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2012 horoscope for Rat

Rat will be quite happy and relaxed in the year 2012 of the Black Water Dragon. This period will be successful for him if he will be optimistic and bold in his actions. Rat has a rare ability of coming out dry from the water, the first to feel danger, and therefore he is better than the other zodiac signs in adapting to rapidly changing affairs, and responding to unexpected problems. The greatest success can be achieved by a Rat, which is occupied with business, entrepreneurship, commercial activities, as well as a representative of this zodiac sign engaged in art work, culture and art. Rat should always uphold his rights, he should not adapt to the opinions of others or facts if such contradict his own conviction. Rat's activeness should be as open as possible, and clear to people otherwise he will inevitably have problems in relations with colleagues and partners. A representative of this zodiac sign should be moderately ambitious - this year of 2012 offers a good opportunity to move up the career ladder. Rat must respond to problems immediately after they occurred, and not postpone them for the indefinite future hoping that the problems would disappear by themselves. Old problems should be resolved in the beginning of

2012, else Rat in the future will not be able to move forward. Rat should not participate in dubious business and scams - sometimes, problems will just provoke Rat to engage in illegal activity and having yielded to the temptation of earning easy money, he can be cornered and bid a long farewell to his career. The favorable position of the planets will help Rat assign his forces well - he can recover quickly after periods of intense work, and can do several things simultaneously. The beginning of 2012 will be tough and intense - Rats will have to quickly turn around in time to respond to all problems. Spring is an equally intense period, but this time will bring clarity to most directions, and Rat will find it much easier to operate, knowing his way. In the first half of 2012, a representative of this zodiac sign should best engage in promotion of new projects so that he can spend the second half of the year in developing and promoting them. It is not necessary to start new affairs after mid-summer, but business expansion, establishment of new partnerships will receive the best development. Rat must remember that the year 2012 requires activeness from him and not fussiness, and he should gradually get rid of his impulsive activities, move to smoother and more peaceful methods of work. Summer is a quiet period, and Rat may take a short rest, but npot losing sight of his own affairs. Fall can bring confusion and unexpected obstacles to the life of a representative of this zodiac sign but they will not become big obstacles to success. Rat's personal life in 2012 will be pushed into the background by him because work with a high rate of actions will not allow him/her to pay much attention to his/her partner and feelings - at least in the first half of 2012. Rat's impulsiveness may lead to many problems even in relationships that may seem ideal at first glance. Single Rats will have the chance to meet their love in the second half of 2012 - this period is more favorable for development of relations and will be a good time for romantic encounters. Rat will not encounter treachery and betrayal by a partner - he needs to be concerned about his own poorly thought-out decisions and spontaneous actions.

2012 horoscope for Ox

Bull (Ox) in 2012 will feel the stress of business affairs, but such prospects that he never dreamed of will immediately open. Hard work does not scare a representative of this zodiac sign, dedication and perseverance to follow his line of conduct would be enough. Bull will see some difficulties in early 2012 as impregnable, but under a certain activeness, they can easily succumb and crumble to dust, freeing up the road. Bull should not seek solely to self-enrichment and acquisition of luxury - for him, is much more important to develop flexible work tactics and methods for efficient conduct of business, because the beginning of the year 2012 of the Black Water Dragon is the best time to start very important and innovative projects. Bull's work in 2012 can be called a mission - so solemn and important that a representative of this zodiac sign will do all that is required to move forward. It will be good if Bull starts training, self-education - the year 2012 will be favorable to change job or even profession. In the upcoming 2012, Bull's sphere of communication will be tantamount to the sphere of his core business, and he should make use of this favorable trend to expand his network of partnership and business cooperation, make new friends and put his personal life to order. Bull should not forget about charity - the Black Water Dragon favors those who help the needy. A representative of this zodiac sign needs not to overly and actively storm problems - he needs to apply flexible work tactics to achieve greater results with fewer applications of forces and lack of risk of loss. He should not move not studying the way. The year 2012 requires careful planning of each affair and act so as to get rid of spontaneity in his activities. Spring can be a critical time in business. An unemployed representative of this zodiac sign can find a job or get an unexpected flattering offer of a new post. A Bull who is a businessman may discover a new trend in business, engage in expansion or reorganization, get acquainted with influential people who can help in his further affairs. Bull should be very careful and cautious even in small things, not entrusting the decision of

