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The Con-stitution was the begining of the New World Order in America Libertarianism and the Ron Paul

"Revolution" has hit a fever pitch this time of year and all over the truth movement there is one cherished belief that seems immune from criticism. The belief I'm referring to is the idea that the Constitution is our gateway to freedom and that the Constitution is tyranny's greatest enemy. Well I'm here to tell you that this belief is false. What I tell you in this note will determine whether or not you help usher in another decade of parchment worship or whether you make your way past the last gatekeepers on your way out of Plato's Cave. First of all the Constitution is an illegal document. That's right, the Constitution is an illegal document.

The Articles of Confederation which was our preceding Governmental document clearly specified that the Articles could not be replaced with another document legally unless ALL of the states voted unanimously in favor of the change. The Articles of Confederation stated:

"And the articles of this Confederation shall be inviolably observed by every state, and the Union shall be PERPETUAL; nor shall any alteration at any time hereafter be made of any of them; unless such alteration be agreed to in a Congress of the United States, and be afterwards confirmed by the legislatures of every state."--Article XIII, Section 1; The Articles of Confederation (1781) Now you must understand that under the Articles of Confederation the government had no power to COLLECT TAXES or CREATE A STANDING ARMY! Mysteriously you cannot find a single free copy online of the Articles of Confederation why do you think this is? Once people got wind of the fact that the new Constitution created by the founding fathers created a federal government that could tax the people any way it saw fit and tthat could form a eternally present Federal Army people started to voice their opposition and to let the founders know they knew what they were trying to pull. Many at the Pennsylvania Ratifying convention correctly saw the Constitution as the intial step of rule by consolidation and the elimination of States Rights: "We dissent, secondly, because the powers vested in Congress by this constitution, must necessarily annihilate and absorb the legislative, executive, and judicial powers of the several states, and produce from their ruins one consolidated government, which from the nature of things will be an iron handed despotism, as nothing short of the supremacy of despotic sway could connect and govern these United States under one government." ns/timeline/newnatn/usconst/disspenn.html

Sounds like the New World Order to me. The State Gazette of South Carolina printed the following poem bringing attention to the obvious tyranny being legalized under the Constitution:

"The New Constitution. 28 January 1788 In evil hour his pen squire Adams drew. Claiming dominion for his well born few: In the grey circle of of St James plac`d. He wrote,and, writing, has his work desgrac`d. Smit with the splendor of a British King The crown prevailed, so once despised a thing! Shelburne and Pitt approved all he wrote While Rush and Wilson echo back his note. Tho British army's could not here prevail. Yet British politics shall turn the scale. In five short years of Freedom weary grown. We quit our plain Republics for a throne; Congress and President full proof shall bring, A mere disguise for Parliament and King." A standing army!--curse the plan so base; A despots safety--Liberty's disgrace-Who sav`d these realms from Britons bloody hand, Who, but the generous rustics of the land; That free-born race ,inur`d to every toil,Who tame the ocean and subdue the soil, Who tyrants banish`d from this injur`d shore. Domestic traitors may expel once more.Ye, who have bled in Freedoms sacred cause, Ah, why desert her maxims and her laws? When thirteen states are molded into one, Your rights are vanish`d and you honors gone; The Form of freedom shall alone remain, As Rome had Senators when she hugged the chain. Sent to revise your systems, not to change. Sages have done what reason seems most strange: Some alterations in our fabric we Calmly propos`d, and hoped at length to see--Ah, how deceived!--these heros in reknown. Scheme for themselves-and pull the fabric down. Bid in it`s place Columbia's tombstone rise, Inscrib`d with these sad words--Here Freedom lies!" At the time the Constitution was being created the Founding Fathers were busy propagandizing under pseudonyms about how we would be invaded by other countries and bogeymen any moment and how we needed a strong National Government with a Strong Federal Army to protect us as a result. Sound familiar? Patrick Henry exposed this in a famous quote in from of the Philly Ratifying Convention: "It is urged by some gentlemen, that this new plan will bring us an acquisition of strength an army, and the militia of the states. This is an idea extremely ridiculous: gentlemen cannot be earnest. This acquisition will trample on our fallen liberty. Let my beloved Americans guard against that fatal lethargy that has pervaded the universe. Have we the means of resisting disciplined armies, when our only defence, the militia, is put into the hands of Congress? The honorable gentleman said that great danger would ensue if the Convention rose without adopting this system. I ask, Where is that danger? I see none. Other gentlemen have told us, within these walls, that the union is gone, or that the

