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Class Warfare

In 2008, when running for President, Obama & the entire Democrat machine (including the Media) constantly pushed Hope & Change According to them, George Bush and the Republicans had destroyed the country and caused the financial meltdown. Rich people were bad, Wall Street was bad, corporations were evil, and anyone who was making money needed to share the wealth. Pay their fair share. First off, for 6 of George's 8 years, the Democrats held control in both Houses of the legislature. When the government is run according to the rules, who can spend money? Congress That's right, Congress is in control of the money1. The President can only suggest how and where money is spent. So, did George cause the financial/housing market collapse? NO The root cause of the housing/banking bubble and subsequent collapse was a little known program designed by the Democrats to even the field, called The Community Reinvestment Act (CRA). The CRA was designed to help low income people Live the American Dream and own a home. How? By forcing Banks to ease up on loan restrictions and give loans to people who normally would not qualify due to lack of income. Two important things here: 1) The number 1 purpose of every business is to make money. 2) Banks are businesses. Making home loans more affordable through lower interest rates, and having to make loans that were risky, threatened the banks' outlooks for making money. So, lobbyists & lawyers for the banking industry talked congress into allowing them to sell these risky loans as a thing of value on the market. This way, they could offset the risk to themselves. (This is why congress put in the individual mandate in Obamacare. Insurance companies were going to be forced to cover people with pre-existing conditions, which was a risk to their profits. Therefore, lobbyists said that they could live with insuring high-risk patients as long as congress made it so EVERYBODY had to buy insurance.) Over the years, these high-risk loans kept getting bundled together and more and more people were investing money in them. Pretty much a Ponzi scheme, and like any Ponzi scheme, eventually you run out of people to invest in it and it all comes crashing down.
1 When the rules are followed, The House of Representatives make a Bill (say a yearly budget), and passes it on to the Senate. After it passes the Senate, it is sent to the President for his signature. Please refer to the Schoolhouse Rock song: I'm just a Bill.

The Dems also like to cite the expenses of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan as causes for Government debt. They approved the money for these actions every time. Had they not, we would have had to pull our troops out sooner. Sure, there was also a lot of government spending on other crap that added to the debt, and Repubs & Dems alike are responsible. The Dems have, for years, demonized Repubs and anyone who made a success of themselves as being greedy and/or evil. Wouldn't the greedy ones be the people who want something for nothing? Socialism, Social Engineering in itself, is class warfare. Nobody deserves to have more than somebody else. We need to have affluent people in our society. It gives people an incentive. Something to work towards. (In normal people) If you look at Communist/Socialist governments, you will see that there are some people who are not equal to the masses. They sit far above the common citizen. These people are the government officials. The centralized government gives them ultimate power over the masses. This is the ultimate goal of the Democrats. They could give a shit less about the poor. They want power. The more people who remain independent through individual responsibility, and provide for themselves, the less power they have. The less control by the Federal government over states and local units of government, the less power. If you believe the democrats, you think that Conservative Republicans and rich people and big corporations are the cause of poverty and other problems in this country. Take a look at Cities or States that have been under Democrat rule. If you want to see poverty and downfall, look to these. Here's a poignant example of Social engineering versus free market/free enterprise: Hiroshima 1946:

Detroit 1946:

Hiroshima Today:

Detroit Today:

If working hard does not give you the opportunity to rise above those who work less, you will put in less effort. That is simply the nature of man. The Declaration of Independence states that 3 truths (not ideas, truths) are self-evident: Life Liberty (Individual Freedom) Property2

and to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their JUST powers from the CONSENT of the governed. In The Law by French economist Frederic Bastiat (1865 or so) he says, Under such an administration,everyone would understand that he possessed all the privileges as well as responsibilities of his existence. Keyword: RESPONSIBILITIES No one would have any argument with government provided that his person was respected, his labor was free, and the fruits of his labor were protected against all unjust attack. When successful, we would not have to thank the state for our success. And, conversely, when unsuccessful, we would no more think of blaming the state for our misfortune than would the farmers blame the state because of hail or frost. Here is where the Libertarians start to falter. Bastiat goes on to say, If every person has the right to defend even by force his peerson, liberty, and his property, then it follows that a group of men have the right to organize and support a common force to protect these rights constantly. (Government) ..... Thus, since an individual cannot lawfully use force against the person, liberty or property of another individual, then the common force for the same reason cannot lawfully be used to destroy the person, liberty, or property of individuals or groups. Taking money from someone by force (threatening property or liberty) is stealing. Yet the government does it daily. They say we must pay taxes in order to pay for services provided by the governments, but isn't it funny that the people who use the most services pay the least amount of taxes? This is done primarily to garner votes which in turn keeps the bureaucrats in power. Allowing everybody the right to vote is another way of maintaining that power. Allowing the poor the right to vote for someone who will give them stuff is absolutely absurd. If only the productive people in society were allowed to vote, more people would strive to be productive in order to gain the pwer to choose their government, and the Democrats would have to actually do things that help the country, or be sent packing. The people who support the Democrats are basically voting with their hands out. It is shameful. What is the simplest form of class warfare practiced daily in this country? The progressive income tax. The progressive income tax is a direct punishment on those who succeed. You always hear the term The less fortunate when referring to the poor. This would imply that the wealthy are
2 Property is the original wording. Pursuit of happiness was added later. Please also note that even the modified version says pursuit of happiness, not a right to it.

