feelings of loss of control, guilt and increased isolation. Aggressive children worry their parents and teachers They disrupt lessons in school and hurt, intimidate and frighten other children. They may be argumentative and verbally aggressive. Aggressive behavior children may also have difficulty controlling their temper and are easily upset and annoyed by others. They are often defiant and may appear angry and resentful. Create problems for other children

Unless we intervene to help these children, they are at risk of developing serious behavior disorders like Oppositional Defiant Disorder or Conduct Disorder. As their problems increase, their aggressive behaviors threaten the safety of other children. When the problems of aggressive behavior children escalate to this level some are expelled or suspended from school. The protection of the other children and their teachers is the prime concern when this occurs. Other children exhibit aggressive behaviors that are less extreme or problematic but worrisome nonetheless they may slap or poke other children or pinch them. Some children throw small objects or bang and break things when they are angry and upset. Others have temper tantrums and kick or scream. Some children are verbally aggressive They call other children names, they threaten and tease them or they use emotional control to victimize and push other children around. They might ostracize them and spread rumors about them.

Some of the multiple factors that contribute to aggression in children include the following:

Genetic and temperamental influences. Insecure or disorganized attachment patterns. Ongoing and unrelieved stress. Ineffective parenting style for example, authoritarian, controlling, harsh or coercive parenting style; psychological problems in the parent such as depression. Family stress, disruption and conflict.

*: How to help these types of children Regardless of the level of aggression, it is important to intervene early to help aggressive behavior children. Aggressive children need to learn how to control their behaviors and manage anger and conflict without resorting to aggression. We need to teach them alternative ways to solve problems. Small steps make a difference and will lead you and your child toward a positive outcome. Notice when things are working or positive change is occurring, however small these steps may seem. 1. Avoid Physical Punishment Harsh, punitive punishment is associated with aggressive behavior in children. Remember parents and other adults are role models for their children. If parents respond with aggression, their children are likely to do the same. 2. So be a good role model

Teach your children how to express their emotions good and bad. This includes appropriate anger management techniques 3. Reward Appropriate, Non-Aggressive Behaviors When you notice your child behaving in an appropriate and non-aggressive manner, notice and commend her behavior. Tell her how proud you are. Also say something like, You must be proud of yourself. Children need to know their parents are proud of them. 4. Behavioral Contracts and Goal Setting Let your child know exactly what behavior is expected and what behavior is not. Work with him to set goals for improved behavior. Provide them positive reinforcement (e.g. a special treat, outing or special time with a parent to enjoy a favorite activity or just time having fun or playing together).

5. Role Play and Consider Alternatives to Aggression Aggressive behavior children may benefit from opportunities to role play or consider alternatives to aggressive behavioral reactions. When they behave aggressively help the child to talk the problem through Encourage them to consider alternative solutions and to engage in these the next time this occurs.

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