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Week : 7 Module: Central nervous system and special senses(module 9) Name: Duration: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Cerebellar lesion 1. A. B. C. D. 2. A. B. C. D.

The following are true about vermis syndrome EXCEPT Occurs commonly in children Caused by medulloblastoma The neocerebellum is affected Symptoms are only present when not lying down The following occurs to a children with archicerebellar syndrome EXCEPT Complete inability to stand Walking with a wide base gait Rapid eye movement Vomiting

3. The following are true EXCEPT I. The movements of patients with vermis syndrome are slow II. Muscle tone of patient in neocerebellar syndrome is decreased III. Patient with archicerebellar syndrome finds it difficult to put on a cap of a pen IV. The words of a patient with vermis syndrome can be understood easily A. I and II B. I and III C. II and III D. II and IV 4. The following are true EXCEPT I. Absence of damping function of cerebellum leads to asynergia II. Nystagmus occurs in both type of cerebellar lesions III. Movements of patients with neocerebellar syndrome are in steps with overshooting IV. Dysdiadochokinesia occurs due to failure to perform 2 synergistic motor actions simultaneously A. I and III B. I and IV C. II and III D. II and IV 5. A. B. C. D. The following are false EXCEPT Intention tremors are rhythmic involuntary movements that occur during voluntary movements Swaying from side to side is seen in the walking gait of patient with vermis syndrome A patient with cerebellar lesions can make a throw of basketball easily A patient with archicerebellar syndrome cannot hold a glass without dropping and breaking it

Branchial apparatus 6. All of the following are TRUE about brachial apparatus EXCEPT A. Consists of five brachial arches B. Constitutes to the development head and neck C. Operculum developed during development is one of ectodermal derivatives D. Brachial cyst and brachial fistula are the only congenital anomalies from brachial apparatus 7. Choose the correct pairs about the nerve supply of the arches I. Maxillary process of 1st arch maxillary nerve and chorda tympani of facial nerve II. 2nd arch facial nerve and tympanic branch of glossopharyngeal nerve III. 3rd arch cranial nerve IX and internal laryngeal nerve IV. 4th arch recurrent laryngeal nerve A. I and II B. II and III C. II, III and IV D. All of the above 8. Which of the following are false about arches with some of their skeletal derivetives? I. Mickel s cartilage malleus, incus, stapes and anterior ligament of malleus II. Reichert s cartilage styloid process, stylohyoid ligament and upper part of body of hyoid bone III. 3rd arch greater cornu of hyoid bone and upper part of thyroid cartilage IV. 6th arch lower part of thyroid cartilage, cricoid and arytenoids cartilage A. I only B. I and III C. II and IV D. None of the above 9. Which of the following are TRUE regarding arches and their muscular derivatives EXCEPT A. The no muscular derivatives from maxillary process B. Muscles of mastication, tensor palate, tensor tympani, mylohyoid and postreior belly of digastric are derived from mandibular process C. Cricothyroid, constrictors of pharynx and levator palate are derived from 4th arch D. All intrinsic muscle of larynx except cricothyroid muscle are derived from 6th arch 10. All of the following are INCORRECT about derivatives from pouches of brachial apparatus EXCEPT I. 1st pouch middle ear, mastoid antrum, Eustachian tube and inner layer of tympanic membrane II. 2nd pouch palatine tonsil III. 3rd pouch superior parathyroid gland and thymus gland IV. 4th pouch inferior parathyroid gland and ultimobrachial body A. B. C. D. I and II III and IV I, III and IV II, III and IV

