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MB0039 - Business Communication Master of Business Administration Semester I MB0039 - Business Communication (4 credits) Assignment - Set 1 Marks 60

Note: Each Question carries 10 marks each

Q1. Briefly describe any situation in your own experience where the communication failed because the non-verbal behavior sent a negative message. Which aspect of nonverbal communication contributed to the failure? How would you correct this?

Ans. Situation where Communication was a failure to me: As an Associate Manager, I was a sender for a communication and intended to be received by my executives. I have sent the following communication to my executives through a notice and displayed on the notice board: Coming Second Saturday to complete our targets for the month a review meeting is arranged and all should attend. If any executive is not able to attend should find out the contents of the meeting from their peers without fail. But my communication went wrong and out of 10 executives, only three executives have attended at 4.00 PM who checked-in with me the time of the meeting. Following were the barriers of communication which stood in the way of my communication: The Channel I have chosen communication by Receivers did not ensure the receipt of the The communication lacked the Chronological context The second Saturday being a non working day. The communication has created a Psychological noise by not mentioning correct time of the meeting and confusion has been created. The social context also is one of the cause for the failure of the communication as I have not taken all my executives into confident by giving any advance information or a intention of the meeting earlier.

Lessons learnt in order to overcome these barriers of communication: My communication was unclear by not giving exact time of meeting. The media I have used is the placing the notice on the notice board, instead had I circulated to all the receivers and obtained their signatures by asking their availability or feedback my communication would not have failed. I have chosen a wrong day a holiday though the task was a routine one. I could have maintained good relations with my executives for success of my communication.

Overcome the communication barriers

When you send a message, you intend to communicate meaning, but the message itself doesnt contain meaning. The meaning exists in your mind and in the mind of your receiver. To understand one another, you and your receiver must share similar meanings for words, gestures, tone of voice, and other symbols. 1. Differences in perception : The world constantly bombards us with information: sights, sounds, scents, and so on. Our minds organize this stream of sensation into a mental map that represents our perception or reality. In no case is the perception of a certain person the same as the world itself, and no two maps are identical. As you view the world, your mind absorbs your experiences in a unique and personal way. Because your perceptions are unique, the ideas you want to express differ from other peoples Even when two people have experienced the same event, their mental images of that event will not be identical. As senders, we choose the details that seem important and focus our attention on the most relevant and general, a process known as selective perception. As receivers, we try to fit new details into our existing pattern. If a detail doesnt quite fit, we are inclined to distort the information rather than rearrange the pattern.

2. Incorrect filtering: Filtering is screening out before a message is passed on to someone else. In business, thefilters between you and your receiver are many; secretaries, assistants, receptionists, answering machines, etc. Those same gatekeepers may also translate your receivers ideas and responses before passing them on to you. To overcome filtering barriers, try to establish more than one communication channel, eliminate as many intermediaries as possible, and decrease distortion by condensing message information to the bare essentials. 3. Language problems : When you choose the words for your message, you signal that you are a member of a particular culture or subculture and that you know the code. The nature of your code imposes its own barriers on your message. Barriers also exist because words can be interpreted in more than one way. Language is an arbitrary code that depends on shared definitions, but theres a limit to how completely any of us share the same meaning for a given word. To overcome language barriers, use the most specific and accurate words possible. Always try to use words your audience will understand. Increase the accuracy of your messages by using language that describes rather than evaluates and by presenting

observable facts, events, and circumstances. 4. Poor listening : Perhaps the most common barrier to reception is simply a lack of attention on the receivers part. We all let our minds wander now and then, regardless of how hard we try to concentrate. People are essentially likely to drift off when they are forced to listen to information that is difficult to understand or that has little direct bearing on their own lives. Too few of us simply do not listen well! To overcome barriers, paraphrase what you have understood, try to view the situation through the eyes of other speakers and resist jumping to conclusions. Clarify meaning by asking non-threatening questions, and listen without interrupting.

5. Differing emotional states : Every message contains both a content meaning, which deals with the subject of the message, and a relationship meaning, which suggests the nature of the interaction between sender and receiver. Communication can break down when the receiver reacts negatively to either of these meanings. You may have to deal with people when they are upset or when you are. An upset person tends to ignore or distort what the other person is saying and is often unable to present feelings and ideas effectively. This is not to say that you should avoid all communication when you are emotionally involved, but you should be alert to the greater potential for misunderstanding that accompanies aroused emotions.

