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EDU 631 Response Activity (9-10) Part One: 1.

I believe it is important to have skills to help deal with behavior problems for a couple of reasons. Sometimes parents are not aware of a behavior problem that occurs in a particular classroom. Lets take reading for example if a child is struggling in reading and he/she knows it is going to be his or her day to read aloud he or she may be more likely to get kicked out of class. It is important for the teacher to be aware of these types of situations in order to fully explain this to the parent. Behavior issues are all to common in todays classrooms but how teachers deal with them can make the difference. I believe it is important if find out what a child is trying to achieve through that behavior before I begin to make any rash decision about what I must do. In order to get a grasp of this type of situation a teacher must be aware of the childs home situation, must talk to the parents and see how the child behaves at home and see how the child behaves in other situations; this is where the team concept is great. After a detailed background check has been determined teachers can then determine the best avenue to take with the type of behavior being displayed in the classroom. 2. I am always looking for ways to improve myself as a teacher. I want to display the best model as possible. I think that it would be nave to think that after three years I am the greatest teacher out there. Everyday students teach me something new. I try and instill positive consistent behavior in all the students I teach through consistently high standard that I set for my students. I expect my students to be respectful, to say yes sir, no sir and to speak when spoken to. This is an expectation of my classroom. I give my students respect and they give me respect. We talk often about choices that are made. This year has been the best year so far. I have only written two referrals and both students knew it was from the choices that they made. My students make me proud to say I am there teacher.

Part Two: Present and Conduct Yourself in a Professional Manner Chapter 9 I like Glassers seven steps to effective problem solving I use something very similar it does work Ch 10 it is very important to understand the underlying cause of student behavior and the need to keep a student in the classroom. Teachers must be aware of how functional assessment is conducted. Ch-10 Must be aware of what is going on in the classroom with the student sometimes this is better seen from outside observation and discussion Clarify Student Behavior CH 9 Students must be aware of their own behavior, if they are not aware they are breaking the rules everything else will be ineffective Ch 10 Must have data that is observable behavior in order to alter that behavior

EDU 631 Response Activity (9-10) Ch10 Develop a contract that will improve behavior, sometimes contracts will be broken.

Establish/Maintain Caring Classroom Conditions Ch 9 I believe when you establish a caring classroom environment students will come to you as a class with their concerns. This allows for a great time for class meetings. I have done this often of things like locker breaks and bell schedules that students are having problems with in a particular class. Ch 10- Using token reinforcements to improve behavior. This is done frequently in many schools all around with point systems, points earned on tests, etc. Encourage Respectful Student Behavior CH-9 Conflicts can be handled between students with just a little teacher intervention when a respectful classroom has been established. I must frequently deal with peer conflict resolution and when both sides are allowed to state their side generally we have a good outcome. Many times it has to do with the instigator who is not available at the time.

Intervene Helpfully when Misbehavior occurs Ch9 incorporating a behavior management plan for students with major behavior concerns can alleviate or cut down on the number of office referrals. This would be one more intervention before sending the student to the office. Part Three: will have in class by time it is due. Thank you for the time off.

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