Memory 11. Which of the following is true regarding Non-declarative memory? A. Easily forgotten B. Its retention involve processing in hippocampus and part of temporal lobe C. Need repetition and practice over a longer period of time D. Includes memory of events, words, rules and language 12. What are the structural changes occurred during the development of long term memory? I. Formation of new synaptic connection II. Increase in number of receptor III. Increase in the vesicle release sites IV. Presynaptic facilitation or inhibition at synapses A. I, II and III B. I, II and IV C. I, III and IV D. II, III and IV 13. If there is a lesion affecting cerebellum and basal ganglia, there will be A. Disruption in working memory B.Difficulties in forming memories C. Alzheimer s disease D. Disruption in learning some habits 14. Which part of the brain is important for converting short term memory to long term memory? A. Amygdala B. Hippocampus C. Nucleus basalis of Meynert D. Prefrontal cortex 15. The part of brain that involved in storing the auditory memory is A. Frontal lobe B. Occipital lobe C. Parietal lobe D. Temporal lobe Histology of inner and outer layer of the eyeball 16. The following are the correct statement about the cornea, EXCEPT: A. It form the anterior 1/6 of the outer coat of the eye B. Stroma formed of collagenous bundles, corneal corpuscles and corneal proteoglycan C. The corneal epithelium is avascular, rich in nerve endings and will not regenerate if injured D. Bowman s membrane acts as protective barrier against trauma and bacterial invasion 17. Choose the correct structure contributing to the corneal transparency: IUniform spacing of the parallel collagen fiber IIAvascularity of the cornea IIIUniform spacing of parallel collagen fibern within the lamellae IVThe fibroblast has the same refrective index as the other elements in stroma A. I & II ONLY

B. C. D.


18. Choose the correct answer about the changes occur at the limbus: A. Descemet s membrane and corneal endothelium continue on the anterior surface of iris B. Epithelium of cornea continue as subconjuctival connective tissue C. The bowman s membrane continue as bulbar conjunctiva D. The regular lamellae of corneal stroma merge with regular collagenous bundle of sclera 19. The following are INCORRECT about the middle vascular layer of the eyeball EXCEPT: A. Choroid supports the retina, absorbs light and provides the retina with blood supply and nutrients B. The middle layer is consist of ciliary body, iris and sclera C. Ciliary epithelium is consist of outer non-pigmented and inner pigmented layer D. Zonula fiber arises from ciliary stroma 20. Functions of the ciliary epithelium are: IForm the blood aqueous barrier IIAbsorption of light IIIForm the blood retinal barrier IVSecretion of zonule fibers of the lens VSecretion of aqueous humor A. I ONLY B. I, II & III C. I, IV & V D. II, III, & IV 21. Which of the following is a TRUE statement for speech centers? A. Located in categorical or dominant hemisphere B. Usually the the left hemisphere in left handed people C. Located in representational hemisphere D. All of above 22. The angular gyrus have function as : A. Understand auditory and visual information of both spoken and written speech B. Spoken words are perceived C. Understand the meaning of written words D. Processes information from words that are read in such a way that they can be converted to auditory forms of words 23. Which of the following correct match for the name and its area? i. Primary auditory area area 17 ii. Visual association area areas 18 and 19 iii. The angular gyrus area 39 iv. Auditory association area area 22 A. ii and iii B. ii, iii and iv

C. D.

i, ii and iii i, ii and iv

24. Which statement of centers of language output is FALSE? A. Signals are fed from Wernicke s area through arcuate fasciculus B. Signals from sensory are send to word formation center which is Exner s area C. Broca s area found in the frontal lobe immediately in front of inferior end of the motor cortex D. Exner s area found in frontal lobe adjacent to the arm of motor area 25. Which of the following are TRUE match of disorders of speech? i. Auditory aphasia damage in area 22 ii. Visual aphasia damage in area 39 iii. Agraphia damage in Exner s area iv. Dysarthria damage in Wernicke s area A. i and ii B. ii and iii C. i and iii D. ii and iv Histology of the Retina 26. Which of the following are not the functions of retinal pigmented epithelium? IReflection of light IIIsolation of the neural retinal cells from blood-born toxic substances IIIRestoration of photosensitivity to visual pigments through vitamin A hydrolization IVPhagocytosis and renewal of photoreceptors A. I & II B. I & III C. II & III D. II & IV E. III & IV 27. All the following are correct comparison between rod cells and cone cells EXCEPT Rod cells Cones cells A. Spherule Pedicle B. Peripheral retina Fovea centralis C. Short, thin, slender Long, thin, conical D. Small dark stain nucleus Large pale nucleus E. 11 cis retinal 11 cis retinal 28. All the following are the correct match for cells to its layer in retina EXCEPT IHorizontal cells Inner nuclear layer IIAmacrine cells - Outer nuclear layer IIIMuller cells Ganglion layer IVBipolar cells Inner nuclear layer VRod & cone cells Outer nuclear layer A. I&V B. II & III C. II & IV