To overcome emotional barriers, be aware of the feelings that arise in your self and in others as you communicate, and attempt to control them. Most important, be alert to the greater potential for misunderstanding that accompanies emotional messages.

6. Differing backgrounds : Differences in background can be one of the hardest communication barriers to overcome. Age, education, gender, social status, economic position, cultural background, temperament, health, beauty, popularity, religion, political belief, even a passing mood can all separate one person from another and make understanding difficult. To overcome the barriers associated with differing backgrounds, avoid projecting your own background or culture onto others. Clarify your own and understand the background of others, spheres of knowledge, personalities and perceptions and dont assume that certain behaviors mean the same thing to everyone..

Q2. What are the biggest barriers that prevent you from listening effectively? Explain

how you could overcome these barriers. Ans:- Listening is not easy and there are a number of obstacles that stand in the way of effective listening, both within and outside the workplace. These barriers may be categorized as follows

1. Physiological Barriers This was discussed earlier under the barriers to communication. Some people may have genuine hearing problems or deficiencies that prevent them from listening properly. Once detected, they can generally be treated. Other people may have difficulty in processing information, or memory related problems which make them poor listeners. Another physiological barrier is rapid thought. Listeners have the ability to process information at the rate of approximately 500 words per minute, whereas speakers talk at around 125 words per minute. Since listeners are left with a lot of spare time, their attention may not be focused on what the speaker is saying, but may wander elsewhere.

2. Physical Barriers These refer to distractions in the environment such as the sound of an air conditioner, cigarette smoke, or an overheated room, which interfere with the listening process. They could also be in the form of information overload. For example, if you are in a meeting with your manager and the phone rings and your mobile beeps at the same time to let you know that you have a message; it is very hard to listen carefully to what is being said.

3. Attitudinal Barriers Pre-occupation with personal or work related problems can make it difficult to focus ones attention completely on what a speaker is saying, even if what is being said is of prime importance. Another common attitudinal barrier is egocentrism, or the belief that you are more knowledgeable than the speaker and that you have nothing new to learn from his ideas. People with this kind of closed minded attitude make very poor listeners.

4. Wrong Assumptions The success of communication depends on both the sender and the receiver, as we have seen in an earlier unit. It is wrong to assume that communication is the sole responsibility of the sender or the speaker and that listeners have no role to play. Such an assumption can be a big barrier to listening. For example, a brilliant speech or presentation, however well delivered, is wasted if the receiver is not listening at the other end. Listeners have as much responsibility as speakers to make the communication successful, by paying attention, seeking clarifications and giving feedback. Another wrong assumption is to think

that listening is a passive activity, in which a listener merely absorbs the thoughts of the speaker. On the contrary, real listening or active listening is hard work it requires speaking sometimes to ask questions, agree or disagree with the speaker, give feedback, etc.

Yet another barrier of this type is to assume that speakers are more powerful than listeners. Speakers are seen as being in command of things, whereas listeners are seen to be weak and lacking authority. According to communication experts however, the reverse is true. Listeners are as important and as powerful as speakers. In fact David J. Schwartz, writer and management professor, emphasizes the importance of listening by saying Big people monopolize the listening. Small people monopolize the talking.

5. Cultural Barriers : Accents can be barriers to listening, since they interfere with the ability to understand the meaning of words that are pronounced differently. The problem of different accents arises not only between cultures, but also within a culture. For example, in a country like India where there is enormous cultural diversity, accents may differ even between different regions and states.

Another type of cultural barrier is differing cultural values. The importance attached to listening and speaking differs in western and oriental cultures. Generally, Orientals regard listening and silence as almost a virtue, whereas Westerners attach greater importance to speaking. Therefore this would interfere with the listening process, when two people from these two different cultures communicate.

6. Gender Barriers- Communication research has shown that gender can be a barrier to listening. Studies have revealed that men and women listen very differently and for different purposes. Women are more likely to listen for the emotions behind a speakers words, while men listen more for the facts and the content.

Example A salesperson giving a demonstration of a new type of office equipment may be asked by two colleagues if the equipment will work without any problems and respond by saying Sure. A male user may take his answer at face value, whereas a female user may detect some hesitation in his voice. This is because the male user listens for the content of the message, whereas the female user listens for the tone of the message.

