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Death and Assention.

What am I? -is one of the most impotant questions you can ask, according to people who use their time for spiritual devellopement. Why is it so important? Before we try to answer this question, we make aware of the question : -WHO am I? that we don't confuse them... ...when we read about the answer to -WHAT am I? -----------------------------------------Who am I? ...points mainly at the human-perspective of us, like: -My way of thinking (even at the unusual) ..and that is the closest you can come - to spiritualty. -My interests. -My beliefs. etc. What am I? --- however, points at The Divine Part of the human nature. -I am a soul? (maybe a spirit). -I am divine, with a part of God, in me. -I am (my own) will. -I am counsciensness. etc. To look into these abilities, mentioned here - we will have to ask new questions .. for being able to answer the first (main-) questions. IE: What is the difference between Soul and Spirit? Knowing the answer to this question, we have the foundation to tell: -I am a soul (eventually: I am a spirit.)

*************** To make this road, a little bit shorter. The difference between soul and spirit - is devellopement (understanding of the spiritual part of the human nature). How can we claim this? Well. On place we can look, is in the New Testament in The Bible. The Letter Of Jakob 1,21. As I must roughly translate it from the norwegian Bible, it will be somthing like: Put away all things that is not clean and all filth and humbly receive the Word That Is Inplanted in you and are mighty to save your souls. Then we contunue to 4,5 (in some Bibles - 4,6) - and to the middle of the werse, containing: .....the spirit he let stay in you.... That is - a spirit (The Word That Is Inplanted). It shall save your Soul. Then it (The Spirit) must understand - more - than you (The Soul). So: A saved soul - is a spirit. An unsaved soul - is a soul. Said a different way, but based on what we now have understood: A soul that understand - is a spirit. A spirit that doesn't understand - is a soul. From this we can see that: A soul can become a spirit - therfore they must consist of the same substance. *************** The next question you can try to find the answer to - yourselves. -What is Counsciousness? After this, we come to a VERY IMPORTANT question: What is FREE WILL? (in connection to human devellopement). (I am my own will.)

Is - The Right To Choose - the same as: Free Will? Or is this a confusement - done by TOO MANY people??? Ok. Let us try - some of the way! To be saved - is to be liberated. Can we - CHOOSE - to be liberated? The WILL - that liberates. Doesn't that sound more as, The FREE Will?? If "The Money" to pay with - is "The Right To Choose". And "What you buy" - is "The Free Will". Then we can call it: (A part of) An image Of The Creator. And I am sure that most people have heard that we are created in Gods image. //////////// What am I? is - maybe - not the easiest question we can ask. -------------------------If we however, DON'T ask it, we can never understand the difference between: -Dead people (and) -Ascended beings. And as we can achieve the latter, we will have - a good part - of an eternity .. to regret that choice. =================================== For those who want more documentation about "Soul" and "Spirit", can read about it in some of the other things I have written here. I have explained it, rather thoroughly (but I must admit that I don't remember - where). But - as everything I have written - is free, I can only incourage you to read - until you find it. ======================================= ********************************************

Death and Assention (2).

Then we continue a little bit more.

Those who have read more than The Bible (like "The Forgotten Gospels"), have read that Jesus have told, that we must see to - that we get "A Rise From The Death" - when we are alive. After we are dead - it is too late. What he actally is saying, is: We must see to - that we shall not die - but ascend. This is in accordance with "The Gospel Of Thomas", when he says: "Those who find the secrets of these words, shall not taste death." For those "Left Behind" - can probably not know the difference between: -Death. -Assention. because - that would probably be to ask: What is the difference between: -Leaving your body (and) -Leaving your body. ??? The ACTION is (more or less) the same - but the RESULT, is FAR FROM - the same. -----------------------------When you die - you have no control over what happends. When you ascend - you have FULL contol over what happends. For those who have read about great master from i.e Tibet - saying something like: I decide myself, when I shall die .. because it is "written in the stars". This is a way to express that: The Death - is substituted with - assention. **************** What about The Soul? If the soul can ascend, then The Soul must be eternal? That should be reasonably logicly. Then we can continue this logic. If the soul cannot die, it will live forever. What is then - the difference:

