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1. They had something that set them apart from other animals. A growing intelligence and the
ability to use ______.
2. 1,700,000 years ago the world was filled with extreme ______. Just to stay ______ was the
ultimate challenge.
3. But to be successful scavengers these hominoids needed it cutting______as razor-sharp as the
Sabre tooth’s canine teeth
4. These hominids were able to scavenge only 1 bone and a few shreds of ______.
5. This young hominid has created a sharper more versatile ______– the hand axe; one that will
rival the saber tooth tiger’s sharp teeth.
6. They would soon discover a more powerful tool that would ______everything; it to more
powerful than the hand ax. A tool more powerful with so many uses that ______animals
cower before it. A tool they must master for their ______survival.
7. They used fire to keep warm and ______their meat which made it more digestible. The
discovered fire’s ______powerful use yet – in the hunt.
8. now extinct the Irish elk stood __ ft. tall with antlers 11 ft. wide
9. Language as we know it is still ______a quarter of a million years in the future. But these
early humans ______basic communication skills.
10. The hunters have become the ______.
11. Findings in Spain tell us that few Homo erectus lived beyond their ______.
12. Over thousands of years Homo erectus wrestled with the challenge of ______flames burning.
13. This gooey substance is ______resin. It can prevent infection and it is also the source of
turpentine a natural fuel.
14. it keeps them warm; ______their food; scares away the predator’s -- and with this
______discovery nothing would ever be the same
15. Problem-solving, cooperation, and sharing knowledge ______be essential to human survival
16. The herd of Irish elk has come face-to-face with a formidable weapon; not only just
______but fire plus the human brain.
17. Skeletons tell us that Neanderthal was ______and stocky (squat).
18. Their ______tipped spears were the most lethal weapons yet.
19. They became successful at ______and surviving..
20. The Cave would become the ______of their world.
21. Even for a people well adapted to the ______age cold this is more than they can bear. The
hunters have to travel farther and farther because the beast (animal) they ______are leaving
for their own quest (search) is for food.
22. For the entire band to attempt a winter migration is ______death. Only the strongest hunters
will ______. By the time of the Neanderthals humans were capable of at least some basic
23. Neanderthals evolve large noses to ______their breath. And they’re squat bodies retain heat
the ______climate.
24. They wake up knowing that this is the ______they must find the beast and kill it.
25. We know ______about Neanderthal than any previous human beings because they buried their
26. The bison has been felled. The Neanderthals have been beaten to the ______; but by whom?
They are face-to-face with 2 strangers or thin and have round heads. These are not people like
the Neanderthals. They are swift and have light spears that they can ______.

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