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1 Management The attainment of organizational goals in an effective and efficient manner through planning , organizing , leading , and controlling organizational resources. The person or persons who control or direct a business or other enterprise.
Skill in managing; executive ability

P1.2 Planning: Deciding what needs to happen in the future and generating plans for action. Organizing: making optimum use of the resources required to enable the successful carrying out of plans. Staffing: Job Analyzing, recruitment, and hiring individuals for appropriate jobs. Leading/Directing: Determining what needs to be done in a situation and getting people to do it. Controlling/Monitoring: Checking progress against plans. Motivation :Motivation is also a kind of basic function of management, because without motivation, employees cannot work effectively. If motivation doesn't take place in an organization, then employees may not contribute to the other functions

P1.3 Leadership Influence others toward goal and achievement of those goals Commandments of Leadership 1. Treat everyone with respect and dignity 2. Set the example for others to follow 3. Be active 4. Maintain the highest standards of honesty and dignity 5. Insist on excellence and hold your people accountable 6. Build group cohesiveness and pride 7. Show confidence in your people 8. Maintain a strong sense of urgency 9. Be available and visible to your staff 10. Develop yourself to your highest potential

Motivation Part of leadership process by which someone gets another to do what s/he wants to do

Mission statement The mission of XYZ company is to be a best construction company for road and bridge construction in the country. And they are planning to prove that they are not only best in road and bridge construction ,but also in the building construction.

P2.5 SWOT for XYZ company Strength :- the company got some respectation after their successfully completed some projects for last 3 years. The company was well trained in road and bridge construction. For the last 3 years they must worked with the same labourers , So the company and labourers works with mutual understanding .

Weakness:-the company having one qualified Engineer and, few technical officers one accounts

clerk and office staff its not enough for a good construction company .
the company did only the road and bridge construction so they didnt got any experience in any other constructions. The owner of the company acting as a manager ,administrator and coordinator for his company so he having more responsibilities . Opportunities:-the company can get experience in building construction as well as road , bridge construction. The company will establish in east and north of the country also.

Threads:-building construction is new for the xyz company .so they dont have any experience in this construction . They did all their projects in southern province ,but now their going to do the projects in north and eastern province . so they have to get new labourers.

why a company needs to have a mission and a strategy ? A mission statement is vital to the success of a company as a whole. It can unify a company and push them to new heights. Creating a mission statement is just as important for a small company starting out. Mission statements usually provide a lighthouse that the company culture can look back to when the company loses track of itself. When there is a mission statement to refer to, generally companies can maintain their track and avoid losing sight of what their core competencies actually are. Mission statements have been directly linked through research to greater returns on investment in companies.



Road 1

Road 2

shopping complex

Project manager 1

project manager 2

project manager 3

Quantity surveyor

Qualified Engineer 1

Qualified Engineer 2

Qualified Engineer 3

Tech.officer 1

Tech.officer 2

Tech.officer 3 Tech.officer 4

Tech.officer 5 Tech.officer 6











S- Supervisor

P2.3 For every project we need a project manager to planning, organizing, managing, controlling and following through on all parts of a project. And we can handle with a one quantity surveyor to estimate the project cost for those three projects.For every project we need a qualified engineer and two technical officers .For road construction we need supervisors for each technical officers , and for shopping complex there can one supervisor for each technical officers .Because road construction project will be in a big area so there can be mistakes or labours can cheat the management. So for every small distance there need a supervisor to supervise the labours and the materials . But in the building construction the area will be smaller then the road construction .So for there supervisors enough for a project

job design Job design is the process of determination of various elements to form a job and all the work requirements which are necessary to accomplish a specific job or task. For example, if a company offers a new position then determination of all of the responsibilities which the specific job needs is known as job design. Job design includes the set of tasks like what tasks are to be done, how tasks are done, how many tasks are done and in what sequence etc. Another example of job design is the determination of responsibilities by the company for the new project manager. Job design is very important for hiring and selection activities.

chain of command A system whereby authority passes down from the top through a series of executive positions or military ranks in which each is accountable to the one directly superior. Example:- In a military context, the chain of command is the line of authority and responsibility along
which orders are passed within a military unit and between different units. Orders are transmitted down the chain of command, from a higher-ranked soldier, such as a commissioned officer, to lower-ranked personnel who either execute the order personally or transmit it down the chain as appropriate, until it is received by those expected to execute it.

Span of control
principle of management stating the number of people a manager can supervise effectively. The ability to supervise people depends on the job in question, whether the employees are professionals, and on their location.


Employee 1

Employee 2

Employee 3

Emplyee 4

Employee 5

Centralized Vs. Decentralized An organizational structure is the outline of a company's framework and guidelines for managing business operations. Small business owners are usually responsible for creating their companies' organizational structure, which is usually an extension of the owner's personality, management style and characteristics. Two types of organizational structures are found in the business environment: centralized and decentralized

P2.6 selecting suppliers and sub-contractors The style of selection will vary according to your needs and environment The role of the Project Manager is to ensure that the negotiated deal best meets the project's needs We have to ensure that appropriate specialists deal with the detailed terms and conditions

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