7. Lack of Training - Listening is not an inborn skill. People are not born good listeners. They have to develop the art of listening through practice and training. Lack of training in listening skills is an important barrier to listening, especially in the Indian context. Lee Iacocca, former Chairman of the Chrysler Corporation in the US, was one of the first to recognize the need for organized training programs in listening skills. Today, many organizations both in India and abroad incorporate listening skills in their training programs.

8. Bad Listening Habits - Most people are very average listeners who have developed poor listening habits that are hard to shed and that act as barriers to listening. For example, some people have the habit of faking attention or trying to look like a listener, in order to impress the speaker andto assure him that they are paying attention. Others may tend to listen to each and every fact and, as a result, miss out on the main point. Yet another habit is to avoid difficult listening and to tune off deliberately, if the subject is too technical or difficult to understand. Sometimes, the subject itself may be dismissed as uninteresting, because the listener does not want to listen.

Strategies for Effective Listening: Although a number of barriers stand in the way of effective listening, these can be overcome through conscious efforts, training and practice. Some of the suggested methods are discussed in detail below

1. Create a Conducive Environment To an extent, you can try to control the environment in which communication takes place, so that listening can take place without any distractions. Ensuring a proper sound system and acoustics so that the speaker is audible, avoiding places with high levels of activity, loud noises from the outside environment and poor air conditioning systems, shutting off mobile phones and telephones, are some of the ways in which you can overcome some of the physical barriers to listening.

2. Select Face-to-face Channels Listening is less accurate in the absence of face-to-face communication. For example, listening to and understanding ideas correctly over the telephone are much harder than through a face-to-face meeting. Take the case of calling a restaurant and placing orders over the telephone for home delivery of a meal. The chances are that your orders may not be understood correctly. Therefore, as far as possible, arrange face-

to-face contact to ensure more accurate listening. 3. Be Open-minded and Avoid Distractions Listening is an exhausting activity which requires the right attitude and mindset. You have to focus your attention completely on what the speaker is saying, without letting your mind wander. This kind of concentration can be developed through various techniques and through constant practice. In addition, it is also important to rid yourself of the notion that you have nothing new to learn from the other person. Even if it is a subject about which you may be knowledgeable, the speaker may offer a different perspective or point of view. Therefore it is important to listen actively.

4. Use Non-verbal Cues to Indicate Active Listening It is important to communicate to the speaker that you are listening actively to what he is saying. This can be done even without verbal communication. All the different aspects of non-verbal communication discussed earlier should be used for maximum effect. For example, maintaining steady eye contact with the speaker, sitting up with an erect posture, nodding now and then to show appreciation and understanding and appropriate facial expressions are some of the ways in which your nonverbal communication can indicate that you are involved in what the speaker is saying.

5. Use Verbal Communication to Indicate Active Listening While nonverbal behavior by itself can communicate that you are an active listener, it is also important to engage in verbal communication with the speaker. Silence is often interpreted as lack of understanding or attention. You need to seek clarifications, give feedback and suggestions, or just paraphrase in your own words what the speaker has said, in order to convey that you have understood his message. 6. Listen First Before Responding Always let yourself finish listening before you begin to speak. Avoid the tendency to formulate your own response, even before you have listened completely to the speakers words. If you are too busy thinking about what to say next, you may miss the main point that the speaker is trying to make. This also gives the speaker the impression that you are preoccupied or rude.

7. Use the Speaker-listener Gap constructively It was pointed out earlier that listeners have the ability to absorb information faster than speakers rate of speech. This spare time available to listeners is often misused by letting the mind wander and is one of the

physiological barriers to listening. One way of overcoming this barrier is to try to use this spare time to note down what the speaker has said, review what has been said so far and anticipate what he may say next. Thinking ahead of the speaker and trying to guess where his talk is leading is a good strategy for effective listening. This is not easy, but can be learnt through proper training.

8. Focus on the Verbal and Non-verbal Message Listening involves not only hearing and understanding the meaning behind the words, but also being alert to the non-verbal behavior of the speaker. The importance of non-verbal cues has been emphasized throughout this book. It is important to watch for any positive or negative messages that may be conveyed through the speakers tone of voice, facial expressions, gestures and outward appearance. 9. Focus on the Content, rather than the Delivery In order to grasp the true meaning of what the speaker is saying, it is important to concentrate on the content of the message, rather than on how the message is delivered.