financial and important business matters to people at random, he should check everything himself. In spring, a Bull who is an employee can demonstrate his ability to his bosses and colleagues, come up with rationalization proposals for open discussion in a team and defend his point of view. In this painstaking and very long work, it is very important to maintain peaceful relations with everyone, not start ambitious accusations and arrogant aggression against those that disagree with him. If Bull in 2012 will be too stubborn in resisting the team, in summer, he risks being drawn into conflicts that will for long not allow him to work quietly and efficiently. In summer, Bull's affairs will slow down a little bit, however, his budget will almost stop being replenished with new infusions of funds, and Bull may feel the futility of his previous efforts. During this period, it is important not to weaken his work, and at the same time - not to try and change it or do a revolution because this period is not for change but for orderly continuation of work, without jerks and stops. In fall, Bull will be glad there is now clarity in his affairs, while his budget is actively updated with new infusions of profit. This is a good time to plan for the future as well as for a reasonable distribution of earnings, in order to save and multiply earned capital. The position of the planets in January 2012 is favorable for the development of relations in a couple - if Bull will not be too busy at work. Most of the trouble in a relationship that may arise are often caused by Bull's changing mood, his lack of restraint, and ambition. Spring will be a quieter period in the relationship. During this period, a single Bull may meet the person of his/her dreams. In summer, the couple may have conflict and quarrels. Bull needs to be more calm and restrained. In fall, the couple may relax, at the same time, Bull can take very important decisions concerning not only his business but also his personal life.

2012 horoscope for Tiger

Tiger in 2012 will feel himself in his element - he likes high intensity of activities, and he will be only glad to constant provocations of problems, taking them for a better chance to showcase his remarkable abilities. Tiger had a difficult time last year, he was forced to adjust to difficult flow of time, as if teasing his pride. This 2012 will require not less work, but the results of Tiger's labor will be seen already by the first days of 2012. A representative of this zodiac sign requires careful planning because the surface and carefree attitude towards work can ruin even a prospective job. Tiger should not overestimate his strength or take up many complex and complicated affairs at the same time, because by being carried away, he could easily forget about quality. Tiger's financial sector is totally dependent on his activeness in affairs - by end of 2012 he could be much better off if he is able to take advantage of every opportunity in its path. With his agility and flexibility in activities, Tiger can conduct successful transactions and earn decent dividends, and thereby wellreplenishing his own budget with them. A representative of this zodiac sign should remember that the saying "one soldier does not make a battle" refers to him in the highest degree. Tiger has the power and strength of character but he may lack lability, open-mindedness, liberation in the choice of work methods. Therefore, Tiger should, as much as possible, communicate with colleagues and partners, trying not to assert himself in disputes but come to collective decisions to the truth. Light successes and victories in early 2012 can turn a Tiger's head - he can easily succumb to joy of euphoria and forget about his affairs. But it is too early to celebrate - all work started requires development and the best continuation, so Tiger should be very focused in his activities. In the early days of the new year of 2012, a representative of this zodiac sign should set a goal for himself so that the choice of his activity is not spontaneous but thoughtful and focused on expected result. In spring, Tiger will find it much easier to work - activities will continue to be intense, but there will be no jerks and failures. In spring, Tiger can expand his businesses, launch new projects and participate in the most ambitious ventures. This is a good period for establishment of partnerships and collaborative development of plans for the future. The position of the planets in the summer will be favorable for Tiger's active work, he should remain vigilant, as well as

participate in office intrigues. During this period, the most important is to maintain good relationships with colleagues and partners because ahead lies a lot of work that Tiger will simply not overpower alone. In fall, Tiger should be extremely active, his dedication and perseverance will help him overcome moments of crisis in his activities. During fall, a representative of this zodiac sign should not solve complex financial issues for this time should be dedicated to accumulation of money so as to use them in the future. The beginning of 2012 will be a favorable time for development of relations between the couple. Tiger would feel the need to pay attention to his/her partner, and develop relationships. If the spouses have disputes, they can easily sort them out now. In spring and summer strains between the couple may increase, and this is associated with Tiger's high intensity of work. A single Tiger has the opportunity of finding his/her love in spring or fall of 2012, while in summer he will be too distracted to pay due attention to his feelings.

2012 horoscope for Rabbit

Rabbit is perhaps his master's favorite in the year 2012 of the Black Water Dragon. He will not have as many problems as other members of the zodiacal circle, but can achieve much success only if he wants. Rabbit can successfully correct the mistakes of last year, correct his activities, which for some reason took a false direction. A representative of this zodiac sign will learn to cope with difficulties, he will be in the spotlight and will be in a combat and optimistic mood. Dragon encourages those zodiac signs, which try to arrange their home, help others, build strong relationships and a solid material foundation for the family. Therefore, Rabbit will feel the patronage of his master throughout 2012, . He will not seek to gain a high position in society just because of ambition, it is important to him when he tries to get a guarantee of strength to family relationships and to his material base. Rabbit is never poor - he can manage in such a way that under low incomes, he can easily provide everything he and the family needs. Due to his ability to create smooth communication in any company, Rabbit can be very successful and useful in any activity involving establishment of relations, conclusion of transaction, negotiation and discussion. Since 2012 will begin with easy victories, Rabbit may experience some euphoria of success. But it's early to rejoice - much later, problems that will not be noticed and resolved at the beginning, can grow like a snowball, becoming a major obstacle in his activities already for the next year. All that Rabbit is doing now should be dictated not only by his desire to earn more money but also by a strong motivation to change, change his style of leadership and administration, if this is long overdue. Rabbit may again start education and learn a new profession, his abilities will be greatly expanded if he would work to expand the horizons of his knowledge. In early 2012, Rabbit should not trust everybody without exception because in spontaneous decisions, it is easy to divert one's activities in the wrong direction beneficial to others, but absolutely useless to Rabbit himself. In spring, Rabbit's vitality will only increase, he can finally assert his claims to the company management, or even quit for search of a new work. This is a favorable period for search of one's affairs, but the representative of this zodiacal constellation needs to come to this decision not spontaneously, shooting from the hip, but by carefully thinking it over, weighing all the pros and cons. A large number of routine work for Rabbit in the

