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Injury and 1st aid 2010/2011 A(20 marks) 50 yrs old found unconscious in a office. 1.

Besides heart attack, name 5 other cause of sudden death. 5m Electrocution, drowning, poison, suffocation/choking, insect sting/allergy 2. What should do before helping the man? 2m Check for Danger, remove danger or remove man and myself from danger. Tap on shoulder and ask hello, are you ok? 3. How to open airway? 2m Head tilt, chin lift. Jaw thrust if suspect neck broken. 4. how to listen for breathing? 3m Look for chest rise and movement, listen for breath sound, feel for air from victim s mouth or nose brush past your cheek. To do this, place your ear near victim s mouth and nose. Do this not more than 10 seconds 5. how to know rescue breath is effective? 2m Observe if Chest rise. If no chest rise reposition head by head tilt chin lift. 6. how to check for circulation?2m Feel for heartbeat by feeling for pulse at carotid pulse. Place 2 or 3 fingers on Adam s apple. Slide fingers into groove between Adam s apple and muscle. Feel for pulse. 7. How to do chest compression (depth and rate) 4m Place heel of rescuer s hand at centre of victim chest, then place another hand on top of first hand and lock elbow straight. Shoulders above point of compression. Pressure should be vertically downwards. Use body weight to compress. Push hard and push fast. Allow chest to recoil completely after each compression. Each compression must be 1.5 to 2 inches deep and rate of compression should be about 100 times per minute.

B . 20 mark Someone broke his left arm and is bleeding 1.What is shock? How bleeding lead to shock? 4m Failure of the circulatory system to meet the demands of tissues. Not enough blood reaching tissue such as heart, kidney, and brain. Inadequate tissue perfusion. Shock is a consequence of something else like loss of blood or not enough blood pressure. The loss of blood means there is not enough blood to pump or the pressure is not enough to reach the tissue. Thus leading to shock 2. 2 ways of treating shock? 4m Check for danger, remove danger or remove from danger source. Wear gloves. Be careful. Treat the cause (severe bleeding). Stop bleeding by applying pressure with palm or fingers, use sterile dressing, elevate injured area, tighten bandage and give a sling Keep casualty warm and lie them down. Then increase blood flow to heart and brain by elevating leg. Loosen clothes at neck. Prepare for CPR. Send to hospital as soon as possible. 3. 6 Symptoms of shock? 6m Clammy, moist, sticky and sweating skin Thristy, Dry tongue, lips, mouth, decreased skin turgor Eyes lack luster and dilated, no tears Short, fast, irregular, shallow breath Dizzy, restless, aggressive, breathless,, gasping, cyanosis 4.What is laceration wound? 2m CRUSHING FORCE OBJEK NIPIS TTP TUMPUL TISU KULIT DAN BAWAH KULIT TURUT HILANG (DAMAGED AND LOSS) SELALUNYA LUKA YANG TERKONTAMINASI 5.How to treat laceration wound? 4m STOP THE BLEEDING DIRECT PRESSURE SUTURING ADHESIVE TAPES PROTECT FROM FURTHER BLEEDING K.I.V. ANTIBIOTICS Avoid contamination by sterile dressing, send to hospital.

C 20 mark Friend playing football. Opponent hit his leg 1. What is bruise? 2 m Injure the underlying soft tissue or bone Damage to tissue by abrasion or pressure An injury that doesn't break the skin but results in some discoloration due to ruptured blood vessel under skin from blunt and heavy force or pressure 2. How to treat bruise? 4m PROTECTION, it increases comfort and protects from reoccurring risk of injury. Example are immobilization, sling, splint, braces, taping and crutches. REST, MOVEMENT OF THE INJURED AREA MAY AGGRAVATE SWELLING AND BLEEDING ICE, ICE REDUCES PAIN and swelling AND CAUSES LOCAL VASOCONSTRICTION COMPRESSION, LIMITS THE AREA SWELLING CAN DEVELOP ELEVATION 3. How to ice. 4m COLD PACK, ICE BAG, ICE IMMERSION, COLD SPRAY. 15 TO 30 MINUTES DEPENDING ON THE SIZE OF JOINT/ INJURY SITE NOT MORE THAN 30 MINUTES EVERY 2-3 HOURS FOR THE FIRST 24 TO 48 HOURS WRAP WITH A CLOTH 4. 4 Dangers of ice application. 4m 1.VASOCONSTRICTION OF VESSELS which may CUT BLOOD SUPPLY TO DISTAL AREA for those with DIABETES MELLITUS 2.COLD ALLERGY 3. COLD BURN 4. RAYNAUD S PHENOMENON (severe cyanosis caused by cold or strong emotion) 5. VASCULITIS DISEASE 6. GANGRENE 5. How to cresent bandage? 4m START FROM DISTAL MOVING UP PROXIMALLY OVERLAPS APPROXIMATELY WIDTH OF BANDAGE NOT TOO TIGHT TORNIQUETTE EFFECT LOOSEN IF CYANOSIS DISTRIBUTES A LOCALIZED EDEMA, EASIER FOR REABSORPTION INTO SYSTEMIC CONSISTENT AND EVEN Pressure. USE ONE-FOURTH TO ONE-THIRD OF THE POTENTIAL STRETCH OF AN ELASTIC BANDAGE 6. Weakness of resting 2m Muscle become weak and shrink Overall fitness deteriorate

