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Date Day 1 2/21/2011


Food 6:10 dosa (fermented pancake) atukula upma (pressed rice grains meal) cauliflower curry 6:25 glass of milk 12:45 cauliflower curry rice 3:40 icy twist (ice block) 5:30 Maggi noodles 9:00 rice cauliflower curry sambar (lentil soup with vegetables) 6:45 idli (rice cakes) 7:00 glass of milk 11:00 potato chips nut bar 1:05 chickpea curry rice 5:10 coco-cola can 375mL 6:30 Tim tam Hedgehog slice 6:45 maggi noodles 9:00 chickpea curry rice sambar (lentil soup with vegetables) 6:15 dosa (fermented pancake) potato curry sambar (lentil soup with vegetables) 6:30 glass of milk 1:00 rice potato curry 3:40 potato chips 5:40 Maggi noodles 8:45 potato curry rice sambar (lentil soup with vegetables) 6:10 idli (rice cakes) sambar (lentil soup with vegetables) 11:00 pizza flavoured shapes (baked biscuits) 1:00 rice beans curry 3:40 nutbar 4:30 Maggi noodles 9:00 rice beans curry sambar (lentil soup with vegetables)





6:15 dosa (fermented pancake) chickpea curry 11:00 special k caramel chocolate bottom bar 1:00 rice chickpea curry 4:30 chocolate biscuits 5:30 rice potato curry tomato and peas curry chocolate cake 10:30 dosa (fermented pancake) chickpea and spinach curry 11:45 pepsi max (one glass) 1:30 rice chickpea and spinach curry bottle gourd chutney 5:40 pepsi max 375mL 6:00 pizza garlic bread 7:30 lemon rice 9:45 lemon rice chickpea and spinach curry



8:45 dosa (fermented pancake) bottle gourd chutney 9:45 a glass of milk 11:00 cashew nuts 1:20 rice chickpea and spinach curry youghurt sambar (lentil soup with vegetables) 5:00 Maggi masala noodles 6:00 pepsi max 8:45 rice chickpea and spinach curry sambar (lentil soup with vegetables)

Food group Grain Grain Vegetables and fruit Dairy Vegetables and fruit Grain Fats, oils and sweets Grain Grain Vegetables and fruit Vegetables and fruit Grain Dairy Fats, oils and sweets Meat and protein Grain Grain Fats, oils and sweets Fats, oils and sweets Fats, oils and sweets Grain Grain Grain Vegetables and fruit Grain Vegetables and fruit Vegetables and fruit Dairy Grain Vegetables and fruit Fats, oils and sweets Grain Vegetables and fruit Grain Vegetables and fruit Grain Vegetables and fruit Grain Grain Vegetables and fruit Meat and protein Grain Grain Vegetables and fruit Vegetables and fruit

Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Fats, oils and sweets Grain Vegetables and fruit Vegetables and fruit Fats, oils and sweets Grain Vegetables and fruit Fats, oils and sweets Grain Vegetables and fruit Vegetables and fruit Fats, oils and sweets Vegetables and fruit Grain Grain Grain Vegetables and fruit

Grain Vegetables and fruit Dairy Meat and protein Grain Vegetables and fruit Dairy Vegetables and fruit Grain Fats, oils and sweets Grain Vegetables and fruit Vegetables and fruit

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