summer may push him into low spirits. But this needs to be done even if it is a paperwork is recount and reports. Rabbit should be well aware that this is just a new stage in his path, it does not carry any losses or disappointments, but he should pass through it as efficient as possible to prepare well for a more complex and intensive work. During fall season, the area of communication with others will come out in the forefront of Rabbit activities - this period is good for conclusion of contracts and conduct of quiet negotiations. Rabbit's personal life in early 2012 will be troubled - Rabbit's overemployment, his/her nervousness or euphoria of victory will affect his/her relationship with his/her partner. By spring, a representative of this zodiac sign may become irritable and impatient, he/she will seek to win the right position in society, while losing ground in his/her relations with his/her spouse. At the first ocurrence of trouble, Rabbit should improve the situation, pay attention to the feelings and wishes of his/her loved one. Single Rabbit in the first half of 2012 may indulge in romantic adventures and look for light flirtations, but a fateful meeting with a loved one will take place during fall.

2012 horoscope for Dragon

Although Dragon is the master in 2012, but this period will bring him a lot of problems that need to be addressed on the go. Such confidence of all signs of the zodiacal circle places greater responsibility on Dragon, and he just cannot stay away from affairs, and remain indifferent to common work. A representative of this zodiac sign will be inclined to take upon his mighty shoulders a lot of work, and is at risk of even overestimating his own strength, and not cope with high ambitions and plans. Under a certain activeness, Dragon will be a winner, he is a triumpher that will pave the hard but right path to success. This zodiac sign will always be in the thick of things, in the spotlight of any company, especially there where creative collective affairs and mass cultural activities are planned. In the field of communication, Dragon will be able to establish many contacts, make friends and create a partnership, but his extrovert nature may attract around unworthy and dishonest people carefully concealing their true colors. Difficulties in 2012 may be seen as a kind of training simulator for the development of skills, there will be many of them, but they are all of them are not too severe, and are unable to affect the overall business management. With his love for slogans, banners, and carnival masks, Dragon should however not get involved in external attributes, but should try to give maximum attention to depth, the essence of work, its objectives and planning. Dragon's wisdom will help him get rid of unnecessary arrogance, aggression, and excessive ambition, while his ability to communicate and be honest can help him find friends and trusted work partners. In early 2012, Dragon will be full of vigor, his energy will be practically inexhaustible, this will allow him work actively and cope with influx of affairs. But Dragon must remember that at the end, there may come a nervous exhaustion, which will weaken his power and abilities. There is no need to provoke problems - he should be alert, and also take care of his health. Spring is Dragon's favorite time. It is during this period that he will take significant decisions and sharply turn his life if this has become necessary. Dragon's aggression, his dictatorship, excessive arrogance will be a mistake this period for these qualities can lead to conflict and rejection of Dragon in a team. In summer, Dragon will receive a very handsome dividends for his work started in this 2012. Dragon who is an employee may seek a higher position, while

