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Reviewing Technique or Approach of English Language Teaching

Reviewing technique of English language teaching which has been talking about how to learn English language by using technique or method. The techniques are The Grammar Translation Method, The Direct Method, The Audiolingual Method, The Silent Way, Suggestopedia, Community Language Learning, The Total Physical Response, and Communicative approach or Communicative Language Teaching. It has different ways to learn English language teaching because of the researches found a weakness from the methods. So, the researches to develop the method become easier for the learner to learn English language teaching. Reviewing technique of the Grammar Translation Method (GTM) is adapted by the way of teaching the Latin language called Classical Method. Classical Method focuses on the grammatical rules, memorization of vocabulary and various detentions and conjugations, translation of texts, and writing exercises. It has several characteristics. There are use the target language, uses vocabulary, the comprehend a sentence with proper grammar, the grammar provides the rules of putting words together, and the instruction often focuses on the form and inflection of word, read difficult classical text, the learner must paid attention to grammatical analysis, and the learner have to do the exercise with the target language translate into the mother tongue. The mother tongue is not too much attention. This passages we take summarized from Douglas Browns book pages 18-19. The other hand, the Grammar Translation Method has seven principal should the learner have to do. There are the learner have to read the literature then analyzed in detail by way of using grammar rules, the learner have to focusing on reading and writing, vocabulary in the selection by reading text that has been selected and must be memorized, the accuracy is emphasized, the grammar given in the beginning language learning begins, and the latter the student's native language is the medium of instruction. This passages we take summarized from Richards Rodgers book pages 5-6. Next reviewing is technique about The Direct Method. The Direct Method has principles and procedures. First, teacher is just allowed use monolingual language, (target language) Then, the vocabulary and sentences is taught only used in communication everyday. Next, teaching of new vocabulary uses mime, demonstration, and action. Fourth, grammar is taught at the end of learning. And the other hand in the small class, the oral communication skill is the most emphasized through question and answer exchanges between teachers and students. Both speech and listening comprehension is taught after speaking, and the last correct pronunciation and grammar are also emphasized. This passages we take summarized from Richards Rodgers book pages 11-12 and H. Douglas Browns book pages 21-22.

Next reviewing is technique from Audiolingual Method. In Audiolingual have ten principles and procedures. The first is listening which has taught firstly in order to students have ability more fluent in speaking. Next is reading and writing are given in the next stages after students has been ready and fluent in pronunciation. So, the language skills stages are taught in Audiolingual Method: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Then, dialogues and drills are basic form in Audiolingual classroom practices. So, all of materials are taught using dialogues forms. Students are taught from simple to complex levels in sentences form based on dialog and must memorize all of dialogues that had given by teacher without mistakes at all. Next is pronunciation is more emphasized, and grammar is taught by inductive analogy. Then, teacher must speak target language in repetitive situations. Tape recorders and audiovisual equipments have central roles. Next is the language laboratory is also essential media in learning process. The last is teachers role in Audiolingual Method is central and active. This passages we take summarized from H. Douglas Browns book pages 22-23 and Jeremy Harmers book pages 79-80. The Total Physical Response is the core of this discussion of the TPR as a child learning how to learn what their first language by listening first. Then, they responded by reaching, grabbing, moving, looking, and so forth. In the TPR class, the learner must listen carefully and responding well. For example, the teacher gives command to the learners to do things like open the windows, close the door, etc. No verbal response was necessary. The learner can also respond to the other and continue questioning the process. In a TPR class room, after student overcame the fear of speaking out, classroom conversations and other activities proceeded as in almost any other communicative language classroom. In TPR reading and writing activities, students are limited to spinning of from the oral work in the classroom. Its appeal to the dramatic or theatrical nature of language learning was attractive. But soon learners needs for spontaneity and unrehearsed language must be met. This passages we take summarized from H. Douglas Browns book page 30. The principles and procedures of the Silent Way are in language classroom use materials a set of rods and vocabulary charts. Next, the first part of the lesson focuses on pronunciation. Then, at the beginning stage, a teacher will be a sound model while pointing to a phonemic chart. Later, a student must imitate teacher, and teacher must keep silent, if the answer is correct. But, if the answer is incorrect another student must help the first student. Next, the teacher will point silently to different individual symbols and combinations of words or sentences, and teacher is only has roles as monitoring. After a structure is introduced and understood, the teacher will create a situation in which the students can practice the structure through the manipulation of the rods. This passages we take summarized from H. Douglas Browns book pages 28-29 and Jeremy Harmers book pages 88-89. Move to review of Community Language Learning. There are interactions between learners and interactions between learners and teacher. The principles and procedures of Community Language Learning are the learners make a circle to decide what they want to say. But, a teacher stands outside the circle. When a learner want to say something to the group or to an individual, learner said it in the native language and the teacher translated the

word or sentence back to the learner into English. The learner then repeated that English word or sentence correctly. Another learner responded in the native language, the word or sentence was translated by the teacher into English. The learner repeated it and the conversation continued. Now, learner can say what he or she wants to the circle. When learners become more confident with the language, they make pair work group each other to discuss. Finally, the teacher asks the learners about reflection from the language learning that have done previously as a class or in groups. This passages we take summarized from H. Douglas Browns book pages 25-27 and Jeremy Harmers book pages 88-89. Next reviewing is Suggestopedia. Suggestopedia is contention that the human brain could process in the right condition or relaxation and giving over the control to the teacher. In suggestopedia classes is using music which has the music is central his method. So, sugestopedia language class is at the beginning of the session, all conversation stop for a while, and the teacher listening to the music which derives from a tape-recorder. Then, wait and listen to several passages in order to enter into the mood of music and begin to read the new text, the voice is harmonic with the musical phrases. The learner followed their text books where each lesson translated into mother tongue. Between the first and the second part concert, there are several minutes without any voices learners. Before start the second part, music come and listening again before the teacher teach. After that, the learner should listen to the teacher and closed their textbooks. At the end the learner just silently and leave the class. They are not told to do homework on the lesson they have just had expect for reading it. Suggestpedia just learn a bit about how to believe in the power of brain human. And numerous teachers have at times experimented with various forms of music as a way to get student to sit back and relax. This passages we take summarized from H. Douglas Browns book pages 27-28. The last reviewing is The Communicative Language Teaching. The Communicative Language Teaching is the teacher thought by the realistic model. The teacher show real model or situation to learner and the learner keep look at the teacher until they are got it. After the teacher though, the learner make small group for discussing what the teacher thought before. Then, the teacher come to each group for the controlling the learner work. After discussion, the learner comeback to their sit and speak out what they get from their discussion. Thus role play and simulation in CLT, where is the learner simulated a television program. Sometimes they have to solve a puzzle and sharing information. In the Communicative Language Learning they should have variety of language rather than just one language structure. In other such activities should attempt to replicate real communication. This passages we take summarized from Jeremy Harmers book page 85. Finally, all of technique we had already reviewed, from the Grammar Translation until the Communicative Language Teaching. It has different way to learn English language teaching. There are depend on the learner need and also each techniques have a weakness, so the researches to develop the technique English language teaching.

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