D. E.

III & V I & II

Conjunctiva is made up of non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium. 29. Which of the following is false regarding conjunctiva? A. Functions as lubricator and nutritive supply B. Thin transparent mucous membrane C. Has 3 segments; bulbar, fornix & palpebral conjunctivae D. Does not cover the cornea 30. All the following are muscles found in the eye lids EXCEPT A. Orbicularis oculi B. Levator palpebrae superiosis C. Superior tarsal muscle (Muller) D. Inferior tarsal muscle Physiology of vision(khalisah) 31. Which of the following is False regarding visual system? A. Eyes convert light energy in the visible spectrum into an action potential in the optic nerve. B. Red wavelength are the longest, but has the lowest energy. C. Eyes only can respond to electromagnetic radiation which has wavelength of less than 400nm. D. Photons is a packet of energy that travel to a very high speed. 32. Choose the correct statements regarding principles of optics. I. Light rays travel in a straight lines until they interact with other atoms in environment to cause reflection, refraction and absorption. II.Light speed up when it pass to denser medium than the less one. III.The greater the incident angle & difference in refractive indices, the greater is the refraction IV.Refractive index of the light is measured in diopters. A.I,II B.II,III C.I,III D.I,III,IV 33. Which of the following is False regarding interaction between light & environment? A. The light rays are refracted to a (principle focus) behind the lens and the distance from it to the lens is (principle focal distance). B. Light rays that strike the lens more than 6m away is parallel while distance less than that are diverge. C. Biconcave lens cause the light to diverge. D. Refractive index is conveniently measured in diopters. 34. Choose the Correct statements regarding refractive media of the eye. I.Cornea is the most important refractive medium of the eye which contribute to 2/3 of total diopteric power of the eye. II.Aqueous humor is important as a source of nutrition & control of intraocular volume & pressure. III.Lens enable the eye to see near object by accomodation. IV.Vitreous humor support the retina and prevent bacjward displacement of the lens.

A.I,II B.II,III C.III,IV D.All of the above 35. What is corneal reflex? I. Reflex closure of the eye on touching the cornea with foreign body II.Its afferent is Ophthalmic division of trigeminal nucleus while Facial nerve is its afferent. III.The orbicularis oris is the muscle to perform the action. IV.Its one of the protective mechanism carried by cornea. A.I,II B.II,III C.I,II,IV D.II,III,IV Accommodation For Near Vision 36. Choose the false statement: A. An object at infinity form a clear focused image at retina with accommodation B. An object at distance of 6 meters will have focus still on retina without need for accommodation C. Accommodation is the process of increasing the curvature of lens D. In young individuals, change in shape may add as many as 14 diopters to eye refractive power 37. All the following are true regarding the mechanism of accommodation except: A. At rest, lens is held under tension by the lens ligaments attached to ciliary body B. When the gaze is directed to a near object, the ciliary muscle contracts C. The change of curvature of lens is greatest in posterior surface of lens D. Relaxation of lens ligaments is caused by sphincter-like action of circular muscle fibers 38. Associated movements are described as the following except: A. Reducing the amount of light that enters the eyes is done by constriction of the pupils B. Another value of pupil constriction is to restrict the rays to the center of lens C. All light rays pass through lens center and the central most rays are always in focus D. Convergence of both eyes is produced by contraction of lateral recti muscles of both eyes 39. Which is the false statement regarding the near point of vision and nervous pathway of accommodation reflex? A. Is the nearest point to the eye at which an object can be brought into clear focus by accommodation B. Presbyopia is the pathological recession of near point of vision by age C. The stimulus of accommodation reflex is blurred retinal image D. Descending tracts from visual cortex bypass pretectal area and project to Edinger Westphal nucleus 40. Choose the true statement regarding light reflex: A. Direct light reflex is when the pupil of other unstimulated eye also constricts simultaneously B. Initiated by stimulation of visual receptors and impulses are relayed by bipolar cells

C. D.

Partial crossing of optic nerve fibers occurs at optic tract to form optic chiasma Lesion of pretectal area due to syphilis and hypertension produces Argyll Robertson pupil

