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Collective consciousness can alter the cosmic design; believe it or not.

A lot many of us have read about Edgar cacy; a gentleman known as an American Psychic who lived around 65 years ago. Although his domain was quite restricted to healing wherein he would listen to the voice of any ailing patient sitting right opposite or distant; his paranormal abilities shall reveal to him about the exactness of the ailment and also suggest through him the appropriate medication. Well Edgar cacy on few occasions exceeded to the normal ambit of his psychic abilities and undertook a leap towards reading the distant past and future. He was not only able to reveal some information upon lost civilisations but also was able to predict about the some future movements designed for our planet. He revealed through his extraordinary psychic ability that this world was heading the stage of completion in its present state and thereafter the life on this planet might conclude towards total extinction though the time line was not exactly predicted by him but it was somehow observed by critics as the same predicted by the Maya calendar and Nostradamus. And as we all know that today we are almost into the same time span that has been indicated by prophecies as the time to wrap up the entire business of life on this planet. Edgar cacy made another remarkable mention that finds its endorsement under various other sources of the ancient wisdom. He mentioned that although the alteration into the cosmic design in larger context was a subject beyond ordinary comprehension

leaves aside the probability factor; but the collective consciousness bore capability to impress and totally alter the cosmic design. In clear terms he stated that when people collectively resolve for some change in this world then the cosmic will shall recast itself in its accordance. The mention does not restrict any ethnicity, caste, creed, religion or race privileged to impress the cosmic will the mention absolves the mention of all barriers that divide this world. Worldwide there are several great seers; even today unheard by most because such elevated souls are always alleviated to gravitational allure of the subjects in this world therefore they are not ordinarily visible but yet they relentlessly continue to work for the larger good. This author is also aware of few such worthy enlightened entities who had made a mention of this culmination of this planet around thirty to forty years ago they had also made it a mention that they shall commune amongst their alike to impress and motivate all minds upon this planet to somehow think and convey the ultimate field of consciousness to sustain this planet safely through the predicted end. These elevated beings were able to garner the conscious contribution from a fair size of this planet to serve their noble objectives their manner and mode were different at some places it was revival of spiritualism at some it was offering of oblations at a larger scale at other it was concern towards saving this planet on environmental grounds it was also through voicing of disarmament that could destroy this planet to extent touching more than three hundred times there were endeavours of human rights there were elimination of forces that project danger to human life at mass levels I can easily mention that their efforts (enlightened ones) accomplished and are still engaged, unnoticeably at planes comprehensible and incomprehensible to human brain.

The events of that subtler domain shall only appear to us in their entirety once the actual handwork of the enlightened ones is over those shall be the moments to understand as to how we acted willingly but as manoeuvred by the will of those noblest ones to change the cosmic design for this planet our planet. As some of the wise men mark; you may understand a lot and you may miss to understand enough it does not matter what matters is what are our efforts consciously deployed for harmonious life upon this planet. None can ever deny claiming that I do not know how to join my hands, close my eyes and offer a prayer for the well being of all inhabitants upon this planet. If this bit is done than it goes with certitude that our part in the herculean assignment of the enlightened ones is dispensed you never know when you are noticed praying and offered a much larger role to play in smart words offering prayers for the larger good is also like making a mention for your eligibility to handle larger assignments in this world go getting and claim your eligibility right this moment onwards

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