Dragon who is a businessman - not a very active partnership of associates. The fall of 2012 will be a calm period in Dragon's life. If a representative of this zodiac sign previously chose the correct direction, then during the fall period, he will be able to afford a vacation, relax, take stock of 2012. In autumn, it is important to correct the errors in his activities and communication that were previously made so that such errors do not become an obstacle in planning for activities for the next 2012. Dragon who is a spouse, will focus on improving his/her home. He/she would be happy to buy gifts and necessities for the family, helping friends and relatives. In spring, relationship with a partner may be strained because of Dragon's orientation only to activities, but this time can be used effectively to calm sorting out of his/her relationship with a paprtner after problems that emerged. In early 2012, a single Dragon may meet his/her love, and successfully develop and strengthen the relationship throughout the year.
Walaupun Dragon induk pada tahun 2012, tetapi tempoh ini akan membawa banyak masalah yang perlu ditangani sekarang. Keyakinan apa-apa semua tanda-tanda bulatan zodiak meletakkan tanggungjawab yang lebih besar pada Dragon, dan dia tidak boleh menjauhkan diri daripada hal ehwal, dan kekal acuh tak acuh kepada kerja-kerja biasa. Seorang wakil tanda zodiak ini akan cenderung untuk mengambil atas bahu yang besar banyak kerja, dan berisiko walaupun overestimating kekuatan sendiri, dan tidak berdepan dengan cita-cita dan rancangan yang tinggi. Di bawah aktif tertentu, Dragon akan menjadi seorang pemenang, dia triumpher yang akan membuka laluan yang sukar tetapi hak untuk berjaya. Ini tanda zodiak akan sentiasa berada di tengah-tengah perkara, dalam perhatian mana-mana syarikat, terutama di sana di mana hal-ehwal kolektif kreatif dan aktiviti kebudayaan besar-besaran dirancang. Dalam bidang komunikasi, Dragon akan dapat mewujudkan hubungan yang banyak, membuat rakan-rakan dan mewujudkan perkongsian, tetapi sifat peramah beliau boleh menarik di sekitar orang-orang yang tidak layak dan tidak jujur dengan berhati-hati menyembunyikan warna sebenar mereka. Kesukaran pada tahun 2012 boleh dilihat sebagai sejenis simulator latihan untuk pembangunan kemahiran, akan ramai di antara mereka, tetapi mereka semua mereka tidak terlalu teruk, dan tidak akan memberi kesan kepada pengurusan keseluruhan perniagaan. Dengan cintanya kepada slogan, sepanduk, dan topeng karnival, Dragon harus bagaimanapun tidak melibatkan diri dalam sifat-sifat luaran, tetapi harus cuba untuk memberi perhatian yang maksimum kepada kedalaman, intipati kerja, objektif dan perancangan. Kebijaksanaan naga akan membantu dia menghapuskan keangkuhan yang tidak perlu, agresif, dan cita-cita yang berlebihan, manakala keupayaan untuk berkomunikasi dan bersikap jujur boleh membantu dia mencari rakan-rakan dan rakan-rakan kerja yang dipercayai. Pada awal tahun 2012, Dragon akan penuh semangat, tenaga akan praktikal tidak habis-habis, ini akan membenarkan dia bekerja secara aktif dan menghadapi dengan kemasukan hal ehwal. Tetapi Dragon mesti ingat bahawa pada akhirnya, mungkin datang keletihan saraf, yang akan melemahkan kuasa dan kebolehan. Tidak perlu untuk mencetuskan masalah - dia harus berjaga-jaga, dan juga menjaga kesihatan. Musim bunga merupakan masa kegemaran Dragon. Ia adalah sepanjang tempoh ini bahawa dia akan mengambil keputusan yang ketara dan mendadak menjadikan hidupnya jika ini telah menjadi perlu. Pencerobohan naga, pemerintahan diktator, keangkuhan yang berlebihan akan kesilapan tempoh ini untuk kualitikualiti ini boleh membawa kepada konflik dan penolakan Dragon dalam satu pasukan. Pada musim panas, Dragon akan menerima dividen yang sangat kacak untuk kerja-kerja bermula pada

tahun ini 2012. Naga yang pekerja boleh mendapatkan kedudukan yang lebih tinggi, sementara Dragon yang merupakan seorang ahli perniagaan - tidak perkongsian yang sangat aktif syarikatsyarikat bersekutu. Kejatuhan tahun 2012 akan menjadi tempoh yang tenang dalam kehidupan Dragon. Jika seorang wakil tanda zodiak ini sebelum ini memilih arah yang betul, maka dalam tempoh kejatuhan, dia akan dapat mampu bercuti, berehat, mengambil stok 2012. Pada musim luruh, ia adalah penting untuk membetulkan kesilapan-kesilapan dalam aktiviti-aktiviti dan komunikasi yang sebelum ini dibuat supaya kesilapan itu tidak menjadi penghalang untuk perancangan aktiviti 2012. Naga yang suami atau isteri, akan memberi tumpuan kepada memperbaiki rumahnya /. Dia / dia akan gembira untuk membeli hadiah dan keperluan untuk keluarga, membantu rakan-rakan dan saudara mara. Pada musim bunga, hubungan dengan rakan kongsi boleh tegang kerana orientasi hanya kepada aktiviti-aktiviti Dragon, tetapi kali ini boleh digunakan dengan berkesan untuk menenangkan sorting hubungan / dengan paprtner selepas masalah yang muncul. Pada awal tahun 2012, Dragon tunggal boleh memenuhi kasih sayang /, dan berjaya membangunkan dan mengukuhkan hubungan sepanjang tahun.

