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Terms: 1. 2. 3. 4. User Story - Requirements are broken down into small (possibly) demo-able subrequirements with estimates of around 14hrs Product Owner- Generally Business analyst who defines the requirements Scrum Master The person who heads an agile team (generally a team of 7 8 people , both developers and testers together) Daily Standup/Scrum meeting - A 15 mins meeting early in the morning to discuss the following a. What did I do yesterday b. Where there any impediments(blocking issues) c. What will I be doing today Every team member comes in and tells their progress. Project Manager is generally not a part of this meeting. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Product Backlog All the requirements broken down in the form of user stories Iteration - Planning is based on iteration (2 weeks or 3 weeks generally) Sprint - 1 iteration, generally used when planning Cards Every user story is written on a post-it or card and pasted on the agile board (dedicated board for every scrum team) Story Point Every user story is given a value based (1,3,5,13 depend on the company )on the complexity of the task. Planning Meeting This meeting is to discuss and plan as to what will go in the next sprint. a. User Stories are prioritized in the product backlog by the product owner. Based on the priority the stories are picked up. b. Every one picks up their tasks and see what can be fitted in the sprint or iteration of 2 weeks. c. Leave are also taken into account d. Every user story is given an estimate (Planning poker) e. Every user story has a story point (used for velocity calculation) Retrospective Meeting: - At the end of the sprint, a retrospective is done as to what went well, what went wrong. Demo meeting: - Generally the tasks that have been completed in sprint are demoed in this meeting. Most of the time takes place with retrospective meeting Velocity At the end of sprint the completed story points are added to get the velocity of the sprint. This velocity is tracked and maintained to see any improvements Burn-Down Chart A burn down chart is a x-y axis graph that shows the progress of work on daily basis. Scrum master updates the graph daily or is automatically done using tools like Zira or excel.

11. 12. 13. 14.

15. 16.

Concept : 1. 2. 3. The time is fixed (based on the iteration), scope varies. TDD (Test driven development ) is a key part of Agile where tests are written first and then as the code is written the tests start to pass and go green If 10 stories are planned and a new story of higher priority comes in, then exception can be taken to pick the higher prioritized item and moving the lowest priority task to product backlog


Planning is generally done considering 6.5 working hrs in a day (keeping in mind meetings and other unforeseen events).

Fit testing in Sprints. The code that is developed in Sprint A is tested in Sprint B. In Sprint B the planning is done. Also, the Bug fixes are verified after planning.

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