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1st Epistle 2011

Kingdom Music Festival June10th-12th


Produced by Terrance L. Frederick,

To Meet the Kingdom Music Family Staff Visit:

Founder of Kingdom Music Family





Greetings Kings and Priests, Last year has been one of the most challenging and yet rewarding years at the same time. I know that you all have been stretched and tested in many areas. Some battles were won and some were lost but wisdom was gained nevertheless. This year you will increase in your authority and in your administration within the territory you have been given. We at Kingdom Music Family are delighted to serve you in the upcoming year with new and fresh downloads from the spirit regarding your ministry. We will periodically be sending you KMF Epistles (newsletters) throughout the year to encourage you to move forward in what God has placed in your charge. If you want to share testimonies or prophecies that will benefit this community please send them to us. We will be glad to hear what God is doing in every territory represented among us. There are several initiatives that we will be launching this year to bring about the restitution of all musical and artistic expressions under the subjection to our King. A few of these initiatives are listed below: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. KMF Epistles (periodical newsletters) KMF Compilation Cd Kingdom Priest Resource Directory (on the website) Kingdom Music Festival 2011- Territorial Reign Trips to Apostolic and Prophetic Summits (throughout the year)

Kingdom Music Festival is a long term commitment to growing our community and exposing artists to an upgraded understanding of who God is calling them to be: Kingdom Priests. This understanding is important because as more people convert to this idea, we will revolutionize what is commonly known as gospel music. This will create endless opportunities for kingdom expansion. Now Kingdom is not a catch phrase for us. We use the word in its literal sense. We mean that we are committed to dispensing Christs authority and might into all invisible and visible earthly spheres, including all audible kingdoms. The authority of Christ is released through apostolic teaching and keen revelatory insights regarding the principles that govern all expressions of worship and prophetic activity. Please take your time and read all this material. Let it transform you and make a King and priest out of you. For this is what you are in the sight of God. Shalom. Elder Terrance L. Frederick, KMF Founder and Overseer

Territorial Reign
Activating the Territorial Fivefold By SovahReign for HiKulcha Ink 2010

Christ the King is establishing His reign and bringing clarity to the boundaries that define what will be a part of His Kingdom. He is reconciling all that is His in the entire earth and in the spiritual realm. In the earth, he has placed agents to work on His behalf in order for His reign to be made manifest. This labor is urgent as it aids in setting the stage for the Kings grand entrance. He is activating the Territorial Fivefold. We understand that the fivefold gifts are essential to the building up and maturation of the Church (Body of Christ) until we see Christ made manifest (Ephesians 4). In this segment of scripture we note that the fivefold gifts or ascension gifts that Christ bestowed upon the church are Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, and Teachers. Although many denominations and sects within denominations debate of the relevance and current manifestation of all of these gifts, we believe that the intended goals that are listed in Ephesians 4 have not been accomplished, therefore, placing a demand for all of these gifts to still remain in operation. Having a basic understanding of the fivefold is imperative in order to really see an activation of the Territorial Fivefold. The Territorial Fivefold serve in many different territories: economic, arts and entertainment, religion, education, family, and government. In order for us to posture for the eternal reign of the King, the Territorial Fivefold must assume their post. The Territorial Fivefold operate by being the recruiters, trainers, instructors and demonstrators to allow the rest of the body to function in their perspective jobs in the army of the Lord while being stationed in the named territories. It is often that we find a negative connotation associated with the term Territorial. It normally infers that a person is controlling and very suspicious as a result of some covert or overt insecurity. Many times we look at this word only from the adjective part of speech. Let us examine it as a noun. As defined by Encarta: A territorial is a member of a preserved army. This army has to be made active in the case of emergency and they, then, act territorially by providing defense and protection to a specific territory. God is calling His preserved army active and so the trainers must assume their positions to prepare the army to do what it is made to doenforce and establish dominion. As we look into the building and expansion of a kingdom, we learn that before a Kingdom rules in any territory, the King sends in its army to establish presence (representation) and force (order). Before the army is sent they are trained basically and then specifically according to the soldiers assigned job. The Kingdom of God is no different in its observance of militant order. The body of Christ has been heavily focused on basic training and rendering itself ill-equipped to deal with the special or specific training to prepare people for their assigned territory. (Continues on next page.)

In some cases, some of the trainers only specialize in their territory, but choose to try to train in areas beyond their expertise and/or dispensation of the anointing. In other cases, there are trainers who simply ignore those people who do not fall into their territory. In many cases, the trainer is not informed about additional resources to extend to soldiers who need training beyond their scope of understanding and knowledge. There are other cases where there are imposters and perpetrators who pretend to be trainers but only seek influence, platform, and wealth. Because of this, we have soldiers on post in places that they do not have the training or covering to serve. They may have the skill and calling to deal with the know how but often are consumed and/or seduced by enemies that they should protect against. We frequently have book knowledge and a form of religiousness, but no spiritual readiness. As a result, the body of Christ often uses tactical force and this is effective for immediate or short-term goals. This force is often used in crisis management or to diffuse a current issue within the church (organization). We pull out from our territories to bandage up our wounded and report a body count. Now is the time that we begin to be proactive and prepare for the Eternally Reigning Kingdom of Christ and recruit and reenlist those who have been called to our territories and train them effectively. Kingdom Music Family is a host for those who are called to the territory of arts and entertainment or those who operate in territories that work congruently with arts and entertainment. Some minstrels and psalmists are territorials who seek the counsel and training of the Territorial Fivefold. Some of you are a part of the Territorial Fivefold and God is calling you to provide training and covering for other minstrels and psalmists. (Continues)

Some of you are stationed in other territories and work en-concert with this territory. No matter what, you need to hear from God as it pertains to you specifically. Answer the call of activation and begin the work of reconciliation and spiritual readiness for the Kingdom to be made manifest. God is activating the Territorial Fivefold. The Kingdom of God is at Hand. If the trainers are prepared to cover and train, the army will advance. The Kingdom of God will be established. The Reign of the King will be made manifest in the earth realm. Territorial Reign means Territorial Warfare. Let us prepare!



