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=============== PRESENT SIMPLE =============== Who has the longes journey? Who gets up first? What do you do Ruby?

Who spends the most on travel? Do you want to get jobs in London? ========================================================================= Write 5 sentences about how you travel to school! Napi te 5 vt o tom jak cestujete do koly. ------------------------------------------------I travel to school usualy on foot, but when i'm lazy i travel by bus. On the road to school i spend around 20 minute. The road to school is around 2 kilometer long. I travel to school myself or with my frend. ========================================================================= Where do you go / travel from? - odkud cestuje ? 1) What's the topit of the conversation? laptop 2) computer terms: memory, processor (hardware), motherboard, graphic card, mous e, keyboard, ... Harware definition Software definition Make the list at all the software than you use. What do you use it for? Software list: Wordr, Excel, Winamp, Total Commander, Sony Sound Forge, Interne t Explorer, Lexicon 2000, NetBeans I use for this software: Outlook, Mozille Firefox, PSPad, Adobe Photoshop

============= English Lesson 06 ============= Fast-food restaurants: McDonald's, KFC, Burger King, Mix Grill, Asia food Menu: - (cheese)burger - chicken, kung pao - chips, (French) fries - soft drink - beer - rice, noodles - Pork, beef - Vegetables - Desserts - doughtnuts, ice cream, (apple/cherry/fruit) pies, milk shakes - Flavour - vanilla, strawberry, chocolate,... - baguette POSITIVES x NEGATIVES ---------------------------------speed expensive clear quality - fat, oily, calories, not healthy, hot Simple Past Tense! -------------------

!-ed - work -> worked learn -> learned visit -> visiited! live -> lived! stop -> stopped study -> studied play -> played marry -> married pozn.: pomocn sloveso pro minul as je : did !!! pozn.: procvien -> F2F str. 13 -> McDonald's

============= English Lesson 09 ============= flash X lightning thunder storm event -> adlosti action -> rad i pou t event pro njak akci nebo udlosti projt stranu 14 a 15 F2F

go out with someone - jt ven s nkm get engaged to someone - zasnoubit se ask someone out - pozvat nekoho na randa go on a date - jt na rande get married to someone - o enit se vdt se fall in love with someone - zamilovat se meet sameone for the first time - setkat se s nkm poprv break up with someone - rozejt se s nkm divorce - rozvst se

food poisoning - otrava jdlem -> v anglitin se pou pokud ti nen dobe po jdl

============= English Lesson XY ============= procedure [prosd r] fill in (the form) - vyplnit formul I'd like a good salary - dobr plat biln pracovn doba friendly collegues - ptel t kolegov vat my own office - moje vlastn kancel t pov it long holydays - dlouhou dovolenou enou a good job boss - dobr f job security - stl prce to share an office with jobs veterinary doctor - vet I'd like a job with flexible working hours - flexi opportunities for travel - ple itost

opportunities for promotion - ple ito holiday pay - placenou dovol sick pay - placenou nemocenskou one-the-job training - kolen

--------------------HAVE TO - MUSET --------------------I have to do my assignment - musm splnit mj kol Do you have to do your assignment? - mus splnit svj kol? I had to study maths yesterday - musel jsem studovat matematiku vera Did you have to study maths yesterday? - musel jsi vera studovat matematiku? Will you have to study maths tonight? bude muset studovat matematiku dnes veer? I don't have to pay for my study - nemusm platit za studium. I didn't have to pay for my study - nemusel jsem platit za studia 21/6 -> procviovn tohoto ve 3t osob jednotnho sla je you has to do 21/9a tvoen otzek What did Melissa have to do in the holidays? How many final exams does a student vet have to do? How much did Melissa have to pay for her course? How much do pilots have to pay for theyr training now? How many written exams did Nagel have to past? What did he have to do when he started work? (must) must not have got to (mutsn't)

3 exams 30 000,80 000 pounds 12 exams

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game database -------------------------------------------------------------------------stag po adavky: 1 - 4 IT 1 - 3 F2F - krtk odstaveek textu k tomu otzky - a poslech

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