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09/11/2011 12:33
Yves Smith

Matt Stoller: Naked Capitalism Your AntiLobbyist naked capitalism

By Matt Stoller, the former Senior Policy Advisor to Rep. Alan Grayson and a fellow at the Roosevelt Institute. You can reach him at stoller (at) or follow him on Twitter at @ matthewstoller. ded to learn about credit default swaps, it seemed no one could give you credible information except financial services lobbyists. In 2008, no one could tell you what was going on, except Treasury and the Fed. This monopoly of information allowed for enormous corruption in decision-making, as Congress was steam-rolled into approving TARP despite enormous skepticism among rank-and-file members. But something odd happened in 2008, during and in the wake of the crisis. Capitol Hill staffers and members of both parties began looking for expertise on how finance actually worked. And they began reading financial blogs. Lobbyists just didnt or couldnt help them understand how to deal with the massive systemic failures; they knew in some sense that the information they were getting was rigged. They just didnt know how. The financial blogs began to tell them. Over the course of the next few years, the financial blogs became a new alternative system which delivered one of the most valuable commodities that previously had been monopolized by financial lobbyists and institutions like the Fed credible information. Thats why there was an actual debate during Dodd-Frank over reining in the size of banking institutions, and auditing the Fed. Instead of second order industry shills distributing information they have been fed by the PR departments of big banks, communities of end-users of finance began to talk directly to lawmakers through mediated forums on the internet. Naked Capitalism is at the heart of this new financial blogosphere. Yves builds her arguments meticulously, with the help of a community that is actually engaged in the system being reformed or challenged.

f youve ever spend time physically going to and from Capitol Hill on the subway or the buses, its pretty hard not to notice the advertising. This isnt standard advertising, for soap or consumer products, its advertising for corporate lobbying. Boeing splays posters all over Capitol South about their job creating efforts, JP Morgan for American innovation, and the American Association for I Just Set Up This Coalition to Push Corrupt Products for whatever the lobbyists have dreamt up that day. The Hill trade publications have these same ads; in fact you can pretty much tell what is being fought over in Congress by the ad campaigns. Lobbyists take a slice of their budget, put it into ads, and thereby ensure that all information channels into policymakers are owned by industry-friendly sources. Journalists on the Hill often go back and forth between staff jobs, think tanks, and lobby shops. This has traditionally formed a high wall around policy-making. With traditional tools of lobbying, campaign finance, and private think tanks replacing government expertise, the wall has traditionally been impenetrable. Staffers on the Hill literally have the Financial Services Roundtable and/or Mortgage Bankers Association put on financial services university, a multi-day training on how the financial system works. The problem isnt that they do this, its that there were almost no other structured ways to learn about finance if you were outside the industry. If you nee-

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09/11/2011 12:33

Matt Stoller: Naked Capitalism Your Anti-Lobbyist naked capitalism

Together, you and Yves challenges the witch doctors of finance, the economists in the Fed, at Treasury, in the housing finance industry. This site has seen the propagation of the chain of title theory on mortgage origination, and there have been multiple hearings on the Hill on the housing finance situation because of the work Yves and you have done. These are literally trillion dollar questions being influenced by this community. Many people give to politicians, or charities, or foundations. They do so because they believe doing so will create leverage for change. And they are right. Its why the big banks buy up every economists they can, why its nearly impossible to find experts who are untainted by the corruption in the system. Yves isnt part of that, you arent part of that, and Naked Capitalism isnt part of that. This forum stands apart in the integrity and value it brings to the debate. I pushed Yves to ask you for donations, because I know how much you want this site to influence the debate, to grow, and thrive. So far, there have been hundreds of us that have given to show that. I can guarantee there is no higher leverage investment than Naked Capitalism in terms of making a better society. The truth is, you can get lies for free. Wall Street is only too happy to buy advertising, to make sure you hear from their well-credentialled experts. If you are not paying for your media, though, then they are. And you arent the customer, you are the product being sold. While this arrangement works, what it means is that youll get lies for free. And this is a very expensive proposition. So I hope that youll consider, if you havent already, putting some dollars towards the Naked Capitalism fundraiser. If you cant afford much, give only a few bucks. If you can afford more, give more. If you can afford to give a lot, give a lot. It will pay for itself, I guarantee you. This isnt just giving, its a statement that you are want a different debate, a different society, and a different culture. Its about saying you are tired

of the lies you are being fed for free, and are willing to put your valuable resources into reshaping how information in our society flows. It will help policy-makers understand that if they make good decisions, they have allies, and if they dont, they have enemies. Naked Capitalism is a very powerful leverage point. Yves and the Naked Capitalism community are relentless, day in and day out. Thats how policymakers operate, relentlessly, day in and day out. If youre there, as they make decisions, they will have no choice but to listen. They may not do what you want, but they will at least by forced to hear that there is an alternative. And that, my friends, is power. Join us.

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