For example, looking at the power point slides during a speakers presentation may distract your attention from the main point that he is trying to convey. Similarly, being over critical of the speakers accent or mannerisms may make you miss the essence of the message.

10. Ask Questions of Yourself and Make Notes In order to engage in active listening, you also need to ask certain questions to yourself while listening. For example, What is the key idea that the speaker is trying to convey?, How does this fit in with I already know on the subject? or How is this presentation organized?, are some possible questions that you could jot down along with the answers.

Q3. List and briefly describe the five most important guidelines, in your opinion, to be followed when making oral business presentations.

Ans:- Some basic rules need to be followed when using them 1. Use Visual Aids only if they Add Value Make sure that you have a reason to use a visual, rather than using it for its own sake. If your ideas are better explained through

words, avoid the visual, since this will only distract the attention of the audience. 2. Match your Visuals with the Level of the Audience Your visual aids should be made more or less sophisticated, depending on your audience. For example, if you are making a presentation to top management, the graphics should be extremely polished. For less formal presentations, simple graphics created on your own computer or laptop should be sufficient. 3. Make the Visuals Clear and Large enough Avoid creating visuals that are so small that that they have to be described. It is better to use no visual support, than to use visuals that cannot be seen. 4. Make the Visuals Simple When creating visuals, avoid making them too intricate and detailed, so that the audience can understand them without difficulty. 5. Avoid Too Much Text with Visuals Visuals should have short captions, using only key words and simple typefaces, so that attention is drawn to the visual alone. For the sake of easy identification, make sure that each visual is given an appropriate caption and is numbered.

Q4. You are a management trainee reporting to the Marketing Manager of an organization. You have been asked to go through business publications and summarize articles related to Branding. Explain the purpose of reading in this case and the type of reading that you will be required to do. (10 marks).

Ans: - As I asked to read business publication and summarizes only about branding then I need to go through very Intensive reading.

Purpose: Here my reading purpose is to get an indepth understanding of the Matter and find branding of the business , and I need to understand whole matter because Branding is certainly not a light topic whole publications & hundreds of books have been written on the topic, however to put it in a nutshell you could describe a brand as an organisation, service or product with a personality that is shaped by the perceptions of the audience. On that note, it should also be stated that a designer cannot make a brand only the audience can do this. A designer forms the foundation of the brand.

Many people believe a brand only consists of a few elements some colours, some fonts, a logo, a slogan and maybe some music added in too. In reality, it is much more complicated than that. You might say that a brand is a corporate image. The fundamental idea and core concept behind having a corporate image is that everything a company does, everything it owns and everything it produces should reflect the values and aims of the business as a whole. It is the consistency of this core idea that makes up the company, driving it, showing what it stands for, what it believes in and why they exist. It is not purely some colours, some typefaces, a logo and a slogan. As an example, lets look at the well known IT company, Apple. Apple as a company, projects a humanistic corporate culture and a strong corporate ethic, one which is characterised by volunteerism, support of good causes & involvement in the community. These values of the business are evident throughout everything they do, from their innovative products and advertising, right through to their customer service. Apple is an emotionally humanist brand that really connects with people when people buy or use their products or services; they feel part of the brand, like a tribe even. It is this emotional connection that creates their brand not purely their products and a bite sized logo. Critical to effective brand management is the clear definition of the brand's audience and the objectives that the brand needs to achieve. What are the objectives that you hope to achieve with your brand? Your brand should be comprised of the company personality, image, core competencies and characteristics. The impressions that you make as well as the words people will use to describe your company to others, are the basic framework of your brand. With a strong brand you build credibility, have more influence on your market, and motivate customers and clients to purchase from you.If done correctly your company will be looked at as a leader not a follower. To determine your brand objectives ask yourself the following question:

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What is it that you want your brand to do for your company? What do you want others to know and say about your products or services?