DEVELOPMENT OF FACE,TONGUE AND PALATE 41. Which of the following are the correct matches regarding the area and structures formed from them? I. Triangular area- Dorsum and tip of nose II. Lateral nasal process- philtrum of nose III. Medial nasal process- ala of nose IV. Nasal sac- external nasal opening and nasal cavity A. I and IV B. II and III C. I,III and IV D. II,III and IV 42. Which of the following congenital anomalies is due to failure of fusion between maxillary process and lateral and medial nasal process? A. Hare lip B. Oblique facial cleft C. Median cleft lower lip D. Macrostomia 43. Which of the following statement is TRUE regarding development of palate? A. Secondary palate is derived from intermaxillary process B. Trifid uvula is one of its congenital anomalies C. Posterior of palate will ossify to form hard palate D. Premaxilla of hard palate will form incisive fossa 44. Site of fusion between anterior 2/3 and posterior 1/3 of tongue is indicated by A. U-shaped sulcus B. Lingual sulcus C. Medial sulcus D. Y-staped sulcus terminalis 45. Which of the following is CORRECT regarding the development of tongue? I. Tuberculum impair is not found during the final development of tongue II. Anterior 2/3 of tongue is supplied by corda tympani nerve III. Posterior 1/3 of tongue is supplied by facial nerve IV. Muscles of tongue are supplied by hypoglossal nerve A. I and II B. II and IV C. I,II and IV D. II,III and IV PHYSIOLOGY OF EYE 3 46. Which of the following is not one of the functional layers of the retina? A. Layers of rods and cones B. Layer of bipolar cells

C. D.

Pigmented layer Outer limiting membrane

47. Which of the following is not true about the cones? A. There are about 6 million of cones per each retina B. They are concerned with day vision, acute vision and colour vision C. They are located mainly in the periphery of the retina D. They are pyramidal in shape 48. All of the following is true about the specialized area of the retina except A. Optic nerve leaves the eye at point 3mm medial to and slightly above the posterior pole of the globe B. Near the posterior pole of the eye, there is a small yellow area called the macula lutea in which there are cones only C. At the extreme retinal periphery, there are rods only D. In the area between fovea and periphery of the retina both the rods and cones is present 49. What is the rhodopsin product that is responsible for electrical changes in the rods? A. Barthorhodopsin B. Metarhodopsin 2 C. Lumirhodopsin D. Metarhodopsin 1 50. All of the following statement is not true about the rhodopsin? A. It is composed of photopsin and retinal B. It is the light sensitive pigment present in the rods C. It has a molecular weight of 41,000 D. It is one of the G- protein coupled receptor HISTOLOGY OF EAR 51. The lateral third of external auditory meatus contain _________ that secrete __________ for ______________ A mucous membrane ; proteoglycans ; protection B mucous membrane ; cerumen ; protection C ceruminous gland ; proteoglycans ; trapping dust D ceruminous gland ; cerumen ; protection 52. Middle ear contain 2 muscle which is stapedius and tensor tympani that function in A increasing the vibration intensity B absorb vibration C contraction when vibration is applied D regulate sound conduction by lowering sound vibration 53. Parts that is supplied by vestibulocochlear nerve is ; I macula of saccule and utricle II organ of corti III cristae ampullae IV external auditory meatus

A I , II, III B II, III, IV C I , II D all of the above TRUE [A] or FALSE [B] 54. Outer and inner pillar cells in organ of corti plays a role in supporting the tunnel of corti 55. Each sensory region [neuroepithelium] consist of only 2 component which is hair cells and supporting cells

Answers: 1.C 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.B 6.D pg.439 7.B pg.434 8.B pg.435 9.B pg.437 10.A pg.437 11.C 12.A 13.D 14.B 15.D 16.C 17.B 18.A 19.A 20.C 21.A 22.D 23.B 24.B 25.C 26.B pg 329 27.C pg.333 28.B pg.321323 29.A pg.333 30.D pg.334335 31.C 32.C 33.D 34.D 35.C 36.A pg.340 37.C pg.341 38.D pg.342 39.B pg.343 40.B pg.344 41.A 42.B pg.440 43.D pg.441442 44.D pg.442 45.C 46.D pg.345346 47.C pg.346 48.B pg.346 49.B pg.348 50.A pg.347348 51.D pg.364 52.D pg.366 53.C pg.374 54.A 55.B

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