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CREATED BY: Name Nim Lecturer : NIRNAWATI : A.090501408 : Ira Kusumawati, S.Kp, M.Ph


FOREWORD Assalaamualaikum Wr.Wb Alhamdulillah rabilalamin grace i pray for the prensence of almighty god,the all-fowerful god who has given blessingof health,opportunity and reason that humans become perfect beings among other beings. Sholawat and hopefully always tercurahkan regards to our master muhammad the prophet,and his familly,companions and their followers are willing,god included us all till the end,because thanka to his permission and blessing me as the writer can complet e our paper entitled nursing ethics. This paper was made in order to meet an englishassignment given by the englishprofessor ira bug kusumawati nursing programs1 palembang. In this paper will be discused on nursing ethics. I realize that in the preparation of this paper there are still many shortcoming and weaknesses of both the writing techniques and material. This is because keterbatasan skills and knowledge that writers have. To that end I welkome any suggestion and criticisms from readers that are built to perfection in the future . hopefully this paper useful for education , particulary among college students. Wassalaamualaikum Wr.Wb.

Palembang , desember 2011 Author,


Understanding of itching Diseases Itching (pruritus) is a feeling that automatically makes the hand to scratch. Itching is one disease that affects many people. That proved, based on data Jambi City Health Office, itching in the top five major disease that affects many patients seeking treatment at the clinic. If you experience symptoms of itching that continues to spread and cause infection of the skin, should not to be tolerated.Immediately perform the checks so that it can be given treatment in accordance with the cause for the itching that is left led to the emergence of the causes of ulcers: 1. 2. 3. 4. Allergy Bacterium Mushrooms Virus

Itching Due to Allergies itching due to allergies are usually caused by allergies such as food, dust, cosmetics and jewelry. Treatment of itching due to allergies Itching due to allergies can use drugs: cetirizne (Incidal, Cerini, Cetrixal, Histrin), chlorpheniramine (CTM Berlico, Dehista), siproheptadin (Cylat, Heptasan, Pronicy), Itching Due to Bacteria At the itching caused by bacteria, usually a lesion initially filled with fluid, as they often get carded then the bacteria that cause ulceration. Treatment of itching due to bacteria Drugs that can be used penicillin, vancomycin, clindamycin, cephalosporins.

Itching for mushrooms The skin disorder caused by fungi such as fungus, ringworm, ringworm and red round. Regarding treatment, usually only given itching and anti-fungal medication. Could be in the form of ointments or oral. "If you have an infection, enough with the ointment will heal and continue to maintain the cleanliness kulit.Sementara that, if the cause fungus, usually located in areas of skin folds such as thighs, arms, stomach, and skin areas. Treatment of itching due to fungal Can use a drug: Clotrimazole (Fungiderm, Ultrasilin, Mycelex), Ketoconazole (Mycoral, Nizoral), Ciclopiroxalamin (Batrafen, Loprox), Myconazol (Daktarin, Fungares).

Itching Due to Virus The entry of viruses into the body due to decreased immune system. The form itself contains a liquid form of spots but clear.Usually not too itchy, but painful. Eg chickenpox and herpes. Types of viruses: herpes-zoster danvarisela. There are also itching caused by a virus. The entry of viruses into the body due to decreased immune system. The form itself contains a liquid form of spots but clear. Treatment of itching due to virus Drug can be used: salycil powder, antivir (untukcacar) and acyclovir (for herpes)

Prevention 1. Keeping the environment in order to stay clean 2. Bathing at least 2 times a day. 3. Protects from everything that may cause allergies 4. Maintain cleanliness of the body especially in the folds of the body. Tips to Overcome Disease Itching Diseases Itching (pruritus) is a feeling that automatically makes the hand to scratch.

always keep the skin clean is one way of preventing the onset of itching of the skin. If symptoms develop itching on the skin, should be able to resist the urge to scratch. Because in the event of injury due to scratching nails, here originally entry of germs.

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