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Come Out of the Evil 666 Old System

The Spiritual Tree

A Tree means network of Roots & Rootlets in one hand and on the other hand, a network of Branches & Twigs leading to Flowers and Fruits. What do we mean by: network of Roots & Rootlets? network of Branches & Twigs? Flowers and Fruits? Roots & Rootlets as SOURCES Branches & Twigs as PATHS or decisions and actions leading to Flowers as PARTIAL EFFECTS serving as glad tidings if good, warning if bad and Fruits as inevitable FINAL EFFECTS OR CONSEQUENCES, good or bad. (Picture of a tree with its system of roots and branches) A Tree therefore means systems or network of sources, paths and effects. General sources (roots) and specific sources (rootlets). General paths (branches) and specific paths (twigs) refers to decisions, choices taken and acted upon (executed). Flowers are announcement: o Glad tidings if good o Warnings if bad Fruits are the final results and consequences: o Good (Blessings) or o Bad (Curses) Summary: A Tree is a system or network of sources in one hand, paths and effects on the other hand. What is to be Sourced, eaten or partaken? 1. Nutrients to feed, build and sustain the body (Nutrition Food) 2. Knowledge or Wisdom to feed, build and sustain the Mind (Soul) (Thoughts Food) 3. Love to feed, build and sustain the Heart (Spirit) (Emotional-Feelings Food)

What or Who are the Sources?

1. Jehovah, the Eternal Father 2. Satan

What kind of food supply?


The Two Trees: 1. Tree of Life 2. Tree of Mixed Knowledge of Good & Evil The Tree of Life was and is pure Teachings & Revelations, and Personal Mentoring and Guidance by the heavenly Father as Master Teacher, no need of painful Trial and Error. The Word of God serves as the guide, map. The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil means the method to acquire knowing by way of mapless exploration, blind experiment, guideless experience, costly trial and error; learning the hard way, so much costs. The costs comes in pains, broken hearts, broken limbs; killed lives, wasted lives; broken relationships, betrayals and lots of hurting; broken promises, unfulfilled dreams; not knowing the way to peace, we pursue it through endless wars, trying to annihilate the enemies, whose descendants would manage to survive and come back with a greater vengeance; We did not stop to examine this lie: To war to make an end of war. We rejected Jesus way to peace: Vengeance [or punishing] is Mine. I shall surely avenge [punish]. Therefore, yours is to pray for your enemies, do good to them who hate and abuse you. Overcome evil with good. Two branch commandment of Love your neighbour: 1. Love your brothers, 2. Love your enemies. Scriptures about Love Your Neighbours-Brothers:

Scriptures about Love Your Enemies:

Peace, and friendship and brotherhood will be the end result, if you persist. Time to surrender of obstinacy and say, Lord, we just couldnt do it. We cant find peace and happiness by ourselves. Father, forgive us. Be now our unfailing Guide.

Eden as the Microcosm, the World as Macrocosm: The Eden Experience as Microcosm & Sample Of What is To Come To the Whole World If the General Choice is the Tree of the Knowledge of Mixed Good and Evil

The Eden Incident as preview of what may and can happen in the future and as foretaste (sample) of what is to come

The Instructions to Abandon Evil 666 System The Call to Ascend

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