D. 20 mark. Write about short essay about: 1.First aid for seizure. 5m Cushion head, lie on floor, loosen clothes at neck, waist and wrist, lay in recovery position, make sure there s nothing in the mouth, look for ID, don t hold down, as seizure ends offer help. 2.First aid about snake bite. 5m First, 1st aiders must keep the casualty on calm and static condition for example sit or lie down. Then, the site of the bite must be cover up with clean cloth and must be applied a pressure bandage from the start of the limb and wrap it to the bite area. Pressure of bandage must be lower for every 10 to 15 minutes to allow blood circulation to occur. The limb must be splint and elevated if possible. If suction syringe is available, 1st aider must use it at the bite site for every 3 minutes, time longer than that will be useless. 1st aider must remember not to use the mouth to suck the venom as they might get infected through a cut in their mouth. The sight of the bite should not be cut to avoid the wound from getting infected. Airway must always be opened and heart rate must be regularly monitored. 1st aider may try to identify the snake which has bitten the casualty but no time must be wasted on that action. If the snake is still alive, it should not be catch because this may cause in another bite. The casualty must be transfer to the hospital as soon as possible. 3.First aid about weed poison. 5m Racun yang terkena pada mata -Mengelip-gelipkan mata di bawah air bersih freeflow selama 15 minit sebelum mangsa dihantar ke hospital. Racun yang terhidu(asap atau gas) -Membawa mangsa ke kawasan lapang dan tempat udara yang bersih atau segar. -Jika mangsa dalam keadaan sedar, kepala dan dadanya harus diangkat sedikit supaya dapat memudahkan pernafasan. -Jika mangsa dalam keadaan sesak nafas bantuan pernafasan harus dilakukan kepada mangsa dan longgarkan pakaian mangsa sebelum bantuan tiba di tempat kejadian. Racun yang termakan - Langkah segera untuk memberikan rawatan awal kepada mangsa adalah memuntahkan mangsa. -Biasanya masukan tiup ke dalam mulut mangsa supaya dapat memudahkan proses muntahan -Jika tidak muntahkan mangsa dengan segera akan menyebabkan pendarahan dalam bahagian dinding perut. Kebiasaannya selepas muntah pesakit akan diberikan arang teraktif secara oral untuk mengikat dan mengeluarkan baki racun yang tertinggal dalam usus. Racun yang terkena pada kulit -Tanggalkan pakaian yang tercemar diikuti pembilasan kulit dengan sebanyak mungkin air selama 10 minit. Read label and follow instruction, call national poison centre or send to hospital as soon as possible 4.Tendon. 5m Attach muscle to bone. Can store energy Can recoil and release energy Can tighten a bit More injury resistant than muscle

E. 20 mark Write essay about : 1.Causes of overuse injury. 10 m REPETITIVE LOADING ( LOADING YANG BERULANG). Too little recovery time PENUMPUAN PERALIHAN DAYA DARI OTOT KE TULANG BERLAKU PADA PERSIMPANGAN TENDONTULANG. Improper training/biomechanics when an athlete tries to do too much too soon Concentration on the shift of force from muscles to bone that happens at the tendon-bone joint Intrinsic: Anatomic mal-alignment Prior injury Poor conditioning Growth Menstrual dysfunction (irregular or absent menses) LEG LENGTH DISCREPANCY MUSCLE IMBALANCE MUSCLE WEAKNESS LACK OF FLEXIBILITY GENETIC, ENDOCRINE Sex, size, body composition Extrinsic: Improper training methods Poor technique Improper surface for practice and competition Excessive pressure from peers, coaches, and parents Inappropriate equipment Shoe TRAINING ERRORS ENVIRONMENT INADEQUATE NUTRITION 2. Immunization. 10m Immunization is Network of cells, tissues, n organs that work together to defend body against attacks by foreign invaders. Keep them out, seek out and destroy the foreign microbes Natural body defense mechanism composed of specialized cells and proteins designed to identify and destroy foreign invaders. Cells eating bacteria. Strengthen body immunity against infectious diseases such as tuberculosis, measles and hepatitis B. Strengthen body defense system. Usually through Injection. It usually given to children because their immune system not good as an adult Passive: Where the antibodies come from outside the person s body. Inject antibodies to kill virus. Immunization is just an effort, not a guarantee of being immune to diseases Active: When the body is stimulated to produce its own antibodies. Body injected with vaccine (half dead virus or protein from virus) which stimulates body to produce own antibodies to recognize and protect by killing the alien substance. More beneficial than passive Example is MMR Immunization provides protection against measles, mumps & rubella. Common Side Effects are redness & mild swelling where the injection was given., drowsiness & loss appetite, hives, and itching.

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