-Living forever, after death? -Living forever, as ascended? Theory and practise does not - neccesarily - "go hand in hand" - here. ---------------As already mentioned - we have a choice. What we choose - shall decide - the result. (The same as: Being responsible for ones actions.) If we choose - salvation, then we need help. This - we will get. If we find it easier - not to believe - then: -We get the life we have started on .....(I talk about Re-Incarnation) and nothing .....more. -If we reason - what I don't do in this life, I ....can do in the next .. and don't do it (and here no exuse, as "The Safe Way" is to live a, AS IF it is the only life we have BECAUSE ....we must devellope - to get a "Universal Memory".) ....---We must take the consequence for that choice .....(read: action). ---------------------But what about - to return to - the immortal soul??? Well. The "immortal soul" is only immortal - INSIDE a creation. Outside the creation - it will seize to exist - immediately. Therfore we must be "Born Anew". After this happening - the soul can exist, both outside and inside a creation. So. The soul is immortal - but can be destroyd. ``````````````````````````` There are 2 ways of "Being Borne Anew". -One - for the many. -One - for the few. **************** After we have been judged. Those who are found innocent - will be borne anew (wedding Suit, as the Bible call it).

This is also called "The Immortal Armor", in the Bible. The other way - is to search it - now! Being Borne Anew - give you the right to ascend, in stead of dying. Yes, We talk about a substitution. ------------------So. There is nothing wrong about asking the question: Who am I? That can reveal many things about you. -Your Interests. -Your Weaknesses. -Your Strength.. -What you like. -What you don't like. -Why - you like one thing - and don't like another. -What tempts you. etc. But this will not lead you on the path to asention. Asking: -What am I? ..will lead you on that path, if you have the patience needed - to find the answers. ================================= *************************************

Death and Assention (3).

What "path" must we follow, to find out what to do, to achieve Assention? What am I? -I am consciousness! What is counsciousness? -I am clairvoyance! What is claivoyance? -I am a soul! What is a soul?

-I am divine! What is divine? etc. Even though we know we are conscious, we haven't taken the time to find a thorough definition for what it is. How can we then understand - thought? If we should read in Kabbala(h) that: Everything is created of thoughts. ......(Which Kabbala[h] claims.).... -We can think! What is thought? Is a leaf on a branch - the thought? What about the branch - itself? What about the three? -----------This is one way to uptain it. There is another way: Is the leaf - a RESULT of that thoughts is used to create it? (and therfore not longer a thought) ******* Can you answer the question? If you can not - then, the first you can find out ........(after having asked: What am I?)....... is - what your body is. (Or - maybe it is your soul, you must find out of.) We try. My body is matter? What is matter? Somthing that is solid, so I can see and touch it. Well, now we have found out what properties matter has - not what matter IS. We haven't answered the question. In a parallell we could ask: -What is gravitation? Something that hold us down to the earth, so we don't vanish into space. Again - we have described a property - not the thing itself.

If we had answered: Gravitation occurs when two opposite magnetic powers - are working against each other.. ...Then we - at least - would have made an attempt to answer the question.... ============================= The deeper we look into this question, the more we see our own lack of knowledge - about what we are. We take a whole lot for granted. -Of course - we know what we are, we just haven't thought about it. When we start - there will be no problems. Then - start .. and see how wrong this mentality is. -----------We CAN - to a certain degree - say that the humans have not develloped a language to talk about this. That is - in a way - true. In another way, it is not so VERY true (as I said: To a certain degree). The old Biblical Language could be used as a foundation - for develloping such a language. But - in stead - it is substituted with a language "that is easier to understand" - and thus, we lost one of the opportunities to begin with SOMETHING. /////////////////////////// We are living in a very special (and exiting) time. Only 20 years ago it was unheard to bring counsciousness - into science. To day - this is done. The result is that scientists will have to ask questions - they never have asked before. -What is ....? The next ten years you will get much help, to the questions you have to ask - to learn to know what you are. But. if you shall not be among those who will have to wait for 5000 to 10000 years,until the next

opportunity comes - you don't have 10 years. (Again: The Reincarnation is included here.) (You probably have one .. maybe 3 or at the longest, 5 years. Compared - it is MORE like - to have 10 minutes left of the examn, at school - when you suddenly understand how to solve the matematics you shall do. Even 5 years - is short time, very short time.) -----------------------------All right. How deep shall we BEGIN - to go? We don't need to go ALL the way - immediately. ............. I am a soul. -What is soul. As we don't know - we begin with the properties. -A soul is a divine body, that can become a spirit. -A soul is invisible (as far as we can understand). -A soul can (probably) leave the body and defy ....gravity. -A soul can master 5 dimensions. It can therfore ....pass boudairies - that would be impossible for ....the physicle body, to pass. OK. This is beginning to make me FEEL that I am about to know more about - what I am.