Sample objectives may include: Being recognized by receiving a specific award Picking up a certain number of choice projects Gaining a specific number of new clients in the next year Positioning your company as an industry leader in the next five months

y y y y

You will find that by defining your objectives with specifictimelinesit is easier to develop a plan of action to achieve those objectives. By defining your objectives you are able to map out a plan on how to achieve those objectives. Say for example your objective is to position your company as an industry leader. How can you go about doing this? You could: Have members of your team speak at Trade Shows Schedule lectures at professional group gatherings within your industry Write and publish articles in newspapers, magazines, or online media

y y y

Once you've determined your objectives the next step is to build and develop your brand strategy by listing out how, when, and what you are going to do to accomplish and meet your those brand objectives. Use the questions above to determine your brand objectives. List each objective and map out how you plan to accomplish and succeed in meeting those objectives. Don't stop there! Once you've finished take time to list out what you can do in the this month or this quarter to meet that objective. Be specific and schedule those action items in your business calendar.

Q5. In your opinion, what are the five most common mistakes made during business meetings. Justify your answer. (10 marks)

Ans: Common Mistakes made at Meetings Since meetings are prone to so much inefficiency, it would be relevant to round off this unit with a list of common mistakes to avoid, both from a chairpersons as well as a participants perspective. 1. Lack of Structure Meetings should be structured in terms of an agenda being sent to participants in advance, the discussion being initiated by a specific person and the chairperson ensuring that different points of view emerge. A loosely structured meeting will not be successful. 2. No Goals or Agenda It was pointed out earlier that a meeting without an agenda lacks direction. 3. No Pre-meeting Orientation This is the job of the chairperson. Members must be briefed on how to prepare for the meeting. 4. Inadequate Preparation This is a mistake made by members who attend the meeting without preparation. 5. Not Focusing on the Subject This is a common mistake made by participants who discuss matters that are not relevant to the meeting. 6. Meetings that are too long The chairperson must try to avoid this, by ensuring adherence to the time limit. 7. Disorganized Meetings Again, this is the chairpersons responsibility to see that the meeting is well organized. 8. Inconclusive Meetings The chairperson must hear out all the points of view and then arrive at a decision. 9. Ineffective Leadership This is the fault of the chairperson, if or she he fails to give direction to the meeting.. 10. Time Wasted Participants may engage in unrelated discussions and the Chairperson may be inefficient at managing time.

11. Dominating the Discussion A few members may speak all the time, while others remain silent. 12. No Follow-up Action The meeting may proceed satisfactorily, but nothing is done after the meeting either by the chairperson or the participants, to ensure that the meeting goals are accomplished. Q6. Select any article from a business publication and prepare a summary of it in one fourth its size.. Write this in the form of a one page memo, addressed to your professor. Attach the original article with your assignment.(10 marks).

Ans:Article: World Markets Rise As Double-Dip Fears Ease: World stock markets advanced modestly Monday as investors rode momentum from Friday, when an upbeat U.S. jobs report eased fears that the global economy could slip back into recession. With Wall Street closed for a holiday, however, trading was expected to remain light. Markets took heart after official data last week showed private employers in the U.S. added 67,000 jobs in August, more than analysts expected.

The figure bolstered optimism that the U.S. will maintain a slow but steady recovery from last year's recession and avoid another economic contraction later this year.

By mid-afternoon in Europe, Britain's FTSE 100 index was up 0.3 percent at 5,446.17, Germany's DAX was 0.3 percent higher at 6,153.31 and France's CAC-40 was up 0.3 percent at 3,684.20. Asian indexes closed higher and trading on Wall Street was to remain shut for Labor Day weekend after closing higher on Friday.

With most major governments reining in economic stimulus measures and many pushing through austerity spending cuts to reduce deficits, investors worry the global economy would be pushed into a double dip recession, particularly as the U.S. slows down quickly. Because the U.S. economy is the world's largest and consumer spending there accounts for a fifth of global economic activity, the stronger-than-expected jobs data on Friday helped calm investors' frayed nerves after weeks of worrying indicators.

"The renewed flight to safety we have witnessed over the past month is overdone and risks an equally large reversal when the worries over a double dip subside," analysts from Rabobank said in a report.

"As the unexciting, steady and below-trend global recovery continues, it's important not to confuse it with a double dip recession."

Japan's benchmark Nikkei 225 stock index climbed 2.1 percent, or 187.19, to 9,301.32 and South Korea's Kospi rose 0.7 percent to 1,792.42.

Hong Kong's Hang Seng index added 1.8 percent to 21,355.77. Australia's S&P/ASX 200 gained 0.8 percent at 4,575.50. Markets in mainland China, Taiwan, India, Indonesia and Singapore were also higher.

The Dow Jones industrial average jumped 1.2 percent to close at 10,447.93 on Friday. The broader Standard & Poor's 500 Index rose 1.3 percent to 1,104.51.

