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Allergic Vegetarian: Recipes for all Allergies! Vegan, Dairy, Egg, Seaf...



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This article is a reprint from my website, Allergic Vegetarian. I'm reprinting it here, because I think Allergies should be discussed intelligently without the discrimination that is so rampant.

So your Doctor tells you that you can't be allergic to Mustard because the Allergy is too rare! And, others tell you that you are more likely to be struck by lightning. Did you know that the truth is you can be allergic to anything? Did you know that they normally only test for the most common allergies? Did you know that many people with Rare Food Allergies only received that diagnosis after doing the Elimination Diet and Food Journal? Did you know that some Doctors still do not take Rare Food Allergies seriously? Did you know that some Doctors insist that the food allergy is so rare is is impossible for you to have that allergy? The problem your doctor is having is the same problem society is having. They are both so focused on the stats that they have lost sight of the possible truth. The other problem is that lightening striking you in your lifetime is 1 in 6,250 according to NOAA, the national weather service. This is far more rare then the probability of you having a rare food allergy. How so? Lets do the math. According to the U.S. Census Bureaus population estimate for Feb 1, 2011 coupled with the Medical Science community tells us about percentages of people with food allergies, we get this: The Subject: The Stats: _____________________________________________________________________ U.S. Citizens 311,991,833 % with food allergies 4% _____________________________________________________________________ Sub-total 12,479,673 _____________________________________________________________________ Results: 1 in 25 US Citizens have a Food Allergy _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ % of those with allergies who have the most common ones 90% Sub-total: # with common allergies 11,231,706 Sub-total: # with rare allergies 1,247,967 _____________________________________________________________________ Results: 1 in 250 US Citizens have a Rare Food Allergy _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ What this chart tells us is: 1) The odds are low that your Doctor is going to be looking at someone with a rare food allergy. Only 1 in 250 have a rare food allergy, but 1 in 25 have a common food allergy. This means that for every class in school meeting at the same time, 1 person is allergic to a common food one of the top 10 foods. Sunflower and Sesame Seeds tie for number 9, so I'm calling it top 10 for now. 2) Truth is, when we look at 2 identical products to buy, we will choose the one labeled $2.99 over $3 every time because $2.99 appears to be a lot lower! Unfortunately, thats how we tend to look at 4%. 4% just isnt a very high number when we compare it to 96% of the population that doesnt have any food allergies at all. No, they may not have a food allergy, but still the fact remains that at least 1 in 250 people are having allergic reactions to rare foods. The other fact remains that you can still die from Anaphylactic shock. Whether that food you react is a "common" allergy is a moot point. If you die, from a food allergy, you are still dead. What makes it not a moot point is that you are less likely to die from a common food allergy because you are protected with priviledged food labels that those of us with rare food allergies don't have the luxury of having. We are discriminated against, by law. 3) It is not practical to test for every single food, spice, drink, additive, preservative, and so on, thats out there. The cost is just too prohibitive when we consider how many we would have to test for when only 1 in 250 people even have a rare allergy. This is where the Elimination Diet comes in. This is also where you advocating for you comes in. Thats because after you have successfully did the Elimination diet and found the foods you react to, you still have to convince your Doctor that a Allergy Test for those specific items is warranted. Furthermore, you may not react to the RAST or Skin Test even though you know that when you eat the food, you are definitely reacting. Yes it is possible to not

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Allergic Vegetarian: Recipes for all Allergies! Vegan, Dairy, Egg, Seaf...

react to the test even though you just got out of the hospital because the only thing you ate that day was the offending food and you did go into shock. 4) This chart also tells us how many people are affected each day by ignorant laws passed bycongress. Did you know that not every item in that food you buy is on the label? Take Veggie Broth for example, specifically the kind found in canned Tuna. FDA: CFR Code of Regulations Title 21 concerns what is legal for canned Tuna. It was revised as of April 1, 2010. In short, Soy Broth must be listed if used, but that broth can also contain the following 13 items... Beans, Cabbage, Carrots, Celery, Garlic, Onions, Parsley, Peas, Potatoes, Green Bell Peppers, Red Bell Peppers, Spinach and Tomatoes! This means that those with Nightshade Allergies are out of luck. Fortunately for those with Legume allergies, soy is considered a legume and thus they are forewarned. I, on the other hand, react to 6 on that list, but not all of them am I anaphylactic too, thankfully! Personally, I believe that every item for human use if ingested or used topically, should have on its label every single ingredient. Im allergic to the more rarer foods: Radishes, Horse Radish, Mustard, Cinnamon just to name a few. But, what is more important are the signs to look out for, as not everyone gets Hives. Faintness, unconsciousness, swelling, food getting caught in the throat, asthma, vomiting or nausea, cramping, Stomach pains, diarrhea, burning in the mouth, nose or throat, tingling sensation in the lips or mouth, extremely low blood pressure, itching sensations... are all possible signs of a true allergy. When you do get tested, be sure you eat Wheat every day for the previous eight weeks, and get tested for Celiac Disease as well. 1 in 200 people are estimated to have a Gluten Intolerance. This intolerance when undiagnosed can cause many health issues due to anemia from the gluten attacking the intestines, and creating holes in them. Please allow me to put in a plug for EGID.... If you find food, pills, Vitamin tablets all seems to get stuck in your throat and acid-reducer meds don't help you stop food from coming up, then do get tested for EGID. EGID is Eosinophilic Gastrointestinal Disorders, and causes Eosinophils to develop. However, EGID is still being studied and understood, so I recommend going to APFED Org for more information. You also may not react to histmamines when tested for food allergies. If you don't react, ask the doctor to check your blood for an over abundance of white blood cells, specifically Eosinophils. This is a rare disorder, but for me, this was one of the signs. The other sign is reacting to too many foods, but not necessarily, anaphylactically. Bananas cause EGID issues in me. A very tiny amount of Banana ate when I have extreme diahrea will cause me to bevery constipated, instantly. With 1 in 250 people having a rare food allergy, you can be allergic to anything. Incidentally, there are approximately 6,897,688,139 people in the world. Of these, 27,590,752 have a rare food allergy. That is still a lot of people with Food Allergies that are said to be so rare, that they might not exist. The only one who is going to give you the care you deserve is you! If you don't like the results of what one Doctor says, get another one! Only you can be your best Advocate.

Copyright by Kytriya, February 1st, 2011

Copyrighted by Kytriya. All rights reserved thru 2012. This site is not intended to replace the advice and supervision of your Allergist Specialist. We strive for 100% accuracy in everything posted here, but as new information is proven in the Scientific Community, information found here might be outdated, despite our best efforts to stay on top of the latest truths. We can not assume any legal responsibility for any illness obtained while following the advice contained on this site or using the recipes on this site.

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