union will be gone. Is not this trifling with the judgment of their fellow-citizens? Till they tell us the grounds of their fears, I will consider them as imaginary. I rose to make inquiry where those dangers were; they could make no answer: I believe I never shall have that answer. Is there a disposition in the people of this country to revolt against the dominion of laws? Has there been a single tumult in Virginia? Have not the people of Virginia, when laboring under the severest pressure of accumulated distresses, manifested the most cordial acquiescence in the execution of the laws? What could be more awful than their unanimous acquiescence under general distresses? Is there any revolution in Virginia? Whither is the spirit of America gone? Whither is the genius of America fled? It was but yesterday, when our enemies marched in triumph through our country. Yet the people of this country could not be appalled by their pompous armaments: they stopped their career, and victoriously captured them. Where is the peril, now, compared to that? Some minds are agitated by foreign alarms. Happily for us, there is no real danger from Europe; that country is engaged in more arduous business: from that quarter there is no cause of fear: you may sleep in safety forever for them. Where is the danger? If, sir, there was any, I would recur to the American spirit to defend us; that spirit which has enabled us to surmount the greatest difficulties: to that illustrious spirit I address my most fervent prayer to prevent our adopting a system destructive to liberty. Let not gentlemen be told that it is not safe to reject this government. Wherefore is it not safe? We are told there are dangers, but those dangers are ideal; they cannot be demonstrated."

The Constitution was NEVER approved by the people it was drafter by wealthy landowners who were often lawyers in a building with guards outside the doors and the windows drawn. This was done under the tightest secrecy. We weren't even allowed to see the record of the proceedings from the drafters until 53 YEARS AFTER when James Madison's notes were released in 1840:

"Madison's Notes were not published until about 1840, perhaps to fulfill an early decision by the original convention forbidding disclosure of the proceedings, to which Madison may have felt himself bound while the other participants lived, and it was after all the rest of them had died that he did finally publish them." Sound familiar? If this was a document to supposedly free the people why all the secrecy? We still have the system in place today where government secrets are not

released until 50 years after the fact. After the Constitution was signed and Ben Franklin came from within the guarded building he was asked by the press what form of Government they'd given us and he replied "A Republic if you can keep it" but he knew damned well it was not written in a language specific enough for us to "keep it." Ben Franklin of course was the same man who attended Satanic orgies regularly he was also a Freemason:

Recently the remains of 10 bodies were discovered under Ben Franklin's home:

It was discovered that: "Workers restoring the former London home of Benjamin Franklin have discovered the remains of 10 bodies buried beneath the kitchen floor. Initial estimates are that the bones date back 200 years and were buried at the time the founding father of American independence lived in the house, from 1757 to 1762, the Times newspaper said Wednesday.Most of the bones show signs of having been sawn or cut, and one skull has been drilled with holes." George Washington and at least 9 of the signers of the Constitution as well as at least 33 of the 74 generals in the Colonial Army were also Freemasons. James Madison is speculated to have been a Freemason as well:

Now back to the Constititusion. In the following quotes we will examine some of the words of the Founding Fathers regarding the people and their views on coercive power to see what their motivation was in writing this document and I will provide links whenever I can: "All communities divide themselves into the few and the many. The first are the rich and well born, the other the mass of the people.... The people are turbulent and changing; they seldom judge or determine right. Give therefore to the first class a distinct, permanent share in the government. They will check the

unsteadiness of the second, and as they cannot receive any advantage by change, they therefore will ever maintain good government." Alexander Hamilton

George Washington wrote to Alexander Hamilton months before the Constitution was ratified: "The Men who oppose a strong & energetic government are, in my opinion, narrow minded politicians, or are under the influence of local views." "The people immediately should have as little to do as may be about the Government. They want information and are constantly liable to be misled." Roger Sherman Here is the so called Father of the Constitution James Madison remarking on how the people who opposed the Constitution because the people were not allowed to vote for Senators were mistaken due to his idea that too much freedom for the people created an opportunity for abuses: "In answer to all these arguments, suggested by reason, illustrated by examples, and enforced by our own experience, the jealous adversary of the constitution will probably content himself with repeating, that a senate appointed not immediately by the people, and for the term of six years, must gradually acquire a dangerous preeminence in the government, and finally transform it into a tyrannical aristocracy. To this general answer the general reply ought to be sufficient; that liberty may be endangered by the abuses of liberty, as well as by the abuses of power; that there are numerous instances of the former as well as of the latter; and that the former rather than the latter is apparently most to be apprehended by the United States."

We actually weren't given the right to even elect Senators until 1913
5 utionRon

Paul thinks giving people the right to elect Senators at all was a bad idea: Paul also supports the Electoral College which makes our supposed right to vote in the President a joke:

"Democracy, we are told, is always good. But the founders created a constitutionally limited republic precisely to protect fundamental liberties from the whims of the masses, to guard against the excesses of democracy. The Electoral College likewise was created in the Constitution to guard against majority tyranny in federal elections. The President was to be elected by the states rather than the citizenry as a whole, with votes apportioned to states according to their representation in Congress. The will of the people was to be tempered by the wisdom of the Electoral College."

Merriam Webster's Dictionary defines the Electoral College as:


: a body of electors; especially: one that elects the president and vice president of the United States " Now ask yourself how can we the people have a voice when the Electoral College has the right to elect the President.

The Electoral College is the big government magic trick that put George W Bush in office despite the fact that Al Gore recieved more votes from the people!

