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August 12, 2002 Mr. Christopher I.

Cedillo Bell, Boyd, & Lloyd LLC 3 First National Plaza Chicago, IL 60602 Dear Mr. Cedillo: This letter is a response to the letter dated August 9, 2002. It is unfortunate that once again, nearly two years later, that the Napoleon Hill Foundation has chosen to focus its efforts to undermine the online community and website known as the MasterMind Forums (MMF), managed by Intrepid Network Concepts, Inc. It is apparent that more drastic measures need to be taken to fully appease your client. However, based on what I have read, it would seem that your client is well intent (for all practical purposes) in shutting down the MMF website. Twice now, through your law firm, your client has threatened legal action and litigation against my company and the MMF website. Nearly two years ago, I attempted to be both civil and responsive to your clients requests by making modifications while preserving the spirit of the website. I also included an explanation of how and why things transpired the way they did. To this day, the Napoleon Hill Foundation has taken an antagonistic approach with the MMF website. Never once have I received a phone call or an email from anyone at the Napoleon Hill Foundation to attempt to resolve this amicably. Both times, they have chosen to utilize your law firm in an attempt to bulldoze my company and the website with little consideration of my side. I have attempted to be civil and professional by refraining from publicly commenting too frequently about my negative feelings of the Napoleon Hill Foundation. With this letter, I am no longer inclined to restrain myself. It is clear to me with the second letter from your law firm that this problem will not go away easily or peacefully. Not only do we have a difference of professional opinions, your clients intent is to use legal force. It has been stated in each letter I received. That is their right to take legal actions but I will not sit idly by and let this be a one-sided argument or be bulldozed. Because the current legal disclaimer is insufficient for your client, I will be prominently posting copies of our letters to the Internet so that the online community will ABSOLUTELY not be confused that MMF is associated with the Napoleon Hill Foundation.

As a side comment, you may want to inform your clients that most of the members of our online community actually know the difference. The intelligence and caliber of our online audience is very high. I am sure many will take offense at your clients claims that they will be confused. And when they visit the MMF site, most come not to discuss Napoleon Hill or masterminds but business, investing, and financial topics. Of the 70 or so web pages and 20,000 online messages that comprise the entirety of MMF, very few pages actually have content relating to Napoleon Hill and masterminds within them. You stated that your client has monitored the MMF site and determined that my initial response was inadequate. I find that difficult to believe. I do not believe they have actually viewed even 5% of the content (1,000 pages and/or messages) that is part of MMF. If they had, they would realize that the discussion of Napoleon Hill and masterminds probably barely hit 1% (200 pages and/or messages) of all the content within MMF. Regarding the attached print screen, it has been taken out of context because it is only one thread of discussion among hundreds and thousands. Exactly how is this harmful simply discussing it online? How is this isolated thread violating trademark laws? Regarding the prominent display of The Napoleon Hill Library link, that link has primarily been a legacy link, a leftover from when MMF first launched. It was left there as a matter of convenience and simply not thought about. I find it rather ironic and amusing that your client would protest the very thing that my clients consider quite valuable, a high visibility and prominent positioning of their name. My clients pay to get the visibility from MMF. Inform your client that I have no problems whatsoever removing The Napoleon Hill Library link from such prominent positions. In fact, I am sure someone will appreciate it if I made that prominent position available to someone else. They will be happy to pay for what was initially provided to the Foundation for free! Regarding The Napoleon Hill Library page, it will be renamed The Napoleon Hill Collection (consistent with other authors we spotlight) and it will be relegated to the lowest link positioning available, instead of the highest. It is quite a pity that your clients would prefer to have their visibility reduced instead of increased but I am happy to accommodate this. Again, my current clients will be pleased that their positioning will be improved as a result of this. I will continue to maintain The Napoleon Hill Collection with links to simply because the books are good for people to read. I will not make the mistake to draw too much attention to it. Regarding the home page reference of Napoleon Hill and Think & Grow Rich as the partial inspirations of MMF, that was done in the spirit of giving a little credit to a deceased author out of respect as any respectable writer or author would do. However, I am happy to accommodate your clients request and eliminate all references and credits to Napoleon Hill and Think & Grow Rich altogether. I am happy to take full credit for being the brainchild and having the inspiration within to create MMF. I would not want the Foundation to benefit unnecessarily from the visibility that MMF gives, especially if they dont want it. Again, it is rather amusing to me that your client sees negatively what other people would consider flattering and complimentary.

Regarding the context of the word mastermind, I agree with your suggestion that the usage of the word on MMF should be changed. The word mastermind should reflect the synonyms of leader, expert, and the like. My current expert hosts are already experts and leaders in their field. Our online community already look to them for leadership and their expertise, not the deceased Napoleon Hill or the Foundation. They will appreciate their position as masterminds of their own online community. Additionally, as the primary host of MMF, I will be happy to take the mantle of the lead mastermind of the MMF site. To summarize, please inform your clients of the following items that will be modified: 1. There will be a much more prominent display and disclaimer that separates the Foundation and MMF. I will be prominently posting my letters online for the public to view. When they read these letters, it should once and for all alleviate any perceived confusion your clients believe is happening between MMF and the Foundation. 2. All prominent Napoleon Hill Library links will be removed. We will no longer give free exposure and visibility to organizations that dont want it. We will likely replace that link position with others. 3. Any reference of inspiration and credit to Napoleon Hill and Think & Grow Rich will be happily expunged. Again, the free additional visibility is perceived as a detriment to the Foundation which I am happy to correct. 4. We will happily continue to recontextualize the word mastermind with MMF to the meanings of leader and expert. Inform your clients that the transition had already occurred prior to your letter with the additions of several expert hosts. There are plans for more. Short of closing down the MMF site, I believe I have met nearly every request submitted in a very reasonable manner. I am happy to do so and put additional distancing of MMF and the Foundation. I absolutely do not want to support the Foundation anymore. MMF will support others who are more appreciative and serve a broader audience without taking the elitist approach the Foundation seems to take. As a side note, you may want to pass along some thoughts to your clients: Why is it that the Napoleon Hill Foundation that has been around for years and allegedly own the rights to the Napoleon Hill name and mastermind does such a poor job on the Internet creating exposure for itself? Why is the Foundations own mastermind online of so poor quality and so little traffic? It looks like a private club that few want to join. Why is the Foundation so threatened by such a small grass-roots site that fundamentally supports their supposed mission?

In conclusion, the way the Foundation has handled this continues to be a disgrace and disappointing. I have tried to give benefit of the doubt in the past. But it is clear to me, that is

misplaced. Instead of working this out peacefully, they have chosen the most antagonistic approach possible: the legal system. Without doubt, I look forward to putting this behind us. Your client can expect changes to begin immediately with completion within the next 45 days. Please be patient as modifications do take time. Thank you. Sincerely,

Matthew Chan MMF Administrator Intrepid Network Concepts, Inc.

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