2012 horoscope for Snake

For Snake, the difficulties of the year 2012 will seem not quite so pervasive - he can avoid sharp corners, and will calmly work in a planned manner, focusing on his own subtle intuition and natural wisdom. He cannot be mislead by a grand speech or tinsel glitter of carnival for he is used to seeing things from the inside, inside out, pinpointing the worthiest and most perspective ones among them. Snake will try to turn around all possibilities and problems in affairs for the maximum benefit for himself, and if this his activity will be active throughout the whole year of 2012, Snake will be the winner among all members of the zodiacal circle. In early 2012, the position of the planets is favorable for Snake's activities. But a representative of this zodiac sign, having reached some success in work, may make a mistake, significantly slowing down his operations, while stopping at what has already been achieved. Moving forward is the key to successful development of all Snake's affairs, so any stopping can indefinitely push aside the success. Snake's tendency to analyze, draw conclusions, and predict will be a good assistant in planning. In the spring of 2012, Snake's quiet activity may encounter adverse currents, caused by conflict at work, gossip and backstage intrigues. Snake must remain neutral so as not to be dragged into these unproductive and unnecessary squabbles. By the end of spring, Snake may get a proposal for a new position or work, and must strive to assert himself in the activities, rather than in interpersonal conflicts. In summer, when all other zodiac signs will be quite content with a quiet, smooth flow of affairs, Snake will have to meet the intense pace of work. Snake is a good strategist, he can select keys for all the necessary locks at work, but a representative of this zodiac sign is rather clumsy in relations with others, and may show indifference to them, reject their views or completely reject collective work. Snake's pedantry and over adherence to principles can ruin very promising projects that can be triumphant in a more conducive working atmosphere in a team. In the autumn of 2012, Snake will witness a quiet period when he can take stock and assess what has been done. Snake in the autumn can relax a bit. Efforts to strengthen partnerships will be effective during this period. Whatever the case, Snake's personal life is both his rear and a source of pride and well-protected haven of comfort and tranquility. Snake in the coming 2012 will be

full of charm and charisma, he will easily find a mate - if, of course, he/she is interested in such a matter. A married Snake will receive during fall unexpected pleasant news from relatives. He/she will strengthen relationship with a partner, take care of loved ones and help everyone who needs help.

2012 horoscope for Horse

Horse in 2012 will be close in spirit to the general mood of the time. Like the Black Water Dragon, he loves parades, festivals, public processions, and honors, and can withstand any test to become a triumpher at the end of the period. A representative of this zodiac sign need not dissipate his energies on many types of activities - he should just select the most productive for himself, and seek for their deep and careful execution. All Horse's thoughts must not be frivolous in nature he must be extremely careful and serious so as to be ready to adequately encounter both challenges and successes in his affairs. Horse will be in the spotlight, he very much likes to communicate, and people around him will help him expand his field of view, look at problems from different angles. A Horse, who is occupied in creativity, organization of cultural events and festivals will achieve maximum success in his work while in his favorite element of communication and creative inspiration. In early 2012, events will not immediately overwhelm him, allowing him to get his bearings in a new period of time, and to carefully plan his activities. The enthusiasm and activeness of a representative of this zodiac sign can carry him forward to conquer the peaks, but now it is especially important to remain calm in his activities, not to try and take things by storm, but carefully work on small details. During this period, Horse may begin to climb the corporate ladder, change his job, and find an additional source of earnings. He will be pleased with his finance, and by spring he will receive a tangible increase in his salary or bonus for active work. In spring of 2012, the favorable position of the planets will give Horse a second breath, he will be able to solve intellectual problems and untangle the complicated web of his own affairs. This period will increase his income and relative financial stability, Horse will be involved in other promising projects, as well as acquire necessary things for the home. In summer, Horse's affairs will acquire a high turn round. He will not have a rest because literally every minute will see the emergence of new problems and affairs that will require his immediate solution. In this race of affairs, Horse may be carried away by forward movement and speed, forgetting to pay attention to small details. Such movement can lead to significant omissions at work, so in summer, a representative of this zodiac sign should slow down his pace even slightly. Horse should pay particular attention to the field of communication, not

engaging in confrontation, and trying to cooperate and be as open and attentive to people as possible. In autumn, Horse should watch out for irritability, nervousness - fatigue will accumulate, which may affect the state of his health. This period is good for general cleaning in all affairs and areas of Horse, summarizing and planning for future affairs. Affairs requiring extreme stress and financial investments should be postponed to a later period. With the advent of 2012, Horse will be full of romantic mood, he will be happy to flirt and meet new people. Spouses will have a favorable period for the development of their feelings, while a single horse can find love just at the brink of 2012. Spring will pass in the wave of agreement and understanding between the spouses, but summer may complicate their relationship, adding tension and irritation. In autumn, Horse will be more flexible, he will want home warmth and comfort, will focus on family communication more than on social connections. Spouses can afford a romantic vacation. A single horse will be ready for a landmark meeting with his/her destiny.

