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1 Introduction 1.

1 Language education Takeshi Takamizawa (1989), "In the history of mankind and ethnic folk from time immemorial, we contacted the culture and have been learning a foreign language always. Through the battle, sometimes the language of other cultures through trade and peaceful, sometimes contact with and absorb other cultures by learning it has been developing a culture of its own. in this sense, the development of human culture is "learning a foreign language," said owes much to "said The. There in the ancient language of use in concrete, if necessary in making exchanges of language that is actually, in each other's language, "said" exchange is made or, in the language of cultural inferiority dominant culture side, the ethnic language of the conquistadors conquered the "Professor" or had been. , But there's also character development over time, the spread of learning a foreign language and native language will be considered as an efficient way, where "language education" was born. The education that is adapted to social work is like going to continue to form a human society a little better.

Terjemahan Inggris ke Bahasa Indonesia

1 Pendahuluan 1.1 Bahasa pendidikan Takeshi Takamizawa (1989), "Dalam sejarah umat manusia dan rakyat etnis dari zaman dahulu, kami menghubungi budaya dan telah belajar bahasa asing selalu. Melalui pertempuran, kadangkadang bahasa dari budaya lain melalui perdagangan dan damai, kadang-kadang kontak dengan dan menyerap budaya lain dengan belajar telah mengembangkan budaya nya sendiri dalam pengertian ini,. perkembangan budaya manusia adalah "belajar bahasa asing," kata berutang banyak ", kata Teh. Ada dalam bahasa kuno digunakan dalam beton, jika perlu dalam membuat pertukaran bahasa yang sebenarnya, dalam bahasa masing-masing, "kata" pertukaran dibuat atau, dalam bahasa sisi inferioritas budaya budaya yang dominan, bahasa etnis conquistador menaklukkan "Profesor" atau sudah. , Tapi ada juga pengembangan karakter dari waktu ke waktu, penyebaran belajar bahasa asing dan bahasa asli akan dianggap sebagai cara yang efisien, di mana "bahasa pendidikan" lahir. Pendidikan yang disesuaikan dengan pekerjaan sosial seperti akan terus membentuk masyarakat manusia sedikit lebih baik.

= mankind, humanity history ancient times people; race; nation 1: culture; civilization; civilisation; touch; contact always; without exception; necessarily; certainly; without fail; positively; invariably foreign language study; learning; tutorial to perform; to do; to conduct oneself; to carry out battle; fight; struggle; conflict to let pass; to overlook; to continue; to keep; to make way for; to persist in peace; harmony business transaction foreign culture; foreign cultures language 1: to come in contact with; to touch; to connect (with); 2: to attend (to); 3: to receive (visitors) to study (in depth); to learn; to take lessons in for one's self; personally naturally; as a matter of course 1: development; growth; advancement; unfurling; 2: expansion; extension; enlargement; 3: playing around; having an active sex life meaning; significance

mankind; humanity study; learning; tutorial 1: to bear; to carry on one's back; 2: to take responsibility for; to accept a duty; 3: to be injured; 4: to owe to be possible to say; to be able to say to state; to express; to mention concrete; tangible; definite; specific use; application; employment; utilization; utilization scene; setting (e.g. of novel) 1: practicality; practical; 2: reality; actuality; actual conditions; 3: (Buddhist term) bhutakoti (limit of reality) will; volition; intention; intent; determination 1: (cultural) exchange; interchange; interaction; (inter-) mingling; (social, etc.) networking; intercourse; 2: alternating current; AC 1: necessary; needed; essential; indispensable; 2: (Noun) necessity; need; requirement 1: place; 2: occasion; situation; 3: field (physics) mutual; reciprocal; each other exchange professor superiority; superior power; predominance; preponderance numerical inferiority 1: side (of something, or taking someone's side); part; 2: (watch) case conqueror

1: professor; 2: teaching; instruction 1: letter (of alphabet); character; (No-adjective) 2: literal one's native language diffusion; spread efficient method; process; manner; way; means; technique to consider; to think about training; education birth; creation; formation adaptation; sympathy society; public 1: human being; man; person; 2: character (of a person) formation; molding; taking form

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