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End of Bishops of the same color and pawn
Assessment of the position. There is equality of material, except for the structural defect in the edge of the black lady, the other factor is that White has a king more active than his colleague, something like two times more active. On the other hand, White has his pawn chain in the side boxes lady in white, black bishop's reach. Now the second player has a key decision in determining the outcome, they threaten the king and pawn tower must stop this intention. You can move the pawn pawn tower or the Knight. Moving the h7 pawn advances one white box at the king, if the g-pawn moves the bishop should be removed and we can bring the black monarch What would be the decision? (5) Areshchenko, Alexander (2664) - Jakovenko, Dmitrij (2736) World Cup Khanty Mansiysk (3.2), 28.11.2009 [Jorge Luis Fernandez] Diagram

31 ... g6? [Incredibly, the right decision by 31 ... h6 passes! 32.Re3 g5! and only thus preventing the advance of the white king. H3 Be6 34.Rf3 33.Ae4 35.Ac2 (Kd7 36.Re4 37.Re5 Kc8 35.Ag6 38.Ae4 a5 Ke7 39.Ac6 Ag8 Ag8 42.Af5 40.Af3 Bf7 Ah7 43.Ae4 41.Ag4 Be6 44. Ag8 h4 45.gxh4 gxh4 black and able to resist.) 35 ... Kd7 37.Re5 36.Re4 Kc8 Domina e5 box, but the only advantage you can get. 37 ... Be6 39.Ae4 Ke7 40.Ad3 38.Af5 Ag8 and can not progress. (Ad7 40.Ad5 41.Af3 Be6 and although the software consider that White has an advantage, there is

no way to break the wall)] Diagram 32.Ac2

Having played the black g6 put his pawns on white and I think a weakness, coupled with the worst king that leads to the possibility of defeat. The principle of two weaknesses argues that it is necessary to try to win at least two weaknesses in the opposite position. The first step is to take the white king the most in the enemy position. 32 ... Kc8 Retrieves a time, and reaches to hold kingside pawns, but not to prevent the invasion. Ke6 35.Rg5 Kd7 33.Re3 Kf7 34.Rf4 Kg8 36.Rh6 Having completed the first stage, the white king reduced his opponent to a more passive role. Now follow the maneuvers to secure the King and win a while, and then improve the bishop. 37.h4! Diagram

It is important to set the kingside, but there have to be careful not to lock their monarch. That is why we must promptly remove the king and the pawn advance g5 Knight. 37 ... f3 h5 In principle it is threatened. [37 ... c6 38.h5! 39.Axh7 + Kh8 40.Ag6 gxh5 winning.] Ad1 38.Ad3 Perhaps not the best, gives the long diagonal. [You can also progress to 38 ... Kh8 39.Rg5 (Kg8 39.Ac2 40.Ab1 Kh8) 39 ... Kg7 and now: 40.g4! (40.Rf4?! Ag2 41.Re5 (43.Rd5 Kf6 42.Rxe4 Bxe4 41.Ae4 44.Rxc5 RG4 Kf5 45.Rc6 g5 47.c5 Rxg3 Rxh4 46.Rxc7 g4 48.c6 g3 50.c7 49.Rb7 g1D 51.c8D 52.Dc4 + g2 53.Rxa7 Qg4 h5 + / =) 41 ... Kf7 42.g4! (42.h5 f3 gxh5 44.Af5 43.Axh7 Kg7 45.Re6 Bg4 Kh6 46.Rd7 47.Ae6 Rg5 - +) 42 ... h6 43.g5 h5 44.Ae2 + / =) 40 ... c6 41.Ac2 (41.h5 h6 + 42.Rf4 gxh5 =) 41 ... h6 43.g5 h5 + Kf7 42.Rf4 Bb7 44.Re5 f3 45.Ad3 47.Ah3 46.Af1 Bc6 48.Ae6 Be2 Ke7 Bc2 51.Rd5 50.Ac6 Ad3 49.Ad5 winning.; Another possibility that arises is: 38 ... a5!? Diagram

