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Physics - PH

Mathemacal Physics: Llnear vecLor space, maLrlces, vecLor calculus, llnear dlerenual
equauons, elemenLs of complex analysls, Laplace Lransforms, lourler analysls, elemenLary
ldeas abouL Lensors.

Classical Mechanics: Conservauon laws, cenLral forces, kepler problem and planeLary mouon,
colllslons and scauerlng ln laboraLory and cenLre of mass frames, mechanlcs of sysLem of
parucles, rlgld body dynamlcs, momenL of lnerua Lensor, nonlnerual frames and pseudo
forces, varlauonal prlnclple, Lagranges and PamllLons formallsms, equauon of mouon,
cycllc coordlnaLes, olsson brackeL, perlodlc mouon, small osclllauons, normal modes, speclal
Lheory of relauvlLy LorenLz Lransformauons, relauvlsuc klnemaucs, mass- energy

Electromagnec heory: Soluuon of elecLrosLauc and magneLosLauc problems lncludlng
boundary value problems, dlelecLrlcs and conducLors, 8loL-SavarLs and Amperes laws,
laradays law, Maxwell s equauons, scalar and vecLor poLenuals, Coulomb and LorenLz
gauges, LlecLromagneuc waves and Lhelr reecuon, refracuon, lnLerference, dlracuon and
polarlzauon. oynung vecLor, oynung Lheorem, energy and momenLum of elecLromagneuc
waves, radlauon from a movlng charge.

TQantQm Mechanics: hyslcal basls of quanLum mechanlcs, uncerLalnLy prlnclple, Schrodlnger
equauon, one, Lwo and Lhree dlmenslonal poLenual problems, parucle ln a box, harmonlc
osclllaLor, hydrogen aLom, llnear vecLors and operaLors ln PllberL space, angular momenLum
and spln, addluon of angular momenLa, ume lndependenL perLurbauon Lheory, elemenLary
scauerlng Lheory.

hermouynamics anu dtascal Physics: Laws of Lhermodynamlcs, macrosLaLes and
mlcrosLaLes, phase space, probablllLy ensembles, paruuon funcuon, free energy, calculauon
of Lhermodynamlc quanuues, classlcal and quanLum sLausucs, degeneraLe lerml gas, black
body radlauon and lancks dlsLrlbuuon law, 8ose-LlnsLeln condensauon, rsL and second
order phase Lransluons, crlucal polnL.

Stomic anu MolecQlar Physics: SpecLra of one- and many-elecLron aLoms, LS and [ [ coupllng,
hyperne sLrucLure, Zeeman and SLark eecLs, elecLrlc dlpole Lransluons and selecuon rules,
x-ray specLra, roLauonal and vlbrauonal specLra of dlaLomlc molecules, elecLronlc Lransluon ln
dlaLomlc molecules, lranck-Condon prlnclple, 8aman eecL, nM8 and LS8, lasers.

doliu dtate Physics: LlemenLs of crysLallography, dlracuon meLhods for sLrucLure
deLermlnauon, bondlng ln sollds, elasuc properues of sollds, defecLs ln crysLals, lamce
vlbrauons and Lhermal properues of sollds, free elecLron Lheory, band Lheory of sollds,
meLals, semlconducLors and lnsulaLors, LransporL properues, opucal, dlelecLrlc and magneuc
properues of sollds, elemenLs of superconducuvlLy.

Qclear anu Parcle Physics: nuclear radll and charge dlsLrlbuuons, nuclear blndlng energy,
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LlecLrlc and magneuc momenLs, nuclear models, llquld drop model - seml-emplrlcal mass
formula, lerml gas model of nucleus, nuclear shell model, nuclear force and Lwo nucleon
problem, Alpha decay, 8eLa-decay, elecLromagneuc Lransluons ln nuclel, 8uLherford
scauerlng, nuclear reacuons, conservauon laws, sslon and fuslon, parucle acceleraLors and
deLecLors, elemenLary parucles, phoLons, baryons, mesons and lepLons, quark model.

Electronics: neLwork analysls, semlconducLor devlces, 8lpolar ! uncuon 1ranslsLors, lleld LecL
1ranslsLors, ampller and osclllaLor clrculLs, operauonal ampller, negauve feedback clrculLs ,
ace Alters anu oscillators, recuer clrculLs, regulaLed power supplles, baslc dlglLal loglc
clrculLs, sequenual clrculLs, lp-ops, counLers, reglsLers, A/u and u/A converslon.
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