Tisa (Tee-sah) is an artist who has always been gifted but it was not until she submitted to the Lord could she see how all the painful experiences of her childhood had been preparation for her ministry.

There is a process; a crushing that releases the oil of the anointing. Listening to her music you will hear the sincerity and purity of her spirit and feel the anointing of the Lord God. Tisas decision to use her vocal ability to sing exclusively in the Gospel Inspirational music arena was one she could not escape. She knew that her true calling was to inspire, uplift, exhort and positively impact individuals for Christ. Tisas 3rd project entitled Awesome produced by VaShawn Mitchell is complete and released summer 2009. Tisa currently is a member of the International Praise Team and a state leader of worship for the Full Gospel Baptist Fellowship under the leadership of General Overseer of Music William Murphy III. She serves as assistant state director for praise and worship for Virginia. Tisa is a choir director at Mt. Gilead Full Gospel International Ministries in Richmond, VA as well as a leader in the Women's Ministry (KAPOW) at Mt. Gilead under the direction of Co-Pastor Elena Robertson. Tisa is an artist of pure, real music ministry who has truly lived to "overcome".

Join the Kingdom Music Family as we REIGN over TERRITORIES with

By Kalisha A. Wachira The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Mathew 9:36 The church is like a factory a factory with workers who just clock in and clock out is useless where is the produce? It has to be harvested Plenty of seeds are being and have been sown but whos doing the reaping??? What does reaping look like. When a farmer reaps what he has sown does he leave it in the field? No he bundles it up and takes it to the factory where it is processed. During the process foreign objects are removed unnecessary parts are cut away. Does the farmer do all this? Nothere are co laborers who join together to turn what was harvested into something useful. What happens when you have workers in a factory who refuse to work? Who sit around and watch others sweat and toil to get the job done? They are fired. Lord I repent. And Im glad youre not in the business of firing people but your mercy endures forever however that is not an excuse for me to be lazy and nonproductive. On the contrary its all the more reason to want to serve you more! The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few Its time to get to work saints. A factory with workers who just clock in and clock out is uselesswe need to produce. Help Wanted Think About It


Kingdom Music Family has Three Level Tier partnerships available to choose from Tier 1: Consists of KMF Newsletters Distribution Only. To be a part of Tier 1, your partnership is required; we ask that you send updated information on you and your ministry. This Tier is FREE. Tier 2: KMF Newsletters Distribution, Relationship Building, Listing of Priest, and Link to Ministry. Tier 2 is a rate of $25 per year. Tier 3: KMF Newsletters Distribution, Relationship Building, Consultation, Discounts on KMF Events, CD Projects, Product Collaboration, and Discount Promotions. Tier 3 is a rate of $100 per year. Lets collaborate as we advance the Kingdom together!!!!!!!!

Kingdom Music Festival June10th-12th

By Elder Terrance L Frederick, KMF Founder and Overseer

1. Dont rehearse clichs Describe the problem and sing the solution but you will never go beyond the surface into peoples hearts if you are saying to them something that they have heard a million times the same way. Your audience is disengaged an unchallenged intellectually when you choose the popular route. This creates a dumb people. Our music is to inspire and lift people up into higher realms in Him. 2. Be Creative and Authentic. Find new and creative ways to introduce Christ to an idolatrous culture without perpetuating the customs and patterns of the heathen. God loves improvisation and experimentation. Mix it up. God gets bored with the same ole song. Can you imagine how many remixes have been made in Heaven to keep the atmosphere dynamic and fresh? 3. Learn how to speak globally. When you minister, find synonyms for commonly known churchy words and replace them with words that are commonly used in secular and professional arenas. This will legitimize you and move you from the gospel aisle in the back of the store to the mainstream section without compromising the message. Changing your language helps people hear you clearly with their defenses down. By the time they have digested what you have deposited it is too late: Seeds of the Kingdom have been sown deep into their hearts already. Example: Some may not understand that you are an Apostle but if you tell them you are an Ambassador they will have a reference point in the world to relate to what you do.

4. Think competitively (but not carnally or you will be tempted to try ungodly schemes to reach a false perception of success). Think competitively in the spirit. By that I mean that we must compete against the demi-gods that reside in these twisted genius who manifest their craftiness through gifted and talented people. Choose not to imitate them but rather get into a place where you can be taught by the Holy Spirit how to manifest the eternitys technologies. Not only will you manifest the spirit of Christ but the Holy Spirit also gives you access to the mysteries of heaven by way of placing you on a plane where you can receive angelic instruction regarding what God is doing and how he will accomplish it. (See the angelic activity in the book of Daniel and Revelations for a further study on that). We compete for spiritual influence and dominance. 5. Stay in the Word- You cannot expect to receive special insight and powerful songs of the Lord if you are not constantly studying to show yourself approved unto him. Be a workman that is not ashamed and learn how to rightly separate the word and apply it appropriately.

Kingdom Music Festival June10th-12th


To Participate in KMF2011 Visit:
Kingdom Music Festival P.O. Box 1527 Sumter, SC 29150 Ph: (803) 775-7605 Fax: (803) 775-8576 Mo: (803) 983-4738

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