2012 horoscope for Sheep/Ram

2012 for the Goat will be calm, though not without difficulties. A representative of this zodiac sign can be very successful if he will use all opportunities in his work and communicate more. Goat will be in the spotlight, he is eccentric, artistic, and his creative talents can be used in the best way at work. But he is afraid of failures, mistakes, and regards every departure from the ceremonial victory march as a personal tragedy. Instability of mood, constant tantrums and depression can lead Goat to a nervous breakdown and sleep disorders. As a result, he may lose his position at work, suffering not from external circumstances, but from internal contradictions. In the year 2012 of the Black Water Dragon, finance will not let Goat down, he will not have "black holes" in his budget, but there will also be no fabulous profits. A representative of this zodiac sign should cleverly use his funds so as not to be left penniless, and under a certain craftiness - may even significantly increase his capital. The beginning of 2012 will seem to Goat as unusually easy and fun, he may have carelessness of flippant attitude towards his business, which later may lead to inevitable errors. From January, Goat will be lucky, he can easily pass contests and get coveted jobs. At the same time, he can get a problem in the form of various conflicts with peers and colleagues because of his arrogance and contempt for people whom he deems not as talented and active as he is. By spring, Goat must come to grips with himself, his attitude towards people around him, because by engaging in confrontation he puts his career and success in danger. The spring of 2012 will however be a more favorable time, when Goat will get the chance to reflect on his actions. Problems that will arise in his affairs will be easily solved, and at a certain activeness, they all will be defeated. During this period, in order to easily cope with work and allow himself a short pause of rest, Goat should give due attention to communication with colleagues and to team work, which will free him from some part of his affairs. The summer of 2012 will bring clearness to Goat's business, he will calm down, and will become much more tolerant towards others. During this period, there will be good work that requires a creative approach to it, any organization of events and celebrations. It is in summer that a representative of this zodiac sign will be able to create for himself an excellent reputation as an indispensable and cheerful worker, and earn credibility. In

autumn, Goat will have a second breath opened, he will vigorously take up the work, having felt how it is falling under his onslaught. However, a representative of this zodiac sign should remember that speeding up of events can lead to impulsive activity, and thus errors in it. This period is good for a leisurely work, but not for excessive loads. At the end of 2012, it will be right to take stock of the previous year and plan one's future activities. Goat's selfishness and passion only through his feelings and experiences can greatly complicate his personal life in 2012. He may be to blame for the numerous quarrels that will arise in early 2012. Goat should pay attention to self-education, educate his personality, learn to interact with a partner and not dominate in a relationship - it is then he would be ready for equal constructive dialogue. Single Goat will be successful among the opposite sex, and will easily find his/her soul mate in spring or fall, if, of course, he will be very willing to continue a romantic relationship.

2012 horoscope for Monkey

For Monkey, the year 2012 will be very productive, he will gladly flow into the high pace of work, and will feel at ease in the most intense affairs of 2012. Monkey skillfully using problems as a chance to show all his talents, will show himself in a team. He is optimistic, never discouraged, and even after defeat when other zodiac signs may retreat before difficulties, the Monkey will feel fine, and break forward, despite defeat. The year 2012 of the Black Water Dragon will be good for learning, Monkey can take a specialization, or start learning a new profession. A representative of this zodiac sign should always learn something new. An interest in something unknown and unusual will lead him the way even more than ambitious intentions or ambitions. Impulsiveness, a desire to jump through many things at once can hinder Monkey in business because under such activities, he may not see a lot of problems and his own mistakes. The Monkey will not do anything if he doesn't see personal benefits in it, but in 2012 he should also think about those people who work with him. Charity, feasible assistance to the needy will not only melt his proud heart but also help him to communicate with others. Having received good social connections and authority, Monkey may achieve much more in life, and even enter into a better, new orbit of his life, much more successful and faster than the rest of the zodiac signs. Due to the fact that with all impulsiveness, Monkey is still quite cautious, and would not let go of one branch until he grabs another more solid one. His status and financial well-being will not be exposed to all-out risk, his wisdom and foresight will not allow him stake and lose everything. In early 2012, Monkey will work to lifting his strength, he would have to correct all past mistakes and problems. In the first months of 2012, Monkey should demand for a new, welldeserved position and salary increase, and if he wants - even change his job. In the spring of 2012, a representative of this zodiac sign should be more attentive to their surroundings, not provoke conflict and tension in the team. Now, there is no need to force things, he needs to be patient and perform even the most boring and routine work. This is an instructive time, which would give much for Monkey's future, and most importantly - not lose interest to work. In summer, Monkey will establish new partnerships, conclude contracts and conduct negotiations. This is quite an intense period of time, and a representative of this zodiac sign will be able

to show his best side at work. In autumn 2012, Monkey can begin serious work on launching new projects, this is no time for rest and relaxation - great affairs lie ahead, and so, he should concentrate on the main things, be focused at work and become more serious. In early 2012, Monkey will have a lot of affairs that he will just forget about romance. But to his/her credit, he/she will try to maintain harmony in a relationship, inviting a partner to work together with him/her. Having organized joint activities, the couple may become even closer to each other than they were before. If Monkey will not provoke conflicts, the first half of 2012 will pass peacefully and interesting. Spring is perfect time to finding his/her own happiness, making marriage proposal, and plans for the future. The second half of 2012 may can come with misunderstanding, irritation between the couple, the spouses may quarrel due to Monkey's over-employment, his/her desire to only be engaged with work to the detriment of his/her family relationship. Single Monkey may meet his/her love before the new year.