39.Rg5 (39.Ac2 h5 41.g4 Be2 Kg7 40.Rg5 43.Ae4 42.gxh5 Kf7 xh5 44.Ac6 in search of the box e8 e2 44 ... h5 45.Ad5 + Kg7 47.Ac2 46.Ae4 Kf7 ) 39 ... Kg7 40.Rf4 Ad1 41.Re5! seems hasty because Black can get counterplay on the kingside, but White arrive before 41 ... Kh6 42.Rd5 prophylactic RH5 43.Ae4 a move to ensure control over the boxes of black pawns kingside 43 ... RG4 46.Rxc7 Rxh4 45.Rc6 44.Rxc5 Rg5 Rxg3 47.c5 Bg4 49.c6 h5 48.Ag2 Kf4 50.Rb6 h3 h4 52.Ah1 RE5 51.Rxa5 53.b4! gaining] 40.Ad5 + Kh8 39.Ae4 41.Ae4 a5 Kg8 [would be a mistake because it releases 41 ... a4 pawn queen's rook. 44.g5 43.g4 Axa4 42.bxa4 Kh8 45.h5 Kg8 Be8 47.g6 46.Axh7 gxh5 h4 49.a4 h3 Axg6 48.Axg6 51.Ae4 50.a5 h2] 43.Rg5 Kh8 44.g4 Kg7 42.Ad3! Diagram

In keeping with the plan to move the pawn and set the kingside. 44 ... f3 [44 ... Kf7 45.h5 47.h6 + Kg7 46.gxh5 gxh5 Kg8 and h7 pawn is the second weakness that binds the black king., 44 ... h6 + Kf6 45.Rf4 46. Kg7 47.Re5 g5 + 48.hxg5 hxg5 Bg4 50.Rd5 f3 49.Ae4 and wins.] 45.Rf4 46.Ae4 Bc8 [46 ... Kf6 47.Rxe4 Bxe4 48.Rd5 black and not enough to get into the wing king.] 47.g5 This second stage is reached. Again the best king wearing a zugzwang position. 47 ... Kf7 [47 ... h3 48.Re5 Bf5 50.Rd5 Bc8 Kf7 51.Rxc5 49.Ac6 Ke6 52.Rb5 + -] 48.Re5! 49.Af3 Ke7 black's bishop should move in the longest diagonal.

49 ... Be6 [49 ... Bf5 51.Rd5 a6 c8 50.Ac6 52.Rxc5 and wins.] Be8 51.Ad5 52.Ae4 50.Ac6 Diagram Bf7

The black is in Zugzwang 52 ... c6 [52 ... Bd7 53.Rd5 + -, 52 ... Be6 54.Ad5 Bf7 Ad7 53.Ac6 55.Ag8 The second weakness! 55 ... Kf8 56.Ae6 Single! (56.Axh7 Kg7 58.Rd5 Be8 59.Rxc5 Rxg6 57.Axg6 60.a3 a4 61.b4 RH5 Rg5 63.g7 62.g6 Bf7 Rxh4 64.Rb5 Kf6 67.Rb4 65.Rxa4 Bxc4 66.b5 Bf7 tables Kxg7 ) 56 ... Bd7 58.Ae4 c6 c8 57.Ad5 59.Ac6 (Bb7 59.Rd5 +) 59 ... Ke7 60.Rd5 winning] 53.Af3 Bd7 56.a4 54.Ag2 Bf7 55.Ah3 Be8! Diagram

Zugzwang second place!

56 ... Ag8 [56 ... Be8 57.Ae6 + -] 57.Ag2 pawn falls and thereby lose control of d5. 57 ... Bf5 58.Axc6 Be6 [58 ... Be8 60.Ag8 59.Ad5 Bf7 c6 62.Rd6 Be8 63.Rxc5 61.Axh7 Kf7 64.Rb6 Kg7 66.Rb6 Rxh7 Kf7 67.a5 Kg7 65.Rxa5 winning.] Bc2 59.Rd5 axb3 60.Rxc5 61.Rb5 The action of the white king is worthy of note. A final very instructive for players of any class. 1-0

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