Shares in the U.S. ended the week in the positive, the first time that has happened in a month. The early gains in September mark a stark turnaround from August trade, when shares fell on doubts about the global economic recovery.

The dollar fell to 84.24 yen from 84.27 yen on Friday. The euro was slightly lower at $1.2880 from $1.2895. Benchmark oil for October delivery was down 40 cents at $74.20 a barrel in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange. The contract fell 42 cents to settle at $74.60 on Friday.

Jargon refers to technical terms or specialized vocabulary. Some of the technical terms mentioned above are rode momentum, Kospi, FTSE, CAC, DAX, calm investors' frayed nerves, etc. More complex words and phrases are written in the above article and this reduces the level of readability when read by a common man. The above article is well written, however, the reader of the article should have a certain amount of knowledge in the

field of stock trading and world financial markets.

Memo: TO : The Prof. R. K.Singh FROM : Rajesh DATE : Feb 16th, 2011 SUBJECT : World Markets Rise As Double-Dip Fears Ease. As discussed during our last meeting, I have summarized a recent article on the Article World Markets Rise As Double-Dip Fears Ease, for your review.

World Markets Rise As Double-Dip Fears Ease:

Master of Business Administration Semester I MB0039 - Business Communication (4 credits) Assignment - Set 2 Marks 60 Note: Each Question carries 10 marks each Q1. You are the Marketing Manager of a consumer durables company, manufacturing washing machines. Write a routine adjustment letter to a customer in response to his routine claim letter requesting replacement of a defective product (10 marks)

TO: Mr. Smith, Dt: 16-08-11

6/1 Benson Cross Rd. Bangalore - 560 046

Dear Mr. Smith, We have your letter /email of August 14th in regard to the damaged washing machine. We are very sorry indeed that it was damaged, evidently through improper packaging and/or handling. We'll be glad to make a reasonable allowance to cover the cost of repairs, or if you do not think the washing machine can be repaired, you may return it to us at our expense and we will give your account credit for it. We will send you a new one in exchange if you desire. We hope this settles the issue to your satisfaction. Always in your service,

Wasim Khan Marketing Manager Whirlpool Q2. Write a one page press release, highlighting the launch of an innovative new product by your organization. (10 marks).


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact : Patricia Wells DY & R Public Relations (080) 2521 2777 Extn. 309 NEWS RELEASE MAGIC MOMENTS GIFT GALLERY COMING TO BANGALORE Mumbai, March 2008. A Mumbai based retail chain that specializes in greeting cards, music, stationery and gift items, plans to enter Karnataka this summer, with at least ten stores, a majority of them being located in Bangalore city. Mr. Stanley Pinto, owner and president of Magic Moments Gift Gallery, announced Magic Moments Mumbai, 560 046

this week that potential franchisees are looking at three sites in the North Bangalore area. Two other stores are expected to open in Mysore and Mangalore. What we have done is to take four businesses that are traditionally found in separate store settings and to combine them under one roof, says Pinto. He is of the opinion that the stores will attract heavy traffic, since customers find one-stop shopping very convenient. Magic Moments specializes in 1) Greeting cards for all occasions and festivals; 2) Music audio cassettes and CDs of all types of music, including Indian and Western classical, rock, pop and jazz; 3) Stationery, including hand-made paper, wrapping paper, note books and note pads; and 4) Gift items such as curios, wall hangings, costume jewelry and scented candles. The press release shown above includes the following important components

Name and telephone number of the person who can answer questions, on the top left corner.

Date, venue and summary of the most important information in the opening paragraph.

y y

An emphasis on reader benefits, namely shopping under one roof. Important information placed in the beginning of the article.

Q3. List and briefly explain ten guidelines for writing effective business reports. (10 marks).

Answer: Business report is to provide information on business research and analysis as well as related issues. A professional report is another form of business communication used by the marketer. In this report, marketer provides plans, growth strategies, goals and mission of the business. This report gives an analytical perspective of the business related issues. It contains the information and data related to the business issues. Marketer should be able to present his ideas in the report precisely and lucidly. There are few essential points that an entrepreneur should keep in mind while writing effective reports. Producing clear, effective and professional written communications is one of the ways to differentiate the best organisations from the rest. It's also key for getting buy-in from the business and to get your ideas across effectively.