2012 horoscope for Rooster

The Rooster is one of the few zodiac signs, that will feel an extraordinary lightness and lift in strength, and this will allow him overcome even the greatest difficulties in his path. The main thing for Rooster is a goal and an idea which he should strive to achieve, otherwise his activities would lose their meaning, and he risks just staying in a place in his development. In addition to absolute leadership inclinations, great ambitions in the year 2012 of the Black Water Dragon will require from him the ability to communicate, work in teams, actively and quickly respond to problems and be more attentive to close ones. In 2012, the Rooster who is an employee may get promotion. The time has come for him to think seriously about the future, and change job, if the former did not bring him any moral or material satisfaction. In the coming 2012, there should not be a division of prestigious, interesting, and routine, non-essential work for a representative of the zodiac sign because the most tedious and boring affairs prepare a good foundation for future ambitious projects. Rooster's new opportunities should be seen as a step to a higher position in society, the means by which he can achieve material well-being and professional triumph. To earn a new post or create a strong partnership, Rooster in the first half of 2012 will have to actively prove his point, his talents and abilities. Rooster who is a businessman should build partnership and collegial fraternity thoughtfully, carefully, first of all he should by himself get rid of swagger and arrogance. If in the previous year, Rooster successfully implemented his projects, then from the beginning of 2012, he will have a lot of work, and engage in a particular business, without wavering and search for others. Rooster who is an employee may enter into a specific competition for position, and risks gathering for himself a lot of enemies with his nervousness, agitation, and aggression. In spring, an unemployed Rooster may find a good job, things will go smoothly this time incrementally, giving him a good opportunity to be well involved in his business and be active and energetic. A representative of this zodiac sign must be consistent in his actions, carefully and accurately performing his work. A Rooster who is an employee must perform more complex tasks in order to show his good side and earn credibility and respect of colleagues and the company's management. In the summer of 2012, Rooster will be much more confident in himself, he will be happy to take up the most complex

business affairs. During this period, he should not try to perform a lot of work - it is necessary to choose the major and most important affairs, and forget about the minor, which only takes time and effort. Financial transactions will be working out for Rooster in summer, he may participate in investments, and take long-term loans for business development. In autumn of 2012, affairs associated with creativity will receive the best development, so Rooster can do his favorite hobby - organizing activities, creative pursuits. He should not start new businesses in autumn, he needs to bring to complete those projects that were initiated earlier. Rooster's personal life in the year 2012 of the Black Water Dragon will not be smooth and calm, but he/she will have a good chance to correct all discrepancies in a relationship with his/her partner, build them from scratch, find his/her happiness, if his/her heart till then remains single. In early 2012, the partners will find mutual understanding, but lonely representatives of this zodiac sign will not be able to step over their pride and ambition to create an equal union. The second half of 2012 will be calmer. This period brings along calm, peace and happiness to a representative of this zodiac sign.

2012 horoscope for Dog

Dog in 2012 of the Black Water Dragon will feel relaxed, he will be determined for an active, long-term work. For 2012, Dog will have as much material and social benefits as how much he can earn and take in his life. The favorable position of the planets throughout 2012 will help the Dog in affairs, turning them in such a way that even problems and difficulties will become launching pads for his further success. A representative of this zodiac sign should not fidget about and think twice - decisions must be taken accurately, quickly and decisively. Dog's utmost honesty, ability to communicate and get along with people will enable him be a full member of a team. He can manifest himself in a social work, successfully engage in creativity and art. The Dog will be able to well organize a business, he might think about creating his own business, even if before then he was just an ordinary employee. A representative of this zodiac sign possesses the qualities of tenacity and hard work. Dog will move forward despite all difficulties, and can easily bypass all his rivals, even not having too much ambition and zeal for victory. Although in the year 2012 of the Black Water Dragon is not an all-out one for the Dog, the first few months will seem frighteningly intense to him, he will be wary and suspicious of emerging problems. Dog needs to calm down, and then he will be able to distribute his energy properly, concentrate on his job, and boldly go forward. Advancing decisively, a representative of this zodiac sign will see that problems and difficulties are retreating, and clarity is coming into his affairs. In early 2012, Dog does not need to take on increased commitments because it is very important to work out his own right work tactics during this period, and an abundance of affairs may disorient him. In addition, the beginning of spring 2012 may bring confusion in a relationship with colleagues, and the Dog as a truthful and honest man, will stand up for truth, risking to get caught in a protracted conflict. In spring, Dog can actively engage in creative work, organization of events, and training. He may manifest himself in establishing partnerships and diplomatic negotiations. In the summer of 2012, Dog will actively work. Work in the field of art, design, and architecture will particularly be flourishing. In summer, the Dog will turn to spiritual practices, will want to engage in psychology and esotericism. In autumn, a representative of this zodiac sign will receive a significant development of his affairs, his work will acquire the necessary