fortunate. Definition: favored by or involving good luck. This would indicate that anyone making good money, did so by shear luck, not by hard work. If you punish someone for working hard and succeeding, they will eventually stop. Do you rub your dog's nose in the wet spot on the carpet to encourage him to do it more? Righteous government as described above, ...has been perverted by the influence of two entirely different causes: stupid greed and false philanthropy. Bastiat Helping the poor by forcing others to pay for it, is not charity it is false philanthropy. Stupid greed is the people begging for it and the politicians who want the power to do it. Self preservation and self-improvement are common traits of successful people. If everyone were allowed to freely produce and have the freedom to do as they wish with the fruits of their labor, social progress would be ceaseless. There is another trait common to man, that is not an attack on any group or person, it is merely an observation of the history of man: When they can, people will try to live and prosper at the expense of others. Wars, mass migrations, religious persecutions, universal slavery, dishonesty in business and monopolies bear witness to this fact. People tend to want to satisfy their desires with the least possible effort. Our government (especially the Liberal Democrats) has spent the majority of its time and resources on making people dependent on government entitlement programs in order to make them more powerful. Our current administration has been on a fast track to sew up that power as quickly as possible. The plan has been in place for decades, and has been exponentially applied. This plan was laid out in 1966 by 2 college professors named Richard Cloward & Frances Fox Piven, both admitted socialists. Their strategy to install a Socialist government In the U.S. was to overburden the government and hence the economy with entitlement programs (sound familiar?). They wrote a paper entitled The Weight of the Poor: A Strategy to End Poverty In this paper, they posited that many Americans who were eligible for welfare were not receiving it and that a welfare drive would create a political crisis that would force politicians, particularly the Democratic Party, to enact legislation establishing a guaranteed national income. The paper focused on forcing the Democratic Party, which held the White House and both houses of Congress in 1966, to take federal action to help the poor. They said that full enrollment of those eligible for welfare would overload the system and cause fiscal disruption in State & local governments. This would force a deepening of divisions amongst the elements of the Democratic coalitions; the white middle class, the white working class, and the minority poor. To avoid a further weakening of this coalition, (in order to maintain their power), the Democratic administration would be forced to advance a federal solution to poverty. In other words, they wanted to overburden the entitlement programs to a point where the government would have to step in and take complete control of the entire economy. They

would have to provide for everyone. A Socialist State Conspiracy Theory? Social Security is going broke Medicare & Medicaid are on an unsustainable path States need Federal $$ to keep their welfare programs afloat The Feds have to bolster States' unemployment programs This shit is happening people, and it is happening on purpose! Remember Frances Fox Piven mentioned above? She is a financial adviser to King Barry. The main purpose of this paper is to point out the reason(s) we MUST vote responsibly this year in the November elections. This Socialist Utopian Dream is dangerously close to full implementation. Our country cannot survive another 4 years of this Socialist agenda. We cannot attempt to make an ideological statement with our votes. We cannot afford to make history with our votes. We must nominate and elect the most Conservative person who is fully capable of defeating Barack Obama. We must take control of the Senate. (I believe we only need about 4 more seats to do so.) After we accomplish this, then we can work on weeding out the undesirables in the Republican party. If we try to do both, we and our country will lose. These people currently in charge are, more & more, working around the Constitution to achieve their ultimate goal. Why are they working around the Constitution? The Constitution is primarily about placing restrictions on government. It lays out what government cannot and should not do. It goes a long way towards limiting the power of government, but that is a whole other topic. Our Republic form of government is the longest lasting in the history of this planet. This is because of the Constitution of the United States of America, not despite of it. Working against or around it can only result in our demise.

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