Writing effective business reports should follows the following guidelines: 1. Know what youre trying to achieve Its crucial you know what your aim is. There will be times when youre simply giving information, but often youll be seeking to influence and persuade to get the recipient to take some kind of action. Being as clear as possible about what your goal is will allow you to formulate key messages that achieve it. 2. Consider your recipient/s What do they know already about your subject and what do they want to know? What are their concerns? Whats their attitude? Do they want

lots of detail or just an overview? What will they be doing with the information you provide? 3. Keep it simple less is more People are busy and dont have time to read long documents. Getting your point across concisely increases the chances of them reading what you have to say and acting upon it. 4. Have a logical structure Make what youre writing is easy to follow by structuring it well. Have one point flow naturally into the next. Spend time planning your structure when you start and youll save time at the writing stage and the result will be better. 5. Break it up Use paragraphs, sub-headings and bullets to break up your writing. Large slabs of text rarely get read thoroughly because they look impenetrable and uninviting. 6. Get the tone right There are three Fs when it comes to tone: Formal, Friendly and Familiar. Reports tend to be Formal while emails are often Friendly. Use a Familiar tone only with friends or colleagues you know really well its rarely appropriate for business communications. 7. Make it easy to read Write in Plain English. Avoid long, complicated sentences. Go for an average length of 17 words with some much shorter. Use simple words and phrases (use rather than employ, now rather than in the present situation). 8. Use compelling language Use Power Talk (Im confident youll find our proposal of interest) not Wimp Talk (I hope youll find our proposal of interest). Put your main point at the end of the sentence where it will have the most impact. Writing with conviction and certainty will enhance your credibility and make the recipient feel confident about what you have to say. 9. Get your spelling and grammar right People who care about such things care a lot. If you make mistakes in your spelling and grammar such as using theyre instead of their or less when it should be fewer theyll start to doubt the content of your communication as well. 10. Do a final, careful check Proofread thoroughly. Print the document out its easy to miss things when doing a final check on screen. Read everything twice: once for meaning, once looking for errors. Get someone else to read important documents as well. Theyll spot things you missed.

Q4. You have just completed your MBA from SMU. Write a job application letter in response to an appointment advertisement for a position in your area of specialization,

addressed to the HR Manager of the organization. (10 marks).


The HR Manager East West Infotainment Bidadi Industrial Area Bangalore 560 035 April 8, 2008 Dear HR Manager, Sub : Application for the position of Assistant HR Manager I am writing in response to the advertisement that you placed in Times of India. I would like to apply for the position of Assistant HR Manager. I was very excited when I saw the advertisement in the Times of India Ascent, dated April 5th, 2008, for the position of

Assistant HR Manager. I believe that my qualifications and experience will match the needs of the above position. I have recently completed my MBA from Sikkim Manipal University via distance education, with specialization in Human Resources. My final MBA project was on HR Recruiting Policies in Ampersand Information Systems, Bangalore. In addition, I have also worked on a part-time basis with an IT recruitment firm in Bangalore, for around six months. I am enclosing my resume, along with an executive summary of my project report, for your review. I request you to give me the opportunity of an interview with you at your earliest convenience. Thanking you, Sincerely,

Wasim Khan Enclosures (2) Q 5. What is a case-based group discussion? What are some of the skills required to participate in a case-based GD? ( 10 marks).

Ans: Case-based GD This type of GD is more structured and the direction of the discussion is almost pre-determined by the identified problem. Unlike topic-based GDs, these GDs essentially move towards a solution. They require less regulation of the discussion by the moderator, since there is less scope for deviating from the topic, compared to the topic-based GDs. While discussing the case-based GDs, you will be required to assume the role of the person in the case who needs to take a decision. In a topic-based GD, you present your own views and opinions, without assuming the role of anybody else. A case usually has a problem, which requires a solution or decision to be taken. Your approach to taking the decision and your interaction with the other members of the group in the process of taking the decision, will be evaluated by the moderator. Sometimes, the moderator might ask you to write a summary of the case discussion at the end. Skills required for a Group Discussion There are certain specific parameters on which the participants of a GD are evaluated by the moderator. They are: 1. Content 2. Communication 3. Group Behavior 4. Leadership skills 1. Content: You will be tested for what you have to say about the topic. The moderator will test how well-versed you are with the selected topic, the extent of your knowledge and your general awareness. So content becomes an important aspect of the evaluation process. It

