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History of Chivalry in the Church and the State

Basic Concepts of Chivalry:

● Chivalry is a Christianized Germanic practice
● Ten Commandments of the Code of Chivalry

The Foundation of Chivalry

● Raging Barbarians
● Islamic Hordes

Christian Just War Doctrine

● Foundation from the writings of St. Augustine and St. Thomas Aquinas

Life of a Knight:
● Mass
● Feast Days
● Prayer
● Fasting
● Penance
● Defense of the Church
● Example: St. Michael the Archangel, Patron Saint of Chivalry

Life of a King:
● Governing Kingdom
● Punishing the wicked
● Obtaining Mercy for the poor, orphan, and widow.
● Devotion to the Church
● Duties of a Catholic Father
● Example: St. Louis IX
● St. Stephen King of Hungary
● St. Emeric Son of St. Stephen

Life of a Queen:
● Duties to the Catholic Mother
● Must give a good example or scandal arises
● Example: Saint Hedwig

How did society govern itself?

● The Church is the Soul
● The State is the Body
● When separation of the soul and the body results in death. When Church and State separate
results in the death of society, no sanctity or holiness or charity. The charity of many shall
grow cold.
Restoration of Chivalry:

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