I have now followed a teaching - saying: "To understand - what you don't understand to day, you BEGIN with - what you CAN understand" (even to a certain degree). To a certain degree - I understand, through my feelings - more of what I am. Well, it is a beginning. And - a beginning - is better than nothing. We have here - begun - to make a foundation to devellope a spiritual language - even though it is still - far to go.

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Death and Ascention (4).

To show the hopelessness of what we have begun to do - I must shorten this down, a bit. I was thinking to shed light on this, from many different angles, so the reader could see how little we humans had done, in this area - for the last (at least) 2000 years [since Jesus died, roughly]. I will however, take a more direct approach. ******** -What is counsciesness? It is a collection of abilities + something that comes close to artificial intelligence. To say - the last part, more correct: Artifical intelligence is a simulation of the intelligence of a human. To explain intelligence - we must go an unnatural way, explaining it - through somthing - that has occured as a result of ... OUR intelligence. ................... What kind of abilities do we talk of ? -The ability to compare. -The ability to understand (which - in itself, is an ability). -The ability to observe (which also is an ability). etc. So we begin to see that -Counsciesness a collection of abilities, where many of them - are abilities .. in themselves. --------------Let us look at a mentality, that has reigned for humans, for a very long time. I belive only in what I can see! When did we last SEE - XRays? ........Not the result - of XRays - but XRays (the light).... When did we last SEE - gravitation? ........Not the result - of gravitation - but gravitation.... How far have we gone - when it comes to PROTECT

ourselves - from seeing the reality - more as it is? AND - in spite of this, we have some problems to understand claims from i.e. "A course in miracles", when it calls reality - an illusion. We have given a big part - to that illusion - through our own behaviour. ******* Let us use Krishna, a little bit - to come further. The greatest war we can participate in - is in our own mind. -How? The war - is between the counsciess mind and the unconsciess mind. Because we uncounciessly - believe in things, that make our reality - an illusion, it is here we have the greatest temtations ... the temptations that is "impossible to avoid". I call it "tempations", as we are more tempted to belive in a thing, that we have believed in our entire life, than change this belief - for something new. In a devellopement for a higher spiritual understanding, we see - that we must use all the things, we have taken for granted. ....The things - that we have automatically - surpressed.... As I said earlier. 5 years is a very short time to devellope an understanding for these things. Because - the hardest battle we have to fight - is against ourselves. (It is close to impossible...but only - "close to".) ================================= -Is there an alternative way to go? Yes, actually - it is! -What way is that? Belief! Throug believing in one of the Great Masters (Krishna, Buddah, Jesus [or God]), you can get help on your way. This help - MAY be - invaluable. We are - in effect - searching for salvation, trying to

understand what to do - to ascend. -Whoose "area of expertise" is that? The area of Jesus. He CAME for that - main purpose. He came to save. Krishna has a different area. He teaches (in a nutshell) - Learn to know yourself. Well, as this is a part of it - there is nothing wrong to study his teachings. Buddah has eleven different ways to live your life. The things that comes closest to this search, is what most of the munchs - that study the deepest meaning of his teaching - is following. Of course - if you can achieve "Nirvana" - you are welcome to try. But it does not make this way - easier to go. (As you don't NEED nirvana, to achieve this. Although a PART of the same knowledge, as Nirvana GIVES - will be our result, as well.) ============================ So, why not use the safest way - Jesus? Here is a man - that came - especially for the purpose, that we need, the most. Through - being lifted up - to a spiritual level, we are saved. Through being saved - we have achieved the right to ascend. Through this search - the words from "The Gospel of Thomas" - becomes true: "Those who find the secret of these words, shall not taste death." AND - ascention, is not - dying. Aage.

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