is very important for you to clearly display your understanding of all the issues related to the topic. In a GD, the group should gain from its interaction with you, because of what you have to contribute. You should take every opportunity to exhibit your knowledge of the topic in a GD. However, you should limit your ideas to the topic under discussion and not go overboard, just to show that you are well read. 2. Communication: This refers to how you say something, which is as important as what you say. There are three aspects to communication i) Convey what you want to say correctly Very often, the listener interprets the message differently from what we intended to convey. This suggests that we have not put across our ideas properly and correctly. One of the skills required in a GD is to ensure that there are no such gaps during communication and to convey the message clearly, so that it is understood in the way in which it is intended. ii) Listen This is as important in a GD as speaking. A GD does not mean that you have to master the skills of speaking alone. It is as much about listening to others ideas, as about telling them your ideas. You have to make sure that you focus your attention on what other group members are saying, instead of concentrating only on speaking. iii) Pay attention to language Correct use of language is another important aspect of communication. This does not mean using flowery language just to impress. It means using words in the right context. A GD should not be a forum to show off your language or vocabulary skills. Simple English should be used, avoiding complex words and long winded sentences. 3. Group Behavior: This is the third parameter on which you are evaluated in a Group Discussion. How each participant interacts with the other members of the group is very important. Even in a real life situation in an organization, all interaction is between superiors, peers and subordinates. You should listen to and understand the views expressed by the other group members, integrate them with your ideas and help arrive at a consensus in the discussion. There is also a certain etiquette, or code of conduct to be observed during a GD.

Shouting or interrupting to gain attention, or making rude remarks about others contributions are to be avoided and will only disqualify your chances of success. 4. Leadership Skills: Participants with leadership skills will be easily noticed. Leadership means showing direction to the group. It means displaying your knowledge, communicating effectively and behaving maturely with your group members. What is required of you is an objective and balanced approach. You have to keep in mind that you are not participating in the GD to make any policy decisions, or to convince all your fellow group members that your point of view is the only one that they should follow. Q 6. Write your resume with a specific career objective, including all the other standard components. (10 marks).



OBJECTIVES: Looking forward for a challenging career where I can have the opportunity to shoulder a wider set of responsibilities.

TOTAL WORK EXPERIENCE: I have more than 5 years working experience.

CURRENT WORKING DETAIL: Presently working with ILD Group of Companies, Barakhamba Road, New Delhi since 02nd January 2007. The Company has been involved in diversified activities and in Real Estate, currently implementing residential and commercial projects in Delhi and NCR.


 Working of TDS and statuary returns.  Working of Tax and statuary returns.  Working of WCT and statuary returns.  Reconciliation of debtors & creditors Accounts.  Maintaining of Books of Account.  Preparation Bank Reconciliation Statement.  Verification of Project &, Administive Expenses.  Coordination with CRM for sales Accounting.  Maintaining of Payroll accounts, computation of Employee TDS Along with statuary returns  Making M.I.S Reports as per the management requirement


 Coordination between Marketing and Accounts Dept.  Cash Management handling payment and receipt.  Making & checking agreement.  Regular correspondence with clients for installments call notice  Handling the filling & documentation

PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE: Worked with M/s Hassan & Sons from 28th Feb 2004 to 31st Des 2006. A proprietary concern deals in Manufacturing& Exporter of carpet and in the field of real estate with housing complex in Srinagar.


 Maintaining Day to Day Accounting

 Maintaining of Cash Book  Preparation of Party ledger  Preparation Bank Reconciliation Statement  Preparation of Party Reconciliation  Maintaining of day to day expenses.  Preparation of Salary  Preparation of Invoice, Packing List.

Worked with a C.A. firm (M/S Rafi & Associates) for One years in Computerized and Manual accounting.

EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION: B.Com. Hons. From B..R..A..Bihar University (2003)

COMPUTER SKILL: Operating System, M.S Office, Tally 9ERP and Net surfing


Fathers Name Date of Birth Marital status Religion Sex Language Known Passport No Date of Issue Date of Expiry Place of Issue Present Salary

: : : : : : : : : : :

Late Abdul Qaiyum Khan Unmarried Islam Male English, Urdu, Hindi

Expected Salary


Date : Place: New Delhi (Wasim Ahmad Khan)

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