acceleration and will give him time for a little respite. This period will bring Dog significant dividends, if, before that, he was active in work and deliberately searched for his success. The end of 2012 is the perfect time to take stock, the Dog must carefully analyze his mistakes and make the necessary conclusions for the future. The end of 2012 may bring a flattering offer of a new post or even a new job to a Dog who is an employee, he can begin to change his life, not waiting until the end of 2012. In 2012, the Dog will carefully be engaged in the issue of organization of his/her personal life, because it needs support, a sturdy rear, a faithful and reliable person beside him/her. A single dog will try everywhere to have success, he/she will start romantic affairs, easily entering into a relationship, and just as easily abandoning them in favor of new, more vivid ones. Such an attitude toward feelings and attitudes can console Dog's self-esteem, but does not suit his personal happiness, and thus a representative of this zodiac sign should be more serious and selective. In spring, a married Dog will be engaged in home and family affairs, but in summer, his/her relationship with a partner may witness some tension, annoyance, and dissatisfaction with each other. A single Dog in summer will be too busy with him/herself to pay attention to the feelings of others. Autumn is a beautiful time for creation of a family, love confessions and sorting out issues in a relationship. This period should be used to create, finally, such a relationship of which the Dog dreams.

2012 horoscope for Pig

The Pig would be happy to enjoy all the benefits and opportunities of the year 2012 of the Black Water Dragon. For him, it would be a good time full of victories, good work, and most importantly - of material prosperity. The Pig is an open, cheerful and good-natured zodiac sign. He will be the darling of his owner in 2012 because he loves to help others in need and people, he is generous, willingly shares all he has, and invites visitors. But even in spite of the favorable trends of 2012, Pigs can remain indifferent to the many opportunities, being carried away by funny holidays, and not noticing the boring but necessary work. From the earliest days of 2012, the Pig should take the right direction in his activities so that later he doesn't rush to search a path. A representative of this zodiac sign, which long ago is tired of his main work should, however, well think out a decision to change it, because in early 2012, he is unlikely to meet a decent job offer. From the earliest days in 2012, it is necessary to accumulate fund, all financial transactions may be too risky, they should be postponed to a later time. The Pig should not fall into boredom or worse - into a depression. He will be successful in social work, charitable activities, may engage in creative work, always having a clear and firm purpose before himself. He cannot be kept in a place, the Pig should always move forward, and there is no need to force things. For a good heart, the Black Water Dragon will make his a favorite in 2012, and all that is required from him is to manage affairs well and cordially greet all those who meet him on the way. Good partnerships, which will be built by Pig, will help him protect his business from external attacks, and a Pig who is an employee will find it easier to work if his team will respect and fully support him in his affairs. It must be noted that many will not recognize Pig - he will change in early 2012 under the favorable influence of the planets. Long running affairs can cause Pig to be frustrated, and he runs the risk of leaving them unfinished, when many of them still have very good prospects. In early 2012, it will be right to solve all the old problems that impede his path. In the spring of 2012, difficulties can make Pig seek for radical changes to his activities, and he may even try to do it, if projects were carefully planned earlier. He shouldn't rush into the murky depths of affairs spontaneously - Pig risks losing all that he has by succumbing to momentary weakness. In spring 2012, teamwork and the field of communication will receive

the greatest flowering, Pig should do everything to keep relationships with colleagues and friends, often turn to them for help and support. Summer is a perfect time for achieving goals. For this period, Pig can work out his professional ambitions and acquire flexibility and lability. He should not trust random people in a serious professional matters or financial affairs - with wide sociability and natural trustfulness, Pig can easily become a victim of fraud or scam. In autumn, Pig will have lots of affairs, he can find an additional source of income or develop a basic business, and engage in business expansion. The Pig who is an employee may begin his career or think about a solo business. The end of 2012 will be very favorable for his most ambitious undertakings. Pig's personal life will not be quiet, but it will certainly be a happy one, if a representative of this zodiac sign will not engage in public activities to the detriment of a romantic relationship with a partner. If the relationship of the spouses has outlived itself, and the partners have come to a mutual decision to part, it's best to do so right now, in early 2012. Because spring will bring Pig a landmark meeting that will begin a new and promising romantic relationship. In summer, the relationship between the partners will have a favorable development, but the Pig must not be too picky and pedantic so as not to provoke tension. Autumn is a good time for meetings, a single Pig can easily find his/her love and will be ready for long-term romantic relationship.

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