Ron Paul obviously supported this. This is how much they despise the average man.Compare this to Geroge Washington's view of the people and you understand

why Paul admires the founders so much and where he gets his views from:

"We have probably had too good an opinion of human nature in forming our confederation. Experience has taught us, that men will not adopt & carry into execution, measures the best calculated for their own good without the intervention of a coercive power. I do not conceive we can exist long as a nation, without having lodged somewhere a power which will pervade the whole Union in as energetic a manner, as the authority of the different state governments extends over the several States. To be fearful of vesting Congress, constituted as that body is, with ample authorities for national purposes, appears to me the very climax of popular absurdity and madness...We must take human nature as we find it. Perfection falls not to the share of mortals. Many are of opinion that Congress have too frequently made use of the suppliant humble tone of requisition, in applications to the States, when they had a right to assume their imperial dignity and command obedience." George Washington to John Jay15 August 1786

Washington was the man who used the power of the Federal Government under the new Constitution to command the Army in putting down the Whiskey Rebellion a few years later which was a tax protest against the powers Washington and his peers had given themselves to tax the people under this illegal document:

"In early 1791, to help pay off the resulting national debt, Congress used its new constitutional authority to "lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises" and passed the first nationwide internal revenue tax...Unlike tariffs paid on goods imported into the United States, the excise tax on distilled spirits was a direct tax on Americans who produced whiskey and other alcohol spirits...From the beginning, the Federal government had little success in collecting the whiskey tax along the frontier. While many small western distillers simply refused to pay the tax, others took a more violent stand against it. Federal revenue officers and local residents who assisted them bore the brunt of the protester's ire. Tax rebels tarred and feathered several whiskey tax collectors On September 25th, the President issued a proclamation declaring that he would not allow "a small portion of the United States [to] dictate to the whole union," and called on all persons "not to abet, aid, or comfort the Insurgents." [7] After leading the troops to Bedford, Washington returned to Philadelphia in late October and placed General Henry "Lighthorse" Lee, a Revolutionary War hero and governor of Virginia, in command.

Washington left a letter with Lee with instructions to combat those "who may be

found in arms in opposition to the National will and authority" and "to aid and support the civil Magistrate in bringing offenders to justice."

Get it? The people were so upset with this Constitutional tyranny that tax collectors were being tarred and feathered!!!!And what was the legacy of the Whiskey Rebellion and Washington's response?

"In the end, the Whiskey Rebellion served as one of the first tests of the new Constitution and the Federal government's authority. It was also the greatest domestic crisis of President Washington's administration. The successful suppression of the Whiskey Rebellion helped to confirm the supremacy of Federal law in the early United States and the right of Congress to levy and collect taxes on a nation-wide basis."

So if any of you think you are rebelling against tyranny by being Libertarian and voting for Libertarian's like Ron Paul you are sadly mistaken. You are simply supporting old school tyranny as opposed to new school tyranny. And guess what the only difference is? You brand of tyranny is simply "legal". Ron Paul knows this, Alex Jones knows it. The Constitution was created due to a revulsion for the people and out of a desire to gut States rights. Many people at the time knew this. That's why when Patrick Henry was asked why he didn't join the Ratifying Convention he stated:"Because I smelt a rat"

So now with all of this background let's get into the meat of the Constitution and really examine what rights we have under it and how much influence we have over the direction it takes. I've already demonstrated that Congress has the power to tax the people under the Constitution and that the Federal government was given a standing army and that the Electoral College makes voting for the PResident a joke so I won't go into that any further here. In addition to having the power to lay taxes on the people Congress also has the power to dictate its own salary derived from those taxes!

The people elect Senators and Congressmen but the head of the Senate is the Vice President:

This makes the idea that the Constitution created Seperation of Powers a joke because it mixes the Executive with the Legislative branch. The President appoints Supreme Court Justices for life and the Supreme Court has the right to decide what our First Amendment right of freedom of expression means depending on how they feel:

"The Supreme Court interprets the extent of the protection afforded to these rights. The First Amendment has been interpreted by the Court as applying to the entire federal government"

If a branch appointed by the president for LIFE has the right to dictate what our freedom of expression means that effectively guts our Bill of Rights folks. Also we have to ask ourselves what power do we have to remove Congressmen Senators or the PResident from office after we "vote" them in under the Constitution? None! We have no say so over what these people do once they are in office. Those who tell you over and over again that the Constitution protects us from big government like Ron Paul are pulling you back into the Matrix with Red White and Blue candy. The Constitution is Gig Government incarnate!!!! This is all in addition to the fact that the Constitution was only meant to give white land owning males rights under the document. It was not intended for black people, Native Americans who the land was stolen from, or women so why all the romantacism of the Founding Fathers if these people feeding you this garbage aren't elitists themselves? Think about it. In closing I will leave you with a link on what anti-federalism meant. Please read all this information and share this note with all of those misled by Con-stitutionalists like Ron Paul and Alex Jones. Use these people as stepping stones out of the Cave don't allow them to pull you back in with these myths:


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